inline void dijkstra_shortest_paths (const VertexListGraph& g, SourceInputIter s_begin, SourceInputIter s_end, PredecessorMap predecessor, DistanceMap distance, WeightMap weight, IndexMap index_map, Compare compare, Combine combine, DistInf inf, DistZero zero, DijkstraVisitor vis, ColorMap color) { typedef typename property_traits<ColorMap>::value_type ColorValue; typedef color_traits<ColorValue> Color; typename graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::vertex_iterator ui, ui_end; for (boost::tie(ui, ui_end) = vertices(g); ui != ui_end; ++ui) { vis.initialize_vertex(*ui, g); put(distance, *ui, inf); put(predecessor, *ui, *ui); put(color, *ui, Color::white()); } for (SourceInputIter it = s_begin; it != s_end; ++it) { put(distance, *it, zero); } dijkstra_shortest_paths_no_init(g, s_begin, s_end, predecessor, distance, weight, index_map, compare, combine, zero, vis, color); }
inline void dag_shortest_paths (const VertexListGraph& g, typename graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::vertex_descriptor s, DistanceMap distance, WeightMap weight, ColorMap color, PredecessorMap pred, DijkstraVisitor vis, Compare compare, Combine combine, DistInf inf, DistZero zero) { typedef typename graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex; std::vector<Vertex> rev_topo_order; rev_topo_order.reserve(num_vertices(g)); // Call 'depth_first_visit', not 'topological_sort', because we don't // want to traverse the entire graph, only vertices reachable from 's', // and 'topological_sort' will traverse everything. The logic below // is the same as for 'topological_sort', only we call 'depth_first_visit' // and 'topological_sort' calls 'depth_first_search'. topo_sort_visitor<std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<Vertex> > > topo_visitor(std::back_inserter(rev_topo_order)); depth_first_visit(g, s, topo_visitor, color); typename graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::vertex_iterator ui, ui_end; for (boost::tie(ui, ui_end) = vertices(g); ui != ui_end; ++ui) { put(distance, *ui, inf); put(pred, *ui, *ui); } put(distance, s, zero); vis.discover_vertex(s, g); typename std::vector<Vertex>::reverse_iterator i; for (i = rev_topo_order.rbegin(); i != rev_topo_order.rend(); ++i) { Vertex u = *i; vis.examine_vertex(u, g); typename graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::out_edge_iterator e, e_end; for (boost::tie(e, e_end) = out_edges(u, g); e != e_end; ++e) { vis.discover_vertex(target(*e, g), g); bool decreased = relax(*e, g, weight, pred, distance, combine, compare); if (decreased) vis.edge_relaxed(*e, g); else vis.edge_not_relaxed(*e, g); } vis.finish_vertex(u, g); } }
inline void parallel_dijkstra_shortest_paths (const VertexListGraph& g, RootVertexMap root_vertex_map, PredecessorMap predecessor_map, DistanceMap distance_map, WeightMap weight_map, IndexMap index_map, Compare compare, Combine combine, DistInf inf, DistZero zero, DijkstraVisitor vis, ColorMap color_map) { using boost::vertices; // TODO VertexList and IncidentGraph CenceptCheck typedef typename boost::property_traits<RootVertexMap>::value_type RootVertex; typedef typename boost::graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex; boost::function_requires< boost::Convertible<RootVertex, Vertex> >(); typedef typename boost::property_traits<ColorMap>::value_type ColorValue; typedef boost::color_traits<ColorValue> Color; typename boost::graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::vertex_iterator vi, vi_end; for (boost::tie(vi, vi_end) = vertices(g); vi != vi_end; ++vi) { vis.initialize_vertex(*vi, g); if (get(root_vertex_map, *vi) != false) { put(distance_map, *vi, zero); } else { put(distance_map, *vi, inf); } put(predecessor_map, *vi, *vi); put(color_map, *vi, Color::white()); } parallel_dijkstra_shortest_paths_no_init (g, root_vertex_map, predecessor_map, distance_map, weight_map, index_map, compare, combine, zero, vis, color_map); }
inline void dag_shortest_paths (const VertexListGraph& g, typename graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::vertex_descriptor s, DistanceMap distance, WeightMap weight, ColorMap color, PredecessorMap pred, DijkstraVisitor vis, Compare compare, Combine combine, DistInf inf, DistZero zero) { typedef typename graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex; std::vector<Vertex> rev_topo_order; rev_topo_order.reserve(num_vertices(g)); topological_sort(g, std::back_inserter(rev_topo_order)); typename graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::vertex_iterator ui, ui_end; for (tie(ui, ui_end) = vertices(g); ui != ui_end; ++ui) { put(distance, *ui, inf); put(pred, *ui, *ui); } put(distance, s, zero); vis.discover_vertex(s, g); std::vector<Vertex>::reverse_iterator i; for (i = rev_topo_order.rbegin(); i != rev_topo_order.rend(); ++i) { Vertex u = *i; vis.examine_vertex(u, g); typename graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::out_edge_iterator e, e_end; for (tie(e, e_end) = out_edges(u, g); e != e_end; ++e) { vis.discover_vertex(target(*e, g), g); bool decreased = relax(*e, g, weight, pred, distance, combine, compare); if (decreased) vis.edge_relaxed(*e, g); else vis.edge_not_relaxed(*e, g); } vis.finish_vertex(u, g); } }
void dijkstra_shortest_paths_no_color_map_no_init (const Graph& graph, typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor start_vertex, PredecessorMap predecessor_map, DistanceMap distance_map, WeightMap weight_map, VertexIndexMap index_map, DistanceCompare distance_compare, DistanceWeightCombine distance_weight_combine, DistanceInfinity distance_infinity, DistanceZero distance_zero, DijkstraVisitor visitor) { typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex; typedef typename property_traits<DistanceMap>::value_type Distance; typedef indirect_cmp<DistanceMap, DistanceCompare> DistanceIndirectCompare; DistanceIndirectCompare distance_indirect_compare(distance_map, distance_compare); // Choose vertex queue type #if BOOST_GRAPH_DIJKSTRA_USE_RELAXED_HEAP typedef relaxed_heap<Vertex, DistanceIndirectCompare, VertexIndexMap> VertexQueue; VertexQueue vertex_queue(num_vertices(graph), distance_indirect_compare, index_map); #else // Default - use d-ary heap (d = 4) typedef detail::vertex_property_map_generator<Graph, VertexIndexMap, std::size_t> IndexInHeapMapHelper; typedef typename IndexInHeapMapHelper::type IndexInHeapMap; typedef d_ary_heap_indirect<Vertex, 4, IndexInHeapMap, DistanceMap, DistanceCompare> VertexQueue; boost::scoped_array<std::size_t> index_in_heap_map_holder; IndexInHeapMap index_in_heap = IndexInHeapMapHelper::build(graph, index_map, index_in_heap_map_holder); VertexQueue vertex_queue(distance_map, index_in_heap, distance_compare); #endif // Add vertex to the queue vertex_queue.push(start_vertex); // Starting vertex will always be the first discovered vertex visitor.discover_vertex(start_vertex, graph); while (!vertex_queue.empty()) { Vertex min_vertex =; vertex_queue.pop(); visitor.examine_vertex(min_vertex, graph); // Check if any other vertices can be reached Distance min_vertex_distance = get(distance_map, min_vertex); if (!distance_compare(min_vertex_distance, distance_infinity)) { // This is the minimum vertex, so all other vertices are unreachable return; } // Examine neighbors of min_vertex BGL_FORALL_OUTEDGES_T(min_vertex, current_edge, graph, Graph) { visitor.examine_edge(current_edge, graph); // Check if the edge has a negative weight if (distance_compare(get(weight_map, current_edge), distance_zero)) { boost::throw_exception(negative_edge()); } // Extract the neighboring vertex and get its distance Vertex neighbor_vertex = target(current_edge, graph); Distance neighbor_vertex_distance = get(distance_map, neighbor_vertex); bool is_neighbor_undiscovered = !distance_compare(neighbor_vertex_distance, distance_infinity); // Attempt to relax the edge bool was_edge_relaxed = relax(current_edge, graph, weight_map, predecessor_map, distance_map, distance_weight_combine, distance_compare); if (was_edge_relaxed) { visitor.edge_relaxed(current_edge, graph); if (is_neighbor_undiscovered) { visitor.discover_vertex(neighbor_vertex, graph); vertex_queue.push(neighbor_vertex); } else { vertex_queue.update(neighbor_vertex); } } else { visitor.edge_not_relaxed(current_edge, graph); } } // end out edge iteration visitor.finish_vertex(min_vertex, graph); } // end while queue not empty