Example #1
int main() {
    float scale     = 400.f;
    float offset_x  = 5.9f;
    float offset_y  = 5.1f;
    float offset_z  = 0.05f;
    float lacunarity    = 1.99f;
    float persistance   = 0.5f;

    Img img;

    while (!img.is_closed()) {
        Measure measure;
        const SimplexNoise simplex(0.1f/scale, 0.5f, lacunarity, persistance); // Amplitude of 0.5 for the 1st octave : sum ~1.0f
        const int octaves = static_cast<int>(5 + std::log(scale)); // Estimate number of octaves needed for the current scale
        std::ostringstream title;
        title << "2D Simplex Perlin noise (" << octaves << " octaves)";
        for (int row = 0; row < img.height(); ++row) {
            const float y = static_cast<float>(row - img.height()/2 + offset_y*scale);
            for (int col = 0; col < img.width(); ++col) {
                const float x = static_cast<float>(col - img.width()/2 + offset_x*scale);
                // TODO(SRombauts): Add 'erosion' with simple smoothing like exponential, and other 'modifiers' like in libnoise
                // Generate "biomes", ie smooth geographic variation in frequency & amplitude, 
                // and add smaller details, summing the noise values for the coordinate
                const float noise = simplex.fractal(octaves, x, y) + offset_z;
                const color3f color = ramp(noise); // convert to color
                img.draw_point(col, row, (float*)&color);
        const double diff_ms = measure.get();
        std::cout << std::fixed << diff_ms << "ms\n";

        img.user(scale, offset_x, offset_y, offset_z, lacunarity, persistance);

    return 0;