Example #1
    void getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData) override
        MemoryOutputStream stream (destData, true);

        stream.writeFloat (*radius);
        stream.writeFloat (*phi);
Example #2
Drawable* Drawable::createFromImageDataStream (InputStream& dataSource)
    MemoryOutputStream mo;
    mo.writeFromInputStream (dataSource, -1);

    return createFromImageData (mo.getData(), mo.getDataSize());
Example #3
const var var::readFromStream (InputStream& input)
    const int numBytes = input.readCompressedInt();

    if (numBytes > 0)
        switch (input.readByte())
            case 1:     return var (input.readInt());
            case 2:     return var (true);
            case 3:     return var (false);
            case 4:     return var (input.readDouble());
            case 5:
                MemoryOutputStream mo;
                mo.writeFromInputStream (input, numBytes - 1);
                return var (mo.toUTF8());

            default:    input.skipNextBytes (numBytes - 1); break;

    return var::null;
    static void findTimeSigEvents (MidiFile& midiFile, StringPairArray& midiMetadata)
        MidiMessageSequence timeSigEvents;
        midiFile.findAllTimeSigEvents (timeSigEvents);
        const int numTimeSigEvents = timeSigEvents.getNumEvents();

        MemoryOutputStream timeSigSequence;

        for (int i = 0; i < numTimeSigEvents; ++i)
            int numerator, denominator;
            timeSigEvents.getEventPointer(i)->message.getTimeSignatureInfo (numerator, denominator);

            String timeSigString;
            timeSigString << numerator << '/' << denominator;

            if (i == 0)
                midiMetadata.set (CoreAudioFormat::timeSig, timeSigString);

            if (numTimeSigEvents > 1)
                timeSigSequence << timeSigString << ',' << timeSigEvents.getEventTime (i) << ';';

        if (timeSigSequence.getDataSize() > 0)
            midiMetadata.set ("time signature sequence", timeSigSequence.toUTF8());
Example #5
    void getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData) override
        MemoryOutputStream stream (destData, true);

        stream.writeFloat (*isRecordingParam);
        stream.writeFloat (*roomSizeParam);
    static void findKeySigEvents (MidiFile& midiFile, StringPairArray& midiMetadata)
        MidiMessageSequence keySigEvents;
        midiFile.findAllKeySigEvents (keySigEvents);
        const int numKeySigEvents = keySigEvents.getNumEvents();

        MemoryOutputStream keySigSequence;

        for (int i = 0; i < numKeySigEvents; ++i)
            const MidiMessage& message (keySigEvents.getEventPointer (i)->message);
            const int key = jlimit (0, 14, message.getKeySignatureNumberOfSharpsOrFlats() + 7);
            const bool isMajor = message.isKeySignatureMajorKey();

            static const char* majorKeys[] = { "Cb", "Gb", "Db", "Ab", "Eb", "Bb", "F", "C", "G", "D", "A", "E", "B", "F#", "C#" };
            static const char* minorKeys[] = { "Ab", "Eb", "Bb", "F", "C", "G", "D", "A", "E", "B", "F#", "C#", "G#", "D#", "A#" };

            String keySigString (isMajor ? majorKeys[key]
                                         : minorKeys[key]);

            if (! isMajor)
                keySigString << 'm';

            if (i == 0)
                midiMetadata.set (CoreAudioFormat::keySig, keySigString);

            if (numKeySigEvents > 1)
                keySigSequence << keySigString << ',' << keySigEvents.getEventTime (i) << ';';

        if (keySigSequence.getDataSize() > 0)
            midiMetadata.set ("key signature sequence", keySigSequence.toUTF8());
    static void findTempoEvents (MidiFile& midiFile, StringPairArray& midiMetadata)
        MidiMessageSequence tempoEvents;
        midiFile.findAllTempoEvents (tempoEvents);

        const int numTempoEvents = tempoEvents.getNumEvents();
        MemoryOutputStream tempoSequence;

        for (int i = 0; i < numTempoEvents; ++i)
            const double tempo = getTempoFromTempoMetaEvent (tempoEvents.getEventPointer (i));

            if (tempo > 0.0)
                if (i == 0)
                    midiMetadata.set (CoreAudioFormat::tempo, String (tempo));

                if (numTempoEvents > 1)
                    tempoSequence << String (tempo) << ',' << tempoEvents.getEventTime (i) << ';';

        if (tempoSequence.getDataSize() > 0)
            midiMetadata.set ("tempo sequence", tempoSequence.toUTF8());
Example #8
    void getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData) override
        MemoryOutputStream stream (destData, true);

        stream.writeFloat (*threshold);
        stream.writeFloat (*alpha);
void ValueTreeSynchroniser::valueTreeChildRemoved (ValueTree& parentTree, ValueTree&, int oldIndex)
    MemoryOutputStream m;
    ValueTreeSynchroniserHelpers::writeHeader (*this, m, ValueTreeSynchroniserHelpers::childRemoved, parentTree);
    m.writeCompressedInt (oldIndex);
    stateChanged (m.getData(), m.getDataSize());
void ValueTreeSynchroniser::sendFullSyncCallback()
    MemoryOutputStream m;
    writeHeader (m, ValueTreeSynchroniserHelpers::fullSync);
    valueTree.writeToStream (m);
    stateChanged (m.getData(), m.getDataSize());
Example #11
void Robot::timerCallback() {
  MemoryOutputStream * out = messageBuffer.getReader();
  if (out != nullptr) {
    send(out->getData(), out->getDataSize());
Example #12
void HelmPlugin::getStateInformation(MemoryBlock& dest_data) {
  var state = LoadSave::stateToVar(&synth_, gui_state_, getCallbackLock());
  String data_string = JSON::toString(state);
  MemoryOutputStream stream;
  dest_data.append(stream.getData(), stream.getDataSize());
OutputStream& JUCE_CALLTYPE operator<< (OutputStream& stream, const MemoryOutputStream& streamToRead)
    const size_t dataSize = streamToRead.getDataSize();

    if (dataSize > 0)
        stream.write (streamToRead.getData(), dataSize);

    return stream;
    static Result parseString (const juce_wchar quoteChar, String::CharPointerType& t, var& result)
        MemoryOutputStream buffer (256);

        for (;;)
            juce_wchar c = t.getAndAdvance();

            if (c == quoteChar)

            if (c == '\\')
                c = t.getAndAdvance();

                switch (c)
                    case '"':
                    case '\'':
                    case '\\':
                    case '/':  break;

                    case 'a':  c = '\a'; break;
                    case 'b':  c = '\b'; break;
                    case 'f':  c = '\f'; break;
                    case 'n':  c = '\n'; break;
                    case 'r':  c = '\r'; break;
                    case 't':  c = '\t'; break;

                    case 'u':
                        c = 0;

                        for (int i = 4; --i >= 0;)
                            const int digitValue = CharacterFunctions::getHexDigitValue (t.getAndAdvance());
                            if (digitValue < 0)
                                return createFail ("Syntax error in unicode escape sequence");

                            c = (juce_wchar) ((c << 4) + digitValue);


            if (c == 0)
                return createFail ("Unexpected end-of-input in string constant");

            buffer.appendUTF8Char (c);

        result = buffer.toUTF8();
        return Result::ok();
Example #15
        static void create (MemoryBlock& block, const StringPairArray& values)
            auto numNotes = values.getValue ("NumCueNotes", "0").getIntValue();

            if (numNotes > 0)
                MemoryOutputStream out (block, false);
                out.writeShortBigEndian ((short) numNotes);

                for (int i = 0; i < numNotes; ++i)
                    auto prefix = "CueNote" + String (i);

                    out.writeIntBigEndian (values.getValue (prefix + "TimeStamp", "0").getIntValue());
                    out.writeShortBigEndian ((short) values.getValue (prefix + "Identifier", "0").getIntValue());

                    auto comment = values.getValue (prefix + "Text", String());
                    auto commentLength = jmin (comment.getNumBytesAsUTF8(), (size_t) 65534);

                    out.writeShortBigEndian ((short) commentLength + 1);
                    out.write (comment.toUTF8(), commentLength);
                    out.writeByte (0);

                    if ((out.getDataSize() & 1) != 0)
                        out.writeByte (0);
void ValueTreeSynchroniser::valueTreeChildAdded (ValueTree& parentTree, ValueTree& childTree)
    const int index = parentTree.indexOf (childTree);
    jassert (index >= 0);

    MemoryOutputStream m;
    ValueTreeSynchroniserHelpers::writeHeader (*this, m, ValueTreeSynchroniserHelpers::childAdded, parentTree);
    m.writeCompressedInt (index);
    childTree.writeToStream (m);
    stateChanged (m.getData(), m.getDataSize());
Example #17
void URL::createHeadersAndPostData (String& headers, MemoryBlock& postDataToWrite) const
    MemoryOutputStream data (postDataToWrite, false);

    if (filesToUpload.size() > 0)
        // (this doesn't currently support mixing custom post-data with uploads..)
        jassert (postData.getSize() == 0);

        auto boundary = String::toHexString (Random::getSystemRandom().nextInt64());

        headers << "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" << boundary << "\r\n";

        data << "--" << boundary;

        for (int i = 0; i < parameterNames.size(); ++i)
            data << "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" << parameterNames[i]
                 << "\"\r\n\r\n" << parameterValues[i]
                 << "\r\n--" << boundary;

        for (auto* f : filesToUpload)
            data << "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" << f->parameterName
                 << "\"; filename=\"" << f->filename << "\"\r\n";

            if (f->mimeType.isNotEmpty())
                data << "Content-Type: " << f->mimeType << "\r\n";

            data << "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n\r\n";

            if (f->data != nullptr)
                data << *f->data;
                data << f->file;

            data << "\r\n--" << boundary;

        data << "--\r\n";
        data << URLHelpers::getMangledParameters (*this)
             << postData;

        // if the user-supplied headers didn't contain a content-type, add one now..
        if (! headers.containsIgnoreCase ("Content-Type"))
            headers << "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";

        headers << "Content-length: " << (int) data.getDataSize() << "\r\n";
Example #18
void OnlineUnlockStatus::save()
    MemoryOutputStream mo;

        GZIPCompressorOutputStream gzipStream (&mo, 9);
        status.writeToStream (gzipStream);

    saveState (mo.getMemoryBlock().toBase64Encoding());
Example #19
void TommyCoin::Write( MemoryOutputStream& inStream ) const 
	if( inStream.GetRemainingBytes() >= 3 * sizeof( float ) + sizeof( XMVECTOR ) )
		XMVECTORF32 location; location.v = GetLocation();
		inStream.Write( location.f[ 0 ] );
		inStream.Write( location.f[ 1 ] );

		inStream.Write( GetRotation() );
		inStream.Write( GetColor() );
Example #20
void jojo_write (t_jojo *x, const File& aFile)
    MemoryOutputStream myText;
    GZIPCompressorOutputStream zipper (&myText);
    zipper << "Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, " << newLine
           << "bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed." << newLine;

    aFile.replaceWithData (myText.getData(), myText.getDataSize());
String PerformanceCounter::Statistics::toString() const
    MemoryOutputStream s;

    s << "Performance count for \"" << name << "\" over " << numRuns << " run(s)" << newLine
      << "Average = "   << timeToString (averageSeconds)
      << ", minimum = " << timeToString (minimumSeconds)
      << ", maximum = " << timeToString (maximumSeconds)
      << ", total = "   << timeToString (totalSeconds);

    return s.toString();
Example #22
    static String encryptXML (const XmlElement& xml, RSAKey privateKey)
        MemoryOutputStream text;
        text << xml.createDocument (StringRef(), true);

        BigInteger val;
        val.loadFromMemoryBlock (text.getMemoryBlock());

        privateKey.applyToValue (val);

        return val.toString (16);
    void writeToStream (const ValueUnion& data, OutputStream& output) const
        MemoryOutputStream buffer (512);
        const int numItems = data.arrayValue->size();
        buffer.writeCompressedInt (numItems);

        for (int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i)
            data.arrayValue->getReference(i).writeToStream (buffer);

        output.writeCompressedInt (1 + (int) buffer.getDataSize());
        output.writeByte (varMarker_Array);
        output << buffer;
    static void writeHeader (ValueTreeSynchroniser& target, MemoryOutputStream& stream,
                             ChangeType type, ValueTree v)
        writeHeader (stream, type);

        Array<int> path;
        getValueTreePath (v, target.getRoot(), path);

        stream.writeCompressedInt (path.size());

        for (int i = path.size(); --i >= 0;)
            stream.writeCompressedInt (path.getUnchecked(i));
var var::readFromStream (InputStream& input)
    const int numBytes = input.readCompressedInt();

    if (numBytes > 0)
        switch (input.readByte())
            case varMarker_Int:         return var (input.readInt());
            case varMarker_Int64:       return var (input.readInt64());
            case varMarker_BoolTrue:    return var (true);
            case varMarker_BoolFalse:   return var (false);
            case varMarker_Double:      return var (input.readDouble());
            case varMarker_String:
                MemoryOutputStream mo;
                mo.writeFromInputStream (input, numBytes - 1);
                return var (mo.toUTF8());

            case varMarker_Binary:
                MemoryBlock mb (numBytes - 1);

                if (numBytes > 1)
                    const int numRead = input.read (mb.getData(), numBytes - 1);
                    mb.setSize (numRead);

                return var (mb);

            case varMarker_Array:
                var v;
                Array<var>* const destArray = v.convertToArray();

                for (int i = input.readCompressedInt(); --i >= 0;)
                    destArray->add (readFromStream (input));

                return v;

                input.skipNextBytes (numBytes - 1); break;

    return var::null;
Example #26
    Result download (MemoryBlock& dest)
        setStatusMessage ("Downloading...");

        int statusCode = 302;
        const int maxRedirects = 5;

        // we need to do the redirecting manually due to inconsistencies on the way headers are handled on redirects
        ScopedPointer<InputStream> in;

        for (int redirect = 0; redirect < maxRedirects; ++redirect)
            StringPairArray responseHeaders;

            in = url.createInputStream (false, nullptr, nullptr, headers, 10000, &responseHeaders, &statusCode, 0);
            if (in == nullptr || statusCode != 302)

            String redirectPath = responseHeaders ["Location"];
            if (redirectPath.isEmpty())

            url = LatestVersionChecker::getLatestVersionURL (headers, redirectPath);

        if (in != nullptr && statusCode == 200)
            int64 total = 0;
            MemoryOutputStream mo (dest, true);

            for (;;)
                if (threadShouldExit())
                    return Result::fail ("cancel");

                int64 written = mo.writeFromInputStream (*in, 8192);

                if (written == 0)

                total += written;

                setStatusMessage (String (TRANS ("Downloading...  (123)"))
                                  .replace ("123", File::descriptionOfSizeInBytes (total)));

            return Result::ok();

        return Result::fail ("Failed to download from: " + url.toString (false));
void AudioProcessor::copyXmlToBinary (const XmlElement& xml, juce::MemoryBlock& destData)
        MemoryOutputStream out (destData, false);
        out.writeInt (magicXmlNumber);
        out.writeInt (0);
        xml.writeToStream (out, String::empty, true, false);
        out.writeByte (0);

    // go back and write the string length..
    static_cast<uint32*> (destData.getData())[1]
        = ByteOrder::swapIfBigEndian ((uint32) destData.getSize() - 9);
Example #28
PxConvexMesh* createConvexMesh( const std::vector<PxVec3>& verts, PxConvexFlags flags )
    PxConvexMeshDesc convexDesc;
    convexDesc.points.count = verts.size();
    convexDesc.points.stride = sizeof(PxVec3);
    convexDesc.points.data = &(verts[0]);
    convexDesc.flags = flags;
    MemoryOutputStream writeBuffer;
    if ( !SDK_COOK->cookConvexMesh(convexDesc, writeBuffer) ) return NULL;
    MemoryInputData readBuffer( writeBuffer.getData(), writeBuffer.getSize() );
    return SDK_OBJ->createConvexMesh( readBuffer );
Example #29
void create (MemoryBlock& block, const StringPairArray& values)
    const int numCues = values.getValue ("NumCuePoints", "0").getIntValue();

    if (numCues > 0)
        MemoryOutputStream out (block, false);

        out.writeShortBigEndian ((short) numCues);

        const int numCueLabels = values.getValue ("NumCueLabels", "0").getIntValue();
        const int idOffset = metaDataContainsZeroIdentifiers (values) ? 1 : 0; // can't have zero IDs in AIFF

        Array<int> identifiers;

        for (int i = 0; i < numCues; ++i)
            const String prefixCue ("Cue" + String (i));
            const int identifier = idOffset + values.getValue (prefixCue + "Identifier", "1").getIntValue();

            jassert (! identifiers.contains (identifier));
            identifiers.add (identifier);

            const int offset = values.getValue (prefixCue + "Offset", "0").getIntValue();
            String label ("CueLabel" + String (i));

            for (int labelIndex = 0; labelIndex < numCueLabels; ++labelIndex)
                const String prefixLabel ("CueLabel" + String (labelIndex));
                const int labelIdentifier = idOffset + values.getValue (prefixLabel + "Identifier", "1").getIntValue();

                if (labelIdentifier == identifier)
                    label = values.getValue (prefixLabel + "Text", label);

            out.writeShortBigEndian ((short) identifier);
            out.writeIntBigEndian (offset);

            const int labelLength = jmin (254, label.getNumBytesAsUTF8()); // seems to need null terminator even though it's a pstring
            out.writeByte ((char) labelLength + 1);
            out.write (label.toUTF8(), labelLength);
            out.writeByte (0);

        if ((out.getDataSize() & 1) != 0)
            out.writeByte (0);
Example #30
void create (MemoryBlock& block, const StringPairArray& values)
    const int numNotes = values.getValue ("NumCueNotes", "0").getIntValue();

    if (numNotes > 0)
        MemoryOutputStream out (block, false);
        out.writeShortBigEndian ((short) numNotes);

        for (int i = 0; i < numNotes; ++i)
            const String prefix ("CueNote" + String (i));

            out.writeIntBigEndian (values.getValue (prefix + "TimeStamp", "0").getIntValue());
            out.writeShortBigEndian ((short) values.getValue (prefix + "Identifier", "0").getIntValue());

            const String comment (values.getValue (prefix + "Text", String::empty));
            out.write (comment.toUTF8(), jmin (comment.getNumBytesAsUTF8(), 65534));
            out.writeByte (0);

            if ((out.getDataSize() & 1) != 0)
                out.writeByte (0);