Example #1
void LLMemoryView::draw()
	std::string tdesc;
	S32 width = mRect.getWidth();
	S32 height = mRect.getHeight();
	LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui;
	LLGLSNoTexture gls_no_tex;
	gl_rect_2d(0, height, width, 0, LLColor4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.25f));

	S32 left, top, right, bottom;
	S32 x, y;

	S32 margin = 10;
	S32 texth = (S32)LLFontGL::sMonospace->getLineHeight();

	S32 xleft = margin;
	S32 ytop = height - margin;
	S32 labelwidth = 0;
	S32 maxmaxbytes = 1;

	// Make sure all timers are accounted for
	// Set 'MT_OTHER' to unaccounted ticks last frame
		S32 display_memtypes[LLMemType::MTYPE_NUM_TYPES];
		for (S32 i=0; i < LLMemType::MTYPE_NUM_TYPES; i++)
			display_memtypes[i] = 0;
		for (S32 i=0; i < MTV_DISPLAY_NUM; i++)
			S32 tidx = mtv_display_table[i].memtype;
		LLMemType::sMemCount[LLMemType::MTYPE_OTHER] = 0;
		LLMemType::sMaxMemCount[LLMemType::MTYPE_OTHER] = 0;
		for (S32 tidx = 0; tidx < LLMemType::MTYPE_NUM_TYPES; tidx++)
			if (display_memtypes[tidx] == 0)
				LLMemType::sMemCount[LLMemType::MTYPE_OTHER] += LLMemType::sMemCount[tidx];
				LLMemType::sMaxMemCount[LLMemType::MTYPE_OTHER] += LLMemType::sMaxMemCount[tidx];
	// Labels
		LLGLSTexture gls_texture;
		y = ytop;
		S32 peak = 0;
		for (S32 i=0; i<MTV_DISPLAY_NUM; i++)
			x = xleft;

			int tidx = mtv_display_table[i].memtype;
			S32 bytes = LLMemType::sMemCount[tidx];
			S32 maxbytes = LLMemType::sMaxMemCount[tidx];
			maxmaxbytes = llmax(maxbytes, maxmaxbytes);
			peak += maxbytes;
			S32 mbytes = bytes >> 20;

			tdesc = llformat("%s [%4d MB]",mtv_display_table[i].desc,mbytes);
			LLFontGL::sMonospace->renderUTF8(tdesc, 0, x, y, LLColor4::white, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
			y -= (texth + 2);

			S32 textw = LLFontGL::sMonospace->getWidth(tdesc);
			if (textw > labelwidth)
				labelwidth = textw;
		x = xleft;
	        tdesc = llformat("Total Bytes: %d MB Overhead: %d KB",
					 LLMemType::sTotalMem >> 20, LLMemType::sOverheadMem >> 10);
         	LLFontGL::sMonospace->renderUTF8(tdesc, 0, x, y, LLColor4::white, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);

	// Bars
	y = ytop;
	labelwidth += 8;
	S32 barw = width - labelwidth - xleft - margin;
	for (S32 i=0; i<MTV_DISPLAY_NUM; i++)
		x = xleft + labelwidth;

		int tidx = mtv_display_table[i].memtype;
		S32 bytes = LLMemType::sMemCount[tidx];
		F32 frac = (F32)bytes / (F32)maxmaxbytes;
		S32 w = (S32)(frac * (F32)barw);
		left = x; right = x + w;
		top = y; bottom = y - texth;		
		gl_rect_2d(left, top, right, bottom, *mtv_display_table[i].color);

		S32 maxbytes = LLMemType::sMaxMemCount[tidx];
		F32 frac2 = (F32)maxbytes / (F32)maxmaxbytes;
		S32 w2 = (S32)(frac2 * (F32)barw);
		left = x + w + 1; right = x + w2;
		top = y; bottom = y - texth;
		LLColor4 tcolor = *mtv_display_table[i].color;
		gl_rect_2d(left, top, right, bottom, tcolor);
		y -= (texth + 2);

Example #2
void LLTextureBar::draw()
	if (!mImagep)

	LLColor4 color;
	if (mImagep->getID() == LLAppViewer::getTextureFetch()->mDebugID)
		color = LLColor4::cyan2;
	else if (mHilite)
		S32 idx = llclamp(mHilite,1,3);
		if (idx==1) color = LLColor4::orange;
		else if (idx==2) color = LLColor4::yellow;
		else color = LLColor4::pink2;
	else if (mImagep->mDontDiscard)
		color = LLColor4::green4;
	else if (mImagep->getBoostLevel())
		color = LLColor4::magenta;
	else if (mImagep->getDecodePriority() == 0.0f)
		color = LLColor4::grey; color[VALPHA] = .7f;
		color = LLColor4::white; color[VALPHA] = .7f;

	// We need to draw:
	// The texture UUID or name
	// The progress bar for the texture, highlighted if it's being download
	// Various numerical stats.
	std::string tex_str;
	S32 left, right;
	S32 top = 0;
	S32 bottom = top + 6;
	LLColor4 clr;

	LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui;
	// Name, pixel_area, requested pixel area, decode priority
	std::string uuid_str;
	uuid_str = uuid_str.substr(0,7);
	if (mTextureView->mOrderFetch)
		tex_str = llformat("%s %7.0f %d(%d) 0x%08x(%8.0f)",
		tex_str = llformat("%s %7.0f %d(%d) %8.0f(0x%08x)",

	LLFontGL::sMonospace->renderUTF8(tex_str, 0, title_x1, getRect().getHeight(),
									 color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);

	// State
	// Hack: mirrored from lltexturefetch.cpp
	struct { const std::string desc; LLColor4 color; } fetch_state_desc[] = {
		{ "---", LLColor4::red },	// INVALID
		{ "INI", LLColor4::white },	// INIT
		{ "DSK", LLColor4::cyan },	// LOAD_FROM_TEXTURE_CACHE
		{ "DSK", LLColor4::blue },	// CACHE_POST
		{ "NET", LLColor4::green },	// LOAD_FROM_NETWORK
		{ "SIM", LLColor4::green },	// LOAD_FROM_SIMULATOR
		{ "URL", LLColor4::green2 },// LOAD_FROM_HTTP_GET_URL
		{ "HTP", LLColor4::green },	// LOAD_FROM_HTTP_GET_DATA
		{ "DEC", LLColor4::yellow },// DECODE_IMAGE
		{ "DEC", LLColor4::yellow },// DECODE_IMAGE_UPDATE
		{ "WRT", LLColor4::purple },// WRITE_TO_CACHE
		{ "WRT", LLColor4::orange },// WAIT_ON_WRITE
		{ "END", LLColor4::red },   // DONE
#define LAST_STATE 12
		{ "CRE", LLColor4::magenta }, // LAST_STATE+1
		{ "FUL", LLColor4::green }, // LAST_STATE+2
		{ "BAD", LLColor4::red }, // LAST_STATE+3
		{ "MIS", LLColor4::red }, // LAST_STATE+4
		{ "---", LLColor4::white }, // LAST_STATE+5
	const S32 fetch_state_desc_size = (S32)(sizeof(fetch_state_desc)/sizeof(fetch_state_desc[0]));
	S32 state =
		mImagep->mNeedsCreateTexture ? LAST_STATE+1 :
		mImagep->mFullyLoaded ? LAST_STATE+2 :
		mImagep->mMinDiscardLevel > 0 ? LAST_STATE+3 :
		mImagep->mIsMissingAsset ? LAST_STATE+4 :
		!mImagep->mIsFetching ? LAST_STATE+5 :
	state = llclamp(state,0,fetch_state_desc_size-1);

	LLFontGL::sMonospace->renderUTF8(fetch_state_desc[state].desc, 0, title_x2, getRect().getHeight(),
									 LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
	LLGLSNoTexture gls_no_texture;

	// Draw the progress bar.
	S32 bar_width = 100;
	S32 bar_left = 280;
	left = bar_left;
	right = left + bar_width;

	gGL.color4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.75f);
	gl_rect_2d(left, top, right, bottom);

	F32 data_progress = mImagep->mDownloadProgress;
	if (data_progress > 0.0f)
		// Downloaded bytes
		right = left + llfloor(data_progress * (F32)bar_width);
		if (right > left)
			gGL.color4f(0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.75f);
			gl_rect_2d(left, top, right, bottom);

	S32 pip_width = 6;
	S32 pip_space = 14;
	S32 pip_x = title_x3 + pip_space/2;
	// Draw the packet pip
	F32 last_event = mImagep->mLastPacketTimer.getElapsedTimeF32();
	if (last_event < 1.f)
		clr = LLColor4::white; 
		last_event = mImagep->mRequestDeltaTime;
		if (last_event < 1.f)
			clr = LLColor4::green;
			last_event = mImagep->mFetchDeltaTime;
			if (last_event < 1.f)
				clr = LLColor4::yellow;
	if (last_event < 1.f)
		clr.setAlpha(1.f - last_event);
		gl_rect_2d(pip_x, top, pip_x + pip_width, bottom);
	pip_x += pip_width + pip_space;

	// we don't want to show bind/resident pips for textures using the default texture
	if (mImagep->getHasGLTexture())
		// Draw the bound pip
		last_event = mImagep->sLastFrameTime - mImagep->mLastBindTime;
		if (last_event < 1.f)
			clr = mImagep->getMissed() ? LLColor4::red : LLColor4::magenta1;
			clr.setAlpha(1.f - last_event);
			gl_rect_2d(pip_x, top, pip_x + pip_width, bottom);
	pip_x += pip_width + pip_space;

		LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui;
		// draw the packet data
// 		{
// 			std::string num_str = llformat("%3d/%3d", mImagep->mLastPacket+1, mImagep->mPackets);
// 			LLFontGL::sMonospace->renderUTF8(num_str, 0, bar_left + 100, getRect().getHeight(), color,
// 											 LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
// 		}
		// draw the image size at the end
			std::string num_str = llformat("%3dx%3d (%d) %7d", mImagep->getWidth(), mImagep->getHeight(),
										mImagep->getDiscardLevel(), mImagep->mTextureMemory);
			LLFontGL::sMonospace->renderUTF8(num_str, 0, title_x4, getRect().getHeight(), color,
											LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP);
