Example #1
 * @brief Insert vector column into matrix
 * @param[in] vector Vector.
 * @param[in] col Column index (starting from 0).
 * @exception GException::out_of_range
 *            Invalid column index specified.
 * @exception GException::matrix_vector_mismatch
 *            Matrix dimension mismatches the vector size.
 * Inserts the content of a vector into a matrix column. Any previous
 * content in the matrix column will be overwritted.
void GMatrix::insert_col(const GVector& vector, const int& col)
    // Raise an exception if the column index is invalid
    #if defined(G_RANGE_CHECK)
    if (col < 0 || col >= m_cols) {
        throw GException::out_of_range(G_INSERT_COL, col, 0, m_cols-1);

    // Raise an exception if the matrix and vector dimensions are not
    // compatible
    if (m_rows != vector.size()) {
        throw GException::matrix_vector_mismatch(G_INSERT_COL, vector.size(),
                                                 m_rows, m_cols);

    // Continue only if we have elements
    if (m_elements > 0) {

        // Get start index of data in matrix
        int i = m_colstart[col];

        // Insert column into vector
        for (int row = 0; row < m_rows; ++row) {
            m_data[i++] = vector[row];

    } // endif: matrix had elements

    // Return
Example #2
 * @brief Vector multiplication
 * @param[in] vector Vector.
 * @exception GException::matrix_vector_mismatch
 *            Vector length differs from number of columns in matrix.
 * This method performs a vector multiplication of a matrix. The vector
 * multiplication will produce a vector. The matrix multiplication can only
 * be performed when the number of matrix columns is equal to the length of
 * the vector.
GVector GMatrix::operator*(const GVector& vector) const
    // Raise an exception if the matrix and vector dimensions are not compatible
    if (m_cols != vector.size()) {
        throw GException::matrix_vector_mismatch(G_OP_MUL_VEC, vector.size(),
                                                 m_rows, m_cols);

    // Perform vector multiplication
    GVector result(m_rows);
    for (int row = 0; row < m_rows; ++row) {
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (int col = 0; col < m_cols; ++col) {
            sum += (*this)(row,col) * vector[col];
        result[row] = sum;

    // Return result
    return result;
Example #3
    void discard(typename Factory::Set& s, GVector<typename Factory::Set > &sv, GVector<typename Factory::Solution > &solv, FT record, BNBBranchInfo* info) {
      int n = s.mA.size();
      int I = s.mSplitI;
      int m = s.mSegments.size();

      if(m > 0) {
	for(int i = 0; i <= m; i ++) {
	  typename Factory::Set  sn(n);
	  bool put = false;
	  for(int j = 0; j < n; j ++) {
	    sn.mA[j] = s.mA[j];
	    sn.mB[j] = s.mB[j];
	  if(i == 0) {
	    Segment<FT> seg = s.mSegments.at(i);
	    if(s.mA[I] < seg.mA) {
	      sn.mB[I] = seg.mA;
	      put = true;
	  } else if(i == m) {
	    Segment<FT> pseg = s.mSegments.at(i-1);
	    if(s.mB[I] > pseg.mB) {
	      sn.mA[I] = pseg.mB;
	      put = true;
	  } else {
	    Segment<FT> pseg = s.mSegments.at(i-1);
	    Segment<FT> seg = s.mSegments.at(i);
	    sn.mA[I] = pseg.mB;
	    sn.mB[I] = seg.mA;
	    put = true;
	  if(put) {
	    sn.mSplitI = BoxUtils::getLongestEdge(sn);	
	if(sv.size() == 1) {
	  typename Factory::Set ss;
	  ss = sv[0];
	  split(ss, sv);
      } else {
	split(s, sv);
	info->mBranched ++;
Example #4
 * @brief Insert vector column into matrix
 * @param[in] vector Vector.
 * @param[in] col Column index (starting from 0).
 * @exception GException::out_of_range
 *            Invalid column index specified.
 * @exception GException::matrix_vector_mismatch
 *            Matrix dimension mismatches the vector size.
 * Inserts the content of a vector into a matrix column. Any previous
 * content in the matrix column will be overwritted.
void GSymMatrix::insert_col(const GVector& vector, const int& col)
    // Raise an exception if the column index is invalid
    #if defined(G_RANGE_CHECK)
    if (col < 0 || col >= m_cols) {
        throw GException::out_of_range(G_INSERT_COL, col, 0, m_cols-1);

    // Raise an exception if the matrix and vector dimensions are not
    // compatible
    if (m_rows != vector.size()) {
        throw GException::matrix_vector_mismatch(G_INSERT_COL, vector.size(),
                                                 m_rows, m_cols);

    // Insert column into vector
    for (int row = 0; row < m_rows; ++row) {
        (*this)(row,col) = vector[row];

    // Return
Example #5
     * MANDATORY, decompose rectangle
     * @param s set, representing rectangle to decompose
     * @param sv resulting two (or more) rectangles
     * @param record the incumbent value
    virtual void  branch (Set & s, GVector < Set > & sv, GVector < Solution > & solv, Solution & incumbent, BNBBranchInfo * info, InfiniInt ql)
      bool rv;
      Set asetv[MAX_BNB_CHILDREN];
      FixedVector < Set > setv(asetv, MAX_BNB_CHILDREN);
      rv = false;
      if(!mDiscarders.empty()) {
	int sz = mDiscarders.size();
	for(int i = 0; i < sz; i++){
	  while(!sv.empty()) {
	    Set s = sv.back();
	    mDiscarders[i]->discard(s, setv, solv, incumbent, info);
	  int sz = setv.size();
	  for(int i = 0; i < sz; i ++) {
	  //sv.insert(sv.end(), setv.begin(), setv.end());
      //TODO make selection of sets to produce solutions
      int sz = sv.size();
      for(int i = 0; i < sz; i ++) {
	Solution sol;
	if(makeSolution(sv[i], sol)) 
      if(mOptions & Options::DO_LOCAL_SEARCH) {
	int sz = solv.size();
	for(int i = 0; i <  sz; i++){
Example #6
 * @brief Cholesky solver
 * @param[in] vector Vector for which should be solved.
 * @param[in] compress Use zero-row/column compression (default: true).
 * @exception GException::matrix_vector_mismatch
 *            Matrix and vector do not match.
 * @exception GException::matrix_zero
 *            All matrix elements are zero.
 * Solves the linear equation A*x=b using a Cholesky decomposition of A.
 * This function is to be applied on a decomposition GSymMatrix matrix
 * that is produced by 'cholesky_decompose'. Case A operates on a full
 * matrix, Case B on a zero rows/columns (logically) compressed matrix.
GVector GSymMatrix::cholesky_solver(const GVector& vector, bool compress)
    // Raise an exception if the matrix and vector dimensions are not compatible
    if (m_rows != vector.size()) {
        throw GException::matrix_vector_mismatch(G_CHOL_SOLVE, vector.size(),
                                                 m_rows, m_cols);

    // Allocate result vector
    GVector x(m_rows);

    // Check if zero-row/col compression is needed  
    int no_zeros = ((compress && (m_num_inx == m_rows)) || !compress);

    // Case A: no zero-row/col compression needed
    if (no_zeros) {

        // Solve L*y=b, storing y in x (row>k)
        for (int row = 0; row < m_rows; ++row) {
            double sum = vector[row];
            for (int k = 0; k < row; ++k) {
                sum -= m_data[m_colstart[k]+(row-k)] * x[k]; // sum -= M(row,k) * x(k)
            x[row] = sum/m_data[m_colstart[row]];            // x(row) = sum/M(row,row)

        // Solve trans(L)*x=y (k>row)
        for (int row = m_rows-1; row >= 0; --row) {
            double  sum = x[row];
            double* ptr = m_data + m_colstart[row] + 1;
            for (int k = row+1; k < m_rows; ++k) {
                sum -= *ptr++ * x[k];               // sum -= M(k,row) * x(k)
            x[row] = sum/m_data[m_colstart[row]];   // x(row) = sum/M(row,row)
    } // endif: no zero-row/col compression needed

    // Case B: zero-row/col compression needed
    else if (m_num_inx > 0) {

        // Allocate loop variables and pointers
        int  row;
        int  k;
        int* row_ptr;
        int* k_ptr;

        // Solve L*y=b, storing y in x (row>k)
        for (row = 0, row_ptr = m_inx; row < m_num_inx; ++row, ++row_ptr) {
            double  sum = vector[*row_ptr];
            double* ptr = m_data + *row_ptr;
            for (k = 0, k_ptr = m_inx; k < row; ++k, ++k_ptr) {
                sum -= *(ptr + m_colstart[*k_ptr] - *k_ptr) * x[*k_ptr]; // sum -= M(row,k) * x(k)
            x[*row_ptr] = sum/m_data[m_colstart[*row_ptr]];              // x(row) = sum/M(row,row)

        // Solve trans(L)*x=y (k>row)
        for (row = m_num_inx-1, row_ptr = m_inx+m_num_inx-1; row >= 0; --row, --row_ptr) {
            double  sum      = x[*row_ptr];
            double* ptr_diag = m_data + m_colstart[*row_ptr];
            double* ptr      = ptr_diag - *row_ptr;
            for (k = row+1, k_ptr = m_inx+row+1; k < m_num_inx; ++k, ++k_ptr) {
                sum -= *(ptr + *k_ptr) * x[*k_ptr];              // sum -= M(k,row) * x(k)
            x[*row_ptr] = sum/(*ptr_diag);                       // x(row) = sum/M(row,row)
    } // endelse: zero-row/col compression needed

    // Case C: all matrix elements are zero
    else {
        throw GException::matrix_zero(G_CHOL_SOLVE);

  // Return result vector
  return x;