Example #1
//EnumWindows handler
BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lparam)
        CMWDiscovery* mwd = reinterpret_cast<CMWDiscovery*>(lparam);
        IAccessiblePtr pAccessibleObject;
        HRESULT hr  = ::AccessibleObjectFromWindow( hwnd, OBJID_WINDOW, __uuidof(IAccessible), (void**)&pAccessibleObject );

        if( hr == S_OK )
            if( pAccessibleObject )
                _bstr_t bsName;
                VARIANT varChild;
                varChild.vt = VT_I4;
                varChild.lVal = CHILDID_SELF;
                if (SUCCEEDED(pAccessibleObject->get_accName(varChild, bsName.GetAddress())))
                    CStdStringW name = bsName;
                    CStdString::size_type iFind = name.rfind(mwd->m_name);
                    if(iFind != CStdString::npos )
                        mwd->m_hwnd = hwnd;
                        return false;
    {   //don't want this to stop the handler
        LOG_WS_ERROR(_T("Exception during EnumWindows"));
    return true;
Example #2
// When a box is deleted, make the corresponding VwAccessRoot (if any) invalid.
void VwAccessRoot::BoxDeleted(VwBox * pbox)
	IAccessiblePtr qacc;
	if (ViewsGlobals::m_hmboxacc->Retrieve(pbox, qacc))
		dynamic_cast<VwAccessRoot *>(qacc.Ptr())->m_pbox = NULL;
Example #3
// Get a dispinterface for the IAccessibility object for the specified box.
void VwAccessRoot::GetAccessFor(VwBox * pbox, IDispatch ** ppdisp)
	*ppdisp = NULL;
	if (!pbox)
	IAccessiblePtr qacc;
	// If we already made one for that box, answer it. Otherwise make one.
	if (!ViewsGlobals::m_hmboxacc->Retrieve(pbox, qacc))
		qacc.Attach(NewObj VwAccessRoot(pbox));

	qacc->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void **)ppdisp);
Example #4
static IAccessible2* IAccessible2FromIdentifier(int docHandle, int id) {
	IAccessiblePtr acc = NULL;
	VARIANT varChild;
	// WebKit returns a positive value for uniqueID,
	// but we need to pass a negative value when retrieving objects.
	id = -id;
	if (AccessibleObjectFromEvent((HWND)UlongToHandle(docHandle), OBJID_CLIENT, id, &acc, &varChild) != S_OK)
		return NULL;
	if (varChild.lVal != CHILDID_SELF) {
		// IAccessible2 can't be implemented on a simple child,
		// so this object is invalid.
		return NULL;
	IServiceProviderPtr serv = NULL;
	if (acc.QueryInterface(IID_IServiceProvider, &serv) != S_OK)
		return NULL;
	IAccessible2* pacc2 = NULL;
	serv->QueryService(IID_IAccessible, IID_IAccessible2, (void**)&pacc2);
	return pacc2;