StatusWith<string> CatalogManagerReplicaSet::getTagForChunk(OperationContext* txn,
                                                            const std::string& collectionNs,
                                                            const ChunkType& chunk) {
    auto configShard = grid.shardRegistry()->getShard(txn, "config");
    auto readHostStatus = configShard->getTargeter()->findHost(kConfigReadSelector);
    if (!readHostStatus.isOK()) {
        return readHostStatus.getStatus();

    BSONObj query =
        BSON(TagsType::ns(collectionNs) << TagsType::min() << BSON("$lte" << chunk.getMin())
                                        << TagsType::max() << BSON("$gte" << chunk.getMax()));
    auto findStatus = _exhaustiveFindOnConfig(
        readHostStatus.getValue(), NamespaceString(TagsType::ConfigNS), query, BSONObj(), 1);
    if (!findStatus.isOK()) {
        return findStatus.getStatus();

    const auto& docs = findStatus.getValue().value;
    if (docs.empty()) {
        return string{};

    invariant(docs.size() == 1);
    BSONObj tagsDoc = docs.front();

    const auto tagsResult = TagsType::fromBSON(tagsDoc);
    if (!tagsResult.isOK()) {
        return {ErrorCodes::FailedToParse,
                stream() << "error while parsing " << TagsType::ConfigNS << " document: " << tagsDoc
                         << " : " << tagsResult.getStatus().toString()};
    return tagsResult.getValue().getTag();
Example #2
    StatusWith<string> DistributionStatus::getTagForSingleChunk(const string& configServer,
                                                                const string& ns,
                                                                const ChunkType& chunk) {
        BSONObj tagRangeDoc;

        try {
            ScopedDbConnection conn(configServer, 30);

            Query query(QUERY(TagsType::ns(ns)
                              << TagsType::min() << BSON("$lte" << chunk.getMin())
                              << TagsType::max() << BSON("$gte" << chunk.getMax())));
            tagRangeDoc = conn->findOne(TagsType::ConfigNS, query);
        catch (const DBException& excep) {
            return StatusWith<string>(excep.toStatus());

        if (tagRangeDoc.isEmpty()) {
            return StatusWith<string>("");

        TagsType tagRange;
        string errMsg;
        if (!tagRange.parseBSON(tagRangeDoc, &errMsg)) {
            return StatusWith<string>(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse, errMsg);

        return StatusWith<string>(tagRange.getTag());
Example #3
void MetadataManager::beginReceive(const ChunkRange& range) {
    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> scopedLock(_managerLock);

    // Collection is not known to be sharded if the active metadata tracker is null

    // If range is contained within pending chunks, this means a previous migration must have failed
    // and we need to clean all overlaps
    RangeVector overlappedChunks;
    getRangeMapOverlap(_receivingChunks, range.getMin(), range.getMax(), &overlappedChunks);

    for (const auto& overlapChunkMin : overlappedChunks) {
        auto itRecv = _receivingChunks.find(overlapChunkMin.first);
        invariant(itRecv != _receivingChunks.end());

        const ChunkRange receivingRange(itRecv->first, itRecv->second);


        // Make sure any potentially partially copied chunks are scheduled to be cleaned up

    // Need to ensure that the background range deleter task won't delete the range we are about to
    // receive
    _removeRangeToClean_inlock(range, Status::OK());
    _receivingChunks.insert(std::make_pair(range.getMin().getOwned(), range.getMax().getOwned()));

    // For compatibility with the current range deleter, update the pending chunks on the collection
    // metadata to include the chunk being received
    ChunkType chunk;
Example #4
void ShardingState::donateChunk(OperationContext* txn,
                                const string& ns,
                                const BSONObj& min,
                                const BSONObj& max,
                                ChunkVersion version) {
    invariant(txn->lockState()->isCollectionLockedForMode(ns, MODE_X));
    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);

    CollectionMetadataMap::const_iterator it = _collMetadata.find(ns);
    verify(it != _collMetadata.end());
    shared_ptr<CollectionMetadata> p = it->second;

    // empty shards should have version 0
    version = (p->getNumChunks() > 1) ? version : ChunkVersion(0, 0, p->getCollVersion().epoch());

    ChunkType chunk;
    string errMsg;

    shared_ptr<CollectionMetadata> cloned(p->cloneMigrate(chunk, version, &errMsg));
    // uassert to match old behavior, TODO: report errors w/o throwing
    uassert(16855, errMsg, NULL != cloned.get());

    // TODO: a bit dangerous to have two different zero-version states - no-metadata and
    // no-version
    _collMetadata[ns] = cloned;
BSONObj BalanceChunkRequest::serializeToRebalanceCommandForConfig(const ChunkType& chunk) {

    BSONObjBuilder cmdBuilder;
    cmdBuilder.append(kConfigSvrMoveChunk, 1);

    return cmdBuilder.obj();
 void QueueDispatcher<ChunkType>::receive ( ChunkType ret ) {
     queue.push_front( ret.getChunks() );
     if ( ! ret.isAsync() ) {
         haveEndOfInput = true;
     if ( !isActive ) {
         // schedule self with IO service, this));
BalancerChunkSelectionPolicyImpl::selectSpecificChunkToMove(OperationContext* txn,
                                                            const ChunkType& chunk) {
    auto shardStatsStatus = _clusterStats->getStats(txn);
    if (!shardStatsStatus.isOK()) {
        return shardStatsStatus.getStatus();

    const auto shardStats = std::move(shardStatsStatus.getValue());

    const NamespaceString nss(chunk.getNS());

    auto scopedCMStatus = ScopedChunkManager::getExisting(txn, nss);
    if (!scopedCMStatus.isOK()) {
        return scopedCMStatus.getStatus();

    auto scopedCM = std::move(scopedCMStatus.getValue());
    ChunkManager* const cm =;

    auto collInfoStatus = createCollectionDistributionInfo(txn, shardStats, cm);
    if (!collInfoStatus.isOK()) {
        return collInfoStatus.getStatus();

    auto collInfo = std::move(collInfoStatus.getValue());

    return BalancerPolicy::balanceSingleChunk(chunk, shardStats, std::get<0>(collInfo));
Example #8
BSONObj buildOpMergeChunk(const ChunkType& mergedChunk) {
    BSONObjBuilder opB;

    // Op basics
    opB.append("op", "u");
    opB.appendBool("b", false);  // no upserting
    opB.append("ns", ChunkType::ConfigNS);

    // New object
    opB.append("o", mergedChunk.toBSON());

    // Query object
    opB.append("o2", BSON(ChunkType::name(mergedChunk.getName())));

    return opB.obj();
BalancerChunkSelectionPolicyImpl::selectSpecificChunkToMove(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                                            const ChunkType& chunk) {
    auto shardStatsStatus = _clusterStats->getStats(opCtx);
    if (!shardStatsStatus.isOK()) {
        return shardStatsStatus.getStatus();

    const auto& shardStats = shardStatsStatus.getValue();

    auto routingInfoStatus =
    if (!routingInfoStatus.isOK()) {
        return routingInfoStatus.getStatus();

    const auto cm = routingInfoStatus.getValue().cm().get();

    const auto collInfoStatus = createCollectionDistributionStatus(opCtx, shardStats, cm);
    if (!collInfoStatus.isOK()) {
        return collInfoStatus.getStatus();

    const DistributionStatus& distribution = collInfoStatus.getValue();

    return BalancerPolicy::balanceSingleChunk(chunk, shardStats, distribution);
std::unique_ptr<CollectionMetadata> CollectionMetadata::cloneMinusPending(
    const ChunkType& chunk) const {
    invariant(rangeMapContains(_pendingMap, chunk.getMin(), chunk.getMax()));

    unique_ptr<CollectionMetadata> metadata(stdx::make_unique<CollectionMetadata>());
    metadata->_keyPattern = _keyPattern.getOwned();
    metadata->_pendingMap = _pendingMap;

    metadata->_chunksMap = _chunksMap;
    metadata->_rangesMap = _rangesMap;
    metadata->_shardVersion = _shardVersion;
    metadata->_collVersion = _collVersion;

    return metadata;
Example #11
bool ShardingState::notePending(OperationContext* txn,
                                const string& ns,
                                const BSONObj& min,
                                const BSONObj& max,
                                const OID& epoch,
                                string* errMsg) {
    invariant(txn->lockState()->isCollectionLockedForMode(ns, MODE_X));
    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);

    CollectionMetadataMap::const_iterator it = _collMetadata.find(ns);
    if (it == _collMetadata.end()) {
        *errMsg = str::stream() << "could not note chunk "
                                << "[" << min << "," << max << ")"
                                << " as pending because the local metadata for " << ns
                                << " has changed";

        return false;

    shared_ptr<CollectionMetadata> metadata = it->second;

    // This can currently happen because drops aren't synchronized with in-migrations
    // The idea for checking this here is that in the future we shouldn't have this problem
    if (metadata->getCollVersion().epoch() != epoch) {
        *errMsg = str::stream() << "could not note chunk "
                                << "[" << min << "," << max << ")"
                                << " as pending because the epoch for " << ns
                                << " has changed from " << epoch << " to "
                                << metadata->getCollVersion().epoch();

        return false;

    ChunkType chunk;

    shared_ptr<CollectionMetadata> cloned(metadata->clonePlusPending(chunk, errMsg));
    if (!cloned)
        return false;

    _collMetadata[ns] = cloned;
    return true;
Example #12
BSONObj buildOpRemoveChunk(const ChunkType& chunkToRemove) {
    BSONObjBuilder opB;

    // Op basics
    opB.append("op", "d");  // delete
    opB.append("ns", ChunkType::ConfigNS);

    opB.append("o", BSON(ChunkType::name(chunkToRemove.getName())));

    return opB.obj();
Example #13
    bool ShardingState::forgetPending( const string& ns,
                                       const BSONObj& min,
                                       const BSONObj& max,
                                       const OID& epoch,
                                       string* errMsg ) {
        scoped_lock lk( _mutex );

        CollectionMetadataMap::const_iterator it = _collMetadata.find( ns );
        if ( it == _collMetadata.end() ) {

            *errMsg = str::stream() << "no need to forget pending chunk "
                                    << "[" << min << "," << max << ")"
                                    << " because the local metadata for " << ns << " has changed";

            return false;

        CollectionMetadataPtr metadata = it->second;

        // This can currently happen because drops aren't synchronized with in-migrations
        // The idea for checking this here is that in the future we shouldn't have this problem
        if ( metadata->getCollVersion().epoch() != epoch ) {

            *errMsg = str::stream() << "no need to forget pending chunk "
                                    << "[" << min << "," << max << ")"
                                    << " because the epoch for " << ns << " has changed from "
                                    << epoch << " to " << metadata->getCollVersion().epoch();

            return false;

        ChunkType chunk;
        chunk.setMin( min );
        chunk.setMax( max );

        CollectionMetadataPtr cloned( metadata->cloneMinusPending( chunk, errMsg ) );
        if ( !cloned ) return false;

        _collMetadata[ns] = cloned;
        return true;
Example #14
TEST_F(MergeChunkTests, CompoundMerge) {
    const NamespaceString nss("");
    const BSONObj kp = BSON("x" << 1 << "y" << 1);
    const OID epoch = OID::gen();
    vector<KeyRange> ranges;

    // Setup chunk metadata
        KeyRange(nss.ns(), BSON("x" << 0 << "y" << 1), BSON("x" << 1 << "y" << 0), kp));
        KeyRange(nss.ns(), BSON("x" << 1 << "y" << 0), BSON("x" << 2 << "y" << 1), kp));
    storeCollectionRanges(nss, shardName(), ranges, ChunkVersion(1, 0, epoch));

    // Get latest version
    ChunkVersion latestVersion;
        ->refreshMetadataNow(&_txn, nss.ns(), &latestVersion);

    // Do merge
    string errMsg;
    bool result = mergeChunks(
        &_txn, nss, BSON("x" << 0 << "y" << 1), BSON("x" << 2 << "y" << 1), epoch, &errMsg);
    ASSERT_EQUALS(errMsg, "");

    // Verify result
    CollectionMetadataPtr metadata =

    ChunkType chunk;
    ASSERT(metadata->getNextChunk(BSON("x" << 0 << "y" << 1), &chunk));
    ASSERT(chunk.getMin().woCompare(BSON("x" << 0 << "y" << 1)) == 0);
    ASSERT(chunk.getMax().woCompare(BSON("x" << 2 << "y" << 1)) == 0);
    ASSERT_EQUALS(metadata->getNumChunks(), 1u);

    ASSERT_EQUALS(metadata->getShardVersion().majorVersion(), latestVersion.majorVersion());
    ASSERT_GREATER_THAN(metadata->getShardVersion().minorVersion(), latestVersion.minorVersion());

Example #15
    BSONObj buildMergeLogEntry( const OwnedPointerVector<ChunkType>& chunksToMerge,
                                const ChunkVersion& currShardVersion,
                                const ChunkVersion& newMergedVersion ) {

        BSONObjBuilder logDetailB;

        BSONArrayBuilder mergedB( logDetailB.subarrayStart( "merged" ) );

        for ( OwnedPointerVector<ChunkType>::const_iterator it = chunksToMerge.begin();
                it != chunksToMerge.end(); ++it ) {
            ChunkType* chunkToMerge = *it;
            mergedB.append( chunkToMerge->toBSON() );


        currShardVersion.addToBSON( logDetailB, "prevShardVersion" );
        newMergedVersion.addToBSON( logDetailB, "mergedVersion" );

        return logDetailB.obj();
Example #16
Status CollectionMetadata::checkChunkIsValid(const ChunkType& chunk) {
    ChunkType existingChunk;

    if (!getNextChunk(chunk.getMin(), &existingChunk)) {
        return {ErrorCodes::IncompatibleShardingMetadata,
                str::stream() << "Chunk with bounds "
                              << ChunkRange(chunk.getMin(), chunk.getMax()).toString()
                              << " is not owned by this shard."};

    if (existingChunk.getMin().woCompare(chunk.getMin()) ||
        existingChunk.getMax().woCompare(chunk.getMax())) {
        return {ErrorCodes::IncompatibleShardingMetadata,
                str::stream() << "Unable to find chunk with the exact bounds "
                              << ChunkRange(chunk.getMin(), chunk.getMax()).toString()
                              << " at collection version "
                              << getCollVersion().toString()};

    return Status::OK();
Example #17
std::unique_ptr<CollectionMetadata> CollectionMetadata::clonePlusPending(
    const ChunkType& chunk) const {
    invariant(!rangeMapOverlaps(_chunksMap, chunk.getMin(), chunk.getMax()));

    unique_ptr<CollectionMetadata> metadata(stdx::make_unique<CollectionMetadata>());
    metadata->_keyPattern = _keyPattern.getOwned();
    metadata->_pendingMap = _pendingMap;
    metadata->_chunksMap = _chunksMap;
    metadata->_rangesMap = _rangesMap;
    metadata->_shardVersion = _shardVersion;
    metadata->_collVersion = _collVersion;

    // If there are any pending chunks on the interval to be added this is ok, since pending chunks
    // aren't officially tracked yet and something may have changed on servers we do not see yet.
    // We remove any chunks we overlap because the remote request starting a chunk migration is what
    // is authoritative.

    if (rangeMapOverlaps(_pendingMap, chunk.getMin(), chunk.getMax())) {
        RangeVector pendingOverlap;
        getRangeMapOverlap(_pendingMap, chunk.getMin(), chunk.getMax(), &pendingOverlap);

        warning() << "new pending chunk " << redact(rangeToString(chunk.getMin(), chunk.getMax()))
                  << " overlaps existing pending chunks " << redact(overlapToString(pendingOverlap))
                  << ", a migration may not have completed";

        for (RangeVector::iterator it = pendingOverlap.begin(); it != pendingOverlap.end(); ++it) {

    // The pending map entry cannot contain a specific chunk version because we don't know what
    // version would be generated for it at commit time. That's why we insert an IGNORED value.
        make_pair(chunk.getMin(), CachedChunkInfo(chunk.getMax(), ChunkVersion::IGNORED())));

    return metadata;
Example #18
Status Balancer::rebalanceSingleChunk(OperationContext* txn, const ChunkType& chunk) {
    auto migrateStatus = _chunkSelectionPolicy->selectSpecificChunkToMove(txn, chunk);
    if (!migrateStatus.isOK()) {
        return migrateStatus.getStatus();

    auto migrateInfo = std::move(migrateStatus.getValue());
    if (!migrateInfo) {
        LOG(1) << "Unable to find more appropriate location for chunk " << redact(chunk.toString());
        return Status::OK();

    auto balancerConfig = Grid::get(txn)->getBalancerConfiguration();
    Status refreshStatus = balancerConfig->refreshAndCheck(txn);
    if (!refreshStatus.isOK()) {
        return refreshStatus;

    MigrationManager migrationManager;
    auto migrationStatuses = migrationManager.scheduleMigrations(

    invariant(migrationStatuses.size() == 1);

    auto scopedCMStatus = ScopedChunkManager::getExisting(txn, NamespaceString(chunk.getNS()));
    if (!scopedCMStatus.isOK()) {
        return scopedCMStatus.getStatus();

    auto scopedCM = std::move(scopedCMStatus.getValue());
    ChunkManager* const cm =;

    return migrationStatuses.begin()->second;
Example #19
    void ShardingState::splitChunk( const string& ns,
                                    const BSONObj& min,
                                    const BSONObj& max,
                                    const vector<BSONObj>& splitKeys,
                                    ChunkVersion version )
        scoped_lock lk( _mutex );

        CollectionMetadataMap::const_iterator it = _collMetadata.find( ns );
        verify( it != _collMetadata.end() ) ;

        ChunkType chunk;
        chunk.setMin( min );
        chunk.setMax( max );
        string errMsg;

        CollectionMetadataPtr cloned( it->second->cloneSplit( chunk, splitKeys, version, &errMsg ) );
        // uassert to match old behavior, TODO: report errors w/o throwing
        uassert( 16857, errMsg, NULL != cloned.get() );

        _collMetadata[ns] = cloned;
Example #20
boost::optional<MigrateInfo> BalancerPolicy::balanceSingleChunk(
    const ChunkType& chunk,
    const ShardStatisticsVector& shardStats,
    const DistributionStatus& distribution) {
    const string tag = distribution.getTagForChunk(chunk);

    ShardId newShardId = _getLeastLoadedReceiverShard(shardStats, distribution, tag, {});
    if (!newShardId.isValid() || newShardId == chunk.getShard()) {
        return boost::optional<MigrateInfo>();

    return MigrateInfo(distribution.nss().ns(), newShardId, chunk);
BSONObj BalanceChunkRequest::serializeToMoveCommandForConfig(
    const ChunkType& chunk,
    const ShardId& newShardId,
    int64_t maxChunkSizeBytes,
    const MigrationSecondaryThrottleOptions& secondaryThrottle,
    bool waitForDelete) {

    BSONObjBuilder cmdBuilder;
    cmdBuilder.append(kConfigSvrMoveChunk, 1);
    cmdBuilder.append(kToShardId, newShardId);
    cmdBuilder.append(kMaxChunkSizeBytes, static_cast<long long>(maxChunkSizeBytes));
        BSONObjBuilder secondaryThrottleBuilder(cmdBuilder.subobjStart(kSecondaryThrottle));
    cmdBuilder.append(kWaitForDelete, waitForDelete);

    return cmdBuilder.obj();
std::unique_ptr<CollectionMetadata> CollectionMetadata::cloneMigrate(
    const ChunkType& chunk, const ChunkVersion& newCollectionVersion) const {
    invariant(newCollectionVersion.epoch() == _collVersion.epoch());
    invariant(newCollectionVersion > _collVersion);
    invariant(rangeMapContains(_chunksMap, chunk.getMin(), chunk.getMax()));

    unique_ptr<CollectionMetadata> metadata(stdx::make_unique<CollectionMetadata>());
    metadata->_keyPattern = _keyPattern.getOwned();
    metadata->_pendingMap = _pendingMap;
    metadata->_chunksMap = _chunksMap;

    metadata->_shardVersion =
        (metadata->_chunksMap.empty() ? ChunkVersion(0, 0, newCollectionVersion.epoch())
                                      : newCollectionVersion);
    metadata->_collVersion = newCollectionVersion;

    return metadata;
Example #23
string DistributionStatus::getTagForChunk(const ChunkType& chunk) const {
    const auto minIntersect = _tagRanges.upper_bound(chunk.getMin());
    const auto maxIntersect = _tagRanges.lower_bound(chunk.getMax());

    // We should never have a partial overlap with a chunk range. If it happens, treat it as if this
    // chunk doesn't belong to a tag
    if (minIntersect != maxIntersect) {
        return "";

    if (minIntersect == _tagRanges.end()) {
        return "";

    const TagRange& intersectRange = minIntersect->second;

    // Check for containment
    if (intersectRange.min <= chunk.getMin() && chunk.getMax() <= intersectRange.max) {
        return intersectRange.tag;

    return "";
Example #24
void MetadataManager::forgetReceive(const ChunkRange& range) {
    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> scopedLock(_managerLock);

        auto it = _receivingChunks.find(range.getMin());
        invariant(it != _receivingChunks.end());

        // Verify entire ChunkRange is identical, not just the min key.
        invariant(it->second == range.getMax());


    // This is potentially a partially received data, which needs to be cleaned up

    // For compatibility with the current range deleter, update the pending chunks on the collection
    // metadata to exclude the chunk being received, which was added in beginReceive
    ChunkType chunk;
Example #25
Status ChunkManager::createFirstChunks(OperationContext* txn,
                                       const ShardId& primaryShardId,
                                       const vector<BSONObj>* initPoints,
                                       const set<ShardId>* initShardIds) {
    // TODO distlock?
    // TODO: Race condition if we shard the collection and insert data while we split across
    // the non-primary shard.

    vector<BSONObj> splitPoints;
    vector<ShardId> shardIds;
    calcInitSplitsAndShards(txn, primaryShardId, initPoints, initShardIds, &splitPoints, &shardIds);

    // this is the first chunk; start the versioning from scratch
    ChunkVersion version(1, 0, OID::gen());

    log() << "going to create " << splitPoints.size() + 1 << " chunk(s) for: " << _ns
          << " using new epoch " << version.epoch();

    for (unsigned i = 0; i <= splitPoints.size(); i++) {
        BSONObj min = i == 0 ? _keyPattern.getKeyPattern().globalMin() : splitPoints[i - 1];
        BSONObj max =
            i < splitPoints.size() ? splitPoints[i] : _keyPattern.getKeyPattern().globalMax();

        ChunkType chunk;
        chunk.setName(Chunk::genID(_ns, min));
        chunk.setShard(shardIds[i % shardIds.size()]);

        Status status = grid.catalogManager(txn)
                        ->insertConfigDocument(txn, ChunkType::ConfigNS, chunk.toBSON());
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            const string errMsg = str::stream()
                                  << "Creating first chunks failed: " << status.reason();
            error() << errMsg;
            return Status(status.code(), errMsg);


    _version = ChunkVersion(0, 0, version.epoch());

    return Status::OK();
std::unique_ptr<CollectionMetadata> CollectionMetadata::clonePlusPending(
    const ChunkType& chunk) const {
    invariant(!rangeMapOverlaps(_chunksMap, chunk.getMin(), chunk.getMax()));

    unique_ptr<CollectionMetadata> metadata(stdx::make_unique<CollectionMetadata>());
    metadata->_keyPattern = _keyPattern.getOwned();
    metadata->_pendingMap = _pendingMap;
    metadata->_chunksMap = _chunksMap;
    metadata->_rangesMap = _rangesMap;
    metadata->_shardVersion = _shardVersion;
    metadata->_collVersion = _collVersion;

    // If there are any pending chunks on the interval to be added this is ok, since pending
    // chunks aren't officially tracked yet and something may have changed on servers we do not
    // see yet.
    // We remove any chunks we overlap, the remote request starting a chunk migration must have
    // been authoritative.

    if (rangeMapOverlaps(_pendingMap, chunk.getMin(), chunk.getMax())) {
        RangeVector pendingOverlap;
        getRangeMapOverlap(_pendingMap, chunk.getMin(), chunk.getMax(), &pendingOverlap);

        warning() << "new pending chunk " << rangeToString(chunk.getMin(), chunk.getMax())
                  << " overlaps existing pending chunks " << overlapToString(pendingOverlap)
                  << ", a migration may not have completed";

        for (RangeVector::iterator it = pendingOverlap.begin(); it != pendingOverlap.end(); ++it) {

    metadata->_pendingMap.insert(make_pair(chunk.getMin(), chunk.getMax()));

    return metadata;
Example #27
void ShardingState::splitChunk(OperationContext* txn,
                               const string& ns,
                               const BSONObj& min,
                               const BSONObj& max,
                               const vector<BSONObj>& splitKeys,
                               ChunkVersion version) {
    invariant(txn->lockState()->isCollectionLockedForMode(ns, MODE_X));
    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);

    CollectionMetadataMap::const_iterator it = _collMetadata.find(ns);
    verify(it != _collMetadata.end());

    ChunkType chunk;
    string errMsg;

    shared_ptr<CollectionMetadata> cloned(
        it->second->cloneSplit(chunk, splitKeys, version, &errMsg));
    // uassert to match old behavior, TODO: report errors w/o throwing
    uassert(16857, errMsg, NULL != cloned.get());

    _collMetadata[ns] = cloned;
    Status findAllChunks(const ConnectionString& configLoc,
                         const string& ns,
                         OwnedPointerVector<ChunkType>* chunks)
        scoped_ptr<ScopedDbConnection> connPtr;
        scoped_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor;

        try {
            connPtr.reset(ScopedDbConnection::getInternalScopedDbConnection(configLoc, 30));
            ScopedDbConnection& conn = *connPtr;
            scoped_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor(_safeCursor(conn->query(ChunkType::ConfigNS,

            while (cursor->more()) {

                BSONObj chunkDoc = cursor->nextSafe();

                ChunkType* chunk = new ChunkType();
                string errMsg;
                if (!chunk->parseBSON(chunkDoc, &errMsg) || !chunk->isValid(&errMsg)) {
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::UnsupportedFormat,
                                  stream() << "invalid chunk " << chunkDoc
                                           << " read from the config server" << causedBy(errMsg));

        catch (const DBException& e) {
            return e.toStatus();

        return Status::OK();
Example #29
MigrateInfo MigrationType::toMigrateInfo() const {
    ChunkType chunk;

    return MigrateInfo(_toShard, chunk);
Example #30
string DistributionStatus::getTagForChunk(const ChunkType& chunk) const {
    if (_tagRanges.size() == 0)
        return "";

    const BSONObj min(chunk.getMin());

    map<BSONObj, TagRange>::const_iterator i = _tagRanges.upper_bound(min);
    if (i == _tagRanges.end())
        return "";

    const TagRange& range = i->second;
    if (min < range.min)
        return "";

    return range.tag;