Example #1
Fixture* Fixture::loader(QDomDocument* doc, QDomElement* root)
	Fixture* fxi = NULL;
	QLCFixtureDef* fixtureDef = NULL;
	QLCFixtureMode* fixtureMode = NULL;
	QString manufacturer;
	QString model;
	QString modeName;
	QString name;
	t_fixture_id id = KNoID;
	t_channel universe = 0;
	t_channel address = 0;
	t_channel channels = 0;
	QDomNode node;
	QDomElement tag;
	QDomElement consoletag;
	Q_ASSERT(doc != NULL);
	Q_ASSERT(root != NULL);

	if (root->tagName() != KXMLFixture)
		qWarning("Fixture instance node not found!");
		return NULL;

	node = root->firstChild();
	while (node.isNull() == false)
		tag = node.toElement();
		if (tag.tagName() == KXMLQLCFixtureDefManufacturer)
			manufacturer = tag.text();
		else if (tag.tagName() == KXMLQLCFixtureDefModel)
			model = tag.text();
		else if (tag.tagName() == KXMLQLCFixtureMode)
			modeName = tag.text();
		else if (tag.tagName() == KXMLFixtureID)
			id = tag.text().toInt();
		else if (tag.tagName() == KXMLFixtureName)
			name = tag.text();
		else if (tag.tagName() == KXMLFixtureUniverse)
			universe = tag.text().toInt();
		else if (tag.tagName() == KXMLFixtureAddress)
			address = tag.text().toInt();
		else if (tag.tagName() == KXMLFixtureChannels)
			channels = tag.text().toInt();
		else if (tag.tagName() == KXMLQLCFixtureConsole)
			consoletag = tag;
			qDebug("Unknown fixture instance tag: %s",
			       (const char*) tag.tagName());
		node = node.nextSibling();

	/* Find the given fixture definition */
	fixtureDef = _app->fixtureDef(manufacturer, model);
	if (fixtureDef == NULL)
		qWarning("Fixture definition for [%s - %s] not found!",
			 (const char*) manufacturer, (const char*) model);
		/* Find the given fixture mode */
		fixtureMode = fixtureDef->mode(modeName);
		if (fixtureMode == NULL)
			qWarning("Fixture mode [%s] for [%s - %s] not found!",
				 (const char*) modeName,
				 (const char*) manufacturer,
				 (const char*) model);

	/* Number of channels */
	if (channels <= 0 || channels > KFixtureChannelsMax)
		qWarning("Fixture <%s> channels %d out of bounds (%d - %d)!",
			 (const char*) name, channels, 1, KFixtureChannelsMax);
		channels = 1;

	/* Make sure that address is something sensible */
	if (address > 511 || address + (channels - 1) > 511)
		qWarning("Fixture channel range %d - %d out of DMX " \
			 "bounds (%d - %d)!",
			 address + 1, address + channels, 1, 512);
		address = 0;

	/* Make sure that universe is something sensible */
	if (universe > KUniverseCount)
		qWarning("Fixture universe %d out of bounds (%d - %d)!",
			 universe, 0, KUniverseCount);
		universe = 0;

	/* Check that we have a sensible ID, otherwise we can't continue */
	if (id < 0 || id > KFixtureArraySize)
		qWarning("Fixture ID %d out of bounds (%d - %d)!",
			 id, 0, KFixtureArraySize);
		return NULL;

	/* Create the fixture */
	if (fixtureDef != NULL && fixtureMode != NULL)
		/* Create a normal fixture */
		fxi = new Fixture(fixtureDef, fixtureMode, address, universe,
				  name, id);
		/* Create a generic fixture */
		fxi = new Fixture(address, universe, channels, name, id);

	/* Insert the fixture to Doc's fixture array */
	if (_app->doc()->newFixture(fxi) == false)
		delete fxi;
		fxi = NULL;
		/* Load the fixture's console settings */
		if (consoletag.tagName() == KXMLQLCFixtureConsole)
			if (fxi->createConsole() == true)
				fxi->m_console->loadXML(doc, &tag);

	return fxi;