Example #1
bool AOLayer::OGRFeatureFromAORow(IRow* pRow, OGRFeature** ppFeature)

  OGRFeature* pOutFeature = new OGRFeature(m_pFeatureDefn);

  // Translate OID

  long oid = -1;
  if (FAILED(hr = pRow->get_OID(&oid)))
    //this should never happen
    delete pOutFeature;
    return false;

  // Translate Geometry

  IFeaturePtr ipFeature = pRow;
  esriGeometry::IGeometryPtr ipGeometry = NULL;

  if (FAILED(hr = ipFeature->get_Shape(&ipGeometry)) || ipGeometry == NULL)
    delete pOutFeature;
    return AOErr(hr, "Failed retrieving shape from ArcObjects");

  OGRGeometry* pOGRGeo = NULL;

  if ((!AOGeometryToOGRGeometry(m_forceMulti, ipGeometry, m_pSRS, m_pBuffer, m_bufferSize, &pOGRGeo)) || pOGRGeo == NULL)
    delete pOutFeature;
    return AOErr(hr, "Failed to translate ArcObjects Geometry to OGR Geometry");


  // Map fields

  CComVariant val;
  size_t mappedFieldCount = m_OGRFieldToESRIField.size();

  bool foundBadColumn = false;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < mappedFieldCount; ++i)
    long index = m_OGRFieldToESRIField[i];

    if (FAILED(hr = pRow->get_Value(index, &val)))
      // this should not happen
      return AOErr(hr, "Failed retrieving row value");

    if (val.vt == VT_NULL)
      continue; //leave as unset

    // NOTE: This switch statement needs to be kept in sync with AOToOGRGeometry
    //       since we are only checking for types we mapped in that utility function

    switch (m_pFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType())

    case OFTInteger:
        pOutFeature->SetField(i, val.intVal);

    case OFTReal:
        pOutFeature->SetField(i, val.dblVal);
    case OFTString:
        pOutFeature->SetField(i, CW2A(val.bstrVal));

    /* TODO: Need to get test dataset to implement these leave it as NULL for now
    case OFTBinary:
      // Access as SafeArray with SafeArrayAccessData perhaps?
    case OFTDateTime:
      // Examine test data to figure out how to extract that
        if (!m_supressColumnMappingError)
          foundBadColumn = true;
          CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "Row id: %d col:%d has unhandled col type (%d). Setting to NULL.", oid, i, m_pFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(i)->GetType());
  if (foundBadColumn)
    m_supressColumnMappingError = true;

  *ppFeature = pOutFeature;

  return true;
Example #2
    __declspec(dllexport) int CalculatePairwiseGeodesicDistances(const wchar_t* feature_class, const wchar_t* output_file, const double unit_factor, const bool is_spagedi)
        std::ofstream fs(output_file);
        if (!fs)
            std::cerr << "Cannot open the output file." <<std::endl;
            return -1;
        // Convert wchar_t*s to bstring
        _bstr_t catalogPath(feature_class);

        // Coinitialize GP utilities class
        IGPUtilitiesPtr ipUtil(CLSID_GPUtilities);

        // Feature class holder
        IFeatureClassPtr ipFeatureclass(0);

        HRESULT hr;

        // Try to fetch feature class from catalog path
        if (FAILED(hr = ipUtil->OpenFeatureClassFromString(catalogPath, &ipFeatureclass)))
            fs << "Failed to open: " << catalogPath << std::endl;
            return -2;

        // Set up query and filter
        IQueryFilterPtr ipFilter(CLSID_QueryFilter);
        IFeatureCursorPtr ipCursor;
        IFeaturePtr ipRow;
        IGeometryPtr ipGeometry;
        esriGeometryType gt;

        // coordinate system
        IGeographicCoordinateSystemPtr pGCS;
        ISpatialReferenceFactoryPtr pSpatRefFactory(CLSID_SpatialReferenceEnvironment);
        ISpatialReferencePtr spatialReference;

        // use meters as default linear units
        IUnitPtr ipUnit;
        pSpatRefFactory->CreateUnit(esriSRUnit_Meter, &ipUnit);
        ILinearUnitPtr linearUnit = ipUnit;

        // get the feature count to initialize our output matrix
        long featureCount;
        ipFeatureclass->FeatureCount(NULL, &featureCount);
        // initialize the 2d matrix (array of pointers)
        double** matrix = new double*[featureCount];
        IPointArrayPtr ipPointArray;

        long* oids = new long[featureCount];

        // Currently, this is only set to run as a 32-bit process, and
        // it'll crash if the application tries to use more than ~1.5GB
        // of memory. Approximate the dimensions that we'd expect to work
        // and fail if the user exceeds these limits.
        double arrayMemUsage = (8.0 * pow((double)featureCount, 2)) / pow(1024.0,2);
        if (arrayMemUsage > 1200)
            return -3;

        // Open search cursor on feature class
        ipFeatureclass->Search(ipFilter, VARIANT_FALSE, &ipCursor);
        int i = 0;
        for (ipCursor->NextFeature(&ipRow);
             ipRow != NULL;
            long oid_val;
            oids[i] = oid_val;

            IPointPtr ipPoint (ipGeometry);
            if (i == 0)
                // make sure inputs are points
                if (gt != esriGeometryPoint)
                    return -4;
            // push the point onto our array

            // initialize output matrix element for this point
            matrix[i] = new double[featureCount];

		// still have a poiner to the last referenced geometry, use
		// this to set the computation spatial reference.
		// geometry server
        IGeometryServer2Ptr geomServer;

        IRelationalOperatorPtr ipRelOp;

        double distance;
        for (int i = 0; i < featureCount; i++)
            //fs << "at distance calculation for row " << i << std::endl;
            IPointPtr ipPointFrom;
            IPointPtr ipPointTo;
            // "(typeid: " << typeid(coord_vals[i][2]).name() << std::endl;

            ipPointArray->get_Element(i, &ipPointFrom);

            // set up a relational operator for this point
            ipRelOp = ipPointFrom;

            for (int j = 0; j < featureCount; j++) 
                if (i == j)
                    distance = 0;
                else if (matrix[j][i] > 0) 
                    //fs << "matrix[j][i] is not NULL, value is `" << matrix[j][i] << 
                    // "`, type " << typeid(matrix[j][i]).name() << std::endl;
                    distance = matrix[j][i];
                    ipPointArray->get_Element(j, &ipPointTo);

                    VARIANT_BOOL bEquals;
                    ipRelOp->Equals(ipPointTo, &bEquals);

                    if (bEquals)
                        distance = 0;
                        //fs << "try to get geodesic distance..." << std::endl;
					    //double from_x, from_y, to_x, to_y;
			            //ipPointFrom->QueryCoords(&from_x, &from_y);
						//ipPointTo->QueryCoords(&to_x, &to_y);
						//fs << "dist from: (" << from_x << "," << from_y << ")" << 
						//	" to (" << to_x << "," << to_y << ") with sr `" <<
						//	spatialReference << "`, unit factor " << unit_factor << "." << std::endl;

                        geomServer->GetDistanceGeodesic(spatialReference, ipPointFrom, ipPointTo, linearUnit, &distance);
						// rescale distance by the unit factor (current unit releative to meters)
						distance = distance * unit_factor;
                matrix[i][j] = distance;
        // two possible output formats: 'standard' and 'SPAGeDi'.

		const char sep = is_spagedi ? '\t' : ',';

		if (is_spagedi) {
			fs << "M" << featureCount << sep;

        // write header row
        for (int h = 0; h < featureCount; h++)
            fs << sep << oids[h];
        fs << std::endl;

        // write out results
        for (int i = 0; i < featureCount; i++) 
            fs << oids[i] << sep;
            for (int j = 0; j < featureCount - 1; j++) 
                fs << std::fixed << matrix[i][j] << sep;
            fs << std::fixed << matrix[i][featureCount - 1] << std::endl;
		if (is_spagedi) {
			fs << "END" << std::endl;
        return 0;