Example #1
Matrix yarp::math::projectionMatrix(const Matrix &A, double tol)
    Matrix out(A.rows(),A.rows());
    projectionMatrix(A, out, tol);
    return out;
Example #2
void LHENode<ImageSigT>::buildPDFGrid(const Matrix<float>& img)
	int rows = img.rows();
	int cols = img.cols();

	//down sample
	m_down_rows = int(ceil(rows / m_spatial_sampling + 0.5f));
	m_down_cols = int(ceil(cols / m_spatial_sampling + 0.5f));
	m_down_depth = int(ceil(1.0f / m_gray_range_sampling + 0.5f));

	//allocate pdf memory
	if (m_pdf_grid)
		delete []m_pdf_grid;
		m_pdf_grid = NULL;
	m_pdf_grid = new float[m_down_rows * m_down_cols * m_down_depth];
	memset(m_pdf_grid,0,sizeof(float) * m_down_rows * m_down_cols * m_down_depth);

	for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
		const float* img_data = img.row(i);
		for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j)
			int down_i = int(floor(i / m_spatial_sampling + 0.5f));
			int down_j = int(floor(j / m_spatial_sampling + 0.5f));
			int down_d = int(floor(img_data[j] / m_gray_range_sampling + 0.5f));

			int down_index = down_d * m_down_rows * m_down_cols + down_i * m_down_cols + down_j;
			m_pdf_grid[down_index] = m_pdf_grid[down_index] + 1.0f;

	//transform count to probability
	float* depth_counts = new float[m_down_rows * m_down_cols];
	memset(depth_counts,0,sizeof(float) * m_down_rows * m_down_cols);

	for (int depth = 0; depth < m_down_depth; ++depth)
		int slice_index = depth * m_down_rows * m_down_cols;

		for (int i = 0; i < m_down_rows; ++i)
			int row_index = i * m_down_cols;
			for (int j = 0; j < m_down_cols; ++j)
				depth_counts[row_index + j] += m_pdf_grid[slice_index + row_index +j];

	for (int i = 0; i < m_down_rows; ++i)
		int row_index = i * m_down_cols;
		for (int j = 0; j < m_down_cols; ++j)
			if(depth_counts[row_index + j] == 0.0f)
				depth_counts[row_index + j] = 1.0f;

	for (int depth = 0; depth < m_down_depth; ++depth)
		int slice_index = depth * m_down_rows * m_down_cols;

		for (int i = 0; i < m_down_rows; ++i)
			int row_index = i * m_down_cols;
			for (int j = 0; j < m_down_cols; ++j)
				m_pdf_grid[slice_index + row_index +j] /= depth_counts[row_index + j];

	delete []depth_counts;
	void movemesh()
		int num_steps = 1;
		int step = 1;			// just for info of total number of steps

		testdg = dg;

		cout << "DGmove: movemesh():  Calculating containing elements and area coordinates for each interior point\n";
		// cycle over interior points
		for(int ipoin = 0; ipoin < ninpoin; ipoin++)
			// first find containing DG element by "walking-through" the DG
			dat = dg.find_containing_triangle_and_area_coords(points(ipoin,0), points(ipoin,1), ninpoin/2);

			// store DG element and area coords in points
			points(ipoin,2) = dat.elem;
			for(int i = 0; i < ndim+1; i++)
				points(ipoin,i+3) = dat.areacoords[i];

		while(num_steps > 0)
			cout << "DGmove: movemesh(): Step " << step << endl;

			// update coordinates in dgpoints using bmotion
			cout << "DGmove: movemesh():  Moving the Delaunay graph\n";
			int  k = 0;
			for(int i = 0; i < bmot->rows(); i++)
				if(bflag(i) == 1)
					for(int j = 0; j < ndim; j++)
						testdgpoints(k,j) = dgpoints(k,j) + bmot->get(i,j);

			// check for validity of Delaunay graph
			movegraph(testdg, testdgpoints);
			check = testdg.detect_negative_jacobians();
			cout << "DGmove: movemesh():  Check is " << check << endl;
			if(check == true)
				testdgpoints = dgpoints;					// reset testdgpoints to original values
				testdg = dg;								// reset the DG as well

				//halve the boundary motion
				for(int i = 0; i < bmot->rows(); i++)
					for(int j = 0; j < bmot->cols(); j++)
						(*bmot)(i,j) = bmot->get(i,j)/2;

				dgpoints = testdgpoints;
				movegraph(dg, dgpoints);

			// calculate new positions of interior points by mapping them to deformed DG elements using area coordinates calculated before
			cout << "DGmove: movemesh():  Moving the interior points\n";
			int elem;
			for(int ipoin = 0; ipoin < ninpoin; ipoin++)
				elem = points(ipoin,2);
				for(int dim = 0; dim < ndim; dim++)
					points(ipoin,dim) = 0.0;
					for(int i = 0; i < ndim+1; i++)
						points(ipoin,dim) += points(ipoin,i+3)*dgpoints(dginpoel(elem,i),dim);
			if(num_steps > 0)
				cout << "DGmove: movemesh():  Re-triangulating\n";
				// re-calculate area-coords
				for(int ipoin = 0; ipoin < ninpoin; ipoin++)
					// first find containing DG element by "walking-through" the DG
					dat = dg.find_containing_triangle_and_area_coords(points(ipoin,0), points(ipoin,1), ninpoin/2);

					// store DG element and area coords in points
					points(ipoin,2) = dat.elem;
					for(int i = 0; i < ndim+1; i++)
						points(ipoin,i+3) = dat.areacoords[i];
Example #4
// Training of client Speakers
// Input: Xlist	Format: ID_Client Seg1 Seg2 ..
// Output: ALIZE_MixtureServer (binaire) + GMM / Client (binary)
 int TrainTarget(Config& config)
  String inputClientListFileName = config.getParam("targetIdList");
  String inputWorldFilename = config.getParam("inputWorldFilename");
  String outputSERVERFilename = "";
  if (config.existsParam("mixtureServer")) outputSERVERFilename =config.getParam("mixtureServer");
  bool initByClient=false;                                              // In this case, the init model is read from the file
  if (config.existsParam("initByClient")) initByClient=config.getParam("initByClient").toBool();
  bool saveEmptyModel=false;
  if (config.existsParam("saveEmptyModel")) saveEmptyModel=config.getParam("saveEmptyModel").toBool();
  // label for selected frames - Only the frames associated with this label, in the label files, will be used
  bool fixedLabelSelectedFrame=true;
  String labelSelectedFrames;
  if (config.existsParam("useIdForSelectedFrame"))    // the ID of each speaker is used as labelSelectedFrame ?
  if (fixedLabelSelectedFrame)                        // the label is decided by the command line and is unique for the run
  bool modelData=false;
  if (config.existsParam("useModelData")) modelData=config.getParam("useModelData").toBool();
  String initModelS=inputWorldFilename;
  if (modelData) if (config.existsParam("initModel")) initModelS=config.getParam("initModel"); // Use a specific model for Em init
  bool outputAdaptParam=false;
   if (config.existsParam("superVector")) outputAdaptParam=true;
  bool NAP=false;
  Matrix <double> ChannelMatrix;
  if (config.existsParam("NAP")) {
     if (verbose) cout<< "Removing channel effect with NAP from " << config.getParam("NAP") << " of size: ["; 
    NAP=true; // enable NAP
    ChannelMatrix.load(config.getParam("NAP"),config); //get Channel Matrix from args and load in a Matrix object
     if (verbose) cout << ChannelMatrix.rows() << "," <<ChannelMatrix.cols() << "]" << endl;

  bool saveCompleteServer=false;
    XList inputClientList(inputClientListFileName,config);          // read the Id + filenames for each client
    XLine * linep;
    MixtureServer ms(config);
    StatServer ss(config, ms);
    if (verbose) cout << "TrainTarget - Load world model [" << inputWorldFilename<<"]"<<endl;
    MixtureGD& world = ms.loadMixtureGD(inputWorldFilename);
    MixtureGD& initModel =ms.loadMixtureGD(initModelS);
    if (verbose) cout <<"Use["<<initModelS<<"] for initializing EM"<<endl;
    // *********** Target loop ***************** 
    while ((linep=inputClientList.getLine()) != NULL){             // linep gives the XLine with the Id of a given client and the list of files
      String *id=linep->getElement();                              // Get the Client ID (id)
      XLine featureFileListp=linep->getElements();	           // Get the list of feature file for the client (end of the line)
      if (verbose) cout << "Train model ["<<*id<<"]"<<endl;   
      if (!fixedLabelSelectedFrame){                                // the ID is used as label for selecting the frame
	if (verbose) cout <<*id<<" is used for label selected frames"<<endl;
      FeatureServer fs(config,featureFileListp);                                            // Reading the features (from several files)
      SegServer segmentsServer;                                                             // Create the segment server for managing the segments/clusters
      LabelServer labelServer;                                                              // Create the lable server, for indexing the segments/clusters
      initializeClusters(featureFileListp,segmentsServer,labelServer,config);               // Reading the segmentation files for each feature input file
      verifyClusterFile(segmentsServer,fs,config);                                          // Verify if the segments ending before the end of the feature files...
      MixtureGD & adaptedMixture = ms.duplicateMixture(world,DUPL_DISTRIB);                 // Creating final as a copy of the world model
      MixtureGD & clientMixture= ms.duplicateMixture(world,DUPL_DISTRIB);
      if (initByClient){                                                                   // During trainig data statistic estimation by EM,
	clientMixture= ms.loadMixtureGD(*id);                                               // the client model is used for initalization
      long codeSelectedFrame=labelServer.getLabelIndexByString(labelSelectedFrames);        // Get the index of the cluster with in interest audio segments
      if (codeSelectedFrame==-1){                                                           // No data for this model !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	cout << " WARNING - NO DATA FOR TRAINING ["<<*id<<"]";
	if (saveEmptyModel){
	  cout <<" World model is returned"<<endl;                                    // In this case, the client model is the world model
	  if (verbose) cout << "Save client model ["<<*id<<"]" << endl;
	  adaptedMixture.save(*id, config);                                           // Save the client model
	SegCluster& selectedSegments=segmentsServer.getCluster(codeSelectedFrame); // Gives the cluster of the selected/used segments                                   
	if (!initByClient) ms.setMixtureId(clientMixture,*id);                                        // Set the client model Id
	if (modelData) modelBasedadaptModel(config,ss,ms,fs,selectedSegments,world,clientMixture,initModel);          // EM algo with MAP criterion
	else adaptModel(config,ss,ms,fs,selectedSegments,world,clientMixture);          // EM algo with MAP criterion
        if (NAP) {
          if (verbose) cout << "NAP on SVs" << endl;
        if (outputAdaptParam) {
            RealVector<double> v;
           String out=config.getParam("saveVectorFilesPath")+*id+config.getParam("vectorFilesExtension");        
            Matrix <double> vv=(Matrix<double>)v;
        if (!outputAdaptParam) {
            if (verbose) cout << "Save client model ["<<*id<<"]" << endl;
            clientMixture.save(*id, config);                                           // Save the client model
	if (!saveCompleteServer){
	  long tid=ms.getMixtureIndex(*id);      // TO BE SUPPRESSED BY
	  ms.deleteMixtures(tid,tid);            // ADDING a delete on a mixture pointor
    }                                                                              // end of the the target loop 
    // Save the complete mixture server
    // TODO
  } // fin try

  catch (Exception& e)
      cout << e.toString().c_str() << endl;
  return 0;
int main()
    /******************************* [ signal ] ******************************/
	Vector<Type> t = linspace( Type(0), Type(Ls-1), Ls ) / Type(Fs);
	Vector<Type> s = sin( Type(400*PI) * pow(t,Type(2.0)) );

	/******************************** [ widow ] ******************************/
	t = linspace(Type(0),Type(Lg-1),Lg);
	Vector<Type> g = gauss( t, (Lg-1)/Type(2), Lg/Type(8) );

	/********************************* [ WFT ] *******************************/
	cout << "Taking windowed Fourier transform." << endl;
    Matrix< complex<Type> > coefs = wft( s, g );

	/******************************** [ IWFT ] *******************************/
	cout << "Taking inverse windowed Fourier transform." << endl;
	Vector<Type> x = iwft( coefs, g );

	cout << "The relative error is : " << "norm(s-x) / norm(s) = "
		 << norm(s-x)/norm(s) << endl << endl;

    /******************************** [ PLOT ] *******************************/
	Engine *ep  = engOpen( NULL );
	if( !ep )
		cerr << "Cannot open Matlab Engine!" << endl;

    Matrix<Type> C = trT( abs(coefs) );
    int M = C.rows(), N = C.cols();

    // define mxArray as 1-by-1 Real Scalar
	mxArray *mFs = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( 1, 1, mxREAL );

    // define mxArray as N-by-1 Real Vector
	mxArray *ms = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( Ls, 1, mxREAL );
    mxArray *mx = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( Ls, 1, mxREAL );

	// define mxArray as N-by-M Real Matrix, BECAUSE matalb is ROW MAJOR
	// and C/C++ is COLUMN MAJOR, the row of SP++ matrix is copied as the
	// column of Matlab matrix
	mxArray *mC = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( N, M, mxREAL );

    // array copy from Scalar to mxArray.
	memcpy( mxGetPr(mFs), &Fs, sizeof(Type) );

    // array copy from Vectors to mxArray.
	memcpy( mxGetPr(ms), s, Ls*sizeof(Type) );
	memcpy( mxGetPr(mx), x, Ls*sizeof(Type) );

	// array copy from Matrix to mxArray.
	memcpy( mxGetPr(mC), C, C.size()*sizeof(Type) );

    // send command to Matlab engine
    engPutVariable( ep, "fs", mFs );
	engPutVariable( ep, "s", ms );
	engPutVariable( ep, "x", mx );
	engPutVariable( ep, "C", mC );

    // Matlab commands
	const char *mCmd =  " \
        figure('name','C++ and Matlab Mixed Programming Testing'); \
        hFN = floor(size(C,1)/2);   tN = size(C,2); \
        subplot(2,2,1); plot((0:tN-1), s); \
        axis([0,tN,min(s),max(s)]); \
        xlabel('Time (ms)', 'fontsize',12); ylabel('Amplitude', 'fontsize',12); \
        title('(a)'); \
        subplot(2,2,2); pcolor((0:tN-1),(0:hFN)'/hFN, C(1:hFN+1,:)); \
        shading interp; \
        axis([0,tN, 0,1]); \
        yt = 0 : 0.2 : 1; set(gca, 'YTick',yt); set(gca, 'YTickLabel',fs*yt/2); \
        xlabel('Time (ms)','fontsize',12); ylabel('Frequency (Hz)','fontsize',12); \
        title('(b)'); \
        subplot(2,2,3); plot((0:tN-1),x); \
        axis([0,tN,min(x),max(x)]); \
        xlabel('Time (ms)','fontsize',12); \
        ylabel('Amplitude', 'fontsize',12); \
        title('(c)'); \
        subplot(2,2,4); e=s-x; plot((0:tN-1),e); \
        axis([0,tN,min(e),max(e)]); \
        xlabel('Time (ms)','fontsize',12); \
        ylabel('Amplitude', 'fontsize',12); \
        title('(d)'); \

    // send command to Matlab engine
    engEvalString( ep, mCmd );

	// delete mxArray
	mxDestroyArray( mFs );
	mxDestroyArray( ms );
	mxDestroyArray( mx );
	mxDestroyArray( mC );
    system( "pause" );

	return 0;
   virtual void
   getJacobian(RigidBodyDynamics::Model& robot, const Vector& Q, Matrix& Jc)
       // Calculate COP
       if(rxnFrFrame_==0) //know the reaction forces in world frame
         RigidBodyDynamics::Extras::calcCOPfromFrCOM(robot, Q, masterNode_,
                        rxnForceCOM_, contactNormal_, contactPlanePoint_, worldCOP_,
                        RigidBodyDynamics::Extras::Frame::WORLD, //frame of reaction forces
                        RigidBodyDynamics::Extras::Frame::LOCAL, //frame of contact normal
                        RigidBodyDynamics::Extras::Frame::LOCAL, //frame of contact plane point
                        RigidBodyDynamics::Extras::Frame::WORLD); //frame of returned COP value
       else //know the reaction forces in local frame
         RigidBodyDynamics::Extras::calcCOPfromFrCOM(robot, Q, masterNode_,
                        rxnForceCOM_, contactNormal_, contactPlanePoint_, worldCOP_,
                        RigidBodyDynamics::Extras::Frame::LOCAL, //frame of reaction forces
                        RigidBodyDynamics::Extras::Frame::LOCAL, //frame of contact normal
                        RigidBodyDynamics::Extras::Frame::LOCAL, //frame of contact plane point
                        RigidBodyDynamics::Extras::Frame::WORLD); //frame of returned COP value
       p = this->lookupParameter("worldCOP");
       s = p->set(worldCOP_);
       localCOP_ = RigidBodyDynamics::CalcBaseToBodyCoordinates(robot,Q,masterNode_,worldCOP_,false);
       p = this->lookupParameter("localCOP");
       s = p->set(localCOP_);
       Vector rxnForceCOP_(6);
       Vector worldCOM_(3);
       worldCOM_ = RigidBodyDynamics::CalcBaseToBodyCoordinates(robot,Q,masterNode_,robot.mBodies[masterNode_].mCenterOfMass,false);
       //TODO: double check wrench transformation--sign error. NOTE: also effectos calcCOP methods
       rxnForceCOP_.head(3) = rxnForceCOM_.head(3);
       rxnForceCOP_.tail(3) = rxnForceCOM_.tail(3) + RigidBodyDynamics::Math::VectorCrossMatrix(rxnForceCOM_.head(3))*(worldCOP_-worldCOM_);
       // Check size of incoming Jc
       assert( isInitialized() && (Jc.rows()==6) && (Jc.cols()==robot.dof_count) );
       // Since flag set to false, Q shouldn't be used in calculation
       // Since flag set to false, Q shouldn't be used in calculation
       // Set Jc
       Jc.topRows(3) = Jpv;
       Jc.bottomRows(3) = Jpw;
Example #7
	MSize(const Matrix& mat):__m(mat.rows()),__n(mat.cols()){}
/*  Solve a linear programming problem using the simplex method.
    Good resource: http://www.slideshare.net/sbishop2/simplex-algorithm
int simplex(Matrix &A, Matrix &b)
    /*  we assume that we're given this in a tableau form.
        Matrix A contains all the variables, and
        Matrib b contains all the values.
        We also assume that the first row of the Matrices
        contains the values for the objective function.
    while(true) // there's a break statement inside.
        /*  STEP 1: Look at the negative values in the first row of A
            to determine the pivot column. We want the largest negative
            value (i.e. the smallest value), because removing that bit
            will increase the objective function the most. For example,
            if we have z -10x -20y = 0, the y is lowering the value more.
        MatrixIterator min_e = min_element(A.begin(),A.begin() + A.cols());
        int pivotCol = min_e - A.begin();
        /*  if the minimum value is non-negative, we have found
            the optimal solution.
        if (*min_e >= 0)
            /*  FINAL STEP: Find the values of the variables.
                any variable that is still in the objective function
                has to have a value of 0, so we can zero those columns
            for (int i=0;i<A.cols();i++)
                if (A(0,i) > 0)
                    for (int j=0;j<A.rows();j++)
                        A(j,i) = 0;
            return b(0,0);
        /*  STEP 2: (Temporarily) Divide all the values in Matrix b by
            the corresponding value in that row that is part of the pivot column
        Matrix c = b;
        for (int i=0;i<b.rows();i++)
            c(i,0) = c(i,0) / A(i,pivotCol);
        /*  STEP 3: The least value in b tells us the pivot row.
            The smallest value is the constraining value; it's the
            reason that our result can't be bigger. It's constrained
            by this smallest value.
        MatrixIterator min_val = min_element(c.begin()+1,c.end());
        int pivotRow = min_val - c.begin();
        /*  STEP 4: Divide pivot row by pivot value so pivot becomes 1
        double divisor = A(pivotRow,pivotCol);
        for (int i=0;i<A.cols();i++)
            A(pivotRow,i) = A(pivotRow,i) / divisor;
        b(pivotRow,0) = b(pivotRow,0) / divisor;
        /*  STEP 5: Zero out the pivot column:
        for (int i=0;i<A.rows();i++)
            if (i==pivotRow) continue; // no point doing it for the same row.
            double ratio = A(i,pivotCol) / A(pivotRow, pivotCol);
            for (int j=0;j<A.cols();j++)
                A(i,j) -= ratio * A(pivotRow,j);
            b(i,0) -= ratio * b(pivotRow,0);
    return -10;
// Given two matrices A and b, solves the linear system of equations
// assuming the form Ax = b. Uses Gaussian Elimination with backsubstitution.
Matrix gaussianElimination(Matrix& A, Matrix& b)
    // First let's get it in row-echelon form.
    // This code is actually very similar to the code for
    // gaussJordan(). The big difference is we set j=i
    // as the starting condition in a for loop so we only
    // work on the lower triangle.
    Matrix Aug = A;
    Aug.appendCol(b); // make the augmented matrix
    int i;
    for (i=0;i<A.cols();i++)
        int goodRow = findNonZero(Aug, i);
        // either we don't have enough equations, or there's
        // a logical error, like -1 = 0. Either way, no solution.
        if (goodRow < 0)
            shared_ptr<ColumnVector> n(new ColumnVector(0));
            return *n;
        // swap the good row with the row we want a 1 in.
        // we want 1's on the diagonal, so the row we want 
        // a 2 in is the same # as the column that we're on.
        Aug.swapRows(i, goodRow);

        // Now we want to zero out this column for all other rows.
        // In this row (in the diagonal position) we want a 1.
        for (int j=i;j<A.rows();j++)
            if (j==i) {
                // we want a 1 here.
                double scalar = Aug(i,i);
                for (int k=0;k<Aug.cols();k++)
                    Aug(i,k) = Aug(i,k) * (1.0/scalar);
                // we want a 0 here
                double multiplier = Aug(j,i) / Aug(i,i);
                for (int k=0;k<Aug.cols();k++)
                    Aug(j,k) = Aug(j,k) - (Aug(i,k) * multiplier);
    // At this point, our Matrix is in row echelon form.
    // Now we do backsubstitution.
    // start from the last row, work our way up.
    for (int x=Aug.rows()-2;x>=0;x--)
        for (int y=A.cols()-1;y>x;y--)
            // set the augmented columns values to the answer.
            for (int z=A.cols();z<A.cols() + b.cols();z++)
                Aug(x,z) = Aug(x,z) - (Aug(x,y) * Aug(y,z));
            // set the substituted column to zero since we moved it
            // to the other side of the = sign.
            Aug(x,y) = 0;
    // at this point, the augmented part of Aug contains our solution.
    // Let's return it.
    shared_ptr<Matrix> res(new Matrix(b.rows(), b.cols()));
    for (int x=0;x<A.rows();x++)
        for (int y=A.cols();y<A.cols() + b.cols();y++)

            (*res)(x,y-A.cols()) = Aug(x,y);
    return *res;
Example #10
bool ElasticityNorm::evalInt (LocalIntegral& elmInt, const FiniteElement& fe,
			      const Vec3& X) const
  Elasticity& problem = static_cast<Elasticity&>(myProblem);
  ElmNorm& pnorm = static_cast<ElmNorm&>(elmInt);

  // Evaluate the inverse constitutive matrix at this point
  Matrix Cinv;
  if (!problem.formCinverse(Cinv,fe,X))
    return false;

  // Evaluate the finite element stress field
  Vector sigmah, sigma, error;
  if (!problem.evalSol(sigmah,pnorm.vec,fe,X))
    return false;

  bool planeStrain = sigmah.size() == 4 && Cinv.rows() == 3;
  if (planeStrain) sigmah.erase(sigmah.begin()+2); // Remove the sigma_zz

  double detJW = fe.detJxW;
  if (problem.isAxiSymmetric())
    detJW *= 2.0*M_PI*X.x;

  size_t ip = 0;
  // Integrate the energy norm a(u^h,u^h)
  pnorm[ip++] += sigmah.dot(Cinv*sigmah)*detJW;

  if (problem.haveLoads())
    // Evaluate the body load
    Vec3 f = problem.getBodyforce(X);
    // Evaluate the displacement field
    Vec3 u = problem.evalSol(pnorm.vec.front(),fe.N);
    // Integrate the external energy (f,u^h)
    pnorm[ip] += f*u*detJW;

  if (anasol)
    // Evaluate the analytical stress field
    sigma = (*anasol)(X);
    if (sigma.size() == 4 && Cinv.rows() == 3)
      sigma.erase(sigma.begin()+2); // Remove the sigma_zz if plane strain

    // Integrate the energy norm a(u,u)
    pnorm[ip++] += sigma.dot(Cinv*sigma)*detJW;
    // Integrate the error in energy norm a(u-u^h,u-u^h)
    error = sigma - sigmah;
    pnorm[ip++] += error.dot(Cinv*error)*detJW;

  // Integrate the volume
  pnorm[ip++] += detJW;

  size_t i, j, k;
  for (i = 0; i < pnorm.psol.size(); i++)
    if (!pnorm.psol[i].empty())
      // Evaluate projected stress field
      Vector sigmar(sigmah.size());
      for (j = k = 0; j < nrcmp && k < sigmar.size(); j++)
	if (!planeStrain || j != 2)
	  sigmar[k++] = pnorm.psol[i].dot(fe.N,j,nrcmp);

      // Integrate the energy norm a(u^r,u^r)
      pnorm[ip++] += sigmar.dot(Cinv*sigmar)*detJW;
      // Integrate the error in energy norm a(u^r-u^h,u^r-u^h)
      error = sigmar - sigmah;
      pnorm[ip++] += error.dot(Cinv*error)*detJW;

      double l2u = sigmar.norm2();
      double l2e = error.norm2();

      // Integrate the L2-norm (sigma^r,sigma^r)
      pnorm[ip++] += l2u*l2u*detJW;
      // Integrate the error in L2-norm (sigma^r-sigma^h,sigma^r-sigma^h)
      pnorm[ip++] += l2e*l2e*detJW;

      if (anasol)
	// Integrate the error in the projected solution a(u-u^r,u-u^r)
	error = sigma - sigmar;
	pnorm[ip++] += error.dot(Cinv*error)*detJW;
	ip++; // Make room for the local effectivity index here

  return true;
Example #11
boost::tuple<Matrix, Matrix, Matrix> LUPDecompose(Matrix A)
    /* although not required ofr general LU decomposition, we require
       matrices to be square. */
    Matrix L(A.rows(),A.cols());
    shared_ptr<Matrix> P(new Matrix(A.rows(),A.cols())); // permutation matrix    
    Matrix Lfinal(L);
    /* gaussian Elimination to get us in upper triangular form. */
    for (int c=0;c<A.cols();c++)
        int goodRow = findNonZero(A, c);
        // either we don't have enough equations, or there's
        // a logical error, like -1 = 0. Either way, no solution.
        if (goodRow < 0)
            shared_ptr<Matrix> l(new Matrix(0,0));
            shared_ptr<Matrix> u(new Matrix(0,0));
            shared_ptr<Matrix> p(new Matrix(0,0));
            return boost::make_tuple(*l,*u,*p);
        // swap the good row with the row we want a 1 in.
        // we want 1's on the diagonal, so the row we want 
        // a 2 in is the same # as the column that we're on.
        A.swapRows(c, goodRow);
        // adjust L-inverse if we did have to swap a row
        // (i.e. the good row wasn't the current diagonal)
        if (goodRow != c)
            (*P)(c,c) = 0;
            (*P)(c,goodRow) = 1;
            (*P)(goodRow,c) = 1;
            (*P)(goodRow,goodRow) = 0;
        for (int r=c+1;r<A.rows();r++)
            if (r==c) {
                // we want a 1 here.
                double scalar = A(c,c);
                /* set L-inverse to reflect this. */
                L(c,c) = 1.0/scalar;
                for (int k=0;k<A.cols();k++)
                    /* multiply through by 1/x to make the current cell = 1. */
                    A(r,k) = A(r,k) * (1.0/scalar);
                // we want a 0 here
                if (A(r,c) == 0) continue;
                double multiplier = A(r,c) / A(c,c);
                /* set L-inverse to reflect this. */
                L(r,c) = multiplier;
                for (int k=0;k<A.cols();k++)
                    A(r,k) = A(r,k) - (A(c,k) * multiplier);
            Lfinal = L*Lfinal;

    Matrix *L2 = &(L);
    Matrix *U = &A;
    return boost::make_tuple(*L2, *U, *P);
Example #12
bool Elasticity::formBmatrix (Matrix& Bmat, const Matrix& dNdX) const
  const size_t nenod = dNdX.rows();
  const size_t nstrc = nsd*(nsd+1)/2;
  if (dNdX.cols() < nsd)
    std::cerr <<" *** Elasticity::formBmatrix: Invalid dimension on dNdX, "
	      << dNdX.rows() <<"x"<< dNdX.cols() <<"."<< std::endl;
    return false;

#define INDEX(i,j) i+nstrc*(j-1)

  switch (nsd) {
  case 1:

    // Strain-displacement matrix for 1D elements:
    //   [B] = | d/dx | * [N]

    for (size_t i = 1; i <= nenod; i++)
      Bmat(1,i) = dNdX(i,1);

  case 2:

    // Strain-displacement matrix for 2D elements:
    //         | d/dx   0   |
    //   [B] = |  0    d/dy | * [N]
    //         | d/dy  d/dx |

    for (size_t i = 1; i <= nenod; i++)
      // Normal strain part
      Bmat(INDEX(1,1),i) = dNdX(i,1);
      Bmat(INDEX(2,2),i) = dNdX(i,2);
      // Shear strain part
      Bmat(INDEX(3,1),i) = dNdX(i,2);
      Bmat(INDEX(3,2),i) = dNdX(i,1);

  case 3:

    // Strain-displacement matrix for 3D elements:
    //         | d/dx   0     0   |
    //         |  0    d/dy   0   |
    //   [B] = |  0     0    d/dz | * [N]
    //         | d/dy  d/dx   0   |
    //         | d/dz   0    d/dx |
    //         |  0    d/dz  d/dy |

    for (size_t i = 1; i <= nenod; i++)
      // Normal strain part
      Bmat(INDEX(1,1),i) = dNdX(i,1);
      Bmat(INDEX(2,2),i) = dNdX(i,2);
      Bmat(INDEX(3,3),i) = dNdX(i,3);
      // Shear strain part
      Bmat(INDEX(4,1),i) = dNdX(i,2);
      Bmat(INDEX(4,2),i) = dNdX(i,1);
      Bmat(INDEX(5,2),i) = dNdX(i,3);
      Bmat(INDEX(5,3),i) = dNdX(i,2);
      Bmat(INDEX(6,1),i) = dNdX(i,3);
      Bmat(INDEX(6,3),i) = dNdX(i,1);

    std::cerr <<" *** Elasticity::formBmatrix: nsd="<< nsd << std::endl;
    return false;

#undef INDEX

  return true;
  void mass_inertia_explicit_form(Model const & model, Matrix & mass_inertia,
				  std::ostream * dbgos)
    size_t const ndof(model.getNDOF());
    mass_inertia = Matrix::Zero(ndof, ndof);
    if (dbgos) {
      *dbgos << "jspace::mass_inertia_explicit_form()\n"
	     << "  ndof = " << ndof << "\n";
    for (size_t ii(0); ii < ndof; ++ii) {
      if (dbgos) {
	*dbgos << "  computing contributions of node " << ii << "\n";
      taoDNode * node(model.getNode(ii));
      if ( ! node) {
	ostringstream msg;
	msg << "jspace::mass_inertia_explicit_form(): no node for index " << ii;
	throw runtime_error(msg.str());
      Transform global_com;
      Matrix Jacobian;
      deVector3 const * com(node->center());
      if (com) {
	if ( ! model.computeGlobalFrame(node, com->elementAt(0), com->elementAt(1), com->elementAt(2), global_com)) {
	  ostringstream msg;
	  msg << "jspace::mass_inertia_explicit_form(): computeGlobalFrame() of COM failed for index " << ii;
	  throw runtime_error(msg.str());
      else {
	// pretend the COM is at the node origin
	if ( ! model.getGlobalFrame(node, global_com)) {
	  ostringstream msg;
	  msg << "jspace::mass_inertia_explicit_form(): getGlobalFrame() failed for index " << ii;
	  throw runtime_error(msg.str());
      if ( ! model.computeJacobian(node, global_com.translation(), Jacobian)) {
	ostringstream msg;
	msg << "jspace::mass_inertia_explicit_form(): computeJacobian() of COM failed for index " << ii;
	throw runtime_error(msg.str());
      if (dbgos) {
	if (com) {
	  *dbgos << "    local COM: " << *com << "\n";
	else {
	  *dbgos << "    local COM: null\n";
	*dbgos << "    global COM: " << pretty_string(global_com.translation()) << "\n"
	       << "    Jacobian:\n" << pretty_string(Jacobian, "        ");
      if (Jacobian.rows() != 6) {
	ostringstream msg;
	msg << "jspace::mass_inertia_explicit_form(): Jacobian of node " << ii
	    << " has " << Jacobian.rows() << " rows instead of 6";
	throw runtime_error(msg.str());
      if (static_cast<size_t>(Jacobian.cols()) != ndof) {
	ostringstream msg;
	msg << "jspace::mass_inertia_explicit_form(): Jacobian of node " << ii
	    << " has " << Jacobian.cols() << " columns instead of " << ndof;
	throw runtime_error(msg.str());
      // A problem that we will be having with TAO's inertia info a
      // bit further down is that it contains the contribution from
      // the mass, and we have to remove that before proceeding with
      // the rotational contribution to the mass-inertia matrix. Thus
      // the introduction of Im.
      Eigen::Matrix3d Im(Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero());
      deFloat const * mass(node->mass());
      if (mass) {
	Matrix const mass_contrib(Jacobian.block(0, 0, 3, ndof).transpose() * Jacobian.block(0, 0, 3, ndof));
	mass_inertia += *mass * mass_contrib;
	if (com) {
	  double const xx(pow(com->elementAt(0), 2));
	  double const yy(pow(com->elementAt(1), 2));
	  double const zz(pow(com->elementAt(2), 2));
	  double const xy(com->elementAt(0) * com->elementAt(1));
	  double const xz(com->elementAt(0) * com->elementAt(2));
	  double const yz(com->elementAt(1) * com->elementAt(2));
	  Im <<
	    yy+zz, -xy, -xz,
	    -xy, zz+xx, -yz,
	    -xz, -yz, xx+yy;
	  Im *= *mass;
	if (dbgos) {
	  *dbgos << "    mass: " << *mass << "\n"
		 << "    JvT x Jv:\n" << pretty_string(mass_contrib, "        ")
		 << "    contribution of mass:\n" << pretty_string(*mass * mass_contrib, "        ")
		 << "    Im (for subsequent use):\n" << pretty_string(Im, "        ");
      else if (dbgos) {
	*dbgos << "    no mass\n";
      // I think this is expressed wrt node origin, not COM. But in
      // any case, what matters is the instantaneous rotational
      // velocity due to joint ii, which is the same throughout the
      // entire link. Given that the COM frame is assumed to be
      // aligned with the node origin frame anyway, all we have to do
      // is express the rotational contribution of the Jacobian in the
      // local frame and use that.
      deMatrix3 const * inertia(node->inertia());
      if (inertia) {
	// NOTE: global_com.rotation() would require SVD, but we know
	// that we are dealing with an affine transform, so taking
	// what Eign2 calls the "linear" part is fine, because that's
	// simply the 3x3 upper left block of the homogeneous
	// transformation matrix. Hopefully anyway.
	// Use the transpose to get the inverse of the rotation.
	Matrix const J_omega(global_com.linear().transpose() * Jacobian.block(3, 0, 3, ndof));
	Eigen::Matrix3d Ic;
	Ic <<
	  inertia->elementAt(0, 0), inertia->elementAt(0, 1), inertia->elementAt(0, 2),
	  inertia->elementAt(1, 0), inertia->elementAt(1, 1), inertia->elementAt(1, 2),
	  inertia->elementAt(2, 0), inertia->elementAt(2, 1), inertia->elementAt(2, 2);
	mass_inertia += J_omega.transpose() * (Ic - Im) * J_omega;
	if (dbgos) {
	  *dbgos << "    Ic:\n" << pretty_string(Ic, "        ")
		 << "    Ic - Im:\n" << pretty_string(Ic - Im, "        ")
		 << "    J_omega:\n" << pretty_string(J_omega, "        ")
		 << "    JoT x (Ic-Im) x Jo:\n"
		 << pretty_string(J_omega.transpose() * (Ic - Im) * J_omega, "        ");
      else if (dbgos) {
	*dbgos << "    no inertia\n";
      if (dbgos) {
	*dbgos << "  mass_inertia so far:\n" << pretty_string(mass_inertia, "    ");
 void GaussianWhiteNoise::checkMatrix_(const Matrix & m) const
     (void)m;//avoid warning
     BOOST_ASSERT(unsigned(m.rows())==dim_ && unsigned(m.cols())==dim_ && "ERROR: Matrix incorrecly dimemsioned");
Example #15
// test the transform functions
TEST(SBAtest, SimpleSystem)
  // set up full system
  SysSBA sys;
  // set of world points
  // each row is a point
  Matrix<double,23,4> pts;
  pts << 0.5,  0.2, 3,   1.0,
         1,    0,   2,   1.0,
        -1,    0,   2,   1.0,
         0,    0.2, 3,   1.0,
         1,    1,   2,   1.0,
        -1,   -1,   2,   1.0,
         1,    0.2, 4,   1.0,
         0,    1,   2.5, 1.0,
         0,   -1,   2.5, 1.0,
         0.2,  0,   3,   1.0,
        -1,    1,   2.5, 1.0,
         1,   -1,   2.5, 1.0,
         0.5,  0.2, 4,   1.0,
         0.2, -1.3, 2.5, 1.0,
        -0.5, -1,   2.5, 1.0,
         0.2, -0.7, 3,   1.0,
        -1,    1,   3.5, 1.0,
         1,   -1,   3.5, 1.0,
         0.5,  0.2, 4.6, 1.0,
        -1,    0,   4,   1.0,
         0,    0,   4,   1.0,
         1,    1,   4,   1.0,
        -1,   -1,   4,   1.0;

  for (int i=0; i<pts.rows(); i++)
      Point pt(pts.row(i));

  Node::initDr();               // set up fixed matrices

  // set of nodes
  // three nodes, one at origin, two displaced
  CamParams cpars = {300,300,320,240,0.1}; // 300 pix focal length, 0.1 m baseline

  Quaternion<double> frq2(AngleAxisd(10*M_PI/180,Vector3d(.2,.3,.4).normalized())); // frame rotation in the world
  Vector4d frt2(0.2, -0.4, 1.0, 1.0); // frame position in the world
  Quaternion<double> frq3(AngleAxisd(10*M_PI/180,Vector3d(-.2,.1,-.3).normalized())); // frame rotation in the world
  Vector4d frt3(-0.2, 0.4, 1.0, 1.0); // frame position in the world
  Vector3d b(cpars.tx,0,0);

  // set up nodes
  Node nd1;
  Vector4d qr(0,0,0,1);
  nd1.qrot = qr;		// no rotation 
  nd1.trans = Vector4d::Zero();	// or translation
  nd1.setTransform();		// set up world2node transform
  nd1.setKcam(cpars);		// set up node2image projection
  nd1.setDr(true);              // set rotational derivatives
  nd1.setDr(false);             // set rotational derivatives
  nd1.isFixed = true;

  Node nd2;
  nd2.qrot = frq2;
  cout << "Quaternion: " << nd2.qrot.coeffs().transpose() << endl;
  nd2.trans = frt2;
  cout << "Translation: " << nd2.trans.transpose() << endl << endl;
  nd2.setTransform();		// set up world2node transform
  nd2.setKcam(cpars);		// set up node2image projection
  nd2.setDr(true);              // set rotational derivatives
  nd2.setDr(false);             // set rotational derivatives
  nd2.isFixed = false;

  Node nd3;
  nd3.qrot = frq3;	
  cout << "Quaternion: " << nd3.qrot.coeffs().transpose() << endl;
  nd3.trans = frt3;
  cout << "Translation: " << nd3.trans.transpose() << endl << endl;
  nd3.setTransform();		// set up world2node transform
  nd3.setKcam(cpars);		// set up node2image projection
  nd3.setDr(true);              // set rotational derivatives
  nd3.setDr(false);             // set rotational derivatives
  nd3.isFixed = false;


  // set up projections onto nodes
  int ind = 0;
  double inoise = 0.5;
  Vector3d n2;

  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sys.tracks.size(); i++)
      Point pt = sys.tracks[i].point;      
      ProjMap &prjs = sys.tracks[i].projections;	// new point track
      Proj prj;
      prj.isValid = true;
      prj.stereo = true;
      Vector2d ipt;
      Vector3d ipt3,pc;

      nd1.project2im(ipt,pt); // set up projection measurement
      prj.ndi = 0;		// nd1 index
      ipt3.head(2) = ipt;
      pc = nd1.Kcam * (nd1.w2n*pt - b); // camera coords for right cam
      ipt3(2) = pc(0)/pc(2);
      prj.kp = ipt3 + n2*inoise;
      prjs[prjs.size()] = prj;

      nd2.project2im(ipt,pt);	// set up projection measurement
      prj.ndi = 1;		// nd2 index
      ipt3.head(2) = ipt;
      pc = nd2.Kcam * (nd2.w2n*pt - b); // camera coords for right cam
      ipt3(2) = pc(0)/pc(2);
      prj.kp = ipt3 + n2*inoise;
      prjs[prjs.size()] = prj;

      nd3.project2im(ipt,pt);	// set up projection measurement
      prj.ndi = 2;		// nd3 index
      ipt3.head(2) = ipt;
      pc = nd3.Kcam * (nd3.w2n*pt - b); // camera coords for right cam
      ipt3(2) = pc(0)/pc(2);
      prj.kp = ipt3 + n2*inoise;
      prjs[prjs.size()] = prj;



  double qnoise = 10*M_PI/180;	// in radians
  double tnoise = 0.1;		// in meters

  // add random noise to node positions
  nd2.qrot.coeffs().head<3>() += qnoise*Vector3d::Random();
  cout << "Quaternion: " << nd2.qrot.coeffs().transpose() << endl << endl;
  nd2.trans.head<3>() += tnoise*Vector3d::Random();
  nd2.setTransform();		// set up world2node transform
  nd2.setDr(true);              // set rotational derivatives
  nd2.setDr(false);              // set rotational derivatives
  sys.nodes[1] = nd2;		// reset node
  nd3.qrot.coeffs().head<3>() += qnoise*Vector3d::Random();
  //  cout << "Quaternion: " << nd3.qrot.transpose() << endl << endl;
  nd3.trans.head<3>() += tnoise*Vector3d::Random();
  nd3.setTransform();		// set up world2node transform
  nd3.setProjection();		// set up node2image projection
  nd3.setDr(true);              // set rotational derivatives
  nd3.setDr(false);             // set rotational derivatives
  sys.nodes[2] = nd3;		// reset node


#if 0
  // set up system, no lambda for here
  fd.precision(8);		// this is truly inane
  fd << fixed;
  fd << sys.A << endl;
  fd << fixed;
  fd << sys.B << endl;
  sys.useLocalAngles = false;

  sys.nFixed = 1;		// number of fixed cameras

  cout << endl << "Quaternion: " << sys.nodes[1].qrot.coeffs().transpose() << endl;
  // normalize output translation
  Vector4d frt2a = sys.nodes[1].trans;
  double s = frt2.head<3>().norm() / frt2a.head<3>().norm();
  frt2a.head<3>() *= s;
  cout << "Translation: " << frt2a.transpose() << endl << endl;

  cout << "Quaternion: " << sys.nodes[2].qrot.coeffs().transpose() << endl;
  Vector4d frt3a = sys.nodes[2].trans;
  s = frt3.head<3>().norm() / frt3a.head<3>().norm();
  frt3a.head<3>() *= s;
  cout << "Translation: " << frt3a.transpose() << endl << endl;

  // calculate cost, should be close to zero
  double cost = 0.0;
  // cameras should be close to their original positions,
  //   adjusted for scale on translations
  for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
  for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
  for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
  for (int i=0; i<3; i++)

#if 1
  // writing out matrices, 3-node system
  // global system
  sys.useLocalAngles = false;
  sys.A.block<6,6>(6,0) = sys.A.block<6,6>(0,6).transpose();

  // local system
  sys.useLocalAngles = true;
  sys.A.block<6,6>(6,0) = sys.A.block<6,6>(0,6).transpose();

#if 0
  // set up 2-node system


  // set up projections onto nodes
  ind = 0;
  for(vector<Point,Eigen::aligned_allocator<Point> >::iterator itr = sys.points.begin(); itr!=sys.points.end(); itr++)
      Point pt = *itr;      
      vector<Proj,Eigen::aligned_allocator<Proj> > prjs;	// new point track
      Proj prj;
      prj.isValid = true;
      prj.pti = ind;
      prj.kpi = ind;
      Vector2d ipt;

      nd1.project2im(ipt,pt);	// set up projection measurement
      prj.ndi = 0;		// nd1 index
      prj.kp = ipt + n2*inoise;

      nd2.project2im(ipt,pt);	// set up projection measurement
      prj.ndi = 1;		// nd2 index
      prj.kp = ipt + n2*inoise;



  // writing out matrices, 2-node system
  // global system
  sys.useLocalAngles = false;

  // local system
  sys.useLocalAngles = true;

typename PointMatcher<T>::TransformationParameters ErrorMinimizersImpl<T>::PointToPlaneWithCovErrorMinimizer::compute(
	const DataPoints& filteredReading,
	const DataPoints& filteredReference,
	const OutlierWeights& outlierWeights,
	const Matches& matches)
	assert(matches.ids.rows() > 0);

	// Fetch paired points
	typename ErrorMinimizer::ErrorElements& mPts = this->getMatchedPoints(filteredReading, filteredReference, matches, outlierWeights);

	const int dim = mPts.reading.features.rows();
	const int nbPts = mPts.reading.features.cols();

	// Adjust if the user forces 2D minimization on XY-plane
	int forcedDim = dim - 1;
	if(force2D && dim == 4)
		mPts.reading.features.conservativeResize(3, Eigen::NoChange);
		mPts.reading.features.row(2) = Matrix::Ones(1, nbPts);
		mPts.reference.features.conservativeResize(3, Eigen::NoChange);
		mPts.reference.features.row(2) = Matrix::Ones(1, nbPts);
		forcedDim = dim - 2;

	// Fetch normal vectors of the reference point cloud (with adjustment if needed)
	const BOOST_AUTO(normalRef, mPts.reference.getDescriptorViewByName("normals").topRows(forcedDim));

	// Note: Normal vector must be precalculated to use this error. Use appropriate input filter.
	assert(normalRef.rows() > 0);

	// Compute cross product of cross = cross(reading X normalRef)
	const Matrix cross = this->crossProduct(mPts.reading.features, normalRef);

	// wF = [weights*cross, weight*normals]
	// F  = [cross, normals]
	Matrix wF(normalRef.rows()+ cross.rows(), normalRef.cols());
	Matrix F(normalRef.rows()+ cross.rows(), normalRef.cols());
	for(int i=0; i < cross.rows(); i++)
		wF.row(i) = mPts.weights.array() * cross.row(i).array();
		F.row(i) = cross.row(i);
	for(int i=0; i < normalRef.rows(); i++)
       	        wF.row(i + cross.rows()) = mPts.weights.array() * normalRef.row(i).array();
		F.row(i + cross.rows()) = normalRef.row(i);

	// Unadjust covariance A = wF * F'
	const Matrix A = wF * F.transpose();
	if (A.fullPivHouseholderQr().rank() != A.rows())
		// TODO: handle that properly
		//throw ConvergenceError("encountered singular while minimizing point to plane distance");

	const Matrix deltas = mPts.reading.features - mPts.reference.features;

	// dot product of dot = dot(deltas, normals)
	Matrix dotProd = Matrix::Zero(1, normalRef.cols());
	for(int i=0; i<normalRef.rows(); i++)
		dotProd += (deltas.row(i).array() * normalRef.row(i).array()).matrix();

	// b = -(wF' * dot)
	const Vector b = -(wF * dotProd.transpose());

	// Cholesky decomposition
	Vector x(A.rows());
	x = A.llt().solve(b);
	// Transform parameters to matrix
	Matrix mOut;
	if(dim == 4 && !force2D)
		Eigen::Transform<T, 3, Eigen::Affine> transform;
		// Rotation in Eular angles follow roll-pitch-yaw (1-2-3) rule
		/*transform = Eigen::AngleAxis<T>(x(0), Eigen::Matrix<T,1,3>::UnitX())
				* Eigen::AngleAxis<T>(x(1), Eigen::Matrix<T,1,3>::UnitY())
				* Eigen::AngleAxis<T>(x(2), Eigen::Matrix<T,1,3>::UnitZ()); */
		// Reverse roll-pitch-yaw conversion, very useful piece of knowledge, keep it with you all time!
		/*const T pitch = -asin(transform(2,0));
		const T roll = atan2(transform(2,1), transform(2,2));
		const T yaw = atan2(transform(1,0) / cos(pitch), transform(0,0) / cos(pitch));
		std::cerr << "d angles" << x(0) - roll << ", " << x(1) - pitch << "," << x(2) - yaw << std::endl;*/

		transform = Eigen::AngleAxis<T>(x.head(3).norm(),x.head(3).normalized());
		transform.translation() = x.segment(3, 3);
		mOut = transform.matrix();
		Eigen::Transform<T, 2, Eigen::Affine> transform;
		transform = Eigen::Rotation2D<T> (x(0));
		transform.translation() = x.segment(1, 2);

			mOut = Matrix::Identity(dim, dim);
			mOut.topLeftCorner(2, 2) = transform.matrix().topLeftCorner(2, 2);
			mOut.topRightCorner(2, 1) = transform.matrix().topRightCorner(2, 1);
			mOut = transform.matrix();

	this->covMatrix = this->estimateCovariance(filteredReading, filteredReference, matches, outlierWeights, mOut);

	return mOut; 
Example #17
	CurvedMeshGeneration(UMesh2d* mesh, Matrix<int> fixed_boundary_flags)
	// Note that the input mesh should be quadratic
		cout << "CurvedMeshGeneration: Pre-processing..." << endl;
		m = mesh;
		fbf = fixed_boundary_flags;

		Matrix<int> pfixedflag(m->gnpoin(),1);

		// pre-process to get ipoints and bpoints :-
		//cout << "CurvedMeshGeneration: bflag" << endl;
		bflag.setup(m->gnpoin(), 1);
		// bflag will contain 1 if the corresponding point is a boundary point
		for(int i = 0; i < m->gnface(); i++)
			for(int j = 0; j < m->gnnofa(); j++)
				bflag(m->gbface(i,j)) = 1;

			for(int ifl = 0; ifl < fbf.msize(); ifl++)
				if(m->gbface(i,m->gnnofa()) == fbf(ifl))
					for(int j = 0; j < m->gnnofa(); j++)
						pfixedflag(m->gbface(i,j)) = 1;			// register this boundary point as belonging to a fixed boundary

		//cout << "CurvedMeshGeneration: hflag" << endl;
		hflag.setup(m->gnpoin(), 1);
		for(int i = 0; i < m->gnelem(); i++)
			for(int j = 0; j < m->gnnode()-m->gnfael(); j++)
				hflag(m->ginpoel(i,j)) = 0;

		//cout << "CurvedMeshGeneration: nbpoin" << endl;
		nbpoin = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < bflag.rows(); i++)
			if(bflag(i) == 1)

		ninpoin = m->gnpoin() - nbpoin;

		bpoints.setup(nbpoin, m->gndim());
		bmotion.setup(nbpoin, m->gndim());
		fixedflag.setup(nbpoin, 1);
		bhflag.setup(nbpoin, m->gndim());

		//cout << "CurvedMeshGeneration: bpoints and hflag" << endl;
		int k = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < bflag.rows(); i++)
			if(bflag(i) == 1)
				for(int idim = 0; idim < m->gndim(); idim++)
					bpoints(k,idim) = mesh->gcoords(i,idim);
				if(hflag(i)==1) bhflag(k) = 1;					// this point is a high-order point
				if(pfixedflag(i)==1) fixedflag(k) = 1;			// this point belongs to a fixed boundary

		mipoints.setup(ninpoin, m->gndim());
		//fipoints.setup(ninpoin-npomo, m->gndim());

		k = 0; int l = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < m->gnpoin(); i++)
			if(bflag(i)==0)				// point is an interior point
				for(int idim = 0; idim < m->gndim(); idim++)
					mipoints(k,idim) = m->gcoords(i,idim);

		/*for(int i = 0; i < m->gnpoin(); i++)
			if(bflag(i)==0) npomo++;		// point is a high order point and not a boundary point

		mipoints.setup(npomo, m->gndim());
		fipoints.setup(ninpoin-npomo, m->gndim());

		k = 0; int l = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < m->gnpoin(); i++)
			if(bflag(i)==0)				// point is an interior point and a high-order point
				for(int idim = 0; idim < m->gndim(); idim++)
					mipoints(k,idim) = m->gcoords(i,idim);
				//if(k==102) cout << "**Diagnosis: " << i << endl;
typename ErrorMinimizersImpl<T>::Matrix
ErrorMinimizersImpl<T>::PointToPlaneWithCovErrorMinimizer::estimateCovariance(const DataPoints& reading, const DataPoints& reference, const Matches& matches, const OutlierWeights& outlierWeights, const TransformationParameters& transformation)
	int max_nbr_point = outlierWeights.cols();

	Matrix covariance(Matrix::Zero(6,6));
	Matrix J_hessian(Matrix::Zero(6,6));
	Matrix d2J_dReadingdX(Matrix::Zero(6, max_nbr_point));
	Matrix d2J_dReferencedX(Matrix::Zero(6, max_nbr_point));

	Vector reading_point(Vector::Zero(3));
	Vector reference_point(Vector::Zero(3));
	Vector normal(3);
	Vector reading_direction(Vector::Zero(3));
	Vector reference_direction(Vector::Zero(3));

	Matrix normals = reference.getDescriptorViewByName("normals");

	if (normals.rows() < 3)    // Make sure there are normals in DataPoints
		return std::numeric_limits<T>::max() * Matrix::Identity(6,6);

	T beta = -asin(transformation(2,0));
	T alpha = atan2(transformation(2,1), transformation(2,2));
	T gamma = atan2(transformation(1,0)/cos(beta), transformation(0,0)/cos(beta));
	T t_x = transformation(0,3);
	T t_y = transformation(1,3);
	T t_z = transformation(2,3);

	Vector tmp_vector_6(Vector::Zero(6));

	int valid_points_count = 0;

	for(int i = 0; i < max_nbr_point; ++i)
		if (outlierWeights(0,i) > 0.0)
			reading_point = reading.features.block(0,i,3,1);
			int reference_idx = matches.ids(0,i);
			reference_point = reference.features.block(0,reference_idx,3,1);

			normal = normals.block(0,reference_idx,3,1);

			T reading_range = reading_point.norm();
			reading_direction = reading_point / reading_range;
			T reference_range = reference_point.norm();
			reference_direction = reference_point / reference_range;

			T n_alpha = normal(2)*reading_direction(1) - normal(1)*reading_direction(2);
			T n_beta = normal(0)*reading_direction(2) - normal(2)*reading_direction(0);
			T n_gamma = normal(1)*reading_direction(0) - normal(0)*reading_direction(1);

			T E = normal(0)*(reading_point(0) - gamma*reading_point(1) + beta*reading_point(2) + t_x - reference_point(0));
			E +=  normal(1)*(gamma*reading_point(0) + reading_point(1) - alpha*reading_point(2) + t_y - reference_point(1));
			E +=  normal(2)*(-beta*reading_point(0) + alpha*reading_point(1) + reading_point(2) + t_z - reference_point(2));

			T N_reading = normal(0)*(reading_direction(0) - gamma*reading_direction(1) + beta*reading_direction(2));
			N_reading +=  normal(1)*(gamma*reading_direction(0) + reading_direction(1) - alpha*reading_direction(2));
			N_reading +=  normal(2)*(-beta*reading_direction(0) + alpha*reading_direction(1) + reading_direction(2));

			T N_reference = -(normal(0)*reference_direction(0) + normal(1)*reference_direction(1) + normal(2)*reference_direction(2));

			// update the hessian and d2J/dzdx
			tmp_vector_6 << normal(0), normal(1), normal(2), reading_range * n_alpha, reading_range * n_beta, reading_range * n_gamma;

			J_hessian += tmp_vector_6 * tmp_vector_6.transpose();

			tmp_vector_6 << normal(0) * N_reading, normal(1) * N_reading, normal(2) * N_reading, n_alpha * (E + reading_range * N_reading), n_beta * (E + reading_range * N_reading), n_gamma * (E + reading_range * N_reading);

			d2J_dReadingdX.block(0,valid_points_count,6,1) = tmp_vector_6;

			tmp_vector_6 << normal(0) * N_reference, normal(1) * N_reference, normal(2) * N_reference, reference_range * n_alpha * N_reference, reference_range * n_beta * N_reference, reference_range * n_gamma * N_reference;

			d2J_dReferencedX.block(0,valid_points_count,6,1) = tmp_vector_6;

		} // if (outlierWeights(0,i) > 0.0)

	Matrix d2J_dZdX(Matrix::Zero(6, 2 * valid_points_count));
	d2J_dZdX.block(0,0,6,valid_points_count) = d2J_dReadingdX.block(0,0,6,valid_points_count);
	d2J_dZdX.block(0,valid_points_count,6,valid_points_count) = d2J_dReferencedX.block(0,0,6,valid_points_count);

	Matrix inv_J_hessian = J_hessian.inverse();

	covariance = d2J_dZdX * d2J_dZdX.transpose();
	covariance = inv_J_hessian * covariance * inv_J_hessian;

	return (sensorStdDev * sensorStdDev) * covariance;
Example #19
void Svd<Real>::jacobi(Matrix& At, Vec& w, Vec_d& wd, optional<Matrix&> Vt, RandomGen& rand)
    int m = At.cols(), n = w.rows(), n1 = At.rows();
    Double eps = Double_::epsilon*10;
    int i, j, k, iter, max_iter = std::max(m, 30);
    int acols = At.cols(), vcols = Vt ? Vt->cols() : 0;
    Real c, s;
    Double sd;

    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        for( k = 0, sd = 0; k < m; k++ )
            Real t = At(i,k);
            sd += (Double)t*t;
        wd[i] = sd;
    if (Vt) Vt->fromIdentity();

    for( iter = 0; iter < max_iter; iter++ )
        bool changed = false;
        for( i = 0; i < n-1; i++ )
            for( j = i+1; j < n; j++ )
                int Ai = i*acols, Aj = j*acols;
                Double a = wd[i], p = 0, b = wd[j];
                for( k = 0; k < m; k++ )
                    p += (Double)At(Ai+k)*At(Aj+k);
                if( Alge_d::abs(p) <= eps*Alge_d::sqrt((Double)a*b) )
                p *= 2;
                Double beta = a - b, gamma = Alge_d::hypot((Double)p, beta), delta;
                if( beta < 0 )
                    delta = (gamma - beta)*0.5;
                    s = (Real)Alge_d::sqrt(delta/gamma);
                    c = (Real)(p/(gamma*s*2));
                    c = (Real)Alge_d::sqrt((gamma + beta)/(gamma*2));
                    s = (Real)(p/(gamma*c*2));
                    delta = p*p*0.5/(gamma + beta);
                if( iter % 2 )
                    wd[i] += delta;
                    wd[j] -= delta;
                    for( k = 0; k < m; k++ )
                        Real t0 = c*At(Ai+k) + s*At(Aj+k);
                        Real t1 = -s*At(Ai+k) + c*At(Aj+k);
                        At(Ai+k) = t0; At(Aj+k) = t1;
                    a = b = 0;
                    for( k = 0; k < m; k++ )
                        Real t0 = c*At(Ai+k) + s*At(Aj+k);
                        Real t1 = -s*At(Ai+k) + c*At(Aj+k);
                        At(Ai+k) = t0; At(Aj+k) = t1;
                        a += (Double)t0*t0; b += (Double)t1*t1;
                    wd[i] = a; wd[j] = b;
                changed = true;
                if( Vt )
                    int Vi = i*vcols, Vj = j*vcols;
                    for( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
                        Real t0 = c*(*Vt)(Vi+k) + s*(*Vt)(Vj+k);
                        Real t1 = -s*(*Vt)(Vi+k) + c*(*Vt)(Vj+k);
                        (*Vt)(Vi+k) = t0; (*Vt)(Vj+k) = t1;
        if( !changed )
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        for( k = 0, sd = 0; k < m; k++ )
            Real t = At(i,k);
            sd += (Double)t*t;
        wd[i] = Alge_d::sqrt(sd);
    for( i = 0; i < n-1; i++ )
        j = i;
        for( k = i+1; k < n; k++ )
            if( wd[j] < wd[k] )
                j = k;
        if( i != j )
            std::swap(wd[i], wd[j]);
            if( Vt )
                for( k = 0; k < m; k++ )
                    std::swap(At(i,k), At(j,k));
                for( k = 0; k < n; k++ )
                    std::swap((*Vt)(i,k), (*Vt)(j,k));
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        w[i] = wd[i];

    if( !Vt )

    for( i = 0; i < n1; i++ )
        sd = i < n ? wd[i] : 0;
        while( sd == 0 )
            // if we got a zero singular value, then in order to get the corresponding left singular vector
            // we generate a random vector, project it to the previously computed left singular vectors,
            // subtract the projection and normalize the difference.
            const Real val0 = (Real)(1./m);
            for( k = 0; k < m; k++ )
                Real val = (rand.next() & 256) != 0 ? val0 : -val0;
                At(i,k) = val;
            for( iter = 0; iter < 2; iter++ )
                for( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
                    sd = 0;
                    for( k = 0; k < m; k++ )
                        sd += At(i,k)*At(j,k);
                    Real asum = 0;
                    for( k = 0; k < m; k++ )
                        Real t = (Real)(At(i,k) - sd*At(j,k));
                        At(i,k) = t;
                        asum += Alge::abs(t);
                    asum = asum ? 1/asum : 0;
                    for( k = 0; k < m; k++ )
                        At(i,k) *= asum;
            sd = 0;
            for( k = 0; k < m; k++ )
                Real t = At(i,k);
                sd += (Double)t*t;
            sd = Alge_d::sqrt(sd);
        s = (Real)(1/sd);
        for( k = 0; k < m; k++ )
            At(i,k) *= s;
Example #20
static inline 
Matrix compute_iis(const Matrix &features)
    std::shared_ptr<ConfigManager> cfg(ConfigManager::instance());
    const int fvec_size = cfg->hog_size() + cfg->integral_size() + cfg->lbp_size() + cfg->ltp_size();
    const int ii_rows = cfg->ii_feature_height();
    const int ii_cols = cfg->ii_feature_width();
    const int rows = cfg->feature_height();
    const int cols = cfg->feature_width();
    Matrix result(features.rows(), fvec_size);
    for (int f = 0; f < features.rows(); ++f) {
        int c = 0;
        // -------------------- HOG PART ------------------------------------
        for (c = 0; c < cfg->hog_channels(); ++c) {
            Matrix channel = Matrix::Zero(ii_rows,ii_cols);
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
                for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
                    //float factor = c != cfg->hog_channels() ? 1.0 : 8.0;
                    channel(i+1,j+1) = features(f, c*rows*cols+i*cols+j);// * factor;

            // create the integral image
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
                for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
                    channel(i+1,j+1) = channel(i+1,j+1) + channel(i,j+1) + channel(i+1,j) - channel(i,j);

            // write it into the result matrix
            for (int i = 0; i < ii_rows; ++i) {
                for (int j = 0; j < ii_cols; ++j) {
                    result(f, c*ii_cols*ii_rows+i*ii_cols+j) = channel(i,j);

        // --------------------- Integral Channel Part ----------------------
        for (int ic_chan = 0; ic_chan < cfg->integral_channels(); ++ic_chan) {
            Matrix channel = Matrix::Zero(ii_rows,ii_cols);
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
                for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
                    channel(i+1,j+1) = features(f, c*rows*cols+i*cols+j);

            // create the integral image
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
                for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
                    channel(i+1,j+1) = channel(i+1,j+1) + channel(i,j+1) + channel(i+1,j) - channel(i,j);
            // write it into the result matrix
            for (int i = 0; i < ii_rows; ++i) {
                for (int j = 0; j < ii_cols; ++j) {
                    result(f, c*ii_cols*ii_rows+i*ii_cols+j) = channel(i,j);
        // -------------------- LBP PART ------------------------------------
        for (int lbp_chan = 0; lbp_chan < cfg->lbp_histograms(); ++lbp_chan) {
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
                for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
                    int result_idx = cfg->lbp_channel_offset() + rows*cols*lbp_chan+cols*i+j;
                    result(f,result_idx) = features(f, c*rows*cols+i*cols+j);
        // -------------------- LTP PART ------------------------------------
        for (int ltp_chan = 0; ltp_chan < cfg->ltp_histograms(); ++ltp_chan) {
            for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
                for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
                    int result_idx = cfg->ltp_channel_offset() + rows*cols*ltp_chan+cols*i+j;
                    result(f, result_idx) = features(f, c*rows*cols+i*cols+j);
    return result;
Example #21
std::shared_ptr<Matrix> L2Distance(const Matrix &data1, const Matrix &data2, bool force_zero_diagonal) {

    if (data1.cols() != data2.cols()) {
        throw std::invalid_argument("Data 1 and Data 2 shoud have same dimensionality (data matrices with same number of columns).");

    // TODO: Consider vectorization and one dimension case
    Index d = data1.cols();
    Index n1 = data1.rows();
    Index n2 = data2.rows();

    std::shared_ptr<Matrix> result = std::make_shared<Matrix>(n1, n2);
//  for (Index i = 0; i < n1; ++i) {
//    for (Index j = 0; j < n2; ++j) {
//      // Force zero diagonal
//      if (force_zero_diagonal && i == j) {
//        (*result)(i, j) = 0;
//        continue;
//      }
//      Scalar sum = 0;
//      for (Index k = 0; k < d; ++k) {
//        sum += (data1(i, k) - data2(j, k)) * (data1(i, k) - data2(j, k));
//      }
//      (*result)(i, j) = sqrt(sum);
//    }
//  }

//  if (size(a,1) == 1)
//    a = [a; zeros(1,size(a,2))];
//  b = [b; zeros(1,size(b,2))];
//  end

//  gsl::Matrix aSquare(data1.rows(), data1.rows());
//  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, 1.0, data1.m_, data1.m_, 0.0, aSquare.m_);
//  gsl::Matrix bSquare(data2.rows(), data2.rows());
//  gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, 1.0, data2.m_, data2.m_, 0.0, bSquare.m_);

    gsl_vector *aSum = gsl_vector_alloc(data1.rows());
    for (Index i = 0; i < data1.rows(); ++i) {
        gsl_vector_view v = gsl_matrix_row(data1.m_, i);
        double x = 0;
        gsl_blas_ddot(&v.vector, &v.vector, &x);
        gsl_vector_set(aSum, i, x);

    gsl_vector *bSum = gsl_vector_alloc(data2.rows());
    for (Index i = 0; i < data2.rows(); ++i) {
        gsl_vector_view v = gsl_matrix_row(data2.m_, i);
        double x = 0;
        gsl_blas_ddot(&v.vector, &v.vector, &x);
        gsl_vector_set(bSum, i, x);

    gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, -2.0, data1.m_, data2.m_, 0.0, result->m_);
    for (Index i = 0; i < n1; ++i) {
//    gsl_matrix_get(data1.m_, )
        for (Index j = 0; j < n2; ++j) {
            gsl_matrix_set(result->m_, i, j, sqrt(gsl_vector_get(aSum, i) + gsl_vector_get(bSum, j) + gsl_matrix_get(result->m_, i, j)));


//      aa=sum(a.*a); bb=sum(b.*b); ab=a'*b;
//  d = sqrt(repmat(aa',[1 size(bb,2)]) + repmat(bb,[size(aa,2) 1]) - 2*ab);
//      % make sure result is all real
//  d = real(d);
//  % force 0 on the diagonal?
//  if (df==1)
//    d = d.*(1-eye(size(d)));
//  end

    return result;
  Status ClassicTaskPostureController::
  computeCommand(Model const & model,
		 Skill & skill,
		 Vector & gamma)
    Status st(skill.update(model));
    if ( ! st) {
      return st;
    Skill::task_table_t const * tasks(skill.getTaskTable());
    if ( ! tasks) {
      st.ok = false;
      st.errstr = "null task table";
      return st;
    if (2 != tasks->size()) {
      st.ok = false;
      st.errstr = "task table must have exactly 2 entries";
      return st;
    Task const * task((*tasks)[0]);
    Task const * posture((*tasks)[1]);
    Matrix ainv;
    if ( ! model.getInverseMassInertia(ainv)) {
      st.ok = false;
      st.errstr = "failed to retrieve inverse mass inertia";
      return st;
    Vector grav;
    if ( ! model.getGravity(grav)) {
      st.ok = false;
      st.errstr = "failed to retrieve gravity torques";
      return st;
    size_t const ndof(model.getNDOF());
    Matrix const & jac(task->getJacobian());
    if (jac.cols() != ainv.rows()) {
      st.ok = false;
      st.errstr = "invalid Jacobian dimension (did you initialize and update the model?)";
      return st;
    pseudoInverse(jac * ainv * jac.transpose(),
    fstar_ = lambda_ * task->getCommand();
    jbar_ = ainv * jac.transpose() * lambda_;
    nullspace_ = Matrix::Identity(ndof, ndof) - jac.transpose() * jbar_.transpose();
    gamma_ = jac.transpose() * fstar_ + nullspace_ * posture->getCommand() + grav;
    gamma = gamma_;
    jpos_ = model.getState().position_;
    jvel_ = model.getState().velocity_;
    return st;
Example #23
int TrainTargetFA(Config& config)
  String inputClientListFileName = config.getParam("targetIdList");
  String inputWorldFilename = config.getParam("inputWorldFilename");
  String outputSERVERFilename = "";
  if (config.existsParam("mixtureServer")) outputSERVERFilename =config.getParam("mixtureServer");
  bool initByClient=false;                                              // In this case, the init model is read from the file
  if (config.existsParam("initByClient")) initByClient=config.getParam("initByClient").toBool();
  bool saveEmptyModel=false;
  if (config.existsParam("saveEmptyModel")) saveEmptyModel=config.getParam("saveEmptyModel").toBool();
  // label for selected frames - Only the frames associated with this label, in the label files, will be used
  bool fixedLabelSelectedFrame=true;
  String labelSelectedFrames;
  if (config.existsParam("useIdForSelectedFrame"))    // the ID of each speaker is used as labelSelectedFrame ?
  if (fixedLabelSelectedFrame)                        // the label is decided by the command line and is unique for the run
  bool modelData=false;
  if (config.existsParam("useModelData")) modelData=config.getParam("useModelData").toBool();
  String initModelS=inputWorldFilename;
  if (modelData) if (config.existsParam("initModel")) initModelS=config.getParam("initModel"); // Use a specific model for Em init
  bool outputAdaptParam=false;
  if (config.existsParam("superVectors")) outputAdaptParam=true;
  Matrix <double> ChannelMatrix;
  if (verbose) cout<< "EigenMAP and Eigenchannel with [" << config.getParam("initChannelMatrix") << "] of size: ["; 
  ChannelMatrix.load(config.getParam("initChannelMatrix"),config); //get Channel Matrix from args and load in a Matrix object
  if (verbose) cout << ChannelMatrix.rows() << "," <<ChannelMatrix.cols() << "]" << endl;
  bool varAdapt=false;
  if (config.existsParam("FAVarAdapt")) varAdapt=true;
  bool saveCompleteServer=false;
    XList inputClientList(inputClientListFileName,config);          // read the Id + filenames for each client
    XLine * linep;
    MixtureServer ms(config);
    StatServer ss(config, ms);
    if (verbose) cout << "(TrainTarget) Factor Analysis - Load world model [" << inputWorldFilename<<"]"<<endl;
    MixtureGD& world = ms.loadMixtureGD(inputWorldFilename);      
    if (verbose) cout <<"(TrainTarget) Use["<<initModelS<<"] for initializing EM"<<endl;
    // *********** Target loop ***************** 
    while ((linep=inputClientList.getLine()) != NULL){             // linep gives the XLine with the Id of a given client and the list of files

      String *id=linep->getElement();                              // Get the Client ID (id)
      XLine featureFileListp=linep->getElements();	           // Get the list of feature file for the client (end of the line)
      if (verbose) cout << "(TrainTarget) Train model ["<<*id<<"]"<<endl;   
      FeatureServer fs(config,featureFileListp);                                            // Reading the features (from several files)
      SegServer segmentsServer;                                                             // Create the segment server for managing the segments/clusters
      LabelServer labelServer;                                                              // Create the lable server, for indexing the segments/clusters
      initializeClusters(featureFileListp,segmentsServer,labelServer,config);               // Reading the segmentation files for each feature input file
      verifyClusterFile(segmentsServer,fs,config);                                          // Verify if the segments ending before the end of the feature files...
      MixtureGD & adaptedMixture = ms.duplicateMixture(world,DUPL_DISTRIB);                 // Creating final as a copy of the world model
      MixtureGD & clientMixture= ms.duplicateMixture(world,DUPL_DISTRIB);
      long codeSelectedFrame=labelServer.getLabelIndexByString(labelSelectedFrames);        // Get the index of the cluster with in interest audio segments
      if (codeSelectedFrame==-1){                                                           // No data for this model !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	cout << " WARNING - NO DATA FOR TRAINING ["<<*id<<"]";
	if (saveEmptyModel){
	  cout <<" World model is returned"<<endl;                                    // In this case, the client model is the world model
	  if (verbose) cout << "Save client model ["<<*id<<"]" << endl;
	  adaptedMixture.save(*id, config);                                           // Save the client model
	SegCluster& selectedSegments=segmentsServer.getCluster(codeSelectedFrame); // Gives the cluster of the selected/used segments                                   
        /// **** Factor Analysis Stuff
        XList faNdx;
        FactorAnalysisStat FA(faNdx,fs,config); // give all features to FA stats
        for(int i=0;i<config.getParam("nbTrainIt").toLong();i++){
          if (verbose) cout << "------ Iteration ["<<i<<"] ------"<<endl;
          /*if (!varAdapt) FA.getTrueSpeakerModel(clientMixture,linep->getElement(1));
          else FA.getFactorAnalysisModel(clientMixture,linep->getElement(1));
          if (verbose) cout << "LLK for model["<<*id<<"] at it["<<i-1<<"]="<<FA.getLLK(selectedSegments,clientMixture,fs,config) << endl; */
      MixtureGD & sessionMixture= ms.duplicateMixture(world,DUPL_DISTRIB);
      bool saveSessionModel=false;
      if (config.existsParam("saveSessionModel")) saveSessionModel=true;
      if (saveSessionModel) FA.getSessionModel(sessionMixture,linep->getElement(1));
      if (!varAdapt) FA.getTrueSpeakerModel(clientMixture,linep->getElement(1)); // basically compute M_s_h=M+Dy_s and get a model
      else FA.getFactorAnalysisModel(clientMixture,linep->getElement(1)); // get FA variance adapted model
      if (verbose) cout << "Final LLK for model["<<*id<<"]="<<FA.getLLK(selectedSegments,clientMixture,fs,config) << endl;    

      /// **** End of FA
        if (!outputAdaptParam) {
            if (verbose) cout << "Save client model ["<<*id<<"]" << endl;
            clientMixture.save(*id, config);                                           // Save the client model
            if (saveSessionModel) {
              String sessionfile=*id+".session";
              if (verbose) cout << "Save session model ["<<sessionfile<<"]" << endl;              
	if (!saveCompleteServer){
	  long tid=ms.getMixtureIndex(*id);      // TO BE SUPPRESSED BY
	  ms.deleteMixtures(tid,tid);            // ADDING a delete on a mixture pointor
  } // fin try
catch (Exception& e) {cout << e.toString().c_str() << endl;}
  return 0;
Munkres::solve(Matrix<double> &m) {
  // Linear assignment problem solution
  // [modifies matrix in-place.]
  // matrix(row,col): row major format assumed.

  // Assignments are remaining 0 values
  // (extra 0 values are replaced with -1)
#ifdef DEBUG
  std::cout << "Munkres input matrix:" << std::endl;
  for ( int row = 0 ; row < m.rows() ; row++ ) {
    for ( int col = 0 ; col < m.columns() ; col++ ) {
      std::cout << m(row,col) << ",";
    std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;

  double highValue = 0;
  for ( int row = 0 ; row < m.rows() ; row++ ) {
    for ( int col = 0 ; col < m.columns() ; col++ ) {
      if ( m(row,col) != std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity( ) && m(row,col) > highValue )
        highValue = m(row,col);
  for ( int row = 0 ; row < m.rows() ; row++ )
    for ( int col = 0 ; col < m.columns() ; col++ )
      if ( m(row,col) == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity( ) )
        m(row,col) = highValue;

  bool notdone = true;
  int step = 1;

  this->matrix = m;
  // STAR == 1 == starred, PRIME == 2 == primed
  mask_matrix.resize(matrix.rows(), matrix.columns());

  row_mask = new bool[matrix.rows()];
  col_mask = new bool[matrix.columns()];
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < matrix.rows() ; i++ ) {
    row_mask[i] = false;

  for ( int i = 0 ; i < matrix.columns() ; i++ ) {
    col_mask[i] = false;

  while ( notdone ) {
    switch ( step ) {
      case 0:
        notdone = false;
      case 1:
        step = step1();
      case 2:
        step = step2();
      case 3:
        step = step3();
      case 4:
        step = step4();
      case 5:
        step = step5();

  // Store results
  for ( int row = 0 ; row < matrix.rows() ; row++ )
    for ( int col = 0 ; col < matrix.columns() ; col++ )
      if ( mask_matrix(row,col) == STAR )
        matrix(row,col) = 0;
        matrix(row,col) = -1;

#ifdef DEBUG
  std::cout << "Munkres output matrix:" << std::endl;
  for ( int row = 0 ; row < matrix.rows() ; row++ ) {
    for ( int col = 0 ; col < matrix.columns() ; col++ ) {
      std::cout << matrix(row,col) << ",";
    std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;

  m = matrix;

  delete [] row_mask;
  delete [] col_mask;
Example #25
void LHENode<ImageSigT>::sliceCDFGrid(const Matrix<float>& img,Matrix<float>& result)
	int rows,cols,offset_r,offset_c;
	if (m_roi_region != 0)
		rows = m_roi_region[3] - m_roi_region[1];
		cols = m_roi_region[2] - m_roi_region[0];
		offset_r = m_roi_region[1];
		offset_c = m_roi_region[0];
		rows = img.rows();
		cols = img.cols();
		offset_r = 0;
		offset_c = 0;

	//tri_linear interpolation
	result = Matrix<float>(rows,cols,float(0));

	int slice_offset = m_down_rows * m_down_cols;

	for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
		const float* img_data = img.row(i + offset_r);
		float* result_data = result.row(i);
		for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j)
			float down_i = (i + offset_r) / m_spatial_sampling + eagleeye_eps;
			int predowni = int(floor(down_i));
			int nexdowni = int(ceil(down_i));
			nexdowni = (nexdowni >= m_down_rows)?(m_down_rows - 1):nexdowni;

			float down_j = (j + offset_c) / m_spatial_sampling + eagleeye_eps;
			int predownj = int(floor(down_j));
			int nexdownj = int(ceil(down_j));
			nexdownj = (nexdownj >= m_down_cols)?(m_down_cols - 1):nexdownj;

			float down_d = img_data[j + offset_c] / m_gray_range_sampling + eagleeye_eps;
			int predownz = int(floor(down_d));
			int nexdownz = int(ceil(down_d));
			nexdownz = (nexdownz >= m_down_depth)?(m_down_depth - 1):nexdownz;

			//i direction interpolation(create 4 interpolated points)
			float alphai = 1 - (down_i - predowni);
			float value1 = alphai * m_cdf_grid[predownz * slice_offset + predowni * m_down_cols + predownj] + 
				(1 - alphai) * m_cdf_grid[predownz * slice_offset + nexdowni * m_down_cols + predownj];

			float value2 = alphai * m_cdf_grid[predownz * slice_offset + predowni * m_down_cols + nexdownj] + 
				(1 - alphai) * m_cdf_grid[predownz * slice_offset + nexdowni * m_down_cols + nexdownj];

			float value3 = alphai * m_cdf_grid[nexdownz * slice_offset + predowni * m_down_cols + nexdownj] + 
				(1 - alphai) * m_cdf_grid[nexdownz * slice_offset + nexdowni * m_down_cols + nexdownj];

			float value4 = alphai * m_cdf_grid[nexdownz * slice_offset + predowni * m_down_cols + predownj] + 
				(1 - alphai) * m_cdf_grid[nexdownz * slice_offset + nexdowni * m_down_cols + predownj];

			//j direction interpolation(create 2 interpolated points)
			float alphaj = 1 - (down_j - predownj);
			float value01 = alphaj * value1 + (1 - alphaj) * value2;
			float value02 = alphaj * value4 + (1 - alphaj) * value3;

			//z direction interpolation(create 1 interpolated points)
			float alphaz = 1 - (down_d - predownz);
			float value000 = alphaz * value01 + (1 - alphaz) * value02;

			result_data[j] = value000;
    void RatePseudoRootJacobian::getBumps(const std::vector<Rate>& oldRates,
        const std::vector<Real>& discountRatios,
        const std::vector<Rate>& newRates,
        const std::vector<Real>& gaussians,
        Matrix& B)
          Size numberRates = taus_.size();

         QL_REQUIRE(B.rows() == numberBumps_, "we need B.rows() which is " << B.rows() << " to equal numberBumps_ which is "  << numberBumps_);
         QL_REQUIRE(B.columns() == numberRates, "we need B.columns() which is " << B.columns() << " to equal numberRates which is "  << numberRates);

        for (Size j=aliveIndex_; j < numberRates; ++j)
            ratios_[j] = (oldRates[j] + displacements_[j])*discountRatios[j+1];

        for (Size f=0; f < factors_; ++f)
            e_[aliveIndex_][f] = 0;

            for (Size j= aliveIndex_+1; j < numberRates; ++j)
                e_[j][f] = e_[j-1][f] + ratios_[j-1]*pseudoRoot_[j-1][f];

        for (Size f=0; f < factors_; ++f)
            for (Size j=aliveIndex_; j < numberRates; ++j)
                for (Size k= aliveIndex_; k < j ; ++k)
                    allDerivatives_[j][k][f] = newRates[j]*ratios_[k]*taus_[k]*pseudoRoot_[j][f];

                // GG don't seem to have the 2, this term is miniscule in any case
                Real tmp = //2*
                tmp -=  pseudoRoot_[j][f];
                tmp += e_[j][f]*taus_[j];
                tmp += gaussians[f];
                tmp *= (newRates[j]+displacements_[j]);

                allDerivatives_[j][j][f] =tmp;

                for (Size k= j+1; k < numberRates ; ++k)


            for (Size i =0; i < numberBumps_; ++i)
                Size j=0;

                for (; j < aliveIndex_; ++j)
                for (; j < numberRates; ++j)
                    Real sum =0.0;

                    for (Size k=aliveIndex_; k < numberRates; ++k)
                        for (Size f=0; f < factors_; ++f)
                            sum += pseudoBumps_[i][k][f]*allDerivatives_[j][k][f];
                    B[i][j] =sum;



Example #27
   void Spacecraft::setTransitionMatrix(Matrix<double> phiMatrix)
      /* Transition Matrix
          |                          |
          | dr_dr0   dr_dv0   dr_dp0 |
          |                          |
      phi=| dv_dr0   dv_dv0   dv_dp0 |
          |                          |
          | 0         0          I     |
          |                          |

      const int np = phiMatrix.rows()-6;

      // resize the vectors

      // dr/dr0
      dr_dr0(0) = phiMatrix(0,0);
      dr_dr0(1) = phiMatrix(0,1);
      dr_dr0(2) = phiMatrix(0,2);
      dr_dr0(3) = phiMatrix(1,0);
      dr_dr0(4) = phiMatrix(1,1);
      dr_dr0(5) = phiMatrix(1,2);
      dr_dr0(6) = phiMatrix(2,0);
      dr_dr0(7) = phiMatrix(2,1);
      dr_dr0(8) = phiMatrix(2,2);
      // dr/dv0
      dr_dv0(0) = phiMatrix(0,3);
      dr_dv0(1) = phiMatrix(0,4);
      dr_dv0(2) = phiMatrix(0,5);
      dr_dv0(3) = phiMatrix(1,3);
      dr_dv0(4) = phiMatrix(1,4);
      dr_dv0(5) = phiMatrix(1,5);
      dr_dv0(6) = phiMatrix(2,3);
      dr_dv0(7) = phiMatrix(2,4);
      dr_dv0(8) = phiMatrix(2,5);
      // dv/dr0
      dv_dr0(0) = phiMatrix(3,0);
      dv_dr0(1) = phiMatrix(3,1);
      dv_dr0(2) = phiMatrix(3,2);
      dv_dr0(3) = phiMatrix(4,0);
      dv_dr0(4) = phiMatrix(4,1);
      dv_dr0(5) = phiMatrix(4,2);
      dv_dr0(6) = phiMatrix(5,0);
      dv_dr0(7) = phiMatrix(5,1);
      dv_dr0(8) = phiMatrix(5,2);
      // dv/dv0
      dv_dv0(0) = phiMatrix(3,3);
      dv_dv0(1) = phiMatrix(3,4);
      dv_dv0(2) = phiMatrix(3,5);
      dv_dv0(3) = phiMatrix(4,3);
      dv_dv0(4) = phiMatrix(4,4);
      dv_dv0(5) = phiMatrix(4,5);
      dv_dv0(6) = phiMatrix(5,3);
      dv_dv0(7) = phiMatrix(5,4);
      dv_dv0(8) = phiMatrix(5,5);

      // dr/dp0
      for(int i=0;i<np;i++)
         dr_dp0(i+0*np) = phiMatrix(0,i+6);
         dr_dp0(i+1*np) = phiMatrix(1,i+6);
         dr_dp0(i+2*np) = phiMatrix(2,i+6);

         dv_dp0(i+0*np) = phiMatrix(3,i+6);
         dv_dp0(i+1*np) = phiMatrix(4,i+6);
         dv_dp0(i+2*np) = phiMatrix(5,i+6);

   }  // End of method 'Spacecraft::setTransitionMatrix()'
	CurvedMeshGeneration(UMesh2d* mesh, Matrix<int> fixed_boundary_flags, int rbf_steps, int rbf_choice, double support_radius)
	// Note that the input mesh should be quadratic
		cout << "CurvedMeshGeneration: Pre-processing..." << endl;
		m = mesh;
		fbf = fixed_boundary_flags;
		rbf_c = rbf_choice;
		srad = support_radius;
		rbf_nsteps = rbf_steps;
		cout << "CurvedMeshGeneration: Support radius " << srad << endl;

		Matrix<int> pfixedflag(m->gnpoin(),1);

		// pre-process to get ipoints and bpoints :-
		//cout << "CurvedMeshGeneration: bflag" << endl;
		bflag.setup(m->gnpoin(), 1);
		// bflag will contain 1 if the corresponding point is a boundary point
		for(int i = 0; i < m->gnface(); i++)
			for(int j = 0; j < m->gnnofa(); j++)
				bflag(m->gbface(i,j)) = 1;
			for(int ifl = 0; ifl < fbf.msize(); ifl++)
				if(m->gbface(i,m->gnnofa()) == fbf(ifl))
					for(int j = 0; j < m->gnnofa(); j++)
						pfixedflag(m->gbface(i,j)) = 1;			// register this point as belonging to a fixed boundary
					//cout << "**";

		//cout << "CurvedMeshGeneration: hflag" << endl;
		hflag.setup(m->gnpoin(), 1);
		for(int i = 0; i < m->gnelem(); i++)
			for(int j = 0; j < m->gnnode()-m->gnfael()-1; j++)		// NOTE: This is assuming there's a cell-centre high-order node as well!!
				hflag(m->ginpoel(i,j)) = 0;

		//cout << "CurvedMeshGeneration: nbpoin" << endl;
		nbpoin = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < bflag.rows(); i++)
			if(bflag(i) == 1)

		ninpoin = m->gnpoin() - nbpoin;			// number of interior points

		bpoints.setup(nbpoin, m->gndim());
		bmotion.setup(nbpoin, m->gndim());
		fixedflag.setup(nbpoin, 1);
		bhflag.setup(nbpoin, 1);

		//cout << "CurvedMeshGeneration: bpoints and hflag" << endl;
		int k = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < bflag.rows(); i++)
			if(bflag(i) == 1)
				for(int idim = 0; idim < m->gndim(); idim++)
					bpoints(k,idim) = mesh->gcoords(i,idim);
				if(hflag(i)==1) bhflag(k) = 1;					// this point is a high-order point
				if(pfixedflag(i)==1) fixedflag(k) = 1;			// this point belongs to a fixed boundary

		npomo = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < m->gnpoin(); i++)
			if(hflag(i) == 1 && bflag(i)==0) npomo++;		// point is a high order point and not a boundary point

		mipoints.setup(npomo, m->gndim());					// npomo is the number of interior points to be moved
		fipoints.setup(ninpoin-npomo, m->gndim());

		k = 0; int l = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < m->gnpoin(); i++)
			if(bflag(i)==0 && hflag(i) == 1)				// point is an interior point and a high-order point
				for(int idim = 0; idim < m->gndim(); idim++)
					mipoints(k,idim) = m->gcoords(i,idim);
			else if(bflag(i)==0 && hflag(i) == 0)			// pointis an interior point but not a high order point (fixed)
				for(int idim = 0; idim < m->gndim(); idim++)
					fipoints(l,idim) = m->gcoords(i,idim);
Example #29
// Inverser la matrice par la méthode de Gauss-Jordan; implantation MPI parallèle.
void invertParallel(Matrix& iA, int lRank, int lProcSize) {

 	// ✓ dataSize désigne la dimension de la matrice (n lignes par n colonnes) 
 	// ✓ i et j sont des indices de ligne et de colonne respectivement
	// ✓ k est l’indice d’étape de l’algorithme (n étapes au total)
	// ✓ q est l’indice du max (en valeur absolue) dans la colonne k
	// ✓ lRank (r) est le rang du processus, et lProcSize le nombre total de processus
	// ✓ la ligne i appartient au processus r si i%p=r (décomposition «row-cyclic»)

	int i,j,k,lDataSize;
	int q, lNBlocks = 0;
		double value;
		int ligne;
	} send, recv;

	// vérifier que la matrice est carrée
    assert(iA.rows() == iA.cols());
    lDataSize = iA.cols();

	// construire la matrice [A I]
	MatrixConcatCols lAI(iA, MatrixIdentity(iA.rows()));

	// Pour chaque étape k: 0..n-1 de l’algorithme
	for (k = 0; k < lDataSize; ++k) {
		// a. Déterminer localement le q parmi les lignes qui appartiennent à r, puis
		// faire une reduction (Allreduce avec MAXLOC) pour déterminer le q global
		q = k;
        double lMax = fabs(lAI(k,k));
        for(i = lRank; i < lAI.rows(); ++i) {
        	// cout << "i : " << i << " lProcSize : " << lProcSize << " i % lProcSize : " << i % lProcSize << endl;
        	if (i % lProcSize == (unsigned)lRank)
	            if(fabs(lAI(i,k)) > lMax) {
	                lMax = fabs(lAI(i,k));
	                q = i;
        send.value = lAI(q, k);
        send.ligne = q;

		COMM_WORLD.Allreduce((void *)&send,(void *)&recv,1,MPI::DOUBLE_INT,MPI::MAXLOC);

        if (lRank == 0) {
			// b. Si la valeur du max est nulle, la matrice est singulière (ne peut être
			// inversée)
			if (lAI(recv.ligne, k) == 0) throw runtime_error("Matrix not invertible");

		// c. Diffuser (Bcast) la ligne q appartenant au processus r=q%p (r est root)
    	valarray<double> copieLigne = lAI.getRowCopy(recv.ligne);
        double * tableauConverti = &copieLigne[0];
		MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast(tableauConverti, lAI.cols(), MPI::DOUBLE, recv.ligne % lProcSize);

		for (size_t i = 0 ; i < lAI.cols() ; i++) {
			// if (lRank != recv.ligne % lProcSize)
			// std::cout << "Rank " << lRank << " : " << lAI(k, i) << "; ";
			lAI(recv.ligne, i) = tableauConverti[i];
		// delete[] tableauConverti;
		// d. Permuter localement les lignes q et k
		if (recv.ligne != k) lAI.swapRows(recv.ligne, k);

		// e. Normaliser la ligne k afin que l’élément (k,k) égale 1
		double lValue = lAI(k, k);
		for (j = 0; j < lAI.cols(); ++j) {
			// On divise les éléments de la rangée k
			// par la valeur du pivot.
			// Ainsi, lAI(k,k) deviendra égal à 1.
			lAI(k, j) /= lValue;

		// f. Éliminer les éléments (i,k) pour toutes les lignes i qui appartiennent au processus r, sauf pour la ligne k
		for (size_t i = 0; i<lAI.rows(); ++i) {
			if (i != k) { // ...différente de k
				if (i % lProcSize == lRank)
	                // On soustrait la rangée k
	                // multipliée par l'élément k de la rangée courante
					double lValue = lAI(i, k);
	                lAI.getRowSlice(i) -= lAI.getRowCopy(k)*lValue;
	cout << "Matrice inverse: " << lRank << "\n" << lAI.str() << endl;

	// int allnLignes, allstarts;

	// int nLignes = (lAI.rows() + lRank)/lProcSize;
 //    int start = 0;
	double gsize,sendarray[lAI.rows()][lAI.cols()],*sptr;
	double lData[lAI.rows()][lAI.cols()];
	for (i = 0; i<lAI.rows(); ++i) {
		if (i % lProcSize == lRank){
			lNBlocks += 1;
		for (j = 0; j<lAI.cols(); ++j) {
			lData[i][j] = lAI(i,j);
			sendarray[i][j] = lAI(i,j);

	int sizes[2]    = {lAI.rows(), lAI.cols()};         /* global size */
    int subsizes[2] = {lNBlocks, lAI.cols()};     /* local size */
    int starts[2]   = {1,0};                        /* where this one starts */
    MPI_Datatype type, subarrtype;
    MPI_Type_create_subarray(2, sizes, subsizes, starts, MPI_ORDER_C, MPI_DOUBLE, &type);
    MPI_Type_create_resized(type, 0, lNBlocks*sizeof(double), &subarrtype);

    MPI_Datatype lType;
	MPI_Type_vector(lAI.rows(), lAI.cols(), 3, MPI::INT, &lType);

    int sendcounts[lProcSize];
    int displs[lProcSize];
    if (lRank == 0) {
    	for (i = 0; i<lProcSize; ++i) {
    		displs[i] = i;
    		sendcounts[i] = 0;
    	for (i = 0; i<lAI.rows(); ++i) {
    		sendcounts[i % lProcSize] +=1;

    MPI_Gatherv(&(lData[0][0]), 6,  MPI_DOUBLE,
                 sendarray, sendcounts, displs, lType,
                 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    if (lRank == 0)
	    for (i = 0; i<lAI.rows(); ++i) {
			for (j = 0; j<lAI.cols(); ++j) {
				// lAI(i,j) = lData[i][j];
				lAI(i,j) = sendarray[i][j];
		cout << "Matrice inverse:\n" << lAI.str() << endl;

	// On copie la partie droite de la matrice AI ainsi transformée
	// dans la matrice courante (this).
	for (unsigned int i=0; i<iA.rows(); ++i) {
		iA.getRowSlice(i) = lAI.getDataArray()[slice(i*lAI.cols()+iA.cols(), iA.cols(), 1)];

	// 2. Rapatrier (Gatherv) toutes les lignes sur le processus 0
Example #30
void yarp::math::pinvDamped(const Matrix &in, Matrix &out, double damp)
    int k = in.rows()<in.cols() ? in.rows() : in.cols();
    Vector sv(k);
    pinvDamped(in, out, sv, damp);