Example #1
LoopUnroller::go(LoopIterationBound *bound)
    // For now we always unroll loops the same number of times.
    static const size_t UnrollCount = 10;

    JitSpew(JitSpew_Unrolling, "Attempting to unroll loop");

    header = bound->header;

    // UCE might have determined this isn't actually a loop.
    if (!header->isLoopHeader())

    backedge = header->backedge();
    oldPreheader = header->loopPredecessor();

    JS_ASSERT(oldPreheader->numSuccessors() == 1);

    // Only unroll loops with two blocks: an initial one ending with the
    // bound's test, and the body ending with the backedge.
    MTest *test = bound->test;
    if (header->lastIns() != test)
    if (test->ifTrue() == backedge) {
        if (test->ifFalse()->id() <= backedge->id())
    } else if (test->ifFalse() == backedge) {
        if (test->ifTrue()->id() <= backedge->id())
    } else {
    if (backedge->numPredecessors() != 1 || backedge->numSuccessors() != 1)

    MBasicBlock *bodyBlocks[] = { header, backedge };

    // All instructions in the header and body must be clonable.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(bodyBlocks); i++) {
        MBasicBlock *block = bodyBlocks[i];
        for (MInstructionIterator iter(block->begin()); iter != block->end(); iter++) {
            MInstruction *ins = *iter;
            if (ins->canClone())
            if (ins->isTest() || ins->isGoto() || ins->isInterruptCheck())
#ifdef DEBUG
            JitSpew(JitSpew_Unrolling, "Aborting: can't clone instruction %s", ins->opName());

    // Compute the linear inequality we will use for exiting the unrolled loop:
    // iterationBound - iterationCount - UnrollCount >= 0
    LinearSum remainingIterationsInequality(bound->boundSum);
    if (!remainingIterationsInequality.add(bound->currentSum, -1))
    if (!remainingIterationsInequality.add(-int32_t(UnrollCount)))

    // Terms in the inequality need to be either loop invariant or phis from
    // the original header.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < remainingIterationsInequality.numTerms(); i++) {
        MDefinition *def = remainingIterationsInequality.term(i).term;
        if (def->block()->id() < header->id())
        if (def->block() == header && def->isPhi())

    // OK, we've checked everything, now unroll the loop.

    JitSpew(JitSpew_Unrolling, "Unrolling loop");

    // The old preheader will go before the unrolled loop, and the old loop
    // will need a new empty preheader.
    CompileInfo &info = oldPreheader->info();
    if (header->trackedSite().pc()) {
        unrolledHeader =
            MBasicBlock::New(graph, nullptr, info,
                             oldPreheader, header->trackedSite(), MBasicBlock::LOOP_HEADER);
        unrolledBackedge =
            MBasicBlock::New(graph, nullptr, info,
                             unrolledHeader, backedge->trackedSite(), MBasicBlock::NORMAL);
        newPreheader =
            MBasicBlock::New(graph, nullptr, info,
                             unrolledHeader, oldPreheader->trackedSite(), MBasicBlock::NORMAL);
    } else {
        unrolledHeader = MBasicBlock::NewAsmJS(graph, info, oldPreheader, MBasicBlock::LOOP_HEADER);
        unrolledBackedge = MBasicBlock::NewAsmJS(graph, info, unrolledHeader, MBasicBlock::NORMAL);
        newPreheader = MBasicBlock::NewAsmJS(graph, info, unrolledHeader, MBasicBlock::NORMAL);


    // Insert new blocks at their RPO position, and update block ids.
    graph.insertBlockAfter(oldPreheader, unrolledHeader);
    graph.insertBlockAfter(unrolledHeader, unrolledBackedge);
    graph.insertBlockAfter(unrolledBackedge, newPreheader);

    if (!unrolledDefinitions.init())

    // Add phis to the unrolled loop header which correspond to the phis in the
    // original loop header.
    JS_ASSERT(header->getPredecessor(0) == oldPreheader);
    for (MPhiIterator iter(header->phisBegin()); iter != header->phisEnd(); iter++) {
        MPhi *old = *iter;
        JS_ASSERT(old->numOperands() == 2);
        MPhi *phi = MPhi::New(alloc);


        if (!phi->reserveLength(2))

        // Set the first input for the phi for now. We'll set the second after
        // finishing the unroll.

        // The old phi will now take the value produced by the unrolled loop.
        old->replaceOperand(0, phi);

        if (!unrolledDefinitions.putNew(old, phi))

    // The loop condition can bail out on e.g. integer overflow, so make a
    // resume point based on the initial resume point of the original header.
    MResumePoint *headerResumePoint = header->entryResumePoint();
    if (headerResumePoint) {
        MResumePoint *rp = makeReplacementResumePoint(unrolledHeader, headerResumePoint);

        // Perform an interrupt check at the start of the unrolled loop.

    // Generate code for the test in the unrolled loop.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < remainingIterationsInequality.numTerms(); i++) {
        MDefinition *def = remainingIterationsInequality.term(i).term;
        MDefinition *replacement = getReplacementDefinition(def);
        remainingIterationsInequality.replaceTerm(i, replacement);
    MCompare *compare = ConvertLinearInequality(alloc, unrolledHeader, remainingIterationsInequality);
    MTest *unrolledTest = MTest::New(alloc, compare, unrolledBackedge, newPreheader);

    // Make an entry resume point for the unrolled body. The unrolled header
    // does not have side effects on stack values, even if the original loop
    // header does, so use the same resume point as for the unrolled header.
    if (headerResumePoint) {
        MResumePoint *rp = makeReplacementResumePoint(unrolledBackedge, headerResumePoint);

    // Make an entry resume point for the new preheader. There are no
    // instructions which use this but some other stuff wants one to be here.
    if (headerResumePoint) {
        MResumePoint *rp = makeReplacementResumePoint(newPreheader, headerResumePoint);

    // Generate the unrolled code.
    JS_ASSERT(UnrollCount > 1);
    size_t unrollIndex = 0;
    while (true) {
        // Clone the contents of the original loop into the unrolled loop body.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(bodyBlocks); i++) {
            MBasicBlock *block = bodyBlocks[i];
            for (MInstructionIterator iter(block->begin()); iter != block->end(); iter++) {
                MInstruction *ins = *iter;
                if (ins->canClone()) {
                } else {
                    // Control instructions are handled separately.
                    JS_ASSERT(ins->isTest() || ins->isGoto() || ins->isInterruptCheck());

        // Compute the value of each loop header phi after the execution of
        // this unrolled iteration.
        MDefinitionVector phiValues(alloc);
        JS_ASSERT(header->getPredecessor(1) == backedge);
        for (MPhiIterator iter(header->phisBegin()); iter != header->phisEnd(); iter++) {
            MPhi *old = *iter;
            MDefinition *oldInput = old->getOperand(1);
            if (!phiValues.append(getReplacementDefinition(oldInput)))


        if (unrollIndex == UnrollCount - 1) {
            // We're at the end of the last unrolled iteration, set the
            // backedge input for the unrolled loop phis.
            size_t phiIndex = 0;
            for (MPhiIterator iter(unrolledHeader->phisBegin()); iter != unrolledHeader->phisEnd(); iter++) {
                MPhi *phi = *iter;
            JS_ASSERT(phiIndex == phiValues.length());

        // Update the map for the phis in the next iteration.
        size_t phiIndex = 0;
        for (MPhiIterator iter(header->phisBegin()); iter != header->phisEnd(); iter++) {
            MPhi *old = *iter;
            if (!unrolledDefinitions.putNew(old, phiValues[phiIndex++]))
        JS_ASSERT(phiIndex == phiValues.length());


    MGoto *backedgeJump = MGoto::New(alloc, unrolledHeader);

    // Place the old preheader before the unrolled loop.
    oldPreheader->end(MGoto::New(alloc, unrolledHeader));

    // Place the new preheader before the original loop.
    newPreheader->end(MGoto::New(alloc, header));

    // Cleanup the MIR graph.
    if (!unrolledHeader->addPredecessorWithoutPhis(unrolledBackedge))
    header->replacePredecessor(oldPreheader, newPreheader);
    oldPreheader->setSuccessorWithPhis(unrolledHeader, 0);
    newPreheader->setSuccessorWithPhis(header, 0);
    unrolledBackedge->setSuccessorWithPhis(unrolledHeader, 1);
Example #2
Sink(MIRGenerator* mir, MIRGraph& graph)
    TempAllocator& alloc = graph.alloc();
    bool sinkEnabled = mir->optimizationInfo().sinkEnabled();

    for (PostorderIterator block = graph.poBegin(); block != graph.poEnd(); block++) {
        if (mir->shouldCancel("Sink"))
            return false;

        for (MInstructionReverseIterator iter = block->rbegin(); iter != block->rend(); ) {
            MInstruction* ins = *iter++;

            // Only instructions which can be recovered on bailout can be moved
            // into the bailout paths.
            if (ins->isGuard() || ins->isGuardRangeBailouts() ||
                ins->isRecoveredOnBailout() || !ins->canRecoverOnBailout())

            // Compute a common dominator for all uses of the current
            // instruction.
            bool hasLiveUses = false;
            bool hasUses = false;
            MBasicBlock* usesDominator = nullptr;
            for (MUseIterator i(ins->usesBegin()), e(ins->usesEnd()); i != e; i++) {
                hasUses = true;
                MNode* consumerNode = (*i)->consumer();
                if (consumerNode->isResumePoint())

                MDefinition* consumer = consumerNode->toDefinition();
                if (consumer->isRecoveredOnBailout())

                hasLiveUses = true;

                // If the instruction is a Phi, then we should dominate the
                // predecessor from which the value is coming from.
                MBasicBlock* consumerBlock = consumer->block();
                if (consumer->isPhi())
                    consumerBlock = consumerBlock->getPredecessor(consumer->indexOf(*i));

                usesDominator = CommonDominator(usesDominator, consumerBlock);
                if (usesDominator == *block)

            // Leave this instruction for DCE.
            if (!hasUses)

            // We have no uses, so sink this instruction in all the bailout
            // paths.
            if (!hasLiveUses) {
                JitSpewDef(JitSpew_Sink, "  No live uses, recover the instruction on bailout\n", ins);

            // This guard is temporarly moved here as the above code deals with
            // Dead Code elimination, which got moved into this Sink phase, as
            // the Dead Code elimination used to move instructions with no-live
            // uses to the bailout path.
            if (!sinkEnabled)

            // To move an effectful instruction, we would have to verify that the
            // side-effect is not observed. In the mean time, we just inhibit
            // this optimization on effectful instructions.
            if (ins->isEffectful())

            // If all the uses are under a loop, we might not want to work
            // against LICM by moving everything back into the loop, but if the
            // loop is it-self inside an if, then we still want to move the
            // computation under this if statement.
            while (block->loopDepth() < usesDominator->loopDepth()) {
                MOZ_ASSERT(usesDominator != usesDominator->immediateDominator());
                usesDominator = usesDominator->immediateDominator();

            // Only move instructions if there is a branch between the dominator
            // of the uses and the original instruction. This prevent moving the
            // computation of the arguments into an inline function if there is
            // no major win.
            MBasicBlock* lastJoin = usesDominator;
            while (*block != lastJoin && lastJoin->numPredecessors() == 1) {
                MOZ_ASSERT(lastJoin != lastJoin->immediateDominator());
                MBasicBlock* next = lastJoin->immediateDominator();
                if (next->numSuccessors() > 1)
                lastJoin = next;
            if (*block == lastJoin)

            // Skip to the next instruction if we cannot find a common dominator
            // for all the uses of this instruction, or if the common dominator
            // correspond to the block of the current instruction.
            if (!usesDominator || usesDominator == *block)

            // Only instruction which can be recovered on bailout and which are
            // sinkable can be moved into blocks which are below while filling
            // the resume points with a clone which is recovered on bailout.

            // If the instruction has live uses and if it is clonable, then we
            // can clone the instruction for all non-dominated uses and move the
            // instruction into the block which is dominating all live uses.
            if (!ins->canClone())

            // If the block is a split-edge block, which is created for folding
            // test conditions, then the block has no resume point and has
            // multiple predecessors.  In such case, we cannot safely move
            // bailing instruction to these blocks as we have no way to bailout.
            if (!usesDominator->entryResumePoint() && usesDominator->numPredecessors() != 1)

            JitSpewDef(JitSpew_Sink, "  Can Clone & Recover, sink instruction\n", ins);
            JitSpew(JitSpew_Sink, "  into Block %u", usesDominator->id());

            // Copy the arguments and clone the instruction.
            MDefinitionVector operands(alloc);
            for (size_t i = 0, end = ins->numOperands(); i < end; i++) {
                if (!operands.append(ins->getOperand(i)))
                    return false;

            MInstruction* clone = ins->clone(alloc, operands);
            ins->block()->insertBefore(ins, clone);

            // We should not update the producer of the entry resume point, as
            // it cannot refer to any instruction within the basic block excepts
            // for Phi nodes.
            MResumePoint* entry = usesDominator->entryResumePoint();

            // Replace the instruction by its clone in all the resume points /
            // recovered-on-bailout instructions which are not in blocks which
            // are dominated by the usesDominator block.
            for (MUseIterator i(ins->usesBegin()), e(ins->usesEnd()); i != e; ) {
                MUse* use = *i++;
                MNode* consumer = use->consumer();

                // If the consumer is a Phi, then we look for the index of the
                // use to find the corresponding predecessor block, which is
                // then used as the consumer block.
                MBasicBlock* consumerBlock = consumer->block();
                if (consumer->isDefinition() && consumer->toDefinition()->isPhi()) {
                    consumerBlock = consumerBlock->getPredecessor(

                // Keep the current instruction for all dominated uses, except
                // for the entry resume point of the block in which the
                // instruction would be moved into.
                if (usesDominator->dominates(consumerBlock) &&
                    (!consumer->isResumePoint() || consumer->toResumePoint() != entry))


            // As we move this instruction in a different block, we should
            // verify that we do not carry over a resume point which would refer
            // to an outdated state of the control flow.
            if (ins->resumePoint())

            // Now, that all uses which are not dominated by usesDominator are
            // using the cloned instruction, we can safely move the instruction
            // into the usesDominator block.
            MInstruction* at = usesDominator->safeInsertTop(nullptr, MBasicBlock::IgnoreRecover);
            block->moveBefore(at, ins);

    return true;