Example #1
 DBInt IsChanged() {
     if (Foreground() != ForegroundFLD->Int(OrigREC)) return (true);
     if (Background() != BackgroundFLD->Int(OrigREC)) return (true);
     if (Style() != StyleFLD->Int(OrigREC)) return (true);
     if (strcmp(Name(), OrigREC->Name()) != 0) return (true);
     return (false);
Example #2
static void _RGISGrpPanelNewCBK (Widget widget,RGISGrpPanel *grpPanel,XmAnyCallbackStruct *callData)

	char *groupName;
	DBDataset *dataset = UIDataset ();
	DBObjData *dbData  = dataset->Data ();
	DBObjTable *groupTable = dbData->Table (DBrNGroups);
	DBObjTableField *group;
	DBObjRecord *record;

	if ((groupName = UIGetString ((char *) "Group Name",16)) == (char *) NULL) return;
	if (groupTable == (DBObjTable *) NULL)
		DBObjTable *items  = dbData->Table (DBrNItems);
		DBObjectLIST<DBObjTable> *tables  = dbData->Tables ();

		DBTableFieldDefinition fieldDefs [] =	{
					DBTableFieldDefinition (groupName,	DBTableFieldInt,(char *) 	"%1d",sizeof (DBByte)),
					DBTableFieldDefinition () };
		tables->Add (groupTable = new DBObjTable (DBrNGroups,fieldDefs));
		grpPanel->Groups (groupTable->Fields ());
		group = groupTable->Field (groupName);
		for (record = items->First ();record != (DBObjRecord *) NULL;record = items->Next ())
			group->Int (groupTable->Add (record->Name ()),true);
		groupTable->AddField (group = new DBObjTableField (groupName,DBTableFieldInt,"%1d",sizeof (DBByte)));
		for (record = groupTable->First ();record != (DBObjRecord *) NULL;record = groupTable->Next ())
			group->Int (record,true);
	grpPanel->Add (group);
Example #3
DBObjRecord *DBGridIF::AddLayer (char *layerName)

	DBInt index;
	DBObjRecord *firstLayer, *layerRec, *dataRec;
	DBObjTableField *rowNumFLD		= LayerTable->Field (DBrNRowNum);
	DBObjTableField *colNumFLD 	= LayerTable->Field (DBrNColNum);
	DBObjTableField *cellWidthFLD = LayerTable->Field (DBrNCellWidth);
	DBObjTableField *cellHeightFLD= LayerTable->Field (DBrNCellHeight);
	DBObjTableField *valueTypeFLD = LayerTable->Field (DBrNValueType);
	DBObjTableField *valueSizeFLD = LayerTable->Field (DBrNValueSize);

	firstLayer = LayerTable->First (&index);
	LayerTable->Add (layerName);
	if ((layerRec = LayerTable->Item ()) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
		return ((DBObjRecord *) NULL);
	rowNumFLD->Int (layerRec,rowNumFLD->Int (firstLayer));
	colNumFLD->Int (layerRec,colNumFLD->Int (firstLayer));
	cellWidthFLD->Float  (layerRec,cellWidthFLD->Float  (firstLayer));
	cellHeightFLD->Float (layerRec,cellHeightFLD->Float (firstLayer));
	valueTypeFLD->Int (layerRec,valueTypeFLD->Int (firstLayer));
	valueSizeFLD->Int (layerRec,valueSizeFLD->Int (firstLayer));
	if ((dataRec = new DBObjRecord (layerName,((size_t) rowNumFLD->Int (firstLayer)) * colNumFLD->Int (firstLayer) * valueSizeFLD->Int (firstLayer),valueSizeFLD->Int (firstLayer))) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
		{ return ((DBObjRecord *) NULL); }
	LayerFLD->Record (layerRec,dataRec);
	((Data ())->Arrays ())->Add (dataRec);
	if (DataPTR->Type () == DBTypeGridContinuous)
		ItemTable->Add (layerName);
		MissingValueFLD->Float (ItemTable->Item (),MissingValueFLD->Float (ItemTable->First (&index)));
	return (layerRec);
Example #4
		void Update ()
			ForegroundFLD->Int (OrigREC,Foreground ());
			BackgroundFLD->Int (OrigREC,Background ());
			StyleFLD->Int (OrigREC,Style ());
			OrigREC->Name (Name ());
Example #5
int RGlibGenFuncSymbolField (DBObjData *data, const char *fieldName)
	DBInt recID;
	char symbolName [DBStringLength + 1];
	DBObjTable *table = data->Table (DBrNItems);
	DBObjTable *symbols = data->Table (DBrNSymbols);
	DBObjRecord *record, *symbolRec;
	DBObjTableField *field;
	DBObjTableField *symbolFLD;
	DBObjTableField *symbolIDFLD;
	DBObjTableField *foregroundFLD;
	DBObjTableField *backgroundFLD;
	DBObjTableField *styleFLD;

	if (table == (DBObjTable *) NULL) return (DBFault);
	if ((field = table->Field (fieldName)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
	{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError,  "Invalid field name in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__);       return (DBFault); }
	if ((symbolFLD = table->Field (DBrNSymbol)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
	{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError,  "Missing symbol field in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__);     return (DBFault); }
	if (symbols == (DBObjTable *) NULL)
	{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError,  "Missing symbol table in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__);     return (DBFault); }
	if ((symbolIDFLD   = symbols->Field (DBrNSymbolID))   == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
	{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError,  "Missing symbolID field in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__);   return (DBFault); }
	if ((foregroundFLD = symbols->Field (DBrNForeground)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
	{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError,  "Missing foreground field in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
	if ((backgroundFLD = symbols->Field (DBrNBackground)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
	{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError,  "Missing background field in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
	if ((styleFLD      = symbols->Field (DBrNStyle))      == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
	{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError,  "Missing style field in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__);      return (DBFault); }

	symbols->DeleteAll ();
	for (recID = 0;recID < table->ItemNum (); ++recID)
		record = table->Item (recID);
		DBPause (record->RowID () * 100 / table->ItemNum ());
		if (field->Type () == DBTableFieldString) sprintf (symbolName,"%s",field->String (record));
		else	sprintf (symbolName,"Symbol:%03d",field->Int (record));
		if ((symbolRec = (DBObjRecord *) symbols->Item (symbolName)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
			if ((symbolRec = symbols->Add (symbolName)) == NULL)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Symbol Object Creation Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
			symbolIDFLD->Int (symbolRec,field->Type () == DBTableFieldString ? symbolRec->RowID () : field->Int (record));
			foregroundFLD->Int (symbolRec,1);
			backgroundFLD->Int (symbolRec,0);
			styleFLD->Int (symbolRec,0);
		symbolFLD->Record (record,symbolRec);
	return (DBSuccess);
Example #6
void UIAttribView::Draw (DBObjRecord *record)

	DBObjTableField *field;
	DBObjectLIST<DBObjTableField> *fields;
	UIXYGraphShell *graphCLS;

	if (record == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
		Cardinal i, numChildren;
		WidgetList rowCols;

		UIAuxSetLabelString (ItemNameWGT,(char *) "");
		XtVaGetValues (FieldsRowCol,XmNchildren,	&rowCols, XmNnumChildren,	&numChildren,NULL);
		for (i = 0;i < numChildren; ++i)
			XmTextFieldSetString (XtNameToWidget (rowCols [i],"UIAttribViewTextField"),(char *) "");

	UIAuxSetLabelString (ItemNameWGT,record->Name ());
	switch (DataPTR->Type ())
		case DBTypeVectorPoint:
		case DBTypeVectorLine:
		case DBTypeVectorPolygon:
		case DBTypeGridDiscrete:
			fields = ItemTable->Fields ();
			for (field = fields->First ();field != (DBObjTableField *) NULL;field = fields->Next ())
				if (DBTableFieldIsVisible (field) == true)	DrawField (field->Name (),field->String (record));
		case DBTypeGridContinuous:
			DBCoordinate coord = *((DBCoordinate *) (record->Data ()));
			DBGridIF *gridIF = new DBGridIF (DataPTR);
			for (record = ItemTable->First ();record != (DBObjRecord *) NULL;record = ItemTable->Next ())
				DrawField (record->Name (),gridIF->ValueString (record,coord));
			delete gridIF;
			} break;
		case DBTypeNetwork:
			DBObjTable *cellTable = DataPTR->Table (DBrNCells);
			DBObjTableField *basinFLD = cellTable->Field (DBrNBasin);
			DBObjRecord *basinRec;

			if ((basinRec =  ItemTable->Item (basinFLD->Int (record) - 1)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "BasinID Error in:%s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return; }
			DrawField ((char *) "Basin Name",basinRec->Name ());
			fields = ItemTable->Fields ();
			for (field = fields->First ();field != (DBObjTableField *) NULL;field = fields->Next ())
				if (DBTableFieldIsVisible (field) == true)	DrawField (field->Name (),field->String (basinRec));

			fields = cellTable->Fields ();
			for (field = fields->First ();field != (DBObjTableField *) NULL;field = fields->Next ())
				if (DBTableFieldIsVisible (field) == true)	DrawField (field->Name (),field->String (record));
			} break;
		default:	break;
	if ((graphCLS = (UIXYGraphShell *) DataPTR->Display (UIXYGraphShellStr)) != (UIXYGraphShell *) NULL)
		graphCLS->Configure (record);
Example #7
 void GetVariable(DBObjRecord *record, DBCoordinate coord) {
     switch ((GridIF->Data())->Type()) {
         case DBTypeGridContinuous: {
             DBFloat value;
             if (GridIF->Value(LayerRec, coord, &value))
                 TargetFLD->Float(record, value);
             else TargetFLD->Float(record, TargetFLD->FloatNoData());
         case DBTypeGridDiscrete: {
             DBObjRecord *grdRec;
             if ((grdRec = GridIF->GridItem(LayerRec, coord)) != (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
                 switch (SourceFLD->Type()) {
                     case DBVariableString:
                         TargetFLD->String(record, SourceFLD->String(grdRec));
                     case DBVariableInt:
                         TargetFLD->Int(record, SourceFLD->Int(grdRec));
                     case DBVariableFloat:
                         TargetFLD->Float(record, SourceFLD->Float(grdRec));
                 switch (SourceFLD->Type()) {
                     case DBVariableString:
                         TargetFLD->String(record, "");
                     case DBVariableInt:
                         TargetFLD->Int(record, SourceFLD->IntNoData());
                     case DBVariableFloat:
                         TargetFLD->Float(record, SourceFLD->FloatNoData());
             CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Invalid grid type in: CMDgrdVariable:GetVariable ()");
Example #8
static int _DBObjTableListSort(const DBObjRecord **obj0, const DBObjRecord **obj1) {
    DBInt ret = 0;
    DBObjTableField *field;
    DBDate date0, date1;

    for (field = _DBObjTableSortFields->First();
         field != (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
         field = _DBObjTableSortFields->Next()) {
        switch (field->Type()) {
            case DBTableFieldString:
                ret = strcmp(field->String(*obj0), field->String(*obj1));
            case DBTableFieldInt:
                ret = field->Int(*obj0) - field->Int(*obj1);
            case DBTableFieldFloat:
                if (field->Float(*obj0) - field->Float(*obj1) > 0.0) ret = 1;
                else if (field->Float(*obj0) - field->Float(*obj1) < 0.0) ret = -1;
                else ret = 0;
            case DBTableFieldDate:
                date0 = field->Date(*obj0);
                date1 = field->Date(*obj1);
                if (date0 > date1) ret = 1;
                else if (date0 < date1) ret = -1;
                else ret = 0;
            case DBTableFieldTableRec:
                ret = strcmp((*obj0)->Name(), (*obj1)->Name());
            case DBTableFieldDataRec:
                ret = (*obj0)->RowID() - (*obj1)->RowID();
        if ((field->Flags() & DBObjectFlagSortReversed) == DBObjectFlagSortReversed) ret *= -1;
        if (ret != 0) return (ret);
    if (ret == 0) ret = (*obj0)->ListPos() - (*obj1)->ListPos();
    return (ret);
Example #9
static void _RGISGrpPanelSaveCBK (Widget widget,RGISGrpPanel *grpPanel,XmAnyCallbackStruct *callData)

	DBInt rowID;
	DBDataset  *dataset= UIDataset ();
	DBObjData  *dbData = dataset->Data ();
	DBObjTable *itemTable  = dbData->Table (DBrNItems);
	DBObjTable *groupTable = dbData->Table (DBrNGroups);
	DBObjTableField *group;
	DBObjRecord *itemRec, *groupRec;
	UITable *tableCLS;

	if (groupTable == (DBObjTable *) NULL) return;
	group = grpPanel->Current ();
	for (rowID = 0;rowID < groupTable->ItemNum ();++rowID)
		groupRec = groupTable->Item (rowID);
		itemRec = itemTable->Item (rowID);
		group->Int (groupRec,(itemRec->Flags () & DBObjectFlagSelected) == DBObjectFlagSelected ? true : false);
	if ((tableCLS = (UITable *) dbData->Display (UITableName (dbData,groupTable))) != (UITable *) NULL)
		tableCLS->Draw ();
Example #10
int DBImportARCPoly (DBObjData *vecData,const char *arcCov)

	DBInt polyNum = 0, line, lineNum, vertexNum,  polyDir;
	DBObjTable *items = vecData->Table (DBrNItems);
	DBObjTable *lines	= vecData->Table (DBrNContours);
	DBObjTableField *firstLineFLD	= items->Field (DBrNFirstLine);
	DBObjTableField *lineNumFLD	= items->Field (DBrNLineNum);
	DBObjTableField *polyVertexNumFLD = items->Field (DBrNVertexNum);
	DBObjTableField *polyExtentFLD	= items->Field (DBrNRegion);
	DBObjTableField *leftPolyFLD	= lines->Field (DBrNLeftPoly);
	DBObjTableField *rightPolyFLD	= lines->Field (DBrNRightPoly);
	DBObjTableField *nextLineFLD	= lines->Field (DBrNNextLine);
	DBObjTableField *prevLineFLD	= lines->Field (DBrNPrevLine);
	DBObjTableField *fromNodeFLD	= lines->Field (DBrNFromNode);
	DBObjTableField *toNodeFLD		= lines->Field (DBrNToNode);
	DBObjTableField *lineVertextNumFLD	= lines->Field (DBrNVertexNum);
	DBObjTableField *lineExtentFLD	= lines->Field (DBrNRegion);
	DBObjRecord *polyRec, *lineRec, *firstNodeRec, *nodeRec, **lineRecArray;
	DBRegion extent, initRegion;

	if (DBImportARCLine (vecData,arcCov) == DBFault) return (DBFault);

	items->Delete (0);
	for (polyRec = items->First ();polyRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL;polyRec = items->Next ())
		lineNumFLD->Int (polyRec,0);

	for (lineRec = lines->First ();lineRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL;lineRec = lines->Next ())
		rightPolyFLD->Record	(lineRec,items->Item ((DBInt) (rightPolyFLD->Record(lineRec) - (DBObjRecord *) NULL)));
		leftPolyFLD->Record  (lineRec,items->Item ((DBInt) (leftPolyFLD->Record (lineRec) - (DBObjRecord *) NULL)));
		nextLineFLD->Record (lineRec,(DBObjRecord *) NULL);
		prevLineFLD->Record (lineRec,(DBObjRecord *) NULL);

	if ((lineRecArray = (DBObjRecord **) calloc (lines->ItemNum (),sizeof (DBObjRecord *))) == (DBObjRecord **) NULL)
		{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "Memory Allocation Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }

	for (polyRec = items->First ();polyRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL;polyRec = items->Next ())
		DBPause ((++polyNum * 100) / items->ItemNum ());

		lineNum = vertexNum = 0;
		extent = initRegion;
		for (lineRec = lines->First ();lineRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL;lineRec = lines->Next ())
			if ((rightPolyFLD->Record (lineRec) == polyRec) || (leftPolyFLD->Record (lineRec) == polyRec))
				lineRecArray [lineNum++] = lineRec;
				vertexNum += lineVertextNumFLD->Int (lineRec);
				extent.Expand (lineExtentFLD->Region (lineRec));
		lineNumFLD->Int (polyRec,lineNum);
		polyExtentFLD->Region (polyRec,extent);
		firstLineFLD->Record (polyRec,lineRecArray [0]);
		firstNodeRec = (rightPolyFLD->Record (lineRecArray [0]) == polyRec) ?
							fromNodeFLD->Record  (lineRecArray [0]) : toNodeFLD->Record(lineRecArray [0]);
		for (lineNum = 1;lineNum < lineNumFLD->Int (polyRec);++lineNum)
			polyDir = (rightPolyFLD->Record (lineRecArray [lineNum - 1]) == polyRec);
			nodeRec = polyDir ?	toNodeFLD->Record  (lineRecArray [lineNum - 1]) :
										fromNodeFLD->Record(lineRecArray [lineNum - 1]);
			for (line = lineNum;line < lineNumFLD->Int (polyRec); ++line)
				if ((nodeRec == fromNodeFLD->Record (lineRecArray [line])) ||
					 (nodeRec == toNodeFLD->Record   (lineRecArray [line]))) break;
			if (line < lineNumFLD->Int (polyRec))
				lineRec = lineRecArray [lineNum];
				lineRecArray [lineNum] = lineRecArray [line];
				lineRecArray [line] = lineRec;
				vertexNum += 1;
				if (nodeRec != firstNodeRec) vertexNum += 1;
		polyDir = (rightPolyFLD->Record (lineRecArray [lineNum - 1]) == polyRec);
		nodeRec = polyDir ?	toNodeFLD->Record  (lineRecArray [lineNum - 1]) :
									fromNodeFLD->Record(lineRecArray [lineNum - 1]);
		polyVertexNumFLD->Int (polyRec,vertexNum + lineNum + 1 + (nodeRec != firstNodeRec ? 1 : 0));
		for (lineNum = 1;lineNum < lineNumFLD->Int (polyRec);++lineNum)
			if (rightPolyFLD->Record  (lineRecArray [lineNum - 1]) == polyRec)
					nextLineFLD->Record (lineRecArray [lineNum - 1],lineRecArray [lineNum]);
			else	prevLineFLD->Record (lineRecArray [lineNum - 1],lineRecArray [lineNum]);
		if (rightPolyFLD->Record  (lineRecArray [lineNum - 1]) == polyRec)
				nextLineFLD->Record (lineRecArray [lineNum - 1],lineRecArray [0]);
		else	prevLineFLD->Record (lineRecArray [lineNum - 1],lineRecArray [0]);
	free (lineRecArray);
	return (DBSuccess);
Example #11
int DBImportARCVector (DBObjData *vecData,const char *arcCov,const char *nameFieldStr,const char *symbolFieldStr)

	char symbolName [DBStringLength + 1];
	DBObjTable *items 	= vecData->Table (DBrNItems);
	DBObjTable *symbols	= vecData->Table (DBrNSymbols);
	DBObjTableField *nameFLD = NULL, *symbolResFLD, *symbolFLD = NULL;
	DBObjTableField *symbolIDFLD = symbols->Field (DBrNSymbolID);
	DBObjTableField *foregroundFLD = symbols->Field (DBrNForeground);
	DBObjTableField *backgroundFLD = symbols->Field (DBrNBackground);
	DBObjTableField *styleFLD = symbols->Field (DBrNStyle);
	DBObjRecord *record;
	DBObjRecord *symbolRec;
	if (DBInfoGetFields (items,DBInfoFileName (arcCov,vecData->Type ())) == DBSuccess)
		if (DBInfoGetTable (items,DBInfoFileName (arcCov,vecData->Type ())) == DBFault) return (DBFault);
	switch (vecData->Type ())
		case DBTypeVectorPoint:
			if (DBImportARCPoint (vecData,arcCov) == DBFault)	return (DBFault); else	break;
		case DBTypeVectorLine:
			if (DBImportARCLine	(vecData,arcCov) == DBFault)	return (DBFault);	else	break;
		case DBTypeVectorPolygon:
			if (DBImportARCPoly	(vecData,arcCov) == DBFault)	return (DBFault);	else	break;
		default: 	return (DBFault);

	nameFLD 	= nameFieldStr 	!= NULL ? items->Field (nameFieldStr)		: (DBObjTableField  *) NULL;
	symbolFLD = symbolFieldStr	!= NULL ? items->Field (symbolFieldStr)	: (DBObjTableField  *) NULL;
 	symbolResFLD = items->Field (DBrNSymbol);
 	if (symbolFLD != NULL)
 		for (record = items->First ();record != (DBObjRecord *) NULL;record = items->Next ())
			switch (symbolFLD->Type ())
				case DBTableFieldString:
					if ((symbolRec = (DBObjRecord *) symbols->Item (symbolFLD->String (record))) == NULL)
						if ((symbolRec = symbols->Add (symbolFLD->String (record))) == NULL)
							{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError,"Symbol Object Creation Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
						symbolIDFLD->Int (symbolRec,symbolRec->RowID ());
						foregroundFLD->Int (symbolRec,1);
						backgroundFLD->Int (symbolRec,0);
						styleFLD->Int (symbolRec,0);
				case DBTableFieldInt:
					sprintf (symbolName,"Symbol:%5d",symbolFLD->Int (record));
					if ((symbolRec = (DBObjRecord *) symbols->Item (symbolName)) == NULL)
						if ((symbolRec = symbols->Add (symbolName)) == NULL)
							{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Symbol Object Creation Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
						symbolIDFLD->Int (symbolRec,symbolFLD->Int (record));
						foregroundFLD->Int (symbolRec,1);
						backgroundFLD->Int (symbolRec,0);
						styleFLD->Int (symbolRec,0);
					CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Invalid Field Type in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__);
			symbolResFLD->Record (record,symbolRec);
		symbols->Add ("Default Symbol");
		if ((symbolRec = (DBObjRecord *) symbols->Item ()) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
			{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Symbol Object Creation Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
		symbolIDFLD->Int (symbolRec,0);
		foregroundFLD->Int (symbolRec,1);
		backgroundFLD->Int (symbolRec,0);
		styleFLD->Int (symbolRec,0);
		for (record = items->First ();record != (DBObjRecord *) NULL;record = items->Next ())
			symbolResFLD->Record (record,symbolRec);
	if (nameFLD != NULL)
		for (record = items->First ();record != (DBObjRecord *) NULL;record = items->Next ())
			record->Name (nameFLD->String (record));
	return (DBSuccess);
Example #12
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int argPos, argNum = argc, ret, verbose = false;
    DBInt recID;
    int deg, min, sec;
    char coordStr[DBStringLength];
    char *tableName = (char *) NULL;
    char *fieldName = (char *) NULL;
    char *degFieldName = (char *) NULL;
    char *minFieldName = (char *) NULL;
    char *secFieldName = (char *) NULL;
    DBObjData *data;
    DBObjTable *table;
    DBObjTableField *dstField;
    DBObjTableField *degField = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
    DBObjTableField *minField = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
    DBObjTableField *secField = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
    DBObjRecord *record;

    for (argPos = 1; argPos < argNum;) {
        if (CMargTest (argv[argPos], "-a", "--table")) {
            if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft(argPos, argv, argNum)) <= argPos) {
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Missing table name!");
                return (CMfailed);
            tableName = argv[argPos];
            if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft(argPos, argv, argNum)) <= argPos) break;
        if (CMargTest (argv[argPos], "-f", "--field")) {
            if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft(argPos, argv, argNum)) <= argPos) {
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Missing field name!");
                return (CMfailed);
            fieldName = argv[argPos];
            if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft(argPos, argv, argNum)) <= argPos) break;
        if (CMargTest (argv[argPos], "-d", "--degree")) {
            if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft(argPos, argv, argNum)) <= argPos) {
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Missing degree field name!");
                return (CMfailed);
            degFieldName = argv[argPos];
            if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft(argPos, argv, argNum)) <= argPos) break;
        if (CMargTest (argv[argPos], "-m", "--minute")) {
            if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft(argPos, argv, argNum)) <= argPos) {
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Missing minutefield name!");
                return (CMfailed);
            minFieldName = argv[argPos];
            if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft(argPos, argv, argNum)) <= argPos) break;
        if (CMargTest (argv[argPos], "-s", "--second")) {
            if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft(argPos, argv, argNum)) <= argPos) {
                CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Missing second field name!");
                return (CMfailed);
            secFieldName = argv[argPos];
            if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft(argPos, argv, argNum)) <= argPos) break;
        if (CMargTest (argv[argPos], "-V", "--verbose")) {
            verbose = true;
            if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft(argPos, argv, argNum)) <= argPos) break;
        if (CMargTest (argv[argPos], "-h", "--help")) {
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgInfo, "%s [options] <input file> <output file>", CMfileName(argv[0]));
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgInfo, "     -a,--table     [table name]");
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgInfo, "     -f,--field     [field name]");
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgInfo, "     -d,--degree    [degree field]");
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgInfo, "     -m,--minute    [minute field]");
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgInfo, "     -s,--second    [secon field]");
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgInfo, "     -V,--verbose");
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgInfo, "     -h,--help");
            return (DBSuccess);
        if ((argv[argPos][0] == '-') && ((int) strlen(argv[argPos]) > 1)) {
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Unknown option: %s!", argv[argPos]);
            return (CMfailed);

    if (argNum > 3) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Extra arguments!");
        return (CMfailed);
    if (verbose) RGlibPauseOpen(argv[0]);

    data = new DBObjData();
    if (((argNum > 1) && (strcmp(argv[1], "-") != 0) ? data->Read(argv[1]) : data->Read(stdin)) == DBFault) {
        delete data;
        return (CMfailed);

    if (tableName == (char *) NULL) tableName = DBrNItems;

    if ((table = data->Table(tableName)) == (DBObjTable *) NULL) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Invalid table!");
        delete data;
        return (CMfailed);

    if (degFieldName != (char *) NULL) {
        if ((degField = table->Field(degFieldName)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) {
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Invalid degree field [%s]!", degFieldName);
            delete data;
            return (CMfailed);

    if (minFieldName != (char *) NULL) {
        if ((minField = table->Field(minFieldName)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) {
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Invalid min field [%s]!", minFieldName);
            delete data;
            return (CMfailed);

    if (secFieldName != (char *) NULL) {
        if (minField == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) {
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Minute field is not set!");
            delete data;
            return (CMfailed);
        if ((secField = table->Field(secFieldName)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) {
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Invalid second field [%s]", secFieldName);
            delete data;
            return (CMfailed);

    if (fieldName == (char *) NULL) fieldName = (char *) "Coord[ddd:mm\'ss\"]";
    if ((dstField = table->Field(fieldName)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) {
        dstField = new DBObjTableField(fieldName, DBTableFieldString, "%s", 16, false);

    for (recID = 0; recID < table->ItemNum(); ++recID) {
        record = table->Item(recID);

        if ((degField == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) ||
            ((deg = degField->Int(record)) == degField->IntNoData()))
            strcpy(coordStr, "");
        else if ((minField == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) ||
                 ((min = minField->Int(record)) == minField->IntNoData()))
            sprintf(coordStr, "%4d", deg);
        else if ((secField == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) ||
                 ((sec = secField->Int(record)) == secField->IntNoData()))
            sprintf(coordStr, "%4d:%02d", deg, min);
        else sprintf(coordStr, "%4d:%02d\'%02d\"", deg, min, sec);
        dstField->String(record, coordStr);

    ret = (argNum > 2) && (strcmp(argv[2], "-") != 0) ? data->Write(argv[2]) : data->Write(stdout);

    delete data;
    if (verbose) RGlibPauseClose();
    return (ret);
Example #13
void DBGridIF::Initialize(DBObjData *data, bool flat) {
    DBObjTableField *rowNumFLD;
    DBObjTableField *colNumFLD;
    DBObjTableField *cellWidthFLD;
    DBObjTableField *cellHeightFLD;
    DBObjTableField *valueTypeFLD;
    DBObjTableField *valueSizeFLD;
    DBObjRecord *layerRec;

    DataPTR = data;
    ItemTable = data->Table(DBrNItems);
    switch (data->Type()) {
        case DBTypeGridDiscrete:
            SymbolTable = data->Table(DBrNSymbols);
            AverageFLD = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
            StdDevFLD = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
            MinimumFLD = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
            MaximumFLD = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
            MissingValueFLD = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
            GridValueFLD = ItemTable->Field(DBrNGridValue);
            SymbolFLD = ItemTable->Field(DBrNSymbol);
            SymbolIDFLD = SymbolTable->Field(DBrNSymbolID);
            ForegroundFLD = SymbolTable->Field(DBrNForeground);
            BackgroundFLD = SymbolTable->Field(DBrNBackground);
            StyleFLD = SymbolTable->Field(DBrNStyle);
        case DBTypeGridContinuous:
            SymbolTable = (DBObjTable *) NULL;
            AverageFLD = ItemTable->Field(DBrNAverage);
            StdDevFLD = ItemTable->Field(DBrNStdDev);
            MinimumFLD = ItemTable->Field(DBrNMinimum);
            MaximumFLD = ItemTable->Field(DBrNMaximum);
            MissingValueFLD = ItemTable->Field(DBrNMissingValue);
            SymbolFLD = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
            SymbolIDFLD = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
            ForegroundFLD = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
            BackgroundFLD = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
            StyleFLD = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Invalid Data Type in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    LayerTable = data->Table(DBrNLayers);
    LayerFLD = LayerTable->Field(DBrNLayer);
    rowNumFLD = LayerTable->Field(DBrNRowNum);
    colNumFLD = LayerTable->Field(DBrNColNum);
    cellWidthFLD = LayerTable->Field(DBrNCellWidth);
    cellHeightFLD = LayerTable->Field(DBrNCellHeight);
    valueTypeFLD = LayerTable->Field(DBrNValueType);
    valueSizeFLD = LayerTable->Field(DBrNValueSize);

    layerRec = LayerTable->Item();
    DimensionVAR.Row = rowNumFLD->Int(layerRec);
    DimensionVAR.Col = colNumFLD->Int(layerRec);
    CellWidthVAR = cellWidthFLD->Float(layerRec);
    CellHeightVAR = cellHeightFLD->Float(layerRec);
    ValueTypeVAR = valueTypeFLD->Int(layerRec);
    ValueSizeVAR = valueSizeFLD->Int(layerRec);
    Flat = flat;
Example #14
		DBInt Foreground () const { return (ForegroundFLD->Int ((DBObjRecord *) this)); }
Example #15
void RGISAnNetworkStreamLinesCBK (Widget widget,RGISWorkspace *workspace,XmAnyCallbackStruct *callData)

	char *selection;
	DBDataset *dataset = UIDataset ();
	DBObjData *netData = dataset->Data ();
	DBObjTable *cellTable = netData->Table (DBrNCells);
	DBObjData *arcData = new DBObjData ("",DBTypeVectorLine);
	DBNetworkIF *netIF = new DBNetworkIF (netData);
	static Widget fieldSelect = (Widget) NULL;

	widget = widget; callData = callData;

	if (fieldSelect == (Widget) NULL)	fieldSelect = UISelectionCreate ((char *) "Select Field");
	if ((selection = UISelectObject (fieldSelect,(DBObjectLIST<DBObject> *) cellTable->Fields (),DBTableFieldIsInteger)) == (char *) NULL)
	if ((_RGISAnNetOrderField = cellTable->Field (selection)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
		{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Field Selection Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return; }
	arcData->Document (DBDocGeoDomain,netData->Document (DBDocGeoDomain));
	arcData->Document (DBDocSubject,"Stream Lines");
	if (UIDataHeaderForm (arcData))
		DBInt cellID;
		char objName [DBStringLength];
		DBVLineIF *lineIF = new DBVLineIF (arcData);
		DBObjTable *cellTable 	= netData->Table (DBrNCells);
		DBObjTable *lineTable 	= arcData->Table (DBrNItems);
		DBObjTableField *basinFLD  = new DBObjTableField (DBrNBasin,DBTableFieldInt,"%8d",sizeof (DBInt));
		DBObjTableField *fieldFLD  = new DBObjTableField (_RGISAnNetOrderField->Name (),
		                                                  _RGISAnNetOrderField->Type (),
		                                                  _RGISAnNetOrderField->Format (),
		                                                  _RGISAnNetOrderField->Length ());
		DBObjTableField *lengthFLD = new DBObjTableField (RGISNetStreamLength,DBTableFieldFloat,"%10.1f",sizeof (DBFloat4));
		DBObjTableField *areaFLD   = new DBObjTableField (RGISNetStreamArea,DBTableFieldFloat,"%10.1f",sizeof (DBFloat4));
		DBObjTableField *basinAreaFLD = new DBObjTableField (RGISNetBasinArea,DBTableFieldFloat,"%10.1f",sizeof (DBFloat4));
		DBObjTableField *nextFLD  = new DBObjTableField (RGISNetStreamNext,DBTableFieldInt,"%6d",sizeof (DBInt));
		DBObjRecord *cellRec, *toCellRec, *lineRec;

		arcData->Projection (netData->Projection ());
		arcData->Precision  (netData->Precision ());
		arcData->MaxScale   (netData->MaxScale ());
		arcData->MinScale   (netData->MinScale ());

		lineTable->AddField (basinFLD);
		lineTable->AddField (fieldFLD);
		lineTable->AddField (lengthFLD);
		lineTable->AddField (areaFLD);
		lineTable->AddField (basinAreaFLD);
		lineTable->AddField (nextFLD);

		cellTable->AddField (_RGISAnNetStreamIDFLD = new DBObjTableField ("StreamID",DBTableFieldInt,"%8d",sizeof (DBInt)));

		_RGISAnNetStreamID = 0;
		UIPauseDialogOpen ((char *) "Creating Stream Lines");
		cellID = netIF->CellNum () - 1;
		cellRec = netIF->Cell (cellID);
		if (lineIF->NewSymbol ("Default Symbol") == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
			{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Symbol Creation Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return; }

		for (;cellID >= 0;--cellID)
			cellRec = netIF->Cell (cellID);
			if (((toCellRec = netIF->ToCell (cellRec)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) ||
			    (_RGISAnNetOrderField->Int (cellRec) != _RGISAnNetOrderField->Int (toCellRec)) ||
	 		    (netIF->CellOrder (cellRec)          != netIF->CellOrder (toCellRec)))
				if (UIPause ((netIF->CellNum () - cellRec->RowID ()) * 100 / netIF->CellNum ())) goto Stop;
				sprintf (objName,"Line: %5d",_RGISAnNetStreamID + 1);
				if ((lineRec = lineIF->NewItem (objName)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
					{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Line Insertion Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return; }
				nextFLD->Int (lineRec,toCellRec == (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? 0 : _RGISAnNetStreamIDFLD->Int (toCellRec) + 1);
				basinFLD->Int (lineRec,netIF->CellBasinID (cellRec));
				fieldFLD->Int (lineRec,_RGISAnNetOrderField->Int (cellRec));

				_RGISAnNetVertex = 0;
				netIF->UpStreamSearch (_RGISAnNetworkCellRec = cellRec,(DBNetworkACTION) _RGISAnNetworkUpStreamAction);
				lineIF->FromNode (lineRec,lineIF->Node (netIF->Center (_RGISAnNetworkCellRec),true));
				lineIF->ToNode (lineRec,lineIF->Node (netIF->Center (cellRec) + netIF->Delta (cellRec),true));

				_RGISAnNetArea = netIF->CellArea (_RGISAnNetworkCellRec);
				if (_RGISAnNetVertex > 1)
					if (_RGISAnNetVertexNum < _RGISAnNetVertex - 1)
						_RGISAnNetCoord = (DBCoordinate *) realloc (_RGISAnNetCoord,(_RGISAnNetVertex - 1) * sizeof (DBCoordinate));
						if (_RGISAnNetCoord == (DBCoordinate *) NULL)
							{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "Memory Allocation Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return; }
					_RGISAnNetVertex = 0;
					netIF->DownStreamSearch (netIF->ToCell (_RGISAnNetworkCellRec),(DBNetworkACTION) _RGISAnNetworkDownStreamAction);
				else	_RGISAnNetVertex = 0;
				lineIF->Vertexes (lineRec,_RGISAnNetCoord,_RGISAnNetVertex);
				lineIF->ItemSymbol (lineRec,lineIF->Symbol (0));
				lengthFLD->Float (lineRec,netIF->CellBasinLength (cellRec));
				areaFLD->Float (lineRec,_RGISAnNetArea);
				basinAreaFLD->Float (lineRec,netIF->CellBasinArea (cellRec));
				_RGISAnNetStreamID += 1;
Stop:	UIPauseDialogClose ();
		if (_RGISAnNetCoord != (DBCoordinate *) NULL) free (_RGISAnNetCoord);

		delete lineIF;
		if (cellID >= 0) delete arcData;
		else	workspace->CurrentData (arcData);
	else delete arcData;
	delete netIF;
Example #16
void RGISAnalyseLineMSampleGridCBK (Widget widget, RGISWorkspace *workspace,XmAnyCallbackStruct *callData)

	DBInt layerID, layerNum;
	DBCoordinate coord;
	DBFloat realValue;
	DBDataset *dataset  = UIDataset ();
	DBObjData *dbData  = dataset->Data ();
	DBObjData *grdData  = dbData->LinkedData ();
	DBObjData *tblData;
	DBObjTable *table, *itemTable = dbData->Table (DBrNItems);
	DBObjTableField *lineIDFLD;
	DBObjTableField *layerIDFLD;
	DBObjTableField *layerNameFLD;
	DBObjTableField *fromValueFLD = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
	DBObjTableField *toValueFLD = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
	DBVLineIF	*lineIF = (DBVLineIF *)	 NULL;
	DBGridIF *gridIF;
	DBObjRecord *record, *layerRec, *tblRec;
	DBObjectLIST<DBObjTableField> *fields;

	widget = widget; callData = callData;

	gridIF = new DBGridIF (grdData);
	for (layerID = 0;layerID < gridIF->LayerNum ();++layerID)
		layerRec = gridIF->Layer (layerID);
		if ((layerRec->Flags () & DBObjectFlagIdle) != DBObjectFlagIdle) ++layerNum;
	if (layerNum < 1)
		{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "No Layer to Process in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); delete gridIF; return; }

	tblData  = new DBObjData ("",DBTypeTable);
	tblData->Document (DBDocGeoDomain,dbData->Document (DBDocGeoDomain));
	tblData->Document (DBDocSubject,grdData->Document (DBDocSubject));

	if (UIDataHeaderForm (tblData) == false) { delete gridIF; delete tblData; return; }
	table = tblData->Table (DBrNItems);

	lineIF = new DBVLineIF (dbData);

	table->AddField (lineIDFLD =		new DBObjTableField ("GHAASPointID",DBTableFieldInt,	"%8d",sizeof (DBInt)));
	table->AddField (layerIDFLD =		new DBObjTableField ("LayerID",		DBTableFieldInt,	"%4d",sizeof (DBShort)));
	table->AddField (layerNameFLD =	new DBObjTableField ("LayerName",	DBTableFieldString,"%s",DBStringLength));
	table->AddField (fromValueFLD =	new DBObjTableField (RGISLineFromNodeValue,DBTableFieldFloat,gridIF->ValueFormat (),sizeof (DBFloat4)));
	table->AddField (toValueFLD =		new DBObjTableField (RGISLineToNodeValue,DBTableFieldFloat,gridIF->ValueFormat (),sizeof (DBFloat4)));

	grdData->Flags (DBObjectFlagProcessed,DBSet);
	UIPauseDialogOpen ((char *) "Sampling Grid(s)");
	for (layerID = 0;layerID < gridIF->LayerNum ();++layerID)
		layerRec = gridIF->Layer (layerID);
		if ((layerRec->Flags () & DBObjectFlagIdle) == DBObjectFlagIdle) continue;
		for (record = itemTable->First ();record != (DBObjRecord *) NULL;record = itemTable->Next ())
			if (UIPause ((layerRec->RowID () * itemTable->ItemNum () + record->RowID ()) * 100 / (itemTable->ItemNum () * gridIF->LayerNum ()))) goto Stop;
			if ((record->Flags () & DBObjectFlagIdle) == DBObjectFlagIdle) continue;
			tblRec = table->Add (record->Name ());
			lineIDFLD->Int (tblRec,record->RowID () + 1);
			layerIDFLD->Int (tblRec,layerRec->RowID ());
			layerNameFLD->String (tblRec,layerRec->Name ());
			coord = lineIF->FromCoord (record);
			if (gridIF->Value (layerRec,coord,&realValue))
				fromValueFLD->Float (tblRec,realValue);
			coord = lineIF->ToCoord (record);
			if (gridIF->Value (layerRec,coord,&realValue))
				toValueFLD->Float (tblRec,realValue);
	UIPauseDialogClose ();
	delete gridIF;
	delete lineIF;

	fields = new DBObjectLIST<DBObjTableField> ("Field List");
	fields->Add (new DBObjTableField (*lineIDFLD));
	fields->Add (new DBObjTableField (*layerIDFLD));
	table->ListSort (fields);
	workspace->CurrentData  (tblData);
	delete fields;
Example #17
		void  Style (DBInt style) { StyleFLD->Int ((DBObjRecord *) this,style); }
Example #18
		DBInt Style () const { return (StyleFLD->Int ((DBObjRecord *) this)); }
Example #19
		void  Background (DBInt color) { BackgroundFLD->Int ((DBObjRecord *) this,color); }
Example #20
		DBInt Background () const { return (BackgroundFLD->Int ((DBObjRecord *) this)); }
Example #21
		void  Foreground (DBInt color) {  ForegroundFLD->Int ((DBObjRecord *) this,color); }
Example #22
int DBImportARCLine (DBObjData *vecData,const char *arcCov)

	FILE *inFile;
	DBInt arcNum, vertex, swap = DBByteOrder (DBByteOrderLITTLE), floatCov;
	char fileName [DBDataFileNameLen], objName [DBStringLength];
	short infoHeader [50];
	DBARCRecord arcRecord;
	DBObjTable  *lines;
	DBObjTable  *nodes;
	DBObjectLIST<DBObjRecord> *data;
	DBObjRecord *lineRec, *nodeRec, *dataRec;
	DBRegion dataExtent = vecData->Extent (), itemExtent;

	DBObjTableField *fromNodeFLD;
	DBObjTableField *toNodeFLD;
	DBObjTableField *leftPolyFLD;
	DBObjTableField *rightPolyFLD;
	DBObjTableField *vertexesFLD;
	DBObjTableField *vertexNumFLD;
	DBObjTableField *extentFLD;
	DBObjTableField *coordFLD;
	DBObjTableField *linkNumFLD;
	DBCoordinate *vertexes, nodeCoord;
	DBFloat4 floatVAR [2];

	switch (vecData->Type ())
		case DBTypeVectorLine:		lines = vecData->Table (DBrNItems);		break;
		case DBTypeVectorPolygon:	lines = vecData->Table (DBrNContours);	break;
		default: CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Invalide Vector Data Type in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault);

	fromNodeFLD	= lines->Field (DBrNFromNode);
	toNodeFLD	= lines->Field (DBrNToNode);
	leftPolyFLD	= lines->Field (DBrNLeftPoly);
	rightPolyFLD= lines->Field (DBrNRightPoly);
	vertexesFLD	= lines->Field (DBrNVertexes);
	vertexNumFLD= lines->Field (DBrNVertexNum);
	extentFLD	= lines->Field (DBrNRegion);

	nodes = vecData->Table (DBrNNodes);	
	coordFLD		= nodes->Field (DBrNCoord);
	linkNumFLD	= nodes->Field (DBrNLinkNum);
	data = vecData->Arrays ();
	sprintf (fileName,"%s/arc",arcCov);	
	if (access (fileName,R_OK) == DBFault) sprintf (fileName,"%s/arc.adf",arcCov);

	if ((inFile = fopen (fileName,"r")) == NULL)
		{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "File Opening Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
	if (fread (infoHeader,sizeof (short),50,inFile) != 50)
		{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "File Reading Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
	arcNum = 0;			
	for (lineRec = lines->First ();arcRecord.Read (inFile,swap) != DBFault;lineRec = lines->Next ())
		if (lineRec == NULL)
			sprintf (objName,"Line: %5d",arcRecord.ID () + 1);
			if ((lineRec = lines->Add (objName)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)	return (DBFault);
		else DBPause ((++arcNum * 100) / lines->ItemNum ());
		floatCov = arcRecord.RecordLength () - 12 == arcRecord.NumOfPnts () * (DBInt) sizeof (float) ? true : false;
		while (arcRecord.FromNode () > nodes->ItemNum ())
			sprintf (objName,"Node: %5d",nodes->ItemNum () + 1);
			nodes->Add (objName);
			if ((nodeRec = nodes->Item ()) == NULL) return (DBFault);
			linkNumFLD->Int (nodeRec,0);
		if ((nodeRec = nodes->Item (arcRecord.FromNode () - 1)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
			{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Node Not Found in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
		if (floatCov)
			if (fread (floatVAR,sizeof (floatVAR),1,inFile) != 1)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "File Reading Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
			if (swap)	{ DBByteOrderSwapWord (floatVAR); DBByteOrderSwapWord (floatVAR + 1); }
			nodeCoord.X = (DBFloat) floatVAR [0];
			nodeCoord.Y = (DBFloat) floatVAR [1];
			if (fread (&nodeCoord,sizeof (DBCoordinate),1,inFile) != 1)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "File Reading Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
			if (swap) nodeCoord.Swap ();
		coordFLD->Coordinate (nodeRec,nodeCoord);
		fromNodeFLD->Record	(lineRec,nodeRec);
		if (leftPolyFLD  != (DBObjTableField *) NULL) leftPolyFLD->Record  (lineRec,arcRecord.LeftPoly  ());
		if (rightPolyFLD != (DBObjTableField *) NULL) rightPolyFLD->Record (lineRec,arcRecord.RightPoly ());
		itemExtent.LowerLeft	 = nodeCoord;
		itemExtent.UpperRight = nodeCoord;
		linkNumFLD->Int (nodeRec,linkNumFLD->Int (nodeRec) + 1);
		if (arcRecord.NumOfPnts () > 2)
			if ((dataRec = data->Item (lineRec->RowID ())) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
				if ((dataRec = new DBObjRecord ("LineData",0,sizeof (DBFloat))) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) return (DBFault);
				data->Add (dataRec);
			dataRec->Realloc ((arcRecord.NumOfPnts () - 2) * sizeof (DBCoordinate));
			if ((vertexes = (DBCoordinate *) dataRec->Data ()) == NULL)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "Memory Allocation Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
			if (floatCov)
				for (vertex = 0;vertex < arcRecord.NumOfPnts () - 2;++vertex)
					if (fread (floatVAR,sizeof (floatVAR),1,inFile) != 1)
						{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "File Reading Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
					if (swap) { DBByteOrderSwapWord (floatVAR); DBByteOrderSwapWord (floatVAR + 1); }
					vertexes [vertex].X = (DBFloat) floatVAR [0];
					vertexes [vertex].Y = (DBFloat) floatVAR [1];
					dataExtent.Expand (vertexes [vertex]);
					itemExtent.Expand (vertexes [vertex]);
				for (vertex = 0;vertex < arcRecord.NumOfPnts () - 2;++vertex)
					if (fread (vertexes + vertex,sizeof (DBCoordinate),1,inFile) != 1)
						{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "File Reading Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
					if (swap) vertexes [vertex].Swap ();
					dataExtent.Expand (vertexes [vertex]);
					itemExtent.Expand (vertexes [vertex]);
			vertexesFLD->Record (lineRec,dataRec);
		else	vertexesFLD->Record (lineRec,(DBObjRecord *) NULL);
		vertexNumFLD->Int	  (lineRec,arcRecord.NumOfPnts () - 2);
		while (arcRecord.ToNode () > nodes->ItemNum ())
			sprintf (objName,"Node: %5d",nodes->ItemNum () + 1);
			nodes->Add (objName);
			if ((nodeRec = nodes->Item ()) == NULL) return (DBFault);
			linkNumFLD->Int (nodeRec,0);
		if ((nodeRec = nodes->Item (arcRecord.ToNode () - 1)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
			{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Node Not Found in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
		if (floatCov)
			if (fread (floatVAR,sizeof (floatVAR),1,inFile) != 1)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "File Reading Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
			if (swap)	{ DBByteOrderSwapWord (floatVAR); DBByteOrderSwapWord (floatVAR + 1); }
			nodeCoord.X = (DBFloat) floatVAR [0];
			nodeCoord.Y = (DBFloat) floatVAR [1];
			if (fread (&nodeCoord,sizeof (DBCoordinate),1,inFile) != 1)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "File Reading Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (DBFault); }
			if (swap) nodeCoord.Swap ();
		itemExtent.Expand (nodeCoord);
		coordFLD->Coordinate (nodeRec,nodeCoord);
		linkNumFLD->Int (nodeRec,linkNumFLD->Int (nodeRec) + 1);
		toNodeFLD->Record		(lineRec,nodeRec);
		extentFLD->Region		(lineRec,itemExtent);
	fclose (inFile);

	vertexesFLD->RecordProp ((DBInt) sizeof (DBFloat));
	vecData->Extent (dataExtent);
   vecData->Projection (DBMathGuessProjection (dataExtent));
	return (DBSuccess);
Example #23
static void _RGISToolsNetBasinMouthCBK (Widget widget,RGISWorkspace *workspace,XmAnyCallbackStruct *callData)

	DBDataset *dataset = UIDataset ();
	DBObjData *netData = dataset->Data (), *pntData;
	DBNetworkIF *netIF;

	widget = widget; callData = callData;

	if (netData == (DBObjData *) NULL)
		{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Null Data in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return; }
	netIF = new DBNetworkIF (netData);

	if (UIDataHeaderForm (pntData = new DBObjData ("",DBTypeVectorPoint)))
		char symName [DBStringLength];
		DBInt basinID, order;
		DBCoordinate coord;
		DBObjTable *items 	= pntData->Table (DBrNItems);
		DBObjTable *symbols	= pntData->Table (DBrNSymbols);
		DBObjTableField *coordField = items->Field (DBrNCoord);
		DBObjTableField *symbolFLD	 = items->Field (DBrNSymbol);
		DBObjTableField *orderFLD 	= new DBObjTableField (DBrNOrder,DBTableFieldInt,"%3d",sizeof (DBByte));
		DBObjTableField *subbasinLengthFLD = new DBObjTableField (DBrNSubbasinLength,DBTableFieldFloat,"%10.1f",sizeof (float));
		DBObjTableField *subbasinAreaFLD = new DBObjTableField (DBrNSubbasinArea,DBTableFieldFloat,"%10.1f",sizeof (float));
		DBObjTableField *foregroundFLD = symbols->Field (DBrNForeground);
		DBObjTableField *backgroundFLD = symbols->Field (DBrNBackground);
		DBObjTableField *styleFLD = symbols->Field (DBrNStyle);
		DBObjRecord *pntRec, *symRec, *cellRec, *basinRec;
		DBRegion dataExtent;

		items->AddField (orderFLD);
		items->AddField (subbasinLengthFLD);
		items->AddField (subbasinAreaFLD);

		cellRec = netIF->Cell ((DBInt) 0);
		for (order = 0;order <= netIF->CellOrder (cellRec);++order)
			sprintf (symName,"Strahler Order:%2d",order);
			symRec = symbols->Add (symName);
			styleFLD->Int (symRec,0);
			foregroundFLD->Int (symRec,1);
			backgroundFLD->Int (symRec,0);

		UIPauseDialogOpen ((char *) "Creating Basin Mouth");
		for (basinID = 0;basinID < netIF->BasinNum ();++basinID)
			basinRec = netIF->Basin (basinID);
			if (UIPause (basinID * 100 / netIF->BasinNum ())) goto Stop;

			symRec = symbols->Item (netIF->CellOrder (cellRec));
			cellRec = netIF->MouthCell (basinRec);
			pntRec = items->Add (basinRec->Name ());
			coord = netIF->Center (cellRec);
			coordField->Coordinate (pntRec,coord);
			symbolFLD->Record (pntRec,symRec);
			orderFLD->Int (pntRec,netIF->CellOrder (cellRec));
			subbasinLengthFLD->Float (pntRec,netIF->CellBasinLength (cellRec));
			subbasinAreaFLD->Float (pntRec,netIF->CellBasinArea (cellRec));
			dataExtent.Expand (coord);
		UIPauseDialogClose ();
		pntData->Extent (dataExtent);
		workspace->CurrentData  (pntData);
	else	delete pntData;
	delete netIF;
Example #24
DBInt RGlibRGIS2DataStream(DBObjData *grdData, DBObjData *tmplData, char *fieldName, FILE *outFile) {
    DBInt layerID, ret = DBSuccess, itemSize, itemID;
    DBInt intValue;
    DBFloat floatValue;
    void *data;
    MFVarHeader_t varHeader;
    DBObjRecord *layerRec, *gridRec;
    DBObjTableField *fieldPTR = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
    DBGridIF *gridIF;
    DBVPointIF *tmplPntIF = (DBVPointIF *) NULL;
    DBGridIF *tmplGrdIF = (DBGridIF *) NULL;
    DBNetworkIF *tmplNetIF = (DBNetworkIF *) NULL;

    gridIF = new DBGridIF(grdData);

    varHeader.Swap = 1;
    if (grdData->Type() == DBTypeGridDiscrete) {
        DBObjTable *itemTable = grdData->Table(DBrNItems);

        if (fieldName == (char *) NULL) fieldName = DBrNGridValue;
        if ((fieldPTR = itemTable->Field(fieldName)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) {
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Error: Invalid field [%s] in: %s %d", fieldName, __FILE__, __LINE__);
            return (DBFault);
        itemSize = fieldPTR->Length();
        switch (fieldPTR->Type()) {
            case DBTableFieldInt:
                switch (itemSize) {
                    case sizeof(DBByte):
                        varHeader.DataType = MFByte;
                    case sizeof(DBShort):
                        varHeader.DataType = MFShort;
                    case sizeof(DBInt):
                        varHeader.DataType = MFInt;
                varHeader.Missing.Int = fieldPTR->IntNoData();
            case DBTableFieldFloat:
                switch (itemSize) {
                    case sizeof(DBFloat4):
                        varHeader.DataType = MFFloat;
                    case sizeof(DBFloat):
                        varHeader.DataType = MFDouble;
                varHeader.Missing.Float = fieldPTR->FloatNoData();
    else {
        if (fieldName != (char *) NULL) CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Warning: Fieldname ignored for continuous grid!");
        itemSize = gridIF->ValueSize();
        switch (gridIF->ValueType()) {
            case DBVariableInt:
                switch (itemSize) {
                    case 1:
                        varHeader.DataType = MFByte;
                    case 2:
                        varHeader.DataType = MFShort;
                    case 4:
                        varHeader.DataType = MFInt;
                varHeader.Missing.Int = (int) gridIF->MissingValue();
            case DBVariableFloat:
                switch (itemSize) {
                    case 4:
                        varHeader.DataType = MFFloat;
                    case 8:
                        varHeader.DataType = MFDouble;
                varHeader.Missing.Float = gridIF->MissingValue();

    if (tmplData == (DBObjData *) NULL) {
        tmplGrdIF = gridIF;
        varHeader.ItemNum = gridIF->RowNum() * gridIF->ColNum();
    else {
        switch (tmplData->Type()) {
            case DBTypeVectorPoint:
                tmplPntIF = new DBVPointIF(tmplData);
                varHeader.ItemNum = tmplPntIF->ItemNum();
            case DBTypeGridContinuous:
            case DBTypeGridDiscrete:
                tmplGrdIF = new DBGridIF(tmplData);
                varHeader.ItemNum = gridIF->RowNum() * gridIF->ColNum();
            case DBTypeNetwork:
                tmplNetIF = new DBNetworkIF(tmplData);
                varHeader.ItemNum = tmplNetIF->CellNum();
                delete gridIF;
                return (DBFault);
    if ((data = (void *) calloc(varHeader.ItemNum, itemSize)) == (void *) NULL) {
        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error! Allocating %d items of %d size in: %s %d", varHeader.ItemNum, itemSize,
                   __FILE__, __LINE__);
        return (DBFault);

*                                                             *
* Point template                                              *
*                                                             *

    if (tmplPntIF != (DBVPointIF *) NULL) {
        DBObjRecord *pntRec;

        if (fieldPTR == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) {
            for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
                layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                strncpy(varHeader.Date, layerRec->Name(), MFDateStringLength - 1);
                for (itemID = 0; itemID < varHeader.ItemNum; ++itemID) {
                    pntRec = tmplPntIF->Item(itemID);
                    if ((varHeader.DataType == MFByte) || (varHeader.DataType == MFShort) ||
                        (varHeader.DataType == MFInt)) {
                        if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, tmplPntIF->Coordinate(pntRec), &intValue) == false)
                            intValue = varHeader.Missing.Int;
                        switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                            case MFByte:
                                ((char *) data)[itemID] = (char) intValue;
                            case MFShort:
                                ((short *) data)[itemID] = (short) intValue;
                            case MFInt:
                                ((int *) data)[itemID] = (short) intValue;
                    else {
                        if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, tmplPntIF->Coordinate(pntRec), &floatValue) == false)
                            floatValue = varHeader.Missing.Float;
                        switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                            case MFFloat:
                                ((float *) data)[itemID] = (float) floatValue;
                            case MFDouble:
                                ((double *) data)[itemID] = (double) floatValue;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(&varHeader, sizeof(MFVarHeader_t), 1, outFile) != 1) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing record header in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(data, itemSize, varHeader.ItemNum, outFile) != varHeader.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing data in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
        else {
            for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
                layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                strncpy(varHeader.Date, layerRec->Name(), MFDateStringLength - 1);
                for (itemID = 0; itemID < varHeader.ItemNum; ++itemID) {
                    pntRec = tmplPntIF->Item(itemID);
                    gridRec = gridIF->GridItem(layerRec, tmplPntIF->Coordinate(pntRec));
                    switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                        case MFByte:
                            ((char *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                        case MFShort:
                            ((short *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                        case MFInt:
                            ((int *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                        case MFFloat:
                            ((float *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->FloatNoData();
                        case MFDouble:
                            ((double *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->FloatNoData();
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(&varHeader, sizeof(MFVarHeader_t), 1, outFile) != 1) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing record header in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(data, itemSize, varHeader.ItemNum, outFile) != varHeader.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing data in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
        delete tmplPntIF;

*                                                             *
* Grid Template (default when no template coverage is given.  *
*                                                             *
    else if (tmplGrdIF != (DBGridIF *) NULL) {
        DBPosition pos;
        DBCoordinate coord;

        if (fieldPTR == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) {
            for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
                layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                strncpy(varHeader.Date, layerRec->Name(), MFDateStringLength - 1);
                for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < tmplGrdIF->RowNum(); ++pos.Row)
                    for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < tmplGrdIF->ColNum(); ++pos.Col) {
                        itemID = pos.Row * tmplGrdIF->ColNum() + pos.Col;
                        if ((varHeader.DataType == MFByte) || (varHeader.DataType == MFShort) ||
                            (varHeader.DataType == MFInt)) {
                            if (tmplGrdIF != gridIF) {
                                tmplGrdIF->Pos2Coord(pos, coord);
                                if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, coord, &intValue) == false)
                                    intValue = varHeader.Missing.Int;
                            else {
                                if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, pos, &intValue) == false) intValue = varHeader.Missing.Int;
                            switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                                case MFByte:
                                    ((char *) data)[itemID] = (char) intValue;
                                case MFShort:
                                    ((short *) data)[itemID] = (short) intValue;
                                case MFInt:
                                    ((int *) data)[itemID] = (short) intValue;
                        else {
                            if (tmplGrdIF != gridIF) {
                                tmplGrdIF->Pos2Coord(pos, coord);
                                if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, coord, &floatValue) == false)
                                    floatValue = varHeader.Missing.Float;
                            else {
                                if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, pos, &floatValue) == false)
                                    floatValue = varHeader.Missing.Float;
                            switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                                case MFFloat:
                                    ((float *) data)[itemID] = (float) floatValue;
                                case MFDouble:
                                    ((double *) data)[itemID] = (double) floatValue;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(&varHeader, sizeof(MFVarHeader_t), 1, outFile) != 1) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing record header in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(data, itemSize, varHeader.ItemNum, outFile) != varHeader.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing data in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
        else {
            for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
                layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                strncpy(varHeader.Date, layerRec->Name(), MFDateStringLength - 1);
                for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < tmplGrdIF->RowNum(); ++pos.Row)
                    for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < tmplGrdIF->ColNum(); ++pos.Col) {
                        itemID = pos.Row * tmplGrdIF->ColNum() + pos.Col;
                        if (tmplGrdIF != gridIF) {
                            tmplGrdIF->Pos2Coord(pos, coord);
                            gridRec = gridIF->GridItem(layerRec, coord);
                        else gridRec = gridIF->GridItem(layerRec, pos);
                        switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                            case MFByte:
                                ((char *) data)[itemID] = gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec)
                                                                                          : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                            case MFShort:
                                ((short *) data)[itemID] = gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec)
                                                                                           : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                            case MFInt:
                                ((int *) data)[itemID] = gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec)
                                                                                         : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                            case MFFloat:
                                ((float *) data)[itemID] = gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec)
                                                                                           : fieldPTR->FloatNoData();
                            case MFDouble:
                                ((double *) data)[itemID] = gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec)
                                                                                            : fieldPTR->FloatNoData();
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(&varHeader, sizeof(MFVarHeader_t), 1, outFile) != 1) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing record header in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(data, itemSize, varHeader.ItemNum, outFile) != varHeader.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing data in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
        if (tmplGrdIF != gridIF) delete tmplGrdIF;

*                                                             *
* Network Template                                            *
*                                                             *
    else if (tmplNetIF != (DBNetworkIF *) NULL) {
        DBObjRecord *cellRec;

        if (fieldPTR == (DBObjTableField *) NULL) {
            for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
                layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                strncpy(varHeader.Date, layerRec->Name(), MFDateStringLength - 1);
                for (itemID = 0; itemID < varHeader.ItemNum; ++itemID) {
                    cellRec = tmplNetIF->Cell(itemID);
                    if ((varHeader.DataType == MFByte) || (varHeader.DataType == MFShort) ||
                        (varHeader.DataType == MFInt)) {
                        if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, tmplNetIF->Center(cellRec), &intValue) == false)
                            intValue = varHeader.Missing.Int;
                        switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                            case MFByte:
                                ((char *) data)[itemID] = (char) intValue;
                            case MFShort:
                                ((short *) data)[itemID] = (short) intValue;
                            case MFInt:
                                ((int *) data)[itemID] = (short) intValue;
                    else {
                        if (gridIF->Value(layerRec, tmplNetIF->Center(cellRec), &floatValue) == false)
                            floatValue = varHeader.Missing.Float;
                        switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                            case MFFloat:
                                ((float *) data)[itemID] = (float) floatValue;
                            case MFDouble:
                                ((double *) data)[itemID] = (double) floatValue;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(&varHeader, sizeof(MFVarHeader_t), 1, outFile) != 1) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing record header in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(data, itemSize, varHeader.ItemNum, outFile) != varHeader.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing data in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
        else {
            for (layerID = 0; layerID < gridIF->LayerNum(); ++layerID) {
                layerRec = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                strncpy(varHeader.Date, layerRec->Name(), MFDateStringLength - 1);
                for (itemID = 0; itemID < varHeader.ItemNum; ++itemID) {
                    cellRec = tmplNetIF->Cell(itemID);
                    gridRec = gridIF->GridItem(layerRec, tmplNetIF->Center(cellRec));
                    switch (varHeader.DataType) {
                        case MFByte:
                            ((char *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                        case MFShort:
                            ((short *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                        case MFInt:
                            ((int *) data)[itemID] =
                                    gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Int(gridRec) : fieldPTR->IntNoData();
                        case MFFloat:
                            ((float *) data)[itemID] = gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Float(gridRec)
                                                                                       : fieldPTR->FloatNoData();
                        case MFDouble:
                            ((double *) data)[itemID] = gridRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL ? fieldPTR->Float(gridRec)
                                                                                        : fieldPTR->FloatNoData();
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(&varHeader, sizeof(MFVarHeader_t), 1, outFile) != 1) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing record header in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
                if ((DBInt) fwrite(data, itemSize, varHeader.ItemNum, outFile) != varHeader.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Writing data in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ret = DBFault;
        delete tmplNetIF;

    delete gridIF;
    return (ret);
Example #25
DBInt DBPointToGrid(DBObjData *pntData, DBObjData *netData, DBObjData *grdData) {
    DBInt i;
    DBPosition pos;
    DBObjTable *pntTable = pntData->Table(DBrNItems);
    DBObjTable *grdTable = grdData->Table(DBrNItems);
    DBObjTable *symTable = grdData->Table(DBrNSymbols);
    DBObjectLIST<DBObjTableField> *pntFields = pntTable->Fields();
    DBObjTableField *pntFLD;
    DBObjTableField *grdAttribFLD;
    DBObjTableField *grdFLD = grdTable->Field(DBrNGridValue);
    DBObjTableField *symFLD = grdTable->Field(DBrNSymbol);
    DBObjRecord *cellRec, *toCell, *pntRec, *itemRec;
    DBObjRecord *symRec = symTable->First();
    DBVPointIF *pntIF;
    DBNetworkIF *netIF;
    DBGridIF *grdIF;

    pntIF = new DBVPointIF(pntData);
    netIF = new DBNetworkIF(netData);
    grdIF = new DBGridIF(grdData);

    grdIF->RenameLayer(grdIF->Layer((DBInt) 0), (char *) "Subbasins");

    for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < grdIF->RowNum(); ++pos.Row)
        for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < grdIF->ColNum(); ++pos.Col) grdIF->Value(pos, DBFault);

    for (pntFLD = pntFields->First(); pntFLD != (DBObjTableField *) NULL; pntFLD = pntFields->Next())
        if (DBTableFieldIsVisible(pntFLD)) grdTable->AddField(new DBObjTableField(*pntFLD));

    for (i = 0; i < pntIF->ItemNum(); ++i) {
        DBPause(i * 100 / pntIF->ItemNum());
        pntRec = pntIF->Item(i);
        if ((pntRec->Flags() & DBObjectFlagIdle) == DBObjectFlagIdle) continue;
        if ((cellRec = netIF->Cell(pntIF->Coordinate(pntRec))) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) continue;

        itemRec = grdTable->Add(pntRec->Name());
        grdFLD->Int(itemRec, pntRec->RowID() + 1);
        symFLD->Record(itemRec, symRec);

        for (pntFLD = pntFields->First(); pntFLD != (DBObjTableField *) NULL; pntFLD = pntFields->Next())
            if ((grdAttribFLD = grdTable->Field(pntFLD->Name())) != (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
                switch (pntFLD->Type()) {
                    case DBTableFieldString:
                        grdAttribFLD->String(itemRec, pntFLD->String(pntRec));
                    case DBTableFieldInt:
                        grdAttribFLD->Int(itemRec, pntFLD->Int(pntRec));
                    case DBTableFieldFloat:
                        grdAttribFLD->Float(itemRec, pntFLD->Float(pntRec));
                    case DBTableFieldDate:
                        grdAttribFLD->Date(itemRec, pntFLD->Date(pntRec));
        grdIF->Value(netIF->CellPosition(cellRec), itemRec->RowID());

    for (i = 0; i < netIF->CellNum(); ++i) {
        if ((cellRec = netIF->Cell(i)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) continue;
        if ((itemRec = grdIF->GridItem(netIF->CellPosition(cellRec))) != (DBObjRecord *) NULL) continue;
        if ((toCell = netIF->ToCell(cellRec)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) continue;
        if ((itemRec = grdIF->GridItem(netIF->CellPosition(toCell))) != (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
            grdIF->Value(netIF->CellPosition(cellRec), itemRec->RowID());
    delete pntIF;
    delete netIF;
    delete grdIF;
    return (DBSuccess);
Example #26
DBInt RGlibDataStream2RGIS(DBObjData *outData, DBObjData *tmplData, FILE *inFile) {
    DBInt layerID = 0, itemSize;
    DBPosition pos;
    DBFloat val;
    void *data = (void *) NULL;
    MFVarHeader_t header;
    DBObjRecord *record;

    switch (tmplData->Type()) {
        case DBTypeVectorPoint: {
            DBInt itemID;
            DBDate date;
            DBObjTable *itemTable = outData->Table(DBrNItems);
            DBObjTableField *idField = new DBObjTableField("ItemID", DBTableFieldInt, "%6d", sizeof(DBInt), false);
            DBObjTableField *dateField = new DBObjTableField("Date", DBTableFieldDate, "%s", sizeof(DBDate), false);
            DBObjTableField *valField;
            DBVPointIF *pntIF = new DBVPointIF(tmplData);


            while (MFVarReadHeader(&header, inFile)) {
                if (header.ItemNum != pntIF->ItemNum()) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Error: Datastream inconsistency %d %d!", header.ItemNum,
                    return (DBFault);
                if (data == (void *) NULL) {
                    itemSize = MFVarItemSize(header.DataType);
                    if ((data = (void *) realloc(data, header.ItemNum * itemSize)) == (void *) NULL) {
                        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Memory allocation error in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                        return (DBFault);
                    switch (header.DataType) {
                        case MFByte:
                            valField = new DBObjTableField("Value", DBTableFieldInt, "%2d", sizeof(char), false);
                        case MFShort:
                            valField = new DBObjTableField("Value", DBTableFieldInt, "%4d", sizeof(DBShort), false);
                        case MFInt:
                            valField = new DBObjTableField("Value", DBTableFieldInt, "%8d", sizeof(DBInt), false);
                        case MFFloat:
                            valField = new DBObjTableField("Value", DBTableFieldFloat, "%8.2f", sizeof(DBFloat4),
                        case MFDouble:
                            valField = new DBObjTableField("Value", DBTableFieldFloat, "%8.2f", sizeof(DBFloat), false);
                if ((int) fread(data, itemSize, header.ItemNum, inFile) != header.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Data stream read in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    return (DBFault);
                for (itemID = 0; itemID < header.ItemNum; ++itemID) {
                    record = itemTable->Add(header.Date);
                    idField->Int(record, itemID);
                    dateField->Date(record, date);
/*					decDateField->Float (record,date);
*/                    switch (header.DataType) {
                        case MFByte:
                            valField->Int(record, ((char *) data)[itemID]);
                        case MFShort:
                            valField->Int(record, ((short *) data)[itemID]);
                        case MFInt:
                            valField->Int(record, ((int *) data)[itemID]);
                        case MFFloat:
                            valField->Float(record, ((float *) data)[itemID]);
                        case MFDouble:
                            valField->Float(record, ((double *) data)[itemID]);
            delete pntIF;
        case DBTypeGridContinuous:
        case DBTypeGridDiscrete: {
            DBGridIF *gridIF = new DBGridIF(outData);

            while (MFVarReadHeader(&header, inFile)) {
                if (header.ItemNum != gridIF->RowNum() * gridIF->ColNum()) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Error: Datastream inconsistency!");
                    return (DBFault);
                if (layerID == 0) {
                    itemSize = MFVarItemSize(header.DataType);
                    if ((data = (void *) realloc(data, header.ItemNum * itemSize)) == (void *) NULL) {
                        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Memory allocation error in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                        return (DBFault);
                    record = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                else record = gridIF->AddLayer(header.Date);

                switch (header.DataType) {
                    case MFByte:
                    case MFShort:
                    case MFInt:
                        gridIF->MissingValue(record, header.Missing.Int);
                    case MFFloat:
                    case MFDouble:
                        gridIF->MissingValue(record, header.Missing.Float);
                if ((int) fread(data, itemSize, header.ItemNum, inFile) != header.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Data stream read in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    return (DBFault);

                for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < gridIF->RowNum(); ++pos.Row)
                    for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < gridIF->ColNum(); ++pos.Col) {
                        switch (header.DataType) {
                            case MFByte:
                                val = (DBFloat) (((char *) data)[pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum() + pos.Col]);
                            case MFShort:
                                val = (DBFloat) (((short *) data)[pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum() + pos.Col]);
                            case MFInt:
                                val = (DBFloat) (((int *) data)[pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum() + pos.Col]);
                            case MFFloat:
                                val = (DBFloat) (((float *) data)[pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum() + pos.Col]);
                            case MFDouble:
                                val = (DBFloat) (((double *) data)[pos.Row * gridIF->ColNum() + pos.Col]);
                        gridIF->Value(record, pos, val);
        case DBTypeNetwork: {
            DBInt cellID;
            DBGridIF *gridIF = new DBGridIF(outData);
            DBNetworkIF *netIF = new DBNetworkIF(tmplData);

            while (MFVarReadHeader(&header, inFile)) {
                if (header.ItemNum != netIF->CellNum()) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgUsrError, "Error: Datastream inconsistency!");
                    return (DBFault);
                if (layerID == 0) {
                    itemSize = MFVarItemSize(header.DataType);
                    if ((data = (void *) realloc(data, header.ItemNum * itemSize)) == (void *) NULL) {
                        CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Memory allocation error in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                        return (DBFault);
                    record = gridIF->Layer(layerID);
                else record = gridIF->AddLayer(header.Date);
                if ((int) fread(data, itemSize, header.ItemNum, inFile) != header.ItemNum) {
                    CMmsgPrint(CMmsgSysError, "Error: Data stream read in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    delete netIF;
                    return (DBFault);

                for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < gridIF->RowNum(); ++pos.Row)
                    for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < gridIF->ColNum(); ++pos.Col)
                        gridIF->Value(record, pos, gridIF->MissingValue());

                for (cellID = 0; cellID < netIF->CellNum(); ++cellID) {
                    pos = netIF->CellPosition(netIF->Cell(cellID));

                    switch (header.DataType) {
                        case MFByte:
                            val = (DBFloat) (((char *) data)[cellID]);
                        case MFShort:
                            val = (DBFloat) (((short *) data)[cellID]);
                        case MFInt:
                            val = (DBFloat) (((int *) data)[cellID]);
                        case MFFloat:
                            val = (DBFloat) (((float *) data)[cellID]);
                        case MFDouble:
                            val = (DBFloat) (((double *) data)[cellID]);
                    gridIF->Value(record, pos, val);
    return (DBSuccess);
Example #27
int main (int argc,char *argv [])

	int argPos, argNum = argc, ret, verbose = false;
	DBInt recID;
	bool padding = false;
	char *tableName = (char *) NULL;
	char *fieldName = (char *) NULL;
	char *yearFieldName = (char *) NULL;
	char *monthFieldName = (char *) NULL;
	char *dayFieldName = (char *) NULL;
	char *hourFieldName = (char *) NULL;
	char *minFieldName = (char *) NULL;
	char *tmp = (char *) NULL;
	DBObjData *data;
	DBObjTable *table;
	DBObjTableField *srcField;
	DBObjTableField *yearField	= (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
	DBObjTableField *monthField= (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
	DBObjTableField *dayField	= (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
	DBObjTableField *hourField	= (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
	DBObjTableField *minField	= (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
	DBInt dbInputType = DBTableFieldInt;
	DBInt dbInputSize = sizeof(DBShort);
	DBDate date;
	DBObjRecord *record;

	for (argPos = 1;argPos < argNum; )
		if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-a","--table"))
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Missing table name!"); return (CMfailed); }
			tableName = argv [argPos];
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) break;
		if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-f","--field"))
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Missing field name!"); return (CMfailed); }
			fieldName = argv [argPos];
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) break;
		if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-y","--year"))
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Missing year field name!"); return (CMfailed); }
			yearFieldName = argv [argPos];
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) break;
		if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-m","--month"))
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Missing month field name!"); return (CMfailed); }
			monthFieldName = argv [argPos];
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) break;
		if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-d","--day"))
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Missing day field name!"); return (CMfailed); }
			dayFieldName = argv [argPos];
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) break;
		if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-o","--hour"))
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Missing hour field name!"); return (CMfailed); }
			hourFieldName = argv [argPos];
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) break;
		if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-i","--minute"))
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos)
				{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Missing minute field name!"); return (CMfailed); }
			minFieldName = argv [argPos];
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) break;
		if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-p","--padding"))
			padding = true;
			dbInputType = DBTableFieldString;
			dbInputSize = sizeof(DBByte) * 3;
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) break;
		if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-V","--verbose"))
			verbose = true;
			if ((argNum = CMargShiftLeft (argPos,argv,argNum)) <= argPos) break;
		if (CMargTest (argv [argPos],"-h","--help"))
			CMmsgPrint (CMmsgInfo,"%s [options] <input file> <output file>",CMfileName(argv[0]));
			CMmsgPrint (CMmsgInfo,"     -a,--table     [table name]");
			CMmsgPrint (CMmsgInfo,"     -f,--field     [field name]");
			CMmsgPrint (CMmsgInfo,"     -y,--year      [year field]");
			CMmsgPrint (CMmsgInfo,"     -m,--month     [month field]");
			CMmsgPrint (CMmsgInfo,"     -d,--day       [day field]");
			CMmsgPrint (CMmsgInfo,"     -o,--hour      [hour field]");
			CMmsgPrint (CMmsgInfo,"     -i,--minute    [minute field]");
			CMmsgPrint (CMmsgInfo,"     -p,--padding");
			CMmsgPrint (CMmsgInfo,"     -V,--verbose");
			CMmsgPrint (CMmsgInfo,"     -h,--help");
			return (DBSuccess);
		if ((argv [argPos][0] == '-') && ((int) strlen (argv [argPos]) > 1))
			{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Unknown option: %s!",argv [argPos]); return (CMfailed); }

	if (argNum > 3) { CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Extra arguments!"); return (CMfailed); }
	if (verbose) RGlibPauseOpen (argv[0]);

	data = new DBObjData ();
	if (((argNum > 1) && (strcmp (argv [1],"-") != 0) ? data->Read (argv [1]) : data->Read (stdin)) == DBFault)
		{ delete data; return (CMfailed); }

	if (tableName == (char *) NULL) tableName = DBrNItems;

	if ((table = data->Table (tableName)) == (DBObjTable *) NULL)
		{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Invalid table!"); delete data; return (CMfailed); }

	if (fieldName == (char *) NULL) fieldName = (char *) "Date";
	if ((srcField = table->Field (fieldName)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
		{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Missing date field!"); delete data; return (CMfailed); }
	if ((srcField->Type () != DBTableFieldString) &&
		 (srcField->Type () != DBTableFieldDate))
		{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Invalid date field!"); delete data; return (CMfailed); }

	if (yearFieldName != (char *) NULL)
		if ((yearField = table->Field (yearFieldName)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
			yearField = new DBObjTableField (yearFieldName,DBTableFieldInt,"%4d",sizeof(DBShort),false);
			table->AddField (yearField);

	if (monthFieldName != (char *) NULL)
		if ((monthField = table->Field (monthFieldName)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
			monthField = new DBObjTableField (monthFieldName,dbInputType,"%2d",dbInputSize,false);
			table->AddField (monthField);

	if (dayFieldName != (char *) NULL)
		if (monthField == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
			{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Month field is not set!"); delete data; return (CMfailed); }
		if ((dayField = table->Field (dayFieldName)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
			dayField = new DBObjTableField (dayFieldName,dbInputType,"%2d",dbInputSize,false);
			table->AddField (dayField);

	if (hourFieldName != (char *) NULL)
		if (dayField == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
			{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Day field is not set!"); delete data; return (CMfailed); }
		if ((hourField = table->Field (hourFieldName)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
			hourField = new DBObjTableField (hourFieldName,dbInputType,"%2d",dbInputSize,false);
			table->AddField (hourField);

	if (minFieldName != (char *) NULL)
		if (hourField == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
			{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgUsrError,"Hour field is not set!"); delete data; return (CMfailed); }
		if ((minField = table->Field (minFieldName)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
			minField = new DBObjTableField (minFieldName,dbInputType,"%2d",dbInputSize,false);
			table->AddField (minField);

	for (recID = 0;recID < table->ItemNum ();++recID)
		record = table->Item (recID);
		if (srcField->Type () == DBTableFieldString)
				date.Set (srcField->String (record));
		else	date = srcField->Date (record);
		if (yearField  != (DBObjTableField *) NULL) yearField->Int(record,date.Year ());
			if (monthField != (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
				if (date.Month() != DBDefaultMissingIntVal) monthField->String (record,tmp = _CMDpadit(date.Month() + 1,false));
				else monthField->String (record,tmp = _CMDpadit(date.Month(),false));
			if (dayField   != (DBObjTableField *) NULL) { dayField->String (record,tmp = _CMDpadit(date.Day(),false)); free(tmp); }
			if (hourField  != (DBObjTableField *) NULL) { hourField->String (record,tmp = _CMDpadit(date.Hour(),false)); free(tmp); }
			if (minField   != (DBObjTableField *) NULL) { minField->String (record,tmp = _CMDpadit(date.Minute(),false)); free(tmp); }
			if (monthField != (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
				if (date.Month() != DBDefaultMissingIntVal) monthField->Int(record,date.Month () + 1);
				else monthField->Int (record,DBDefaultMissingIntVal);
			if (dayField   != (DBObjTableField *) NULL) dayField->Int (record,date.Day ());
			if (hourField  != (DBObjTableField *) NULL) hourField->Int(record,date.Hour ());
			if (minField   != (DBObjTableField *) NULL) minField->Int (record,date.Minute ());
	ret = (argNum > 2) && (strcmp (argv [2],"-") != 0) ? data->Write (argv [2]) : data->Write (stdout);

	delete data;
	if (verbose) RGlibPauseClose ();
	return (ret);
Example #28
		DBInt SymbolID () const { return (SymbolIDFLD->Int ((DBObjRecord *) this)); }
Example #29
void RGISAnalyseLineSSampleGridCBK (Widget widget, RGISWorkspace *workspace,XmAnyCallbackStruct *callData)

	char *fText;
	int allowOk;
	static int sample;
	DBDataset *dataset = UIDataset ();
	DBObjData *dbData  = dataset->Data (), *grdData = dbData->LinkedData ();
	DBObjTable *itemTable = dbData->Table (DBrNItems);
	static Widget dShell = (Widget) NULL, mainForm;
	static Widget fromNameTextF, toNameTextF;
	XmString string;

	widget = widget;	workspace = workspace; callData = callData;
	_RGISAnLineSampleGridFields = itemTable->Fields ();
	if (dShell == (Widget) NULL)
		Widget button;

		dShell = UIDialogForm ((char *) "Single Layer Grid Sampling",false);
		mainForm = UIDialogFormGetMainForm (dShell);

		string = XmStringCreate ((char *) "Select",UICharSetBold);
		button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("RGISAnalyseLineSSampleNameButton",xmPushButtonWidgetClass,mainForm,
								XmNtopAttachment,			XmATTACH_FORM,
								XmNtopOffset,				10,
								XmNrightAttachment,		XmATTACH_FORM,
								XmNrightOffset,			10,
								XmNmarginHeight,			5,
								XmNtraversalOn,			False,
								XmNlabelString,			string,
								XmNuserData,				grdData->Type () == DBTypeGridContinuous ? DBTableFieldIsNumeric : DBTableFieldIsCategory,
		XmStringFree (string);
		fromNameTextF = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("RGISAnalyseLineSSampleNameTextF",xmTextFieldWidgetClass,mainForm,
								XmNtopAttachment,			XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET,
								XmNtopWidget,				button,
								XmNrightAttachment,		XmATTACH_WIDGET,
								XmNrightWidget,			button,
								XmNrightOffset,			10,
								XmNbottomAttachment,		XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET,
								XmNbottomWidget,			button,
								XmNmaxLength,				DBStringLength,
								XmNcolumns,					DBStringLength / 2,
		XtAddCallback (button,XmNactivateCallback,(XtCallbackProc) _RGIAnalyseLineSSampleGridSSelectCBK,fromNameTextF);
		string = XmStringCreate ((char *) "From Field:",UICharSetBold);
		XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("RGISAnalyseLineSSampleNameLabel",xmLabelWidgetClass,mainForm,
								XmNtopAttachment,			XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET,
								XmNtopWidget,				button,
								XmNleftAttachment,		XmATTACH_FORM,
								XmNleftOffset,				10,
								XmNrightAttachment,		XmATTACH_WIDGET,
								XmNrightWidget,			fromNameTextF,
								XmNrightOffset,			10,
								XmNbottomAttachment,		XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET,
								XmNbottomWidget,			button,
								XmNlabelString,			string,
		XmStringFree (string);

		string = XmStringCreate ((char *) "Select",UICharSetBold);
		button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("RGISAnalyseLineSSampleNameButton",xmPushButtonWidgetClass,mainForm,
								XmNtopAttachment,			XmATTACH_WIDGET,
								XmNtopWidget,				button,
								XmNtopOffset,				10,
								XmNrightAttachment,		XmATTACH_FORM,
								XmNrightOffset,			10,
								XmNbottomAttachment,		XmATTACH_FORM,
								XmNbottomOffset,			10,
								XmNmarginHeight,			5,
								XmNtraversalOn,			False,
								XmNlabelString,			string,
								XmNuserData,				grdData->Type () == DBTypeGridContinuous ? DBTableFieldIsNumeric : DBTableFieldIsCategory,
		XmStringFree (string);
		toNameTextF = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("RGISAnalyseLineSSampleNameTextF",xmTextFieldWidgetClass,mainForm,
								XmNtopAttachment,			XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET,
								XmNtopWidget,				button,
								XmNrightAttachment,		XmATTACH_WIDGET,
								XmNrightWidget,			button,
								XmNrightOffset,			10,
								XmNbottomAttachment,		XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET,
								XmNbottomWidget,			button,
								XmNmaxLength,				DBStringLength,
								XmNcolumns,					DBStringLength / 2,
		XtAddCallback (button,XmNactivateCallback,(XtCallbackProc) _RGIAnalyseLineSSampleGridSSelectCBK,toNameTextF);
		string = XmStringCreate ((char *) "To Field:",UICharSetBold);
		XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("RGISAnalyseLineSSampleNameLabel",xmLabelWidgetClass,mainForm,
								XmNtopAttachment,			XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET,
								XmNtopWidget,				button,
								XmNleftAttachment,		XmATTACH_FORM,
								XmNleftOffset,				10,
								XmNrightAttachment,		XmATTACH_WIDGET,
								XmNrightWidget,			toNameTextF,
								XmNrightOffset,			10,
								XmNbottomAttachment,		XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET,
								XmNbottomWidget,			button,
								XmNlabelString,			string,
		XmStringFree (string);
		XtAddCallback (UIDialogFormGetOkButton (dShell),XmNactivateCallback,(XtCallbackProc) UIAuxSetBooleanTrueCBK,&sample);

	sample = false;
	UIDialogFormPopup (dShell);
	while (UILoop ())
		allowOk = false;
		fText = XmTextFieldGetString (fromNameTextF);
		if (strlen (fText) > 0) allowOk = true;
		XtFree (fText);
		fText = XmTextFieldGetString (toNameTextF);
		if (strlen (fText) > 0) allowOk = true;
		XtFree (fText);
		XtSetSensitive (UIDialogFormGetOkButton (dShell),allowOk);
	UIDialogFormPopdown (dShell);

	if (sample)
		DBInt ret;
		DBFloat value;
		DBCoordinate coord;
		DBGridIF *gridIF = new DBGridIF (grdData);
		DBVLineIF *lineIF = new DBVLineIF (dbData);
		DBObjTableField *fromField;
		DBObjTableField *toField;
		DBObjRecord *record;

		fText = XmTextFieldGetString (fromNameTextF);
		if (strlen (fText) > 0)
			if ((fromField = itemTable->Field (fText)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
				itemTable->AddField (fromField = new DBObjTableField (fText,DBTableFieldFloat,"%10.3f",sizeof (DBFloat4)));
		else	fromField = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
		XtFree (fText);
		fText = XmTextFieldGetString (toNameTextF);
		if (strlen (fText) > 0)
			if ((toField = itemTable->Field (fText)) == (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
				itemTable->AddField (toField = new DBObjTableField (fText,DBTableFieldFloat,"%10.3f",sizeof (DBFloat4)));
		else	toField = (DBObjTableField *) NULL;
		XtFree (fText);

		UIPauseDialogOpen ((char *) "Sampling Grid");
		for (record = itemTable->First ();record != (DBObjRecord *) NULL;record = itemTable->Next ())
			if (UIPause (record->RowID () * 100 / itemTable->ItemNum ())) goto Stop;
			if (fromField != (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
				coord = lineIF->FromCoord (record);
				ret = gridIF->Value (coord,&value);
				if (fromField->Type () == DBTableFieldFloat)
					if (ret)	fromField->Float (record,value);
					else		fromField->Float (record,fromField->FloatNoData ());
					if (ret)	fromField->Int (record,(DBInt) value);
					else		fromField->Int (record,fromField->IntNoData ());
			if (toField != (DBObjTableField *) NULL)
				coord = lineIF->ToCoord (record);
				ret = gridIF->Value (coord,&value);
				if (toField->Type () == DBTableFieldFloat)
					if (ret)	toField->Float (record,value);
					else		toField->Float (record,toField->FloatNoData ());
					if (ret)	toField->Int (record,(DBInt) value);
					else		toField->Int (record,toField->IntNoData ());
		UIPauseDialogClose ();
		delete lineIF;
		delete gridIF;
Example #30
DBObjData *DBNetworkToGrid(DBObjData *netData, DBInt type) {
    DBPosition pos;
    DBObjData *grdData = new DBObjData("", type);
    DBObjRecord *layerRec, *dataRec;
    DBObjTable *layerTable = grdData->Table(DBrNLayers);
    DBObjTable *itemTable = grdData->Table(DBrNItems);
    DBObjTableField *rowNumFLD = layerTable->Field(DBrNRowNum);
    DBObjTableField *colNumFLD = layerTable->Field(DBrNColNum);
    DBObjTableField *cellWidthFLD = layerTable->Field(DBrNCellWidth);
    DBObjTableField *cellHeightFLD = layerTable->Field(DBrNCellHeight);
    DBObjTableField *valueTypeFLD = layerTable->Field(DBrNValueType);
    DBObjTableField *valueSizeFLD = layerTable->Field(DBrNValueSize);
    DBObjTableField *layerFLD = layerTable->Field(DBrNLayer);
    DBNetworkIF *netIF;
    DBGridIF *gridIF;

    grdData->Document(DBDocGeoDomain, netData->Document(DBDocGeoDomain));

    netIF = new DBNetworkIF(netData);

    if ((layerRec = layerTable->Item()) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) {
        delete netIF;
        return ((DBObjData *) NULL);
    rowNumFLD->Int(layerRec, netIF->RowNum());
    colNumFLD->Int(layerRec, netIF->ColNum());
    cellWidthFLD->Float(layerRec, netIF->CellWidth());
    cellHeightFLD->Float(layerRec, netIF->CellHeight());
    switch (type) {
        case DBTypeGridContinuous:
            valueTypeFLD->Int(layerRec, DBTableFieldFloat);
            valueSizeFLD->Int(layerRec, sizeof(DBFloat));
        case DBTypeGridDiscrete:
            valueTypeFLD->Int(layerRec, DBTableFieldInt);
            valueSizeFLD->Int(layerRec, sizeof(DBInt));
            CMmsgPrint(CMmsgAppError, "Invalid Data Type in: %s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
            delete grdData;
            delete netIF;
            return ((DBObjData *) NULL);
    if ((dataRec = new DBObjRecord(layerRec->Name(),
                                   ((size_t) netIF->ColNum()) * netIF->RowNum() * valueSizeFLD->Int(layerRec),
                                   valueSizeFLD->Int(layerRec))) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) {
        delete netIF;
        return ((DBObjData *) NULL);
    layerFLD->Record(layerRec, dataRec);

    gridIF = new DBGridIF(grdData);
    if (type == DBTypeGridContinuous) {
        DBObjTableField *missingValueFLD = itemTable->Field(DBrNMissingValue);
        missingValueFLD->Float(itemTable->Item(layerRec->Name()), DBDefaultMissingFloatVal);
        for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < netIF->RowNum(); pos.Row++)
            for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < netIF->ColNum(); pos.Col++)
                gridIF->Value(layerRec, pos, DBDefaultMissingFloatVal);
    else {
        DBObjTable *symbolTable = grdData->Table(DBrNSymbols);
        DBObjTableField *foregroundFLD = symbolTable->Field(DBrNForeground);
        DBObjTableField *backgroundFLD = symbolTable->Field(DBrNBackground);
        DBObjTableField *styleFLD = symbolTable->Field(DBrNStyle);
        DBObjRecord *symbolRec = symbolTable->Add("Default Symbol");

        foregroundFLD->Int(symbolRec, 1);
        backgroundFLD->Int(symbolRec, 0);
        styleFLD->Int(symbolRec, 0);
        for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < netIF->RowNum(); pos.Row++)
            for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < netIF->ColNum(); pos.Col++)
                gridIF->Value(layerRec, pos, 0);
    delete netIF;
    delete gridIF;
    return (grdData);