Example #1
bool argumentsHandler(StringVec args)
	StringVec tmp;
	for(StringVec::iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it)
		if((*it) == "--help")
			std::clog << "Usage:\n"
			"\t--config=$1\t\tAlternate configuration file path.\n"
			"\t--data-directory=$1\tAlternate data directory path.\n"
			"\t--ip=$1\t\t\tIP address of the server.\n"
			"\t\t\t\tShould be equal to the global IP.\n"
			"\t--login-port=$1\tPort for login server to listen on.\n"
			"\t--game-port=$1\tPort for game server to listen on.\n"
			"\t--admin-port=$1\tPort for admin server to listen on.\n"
			"\t--manager-port=$1\tPort for manager server to listen on.\n"
			"\t--status-port=$1\tPort for status server to listen on.\n";
#ifndef WINDOWS
			std::clog << "\t--runfile=$1\t\tSpecifies run file. Will contain the pid\n"
			"\t\t\t\tof the server process as long as run status.\n";
			std::clog << "\t--log=$1\t\tWhole standard output will be logged to\n"
			"\t\t\t\tthis file.\n"
			"\t--closed\t\t\tStarts the server as closed.\n"
			"\t--no-script\t\t\tStarts the server without script system.\n";
			return false;

		if((*it) == "--version" || (*it) == "-v")
			std::clog << "The " << SOFTWARE_NAME << " Version: (" << SOFTWARE_VERSION << "." << MINOR_VERSION << PATCH_VERSION << " - " << REVISION_VERSION << ") - Codename: (" << SOFTWARE_CODENAME << ")\n"
			"Compilied with " << BOOST_COMPILER << " for arch "
			#if defined(__amd64__) || defined(_M_X64)
			"64 Bits"
			#elif defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_X86_)
			"32 Bits"
			" at " << __DATE__ << " " << __TIME__ << "\n"

			"A server developed by: "SOFTWARE_DEVELOPERS".\n"
			"Visit our forums for updates, support, and resources:\n"
			return false;

		tmp = explodeString((*it), "=");
		if(tmp[0] == "--config")
			g_config.setString(ConfigManager::CONFIG_FILE, tmp[1]);
		else if(tmp[0] == "--data-directory")
			g_config.setString(ConfigManager::DATA_DIRECTORY, tmp[1]);
		else if(tmp[0] == "--logs-directory")
			g_config.setString(ConfigManager::LOGS_DIRECTORY, tmp[1]);
		else if(tmp[0] == "--ip")
			g_config.setString(ConfigManager::IP, tmp[1]);
		else if(tmp[0] == "--login-port")
			g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::LOGIN_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str()));
		else if(tmp[0] == "--game-port")
			g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::GAME_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str()));
		else if(tmp[0] == "--status-port")
			g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::STATUS_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str()));
#ifndef WINDOWS
		else if(tmp[0] == "--runfile" || tmp[0] == "--run-file" || tmp[0] == "--pidfile" || tmp[0] == "--pid-file")
			g_config.setString(ConfigManager::RUNFILE, tmp[1]);
		else if(tmp[0] == "--log")
			g_config.setString(ConfigManager::OUTPUT_LOG, tmp[1]);
#ifndef WINDOWS
		else if(tmp[0] == "--daemon" || tmp[0] == "-d")
			g_config.setBool(ConfigManager::DAEMONIZE, true);
		else if(tmp[0] == "--closed")
			g_config.setBool(ConfigManager::START_CLOSED, true);
		else if(tmp[0] == "--no-script" || tmp[0] == "--noscript")
			g_config.setBool(ConfigManager::SCRIPT_SYSTEM, false);

	return true;
Example #2
bool argumentsHandler(StringVec args)
	StringVec tmp;
	for(StringVec::iterator it = args.begin(); it != args.end(); ++it)
		if((*it) == "--help")
			std::clog << "Usage:\n"
			"\t--config=$1\t\tAlternate configuration file path.\n"
			"\t--data-directory=$1\tAlternate data directory path.\n"
			"\t--ip=$1\t\t\tIP address of the server.\n"
			"\t\t\t\tShould be equal to the global IP.\n"
			"\t--login-port=$1\tPort for login server to listen on.\n"
			"\t--game-port=$1\tPort for game server to listen on.\n"
			"\t--admin-port=$1\tPort for admin server to listen on.\n"
			"\t--manager-port=$1\tPort for manager server to listen on.\n"
			"\t--status-port=$1\tPort for status server to listen on.\n";
#ifndef WINDOWS
			std::clog << "\t--runfile=$1\t\tSpecifies run file. Will contain the pid\n"
			"\t\t\t\tof the server process as long as run status.\n";
			std::clog << "\t--log=$1\t\tWhole standard output will be logged to\n"
			"\t\t\t\tthis file.\n"
			"\t--closed\t\t\tStarts the server as closed.\n";
			return false;

		if((*it) == "--version")
			std::clog << SOFTWARE_NAME << " " << SOFTWARE_VERSION << std::endl << std::endl;
			return false;

		tmp = explodeString((*it), "=");
		if(tmp[0] == "--config")
			g_config.setString(ConfigManager::CONFIG_FILE, tmp[1]);
		else if(tmp[0] == "--data-directory")
			g_config.setString(ConfigManager::DATA_DIRECTORY, tmp[1]);
		else if(tmp[0] == "--ip")
			g_config.setString(ConfigManager::IP, tmp[1]);
		else if(tmp[0] == "--login-port")
			g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::LOGIN_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str()));
		else if(tmp[0] == "--game-port")
			g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::GAME_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str()));
		else if(tmp[0] == "--admin-port")
			g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::ADMIN_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str()));
		else if(tmp[0] == "--manager-port")
			g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::MANAGER_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str()));
		else if(tmp[0] == "--status-port")
			g_config.setNumber(ConfigManager::STATUS_PORT, atoi(tmp[1].c_str()));
#ifndef WINDOWS
		else if(tmp[0] == "--runfile")
			g_config.setString(ConfigManager::RUNFILE, tmp[1]);
		else if(tmp[0] == "--log")
			g_config.setString(ConfigManager::OUTPUT_LOG, tmp[1]);
		else if(tmp[0] == "--closed")
			g_config.setBool(ConfigManager::START_CLOSED, true);
		else if(tmp[0] == "--no-script")
			g_config.setBool(ConfigManager::SCRIPT_SYSTEM, false);

	return true;