void GW_GeodesicDisplayer::DisplayPath( GW_GeodesicPath& CurPath, GW_Vector3D& Color, GW_Float rLineWidth )
	glLineWidth( (GLfloat) rLineWidth );
	glPointSize( (GLfloat) rLineWidth );
	T_GeodesicPointList& PointList = CurPath.GetPointList();
	glDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
	glColor( Color );
	glBegin( GL_LINE_STRIP );
	for( IT_GeodesicPointList it = PointList.begin(); it!=PointList.end(); ++it )
		GW_GeodesicPoint* pPoint = *it;
		GW_ASSERT( pPoint->GetVertex1()!=NULL );
		GW_ASSERT( pPoint->GetVertex2()!=NULL );
		GW_Vector3D Pos = pPoint->GetVertex1()->GetPosition()*pPoint->GetCoord() + 
		glColor( Color );
		glVertex( Pos );
		GW_GeodesicFace* pFace = pPoint->GetCurFace();
		GW_ASSERT( pFace!=NULL );
		T_SubPointVector& SubPointVector = pPoint->GetSubPointVector();
		GW_Vector3D& v0 = pPoint->GetVertex1()->GetPosition();
		GW_Vector3D& v1 = pPoint->GetVertex2()->GetPosition();
		GW_Vertex* pLastVert = pFace->GetVertex( *pPoint->GetVertex1(), *pPoint->GetVertex2() );
		GW_ASSERT( pLastVert!=NULL );
		GW_Vector3D& v2 = pLastVert->GetPosition();
		for( IT_SubPointVector it=SubPointVector.begin(); it!=SubPointVector.end(); ++it )
			GW_Vector3D& coord = *it;
			Pos = v0*coord[0] + v1*coord[1] + v2*coord[2];
			glVertex( Pos );
#if 0
	glColor3f( 0,0,0 );
	glBegin( GL_POINTS );
	for( IT_GeodesicPointList it = PointList.begin(); it!=PointList.end(); ++it )
		GW_GeodesicPoint* pPoint = *it;
		GW_ASSERT( pPoint->GetVertex1()!=NULL );
		GW_ASSERT( pPoint->GetVertex2()!=NULL );
		GW_Vector3D Pos = pPoint->GetVertex1()->GetPosition()*pPoint->GetCoord() + 
		glVertex( Pos );
		GW_GeodesicFace* pFace = pPoint->GetCurFace();
		GW_ASSERT( pFace!=NULL );
		T_SubPointVector& SubPointVector = pPoint->GetSubPointVector();
		GW_Vector3D& v0 = pPoint->GetVertex1()->GetPosition();
		GW_Vector3D& v1 = pPoint->GetVertex2()->GetPosition();
		GW_Vertex* pLastVert = pFace->GetVertex( *pPoint->GetVertex1(), *pPoint->GetVertex2() );
		GW_ASSERT( pLastVert!=NULL );
		GW_Vector3D& v2 = pLastVert->GetPosition();
		for( IT_SubPointVector it=SubPointVector.begin(); it!=SubPointVector.end(); ++it )
			GW_Vector3D& coord = *it;
			Pos = v0*coord[0] + v1*coord[1] + v2*coord[2];
			glVertex( Pos );

	glEnable( GL_LIGHTING );
	glLineWidth( 1 );
Example #2
GW_I32 GW_GeodesicPath::AddNewPoint()
//	rStepSize_ = 1000;
	GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
	GW_ASSERT( !Path_.empty() );
	GW_GeodesicPoint* pPoint = Path_.back();
	GW_ASSERT( pPoint!=NULL );
	GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert1 = pPoint->GetVertex1();
	GW_ASSERT( pVert1!=NULL );
	GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert2 = pPoint->GetVertex2();
	GW_ASSERT( pVert2!=NULL );
	GW_GeodesicVertex* pVert3 = (GW_GeodesicVertex*) pCurFace_->GetVertex( *pVert1, *pVert2 );
	GW_ASSERT( pVert3!=NULL );

	/* compute coords of the last point */
	T_SubPointVector& SubPointVector = pPoint->GetSubPointVector();
	GW_Float x,y,z;	// barycentric coords of the point
	/* the sub-points should be empty */
	GW_ASSERT( SubPointVector.empty() );
	/* we begin on an edge */
	x = pPoint->GetCoord();
	y = 1-x;
	z = 0;

	GW_Float l1 = ~( pVert1->GetPosition() - pVert3->GetPosition() );
	GW_Float l2 = ~( pVert2->GetPosition() - pVert3->GetPosition() );


	GW_U32 nNum = 0;
	while( nNum<1000 )	// never stop, this is just to avoid infinite loop
		GW_Float dx, dy;

		pCurFace_->ComputeGradient( *pVert1, *pVert2, *pVert3, x, y, dx, dy );

		GW_Float l, a;
		/* Try each kind of possible crossing. 
		   The barycentric coords of the point is (x-l*dx/l1,y-l*dy/l2,z+l*(dx/l1+dy/l2)) */
		if( GW_ABS(dx)>GW_EPSILON )
			l = l1*x/dx;		// position along the line
			a = y-l*dy/l2;		// coordonate with respect to v2
			if( l>0 && l<=rStepSize_ && 0<=a && a<=1 )
				/* the crossing occurs on [v2,v3] */
				GW_GeodesicPoint* pNewPoint = new GW_GeodesicPoint;
				Path_.push_back( pNewPoint );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex1( *pVert2 );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex2( *pVert3 );
				pNewPoint->SetCoord( a );
				pPrevFace_ = pCurFace_;
				if( pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert2, *pVert3 )==NULL )
					pNewPoint->SetCurFace( *pCurFace_ );
					/* check if we are *really* on a boundarie of the mesh */
					GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_->GetEdgeNumber( *pVert2, *pVert3 )>=0 );
					/* we should stay on the same face */
					return 0;
				pCurFace_ = (GW_GeodesicFace*) pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert2, *pVert3 );
				GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
				pNewPoint->SetCurFace( *pCurFace_ );
				/* test for ending */
				if( a<0.01 && pVert2->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
					return -1;
				if( a>0.99 && pVert3->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
					return -1;
				return 0;
		if( GW_ABS(dy)>GW_EPSILON!=0 )
			l = l2*y/dy;	  // position along the line
			a = x-l*dx/l1;	  // coordonate with respect to v1
			if( l>0 && l<=rStepSize_ && 0<=a && a<=1 )
				/* the crossing occurs on [v1,v3] */
				GW_GeodesicPoint* pNewPoint = new GW_GeodesicPoint;
				Path_.push_back( pNewPoint );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex1( *pVert1 );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex2( *pVert3 );
				pNewPoint->SetCoord( a );
				pPrevFace_ = pCurFace_;
				if( pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert1, *pVert3 )==NULL )
					pNewPoint->SetCurFace( *pCurFace_ );
					/* check if we are *really* on a boundarie of the mesh */
					GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_->GetEdgeNumber( *pVert1, *pVert3 )>=0 );
					/* we should stay on the same face, the fact that pPrevFace_==pCurFace_
					   will force to go on an edge */
					return 0;
				pCurFace_ = (GW_GeodesicFace*) pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert1, *pVert3 );
				GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
				pNewPoint->SetCurFace( *pCurFace_ );
				/* test for ending */
				if( a<0.01 && pVert1->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
					return -1;
				if( a>0.99 && pVert3->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
					return -1;
				return 0;
		if( GW_ABS(dx/l1+dy/l2)>GW_EPSILON )
			l = -z/(dx/l1+dy/l2);	  // position along the line
			a = x-l*dx/l1;	  // coordonate with respect to v1
			if( l>0 && l<=rStepSize_ && 0<=a && a<=1 )
				/* the crossing occurs on [v1,v2] */
				GW_GeodesicPoint* pNewPoint = new GW_GeodesicPoint;
				Path_.push_back( pNewPoint );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex1( *pVert1 );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex2( *pVert2 );
				pNewPoint->SetCoord( a );
				pPrevFace_ = pCurFace_;
				if( pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert1, *pVert2 )==NULL )
					pNewPoint->SetCurFace( *pCurFace_ );
					/* check if we are *really* on a boundarie of the mesh */
					GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_->GetEdgeNumber( *pVert1, *pVert2 )>=0 );
					/* we should stay on the same face */
					return 0;
				pCurFace_ = (GW_GeodesicFace*) pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert1, *pVert2 );
				GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
				pNewPoint->SetCurFace( *pCurFace_ );
				/* test for ending */
				if( a<0.01 && pVert1->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
					return -1;
				if( a>0.99 && pVert2->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
					return -1;
				return 0;

			/* special case : we must follow the edge. */
			GW_GeodesicVertex* pSelectedVert = pVert1;
			if( pVert2->GetDistance()<pSelectedVert->GetDistance() )
				pSelectedVert = pVert2;
			if( pVert3->GetDistance()<pSelectedVert->GetDistance() )
				pSelectedVert = pVert3;
			// just a check
			this->AddVertexToPath( *pSelectedVert );
			GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
			if( pSelectedVert->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
				return -1;
			if( pCurFace_==pPrevFace_ && pPoint->GetCoord()>1-GW_EPSILON )
				/* hum, problem, we are in a local minimum */
				return -1;
			return 0;

		/* no intersection: we can advance */
		GW_Float xprev = x, yprev = y;
		x = x - rStepSize_*dx/l1;
		y = y - rStepSize_*dy/l2;

		if( x<0 || x>1 || y<0 || y>1 )
			GW_ASSERT( z==0 );
			GW_GeodesicFace* pNextFace = (GW_GeodesicFace*) pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert3 );

			if( pNextFace==pPrevFace_ || pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert3 )==NULL )
				/* special case : we must follow the edge. */
				GW_GeodesicVertex* pSelectedVert = pVert1;
				if( pVert2->GetDistance()<pSelectedVert->GetDistance() )
					pSelectedVert = pVert2;
				if( pVert3->GetDistance()<pSelectedVert->GetDistance() )
					pSelectedVert = pVert3;
				// just a check
				this->AddVertexToPath( *pSelectedVert );
				GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
				if( pSelectedVert->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
					return -1;
				if( pCurFace_==pPrevFace_ && pPoint->GetCoord()>1-GW_EPSILON )
					/* hum, problem, we are in a local minimum */
					return -1;
				//	if( pSelectedVert==pVert3 )
				//		GW_ASSERT( x==0 || y==0 );
				/* we should go on another face */
				pPrevFace_ = pCurFace_;
				pCurFace_ = (GW_GeodesicFace*) pCurFace_->GetFaceNeighbor( *pVert3 );
				GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
				GW_GeodesicPoint* pNewPoint = new GW_GeodesicPoint;
				Path_.push_back( pNewPoint );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex1( *pVert1 );
				pNewPoint->SetVertex2( *pVert2 );
				pNewPoint->SetCurFace( *pCurFace_ );
				pNewPoint->SetCoord( xprev );
			return 0;

		SubPointVector.push_back( GW_Vector3D(x,y,1-x-y) );
	GW_ASSERT( GW_False );
	GW_GeodesicVertex* pSelectedVert = pVert1;
	if( pVert2->GetDistance()<pSelectedVert->GetDistance() )
		pSelectedVert = pVert2;
	if( pVert3->GetDistance()<pSelectedVert->GetDistance() )
		pSelectedVert = pVert3;
	// just a check
	this->AddVertexToPath( *pSelectedVert );
	GW_ASSERT( pCurFace_!=NULL );
	if( pSelectedVert->GetDistance()<GW_EPSILON )
		return -1;
	if( pCurFace_==pPrevFace_ && pPoint->GetCoord()>1-GW_EPSILON )
		/* hum, problem, we are in a local minimum */
		return -1;
	return 0;