Example #1
void randomHierarchy(
	Graph &G,
	int numberOfNodes,
	int numberOfEdges,
	bool planar,
	bool singleSource,
	bool longEdges)

	Array<node> nnr (3*numberOfNodes);
	Array<int>  vrt (3*numberOfNodes);
	Array<int>  fst (numberOfNodes+1);

	/** Place nodes **/

	for(int i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++)

	minstd_rand rng(randomSeed());
	uniform_real_distribution<> dist_0_1(0.0,1.0);

	int numberOfLayers = 0, totNumber = 0, realCount = 0;
	fst[0] = 0;
	for(node v : G.nodes) {
		if(longEdges && numberOfLayers) vrt[totNumber++] = 1;

		nnr[totNumber] = v;
		vrt[totNumber++] = 0;
		double r = dist_0_1(rng);
		if((totNumber == 1 && singleSource) || realCount == numberOfNodes || r*r*numberOfNodes < 1)
			if(longEdges && numberOfLayers)
				vrt[totNumber++] = 1;
			fst[++numberOfLayers] = totNumber;

	/** Determine allowed neighbours **/

	Array<int> leftN (totNumber);
	Array<int> rightN(totNumber);
	for(int l = 1; l < numberOfLayers; l++)
		if(planar) {
			int n1 = fst[l-1];
			int n2 = fst[l];
			leftN[n2] = n1;
			while(n1 < fst[l] && n2 < fst[l+1]) {
				double r = dist_0_1(rng);
				if(n1 != fst[l]-1 &&
					(n2 == fst[l+1]-1 ||
					r < (double)(fst[l]-fst[l-1])/(double)(fst[l+1]-fst[l-1])))
				else {
					rightN[n2] = n1;
					if(++n2 < fst[l+1])
						leftN[n2] = n1;
			for(int n2 = fst[l]; n2 < fst[l+1]; n2++) {
				leftN [n2] = fst[l-1];
				rightN[n2] = fst[l]-1;

	/** Insert edges **/

	List<bEdge> startEdges;
	Array<SList<bEdge>> edgeIn (totNumber);
	Array<SList<bEdge>> edgeOut(totNumber);

	if (numberOfLayers) {
		double x1 = numberOfEdges;
		double x2 = 0;
		for (int n2 = fst[1]; n2 < totNumber; n2++) {
			if (!vrt[n2])
				x2 += rightN[n2] - leftN[n2] + 1;

		int idc = 0;
		for (int n2 = fst[1]; n2 < totNumber; n2++) {
			if (!vrt[n2]) {
				bool connected = !singleSource;
				for (int n1 = leftN[n2]; n1 <= rightN[n2] || !connected; n1++) {
					double r = dist_0_1(rng);
					if (r < x1 / x2 || n1 > rightN[n2]) {
						int next = (n1 <= rightN[n2] ? n1 : uniform_int_distribution<>(leftN[n2], rightN[n2])(rng));
						int act = n2;
						bEdge nextEdge = OGDF_NEW BEdge(next, act, idc++);
						while (vrt[next]) {
							act = next;
							next = uniform_int_distribution<>(leftN[act], rightN[act])(rng);
							nextEdge = OGDF_NEW BEdge(next, act, idc++);
						connected = true;
						x1 -= 1;
					if (n1 <= rightN[n2])
						x2 -= 1;

		for(int act = 0; act < totNumber; act++) {
			CmpTail cmpTail;
			CmpHead cmpHead;

	for(int act = 0; act < totNumber; act++) {
		for(bEdge nextEdge : edgeIn[act]) {
			nextEdge->next = edgeOut[act].popFrontRet();

	for(bEdge actEdge : startEdges) {
		bEdge nextEdge = actEdge;
			nextEdge = nextEdge->next;
		G.newEdge(nnr[actEdge->tail], nnr[nextEdge->head]);

	/** Clean up **/
	for(bEdge nextEdge : startEdges) {
		bEdge toDelete = nextEdge;
		while(vrt[nextEdge->head]) {
			nextEdge = nextEdge->next;
			delete toDelete;
			toDelete = nextEdge;
		delete toDelete;
Example #2
File: srw.cpp Project: dmitrime/srw
    // Personalized pagerank starting from vertex start (at index 0)
    void pers_pagerank()
        Graph *graph = sub->subgraph;
        unsigned iter = 0;
        double err = 1.0;
        // We are done when maxiteration is reached 
        // or the error is small enough.
        while (iter++ < maxiter && err > tolerance)
            // copy last iteration to last array
            // and clear pagerank array
            #pragma omp parallel for
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < nvert; i++)
                last[i] = pagerank[i];
                pagerank[i] = 0.0;

            // sum up the nodes without outgoing edges ("dangling nodes").
            // their pagerank sum will be uniformly distributed among all nodes.
            double zsum = 0.0;
            #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:zsum)
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < sub->zerodeg.size(); i++)
                zsum += last[ sub->zerodeg[i] ];
            double nolinks = (1.0-alpha) * zsum / nvert;
            pagerank[0] += alpha; // add teleport probability to the start vertex
            #pragma omp parallel for
            for (unsigned id = 0; id < nvert; id++)
                double update = (1.0-alpha) * last[id];
                for (Graph::iterator e = graph->iterate_outgoing_edges(id); !e.end(); e++)
                    #pragma omp atomic
                    pagerank[(*e).v2] += (update * sub->score(id, (*e).v2));
                #pragma omp atomic
                pagerank[id] += nolinks; // pagerank from "dangling nodes"
            // sum the pagerank
            double sum = 0.0;
            #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum)
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < nvert; i++)
                sum += pagerank[i];

            // normalize to valid probabilities, from 0 to 1.
            sum = 1.0 / sum;
            #pragma omp parallel for 
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < nvert; i++)
                pagerank[i] *= sum;

            // sum up the error
            err = 0.0;
            #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:err)
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < nvert; i++)
                err += fabs(pagerank[i] - last[i]);

            //cout << "Iteration " << iter << endl;
            //cout << "Error: " << err << endl;
        //cout << "PageRank iterations: " << iter << endl;
Example #3
void do_degrees() {
  for (Graph::iterator ii = graph.begin(), ei = graph.end(); ii != ei; ++ii) {
    std::cout << std::distance(graph.neighbor_begin(*ii), graph.neighbor_end(*ii)) << "\n";
Example #4
void PlanarityTestTest::planarMetaGraphsEmbedding() {
  tlp::warning() << "===========MetaGraphsEmbedding=======================" << endl;
  graph = tlp_loadGraph(GRAPHPATH + "planar/grid1010.tlp");
  Graph *g = graph->addCloneSubGraph();
  vector<node> toGroup;
  const std::vector<node> &nodes = graph->nodes();

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)


  for (unsigned int i = 10; i < 20; ++i)

  node meta2 = g->createMetaNode(toGroup);

  for (unsigned int i = 20; i < 30; ++i)

  g->createMetaNode(toGroup, false);

  PlanarConMap *graphMap = computePlanarConMap(g);
  //  graphMap->makePlanar();
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(PlanarityTest::isPlanar(g));        // eulerIdentity(g), graphMap->nbFaces());
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(PlanarityTest::isPlanar(graphMap)); // eulerIdentity(g), graphMap->nbFaces());
  delete graphMap;
  delete graph;
  tlp::warning() << "==================================" << endl;
    graph = tlp::loadGraph(GRAPHPATH + "planar/unconnected.tlp");
    graph->setAttribute("name", string("unconnected"));
    graphMap = new PlanarConMap(graph);
    tlp::warning() << "Graph name : " << graph->getAttribute<string>("name") << endl;
   * The number of faces must be adapted because the Planarity Test split the
   * external face into several faces (one by connected componnent).
  /*  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(eulerIdentity(graph), graphMap->nbFaces() -
     (ConnectedTest::numberOfConnectedComponnents(graph) - 1));
      delete graphMap;
      delete graph;
      tlp::warning() << "==================================" << endl;
      tlp::warning() << "unbiconnected" << endl;
      graph = tlp::loadGraph(GRAPHPATH + "planar/unbiconnected.tlp");

      graphMap = new PlanarConMap(graph);

      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(eulerIdentity(graph), graphMap->nbFaces());

      delete graphMap;
      delete graph;
      tlp::warning() << "==================================" << endl;*/
Example #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	//first argument, lowercase, if any
	std::string fl = argc>1 ? lowercase(argv[1]) : "";
	if (argc<=2) {
		if (fl=="" || fl=="--help" || fl=="-h" || fl=="/?" || fl=="/help") {
			std::cerr << "usage:\t" << argv[0] << " graph [''|solution|'='|'%'|color]" << std::endl;
			std::cerr << "where:\t" << "graph and solution are filenames" << std::endl;
			std::cerr << "\tcolor is an id in the default color palette" << std::endl;
			return 1;
		else {
			try {
				Graph graph = Graph::load(argv[1]);
				signal(SIGUSR1, Metaheuristic::dump_handler);
				std::vector<int> v(graph.succ.size(), 0);
				Solution sol(v, graph);
				//TODO adjust parameters here!
				float alpha = 0.9f;
				float temperature = 10.0f;
				float epsilon = 1.0f;
				int niter = 10;
				//std::cerr << "HIT before create recuit" << std::endl;
				Recuit meta(sol, alpha, niter, temperature, epsilon);
				//std::cerr << "HIT before starting recuit" << std::endl;
				//LocalSearch meta(graph);
				sol = meta.getSolution();
					std::cerr << "GOOD" << std::endl;
				return 0;
			catch (GraphException& e) {
				std::cerr << "error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
				return 2;
	else {
		try {
			Graph g = Graph::load(argv[1]);
#ifdef USE_SDL
			Solution *s = NULL;
			int pattern = get_positive(argv[2]);
			if (pattern == -1) {
				std::string a2 = argv[2];
				if (a2 == "=")
					pattern = -1;
				else if (a2 == "%")
					pattern = -2;
					s = new Solution(Solution::load(a2, g));
			if (!s)
				s = new Solution(Solution::load(g, pattern));
			ui_main(g, s);
			delete s;
#endif //USE_SDL
			return 0;
		catch (SolutionException& e) {
			std::cerr << "error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
			return 3;
		catch (GraphException& e) {
			std::cerr << "error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
			return 2;
 void vertex_event(const char* name, Vertex v, const Graph& g)
   std::cerr << "#" << process_id(g.process_group()) << ": " << name << "("
             << get_vertex_name(v, g) << ": " << local(v) << "@" << owner(v)
             << ")\n";
Example #7
void NodeController::tryGraphs()
    Graph<int> testerGraph;
    //Add at least 7 vertices.
    //Connct the vertices
    testerGraph.breadthFirstTraversal(testerGraph, 0);
Example #8
 static unsigned foo(const GNode& n) {
    return std::distance(graph.edge_begin(n, Galois::NONE), graph.edge_end(n, Galois::NONE));
Example #9
static void makeGraph(const char* input) {
   std::vector<GNode> nodes;
   //Create local computation graph.
   typedef Galois::Graph::LC_CSR_Graph<Node, EdgeDataType> InGraph;
   typedef InGraph::GraphNode InGNode;
   InGraph in_graph;
   //Read graph from file.
   std::cout << "Read " << in_graph.size() << " nodes\n";
   //A node and a int is an element.
   typedef std::pair<InGNode, EdgeDataType> Element;
   //A vector of element is 'Elements'
   typedef std::vector<Element> Elements;
   //A vector of 'Elements' is a 'Map'
   typedef std::vector<Elements> Map;
   //'in_edges' is a vector of vector of pairs of nodes and int.
   Map edges(in_graph.size());
   int numEdges = 0;
   for (InGraph::iterator src = in_graph.begin(), esrc = in_graph.end(); src != esrc; ++src) {
      for (InGraph::edge_iterator dst = in_graph.edge_begin(*src, Galois::NONE), edst = in_graph.edge_end(*src, Galois::NONE); dst != edst; ++dst) {
         if (*src == *dst) {
            std::cout<<"ERR:: Self loop at "<<*src<<std::endl;
         EdgeDataType w = in_graph.getEdgeData(dst);
         Element e(*src, w);
   std::cout<<"Number of edges "<<numEdges<<std::endl;
   for (Map::iterator i = edges.begin(), ei = edges.end(); i != ei; ++i) {
      Node n(nodeID);
      GNode node = graph.createNode(n);
      nodes[nodeID] = node;

   int id = 0;
   numEdges = 0;
   EdgeDataType edge_sum = 0;
   int numDups = 0;
   for (Map::iterator i = edges.begin(), ei = edges.end(); i != ei; ++i) {
      GNode src = nodes[id];
      for (Elements::iterator j = i->begin(), ej = i->end(); j != ej; ++j) {
         Graph::edge_iterator it = graph.findEdge(src, nodes[j->first], Galois::NONE);
         if (it != graph.edge_end(src, Galois::NONE)) {
            EdgeDataType w = (graph.getEdgeData(it));
            if (j->second < w) {
               graph.getEdgeData(it) = j->second;
               edge_sum += (j->second-w);
         } else {
            graph.getEdgeData(graph.addEdge(src, nodes[j->first], Galois::NONE)) = j->second;
            edge_sum += j->second;
         assert(edge_sum < std::numeric_limits<EdgeDataType>::max());
   std::cout << "Final num edges " << numEdges << " Dups " << numDups << " sum :" << edge_sum << std::endl;
Example #10
   void operator()(GNode& src, ContextTy& lwl) {
      if (graph.containsNode(src) == false)
      graph.getData(src, Galois::ALL);
      GNode * minNeighbor = 0;
      std::cout<<"Processing "<<graph.getData(src).toString()<<std::endl;
      EdgeDataType minEdgeWeight = std::numeric_limits<EdgeDataType>::max();
      //Acquire locks on neighborhood.
      for (Graph::edge_iterator dst = graph.edge_begin(src, Galois::ALL), edst = graph.edge_end(src, Galois::ALL); dst != edst; ++dst) {
      //Find minimum neighbor
      for (Graph::edge_iterator e_it = graph.edge_begin(src, Galois::NONE), edst = graph.edge_end(src, Galois::NONE); e_it != edst; ++e_it) {
         EdgeDataType w = graph.getEdgeData(e_it, Galois::NONE);
         if (w < minEdgeWeight) {
            minNeighbor = &((*e_it).first());
            minEdgeWeight = w;
      //If there are no outgoing neighbors.
      if (minEdgeWeight == std::numeric_limits<EdgeDataType>::max()) {
         graph.removeNode(src, Galois::NONE);
            std::cout << " Min edge from "<<graph.getData(src) << " to "<<graph.getData(*minNeighbor)<<" " <<minEdgeWeight << " "<<std::endl;
      //Acquire locks on neighborhood of min neighbor.
      for (Graph::edge_iterator e_it = graph.edge_begin(*minNeighbor, Galois::ALL), edst = graph.edge_end(*minNeighbor, Galois::ALL); e_it != edst; ++e_it) {
      //update MST weight.
      *MSTWeight.getLocal() += minEdgeWeight;
      typedef std::pair<GNode, EdgeDataType> EdgeData;
      typedef std::set<EdgeData, std::less<EdgeData>, Galois::PerIterAllocTy::rebind<EdgeData>::other> edsetTy;
      edsetTy toAdd(std::less<EdgeData>(), Galois::PerIterAllocTy::rebind<EdgeData>::other(lwl.getPerIterAlloc()));
      for (Graph::edge_iterator mdst = graph.edge_begin(*minNeighbor, Galois::NONE), medst = graph.edge_end(*minNeighbor, Galois::NONE); mdst != medst; ++mdst) {
         GNode dstNode = graph.getEdgeDst(mdst);
         int edgeWeight = graph.getEdgeData(mdst,Galois::NONE);
         if (dstNode != src) { //Do not add the edge being contracted
            Graph::edge_iterator dup_edge = graph.findEdge(src, dstNode, Galois::NONE);
            if (dup_edge != graph.edge_end(src, Galois::NONE)) {
               EdgeDataType dup_wt = graph.getEdgeData(dup_edge,Galois::NONE);
                  graph.getEdgeData(dup_edge,Galois::NONE) = std::min<EdgeDataType>(edgeWeight, dup_wt);
                  assert(std::min<EdgeDataType>(edgeWeight, dup_wt)>=0);
            } else {
                  toAdd.insert(EdgeData(dstNode, edgeWeight));
      graph.removeNode(*minNeighbor, Galois::NONE);
      for (edsetTy::iterator it = toAdd.begin(), endIt = toAdd.end(); it != endIt; it++) {
         graph.getEdgeData(graph.addEdge(src, it->first, Galois::NONE)) = it->second;
Example #11
 unsigned operator()(const GNode& n) {
    return std::distance(graph.edge_begin(n, Galois::NONE), graph.edge_end(n, Galois::NONE));
Example #12
template<size_t span> struct debruijn_mphf_bench {  void operator ()  (Parameter params)
    typedef NodeFast<span> NodeFastT;
    typedef GraphTemplate<NodeFastT,EdgeFast<span>,GraphDataVariantFast<span>> GraphFast;

    size_t kmerSize = params.k;
    Graph graph; 
    GraphFast graphFast;
    if (params.seq == "") 
        graph = Graph::create (params.args.c_str());
        graphFast = GraphFast::create (params.args.c_str());
        graph = Graph::create (new BankStrings (params.seq.c_str(), 0), params.args.c_str());
        graphFast = GraphFast::create (new BankStrings (params.seq.c_str(), 0), params.args.c_str());


    cout << "graph built, benchmarking.." << endl;

    int miniSize = 8;
    int NB_REPETITIONS = 2000000;

    double unit = 1000000000;

    Graph::Iterator<Node> nodes = graph.iterator();
    typename GraphFast::template Iterator<NodeFastT> nodesFast = graphFast.iterator();
    nodes.first ();

    /** We get the first node. */
    Node node = nodes.item();

    typedef typename Kmer<span>::Type  Type;
    typedef typename Kmer<span>::ModelCanonical  ModelCanonical;
    typedef typename Kmer<span>::ModelDirect     ModelDirect;
    typedef typename Kmer<span>::template ModelMinimizer <ModelCanonical>   ModelMini;
    typedef typename ModelMini::Kmer                        KmerType;

    ModelMini  modelMini (kmerSize, miniSize);
    ModelCanonical  modelCanonical (kmerSize);

     // for some reason.. if *compiled*, this code confuses makes later MPHF queries 3x slower. really? yes. try to replace "if (confuse_mphf)" by "if (confuse_mphf && 0)" and re-run, you will see.
        bool confuse_mphf = false;
        if (confuse_mphf)
            //Type b; b.setVal(0); 
            //typedef std::pair<u_int8_t const*, u_int8_t const*> byte_range_t;

            //int c = 0; 
            //byte_range_t brange( reinterpret_cast <u_int8_t const*> (&c), reinterpret_cast <u_int8_t const*> (&c) + 2 );
            //byte_range_t brange( (u_int8_t const*) 1,(u_int8_t const*)33);
            //auto hashes = modelCanonical.empfh_hasher(brange);

        for (int i = 0; i < 0; i++)
            auto start_tt=chrono::system_clock::now();
            for (nodes.first(); !nodes.isDone(); nodes.next())
            auto end_tt=chrono::system_clock::now();
            cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " computing EMPHFhash of kmers on all nodes (" << kmerSize << "-mers) : " << (diff_wtime(start_tt, end_tt) / unit) << " seconds" << endl;
        // it's slow. i don't understand why. see above for the "confuse mphf" part
        //return; //FIXME

    /** We get the value of the first node (just an example, it's not used later). */
    Type kmer = node.kmer.get<Type>();
    auto start_t=chrono::system_clock::now();
    auto end_t=chrono::system_clock::now();
   cout << "----\non all nodes of the graph\n-----\n";

    /* disable node state (because we don't want to pay the price for overhea of checking whether a node is deleted or not in contain() */
   std::cout<< "PAY ATTENTION: this neighbor() benchmark, in the Bloom flavor, is without performing a MPHF query for each found node" << std::endl; 


   /* compute baseline times (= overheads we're not interested in) */

    for (nodes.first(); !nodes.isDone(); nodes.next())
    auto baseline_graph_time = diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit;
    cout << "baseline overhead for graph nodes enumeration (" << nodes.size() << " nodes) : " << baseline_graph_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodesFast.first(); !nodesFast.isDone(); nodesFast.next())
    auto baseline_graphfast_time = diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit;
    cout << "baseline overhead for graph NodeFast enumeration (" << nodes.size() << " nodes) : " << baseline_graphfast_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodes.first(); !nodes.isDone(); nodes.next())
    auto baseline_minim_time = diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit;
    cout << "baseline overhead for graph nodes enumeration and minimizer computation setup (" << nodes.size() << " nodes) : " << baseline_minim_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodes.first(); !nodes.isDone(); nodes.next())
    auto baseline_hash_time = diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit;
    cout << "baseline overhead for graph nodes enumeration and hash computation setup (" << nodes.size() << " nodes) : " << baseline_hash_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodesFast.first(); !nodesFast.isDone(); nodesFast.next())
    auto baseline_hashfast_time = diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit;
    cout << "baseline overhead for graph NodeFast enumeration and hash computation setup (" << nodes.size() << " nodes) : " << baseline_hashfast_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodes.first(); !nodes.isDone(); nodes.next())
    auto baseline_mphf_time = diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit;
    cout << "baseline overhead for graph nodes enumeration and mphf query setup (" << nodes.size() << " nodes) : " << baseline_mphf_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodesFast.first(); !nodesFast.isDone(); nodesFast.next())
    auto baseline_mphffast_time = diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit;
    cout << "baseline overhead for graph NodeFast enumeration and mphf query setup (" << nodes.size() << " nodes) : " << baseline_mphffast_time << " seconds" << endl;

    /* do actual benchmark */

    for (nodes.first(); !nodes.isDone(); nodes.next())
        modelMini.getMinimizerValue(nodes.item().kmer.get<Type>(), true);

    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " computations of minimizers (fast method) of length " << miniSize << " on all nodes (" << kmerSize << "-mers) : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_minim_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodes.first(); !nodes.isDone(); nodes.next())

    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " computations of MPHF index on all nodes (" << kmerSize << "-mers) : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_mphf_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodesFast.first(); !nodesFast.isDone(); nodesFast.next())

    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " computations of MPHF index on all NodeFast (" << kmerSize << "-mers) : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_mphffast_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodes.first(); !nodes.isDone(); nodes.next())

    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " computing hash1 of kmers on all nodes (" << kmerSize << "-mers) : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_hash_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodes.first(); !nodes.isDone(); nodes.next())

    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " computing hash2 of kmers on all nodes (" << kmerSize << "-mers) : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_hash_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodesFast.first(); !nodesFast.isDone(); nodesFast.next())

    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " computing hash2 of kmers on all NodeFast (" << kmerSize << "-mers) : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_hashfast_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodes.first(); !nodes.isDone(); nodes.next())

    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " computing EMPHFhash of kmers on all nodes (" << kmerSize << "-mers) : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_hash_time << " seconds" << endl;
    // it's slow. i don't understand why. see above for the "confuse mphf" part

    for (nodes.first(); !nodes.isDone(); nodes.next())

    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " dummy neighbors() query on all nodes (" << kmerSize << "-mers) : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_graph_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodes.first(); !nodes.isDone(); nodes.next())

    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " neighbors() query on all nodes (" << kmerSize << "-mers) : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_graph_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodesFast.first(); !nodesFast.isDone(); nodesFast.next())

    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " neighbors() query on all NodeFast (" << kmerSize << "-mers) : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_graphfast_time << " seconds" << endl;

/* isBranching */
    for (nodes.first(); !nodes.isDone(); nodes.next())

    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " isBranching() query on all nodes (" << kmerSize << "-mers) : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_graph_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodesFast.first(); !nodesFast.isDone(); nodesFast.next())

    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " isBranching() query on all NodeFast (" << kmerSize << "-mers) : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_graphfast_time << " seconds" << endl;

    /* now, compute adjacency! */


    cout << "adjacency precomputed" << endl;

    for (nodes.first(); !nodes.isDone(); nodes.next())

    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " neighbors() query on all nodes (" << kmerSize << "-mers) using adjacency : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_graph_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodesFast.first(); !nodesFast.isDone(); nodesFast.next())
    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " fast neighbors() query on all NodeFast (" << kmerSize << "-mers) using adjacency : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_graphfast_time << " seconds" << endl;
    /* isBranching */

    for (nodes.first(); !nodes.isDone(); nodes.next())

    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " isBranching() query on all nodes (" << kmerSize << "-mers) using adjacency : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_graph_time << " seconds" << endl;

    for (nodesFast.first(); !nodesFast.isDone(); nodesFast.next())
    cout << "time to do " << nodes.size() << " fast isBranching() query on all NodeFast (" << kmerSize << "-mers) using adjacency : " << (diff_wtime(start_t, end_t) / unit) - baseline_graphfast_time << " seconds" << endl;

    /** We remove the graph. */
    //graph.remove ();
    //graphFast.remove (); // no actually, I want to keep the .h5 file

Example #13
void MultiLayer::printAllLayers(QPainter *painter) {
  if (!painter) return;

  QPrinter *printer = (QPrinter *)painter->device();
  QRect paperRect = ((QPrinter *)painter->device())->paperRect();
  QRect canvasRect = canvas->rect();
  QRect pageRect = printer->pageRect();
  QRect cr = canvasRect;  // cropmarks rectangle

  if (d_scale_on_print) {
    int margin = (int)((1 / 2.54) * printer->logicalDpiY());  // 1 cm margins
    double scaleFactorX =
        (double)(paperRect.width() - 2 * margin) / (double)canvasRect.width();
    double scaleFactorY =
        (double)(paperRect.height() - 2 * margin) / (double)canvasRect.height();

    if (d_print_cropmarks) {
      cr.moveTo(QPoint(margin + int(cr.x() * scaleFactorX),
                       margin + int(cr.y() * scaleFactorY)));
      cr.setWidth(int(cr.width() * scaleFactorX));
      cr.setHeight(int(cr.height() * scaleFactorX));

    for (int i = 0; i < (int)graphsList.count(); i++) {
      Graph *gr = (Graph *)graphsList.at(i);
      Plot *myPlot = gr->plotWidget();

      QPoint pos = gr->pos();
      pos = QPoint(margin + int(pos.x() * scaleFactorX),
                   margin + int(pos.y() * scaleFactorY));

      int width = int(myPlot->frameGeometry().width() * scaleFactorX);
      int height = int(myPlot->frameGeometry().height() * scaleFactorY);

      gr->print(painter, QRect(pos, QSize(width, height)));
  } else {
    int x_margin = (pageRect.width() - canvasRect.width()) / 2;
    int y_margin = (pageRect.height() - canvasRect.height()) / 2;

    if (d_print_cropmarks) cr.moveTo(x_margin, y_margin);

    for (int i = 0; i < (int)graphsList.count(); i++) {
      Graph *gr = (Graph *)graphsList.at(i);
      Plot *myPlot = (Plot *)gr->plotWidget();

      QPoint pos = gr->pos();
      pos = QPoint(x_margin + pos.x(), y_margin + pos.y());
      gr->print(painter, QRect(pos, myPlot->size()));
  if (d_print_cropmarks) {
    cr.addCoords(-1, -1, 2, 2);
    painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(Qt::black), 0.5, Qt::DashLine));
    painter->drawLine(paperRect.left(), cr.top(), paperRect.right(), cr.top());
    painter->drawLine(paperRect.left(), cr.bottom(), paperRect.right(),
    painter->drawLine(cr.left(), paperRect.top(), cr.left(),
    painter->drawLine(cr.right(), paperRect.top(), cr.right(),
Example #14
QSize MultiLayer::arrangeLayers(bool userSize) {
  const QRect rect = canvas->geometry();

  gsl_vector *xTopR = gsl_vector_calloc(
      graphs);  // ratio between top axis + title and canvas height
  gsl_vector *xBottomR =
      gsl_vector_calloc(graphs);  // ratio between bottom axis and canvas height
  gsl_vector *yLeftR = gsl_vector_calloc(graphs);
  gsl_vector *yRightR = gsl_vector_calloc(graphs);
  gsl_vector *maxXTopHeight =
      gsl_vector_calloc(rows);  // maximum top axis + title height in a row
  gsl_vector *maxXBottomHeight =
      gsl_vector_calloc(rows);  // maximum bottom axis height in a row
  gsl_vector *maxYLeftWidth =
      gsl_vector_calloc(cols);  // maximum left axis width in a column
  gsl_vector *maxYRightWidth =
      gsl_vector_calloc(cols);  // maximum right axis width in a column
  gsl_vector *Y = gsl_vector_calloc(rows);
  gsl_vector *X = gsl_vector_calloc(cols);

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < graphs;
       i++) {  // calculate scales/canvas dimensions reports for each layer and
               // stores them in the above vectors
    Graph *gr = (Graph *)graphsList.at(i);
    QwtPlot *plot = gr->plotWidget();
    QwtPlotLayout *plotLayout = plot->plotLayout();
    QRect cRect = plotLayout->canvasRect();
    double ch = (double)cRect.height();
    double cw = (double)cRect.width();

    QRect tRect = plotLayout->titleRect();
    QwtScaleWidget *scale = (QwtScaleWidget *)plot->axisWidget(QwtPlot::xTop);

    int topHeight = 0;
    if (!tRect.isNull()) topHeight += tRect.height() + plotLayout->spacing();
    if (scale) {
      QRect sRect = plotLayout->scaleRect(QwtPlot::xTop);
      topHeight += sRect.height();
    gsl_vector_set(xTopR, i, double(topHeight) / ch);

    scale = (QwtScaleWidget *)plot->axisWidget(QwtPlot::xBottom);
    if (scale) {
      QRect sRect = plotLayout->scaleRect(QwtPlot::xBottom);
      gsl_vector_set(xBottomR, i, double(sRect.height()) / ch);

    scale = (QwtScaleWidget *)plot->axisWidget(QwtPlot::yLeft);
    if (scale) {
      QRect sRect = plotLayout->scaleRect(QwtPlot::yLeft);
      gsl_vector_set(yLeftR, i, double(sRect.width()) / cw);

    scale = (QwtScaleWidget *)plot->axisWidget(QwtPlot::yRight);
    if (scale) {
      QRect sRect = plotLayout->scaleRect(QwtPlot::yRight);
      gsl_vector_set(yRightR, i, double(sRect.width()) / cw);

    // calculate max scales/canvas dimensions ratio for each line and column and
    // stores them to vectors
    int row = i / cols;
    if (row >= rows) row = rows - 1;

    int col = i % cols;

    double aux = gsl_vector_get(xTopR, i);
    double old_max = gsl_vector_get(maxXTopHeight, row);
    if (aux >= old_max) gsl_vector_set(maxXTopHeight, row, aux);

    aux = gsl_vector_get(xBottomR, i);
    if (aux >= gsl_vector_get(maxXBottomHeight, row))
      gsl_vector_set(maxXBottomHeight, row, aux);

    aux = gsl_vector_get(yLeftR, i);
    if (aux >= gsl_vector_get(maxYLeftWidth, col))
      gsl_vector_set(maxYLeftWidth, col, aux);

    aux = gsl_vector_get(yRightR, i);
    if (aux >= gsl_vector_get(maxYRightWidth, col))
      gsl_vector_set(maxYRightWidth, col, aux);

  double c_heights = 0.0;
  for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
    gsl_vector_set(Y, i, c_heights);
    c_heights += 1 + gsl_vector_get(maxXTopHeight, i) +
                 gsl_vector_get(maxXBottomHeight, i);

  double c_widths = 0.0;
  for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
    gsl_vector_set(X, i, c_widths);
    c_widths += 1 + gsl_vector_get(maxYLeftWidth, i) +
                gsl_vector_get(maxYRightWidth, i);

  if (!userSize) {
    l_canvas_width = int(
        (rect.width() - (cols - 1) * colsSpace - right_margin - left_margin) /
    l_canvas_height = int(
        (rect.height() - (rows - 1) * rowsSpace - top_margin - bottom_margin) /

  QSize size = QSize(l_canvas_width, l_canvas_height);

  for (i = 0; i < graphs; i++) {
    int row = i / cols;
    if (row >= rows) row = rows - 1;

    int col = i % cols;

    // calculate sizes and positions for layers
    const int w = int(l_canvas_width * (1 + gsl_vector_get(yLeftR, i) +
                                        gsl_vector_get(yRightR, i)));
    const int h = int(l_canvas_height * (1 + gsl_vector_get(xTopR, i) +
                                         gsl_vector_get(xBottomR, i)));

    int x = left_margin + col * colsSpace;
    if (hor_align == HCenter)
      x += int(l_canvas_width *
               (gsl_vector_get(X, col) + gsl_vector_get(maxYLeftWidth, col) -
                gsl_vector_get(yLeftR, i)));
    else if (hor_align == Left)
      x += int(l_canvas_width * gsl_vector_get(X, col));
    else if (hor_align == Right)
      x +=
          int(l_canvas_width *
              (gsl_vector_get(X, col) + gsl_vector_get(maxYLeftWidth, col) -
               gsl_vector_get(yLeftR, i) + gsl_vector_get(maxYRightWidth, col) -
               gsl_vector_get(yRightR, i)));

    int y = top_margin + row * rowsSpace;
    if (vert_align == VCenter)
      y += int(l_canvas_height *
               (gsl_vector_get(Y, row) + gsl_vector_get(maxXTopHeight, row) -
                gsl_vector_get(xTopR, i)));
    else if (vert_align == Top)
      y += int(l_canvas_height * gsl_vector_get(Y, row));
    else if (vert_align == Bottom)
      y += int(l_canvas_height *
               (gsl_vector_get(Y, row) + gsl_vector_get(maxXTopHeight, row) -
                gsl_vector_get(xTopR, i) +
                +gsl_vector_get(maxXBottomHeight, row) -
                gsl_vector_get(xBottomR, i)));

    // resizes and moves layers
    Graph *gr = (Graph *)graphsList.at(i);
    bool autoscaleFonts = false;
    if (!userSize) {  // When the user specifies the layer canvas size, the
                      // window is resized
      // and the fonts must be scaled accordingly. If the size is calculated
      // automatically we don't rescale the fonts in order to prevent problems
      // with too small fonts when the user adds new layers or when removing
      // layers

      autoscaleFonts = gr->autoscaleFonts();  // save user settings

    gr->setGeometry(QRect(x, y, w, h));
    gr->plotWidget()->resize(QSize(w, h));

    if (!userSize)
      gr->setAutoscaleFonts(autoscaleFonts);  // restore user settings

  // free memory
  return size;
Example #15
main(int argc, char **argv) {

  parse_args(argc, argv);

  time_t time_begin, time_end;
  Community c(filename, type, -1, precision);

  display_time("file read");

  double mod = c.modularity();

  //cerr << "network : " 
      // << c.g.nb_nodes << " nodes, " 
       //<< c.g.nb_links << " links, "
       //<< c.g.total_weight << " weight." << endl;
  double new_mod = c.one_level();

  display_time("communities computed");
  //cerr << "modularity increased from " << mod << " to " << new_mod << endl;

  if (display_level==-1)

  Graph g = c.partition2graph_binary();

  display_time("network of communities computed");

  int level=0;
  while(new_mod-mod>precision) {
    Community c(g, -1, precision);

    //cerr << "\nnetwork : " 
	 //<< c.g.nb_nodes << " nodes, " 
	 //<< c.g.nb_links << " links, "
	 //<< c.g.total_weight << " weight." << endl;
    new_mod = c.one_level();
    display_time("communities computed");
    //cerr << "modularity increased from " << mod << " to " << new_mod << endl;
    if (display_level==-1)
    g = c.partition2graph_binary();
    if (level==display_level)
    display_time("network of communities computed");

  //cerr << precision << " " << new_mod << " " << (time_end-time_begin) << endl;
Example #16
EdgeDataType verify(Graph & g){
   return kruskal_impl(g.size(), read_edges(g));
Example #17
TEST_F(HexBoardTest,HexBoardSetMove) {
  //test 5x5 Hexboard
  HexBoard board(5);
  Game hexboardgame(board);
  Player playera(board, hexgonValKind_RED);

  //test with private set setPlayerBoard method and corresponding MST tree
  ASSERT_TRUE(hexboardgame.setMove(playera, 1, 1));
  HexBoard playerasboard = playera.getPlayersboard();
  EXPECT_EQ(0, playerasboard.getSizeOfEdges());
  EXPECT_EQ(board.getNumofemptyhexgons(), board.getSizeOfVertices() - 1);
  ASSERT_TRUE(hexboardgame.setMove(playera, 2, 1));
  playerasboard = playera.getPlayersboard();
  EXPECT_EQ(1, playerasboard.getSizeOfEdges());
  EXPECT_EQ(board.getNumofemptyhexgons(), board.getSizeOfVertices() - 2);
  ASSERT_TRUE(hexboardgame.setMove(playera, 3, 1));
  playerasboard = playera.getPlayersboard();
  EXPECT_EQ(2, playerasboard.getSizeOfEdges());
  EXPECT_EQ(board.getNumofemptyhexgons(), board.getSizeOfVertices() - 3);
  ASSERT_TRUE(hexboardgame.setMove(playera, 4, 1));
  playerasboard = playera.getPlayersboard();
  EXPECT_EQ(3, playerasboard.getSizeOfEdges());
  EXPECT_EQ(board.getNumofemptyhexgons(), board.getSizeOfVertices() - 4);
  ASSERT_TRUE(hexboardgame.setMove(playera, 5, 1));
  playerasboard = playera.getPlayersboard();
  EXPECT_EQ(4, playerasboard.getSizeOfEdges());
  EXPECT_EQ(board.getNumofemptyhexgons(), board.getSizeOfVertices() - 5);

  MinSpanTreeAlgo<hexgonValKind, int> mstalgo(playerasboard);
  MinSpanTreeAlgo<hexgonValKind, int>::UnionFind unionfind(mstalgo);

  Graph<hexgonValKind, int> msttree = mstalgo.getMsttree();
  EXPECT_EQ(4, msttree.getSizeOfEdges());
  vector<vector<int> > subgraphs = msttree.getAllSubGraphs();
  EXPECT_EQ(1, subgraphs.size());

  Player playerb(board, hexgonValKind_BLUE);
  ASSERT_TRUE(hexboardgame.setMove(playerb, 1, 2));
  HexBoard playerbsboard = playerb.getPlayersboard();
  EXPECT_EQ(0, playerbsboard.getSizeOfEdges());
  EXPECT_EQ(board.getNumofemptyhexgons(), board.getSizeOfVertices() - 6);
  ASSERT_TRUE(hexboardgame.setMove(playerb, 2, 2));
  playerbsboard = playerb.getPlayersboard();
  EXPECT_EQ(1, playerbsboard.getSizeOfEdges());
  EXPECT_EQ(board.getNumofemptyhexgons(), board.getSizeOfVertices() - 7);
  ASSERT_TRUE(hexboardgame.setMove(playerb, 3, 2));
  playerbsboard = playerb.getPlayersboard();
  EXPECT_EQ(2, playerbsboard.getSizeOfEdges());
  EXPECT_EQ(board.getNumofemptyhexgons(), board.getSizeOfVertices() - 8);
  ASSERT_TRUE(hexboardgame.setMove(playerb, 4, 2));
  playerbsboard = playerb.getPlayersboard();
  EXPECT_EQ(3, playerbsboard.getSizeOfEdges());
  EXPECT_EQ(board.getNumofemptyhexgons(), board.getSizeOfVertices() - 9);
  ASSERT_TRUE(hexboardgame.setMove(playerb, 2, 5));
  EXPECT_EQ(board.getNumofemptyhexgons(), board.getSizeOfVertices() - 10);
  ASSERT_TRUE(hexboardgame.setMove(playerb, 3, 5));
  EXPECT_EQ(board.getNumofemptyhexgons(), board.getSizeOfVertices() - 11);
  playerbsboard = playerb.getPlayersboard();
  EXPECT_EQ(4, playerbsboard.getSizeOfEdges());

  MinSpanTreeAlgo<hexgonValKind, int> mstalgob(playerbsboard);
  MinSpanTreeAlgo<hexgonValKind, int>::UnionFind unionfindb(mstalgob);
  Graph<hexgonValKind, int> msttreeb = mstalgob.getMsttree();
  EXPECT_EQ(4, msttreeb.getSizeOfEdges());
  vector<vector<int> > subgraphsb = msttreeb.getAllSubGraphs();
  EXPECT_EQ(2, subgraphsb.size());
Example #18
double WCCRule::calculate(const Graph &g, const Partition &p) const {
    double score = 0.0;
    const int *labels = p.labels;
    int *eit = new int[2 * g.m];
    int *it = new int[g.n];
    int *itd = new int[g.n];

    fill(eit, eit + (2 * g.m), 0);
    fill(it, it + g.n, 0);
    fill(itd, itd + g.n, 0);

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 128)
    for (int v = 0; v < g.n; v++) {
        int l = labels[v];

        for (const int *r = g.begin_neighbors(v); r != g.end_neighbors(v); r++) {
            int u = *r;

            if (u >= v) {

            if (l != labels[u]) {

            const int *x = g.begin_neighbors(v);
            const int *y = g.begin_neighbors(u);
            const int *x_end = g.end_neighbors(v);
            const int *y_end = g.end_neighbors(u);

            while (x != x_end && *x < u && y != y_end && *y < u) {
                int d = *x - *y;

                if (d == 0 && labels[*x] == l) {
                    __sync_fetch_and_add(eit + (x - g.adj), 1);
                    __sync_fetch_and_add(eit + (y - g.adj), 1);
                    __sync_fetch_and_add(eit + (r - g.adj), 1);

                if (d <= 0) x++;
                if (d >= 0) y++;

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 128)
    for (int v = 0; v < g.n; v++) {
        for (const int *r = g.begin_neighbors(v); r != g.end_neighbors(v); r++) {
            int u = *r;

            const int int_tri = eit[r - g.adj];

            if (int_tri > 0) {
                __sync_fetch_and_add(it + v, int_tri);
                __sync_fetch_and_add(itd + v, 1);
                __sync_fetch_and_add(it + u, int_tri);
                __sync_fetch_and_add(itd + u, 1);

#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:score)
    for (int v = 0; v < g.n; v++) {
        int size = p.sizes[p.labels[v]];

        int tri = g.tri[v];
        int dtri = g.tri_deg[v];
        int itri = it[v];
        int ditri = itd[v];

        if (tri > 0) {
            double a = itri / double(tri);
            double b = dtri / double(size - 1 + dtri - ditri);

            score += (a * b) / g.n;

    delete[] eit;
    delete[] it;
    delete[] itd;

    return score;
Example #19
void Graph::_cloneGraph_KeepIndices (const Graph &other)
   if (vertexCount() > 0 || edgeCount() > 0)
      throw Error("can not _clone_KeepIndices into a non-empty graph");

   int i, j, i_prev;
   int max_vertex_idx = -1;
   int max_edge_idx = -1;

   for (i = other.vertexBegin(); i != other.vertexEnd(); i = other.vertexNext(i))
      if (max_vertex_idx < i)
         max_vertex_idx = i;

   for (i = other.edgeBegin(); i != other.edgeEnd(); i = other.edgeNext(i))
      if (max_edge_idx < i)
         max_edge_idx = i;

   for (i = 0; i <= max_vertex_idx; i++)
      if (addVertex() != i)
         throw Error("_clone_KeepIndices: unexpected vertex index");

   i_prev = -1;

   for (i = other.vertexBegin(); i != other.vertexEnd(); i = other.vertexNext(i))
      for (j = i_prev + 1; j < i; j++)
      i_prev = i;

   if (vertexCount() != other.vertexCount())
      throw Error("_clone_KeepIndices: internal");

   for (i = 0; i <= max_edge_idx; i++)
      if (_edges.add() != i)
         throw Error("_clone_KeepIndices: unexpected edge index");

   i_prev = -1;

   for (i = other.edgeBegin(); i != other.edgeEnd(); i = other.edgeNext(i))
      for (j = i_prev + 1; j < i; j++)

      _edges[i].beg = other._edges[i].beg;
      _edges[i].end = other._edges[i].end;

      Vertex &vbeg = _vertices->at(_edges[i].beg);
      Vertex &vend = _vertices->at(_edges[i].end);

      int ve1_idx = vbeg.neighbors_list.add();
      int ve2_idx = vend.neighbors_list.add();

      VertexEdge &ve1 = vbeg.neighbors_list[ve1_idx];
      VertexEdge &ve2 = vend.neighbors_list[ve2_idx];

      ve1.v = _edges[i].end;
      ve2.v = _edges[i].beg;
      ve1.e = i;
      ve2.e = i;

      i_prev = i;

   if (edgeCount() != other.edgeCount())
      throw Error("_clone_KeepIndices: internal");

   _topology_valid = false;
   _sssr_valid = false;
   _components_valid = false;
Example #20
void GNUPlotter::drawGraphSearch(const Graph &graph,
								 const GraphSearch *graphSearch)

	for(int i = 0; i < graph.getNumberNodes(); ++i)
		int parent = graphSearch->getParent(i);

		if(parent != -1)
			const Vector & pos1 = graph.getNodePos(i);
			const Vector & pos2 = graph.getNodePos(parent);

			drawLine(pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y, 5);

	deque<int> path;

	if(path.size() > 1)
		double totalCost = 0.0;

		deque<int>::iterator itNode = path.begin() + 1;
		while(itNode != path.end())
			Vector pos1 = graph.getNodePos(*(itNode - 1));
			Vector pos2 = graph.getNodePos(*(itNode    ));

			drawArrow(pos1, pos2, 1);

			totalCost += vectorDistance(pos1, pos2);


		char cost[64];
		sprintf(cost, "Cost: %.3f", totalCost);
		drawText(-400, -320, cost);

	const bool *visited = graphSearch->getVisited();

	for(int i = 0; i < graph.getNumberNodes(); ++i)
			drawCircle(graph.getNodePos(i), 10,
					   255, 0, 0);

	vector<int> frontier;

	vector<int>::iterator itFrontNode = frontier.begin();
	while(itFrontNode != frontier.end())
		drawCircle(graph.getNodePos(*itFrontNode), 12,
				   0, 255, 0);

Example #21
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) 
    * Paso 1: Iniciar MPI y obtener tamaño e id para cada proceso
  int rank, size, tama;

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); // Inicializamos la comunicacion de los procesos
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); // Obtenemos el número total de procesos
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); // Obtenemos el valor de nuestro identificador

    * Paso 2: Comprobar entradas
  if (argc != 2) { // Debe haber dos argumentos
    if (rank == 0) { // El proceso 0 imprime el error
      cerr << "Sintaxis: " << argv[0] << " <archivo de grafo>" << endl;
    return -1;

    * Paso 3: Crear grafo y obtener número de vértices
  Graph G;
  int nverts;

  if (rank == 0) { // Solo lo hace un proceso
    #ifdef PRINT_ALL
      cout << "El grafo de entrada es:" << endl;
    nverts = G.vertices;

    * Paso 4: Hacer broadcast del número de vértices a todos los procesos
  MPI_Bcast(&nverts, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    * Paso 5: Reservar espacio para matriz y fila k
  int tamaLocal, tamaBloque;

  tamaLocal = nverts * nverts / size;
  tamaBloque = nverts / size;
  int M[tamaBloque][nverts], K[nverts]; // Matriz local y fila k

    * Paso 6: Repartir matriz entre los procesos
  MPI_Scatter(G.ptrMatriz(), tamaLocal, MPI_INT, &M[0][0], tamaLocal, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    * Paso 7: Bucle principal del algoritmo
  int i, j, k, vikj, iGlobal, iIniLocal, iFinLocal, kEntreTama, kModuloTama;

  iIniLocal = rank * tamaBloque; // Fila inicial del proceso (valor global)
  iFinLocal = (rank + 1) * tamaBloque; // Fila final del proceso (valor global)

  double t = MPI_Wtime();

  for (k = 0; k < nverts; k++) {
    kEntreTama = k / tamaBloque;
    kModuloTama = k % tamaBloque;
    if (k >= iIniLocal && k < iFinLocal) { // La fila K pertenece al proceso
      copy(M[kModuloTama], M[kModuloTama] + nverts, K);
    MPI_Bcast(K, nverts, MPI_INT, kEntreTama, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    for (i = 0; i < tamaBloque; i++) { // Recorrer las filas (valores locales)
      iGlobal = iIniLocal + i; // Convertir la fila a global
      for (j = 0; j < nverts; j++) {
        if (iGlobal != j && iGlobal != k && j != k) { // No iterar sobre celdas de valor 0
          vikj = M[i][k] + K[j];
          vikj = min(vikj, M[i][j]);
          M[i][j] = vikj;

  t = MPI_Wtime() - t;

    * Paso 8: Recoger resultados en la matriz
  MPI_Gather(&M[0][0], tamaLocal, MPI_INT, G.ptrMatriz(), tamaLocal, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    * Paso 9: Finalizar e imprimir resultados

  if (rank == 0) { // Solo lo hace un proceso
    #ifdef PRINT_ALL
      cout << endl << "El grafo con las distancias de los caminos más cortos es:" << endl;
      cout << "Tiempo gastado = " << t << endl << endl;
      cout << t << endl;
void unpack_binary_schedules(int num_schedules, schedule_t* schedules, int* sched_sizes, SetOfGraphs* LocalGraphs) {

	for (uint64_t rank=0; rank<num_schedules; rank++) { ///< needs to be 64 bit because we shift it and append local node id
		Graph* graph = LocalGraphs->getGraphByRank(rank);
		int offset = 0;
		// parsing is done in two passes, first we add all vertices
		// in the second run we take care of the edges
		offset += sizeof(int); // jump over scratchpad size
		offset += sizeof(int); // jump over the number of independent actions
		while (offset < sched_sizes[rank]) {
			int node_start_offset = offset;
			char type;
			SCHED_GET(&type, schedules[rank], offset, sizeof(char));
			offset += sizeof(int); // jump over dependency counter
			int num_outedges;
			SCHED_GET(&num_outedges, schedules[rank], offset, sizeof(int));
			offset += num_outedges * sizeof(int);
			NBC_Args_send *args_s;
			NBC_Args_recv *args_r;
			switch (type) {
				case T_SEND:
					args_s = (NBC_Args_send*) (schedules[rank] + offset);
					graph->addSend((rank << 32) | node_start_offset, rank, args_s->count, args_s->memtype, args_s->buf, args_s->dest, /*tag*/ 0);
					offset += sizeof(NBC_Args_send);
				case T_RECV:
					args_r = (NBC_Args_recv*) (schedules[rank] + offset);
					graph->addRecv((rank << 32) | node_start_offset, rank, args_r->count, args_r->memtype, args_r->buf, args_r->source, /*tag*/ 0);
					offset += sizeof(NBC_Args_recv);
					printf("*** Type %u not supported ***\n", type);

		// this is the second pass where we add all the edges
		offset = 0;
		offset += sizeof(int); // jump over scratchpad size
		offset += sizeof(int); // jump over the number of independent actions
		while (offset < sched_sizes[rank]) {
			int node_start_offset = offset;
			char type;
			SCHED_GET(&type, schedules[rank], offset, sizeof(char));
			offset += sizeof(int); // jump over dependency counter
			int num_outedges;
			SCHED_GET(&num_outedges, schedules[rank], offset, sizeof(int));
			for (int i=0; i < num_outedges; i++) {
				int outedge_to;
				SCHED_GET(&outedge_to, schedules[rank], offset, sizeof(int));
				graph->addDependency((rank << 32) | node_start_offset, (rank << 32) | outedge_to);
			switch (type) {
				case T_SEND:
					offset += sizeof(NBC_Args_send);
				case T_RECV:
					offset += sizeof(NBC_Args_recv);
					printf("*** Type %u not supported ***\n", type);

 * Implementação baseada no livro The Algorithm Design Manual -- Skiena
int Dijkstra::execute( Graph graph, int source, int target)
    Node p; 					//vetor temporário
    vector<bool> inTree;		//O nó já esta na árvore?
    vector<double> distance;	//armazena distância para source
    int v;						//nó atual
    int w;						//candidato a próximo nó
    int n;						//número de nós adjacentes
    double weight;				//peso da aresta
    double dist;				//melhor distância atual para o nó de partida

    inTree = vector<bool> ( graph.getNumberOfNodes(), false);
    distance = vector<double> ( graph.getNumberOfNodes(), std::numeric_limits<double>::max() );
    this->parent = vector<int> ( graph.getNumberOfNodes(), -1);

    v = source;
    distance[v] = 0;

    while( inTree[target] == false)
        inTree[v] = true;

        p = graph.getNodeAtPosition(v);

        n = p.getDegree();

        if (n == 0)
            // cout<<"Topologia com nó "<<v<<" desconexo."<<endl;

            return -std::numeric_limits<double>::max() ;

        int iterator = 0;

        while( iterator < n )
            w = p.getAdjacentNode(iterator);
            weight = p.getWeightEdge(iterator); //obtêm peso da aresta

             * Verificação de caminho
            if ( distance[w] > ( distance[v] + weight ) && inTree[w] == false )
                distance[w] = distance[v] + weight;
                this->parent[w] = v;


        v = 0;

        dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

        for (int i = 0; i < graph.getNumberOfNodes(); i++)
            if ( ( inTree[i] == false ) && ( dist > distance[i] ) )
                dist = distance[i];
                v = i;

        if (inTree[v] == true)

    return distance[target];//retorna distância
  void operator()(Graph& graph, GNode source) {
    typedef Galois::WorkList::dChunkedFIFO<256> WL;
    std::deque<Bag*> levels;

    graph.getData(source).visited = true;
    Bag* frontier = new Bag(graph.size());
    frontier->push(source, 1);
    int round = 0;

    while (!frontier->empty()) {
      Bag* output = new Bag(graph.size());
      this->outEdgeMap(memoryLimit, graph, ForwardPass(), *frontier, *output, false);
      //Galois::do_all_local(*output, [&](GNode n) {
      //Galois::do_all(output->begin(), output->end(), [&](GNode n) {
      Galois::for_each_local<WL>(*output, [&](size_t id, Galois::UserContext<size_t>&) {
        SNode& d = graph.getData(graph.nodeFromId(id), Galois::MethodFlag::NONE);
        d.visited = true;
      frontier = output;

    delete levels[round];

    Galois::do_all_local(graph, [&](GNode n) {
        SNode& d = graph.getData(n, Galois::MethodFlag::NONE);
        d.visited = false;

    frontier = levels[round-1];

    //Galois::do_all_local(*frontier, [&](GNode n) {
    Galois::for_each_local<WL>(*frontier, [&](size_t id, Galois::UserContext<size_t>&) {
      SNode& d = graph.getData(graph.nodeFromId(id), Galois::MethodFlag::NONE);
      d.visited = true;
      d.dependencies.write(d.dependencies.read() + d.numPaths.read());

    for (int r = round - 2; r >= 0; --r) {
      Bag output(graph.size());
      this->inEdgeMap(memoryLimit, graph, BackwardPass(), *frontier, output, false);
      delete frontier;
      frontier = levels[r];
      //Galois::do_all_local(*frontier, [&](GNode n) {
      Galois::for_each_local<WL>(*frontier, [&](size_t id, Galois::UserContext<size_t>&) {
        SNode& d = graph.getData(graph.nodeFromId(id), Galois::MethodFlag::NONE);
        d.visited = true;
        d.dependencies.write(d.dependencies.read() + d.numPaths.read());

    delete frontier;

    Galois::do_all_local(graph, [&](GNode n) {
      SNode& d = graph.getData(n, Galois::MethodFlag::NONE);
      d.dependencies.write((d.dependencies.read() - d.numPaths.read())
          / d.numPaths.read());
//the call function that lets ClusterPlanarizationLayout compute a layout
//for the input using \a weight for the computation of the cluster planar subgraph
void ClusterPlanarizationLayout::call(
	Graph& G,
	ClusterGraphAttributes& acGraph,
	ClusterGraph& cGraph,
	EdgeArray<double>& edgeWeight,
	bool simpleCConnect) //default true
	m_nCrossings = 0;
	bool subGraph = false; // c-planar subgraph computed?

	//check some simple cases
	if (G.numberOfNodes() == 0) return;

//we set pointers and arrays to the working graph, which can be
//the original or, in the case of non-c-planar input, a copy

	Graph* workGraph = &G;
	ClusterGraph* workCG = &cGraph;
	ClusterGraphAttributes* workACG = &acGraph;

	//potential copy of original if non c-planar
	Graph GW;
	//list of non c-planarity causing edges
	List<edge> leftEdges;

	//list of nodepairs to be connected (deleted edges)
	List<NodePair> leftWNodes;

	//store some information
	//original to copy
	NodeArray<node> resultNode(G);
	EdgeArray<edge> resultEdge(G);
	ClusterArray<cluster> resultCluster(cGraph);
	//copy to original
	NodeArray<node> orNode(G);
	EdgeArray<edge> orEdge(G);
	ClusterArray<cluster> orCluster(cGraph);

	for(node workv : G.nodes) {
		resultNode[workv] = workv; //will be set to copy if non-c-planar
		orNode[workv] = workv;
	for(edge worke : G.edges) {
		resultEdge[worke] = worke; //will be set to copy if non-c-planar
		orEdge[worke] = worke;
	for (cluster workc : cGraph.clusters) {
		resultCluster[workc] = workc; //will be set to copy if non-c-planar
		orCluster[workc] = workc;

	//check if instance is clusterplanar and embed it
	CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed CCPE; //cccp

	bool cplanar = CCPE.embed(cGraph, G);

	List<edge> connectEdges;

	//if the graph is not c-planar, we have to check the reason and to
	//correct the problem by planarising or inserting connection edges
	if (!cplanar)
		bool connect = false;

		if ( (CCPE.errCode() == CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed::nonConnected) ||
				(CCPE.errCode() == CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed::nonCConnected) )
			//we insert edges to make the input c-connected
			makeCConnected(cGraph, G, connectEdges, simpleCConnect);

			//save edgearray info for inserted edges
			for(edge e : connectEdges)
				resultEdge[e] = e;
				orEdge[e]     = e;

			connect = true;

			CCPE.embed(cGraph, G);

			if ( (CCPE.errCode() == CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed::nonConnected) ||
				(CCPE.errCode() == CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed::nonCConnected) )
				cerr << "no correct connection made\n"<<flush;
		}//if not cconnected
		if ((CCPE.errCode() == CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed::nonPlanar) ||
			(CCPE.errCode() == CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed::nonCPlanar))
			subGraph = true;
			EdgeArray<bool> inSubGraph(G, false);

			CPlanarSubClusteredGraph cps;
			if (edgeWeight.valid())
				cps.call(cGraph, inSubGraph, leftEdges, edgeWeight);
				cps.call(cGraph, inSubGraph, leftEdges);
			//			for(edge worke : G.edges) {
			//				if (inSubGraph[worke])
			//					acGraph.strokeColor(worke) = "#FF0000";
			//			}
			//now we delete the copies of all edges not in subgraph and embed
			//the subgraph (use a new copy)

			//construct copy

			workGraph = &GW;
			workCG = new ClusterGraph(cGraph, GW, resultCluster, resultNode, resultEdge);

			//reinit original arrays
			orNode.init(GW, nullptr);
			orEdge.init(GW, nullptr);
			orCluster.init(*workCG, nullptr);

			//set array entries to the appropriate values
			for (node workv : G.nodes)
				orNode[resultNode[workv]] = workv;
			for (edge worke : G.edges)
				orEdge[resultEdge[worke]] = worke;
			for (cluster workc : cGraph.clusters)
				orCluster[resultCluster[workc]] = workc;

			//create new ACG and copy values (width, height, type)

			workACG = new ClusterGraphAttributes(*workCG, workACG->attributes());
			for (node workv : GW.nodes)
				//should set same attributes in construction!!!
				if (acGraph.attributes() & GraphAttributes::nodeType)
					workACG->type(workv) = acGraph.type(orNode[workv]);
				workACG->height(workv) = acGraph.height(orNode[workv]);
				workACG->width(workv) = acGraph.width(orNode[workv]);
			if (acGraph.attributes() & GraphAttributes::edgeType) {
				for (edge worke : GW.edges) {
					workACG->type(worke) = acGraph.type(orEdge[worke]);
					//all other attributes are not needed or will be set

			for(edge ei : leftEdges)
				edge e = resultEdge[ei];
				NodePair np;
				np.m_src = e->source();
				np.m_tgt = e->target();



			CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed CCP;

			bool subPlanar =
				CCP.embed(*workCG, GW);
		}//if not planar
			if (!connect)
			OGDF_THROW_PARAM(PreconditionViolatedException, pvcClusterPlanar);


	//if multiple CCs are handled, the connectedges (their copies resp.)
	//can be deleted here

	//now CCPE should give us the external face

	ClusterPlanRep CP(*workACG, *workCG);


	const int numCC = CP.numberOfCCs(); //equal to one
	OGDF_ASSERT(numCC == 1);

	// (width,height) of the layout of each connected component
	Array<DPoint> boundingBox(numCC);

	for (int ikl = 0; ikl < numCC; ikl++)



			Layout drawing(CP);


			adjEntry ae = nullptr;

			//internally compute adjEntry for outer face

			//edges that are reinserted in workGraph (in the same
			//order as leftWNodes)
			List<edge> newEdges;
			m_planarLayouter.get().call(CP, ae, drawing, leftWNodes, newEdges, *workGraph);


			ListConstIterator<edge> itE = newEdges.begin();
			ListConstIterator<edge> itEor = leftEdges.begin();
			while (itE.valid())
				orEdge[*itE] = *itEor;

			//hash index over cluster ids
			HashArray<int, ClusterPosition> CA;

			computeClusterPositions(CP, drawing, CA);

			// copy layout into acGraph
			// Later, we move nodes and edges in each connected component, such
			// that no two overlap.

			for(int i = CP.startNode(); i < CP.stopNode(); ++i) {
				node vG = CP.v(i);

				acGraph.x(orNode[vG]) = drawing.x(CP.copy(vG));
				acGraph.y(orNode[vG]) = drawing.y(CP.copy(vG));

				for(adjEntry adj : vG->adjEdges)
					if ((adj->index() & 1) == 0) continue;
					edge eG = adj->theEdge();

					edge orE = orEdge[eG];
					if (orE)


			//even assignment for all nodes is not enough, we need all clusters
			for(cluster c : workCG->clusters)
				int clNumber = c->index();
				//int orNumber = originalClId[c];
				cluster orCl = orCluster[c];

				if (c != workCG->rootCluster())
					acGraph.height(orCl) = CA[clNumber].m_height;
					acGraph.width(orCl) = CA[clNumber].m_width;
					acGraph.y(orCl) = CA[clNumber].m_miny;
					acGraph.x(orCl) = CA[clNumber].m_minx;
				}//if real cluster

			// the width/height of the layout has been computed by the planar
			// layout algorithm; required as input to packing algorithm
			boundingBox[ikl] = m_planarLayouter.get().getBoundingBox();

	}//for connected components

	// arrange layouts of connected components

	Array<DPoint> offset(numCC);


	// The arrangement is given by offset to the origin of the coordinate
	// system. We still have to shift each node, edge and cluster by the offset
	// of its connected component.

	const Graph::CCsInfo &ccInfo = CP.ccInfo();
	for(int i = 0; i < numCC; ++i)
		const double dx = offset[i].m_x;
		const double dy = offset[i].m_y;

		HashArray<int, bool> shifted(false);

		// iterate over all nodes in ith CC
		for(int j = ccInfo.startNode(i); j < ccInfo.stopNode(i); ++j)
			node v = ccInfo.v(j);

			acGraph.x(orNode[v]) += dx;
			acGraph.y(orNode[v]) += dy;

			// update cluster positions accordingly
			//int clNumber = cGraph.clusterOf(orNode[v])->index();
			cluster cl = cGraph.clusterOf(orNode[v]);

			if ((cl->index() > 0) && !shifted[cl->index()])
				acGraph.y(cl) += dy;
				acGraph.x(cl) += dx;
				shifted[cl->index()] = true;
			}//if real cluster

			for(adjEntry adj : v->adjEdges) {
				if ((adj->index() & 1) == 0) continue;
				edge e = adj->theEdge();

				//edge eOr = orEdge[e];
				if (orEdge[e])
					DPolyline &dpl = acGraph.bends(orEdge[e]);
					for(DPoint &p : dpl) {
						p.m_x += dx;
						p.m_y += dy;
		}//for nodes
	}//for numcc

	while (!connectEdges.empty()) {

	if (subGraph)
		delete workCG;
		delete workACG;
	}//if subgraph created


Example #26
void Load(std::istream& input, Graph& g)
	vector<string> name;
	char s[100];
	int pos = -1;
	vector<int> src;
	vector<int> dst;
		input.getline(s, 100);
		if(input.eof()) break;
		pos = Find(name, string(s));
		for(int i = 0;i < 5;i++)
		for(int i = 0;i < 5;i++)
			input.getline(s, 100);
			pos = Find(name, string(s));
		input.getline(s, 100);
		if(input.eof()) break;

	int n = name.size();
	int* all = new int[n];
	for(int i = 0;i < n;i++)
		all[i] = 0;
	int** a = new int*[n];
	for(int i = 0;i < n;i++)
		a[i] = new int[n];
	for(int i = 0;i < n;i++)
		for(int j = 0;j < n;j++)
			a[i][j] = 0;

	int e = src.size();
	for(int i = 0;i < e;i++)
	for(int i = 0;i < n;i++)
		all[i] /= 5;

	double** w = new double*[n];
	for(int i = 0;i < n;i++)
		w[i] = new double[n];
	for(int i = 0;i < n;i++)
		for(int j = 0;j < n;j++)
			if(all[i] == 0)
				all[i] = 1;
			if(all[j] == 0)
				all[j] = 1;
			w[i][j] = (double)(a[i][j] + a[j][i]) * 100 / (double)(all[i] + all[j]);

	e = 0;
	for(int i = 0;i < n;i++)
		for(int j = 0;j < n;j++)
			if(w[i][j] > 0)
	g.Reserve(n, e);
	e = 0;

	for(int i = 0;i < n;i++)
		g.m_name[i] = name[i];
		g.m_hash[i] = true;
		g.m_switch[i] = i;
		g.m_p[i] = e;
		for(int j = 0;j < n;j++)
			if(w[i][j] > 0)
				g.m_q[e] = j;
				g.m_r[e] = w[i][j];
	g.m_p[n] = e;
	delete[] all;
	for(int i = 0;i < n;i++)
		delete[] a[i];
		delete[] w[i];
	delete[] a;
	delete[] w;
Example #27
void do_summary() {
  std::cout << "NumNodes: " << graph.size() << "\n";
  std::cout << "NumEdges: " << graph.sizeEdges() << "\n";
Example #28
void SRP(Graph g, char source, int k)
	// priority queue consists of int pairs of format 
	// <vertex, distance to vertex from source>
	priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int> >, Comparator > PQ;

	// int arrays to record distances from source to vertices, and edge counts
	// from source to vertices. Support max of 50 vertices
	int dist[50], edges[50];

	// initializations of distance and path edge counts
	for(int i=0; i<g.size(); i++)
		if(g[i] != g[source-65]);
			dist[i] = 999;
			edges[i] = 0;
	dist[source-65] = 0;

	// push initial source vertex
	PQ.push(pair<int, int>(source-65, dist[source-65]));

	int v, u, w;
		// pop highest priority vertex for exploring
		u = PQ.top().first;
		int size = g[u].size();

		// only progess to neighboring vertices if edge count is not >= k
		if(edges[u] < k)
			for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
				v = g[u][i].first;
				w = g[u][i].second;

				// checking distances for possible update or distance and 
				// path edge count
				if(dist[v] > dist[u] + w)
					dist[v] = dist[u] + w;
					PQ.push(pair<int, int>(v, dist[v]));
					edges[v] = edges[u]+1;

	ofstream outFile;
	outFile.open("out.txt", ios::ate | ios:: app);
	outFile << "\n------Shortest Reliable Path's------\nSource: " << source 
		<< ", k : " << k << endl;
	for(int i=0; i<g.size(); i++)
		outFile << "Node " << (char)(i+65) << ": ";
		if(dist[i] != 999)
			outFile << dist[i] << ", " << edges[i] << " edges\n";
			outFile << "No path with edges < " << k << endl;
	outFile << "---End of Shortest Reliable Path's---\n\n";
Example #29
/** Find a maximum size matching in a bipartite graph
 *  by reducing the matching problem to a max flow problem.
 *  @param[in] g is a graph
 *  @param[in,out] matchingEdge[u] is (on return) the matching edge incident
 *  to u or 0 if u is unmatched; if matchingEdge is not all 0 initially,
 *  it is assumed to represent a valid initial matching
void matchb_f(const Graph& g, edge *matchingEdge) {
	// divide vertices into two independent sets
	ListPair split(g.n());
	if (!findSplit(g,split))
		Util::fatal("matchb_f: graph is not bipartite");

	// create flow graph, taking care to maintain edge numbers
	Graph_f fg(g.n()+2, g.M()+g.n(), g.n()+1, g.n()+2);
	for (edge e = g.first(); e != 0; e = g.next(e)) {
		vertex u = (split.isIn(g.left(e)) ? g.left(e) : g.right(e));
		fg.joinWith(u,g.mate(u,e),e); fg.setCapacity(e,1);
		if (e == matchingEdge[u]) fg.setFlow(e,1);
	for (vertex u = split.firstIn(); u != 0; u = split.nextIn(u)) {
		edge e = fg.join(fg.src(),u); fg.setCapacity(e,1);
		if (e == matchingEdge[u]) fg.setFlow(e,1);
	for (vertex u = split.firstOut(); u != 0; u = split.nextOut(u)) {
		edge e = fg.join(u,fg.snk()); 
		if (e == matchingEdge[u]) fg.setFlow(e,1);

	// solve flow problem
	(mflo_d(fg)); // parens added to eliminate ambiguity

	// now construct matching from flow
	for (vertex u = 1; u <= g.n(); u++) matchingEdge[u] = 0;
	for (edge e = g.first(); e != 0; e = g.next(e)) {
		vertex u = (split.isIn(g.left(e)) ? g.left(e) : g.right(e));
		if (fg.f(u,e) != 0)
			matchingEdge[u] = matchingEdge[g.mate(u,e)] = e;
Disassembler::Disassembler(Graph& graph)
    : m_graph(graph)
    m_dumpContext.graph = &m_graph;