Example #1
MStatus cvColor::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus stat;

	// cout << "cvColor::compute\n";

	if ( plug == cvLocations ) {
		MDataHandle inputData = data.inputValue ( inputSurface, &stat );
		if (!stat) {
			stat.perror("cvColor::compute get inputSurface");
			return stat;

		MObject surf = inputData.asNurbsSurface();
		MFnNurbsSurface surfFn (surf, &stat);
		if (!stat) {
			stat.perror("cvColor::compute surface creator");
			return stat;

		MDataHandle outputData = data.outputValue ( cvLocations, &stat );
		if (!stat) {
			stat.perror("cvColor::compute get cvLocations");
			return stat;
		MObject cvs = outputData.data();
		MFnPointArrayData cvData(cvs, &stat);
		if (!stat) {
			stat.perror("cvColor::compute point array data creator");
			return stat;

		MPointArray cvArray;
		stat = surfFn.getCVs( cvArray, MSpace::kObject);
		if (!stat) {
			stat.perror("cvColor::compute getCVs");
			return stat;

		stat = cvData.set ( cvArray );
		if (!stat) {
			stat.perror("cvColor::compute setCVs");
			return stat;

		outputData.set ( cvs );

		stat = data.setClean ( plug );
		if (!stat) {
			stat.perror("cvColor::compute setClean");
			return stat;
	} else {
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return MS::kSuccess;
/*! Compute function, gets the input surface, determines what type it is and calls the appropriate conversion function
    Encapsulates an cowpointer to the body into the naiadBodyData type and outputs it */
MStatus NBuddySurfaceToBodyNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
    MStatus status;
    if (plug == _outBody)
        //Get the body name
        MDataHandle bodyNameHndl = data.inputValue( _bodyName, &status );
        MString bodyName = bodyNameHndl.asString();

        //Create the MFnPluginData for the naiadBody
        MFnPluginData dataFn;
        dataFn.create( MTypeId( naiadBodyData::id ), &status);
        NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to create naiadBodyData in MFnPluginData");

        //Get subdivision info from plugs so better approximations of meshes can be done
        int divisions = data.inputValue( _subDivide, &status ).asBool();
        //Getting genericAttribute handle containing the surface and pick the correct conversion function
        MObject meshObj;
        MDataHandle inSurfaceHdl = data.inputValue( _inSurface, &status );
        if (inSurfaceHdl.type() == MFnData::kNurbsSurface)
            MFnNurbsSurface nurbsFn(inSurfaceHdl.asNurbsSurface());

            // Create the data holder for the tesselated mesh
            MFnMeshData dataCreator;
            MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create(&status);

            //Setup the tesselation parameters
            MTesselationParams tParams;
            tParams.setOutputType( MTesselationParams::kTriangles );
            tParams.setFormatType( MTesselationParams::kGeneralFormat );
            tParams.setUIsoparmType( MTesselationParams::kSpanEquiSpaced );
            tParams.setVIsoparmType( MTesselationParams::kSpanEquiSpaced );
            tParams.setUNumber( divisions+1 );
            tParams.setVNumber( divisions+1 );

            // Tesselate and get the returned mesh
            meshObj = nurbsFn.tesselate( tParams, newOutputData, &status );
            NM_CheckMStatus( status, "NBuddySurfaceToBodyNode::compute Failed to tesselate nurbs surface to poly");
        else if (inSurfaceHdl.type() == MFnData::kMesh)
            meshObj = inSurfaceHdl.asMesh();

            if ( divisions > 0 )
                MFnMeshData dataCreator;
                MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create(&status);

                MFnMesh meshFn(meshObj);
                MIntArray faceIds;
                for ( unsigned int i(0); i < meshFn.numPolygons(); ++i )

                meshFn.subdivideFaces( faceIds , divisions );
        else if (inSurfaceHdl.type() == MFnData::kSubdSurface)
            // Create the subd function set so we can tesselate
            MFnSubd subDfn(inSurfaceHdl.asSubdSurface());

            // Create the data holder for the tesselated mesh
            MFnMeshData dataCreator;
            MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create(&status);

            // Tesselate the subD surface
            meshObj = subDfn.tesselate(true, 1 , divisions , newOutputData, &status );
            NM_CheckMStatus( status, "NBuddySurfaceToBodyNode::compute Failed to tesselate SubD surface to poly");
            return status ;

	//Get the handle for the input transform
        MDataHandle inTransformHdl = data.inputValue( _inTransform, &status );
	NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get inTransform handle");

	MDataHandle useTransformHdl = data.inputValue( _useTransform, &status);
	NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get worldSpaceHdl ");
	bool useTransform = useTransformHdl.asBool();

        //Get a new naiadBodyData
        naiadBodyData * newBodyData = (naiadBodyData*)dataFn.data( &status );
        NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get naiadBodyData handle from MFnPluginData");

        try {
            newBodyData->nBody = mayaMeshToNaiadBody( meshObj, std::string(bodyName.asChar()), useTransform, inTransformHdl.asMatrix() );
        catch(std::exception& ex) {
            NM_ExceptionPlugDisplayError("NBuddySurfaceToBodyNode::compute ", plug, ex );

        //Give the data to the output handle and set it clean
        MDataHandle bodyDataHnd = data.outputValue( _outBody, &status );
        NM_CheckMStatus( status, "Failed to get outputData handle for outBody");
        bodyDataHnd.set( newBodyData );
        data.setClean( plug );

    return status;