Example #1
Street::getNextPosition(MapUser* user, simTimeType dt) const
	// in case we just entered this street, we have to determine the
	// user's heading. If we come from the crossing at endPoint[0], we
	// call it "Forward", otherwise we'll call it "Reverse"
	if (user->currentObject!=this->id)
		MapObject::ID from = user->currentObject;
		user->heading = (  ( from==connections.at(0))
						   ? int(Headings::Forward())
						   : int(Headings::Reverse()) );

	// how much of this road remains?
	double remaining = (1-user->percent)*streetVector.abs();

	// is user velocity on this street bounded by vMax?
	double currentVelocity = ( user->velocity < vMax ? user->velocity : vMax );

	if (currentVelocity*dt < remaining)
		// we stay on this road and only advance by a certain
		// percentage (given through velocity and timestep)
		user->percent += (currentVelocity*dt)/streetVector.abs();

		MESSAGE_BEGIN(NORMAL, log, m, "MapUser advancing on street ");
		m << id << ", completed " << int(100.0*user->percent) 
		  << "%, velocity " << currentVelocity << "(desired: " << user->velocity << ") m/s";

		return this->getPosition(user);
		// we reach the end of this street, how long does that take?
		double untilCrossing = remaining/currentVelocity;
		// determine the object we'll reach next
		MapObject* nextObject = map->getObject(( user->heading==Headings::Forward()
												 ? connections.at(1)
												 : connections.at(0) ));
		// and delegate the decision about the new final position
		return nextObject->getNextPosition(user,dt-untilCrossing);