Example #1
void add_noise_to_coeff(Ctxt& res, long n, long p, long except) {
    NTL::ZZX noise;

    for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        NTL::SetCoeff(noise, i, NTL::RandomBnd(p));
    NTL::SetCoeff(noise, except, 0);
Example #2
// Simple evaluation sum f_i * X^i, assuming that babyStep has enough powers
static void 
simplePolyEval(Ctxt& ret, const ZZX& poly, DynamicCtxtPowers& babyStep)
  if (deg(poly)<0) return;       // the zero polynomial always returns zero

  assert (deg(poly)<=babyStep.size()); // ensure that we have enough powers

  ZZ coef;
  ZZ p = to_ZZ(babyStep[0].getPtxtSpace());
  for (long i=1; i<=deg(poly); i++) {
    rem(coef, coeff(poly,i),p);
    if (coef > p/2) coef -= p;

    Ctxt tmp = babyStep.getPower(i); // X^i
    tmp.multByConstant(coef);        // f_i X^i
    ret += tmp;
  // Add the free term
  rem(coef, ConstTerm(poly), p);
  if (coef > p/2) coef -= p;
  //  if (verbose) checkPolyEval(ret, babyStep[0], poly);
Example #3
void negate32(Ctxt &x) {
Example #4
// bootstrap a ciphertext to reduce noise
void FHEPubKey::reCrypt(Ctxt &ctxt)

  // Some sanity checks for dummy ciphertext
  long ptxtSpace = ctxt.getPtxtSpace();
  if (ctxt.isEmpty()) return;
  if (ctxt.parts.size()==1 && ctxt.parts[0].skHandle.isOne()) {
    // Dummy encryption, just ensure that it is reduced mod p
    ZZX poly = to_ZZX(ctxt.parts[0]);
    for (long i=0; i<poly.rep.length(); i++)
      poly[i] = to_ZZ( rem(poly[i],ptxtSpace) );

  assert(recryptKeyID>=0); // check that we have bootstrapping data

  long p = getContext().zMStar.getP();
  long r = getContext().alMod.getR();
  long p2r = getContext().alMod.getPPowR();

  // the bootstrapping key is encrypted relative to plaintext space p^{e-e'+r}.
  long e = getContext().rcData.e;
  long ePrime = getContext().rcData.ePrime;
  long p2ePrime = power_long(p,ePrime);
  long q = power_long(p,e)+1;

  cerr << "reCrypt: p="<<p<<", r="<<r<<", e="<<e<<" ePrime="<<ePrime
       << ", q="<<q<<endl;

  // can only bootstrap ciphertext with plaintext-space dividing p^r
  assert(p2r % ptxtSpace == 0);


  // Make sure that this ciphertxt is in canonical form
  if (!ctxt.inCanonicalForm()) ctxt.reLinearize();

  // Mod-switch down if needed
  IndexSet s = ctxt.getPrimeSet() / getContext().specialPrimes; // set minus
  if (s.card()>2) { // leave only bottom two primes
    long frst = s.first();
    long scnd = s.next(frst);
    IndexSet s2(frst,scnd);
    s.retain(s2); // retain only first two primes

  // key-switch to the bootstrapping key

  // "raw mod-switch" to the bootstrapping mosulus q=p^e+1.
  vector<ZZX> zzParts; // the mod-switched parts, in ZZX format
  double noise = ctxt.rawModSwitch(zzParts, q);
  noise = sqrt(noise);

  // Add multiples of p2r and q to make the zzParts divisible by p^{e'}
  long maxU=0;
  for (long i=0; i<(long)zzParts.size(); i++) {
    // make divisible by p^{e'}
    long newMax = makeDivisible(zzParts[i].rep, p2ePrime, p2r, q,
    zzParts[i].normalize();   // normalize after working directly on the rep
    if (maxU < newMax)  maxU = newMax;

  // Check that the estimated noise is still low
  if (noise + maxU*p2r*(skHwts[recryptKeyID]+1) > q/2) 
    cerr << " * noise/q after makeDivisible = "
	 << ((noise + maxU*p2r*(skHwts[recryptKeyID]+1))/q) << endl;

  for (long i=0; i<(long)zzParts.size(); i++)
    zzParts[i] /= p2ePrime;   // divide by p^{e'}

  // Multiply the post-processed cipehrtext by the encrypted sKey
  cerr << "+ Before recryption ";
  decryptAndPrint(cerr, recryptEkey, *dbgKey, *dbgEa, printFlag);

  double p0size = to_double(coeffsL2Norm(zzParts[0]));
  double p1size = to_double(coeffsL2Norm(zzParts[1]));
  ctxt = recryptEkey;
  ctxt.multByConstant(zzParts[1], p1size*p1size);
  ctxt.addConstant(zzParts[0], p0size*p0size);

  cerr << "+ Before linearTrans1 ";
  decryptAndPrint(cerr, ctxt, *dbgKey, *dbgEa, printFlag);

  // Move the powerful-basis coefficients to the plaintext slots

  cerr << "+ After linearTrans1 ";
  decryptAndPrint(cerr, ctxt, *dbgKey, *dbgEa, printFlag);

  // Extract the digits e-e'+r-1,...,e-e' (from fully packed slots)
  extractDigitsPacked(ctxt, e-ePrime, r, ePrime,

  cerr << "+ Before linearTrans2 ";
  decryptAndPrint(cerr, ctxt, *dbgKey, *dbgEa, printFlag);

  // Move the slots back to powerful-basis coefficients
Example #5
// Main entry point: Evaluate a cleartext polynomial on an encrypted input
void polyEval(Ctxt& ret, ZZX poly, const Ctxt& x, long k)
     // Note: poly is passed by value, so caller keeps the original
  if (deg(poly)<=2) {  // nothing to optimize here
    if (deg(poly)<1) { // A constant
      ret.addConstant(coeff(poly, 0));
    } else {           // A linear or quadratic polynomial
      DynamicCtxtPowers babyStep(x, deg(poly));
      simplePolyEval(ret, poly, babyStep);

  // How many baby steps: set k~sqrt(n/2), rounded up/down to a power of two

  // FIXME: There may be some room for optimization here: it may be possible
  // to choose k as something other than a power of two and still maintain
  // optimal depth, in principle we can try all possible values of k between
  // two consecutive powers of two and choose the one that gives the least
  // number of multiplies, conditioned on minimum depth.

  if (k<=0) {
    long kk = (long) sqrt(deg(poly)/2.0);
    k = 1L << NextPowerOfTwo(kk);

    // heuristic: if k>>kk then use a smaler power of two
    if ((k==16 && deg(poly)>167) || (k>16 && k>(1.44*kk)))
      k /= 2;
  cerr << "  k="<<k;

  long n = divc(deg(poly),k);      // n = ceil(deg(p)/k), deg(p) >= k*n
  DynamicCtxtPowers babyStep(x, k);
  const Ctxt& x2k = babyStep.getPower(k);

  // Special case when deg(p)>k*(2^e -1)
  if (n==(1L << NextPowerOfTwo(n))) { // n is a power of two
    DynamicCtxtPowers giantStep(x2k, n/2);
    degPowerOfTwo(ret, poly, k, babyStep, giantStep);

  // If n is not a power of two, ensure that poly is monic and that
  // its degree is divisible by k, then call the recursive procedure

  const ZZ p = to_ZZ(x.getPtxtSpace());
  ZZ top = LeadCoeff(poly);
  ZZ topInv; // the inverse mod p of the top coefficient of poly (if any)
  bool divisible = (n*k == deg(poly)); // is the degree divisible by k?
  long nonInvertibe = InvModStatus(topInv, top, p);
       // 0 if invertible, 1 if not

  // FIXME: There may be some room for optimization below: instead of
  // adding a term X^{n*k} we can add X^{n'*k} for some n'>n, so long
  // as n' is smaller than the next power of two. We could save a few
  // multiplications since giantStep[n'] may be easier to compute than
  // giantStep[n] when n' has fewer 1's than n in its binary expansion.

  ZZ extra = ZZ::zero();    // extra!=0 denotes an added term extra*X^{n*k}
  if (!divisible || nonInvertibe) {  // need to add a term
    top = to_ZZ(1);  // new top coefficient is one
    topInv = top;    // also the new inverse is one
    // set extra = 1 - current-coeff-of-X^{n*k}
    extra = SubMod(top, coeff(poly,n*k), p);
    SetCoeff(poly, n*k); // set the top coefficient of X^{n*k} to one

  long t = IsZero(extra)? divc(n,2) : n;
  DynamicCtxtPowers giantStep(x2k, t);

  if (!IsOne(top)) {
    poly *= topInv; // Multiply by topInv to make into a monic polynomial
    for (long i=0; i<=n*k; i++) rem(poly[i], poly[i], p);
  recursivePolyEval(ret, poly, k, babyStep, giantStep);

  if (!IsOne(top)) {

  if (!IsZero(extra)) { // if we added a term, now is the time to subtract back
    Ctxt topTerm = giantStep.getPower(n);
    ret -= topTerm;