void InspectorHighlight::appendNodeHighlight(Node* node, const InspectorHighlightConfig& highlightConfig)
    LayoutObject* layoutObject = node->layoutObject();
    if (!layoutObject)

    // LayoutSVGRoot should be highlighted through the isBox() code path, all other SVG elements should just dump their absoluteQuads().
    if (layoutObject->node() && layoutObject->node()->isSVGElement() && !layoutObject->isSVGRoot()) {
        Vector<FloatQuad> quads;
        FrameView* containingView = layoutObject->frameView();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < quads.size(); ++i) {
            if (containingView)
                contentsQuadToViewport(containingView, quads[i]);
            appendQuad(quads[i], highlightConfig.content, highlightConfig.contentOutline);

    FloatQuad content, padding, border, margin;
    if (!buildNodeQuads(node, &content, &padding, &border, &margin))
    appendQuad(content, highlightConfig.content, highlightConfig.contentOutline, "content");
    appendQuad(padding, highlightConfig.padding, Color::transparent, "padding");
    appendQuad(border, highlightConfig.border, Color::transparent, "border");
    appendQuad(margin, highlightConfig.margin, Color::transparent, "margin");
void LinkHighlight::computeQuads(const Node& node, Vector<FloatQuad>& outQuads) const
    if (!node.layoutObject())

    LayoutObject* renderer = node.layoutObject();

    // For inline elements, absoluteQuads will return a line box based on the line-height
    // and font metrics, which is technically incorrect as replaced elements like images
    // should use their intristic height and expand the linebox  as needed. To get an
    // appropriately sized highlight we descend into the children and have them add their
    // boxes.
    if (renderer->isLayoutInline()) {
        for (Node* child = NodeRenderingTraversal::firstChild(node); child; child = NodeRenderingTraversal::nextSibling(*child))
            computeQuads(*child, outQuads);
    } else {
        // FIXME: this does not need to be absolute, just in the paint invalidation container's space.