Example #1
const char *EventMachine_t::ConnectToServer (const char *server, int port)
	/* We want to spend no more than a few seconds waiting for a connection
	 * to a remote host. So we use a nonblocking connect.
	 * Linux disobeys the usual rules for nonblocking connects.
	 * Per Stevens (UNP p.410), you expect a nonblocking connect to select
	 * both readable and writable on error, and not to return EINPROGRESS
	 * if the connect can be fulfilled immediately. Linux violates both
	 * of these expectations.
	 * Any kind of nonblocking connect on Linux returns EINPROGRESS.
	 * The socket will then return writable when the disposition of the
	 * connect is known, but it will not also be readable in case of
	 * error! Weirdly, it will be readable in case there is data to read!!!
	 * (Which can happen with protocols like SSH and SMTP.)
	 * I suppose if you were so inclined you could consider this logical,
	 * but it's not the way Unix has historically done it.
	 * So we ignore the readable flag and read getsockopt to see if there
	 * was an error connecting. A select timeout works as expected.
	 * In regard to getsockopt: Linux does the Berkeley-style thing,
	 * not the Solaris-style, and returns zero with the error code in
	 * the error parameter.
	 * Return the binding-text of the newly-created pending connection,
	 * or NULL if there was a problem.

	if (!server || !*server || !port)
		return NULL;

	int family, bind_size;
	struct sockaddr *bind_as = name2address (server, port, &family, &bind_size);
	if (!bind_as)
		return NULL;

	int sd = socket (family, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
	if (sd == INVALID_SOCKET)
		return NULL;

	sockaddr_in pin;
	unsigned long HostAddr;

	HostAddr = inet_addr (server);
	if (HostAddr == INADDR_NONE) {
		hostent *hp = gethostbyname ((char*)server); // Windows requires (char*)
		if (!hp) {
			// TODO: This gives the caller a fatal error. Not good.
			// They can respond by catching RuntimeError (blecch).
			// Possibly we need to fire an unbind event and provide
			// a status code so user code can detect the cause of the
			// failure.
			return NULL;
		HostAddr = ((in_addr*)(hp->h_addr))->s_addr;

	memset (&pin, 0, sizeof(pin));
	pin.sin_family = AF_INET;
	pin.sin_addr.s_addr = HostAddr;
	pin.sin_port = htons (port);

	int sd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
	if (sd == INVALID_SOCKET)
		return NULL;

	// From here on, ALL error returns must close the socket.
	// Set the new socket nonblocking.
	if (!SetSocketNonblocking (sd)) {
		closesocket (sd);
		return NULL;
	// Disable slow-start (Nagle algorithm).
	int one = 1;
	setsockopt (sd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*) &one, sizeof(one));

	const char *out = NULL;

	#ifdef OS_UNIX
	//if (connect (sd, (sockaddr*)&pin, sizeof pin) == 0) {
	if (connect (sd, bind_as, bind_size) == 0) {
		// This is a connect success, which Linux appears
		// never to give when the socket is nonblocking,
		// even if the connection is intramachine or to
		// localhost.

		/* Changed this branch 08Aug06. Evidently some kernels
		 * (FreeBSD for example) will actually return success from
		 * a nonblocking connect. This is a pretty simple case,
		 * just set up the new connection and clear the pending flag.
		 * Thanks to Chris Ochs for helping track this down.
		 * This branch never gets taken on Linux or (oddly) OSX.
		 * The original behavior was to throw an unimplemented,
		 * which the user saw as a fatal exception. Very unfriendly.
		 * Tweaked 10Aug06. Even though the connect disposition is
		 * known, we still set the connect-pending flag. That way
		 * some needed initialization will happen in the ConnectionDescriptor.
		 * (To wit, the ConnectionCompleted event gets sent to the client.)
		ConnectionDescriptor *cd = new ConnectionDescriptor (sd, this);
		if (!cd)
			throw std::runtime_error ("no connection allocated");
		cd->SetConnectPending (true);
		Add (cd);
		out = cd->GetBinding().c_str();
	else if (errno == EINPROGRESS) {
		// Errno will generally always be EINPROGRESS, but on Linux
		// we have to look at getsockopt to be sure what really happened.
		int error;
		socklen_t len;
		len = sizeof(error);
		int o = getsockopt (sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len);
		if ((o == 0) && (error == 0)) {
			// Here, there's no disposition.
			// Put the connection on the stack and wait for it to complete
			// or time out.
			ConnectionDescriptor *cd = new ConnectionDescriptor (sd, this);
			if (!cd)
				throw std::runtime_error ("no connection allocated");
			cd->SetConnectPending (true);
			Add (cd);
			out = cd->GetBinding().c_str();
		else {
			/* This could be connection refused or some such thing.
			 * We will come here on Linux if a localhost connection fails.
			 * Changed 16Jul06: Originally this branch was a no-op, and
			 * we'd drop down to the end of the method, close the socket,
			 * and return NULL, which would cause the caller to GET A
			 * FATAL EXCEPTION. Now we keep the socket around but schedule an
			 * immediate close on it, so the caller will get a close-event
			 * scheduled on it. This was only an issue for localhost connections
			 * to non-listening ports. We may eventually need to revise this
			 * revised behavior, in case it causes problems like making it hard
			 * for people to know that a failure occurred.
			ConnectionDescriptor *cd = new ConnectionDescriptor (sd, this);
			if (!cd)
				throw std::runtime_error ("no connection allocated");
			cd->ScheduleClose (false);
			Add (cd);
			out = cd->GetBinding().c_str();
	else {
		// The error from connect was something other then EINPROGRESS.

	#ifdef OS_WIN32
	//if (connect (sd, (sockaddr*)&pin, sizeof pin) == 0) {
	if (connect (sd, bind_as, bind_size) == 0) {
		// This is a connect success, which Windows appears
		// never to give when the socket is nonblocking,
		// even if the connection is intramachine or to
		// localhost.
		throw std::runtime_error ("unimplemented");
	else if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
		// Here, there's no disposition.
		// Windows appears not to surface refused connections or
		// such stuff at this point.
		// Put the connection on the stack and wait for it to complete
		// or time out.
		ConnectionDescriptor *cd = new ConnectionDescriptor (sd, this);
		if (!cd)
			throw std::runtime_error ("no connection allocated");
		cd->SetConnectPending (true);
		Add (cd);
		out = cd->GetBinding().c_str();
	else {
		// The error from connect was something other then WSAEWOULDBLOCK.


	if (out == NULL)
		closesocket (sd);
	return out;
Example #2
const char *EventMachine_t::ConnectToUnixServer (const char *server)
	/* Connect to a Unix-domain server, which by definition is running
	 * on the same host.
	 * There is no meaningful implementation on Windows.
	 * There's no need to do a nonblocking connect, since the connection
	 * is always local and can always be fulfilled immediately.

	#ifdef OS_WIN32
	throw std::runtime_error ("unix-domain connection unavailable on this platform");
	return NULL;

	// The whole rest of this function is only compiled on Unix systems.
	#ifdef OS_UNIX

	const char *out = NULL;

	if (!server || !*server)
		return NULL;

	sockaddr_un pun;
	memset (&pun, 0, sizeof(pun));
	pun.sun_family = AF_LOCAL;

	// You ordinarily expect the server name field to be at least 1024 bytes long,
	// but on Linux it can be MUCH shorter.
	if (strlen(server) >= sizeof(pun.sun_path))
		throw std::runtime_error ("unix-domain server name is too long");

	strcpy (pun.sun_path, server);

	int fd = socket (AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
	if (fd == INVALID_SOCKET)
		return NULL;

	// From here on, ALL error returns must close the socket.
	// NOTE: At this point, the socket is still a blocking socket.
	if (connect (fd, (struct sockaddr*)&pun, sizeof(pun)) != 0) {
		closesocket (fd);
		return NULL;

	// Set the newly-connected socket nonblocking.
	if (!SetSocketNonblocking (fd)) {
		closesocket (fd);
		return NULL;

	// Set up a connection descriptor and add it to the event-machine.
	// Observe, even though we know the connection status is connect-success,
	// we still set the "pending" flag, so some needed initializations take
	// place.
	ConnectionDescriptor *cd = new ConnectionDescriptor (fd, this);
	if (!cd)
		throw std::runtime_error ("no connection allocated");
	cd->SetConnectPending (true);
	Add (cd);
	out = cd->GetBinding().c_str();

	if (out == NULL)
		closesocket (fd);

	return out;