void SymbolBucket::addFeatures(uintptr_t tileUID,
                               SpriteAtlas& spriteAtlas,
                               GlyphAtlas& glyphAtlas,
                               GlyphStore& glyphStore) {
    float horizontalAlign = 0.5;
    float verticalAlign = 0.5;

    switch (layout.textAnchor) {
        case TextAnchorType::Top:
        case TextAnchorType::Bottom:
        case TextAnchorType::Center:
        case TextAnchorType::Right:
        case TextAnchorType::TopRight:
        case TextAnchorType::BottomRight:
            horizontalAlign = 1;
        case TextAnchorType::Left:
        case TextAnchorType::TopLeft:
        case TextAnchorType::BottomLeft:
            horizontalAlign = 0;

    switch (layout.textAnchor) {
        case TextAnchorType::Left:
        case TextAnchorType::Right:
        case TextAnchorType::Center:
        case TextAnchorType::Bottom:
        case TextAnchorType::BottomLeft:
        case TextAnchorType::BottomRight:
            verticalAlign = 1;
        case TextAnchorType::Top:
        case TextAnchorType::TopLeft:
        case TextAnchorType::TopRight:
            verticalAlign = 0;

    const float justify = layout.textJustify == TextJustifyType::Right ? 1 :
        layout.textJustify == TextJustifyType::Left ? 0 :

    auto glyphSet = glyphStore.getGlyphSet(layout.textFont);

    for (const auto& feature : features) {
        if (feature.geometry.empty()) continue;

        Shaping shapedText;
        PositionedIcon shapedIcon;
        GlyphPositions face;

        // if feature has text, shape the text
        if (feature.label.length()) {
            shapedText = glyphSet->getShaping(
                /* string */ feature.label,
                /* maxWidth: ems */ layout.symbolPlacement != SymbolPlacementType::Line ?
                    layout.textMaxWidth * 24 : 0,
                /* lineHeight: ems */ layout.textLineHeight * 24,
                /* horizontalAlign */ horizontalAlign,
                /* verticalAlign */ verticalAlign,
                /* justify */ justify,
                /* spacing: ems */ layout.textLetterSpacing * 24,
                /* translate */ Point<float>(layout.textOffset.value[0], layout.textOffset.value[1]));

            // Add the glyphs we need for this label to the glyph atlas.
            if (shapedText) {
                glyphAtlas.addGlyphs(tileUID, feature.label, layout.textFont, **glyphSet, face);

        // if feature has icon, get sprite atlas position
        if (feature.sprite.length()) {
            auto image = spriteAtlas.getImage(feature.sprite, false);
            if (image) {
                shapedIcon = shapeIcon(*image, layout);
                if ((*image).spriteImage->sdf) {
                    sdfIcons = true;
                if ((*image).relativePixelRatio != 1.0f) {
                    iconsNeedLinear = true;

        // if either shapedText or icon position is present, add the feature
        if (shapedText || shapedIcon) {
            addFeature(feature.geometry, shapedText, shapedIcon, face, feature.index);
