Example #1
 * Returns true if this is a desktop file.
 * Mimetype determination is optional.
static bool checkDesktopFile(const KFileItem& item, bool _determineMimeType)
    // only local files
    bool isLocal;
    const KUrl url = item.mostLocalUrl(isLocal);
    if (!isLocal)
        return false;

    // only regular files
    if (!item.isRegularFile())
        return false;

    // only if readable
    if (!item.isReadable())
        return false;

    // return true if desktop file
    KMimeType::Ptr mime = _determineMimeType ? item.determineMimeType() : item.mimeTypePtr();
    return mime->is("application/x-desktop");
Example #2
void KFileTreeBranch::slCompleted( const KURL& url )
    kdDebug(250) << "SlotCompleted hit for " << url.prettyURL() << endl;
    KFileTreeViewItem *currParent = findTVIByURL( url );
    if( ! currParent ) return;

    kdDebug(250) << "current parent " << currParent << " is already listed: "
                 << currParent->alreadyListed() << endl;

    emit( populateFinished(currParent));
    emit( directoryChildCount(currParent, currParent->childCount()));

    /* This is a walk through the children of the last populated directory.
     * Here we start the dirlister on every child of the dir and wait for its
     * finish. When it has finished, we go to the next child.
     * This must be done for non local file systems in dirOnly- and Full-Mode
     * and for local file systems only in full mode, because the stat trick
     * (see addItem-Method) does only work for dirs, not for files in the directory.
    /* Set bit that the parent dir was listed completely */

    kdDebug(250) << "recurseChildren: " << m_recurseChildren << endl;
    kdDebug(250) << "isLocalFile: " << m_startURL.isLocalFile() << endl;
    kdDebug(250) << "dirOnlyMode: " << dirOnlyMode() << endl;

    if( m_recurseChildren && (!m_startURL.isLocalFile() || ! dirOnlyMode()) )
        bool wantRecurseUrl = false;
        /* look if the url is in the list for url to recurse */
        for ( KURL::List::Iterator it = m_openChildrenURLs.begin();
              it != m_openChildrenURLs.end(); ++it )
            /* it is only interesting that the url _is_in_ the list. */
            if( (*it).equals( url, true ) )
                wantRecurseUrl = true;

        KFileTreeViewItem    *nextChild = 0;
        kdDebug(250) << "Recursing " << url.prettyURL() << "? " << wantRecurseUrl << endl;

        if( wantRecurseUrl && currParent )

            /* now walk again through the tree and populate the children to get +-signs */
            /* This is the starting point. The visible folder has finished,
               processing the children has not yet started */
            nextChild = static_cast<KFileTreeViewItem*>

            if( ! nextChild )
                /* This happens if there is no child at all */
                kdDebug( 250 ) << "No children to recuse" << endl;

            /* Since we have listed the children to recurse, we can remove the entry
             * in the list of the URLs to see the children.

        if( nextChild ) /* This implies that idx > -1 */
            /* Next child is defined. We start a dirlister job on every child item
             * which is a directory to find out how much children are in the child
             * of the last opened dir

            /* Skip non directory entries */
            while( nextChild )
                if( nextChild->isDir() && ! nextChild->alreadyListed())
                    KFileItem *kfi = nextChild->fileItem();
                    if( kfi && kfi->isReadable())
                        KURL recurseUrl = kfi->url();
                        kdDebug(250) << "Starting to recurse NOW " << recurseUrl.prettyURL() << endl;
                        openURL( recurseUrl, true );
                nextChild = static_cast<KFileTreeViewItem*>(static_cast<TQListViewItem*>(nextChild->nextSibling()));
                // kdDebug(250) << "Next child " << m_nextChild << endl;
        kdDebug(250) << "skipping to recurse in complete-slot" << endl;
Example #3
FileBrowser::FileBrowser( const char * name, Medium * medium )
        : QVBox( 0, name )
    KActionCollection *actionCollection;
    SearchPane *searchPane;

    KURL *location;

    // Try to keep filebrowser working even if not in a medium context
    // so if a medium object not passed in, keep earlier behavior
    if (!medium) {
        m_medium = 0;
        location = new KURL( Pana::config( "Filebrowser" )->readPathEntry( "Location", QDir::homeDirPath() ) );
        KFileItem *currentFolder = new KFileItem( KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, *location );
        //KIO sucks, NetAccess::exists puts up a dialog and has annoying error message boxes
        //if there is a problem so there is no point in using it anyways.
        //so... setting the diroperator to ~ is the least sucky option
        if ( !location->isLocalFile() || !currentFolder->isReadable() ) {
            delete location;
            location = new KURL( QDir::homeDirPath() ) ;
        m_medium = medium;
        location = new KURL( m_medium->mountPoint() );

    KActionCollection* ac = new KActionCollection( this );
    KStdAction::selectAll( this, SLOT( selectAll() ), ac, "filebrowser_select_all" );

    KToolBar *toolbar = new Browser::ToolBar( this );

    { //Filter LineEdit
        KToolBar* searchToolBar = new Browser::ToolBar( this );
        KToolBarButton *button = new KToolBarButton( "locationbar_erase", 0, searchToolBar );
        m_filter = new ClickLineEdit( i18n( "Enter search terms here" ), searchToolBar );

        searchToolBar->setStretchableWidget( m_filter );

        connect( button, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_filter, SLOT(clear()) );

        QToolTip::add( button, i18n( "Clear search field" ) );
        QToolTip::add( m_filter, i18n( "Enter space-separated terms to search in the directory-listing" ) );

    { //Directory Listing
        QVBox *container; QHBox *box;

        container = new QVBox( this );
        container->setFrameStyle( m_filter->frameStyle() );
        container->setMargin( 3 );
        container->setSpacing( 2 );
        container->setBackgroundMode( Qt::PaletteBase );

        box = new QHBox( container );
        box->setMargin( 3 );
        box->setBackgroundMode( Qt::PaletteBase );

        //folder selection combo box
        m_combo = new KURLComboBox( KURLComboBox::Directories, true, box, "path combo" );

        if (!m_medium){
            m_combo->setCompletionObject( new KURLCompletion( KURLCompletion::DirCompletion ) );
            m_combo->setAutoDeleteCompletionObject( true );
        m_combo->setMaxItems( 9 );
        m_combo->setURLs( Pana::config( "Filebrowser" )->readPathListEntry( "Dir History" ) );

        if (!m_medium)
            m_combo->lineEdit()->setText( location->path() );
            m_combo->lineEdit()->setText( "/" );

        //The main widget with file listings and that
        m_dir = new MyDirOperator( *location, container, m_medium );
        m_dir->setEnableDirHighlighting( true );
        m_dir->setMode( KFile::Mode((int)KFile::Files | (int)KFile::Directory) ); //allow selection of multiple files + dirs
        m_dir->setOnlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles( true ); //Pana type settings
        m_dir->readConfig( Pana::config( "Filebrowser" ) );
        m_dir->setView( KFile::Default ); //will set userconfigured view, will load URL
        m_dir->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
        m_dir->setAcceptDrops( true );
        //Automatically open folder after hovering above it...probably a good thing
        //but easily disabled by commenting this line out
        //Disabled for now because can't show . and .. folders.
        //TODO: Find out a way to fix this?
        //m_dir->setDropOptions( KFileView::AutoOpenDirs );

        static_cast<QFrame*>(m_dir->viewWidget())->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
        static_cast<QIconView*>(m_dir->viewWidget())->setSpacing( 1 );

        actionCollection = m_dir->actionCollection();

        searchPane = new SearchPane( this );

        setStretchFactor( container, 2 );

        QPopupMenu* const menu = static_cast<KActionMenu*>(actionCollection->action("popupMenu"))->popupMenu();

        menu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( Pana::icon( "files" ) ), i18n( "&Load" ), MakePlaylist );
        menu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( Pana::icon( "add_playlist" ) ), i18n( "&Append to Playlist" ), AppendToPlaylist );
        menu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( Pana::icon( "queue_track" ) ), i18n( "&Queue Track" ), QueueTrack );
        menu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( Pana::icon( "queue_track" ) ), i18n( "&Queue Tracks" ), QueueTracks );

        menu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( Pana::icon( "save" ) ), i18n( "&Save as Playlist..." ), SavePlaylist );

        if (!m_medium)
            menu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( Pana::icon( "device" ) ), i18n( "&Transfer to Media Device" ), MediaDevice );

        menu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( Pana::icon( "collection" ) ), i18n( "&Organize Files..." ), OrganizeFiles );
        menu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( Pana::icon( "collection" ) ), i18n( "&Copy Files to Collection..." ), CopyToCollection );
        menu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( Pana::icon( "collection" ) ), i18n( "&Move Files to Collection..." ), MoveToCollection );
        menu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( Pana::icon( "burn" ) ), i18n("Burn to CD..."), BurnCd );
        menu->insertItem( i18n( "&Select All Files" ), SelectAllFiles );
        actionCollection->action( "delete" )->setIcon( Pana::icon( "remove" ) );
        actionCollection->action( "delete" )->plug( menu );
        menu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( Pana::icon( "info" ) ), i18n( "Edit Track &Information..." ), EditTags );
        actionCollection->action( "properties" )->plug( menu );

        menu->setItemEnabled( BurnCd, K3bExporter::isAvailable() );

        connect( menu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), SLOT(prepareContextMenu()) );
        connect( menu, SIGNAL(activated( int )), SLOT(contextMenuActivated( int )) );

        KActionMenu *a;

        a = static_cast<KActionMenu*>( actionCollection->action( "sorting menu" ) );
        a->setIcon( Pana::icon( "configure" ) );
        a->setDelayed( false ); //TODO should be done by KDirOperator

        actionCollection->action( "delete" )->setShortcut( KShortcut( SHIFT + Key_Delete ) );

        a = new KActionMenu( i18n("Bookmarks"), "bookmark", actionCollection, "bookmarks" );
        a->setDelayed( false );

        new KBookmarkHandler( m_dir, a->popupMenu() );

        if ( KAction *a = actionCollection->action( "up" ) )
            a->plug( toolbar );
        if ( KAction *a = actionCollection->action( "back" ) )
            a->plug( toolbar );
        if ( KAction *a = actionCollection->action( "forward" ) )
            a->plug( toolbar );
        if ( KAction *a = actionCollection->action( "home" ) )
            a->plug( toolbar );
        if ( KAction *a = actionCollection->action( "reload" ) ) {
            a->setIcon( Pana::icon( "refresh" ) );
            a->plug( toolbar );


        if ( KAction *a = actionCollection->action( "short view" ) )
            a->plug( toolbar );
        if ( KAction *a = actionCollection->action( "detailed view" ) )
            a->plug( toolbar );


        if ( KAction *a = actionCollection->action( "sorting menu" ) )
            a->plug( toolbar );
        if ( KAction *a = actionCollection->action( "bookmarks" ) )
            a->plug( toolbar );

        KAction *gotoCurrent = new KAction( i18n("Go To Current Track Folder"), Pana::icon( "music" ), 0,
                                            this, SLOT( gotoCurrentFolder() ), actionCollection );
        gotoCurrent->plug( toolbar );

        disconnect( actionCollection->action( "up" ), SIGNAL( activated() ), m_dir, SLOT( cdUp() ) );
        connect( actionCollection->action( "up" ), SIGNAL( activated() ), m_dir, SLOT( myCdUp() ) );
        disconnect( actionCollection->action( "home" ), SIGNAL( activated() ), m_dir, SLOT( home() ) );
        connect( actionCollection->action( "home" ), SIGNAL( activated() ), m_dir, SLOT( myHome() ) );

    connect( m_filter, SIGNAL(textChanged( const QString& )), SLOT(setFilter( const QString& )) );
    connect( m_combo, SIGNAL(urlActivated( const KURL& )), SLOT(setUrl( const KURL& )) );
    connect( m_combo, SIGNAL(returnPressed( const QString& )), SLOT(setUrl( const QString& )) );
    connect( m_dir, SIGNAL(viewChanged( KFileView* )), SLOT(slotViewChanged( KFileView* )) );
    connect( m_dir, SIGNAL(fileSelected( const KFileItem* )), SLOT(activate( const KFileItem* )) );
    connect( m_dir, SIGNAL(urlEntered( const KURL& )), SLOT(urlChanged( const KURL& )) );
    connect( m_dir, SIGNAL(urlEntered( const KURL& )), searchPane, SLOT(urlChanged( const KURL& )) );
    connect( m_dir, SIGNAL(dropped( const KFileItem*, QDropEvent*, const KURL::List& )),
                        SLOT(dropped( const KFileItem*, QDropEvent*, const KURL::List& )) );

    setSpacing( 4 );
    setFocusProxy( m_dir ); //so the dirOperator is focused when we get focus events
    // Toolbar is more than 250px wide, BrowserBar doesn't allow that. -> Resizing issues.
    setMinimumWidth( 250 /* toolbar->sizeHint().width() */ );