Example #1
void AssbinImporter::InternReadFile( const std::string& pFile, aiScene* pScene, IOSystem* pIOHandler )
    IOStream * stream = pIOHandler->Open(pFile,"rb");
    if (!stream)

    stream->Seek( 44, aiOrigin_CUR ); // signature

    /*unsigned int versionMajor =*/ Read<unsigned int>(stream);
    /*unsigned int versionMinor =*/ Read<unsigned int>(stream);
    /*unsigned int versionRevision =*/ Read<unsigned int>(stream);
    /*unsigned int compileFlags =*/ Read<unsigned int>(stream);

    shortened = Read<uint16_t>(stream) > 0;
    compressed = Read<uint16_t>(stream) > 0;

    if (shortened)
        throw DeadlyImportError( "Shortened binaries are not supported!" );

    stream->Seek( 256, aiOrigin_CUR ); // original filename
    stream->Seek( 128, aiOrigin_CUR ); // options
    stream->Seek( 64, aiOrigin_CUR ); // padding

    if (compressed)
        uLongf uncompressedSize = Read<uint32_t>(stream);
        uLongf compressedSize = stream->FileSize() - stream->Tell();

        unsigned char * compressedData = new unsigned char[ compressedSize ];
        stream->Read( compressedData, 1, compressedSize );

        unsigned char * uncompressedData = new unsigned char[ uncompressedSize ];

        uncompress( uncompressedData, &uncompressedSize, compressedData, compressedSize );

        MemoryIOStream io( uncompressedData, uncompressedSize );


        delete[] uncompressedData;
        delete[] compressedData;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function
//		Name:    BackupStoreFile::MoveStreamPositionToBlockIndex(IOStream &)
//		Purpose: Move the file pointer in this stream to just before the block index.
//				 Assumes that the stream is at the beginning, seekable, and
//				 reading from the stream is OK.
//		Created: 12/1/04
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void BackupStoreFile::MoveStreamPositionToBlockIndex(IOStream &rStream)
	// Size of file
	int64_t fileSize = rStream.BytesLeftToRead();

	// Get header
	file_StreamFormat hdr;

	// Read the header
	if(!rStream.ReadFullBuffer(&hdr, sizeof(hdr), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */, IOStream::TimeOutInfinite))
		// Couldn't read header
		THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldntReadEntireStructureFromStream)

	// Check magic number
	if(ntohl(hdr.mMagicValue) != OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_MAGIC_VALUE_V1
		&& ntohl(hdr.mMagicValue) != OBJECTMAGIC_FILE_MAGIC_VALUE_V0
		THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
	// Work out where the index is
	int64_t numBlocks = box_ntoh64(hdr.mNumBlocks);
	int64_t blockHeaderPosFromEnd = ((numBlocks * sizeof(file_BlockIndexEntry)) + sizeof(file_BlockIndexHeader));
	// Sanity check
	if(blockHeaderPosFromEnd > static_cast<int64_t>(fileSize - sizeof(file_StreamFormat)))
		THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
	// Seek to that position
	rStream.Seek(0 - blockHeaderPosFromEnd, IOStream::SeekType_End);
	// Done. Stream now in right position (as long as the file is formatted correctly)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function
//		Name:    static SearchForMatchingBlocks(IOStream &, std::map<int64_t, int64_t> &, BlocksAvailableEntry *, int64_t, int32_t[BACKUP_FILE_DIFF_MAX_BLOCK_SIZES])
//		Purpose: Find the matching blocks within the file.
//		Created: 12/1/04
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void SearchForMatchingBlocks(IOStream &rFile, std::map<int64_t, int64_t> &rFoundBlocks,
	BlocksAvailableEntry *pIndex, int64_t NumBlocks, 
	int32_t Sizes[BACKUP_FILE_DIFF_MAX_BLOCK_SIZES], DiffTimer *pDiffTimer)
	Timer maximumDiffingTime(0, "MaximumDiffingTime");

	if(pDiffTimer && pDiffTimer->IsManaged())
		maximumDiffingTime = Timer(pDiffTimer->GetMaximumDiffingTime() *
			MILLI_SEC_IN_SEC, "MaximumDiffingTime");
	std::map<int64_t, int32_t> goodnessOfFit;

	// Allocate the hash lookup table
	BlocksAvailableEntry **phashTable = (BlocksAvailableEntry **)::malloc(sizeof(BlocksAvailableEntry *) * (64*1024));

	// Choose a size for the buffer, just a little bit more than the maximum block size
	int32_t bufSize = Sizes[0];
	for(int z = 1; z < BACKUP_FILE_DIFF_MAX_BLOCK_SIZES; ++z)
		if(Sizes[z] > bufSize) bufSize = Sizes[z];
	bufSize += 4;
	ASSERT(bufSize > Sizes[0]);
	ASSERT(bufSize > 0);
	if(bufSize > (BACKUP_FILE_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE + 1024))
		THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, BadBackupStoreFile)
	// TODO: Because we read in the file a scanned block size at a time,
	// it is likely to be inefficient. Probably will be much better to
	// calculate checksums for all block sizes in a single pass.

	// Allocate the buffers.
	uint8_t *pbuffer0 = (uint8_t *)::malloc(bufSize);
	uint8_t *pbuffer1 = (uint8_t *)::malloc(bufSize);
		// Check buffer allocation
		if(pbuffer0 == 0 || pbuffer1 == 0 || phashTable == 0)
			// If a buffer got allocated, it will be cleaned up in the catch block
			throw std::bad_alloc();
		// Flag to abort the run, if too many blocks are found -- avoid using
		// huge amounts of processor time when files contain many similar blocks.
		bool abortSearch = false;
		// Search for each block size in turn
		// NOTE: Do the smallest size first, so that the scheme for adding
		// entries in the found list works as expected and replaces smaller blocks
		// with larger blocks when it finds matches at the same offset in the file.
		for(int s = BACKUP_FILE_DIFF_MAX_BLOCK_SIZES - 1; s >= 0; --s)
			ASSERT(Sizes[s] <= bufSize);
			BOX_TRACE("Diff pass " << s << ", for block size " <<
			// Check we haven't finished
			if(Sizes[s] == 0)
				// empty entry, try next size
			// Set up the hash table entries
			SetupHashTable(pIndex, NumBlocks, Sizes[s], phashTable);
			// Shift file position to beginning
			rFile.Seek(0, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);
			// Read first block
			if(rFile.Read(pbuffer0, Sizes[s]) != Sizes[s])
				// Size of file too short to match -- do next size
			// Setup block pointers
			uint8_t *beginnings = pbuffer0;
			uint8_t *endings = pbuffer1;
			int offset = 0;
			// Calculate the first checksum, ready for rolling
			RollingChecksum rolling(beginnings, Sizes[s]);
			// Then roll, until the file is exhausted
			int64_t fileBlockNumber = 0;
			int64_t fileOffset = 0;
			int rollOverInitialBytes = 0;
					ASSERT(pDiffTimer != NULL);
					BOX_INFO("MaximumDiffingTime reached - "
						"suspending file diff");
					abortSearch = true;
				// Load in another block of data, and record how big it is
				int bytesInEndings = rFile.Read(endings, Sizes[s]);
				int tmp;

				// Skip any bytes from a previous matched block
				if(rollOverInitialBytes > 0 && offset < bytesInEndings)
					int spaceLeft = bytesInEndings - offset;
					int thisRoll = (rollOverInitialBytes > spaceLeft) ? spaceLeft : rollOverInitialBytes;

					rolling.RollForwardSeveral(beginnings+offset, endings+offset, Sizes[s], thisRoll);

					offset += thisRoll;
					fileOffset += thisRoll;
					rollOverInitialBytes -= thisRoll;

						goto refresh;

					tmp = goodnessOfFit[fileOffset];
					tmp = 0;

				if(tmp >= Sizes[s])
					// Skip over bigger ready-matched blocks completely
					rollOverInitialBytes = tmp;
					int spaceLeft = bytesInEndings - offset;
					int thisRoll = (rollOverInitialBytes > spaceLeft) ? spaceLeft : rollOverInitialBytes;

					rolling.RollForwardSeveral(beginnings+offset, endings+offset, Sizes[s], thisRoll);

					offset += thisRoll;
					fileOffset += thisRoll;
					rollOverInitialBytes -= thisRoll;

						goto refresh;

				while(offset < bytesInEndings)
					// Is current checksum in hash list?
					uint16_t hash = rolling.GetComponentForHashing();
					if(phashTable[hash] != 0 && (goodnessOfFit.count(fileOffset) == 0 || goodnessOfFit[fileOffset] < Sizes[s]))
						if(SecondStageMatch(phashTable[hash], rolling, beginnings, endings, offset, Sizes[s], fileBlockNumber, pIndex, rFoundBlocks))
							BOX_TRACE("Found block match of " << Sizes[s] << " bytes with hash " << hash << " at offset " << fileOffset);
							goodnessOfFit[fileOffset] = Sizes[s];

							// Block matched, roll the checksum forward to the next block without doing
							// any more comparisons, because these are pointless (as any more matches will be ignored when
							// the recipe is generated) and just take up valuable processor time. Edge cases are
							// especially nasty, using huge amounts of time and memory.
							int skip = Sizes[s];
							if(offset < bytesInEndings && skip > 0)
								int spaceLeft = bytesInEndings - offset;
								int thisRoll = (skip > spaceLeft) ? spaceLeft : skip;

								rolling.RollForwardSeveral(beginnings+offset, endings+offset, Sizes[s], thisRoll);

								offset += thisRoll;
								fileOffset += thisRoll;
								skip -= thisRoll;
							// Not all the bytes necessary will have been skipped, so get them
							// skipped after the next block is loaded.
							rollOverInitialBytes = skip;
							// End this loop, so the final byte isn't used again
							// Too many to log
							// BOX_TRACE("False alarm match of " << Sizes[s] << " bytes with hash " << hash << " at offset " << fileOffset);

						int64_t NumBlocksFound = static_cast<int64_t>(
						int64_t MaxBlocksFound = NumBlocks * 
						if(NumBlocksFound > MaxBlocksFound)
							abortSearch = true;
					// Roll checksum forward
					rolling.RollForward(beginnings[offset], endings[offset], Sizes[s]);
					// Increment offsets
				if(abortSearch) break;
				// Finished?
				if(bytesInEndings != Sizes[s])
					// No more data in file -- check the final block
					// (Do a copy and paste of 5 lines of code instead of introducing a comparison for
					// each byte of the file)
					uint16_t hash = rolling.GetComponentForHashing();
					if(phashTable[hash] != 0 && (goodnessOfFit.count(fileOffset) == 0 || goodnessOfFit[fileOffset] < Sizes[s]))
						if(SecondStageMatch(phashTable[hash], rolling, beginnings, endings, offset, Sizes[s], fileBlockNumber, pIndex, rFoundBlocks))
							goodnessOfFit[fileOffset] = Sizes[s];

					// finish
				// Switch buffers, reset offset
				beginnings = endings;
				endings = (beginnings == pbuffer0)?(pbuffer1):(pbuffer0);	// ie the other buffer
				offset = 0;

				// And count the blocks which have been done

			if(abortSearch) break;
		// Free buffers and hash table
		pbuffer1 = 0;
		pbuffer0 = 0;
		phashTable = 0;
		// Cleanup and throw
		if(pbuffer1 != 0) ::free(pbuffer1);
		if(pbuffer0 != 0) ::free(pbuffer0);
		if(phashTable != 0) ::free(phashTable);
		// Trace out the found blocks in debug mode
		BOX_TRACE("Diff: list of found blocks");
		BOX_TRACE("======== ======== ======== ========");
		BOX_TRACE("  Offset   BlkIdx     Size Movement");
		for(std::map<int64_t, int64_t>::const_iterator i(rFoundBlocks.begin()); i != rFoundBlocks.end(); ++i)
			int64_t orgLoc = 0;
			for(int64_t b = 0; b < i->second; ++b)
				orgLoc += pIndex[b].mSize;
			BOX_TRACE(std::setw(8) << i->first << " " <<
				std::setw(8) << i->second << " " <<
				std::setw(8) << pIndex[i->second].mSize << 
				" " << 
				std::setw(8) << (i->first - orgLoc));
		BOX_TRACE("======== ======== ======== ========");
Example #4
std::auto_ptr<BackupStoreInfo> BackupStoreInfo::Load(IOStream& rStream,
	const std::string FileName, bool ReadOnly)
	// Read in format and version
	int32_t magic;
	if(!rStream.ReadFullBuffer(&magic, sizeof(magic), 0))
		THROW_FILE_ERROR("Failed to read store info file: "
			"short read of magic number", FileName,
			BackupStoreException, CouldNotLoadStoreInfo);

	bool v1 = false, v2 = false;

	if(ntohl(magic) == INFO_MAGIC_VALUE_1)
		v1 = true;
	else if(ntohl(magic) == INFO_MAGIC_VALUE_2)
		v2 = true;
		THROW_FILE_ERROR("Failed to read store info file: "
			"unknown magic " << BOX_FORMAT_HEX32(ntohl(magic)),
			FileName, BackupStoreException, BadStoreInfoOnLoad);

	// Make new object
	std::auto_ptr<BackupStoreInfo> info(new BackupStoreInfo);

	// Put in basic location info
	info->mFilename = FileName;
	info->mReadOnly = ReadOnly;
	int64_t numDelObj = 0;

	if (v1)
		// Read in a header
		info_StreamFormat_1 hdr;
		rStream.Seek(0, IOStream::SeekType_Absolute);

		if(!rStream.ReadFullBuffer(&hdr, sizeof(hdr),
			0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */))
			THROW_FILE_ERROR("Failed to read store info header",
				FileName, BackupStoreException, CouldNotLoadStoreInfo);

		// Insert info from file
		info->mAccountID		= ntohl(hdr.mAccountID);
		info->mClientStoreMarker	= box_ntoh64(hdr.mClientStoreMarker);
		info->mLastObjectIDUsed		= box_ntoh64(hdr.mLastObjectIDUsed);
		info->mBlocksUsed 		= box_ntoh64(hdr.mBlocksUsed);
		info->mBlocksInOldFiles 	= box_ntoh64(hdr.mBlocksInOldFiles);
		info->mBlocksInDeletedFiles	= box_ntoh64(hdr.mBlocksInDeletedFiles);
		info->mBlocksInDirectories	= box_ntoh64(hdr.mBlocksInDirectories);
		info->mBlocksSoftLimit		= box_ntoh64(hdr.mBlocksSoftLimit);
		info->mBlocksHardLimit		= box_ntoh64(hdr.mBlocksHardLimit);

		// Load up array of deleted objects
		numDelObj = box_ntoh64(hdr.mNumberDeletedDirectories);
	else if(v2)
		Archive archive(rStream, IOStream::TimeOutInfinite);

		// Check it

	// Then load the list of deleted directories
	if(numDelObj > 0)
		int64_t objs[NUM_DELETED_DIRS_BLOCK];

		int64_t toload = numDelObj;
		while(toload > 0)
			// How many in this one?
			int b = (toload > NUM_DELETED_DIRS_BLOCK)?NUM_DELETED_DIRS_BLOCK:((int)(toload));

			if(!rStream.ReadFullBuffer(objs, b * sizeof(int64_t), 0 /* not interested in bytes read if this fails */))
				THROW_EXCEPTION(BackupStoreException, CouldNotLoadStoreInfo)

			// Add them
			for(int t = 0; t < b; ++t)

			// Number loaded
			toload -= b;