Example #1
Symbol::GetPrologueByteSize ()
    if (m_type == eSymbolTypeCode || m_type == eSymbolTypeResolver)
        if (!m_type_data_resolved)
            m_type_data_resolved = true;

            const Address &base_address = m_addr_range.GetBaseAddress();
            Function *function = base_address.CalculateSymbolContextFunction();
            if (function)
                // Functions have line entries which can also potentially have end of prologue information.
                // So if this symbol points to a function, use the prologue information from there.
                m_type_data = function->GetPrologueByteSize();
                ModuleSP module_sp (base_address.GetModule());
                SymbolContext sc;
                if (module_sp)
                    uint32_t resolved_flags = module_sp->ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (base_address,
                    if (resolved_flags & eSymbolContextLineEntry)
                        // Default to the end of the first line entry.
                        m_type_data = sc.line_entry.range.GetByteSize();

                        // Set address for next line.
                        Address addr (base_address);
                        addr.Slide (m_type_data);

                        // Check the first few instructions and look for one that has a line number that is
                        // different than the first entry. This is also done in Function::GetPrologueByteSize().
                        uint16_t total_offset = m_type_data;
                        for (int idx = 0; idx < 6; ++idx)
                            SymbolContext sc_temp;
                            resolved_flags = module_sp->ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (addr, eSymbolContextLineEntry, sc_temp);
                            // Make sure we got line number information...
                            if (!(resolved_flags & eSymbolContextLineEntry))

                            // If this line number is different than our first one, use it and we're done.
                            if (sc_temp.line_entry.line != sc.line_entry.line)
                                m_type_data = total_offset;

                            // Slide addr up to the next line address.
                            addr.Slide (sc_temp.line_entry.range.GetByteSize());
                            total_offset += sc_temp.line_entry.range.GetByteSize();
                            // If we've gone too far, bail out.
                            if (total_offset >= m_addr_range.GetByteSize())

                        // Sanity check - this may be a function in the middle of code that has debug information, but
                        // not for this symbol.  So the line entries surrounding us won't lie inside our function.
                        // In that case, the line entry will be bigger than we are, so we do that quick check and
                        // if that is true, we just return 0.
                        if (m_type_data >= m_addr_range.GetByteSize())
                            m_type_data = 0;
                        // TODO: expose something in Process to figure out the
                        // size of a function prologue.
                        m_type_data = 0;
        return m_type_data;
    return 0;