Example #1
Form Foam::operator*(const Matrix<Form, Type>& a, const Matrix<Form, Type>& b)
    if (a.m() != b.n())
            "Matrix<Form, Type>::operator*"
            "(const Matrix<Form, Type>&, const Matrix<Form, Type>&)"
        )   << "attempted to multiply incompatible matrices:" << nl
            << "Matrix A : " << a.n() << " rows, " << a.m() << " columns" << nl
            << "Matrix B : " << b.n() << " rows, " << b.m() << " columns" << nl
            << "In order to multiply matrices, columns of A must equal "
            << "rows of B"
            << abort(FatalError);

    Form ab(a.n(), b.m(), scalar(0));

    for (register label i = 0; i < ab.n(); i++)
        for (register label j = 0; j < ab.m(); j++)
            for (register label l = 0; l < b.n(); l++)
                ab[i][j] += a[i][l]*b[l][j];

    return ab;
Example #2
void M_Add4(Matrix<Scalar>& M1, Matrix<Scalar>& M2, Matrix<Scalar>& C, double x, bool sequential, Scalar beta) {
    const int strideM1 = M1.stride();
    const int strideM2 = M2.stride();
    const int strideC = C.stride();
    const Scalar *dataM1 = M1.data();
    const Scalar *dataM2 = M2.data();
    Scalar *dataC = C.data();
    if (beta != Scalar(0.0)) {
#ifdef _PARALLEL_
        # pragma omp parallel for if(!sequential)
        for (int j = 0; j < C.n(); ++j) {
            for (int i = 0; i < C.m(); ++i) {
                dataC[i + j * strideC] = dataM1[i + j * strideM1] + dataM2[i + j * strideM2] + beta * dataC[i + j * strideC];
    } else {
#ifdef _PARALLEL_
        # pragma omp parallel for if(!sequential)
        for (int j = 0; j < C.n(); ++j) {
            for (int i = 0; i < C.m(); ++i) {
                dataC[i + j * strideC] = dataM1[i + j * strideM1] + dataM2[i + j * strideM2];
Example #3
void somp(const Matrix<T>* XT, const Matrix<T>& D, SpMatrix<T>* spalphaT, 
      const int Ngroups, const int LL, const T* eps, const bool adapt,
      const int numThreads) {
   if (LL <= 0) return;
   const int K = D.n();
   const int L = MIN(D.m(),MIN(LL,K));

   if (!D.isNormalized()) {
      cerr << "Current implementation of OMP does not support non-normalized dictionaries" << endl;

   /// compute the Gram Matrix G=D'D
   Matrix<T> G;

   int NUM_THREADS=init_omp(numThreads);

   int i;
#pragma omp parallel for private(i) 
   for (i = 0; i< Ngroups; ++i) {
      const Matrix<T>& X = XT[i];
      const int M = X.n();
      SpMatrix<T>& spalpha = spalphaT[i];
      Vector<int> rv;
      Matrix<T> vM;
      T thrs = adapt ? eps[i] : M*(*eps);
Example #4
bool test()
    Matrix m1(2, 3);
    Matrix m2(3, 2);

    m1.at(0, 0) = 1;
    m1.at(0, 1) = 2;
    m1.at(0, 2) = 0;
    m1.at(1, 0) = 4;
    m1.at(1, 1) = 3;
    m1.at(1, 2) = -1;

    m2.at(0, 0) = 5;
    m2.at(0, 1) = 1;
    m2.at(1, 0) = 2;
    m2.at(1, 1) = 3;
    m2.at(2, 0) = 3;
    m2.at(2, 1) = 4;

    Matrix r = Matrix::product(m1, m2);

    assert(r.m() == 2);
    assert(r.n() == 2);
    assert(r.at(0, 0) == 9);
    assert(r.at(0, 1) == 7);
    assert(r.at(1, 0) == 23);
    assert(r.at(1, 1) == 9);

    return true;
Example #5
Form Foam::operator-(const Matrix<Form, Type>& a)
    Form na(a.n(), a.m());

    if (a.n() && a.m())
        Type* nav = na[0];
        const Type* av = a[0];

        label nm = a.n()*a.m();
        for (register label i=0; i<nm; i++)
            nav[i] = -av[i];

    return na;
Example #6
Form Foam::operator*(const scalar s, const Matrix<Form, Type>& a)
    Form sa(a.n(), a.m());

    if (a.n() && a.m())
        Type* sav = sa[0];
        const Type* av = a[0];

        label nm = a.n()*a.m();
        for (register label i=0; i<nm; i++)
            sav[i] = s*av[i];

    return sa;
Example #7
Foam::gpuDiagonalMatrix<Type>::gpuDiagonalMatrix(const Matrix<Form, Type>& a)
    gpuList<Type>(min(a.n(), a.m()))
	List<Type> tmp(this->size());
    forAll(tmp, i)
        tmp.operator[](i) = a[i][i];
Example #8
Matrix<Scalar> SkewedUniformRandomMatrix4(int m, int n, double a, double b) {
  Matrix<Scalar> A = SkewedUniformRandomMatrix3<Scalar>(m, n, a, b);
  Scalar max_norm = A.MaxNorm();

  // We can use fancier C++11 random number generators, but they are
  // still slow on some systems.
  for (int j = 0; j < A.n(); ++j) {
    for (int i = 0; i < A.m(); ++i) {
      A(i, j) = A(i, j) / max_norm;
  return A;
Example #9
void S_Add1(Matrix<Scalar>& S1, Matrix<Scalar>& C, double x, bool sequential) {
    const int strideS1 = S1.stride();
    const int strideC = C.stride();
    const Scalar *dataS1 = S1.data();
    Scalar *dataC = C.data();
#ifdef _PARALLEL_
    # pragma omp parallel for if(!sequential)
    for (int j = 0; j < C.n(); ++j) {
        for (int i = 0; i < C.m(); ++i) {
            dataC[i + j * strideC] = dataS1[i + j * strideS1];
Example #10
        generator( const Matrix& A ) : A_( A )
            const int c = 0;
            const int *ind = A_.ind(), *col = A_.col();

            for ( int i = 0; i < A_.m(); ++i ) base_.join( Element( i, c ) );
            for ( int i = 0; i < A_.m(); ++i )
                Neighbour u( i, c );

                for ( int k = ind[ i ]; k < ind[ i + 1 ]; ++k )
                    int j = col[ k ];

                    u.join( j, c );
                topo_.join( u );
Example #11
Form Foam::operator-(const Matrix<Form, Type>& a, const Matrix<Form, Type>& b)
    if (a.n() != b.n())
            "Matrix<Form, Type>::operator-"
            "(const Matrix<Form, Type>&, const Matrix<Form, Type>&)"
        )   << "attempted add matrices with different number of rows: "
            << a.n() << ", " << b.n()
            << abort(FatalError);

    if (a.m() != b.m())
            "Matrix<Form, Type>::operator-"
            "(const Matrix<Form, Type>&, const Matrix<Form, Type>&)"
        )   << "attempted add matrices with different number of columns: "
            << a.m() << ", " << b.m()
            << abort(FatalError);

    Form ab(a.n(), a.m());

    Type* abv = ab[0];
    const Type* av = a[0];
    const Type* bv = b[0];

    label nm = a.n()*a.m();
    for (register label i=0; i<nm; i++)
        abv[i] = av[i] - bv[i];

    return ab;
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
	struct timespec start, stop; 
	double time;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	std::cout << "-->WARNING: COMPILED *WITH* ASSERTIONS!<--" << std::endl;
	if( argc<=3 ) {
		std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <mtx> <scheme> <x> <REP1> <REP2>" << std::endl << std::endl;
		std::cout << "calculates Ax=y and reports average time taken as well as the mean of y." << std::endl;
		std::cout << "with\t\t <mtx> filename of the matrix A in matrix-market or binary triplet format." << std::endl;
		std::cout << "    \t\t <scheme> number of a sparse scheme to use, see below." << std::endl;
		std::cout << "    \t\t <x> 0 for taking x to be the 1-vector, 1 for taking x to be random (fixed seed)." << std::endl;
		std::cout << "    \t\t <REP1> (optional, default is 1) number of repititions of the entire experiment." << std::endl;
		std::cout << "    \t\t <REP2> (optional, default is 1) number of repititions of the in-place SpMV multiplication, per experiment." << std::endl;
		std::cout << std::endl << "Possible schemes:" << std::endl;
		std::cout << " 0: TS (triplet scheme)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << " 1: CRS (also known as CSR)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << " 2: ICRS (Incremental CRS)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << " 3: ZZ-CRS (Zig-zag CRS)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << " 4: ZZ-ICRS (Zig-zag ICRS)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << " 5: SVM (Sparse vector matrix)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << " 6: HTS (Hilbert-ordered triplet scheme)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << " 7: BICRS (Bi-directional Incremental CRS)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << " 8: Hilbert (Hilbert-ordered triplets backed by BICRS)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << " 9: Block Hilbert (Sparse matrix blocking, backed by Hilbert and HBICRS)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "10: Bisection Hilbert (Sparse matrix blocking by bisection, backed by Hilbert and HBICRS)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "11: CBICRS (Compressed Bi-directional Incremental CRS)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "12: Beta Hilbert (known as Block CO-H+ in the paper by Yzelman & Roose, 2012: parallel compressed blocked Hilbert with BICRS)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "13: Row-distributed Beta Hilbert (known as Row-distributed block CO-H in the paper by Yzelman & Roose, 2012: same as 12, but simpler distribution)" << std::endl;
#ifdef WITH_CSB
		std::cout << "14: Row-distributed CSB (Uses CSB sequentially within the row-distributed scheme of 13)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "15: Row-distributed Hilbert (Parallel row-distributed Hilbert scheme, see also 8)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "16: Row-distributed parallel CRS (using OpenMP, known as OpenMP CRS in the paper by Yzelman & Roose, 2012)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "17: Row-distributed SpMV using compressed Hilbert indices." << std::endl;
#ifdef WITH_MKL
		std::cout << "18: Intel MKL SpMV based on the CRS data structure." << std::endl;
		std::cout << "19: Optimised ICRS." << std::endl;
#ifdef WITH_CUDA
		std::cout << "20: CUDA CuSparse HYB format." << std::endl;
		std::cout << std::endl << "The in-place Ax=y calculation is preceded by a quasi pre-fetch." << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Add a minus sign before the scheme number to enable use of the CCS wrapper (making each CRS-based structure CCS-based instead)" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Note: binary triplet format is machine-dependent. ";
		std::cout << "Take care when using the same binary files on different machine architectures." << std::endl;
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	std::string file = std::string( argv[1] );
	int scheme = atoi( argv[2] );
	int ccs    = scheme < 0 ? 1 : 0;
	if( ccs ) scheme = -scheme;
	int x_mode = atoi( argv[3] );
	unsigned long int rep1 = 1;
	unsigned long int rep2 = 1;
	if( argc >= 5 )
		rep1 = static_cast< unsigned long int >( atoi( argv[4] ) );
	if( argc >= 6 )
		rep2 = static_cast< unsigned long int >( atoi( argv[5] ) );

	if( scheme != 16 && scheme != -16 && //pin master thread to a single core
		scheme != 18 && scheme != -18 ) { //but not when OpenMP is used (otherwise serialised computations)
		cpu_set_t mask;
		CPU_ZERO( &mask );
		CPU_SET ( 0, &mask );
		if( pthread_setaffinity_np( pthread_self(), sizeof( mask ), &mask ) != 0 ) {
			std::cerr << "Error setting main thread affinity!" << std::endl;
			exit( 1 );
	} else {
		omp_set_num_threads( MachineInfo::getInstance().cores() );

#ifdef WITH_MKL
	if( scheme == 18 ) {
		mkl_set_num_threads( MachineInfo::getInstance().cores() );
	std::cout << argv[0] << " called with matrix input file " << file << ", scheme number ";
	std::cout << scheme << " and x being " << (x_mode?"random":"the 1-vector") << "." << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Number of repititions of in-place zax is " << rep2 << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Number of repititions of the " << rep2 << " in-place zax(es) is " << rep1 << std::endl;

	Matrix< double >* checkm = new TS< double >( file );
	clock_gettime( CLOCK_ID, &start);
	Matrix< double >* matrix = selectMatrix( scheme, ccs, file );
	clock_gettime( CLOCK_ID, &stop);
	time  = (stop.tv_sec-start.tv_sec)*1000;
	time += (stop.tv_nsec-start.tv_nsec)/1000000.0;
	if( matrix == NULL ) {
		std::cerr << "Error during sparse scheme loading, exiting." << std::endl;
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	std::cout << "Matrix dimensions: " << matrix->m() << " times " << matrix->n() << "." << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Datastructure loading time: " << time << " ms." << std::endl << std::endl;

	srand( FIXED_SEED );
	double* x = NULL;
	if( scheme == 13 || scheme == 14 || scheme == 15 || scheme == 16 || scheme == 17 || scheme == 18 )
		x = (double*) numa_alloc_interleaved( matrix->n() * sizeof( double ) );
		x = (double*) _mm_malloc( matrix->n() * sizeof( double ), 64 );

	//initialise input vector
	for( unsigned long int j=0; j<matrix->n(); j++ ) {
		x[ j ] = x_mode?(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX):1.0;

	//do one trial run, also for verification
	double* c = checkm->mv( x );
	clock_gettime( CLOCK_ID, &start );
	double* z = matrix->mv( x );
	clock_gettime( CLOCK_ID, &stop);
	time = (stop.tv_sec-start.tv_sec)*1000;
	time += (stop.tv_nsec-start.tv_nsec)/1000000.0;
	double checkMSE = 0;
	unsigned long int max_e_index = 0;
	double max_e = fabs( z[0] - c[0] );
	for( unsigned long int j=0; j<matrix->m(); j++ ) {
		double curdiff = fabs( z[j] - c[j] );
		if( curdiff > max_e ) {
			max_e = curdiff;
			max_e_index = j;
		curdiff  *= curdiff;
		curdiff  /= (double)(matrix->m());
		checkMSE += curdiff;
#ifdef OUTPUT_Z
	for( unsigned long int j=0; j<matrix->m(); j++ ) {
		std::cout << z[ j ] << std::endl;
	std::cout << "out-of-place z=Ax: mean= " << checksum( z, matrix->m() ) << ", ";
	std::cout << "MSE = " << checkMSE << ", ";
	std::cout << "max abs error = " << max_e << " while comparing y[ " << max_e_index << " ] = " <<  z[max_e_index] << " and c[ " << max_e_index << " ] = " <<  c[max_e_index] << ", ";
	std::cout << "time= " << time << " ms." << std::endl;
	if( scheme == 13 ) {
		std::cout << "WARNING: MSE and max abs error are not correct for the Row-distributed Beta Hilbert scheme; please see the RDBHilbert.hpp file, and look for the RDBH_NO_COLLECT flag." << std::endl;
	if( scheme == 13 ) {
		std::cout << "WARNING: timings are pessimistic for the Row-distributed Beta Hilbert scheme; each spmv a (syncing) collect is executed to write local data to the global output vector as required by this library. To get the correct timings, turn this collect off via the RDBH_NO_COLLECT flag in the RDBHilbert.hpp file. Note that this causes the verification process to fail, since all data is kept in private local output subvectors." << std::endl;
	double *times = new double[ rep1 ];

	//Run rep*rep instances
	for( unsigned long int run = 0; run < rep1; run++ ) {
		sleep( 1 );
		time = 0.0;
		matrix->zax( x, z );
		matrix->zax( x, z, rep2, CLOCK_ID, &time );
		time /= static_cast<double>( rep2 );
		times[ run ] = time;

	//calculate statistics
	double meantime, mintime, vartime;
	meantime = vartime = 0.0;
	mintime = times[ 0 ];
	for( unsigned long int run = 0; run < rep1; run++ ) {
		if( times[ run ] < mintime ) mintime = times[ run ];
		meantime += times[ run ] / static_cast< double >( rep1 );
	for( unsigned long int run = 0; run < rep1; run++ ) {
		vartime += ( times[ run ] - meantime ) * ( times[ run ] - meantime ) / static_cast< double >( rep1 - 1 );
	vartime = sqrt( vartime );

	std::cout << "In-place:" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Mean  = " << checksum( z, matrix->m() ) << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Time  = " << meantime << " (average), \t" <<  mintime << " (fastest), \t" << vartime << " (stddev) ms. " << std::endl;
	const double avgspeed = static_cast< double >( 2*matrix->nzs() ) / meantime / 1000000.0;
	const double minspeed = static_cast< double >( 2*matrix->nzs() ) / mintime / 1000000.0;
	const double varspeed = fabs( avgspeed - static_cast< double >( 2*matrix->nzs() ) / (meantime - vartime) / 1000000.0 );
	std::cout << "Speed = " << avgspeed << " (average), \t"
					<< minspeed << " (fastest), \t"
					<< varspeed << " (variance) Gflop/s." << std::endl;
	const size_t memuse1 = matrix->bytesUsed() + sizeof( double ) * 2 * matrix->nzs();
	const double avgmem1 = static_cast< double >( 1000*memuse1 ) / meantime / 1073741824.0;
	const double minmem1 = static_cast< double >( 1000*memuse1 ) / mintime / 1073741824.0;
	const double varmem1 = fabs( avgmem1 - static_cast< double >( 1000*memuse1 ) / (meantime-vartime) / 1073741824.0 );
	std::cout << "        " << avgmem1 << " (average), \t"
					<< minmem1 << " (fastest), \t"
					<< varmem1 << " (variance) Gbyte/s (upper bound)." << std::endl;
	const size_t memuse2 = matrix->bytesUsed() + sizeof( double ) * ( matrix->m() + matrix->n() );
	const double avgmem2 = static_cast< double >( 1000*memuse2 ) / meantime / 1073741824.0;
	const double minmem2 = static_cast< double >( 1000*memuse2 ) / mintime / 1073741824.0;
	const double varmem2 = fabs( avgmem2 - static_cast< double >( 1000*memuse2 ) / (meantime-vartime) / 1073741824.0 );
	std::cout << "        " << avgmem2 << " (average), \t"
					<< minmem2 << " (fastest), \t"
					<< varmem2 << " (variance) Gbyte/s (lower bound)." << std::endl;

	delete [] times;
	if( scheme == 13 || scheme == 14 || scheme == 15 || scheme == 16 || scheme == 17 || scheme == 18 ) {
		numa_free( x, matrix->n() * sizeof( double ) );
	} else
		_mm_free( x );

	if( scheme == 12 || scheme == 13 || scheme == 14 || scheme == 15 || scheme == 16 || scheme == 17 || scheme == 18 ) {
#ifdef _NO_LIBNUMA
		_mm_free( z );
		numa_free( z, matrix->m() * sizeof( double ) );
	} else {
		_mm_free( z );
	_mm_free( c );
	delete matrix;
	delete checkm;

jcho::Matrix<T>::Matrix(const Matrix &a) : _storage(NULL), _m(a.m()), _n(a.n()), _size(a.size()) {
	_storage = new double[_size];
	memcpy(_storage, a._storage, _size * sizeof(double));
Example #14
Matrix::Matrix( const Matrix& m ) // copy constructor
    Matrix(m.m(), m.n());
    memcpy(_matrix, m._matrix,sizeof(float)*_m*_n);
Example #15
L1Graph::L1Minimization(SpMatrix<float>& alpha,std::vector<int>& neighborhood)
    //neighborhood contains cidx
    int p_num=index_->size();
    int f_dim=(*features_)[0].size();
    Matrix<float> X(f_dim, p_num - 1);

    //construct matrix X
    std::map<int,int> map_gl; //map between global and local point index
    for(int j = 0, k = 0; j < p_num; j++) { //cols
        int id=(*index_)[j];
        if(id==cidx_) {
        Util::StdVector2MatrixCol((*features_)[id], X, k);

    //TODO:dont use I
    //construct I
    // Matrix<float> I(f_dim,f_dim);
    // I.eye();
    // Util::Matrix2File(I,"I.txt");
    // Matrix<float> B(f_dim, f_dim + p_num - 1);
    // X.merge(I, B);
    // Util::Matrix2File(B,"B.txt");
    // X.clear();
    // I.clear();
    //using lasso
    Matrix<float> x; //x=Ba
    Util::StdVector2Matrix((*features_)[cidx_], x);
    float lambda = 0.01; //lambda
    int L = (*features_)[0].size(); //max non-zero number
    // int L = 20; //max non-zero number
    SpMatrix<float> all;

    //TODO:debug in matlab
    ofstream fout("f.txt");
    for (int i = 0; i < x.m(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < x.n(); j++) {
            fout<<x(i,j)<<" "; 
    ofstream dout("d.txt");
    for (int i = 0; i < X.m(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < X.n(); j++) {
            dout<<X(i,j)<<" "; 

    lasso2<float>(x, X, all, L, lambda , 0 , PENALTY , true); //TODO:X->B

    // all.print("all");
    // alpha.print("alpha");
    // getchar();

    Matrix<float> tmp;
    std::cout<<(0.5*x.normFsq())<<" "<<(lambda*alpha.asum())<<" "<<(0.5*x.normFsq())/(lambda*alpha.asum())<<std::endl;

    //save for vis
    std::vector<int> mk;
    std::vector<float> mv;

    for(int ii = 0; ii < alpha.n(); ++ii) {
        //TODO:calls for pB and pE are not consist
        for(int j = alpha.pB(ii); j < alpha.pE()[ii]; ++j) {

    std::string namev = "debug/" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(cidx_) + ".xyznq";
    ofstream ov(namev.c_str());

    for(int ii = 0; ii < cloud_->size(); ++ii) {
        if(ii == cidx_) {
            ov << cloud_->points[ii].x << " " << cloud_->points[ii].y << " " << cloud_->points[ii].z << " 0 0 0 1" << std::endl;
        } else {
            std::vector<int>::iterator it = find(mk.begin(), mk.end(), ii);
            if(it != mk.end()) {
                int dis = std::distance(mk.begin(), it);
                ov << cloud_->points[ii].x << " " << cloud_->points[ii].y << " " << cloud_->points[ii].z << " 0 0 0 " << mv[dis] << std::endl;
                // ov << cloud_->points[ii].x <<" " << cloud_->points[ii].y << " " << cloud_->points[ii].z << " 0 0 0 0" << std::endl;
            } else {
                ov << cloud_->points[ii].x << " " << cloud_->points[ii].y << " " << cloud_->points[ii].z << " 0 0 0 -1" << std::endl;

    return ;
}       /* -----  end of method L1Graph::L1Minimization  ----- */
Example #16
int main(){
  header( "Basic assignment" );{
    header( "Constructors" );{
      Matrix a;
      test( a.m() == 0 && a.n() == 0, "Test the base constructor." );
      Matrix b( 1, 1 );
      test( b.m() == 1 && b.n() == 1, "Test the common constructor." );
      Matrix c(b);
      test( c.m() == 1 && c.n() == 1, "Test the copy constructor." );
    header( "Input" );{
      Matrix a( 4, 4 );
      test( a.print_test() == "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", "Empty matrix." );
      Matrix b;
      { Matrix c( 4, 4 );
	c <<  1 <<  2 <<  3 <<  4
	  <<  5 <<  6 <<  7 <<  8 
	  <<  9 << 10 << 11 << 12
	  << 13 << 14 << 15 << 16;
	test( c.print_test() == "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16", "Basic 4x4." );
	b = c;
      test( b.print_test() == "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16", "Op = test" );
    header( "Resize" );{
      Matrix a( 2, 2 );
      a << 1 << 2 
	<< 3 << 4;
      a.resize( 2, 2 );
      test( a.print_test() == "1 2 3 4", "Same size resize." );
      a.resize( 3, 3 );
      test( a.print_test() == "1 2 0 3 4 0 0 0 0", "Scaled up resize." );
      a.resize( 1, 1 );
      test( a.print_test() == "1", "Scaled down resize." );
      a.resize( 2, 2 );
    header( "Submatrix" );{
      Matrix a( 3, 3 );
      a << 1 << 2 << 3
	<< 4 << 5 << 6 
	<< 7 << 8 << 9;
      Matrix b = a.submatrix(1,1,2,2);
      test( b.print_test() == "1 2 4 5", "Basic submatrix" );
      Matrix c = a.submatrix(2,2,2,2);
      test( c.print_test() == "5 6 8 9", "Basic submatrix #2" );
      test( a.SUBMATRIX(1,1,2,3).print_test() == "1 2 3 4 5 6", "Immediate submatrix" );
      test( a.SUBMATRIX(1,1,2,1).print_test() == "1 4", "Immediate submatrix #2" );
  header( "Mathematical functions" );{
    header( "Addition" );{
      Matrix a(2, 2);
      a << 1 << 2
	<< 3 << 4;
      Matrix b(2, 2);
      b << 4 << 3
	<< 2 << 1;
      Matrix c = b + a;
      test( c.print_test() == "5 5 5 5", "Basic addition" );
      c = a + b;
      test( c.print_test() == "5 5 5 5", "Addition is transitive" );
      b.resize(1, 1);
      c = b + a;
      test( c.error() == true, "Unable to add unlike matrices" );
      b.resize(2, 2);
      c = a + b;
      test( c.print_test() == "5 2 3 4", "Basic addition after a resize" );
      test( a.print_test() == "1 2 3 4", "  A is unchanged by addition" );
      a += b;
      test( a.print_test() == "5 2 3 4", "Immediate addition." );
    header( "Subtraction" );{
      Matrix a( 2, 2 );
      a << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4;
      Matrix b( 2, 2 );
      b << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1;
      Matrix c( 1, 1 );
      test( (a - b).print_test() == "0 1 2 3", "Basic subtraction" );
      test( (b - a).print_test() != "0 1 2 3", "Subtraction is NOT transitive" );
      c = b + c;
      test( c.error() == true, "Unable to subtract unlike matrices" );
      a -= b;
      test( a.print_test() == "0 1 2 3", "Immediate subtraction." );
    header( "Multiplication" );{
      Matrix a( 2, 3 );
      a <<  2 <<  4 <<  3 
	<< -2 <<  3 <<  1;
      Matrix b( 3, 4 );
      b <<  2 <<  4 <<  5 <<  6 
	<< -2 <<  1 << -2 <<  1 
	<< -9 << -9 << -9 <<  1;
      Matrix c( 2, 2 );
      c << 1 << 2
	<< 4 << 1;
      Matrix d( 2, 2 );
      d << 3 << 1
	<< 3 << 0;
      test( (a * b).print_test()=="-31 -15 -25 19 -19 -14 -25 -8","Basic multiplication");
      test( (b*a).error() == true, "Can NOT multiply improper matrices" );
      test( (c*d).print_test() != (d*c).print_test(), "Multiplication is NOT transitive");
      test( (a * 2).print_test() == "4 8 6 -4 6 2", "Basic scalar multiplication" );
      test( a.print_test() == "2 4 3 -2 3 1", "  A is unchanged by multiplication" );
      c *= a;
      test( c.print_test() == "-2 10 5 6 19 13","Immediate multiplication");
      c *= 2;
      test( c.print_test() == "-4 20 10 12 38 26", "Immediate scalar multiplication" );
    header( "Division" );{
    header( "Exponent" );{
    header( "Transpose" );{
      Matrix a( 2, 3 );
      a << 4 << 3 << 2
	<< 1 << 5 << 6;
      Matrix b = +a;
      test( a.m() == b.n() && a.n() == b.m(), "Basic transpose" );
      test( a == b, "Immediate transpose" );
    header( "Inverse" );{
      Matrix a( 3,3 );
      a << 0 << 1 << 2 
	<< 1 << 0 << 3
	<< 4 << -3 << 8;
      Matrix b = ~a;
      test( b.print_test() == "-4.5 7 -1.5 -2 4 -1 1.5 -2 0.5", "Inverse" );
      test( (!a).print_test() == "-4.5 7 -1.5 -2 4 -1 1.5 -2 0.5", "Immediate inverse" );
    header( "Determinant" );{
      Matrix c(1,1);
      c << 1;
      test( c.det() == 1, "Determinant test 1x1" );
      Matrix b(2,2);
      b << 3 << 4 
	<< 1 << 2;
      test( b.det() == 2, "Determinant test 2x2" );
      Matrix a(3,3);
      a << 1 << 2 << 0
	<< 4 << 5 << 6 
	<< 7 << 8 << 9;
      test( a.det() == 9, "Determinant test 3x3" );
      Matrix d(6,6);
      d << 0 << 9 << 3 << 4 << 1 << 2
	<< 0 << 2 << 1 << 5 << 5 << 2
	<< 3 << 4 << 1 << 1 << 7 << 3
	<< 9 << 4 << 2 << 4 << 7 << 6
	<< 6 << 1 << 8 << 2 << 7 << 3
	<< 3 << 7 << 2 << 7 << 3 << 4;
      test( d.det() == 330, "Determinant test 6x6" );
  cout << endl
       << "Tests passed: " << passed << endl
       << "Tests failed: " << failed << endl;
  return 0;
Example #17
double FastMatmul(Matrix<Scalar>& A, Matrix<Scalar>& B, Matrix<Scalar>& C,
                  int num_steps, double x=1e-8, Scalar alpha=Scalar(1.0), Scalar beta=Scalar(0.0)) {
    MemoryManager<Scalar> mem_mngr;
#ifdef _PARALLEL_
    mem_mngr.Allocate(2, 2, 2, 8, num_steps, A.m(), A.n(), B.n());
    int num_multiplies_per_step = 8;
    int total_multiplies = pow(num_multiplies_per_step, num_steps);

    // Set parameters needed for all types of parallelism.
    int num_threads = 0;
#ifdef _PARALLEL_
    # pragma omp parallel
        if (omp_get_thread_num() == 0) {
            num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();

#if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _BFS_PAR_)
    # pragma omp parallel

#if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _DFS_PAR_)

#if defined(_PARALLEL_) && (_PARALLEL_ == _HYBRID_PAR_)
    if (num_threads > total_multiplies) {
    } else {
        # pragma omp parallel

    LockAndCounter locker(total_multiplies - (total_multiplies % num_threads));
    using FpMilliseconds = std::chrono::duration<float, std::chrono::milliseconds::period>;
    auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

#ifdef _PARALLEL_
    # pragma omp parallel
        # pragma omp single
        FastMatmulRecursive(locker, mem_mngr, A, B, C, num_steps, num_steps, 0, x, num_threads, beta);
#ifdef _PARALLEL_
    auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    return FpMilliseconds(t2 - t1).count();
 jcho::Matrix<double> jcho::Matrix<double>::linear_least_squares(const Matrix<double> &a) const {
   if (a.m() != m())
     throw Exception("linear_least_squares(const Matrix<T> &): This operation can only be applied when a.m() == this->m().");
   return least_squares<dgels_>(a);
Example #19
Matrix::Matrix( const Matrix& m ) // copy constructor
    _m = m.m();
    _n = m.n();
    _matrix = m.matrix();
Example #20
void DMDModel<Type>::printMatrix(const Matrix<Form, Type2>& matrix, word name, label r, label c, label nRows, label nColumns)
    if (r >= matrix.n() || r < 0)
            "Matrix<Form, Type2>& matrix,"
            "word name, "
            "label r, "
            "label c, "
            "label rows, "
            "label columns "
        )   << "r is greater than the number of rows in matrix! "
	    << "r must have a value between 0 and matrix.n()-1"
            << abort(FatalError);
    if (c >= matrix.m() || c < 0)
            "Matrix<Form, Type2>& matrix,"
            "word name, "
            "label r, "
            "label c, "
            "label rows, "
            "label columns "
        )   << "c is greater than the number of columns in matrix! "
	    << "c must have a value between 0 and matrix.m()-1"
            << abort(FatalError);
    if (nRows < 0)
            "Matrix<Form, Type2>& matrix,"
            "word name, "
            "label r, "
            "label c, "
            "label rows, "
            "label columns "
        )   << "nRows must have a value greater or equal 0 "
            << abort(FatalError);
    if (nColumns < 0)
            "Matrix<Form, Type2>& matrix,"
            "word name, "
            "label r, "
            "label c, "
            "label rows, "
            "label columns "
        )   << "nColumns must have a value greater or equal 0 "
            << abort(FatalError);

    Info << endl;
    Info << endl;
    Info << "Matrix Coeffs of " << name << endl;
    Info << endl;
    if (r+nRows > matrix.n() || nRows < 1) 
        nRows = matrix.n() - r;
    if (c+nColumns > matrix.m() || nColumns < 1)
        nColumns = matrix.m() - c;
    for (label i = r; i< (r+nRows); i++)
	for (label j = c; j<(c+nColumns); j++)
	    Info << setw(8) << matrix[i][j] << " ";
	Info << endl;
    Info << endl;