Example #1
void GamePair::addBotClientAndSetTeam(const string &name, S32 teamIndex)
   ServerGame *server = GameManager::getServerGame();

   server->addBot(Vector<string>(), ClientInfo::ClassRobotAddedByAutoleveler);
   // Get most recently added clientInfo
   ClientInfo *clientInfo = server->getClientInfo(server->getClientInfos()->size() - 1);
   ASSERT_TRUE(clientInfo->isRobot()) << "This is supposed to be a robot!";

   // Normally, in a game, a ship or bot would be destroyed and would respawn when their team changes, and upon
   // respawning the BfObject representing that ship would be on the correct team.  Not so here (where we are
   // taking lots of shortcuts); here we need to manually assign a new team to the robot object in addition to
   // it's more "official" setting on the ClientInfo.