Example #1
void SpinAdapted::diagonalise(Matrix& sym, DiagonalMatrix& d, Matrix& vec)
  int nrows = sym.Nrows();
  int ncols = sym.Ncols();
  assert(nrows == ncols);
  vec.ReSize(nrows, nrows);

  Matrix workmat;
  workmat = sym;
  vector<double> workquery(1);
  int info = 0;
  double* dptr = d.Store();

  int query = -1;
  DSYEV('V', 'L', nrows, workmat.Store(), nrows, dptr, &(workquery[0]), query, info); // do query to find best size
  int optlength = static_cast<int>(workquery[0]);
  vector<double> workspace(optlength);

  DSYEV('V', 'U', nrows, workmat.Store(), nrows, dptr, &(workspace[0]), optlength, info); // do query to find best size

  if (info > 0) 
      pout << "failed to converge " << endl;
  for (int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < ncols; ++j)
      vec(j+1,i+1) = workmat(i+1,j+1);
Example #2
double SpinAdapted::rowdoubleproduct(Matrix& a, int rowa, Matrix& b, int rowb)
  assert(a.Ncols() == b.Ncols());
  double* aptr = a.Store() + a.Ncols() * rowa;
  double* bptr = b.Store() + b.Ncols() * rowb;
  return DDOT(a.Ncols(), aptr, 1, bptr, 1);
Example #3
void SpinAdapted::svd(Matrix& M, DiagonalMatrix& d, Matrix& U, Matrix& V)
  int nrows = M.Nrows();
  int ncols = M.Ncols();

  assert(nrows >= ncols);

  int minmn = min(nrows, ncols);
  int maxmn = max(nrows, ncols);
  int eigenrows = min(minmn, minmn);
  Matrix Ut;
  Ut.ReSize(nrows, nrows);
  V.ReSize(ncols, ncols);

  int lwork = maxmn * maxmn + 100;
  double* workspace = new double[lwork];

  // first transpose matrix
  Matrix Mt;
  Mt = M.t();
  int info = 0;
  DGESVD('A', 'A', nrows, ncols, Mt.Store(), nrows, d.Store(), 
	 Ut.Store(), nrows, V.Store(), ncols, workspace, lwork, info);

  U.ReSize(nrows, ncols);
  for (int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < ncols; ++j)
      U(i+1,j+1) = Ut(j+1,i+1);
  delete[] workspace;
Example #4
void QRZ(const Matrix& X, Matrix& Y, Matrix& M)
   Tracer et("QRZ(2)");
   int n = X.Nrows(); int s = X.Ncols(); int t = Y.Ncols();
   if (Y.Nrows() != n)
      { Throw(ProgramException("Unequal column lengths",X,Y)); }
   M.resize(s,t); M = 0;Real* m0 = M.Store(); Real* m;
   Real* xi0 = X.Store();
   int j, k; int i = s;
   while (i--)
      Real* xj0 = Y.Store(); Real* xi = xi0; k = n;
      if (k) for (;;)
         m = m0; Real Xi = *xi; Real* xj = xj0;
         j = t; while(j--) *m++ += Xi * *xj++;
         if (!(--k)) break;
         xi += s; xj0 += t;

      xj0 = Y.Store(); xi = xi0++; k = n;
      if (k) for (;;)
         m = m0; Real Xi = *xi; Real* xj = xj0;
         j = t; while(j--) *xj++ -= *m++ * Xi;
         if (!(--k)) break;
         xi += s; xj0 += t;
      m0 += t;
Example #5
double SpinAdapted::MatrixDotProduct(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b)
  assert((a.Nrows() == b.Nrows()) && (a.Ncols() == b.Ncols()));
#ifdef BLAS
  return DDOT(a.Storage(), a.Store(), 1, b.Store(), 1);
Example #6
void copy(const Matrix& a, Matrix& b)
  if ((b.Nrows() != a.Nrows()) || (b.Ncols() != a.Ncols()))
    b.ReSize(a.Nrows(), a.Ncols());

#ifdef BLAS
  DCOPY((FORTINT) a.Storage(), a.Store(), (FORTINT) 1, b.Store(), (FORTINT) 1);
  b = a;
Example #7
void SpinAdapted::MatrixScaleAdd (double d, const Matrix& a, Matrix& b)
  assert (a.Nrows () == b.Nrows () && a.Ncols () == b.Ncols ());
#ifdef BLAS
  int n = a.Nrows () * a.Ncols ();
  assert (n == (b.Nrows () * b.Ncols ()));
  DAXPY (n, d, a.Store (), 1, b.Store (), 1);
  b += d * a;
Example #8
void SpinAdapted::MatrixMultiply (double d, const Matrix& a, Matrix& b)
  //  b += d * a;
#ifdef BLAS 
  assert ((a.Nrows () == b.Nrows ()) && (a.Ncols () == b.Ncols ()));
  int n = a.Nrows () * a.Ncols ();
  GAXPY (n, d, a.Store (), 1, b.Store (), 1);
  b += d * a;
Example #9
void SpinAdapted::CatenateProduct (const ObjectMatrix<Matrix*>& a, Matrix& b, bool allocate)
      std::vector<int> indexRows (a.Nrows ());
      std::vector<int> indexCols (a.Ncols ());
      int rowLength = 0;
      int colLength = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < indexRows.size (); ++i)
	  indexRows [i] = (i > 0) ? a (i - 1,0)->Nrows () + indexRows [i - 1] : 1;
	  rowLength += a (i,0)->Nrows ();
      for (int i = 0; i < indexCols.size (); ++i)
	  indexCols [i] = (i > 0) ? a (0,i - 1)->Ncols () + indexCols [i - 1] : 1;
	  colLength += a (0,i)->Ncols ();
      if (!allocate) 
	assert (b.Nrows () == rowLength && b.Ncols () == colLength); // precondition
	b.ReSize (rowLength, colLength);

      for (int i = 0; i < a.Nrows (); ++i)
	for (int j = 0; j < a.Ncols (); ++j)
#ifdef BLAS
	    int bcols = b.Ncols();
	    double* bptr = b.Store() + bcols * (indexRows[i] - 1) + (indexCols[j] - 1);
	    Matrix* aij = a(i, j);
	    double* aptr = aij->Store();
	    int nrows = aij->Nrows();
	    int ncols = aij->Ncols();
	    for (int r = 0; r < nrows; ++r)
		DCOPY(ncols, aptr, 1, bptr, 1);
		aptr += ncols;
		bptr += bcols;
	    b.SubMatrix (indexRows [i], indexRows [i] + a (i,j)->Nrows () - 1, indexCols [j], indexCols [j] + a (i,j)->Ncols () - 1) = *(a (i,j));
  catch (Exception)
      pout << Exception::what () << endl;
      abort ();
Example #10
void QRZT(Matrix& X, LowerTriangularMatrix& L)
	 Tracer et("QRZT(1)");
   int n = X.Ncols(); int s = X.Nrows(); L.resize(s);
   if (n == 0 || s == 0) { L = 0.0; return; }
   Real* xi = X.Store(); int k;
   for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
      Real sum = 0.0;
      Real* xi0=xi; k=n; while(k--) { sum += square(*xi++); }
      sum = sqrt(sum);
      if (sum == 0.0)
         k=n; while(k--) { *xi0++ = 0.0; }
         for (int j=i; j<s; j++) L.element(j,i) = 0.0;
         L.element(i,i) = sum;
         Real* xj0=xi0; k=n; while(k--) { *xj0++ /= sum; }
         for (int j=i+1; j<s; j++)
            xi=xi0; Real* xj=xj0; k=n; while(k--) { sum += *xi++ * *xj++; }
            xi=xi0; k=n; while(k--) { *xj0++ -= sum * *xi++; }
            L.element(j,i) = sum;
Example #11
void QRZ(Matrix& X, UpperTriangularMatrix& U)
   Tracer et("QRZ(1)");
   int n = X.Nrows(); int s = X.Ncols(); U.ReSize(s); U = 0.0;
   Real* xi0 = X.Store(); Real* u0 = U.Store(); Real* u;
   int j, k; int J = s; int i = s;
   while (i--)
      Real* xj0 = xi0; Real* xi = xi0; k = n;
      if (k) for (;;)
         u = u0; Real Xi = *xi; Real* xj = xj0;
         j = J; while(j--) *u++ += Xi * *xj++;
         if (!(--k)) break;
         xi += s; xj0 += s;

      Real sum = sqrt(*u0); *u0 = sum; u = u0+1;
      if (sum == 0.0) Throw(SingularException(U));
      int J1 = J-1; j = J1; while(j--) *u++ /= sum;

      xj0 = xi0; xi = xi0++; k = n;
      if (k) for (;;)
         u = u0+1; Real Xi = *xi; Real* xj = xj0;
         Xi /= sum; *xj++ = Xi;
         j = J1; while(j--) *xj++ -= *u++ * Xi;
         if (!(--k)) break;
          xi += s; xj0 += s;
      u0 += J--;
Example #12
void SpinAdapted::MatrixScale(double d, Matrix& a)
#ifdef BLAS
  DSCAL(a.Storage(), d, a.Store(), 1);
  a *= d;
Example #13
void SpinAdapted::Randomise (Matrix& a)
  Real* val = a.Store ();
  for (int i = 0; i < a.Storage (); ++i)
      *val = double(rand ()) / RAND_MAX;
Example #14
void SpinAdapted::MatrixDiagonalScale(double d, const Matrix& a, double* b)
  //assert (a.Nrows () == a.Ncols () && a.Nrows () == b.Ncols ());
#ifdef BLAS
  int n = a.Nrows ();
  DAXPY (n, d, a.Store (), n+1, b, 1);
  //b += d * a; Should add the non-blas analogue
Example #15
void QRZT(const Matrix& X, Matrix& Y, Matrix& M)
   Tracer et("QRZT(2)");
   int n = X.Ncols(); int s = X.Nrows(); int t = Y.Nrows();
   if (Y.Ncols() != n)
      { Throw(ProgramException("Unequal row lengths",X,Y)); }
   Real* xi = X.Store(); int k;
   for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
      Real* xj0 = Y.Store(); Real* xi0 = xi;
      for (int j=0; j<t; j++)
         Real sum=0.0;
         xi=xi0; Real* xj=xj0; k=n; while(k--) { sum += *xi++ * *xj++; }
         xi=xi0; k=n; while(k--) { *xj0++ -= sum * *xi++; }
         M.element(j,i) = sum;
Example #16
void updateQRZT(Matrix& X, LowerTriangularMatrix& L)
	 Tracer et("updateQRZT");
   int n = X.Ncols(); int s = X.Nrows();
   if (s != L.Nrows())
      Throw(ProgramException("Incompatible dimensions",X,L)); 
   if (n == 0 || s == 0) return;
   Real* xi = X.Store(); int k;
   for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
      Real r = L.element(i,i); 
      Real sum = 0.0;
      Real* xi0=xi; k=n; while(k--) { sum += square(*xi++); }
      sum = sqrt(sum + square(r));
      if (sum == 0.0)
         k=n; while(k--) { *xi0++ = 0.0; }
         for (int j=i; j<s; j++) L.element(j,i) = 0.0;
         Real frs = fabs(r) + sum;
         Real a0 = sqrt(frs / sum); Real alpha = a0 / frs;
         if (r <= 0) { REPORT L.element(i,i) = sum; alpha = -alpha; }
         else { REPORT L.element(i,i) = -sum; }
         Real* xj0=xi0; k=n; while(k--) { *xj0++ *= alpha; }
         for (int j=i+1; j<s; j++)
            sum = 0.0;
            xi=xi0; Real* xj=xj0; k=n; while(k--) { sum += *xi++ * *xj++; }
            sum += a0 * L.element(j,i);
            xi=xi0; k=n; while(k--) { *xj0++ -= sum * *xi++; }
            L.element(j,i) -= sum * a0;
Example #17
void QRZT(Matrix& X, LowerTriangularMatrix& L)
    Tracer et("QZT(1)");
   int n = X.Ncols(); int s = X.Nrows(); L.ReSize(s);
   Real* xi = X.Store(); int k;
   for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
      Real sum = 0.0;
      Real* xi0=xi; k=n; while(k--) { sum += square(*xi++); }
      sum = sqrt(sum);
      L.element(i,i) = sum;
      if (sum==0.0) Throw(SingularException(L));
      Real* xj0=xi0; k=n; while(k--) { *xj0++ /= sum; }
      for (int j=i+1; j<s; j++)
         xi=xi0; Real* xj=xj0; k=n; while(k--) { sum += *xi++ * *xj++; }
         xi=xi0; k=n; while(k--) { *xj0++ -= sum * *xi++; }
         L.element(j,i) = sum;
Example #18
void updateQRZ(Matrix& X, UpperTriangularMatrix& U)
   Tracer et("updateQRZ");
   int n = X.Nrows(); int s = X.Ncols();
   if (s != U.Ncols())
      Throw(ProgramException("Incompatible dimensions",X,U));
   if (n == 0 || s == 0) return; 
   Real* xi0 = X.Store(); Real* u0 = U.Store(); Real* u;
   RowVector V(s); Real* v0 = V.Store(); Real* v; V = 0.0;
   int j, k; int J = s; int i = s;
   while (i--)
      Real* xj0 = xi0; Real* xi = xi0; k = n;
      if (k) for (;;)
         v = v0; Real Xi = *xi; Real* xj = xj0;
         j = J; while(j--) *v++ += Xi * *xj++;
         if (!(--k)) break;
         xi += s; xj0 += s;

      Real r = *u0;
      Real sum = sqrt(*v0 + square(r));
      if (sum == 0.0)
         u = u0; v = v0;
         j = J; while(j--) { *u++ = 0.0; *v++ = 0.0; }
         xj0 = xi0++; k = n;
         if (k) for (;;)
            *xj0 = 0.0;
            if (!(--k)) break;
	          xj0 += s;
         u0 += J--;
         Real frs = fabs(r) + sum;
         Real a0 = sqrt(frs / sum); Real alpha = a0 / frs;
         if (r <= 0) { REPORT alpha = -alpha; *u0 = sum; }
         else { REPORT *u0 = -sum; }
         j = J - 1; v = v0 + 1; u = u0 + 1;     
         while (j--)
            { *v = a0 * *u + alpha * *v; *u -= a0 * *v; ++v; ++u; }

         xj0 = xi0; xi = xi0++; k = n;
         if (k) for (;;)
            v = v0 + 1; Real Xi = *xi; Real* xj = xj0;
            Xi *= alpha; *xj++ = Xi;
            j = J - 1; while(j--) *xj++ -= *v++ * Xi;
            if (!(--k)) break;
	          xi += s; xj0 += s;
         j = J; v = v0;
         while (j--) *v++ = 0.0;
         u0 += J--;
Example #19
static void tql2(DiagonalMatrix& D, DiagonalMatrix& E, Matrix& Z)
   Tracer et("Evalue(tql2)");
   Real eps = FloatingPointPrecision::Epsilon();
   int n = D.Nrows(); Real* z = Z.Store(); int l;
   for (l=1; l<n; l++) E.element(l-1) = E.element(l);
   Real b = 0.0; Real f = 0.0; E.element(n-1) = 0.0;
   for (l=0; l<n; l++)
      int i,j;
      Real& dl = D.element(l); Real& el = E.element(l);
      Real h = eps * ( fabs(dl) + fabs(el) );
      if (b < h) b = h;
      int m;
      for (m=l; m<n; m++) if (fabs(E.element(m)) <= b) break;
      bool test = false;
      for (j=0; j<30; j++)
	 if (m==l) { test = true; break; }
	 Real& dl1 = D.element(l+1);
	 Real g = dl; Real p = (dl1-g) / (2.0*el); Real r = sqrt(p*p + 1.0);
	 dl = el / (p < 0.0 ? p-r : p+r); Real h = g - dl; f += h;
	 Real* dlx = &dl1; i = n-l-1; while (i--) *dlx++ -= h;

	 p = D.element(m); Real c = 1.0; Real s = 0.0;
	 for (i=m-1; i>=l; i--)
	    Real ei = E.element(i); Real di = D.element(i);
	    Real& ei1 = E.element(i+1);
	    g = c * ei; h = c * p;
	    if ( fabs(p) >= fabs(ei))
	       c = ei / p; r = sqrt(c*c + 1.0);
	       ei1 = s*p*r; s = c/r; c = 1.0/r;
	       c = p / ei; r = sqrt(c*c + 1.0);
	       ei1 = s * ei * r; s = 1.0/r; c /= r;
	    p = c * di - s*g; D.element(i+1) = h + s * (c*g + s*di);

	    Real* zki = z + i; Real* zki1 = zki + 1; int k = n;
	    while (k--)
	       h = *zki1; *zki1 = s*(*zki) + c*h; *zki = c*(*zki) - s*h;
	       zki += n; zki1 += n;
	 el = s*p; dl = c*p;
	 if (fabs(el) <= b) { test = true; break; }
      if (!test) Throw ( ConvergenceException(D) );
      dl += f;

   for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
      int k = i; Real p = D.element(i);
      for (int j=i+1; j<n; j++)
         { if (D.element(j) < p) { k = j; p = D.element(j); } }
      if (k != i)
         D.element(k) = D.element(i); D.element(i) = p; int j = n;
	 Real* zji = z + i; Real* zjk = z + k;
         while (j--) { p = *zji; *zji = *zjk; *zjk = p; zji += n; zjk += n; }

Example #20
void RectMatrixCol::Reset (const Matrix& M, int col)
   RectMatrixRowCol::Reset( M.Store()+col, M.Nrows(), M.Ncols(), 1 );
Example #21
void RectMatrixCol::Reset (const Matrix& M, int skip, int col, int length)
      ( M.Store()+col+skip*M.Ncols(), length, M.Ncols(), 1 );
Example #22
void RectMatrixRow::Reset (const Matrix& M, int row)
   RectMatrixRowCol::Reset( M.Store()+row*M.Ncols(), M.Ncols(), 1, M.Ncols() );
Example #23
void RectMatrixRow::Reset (const Matrix& M, int row, int skip, int length)
      ( M.Store()+row*M.Ncols()+skip, length, 1, M.Ncols() );
Example #24
Matrix operator * (const Matrix& A, const Matrix& B)
    if (A.Clo() != B.Rlo() || A.Chi() != B.Rhi()) 
      Matpack.Error("Matrix operator * (const Matrix&, const Matrix&): "
                    "non conformant arguments\n");

    // allocate return matrix
    Matrix C(A.Rlo(),A.Rhi(),B.Clo(),B.Chi());
    // the BLAS version

#if defined ( _MATPACK_USE_BLAS_ )

    if ( LT(B) ) {                   // full matrix * lower triangle
#ifdef DEBUG
        cout << "GM*LT\n";

        // copy A to C to protect from overwriting

        charT   side('L'), uplo('U'), transc('N'), diag('N');
        intT    m(C.Cols()), n(C.Rows()),
                ldb(B.Cols()), ldc(C.Cols());
        doubleT alpha(1.0);
                       &alpha,B.Store(),&ldb, C.Store(),&ldc);

    } else if ( UT(B) ) {             // full matrix * upper triangle
#ifdef DEBUG
        cout << "GM*UT\n";

        // copy A to C to protect from overwriting

        charT   side('L'), uplo('L'), transc('N'), diag('N');
        intT    m(C.Cols()), n(C.Rows()),
                ldb(B.Cols()), ldc(C.Cols());
        doubleT alpha(1.0);
                       &alpha,B.Store(),&ldb, C.Store(),&ldc);

    } else if ( LT(A) ) {            // lower triangle * full matrix
#ifdef DEBUG
        cout << "LT*GM\n";


        // copy B to C to protect from overwriting

        charT   side('R'), uplo('U'), transc('N'), diag('N');
        intT    m(C.Cols()), n(C.Rows()),
                ldb(A.Cols()), ldc(C.Cols());
        doubleT alpha(1.0);
                       &alpha,A.Store(),&ldb, C.Store(),&ldc);

    } else if ( UT(A) ) {            // upper triangle * full matrix
#ifdef DEBUG
        cout << "UT*GM\n";

        // copy A to C to protect from overwriting

        charT   side('R'), uplo('L'), transc('N'), diag('N');
        intT    m(C.Cols()), n(C.Rows()),
                ldb(A.Cols()), ldc(C.Cols());
        doubleT alpha(1.0);
                       &alpha,A.Store(),&ldb, C.Store(),&ldc);

    } else /* GM(A) and GM(B) */ {   // GM*GM: full matrix * full matrix
#ifdef DEBUG
        cout << "GM*GM\n";

        charT   t('N');
        intT    m(B.Cols()), n(A.Rows()), k(B.Rows()),
                lda(A.Cols()), ldb(B.Cols()), ldc(C.Cols());
        doubleT alpha(1.0), beta(0.0);
        F77NAME(dgemm)(&t,&t, &m,&n,&k,
                       &alpha,B.Store(),&ldb, A.Store(),&lda, 

    // the non-BLAS version

    int  cl = A.cl,   ch = A.ch,
        arl = A.rl,  arh = A.rh,
        bcl = B.cl,  bch = B.ch;

    // avoid call to index operator that optimizes very badely
    double **a = A.M, **b = B.M, **c = C.M;
    for (int i = arl; i <= arh; i++)  {
        for (int j = bcl; j <= bch; j++) c[i][j] = 0.0;
        for (int l = cl; l <= ch; l++) {
            if ( a[i][l] != 0.0 ) {
                double temp = a[i][l];
                for (int j = bcl; j <= bch; j++)
                    c[i][j] += temp * b[l][j];


    return C.Value();
Example #25
void SpinAdapted::MatrixTensorProduct (const Matrix& a_ref, char conjA, Real scaleA, const Matrix& b_ref, char conjB, Real scaleB, Matrix& c, int rowstride, int colstride, bool allocate)
#ifndef BLAS
  Matrix A;
  Matrix B;
  Matrix& a = const_cast<Matrix&>(a_ref); // for BLAS calls
  Matrix& b = const_cast<Matrix&>(b_ref);

  int arows = a.Nrows();
  int acols = a.Ncols();
  // some specialisations
#ifdef FAST_MTP
  //  if ((brows == 1) && (bcols == 1))
      double b00 = *b.Store();
      if (conjA == 'n')
	  double* cptr = c.Store()+ rowstride*c.Ncols() + colstride;
	  for (int i=0; i< a.Nrows();i++) 
	    DAXPY(a.Ncols(), scaleA * scaleB * b00, a.Store()+i*a.Ncols(), 1, cptr + i*c.Ncols(), 1);
	  double* aptr = a.Store();
	  double* cptr = c.Store() + rowstride*c.Ncols() + colstride;
	  for (int col = 0; col < acols; ++col)
	      DAXPY(arows, scaleA * scaleB * b00, aptr, acols, cptr, 1);
	      cptr += c.Ncols();//arows;

    //  else
    //    abort();
	  if (conjA == 'n' && conjB == 'n')
	      if (allocate)
		  c.ReSize (a.Nrows () * b.Nrows (), a.Ncols () * b.Ncols ());
		  Clear (c);
	      //assert ((c.Nrows () == (a.Nrows () * b.Nrows ())) && (c.Ncols () == (a.Ncols () * b.Ncols ())));
#ifdef BLAS
	      int aRows = a.Nrows ();
	      int aCols = a.Ncols ();
	      int bRows = b.Nrows ();
	      int bCols = b.Ncols ();

	      for (int i = 0; i < aRows; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < aCols; ++j)
		    Real scale = scaleA * scaleB * a (i+1,j+1);
		    for (int k = 0; k < bRows; ++k)
		      GAXPY (bCols, scale, &b (k+1,1), 1, &c (i * bRows + k+1 +rowstride,j * bCols+1+colstride), 1);
	      A = a;
	      B = b;
	  else if (conjA == 't' && conjB == 'n')
	      if (allocate)
		  c.ReSize (a.Ncols () * b.Nrows (), a.Nrows () * b.Ncols ());
		  Clear (c);
	      //assert ((c.Nrows () == (a.Ncols () * b.Nrows ())) && (c.Ncols () == (a.Nrows () * b.Ncols ())));
#ifdef BLAS
	      int aRows = a.Ncols ();
	      int aCols = a.Nrows ();
	      int bRows = b.Nrows ();
	      int bCols = b.Ncols ();
	      for (int i = 0; i < aRows; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < aCols; ++j)
		    Real scale = scaleA * scaleB * a (j+1,i+1);
		    for (int k = 0; k < bRows; ++k)
		      GAXPY (bCols, scale, &b (k+1,1), 1, &c (i * bRows + k+1+rowstride,j * bCols+1+colstride), 1);
	      A = a.t ();
	      B = b;
	  else if (conjA == 'n' && conjB == 't')
	      if (allocate)
		  c.ReSize (a.Nrows () * b.Ncols (), a.Ncols () * b.Nrows ());
		  Clear (c);
	      //assert ((c.Nrows () == (a.Nrows () * b.Ncols ())) && (c.Ncols () == (a.Ncols () * b.Nrows ())));
#ifdef BLAS
	      int aRows = a.Nrows ();
	      int aCols = a.Ncols ();
	      int bRows = b.Ncols ();
	      int bCols = b.Nrows ();
	      for (int i = 0; i < aRows; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < aCols; ++j)
		    Real scale = scaleA * scaleB * a (i+1,j+1);
		    for (int k = 0; k < bRows; ++k)
		      GAXPY (bCols, scale, &b (1,k+1), bRows, &c (i * bRows + k+1+rowstride,j * bCols+1+colstride), 1);
	      A = a;
	      B = b.t ();
	  else if (conjA == 't' && conjB == 't')
	      if (allocate)
		  c.ReSize (a.Ncols () * b.Ncols (), a.Nrows () * b.Nrows ());
		  Clear (c);
	      //assert ((c.Nrows () == (a.Ncols () * b.Ncols ())) && (c.Ncols () == (a.Nrows () * b.Nrows ())));
#ifdef BLAS
	      int aRows = a.Ncols ();
	      int aCols = a.Nrows ();
	      int bRows = b.Ncols ();
	      int bCols = b.Nrows ();
	      for (int i = 0; i < aRows; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < aCols; ++j)
		    Real scale = scaleA * scaleB * a (j+1,i+1);
		    for (int k = 0; k < bRows; ++k)
		      GAXPY (bCols, scaleA * scaleB * a (j+1,i+1), &b (1,k+1), bRows, &c (i * bRows + k+1+rowstride,j * bCols+1+colstride), 1);
	      A = a.t ();
	      B = b.t ();
	    abort ();
#ifndef BLAS
	  for (int i = 1; i <= A.Nrows (); ++i)
	    for (int j = 1; j <= A.Ncols (); ++j)
	      c.SubMatrix ((i - 1) * B.Nrows () + 1, i * B.Nrows (), (j - 1) * B.Ncols () + 1, j * B.Ncols ()) += (scaleA * scaleB) * A (i,j) * B; 
      catch (Exception)
	  pout << Exception::what () << endl;
	  abort ();
Example #26
static void tred2(const SymmetricMatrix& A, DiagonalMatrix& D,
   DiagonalMatrix& E, Matrix& Z)
   Tracer et("Evalue(tred2)");
   Real tol =
   int n = A.Nrows(); Z.ReSize(n,n); Z.Inject(A);
   D.ReSize(n); E.ReSize(n);
   Real* z = Z.Store(); int i;

   for (i=n-1; i > 0; i--)                   // i=0 is excluded
      Real f = Z.element(i,i-1); Real g = 0.0;
      int k = i-1; Real* zik = z + i*n;
      while (k--) g += square(*zik++);
      Real h = g + square(f);
      if (g <= tol) { E.element(i) = f; h = 0.0; }
	 g = sign(-sqrt(h), f); E.element(i) = g; h -= f*g;
	 Z.element(i,i-1) = f-g; f = 0.0;
         Real* zji = z + i; Real* zij = z + i*n; Real* ej = E.Store();
         int j;
	 for (j=0; j<i; j++)
	    *zji = (*zij++)/h; g = 0.0;
            Real* zjk = z + j*n; zik = z + i*n;
            k = j; while (k--) g += *zjk++ * (*zik++);
            k = i-j; while (k--) { g += *zjk * (*zik++); zjk += n; }
	    *ej++ = g/h; f += g * (*zji); zji += n;
	 Real hh = f / (h + h); zij = z + i*n; ej = E.Store();
	 for (j=0; j<i; j++)
	    f = *zij++; g = *ej - hh * f; *ej++ = g;
            Real* zjk = z + j*n; Real* zik = z + i*n;
            Real* ek = E.Store(); k = j+1;
            while (k--)  *zjk++ -= ( f*(*ek++) + g*(*zik++) ); 
      D.element(i) = h;

   D.element(0) = 0.0; E.element(0) = 0.0;
   for (i=0; i<n; i++)
      if (D.element(i) != 0.0)
	 for (int j=0; j<i; j++)
	    Real g = 0.0;
            Real* zik = z + i*n; Real* zkj = z + j;
            int k = i; while (k--) { g += *zik++ * (*zkj); zkj += n; }
            Real* zki = z + i; zkj = z + j;
            k = i; while (k--) { *zkj -= g * (*zki); zkj += n; zki += n; }
      Real* zij = z + i*n; Real* zji = z + i;
      int j = i; while (j--)  { *zij++ = 0.0; *zji = 0.0; zji += n; }
      D.element(i) = *zij; *zij = 1.0;
Example #27
void SpinAdapted::MatrixMultiply (const Matrix& a, char conjA, const Matrix& b, char conjB, Matrix& c, Real scale, double cfactor)
  //dmrginp.justmultiply -> start(); //ROA
  Matrix& a_ref = const_cast<Matrix&>(a); // for BLAS calls
  Matrix& b_ref = const_cast<Matrix&>(b);
      int aRows = a_ref.Nrows ();
      int aCols = a_ref.Ncols ();
      int bRows = b_ref.Nrows ();
      int bCols = b_ref.Ncols ();
      int cRows = c.Nrows ();
      int cCols = c.Ncols ();
      if (conjA == 'n' && conjB == 'n')
	  assert ((aCols == bRows) && (cRows == aRows) && (cCols == bCols));
#ifdef BLAS
	  GEMM ('n', 'n', bCols, aRows, bRows, scale, b.Store (), bCols, a.Store (), aCols, cfactor, c.Store (), bCols);
	  c += (scale * a) * b;
      else if (conjA == 'n' && conjB == 't')
	  assert ((aCols == bCols) && (cRows == aRows) && (cCols == bRows));
#ifdef BLAS
	  GEMM ('t', 'n', bRows, aRows, bCols, scale, b.Store (), bCols, a.Store (), aCols, cfactor, c.Store (), bRows);
	  c += (scale * a) * b.t ();
      else if (conjA == 't' && conjB == 'n')
	  assert ((aRows == bRows) && (cRows == aCols) && (cCols == bCols));
#ifdef BLAS
	  GEMM ('n', 't', bCols, aCols, bRows, scale, b.Store (), bCols, a.Store (), aCols, cfactor, c.Store (), bCols);
	c += (scale * a.t ()) * b;
      else if (conjA == 't' && conjB == 't')
	  assert ((aRows == bCols) && (cRows == aCols) && (cCols == bRows));
#ifdef BLAS
	  GEMM ('t', 't', bRows, aCols, bCols, scale, b.Store (), bCols, a.Store (), aCols, cfactor, c.Store (), bRows);
	  c += (scale * a.t ()) * b.t ();
	abort ();
  catch (Exception)
      pout << Exception::what () << endl;
      abort ();
  //dmrginp.justmultiply -> stop(); //ROA
Example #28
void SpinAdapted::OneElectronArray::ReadFromDumpFile(ifstream& dumpFile, int norbs) {
  pout << "OneElectronArray::ReadFromDumpFile is deprecated" << endl;
  if (bin) {
    dumpFile.seekg (0, ios::end);
    //int size = dumpFile.tellg();
    double size = dumpFile.tellg();
    dumpFile.seekg (0, ios::beg);
    FORTINT nmo = rhf ? static_cast<int>(2*sqrt(size / (sizeof(double)))) : static_cast<int>(sqrt(size / (sizeof(double))));
    if (rhf) nmo /= 2;
    char buffer[nmo*nmo*sizeof(double)] ;
    dumpFile.read(buffer, nmo*nmo*sizeof(double));
    Matrix Aoints, Moints;
    Moints.ReSize(nmo, nmo);
    Aoints = 0;
    for(int i=0;i<nmo;++i)
      for(int j=0; j<nmo; ++j)
	  int a=i,b=j;
	  Aoints(a+1,b+1) = ((double*)(&buffer[(i*nmo +j)*sizeof(double)]))[0];
    //the above are the ao integrals...need mo integrals
    //first read the mo coefficients
    ifstream moCoeff;
    moCoeff.open("42.0", ios::binary);
    if (rhf) {
      Matrix CoeffMatrix;
      CoeffMatrix.ReSize(nmo, nmo); 
      char coeffchars[nmo*nmo*sizeof(double)];
      moCoeff.read(coeffchars, nmo*nmo*sizeof(double));
      double* coeffs = ((double*)(coeffchars));
      for (int i=0; i<nmo; i++)
	for (int j=0; j<nmo; j++) {
	  CoeffMatrix(i+1,j+1) = coeffs[i*nmo+j];
      moCoeff.read(coeffchars, nmo*sizeof(double));
      double* occnums = ((double*)(coeffchars));
      for (int i=0; i<nmo; i++) {
	Occnum.at(2*i) = occnums[i];
	Occnum.at(2*i+1) = occnums[i];
      double scale=1.0, cfactor=0.0;
      double* inter = new double[nmo*nmo];
      char n='n', t='t';
      dgemm_ (&n, &n, &nmo, &nmo, &nmo, &scale, Aoints.Store(), &nmo, CoeffMatrix.Store (), &nmo, &cfactor, inter, &nmo);
      dgemm_ (&t, &n, &nmo, &nmo, &nmo, &scale, CoeffMatrix.Store (), &nmo, inter, &nmo, &cfactor, Moints.Store (), &nmo);
      delete [] inter;
      for(int i=0;i<nmo;++i)
	for(int j=0; j<nmo; ++j)
	    int a=i,b=j;
	    if (rhf)
	    (*this)(a,b) = Moints(a/2+1, b/2+1);
  else {
    int n = 0;
    string msg; int msgsize = 5000;
    Input::ReadMeaningfulLine(dumpFile, msg, msgsize);
    vector<string> tok;
    boost::split(tok, msg, is_any_of(" \t"), token_compress_on);
    if (tok.size() != 1) {
      perr << "The first line of one electron integral file should be number of orbitals"<<endl;
      perr << "Error at line :"<<msg<<endl;
    if (atoi(tok[0].c_str()) != norbs) {
      perr << "Number of orbitals in one electron integral file should be equal to one given in input file"<<endl;
      perr << "# orbs in input file : "<<norbs<<endl;
      perr << "# orbs in one electron integral file : "<<atoi(tok[0].c_str())/2<<endl;
    n = norbs;
    if (rhf)
    int i, j;
    Input::ReadMeaningfulLine(dumpFile, msg, msgsize);
    while (msg.size() != 0)
	boost::split(tok, msg, is_any_of(" \t"), token_compress_on);
	if (tok.size() != 3) {
	  perr<< "The format of one electron integral file incorrect"<<endl;
	  perr <<"error at this line: "<<msg<<endl;
	i = atoi(tok[0].c_str());
	j = atoi(tok[1].c_str());
	if (i >= n || j >= n) {
	  perr << "index of orbitals in one electron integral file cannot be bigger than "<<n<<endl;
	  perr<< "error at this line: "<<msg<<endl;
	if (rhf)
	(*this)(i, j) = atof(tok[2].c_str());
	Input::ReadMeaningfulLine(dumpFile, msg, msgsize);