void ReplicationManagerClient::ReadAndDoUpdateAction(
    InputMemoryBitStream& inInputStream, int inNetworkId )
    GameObjectPtr gameObject =
        NetworkManagerClient::sInstance->GetGameObject( inNetworkId );

    // Should be good
    gameObject->Read( inInputStream );
void NetworkManagerClient::HandleGameObjectState( InputMemoryBitStream& inInputStream )
	//copy the mNetworkIdToGameObjectMap so that anything that doesn't get an updated can be destroyed...
	IntToGameObjectMap	objectsToDestroy = mNetworkIdToGameObjectMap;

	int stateCount;
	inInputStream.Read( stateCount );
	if( stateCount > 0 )
		for( int stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < stateCount; ++stateIndex )
			int networkId;
			uint32_t fourCC;

			inInputStream.Read( networkId );
			inInputStream.Read( fourCC );
			GameObjectPtr go;
			auto itGO = mNetworkIdToGameObjectMap.find( networkId );
			//didn't find it, better create it!
			if( itGO == mNetworkIdToGameObjectMap.end() )
				go = GameObjectRegistry::sInstance->CreateGameObject( fourCC );
				go->SetNetworkId( networkId );
				AddToNetworkIdToGameObjectMap( go );
				//found it
				go = itGO->second;

			//now we can update into it
			go->Read( inInputStream );
			objectsToDestroy.erase( networkId );

	//anything left gets the axe
	DestroyGameObjectsInMap( objectsToDestroy );
// TODO: This should be managed by some sort of packet class
void ReplicationManagerClient::ReadAndDoCreateAction(
    InputMemoryBitStream& inInputStream, int inNetworkId )
    uint32_t fourCCName;

    inInputStream.Read( fourCCName );

    GameObjectPtr gameObject =
        NetworkManagerClient::sInstance->GetGameObject( inNetworkId );

    if ( !gameObject )
        gameObject =
            GameObjectRegistry::sInstance->CreateGameObject( fourCCName );

        gameObject->SetNetworkId( inNetworkId );
            gameObject );

    gameObject->Read( inInputStream ); // Read state