void ChangeExpiryCommand::Private::showErrorDialog( const Error & err ) {
    error( i18n("<p>An error occurred while trying to change "
                "the expiry date for <b>%1</b>:</p><p>%2</p>",
                Formatting::formatForComboBox( key ),
                QString::fromLocal8Bit( err.asString() ) ),
           i18n("Expiry Date Change Error") );
void ChangeOwnerTrustCommand::Private::showErrorDialog(const Error &err)
    error(i18n("<p>An error occurred while trying to change "
               "the certification trust for <b>%1</b>:</p><p>%2</p>",
          i18n("Certification Trust Change Error"));
static QString format_error( const Error & err ) {
    if ( err.isCanceled() )
        return i18nc("@info","Canceled setting PIN.");
    if ( err )
        return i18nc("@info",
                     "There was an error setting the PIN: <message>%1</message>.",
                     Qt::escape( QString::fromLocal8Bit( err.asString() ) ) );
        return i18nc("@info","PIN set successfully.");