	// Create the window and give it to the director.
	JXWindow* window = new JXWindow(this, 200,100, "Hello World Program");
    assert( window != NULL );

	// This sets the minimum and maximum size to be the
	// current size.

    // Create the menu bar so that it stays on top, but expands as the window
    // expands. 
    JXMenuBar* menuBar = 
    	new JXMenuBar(window, JXWidget::kHElastic, JXWidget::kFixedTop, 
    					0,0, 200,kJXDefaultMenuBarHeight);
    assert( menuBar != NULL );
    // Attach our menu to the menu bar.
    itsTextMenu = menuBar->AppendTextMenu(kTextMenuTitleStr);
    // Set the menu items in our menu.
    // Set the menu to never disable the menu items.
    // The director needs to listen to the menu for messages. The message
    // we care about is JXMenu::kItemSelected.
	// Create the object to display the text. This time, we need to keep a 
	// pointer to it so we can change the text later.
	itsText = 
		new JXStaticText("Hello world!", window, 
			JXWidget::kFixedLeft, JXWidget::kFixedTop,
			20, 40, 160, 20);
	assert( itsText != NULL );