Example #1
// Get the next free missile of type 'missileType'
Missile* SimpleStoresMgr::getSpecificMissile(const base::String* const missileType)
   Missile* msl = nullptr;
   if (missileType != nullptr) {

      base::PairStream* list = getWeapons();
      if (list != nullptr) {

         // Find the first free (inactive) missile of type weaponType
         base::List::Item* item = list->getFirstItem();
         while (item != nullptr && msl == nullptr) {
            base::Pair* pair = static_cast<base::Pair*>(item->getValue());
            Missile* p = dynamic_cast<Missile*>(pair->object());
            if (p != nullptr && p->isInactive()) {
               // Ok, we have a missile, but is it the type we want?
               if (*p->getType() == *missileType) {
                  msl = p;
            item = item->getNext();


   return msl;
Example #2
bool MonsterDevil::onContactBegin(cocos2d::PhysicsContact& contact)
	auto bodyA = contact.getShapeA()->getBody();
	auto bodyB = contact.getShapeB()->getBody();
	auto componentA = (BaseComponent*)bodyA->getNode();
	auto componentB = (BaseComponent*)bodyB->getNode();
	BaseComponent* enemyComponent;
	bool isComponentA = true;

	//어떤것 끼리 부딪혔는지는 안가르쳐주기 때문에
	//여기서 어느쪽이 monsterDevil인지 밝혀낸다.
	if (componentA->getType() == getType())
		enemyComponent = componentB;
		isComponentA = true;
		enemyComponent = componentA;
		isComponentA = false;

	//FLOOR 충돌 무시 
	if (enemyComponent->getType() == OT_FLOOR)
		return false;

	//미사일이랑 충돌 처리
	if (enemyComponent->getPhysicsBody()->getCategoryBitmask() == PHYC_MISSILE)
		Missile* missile = static_cast<Missile*>(enemyComponent);

		//수류탄은 뎀 안 입음
		if (missile->getType() == OT_MISSILE_GRENADE)
			return false;

		//몹이 쏜 건 안 맞음.
		if (!missile->isPlayerMissile())
			return false;

		float damage = missile->getDamage();

		m_Info.m_CurrentHp -= damage * 100 / (100 + m_Info.m_DefensivePower);

		if (m_Info.m_CurrentHp <= 0)
			m_IsDead = true;
	return true;
Example #3
bool MonsterRush::onContactBegin(cocos2d::PhysicsContact& contact)
	auto bodyA = contact.getShapeA()->getBody();
	auto bodyB = contact.getShapeB()->getBody();
	auto componentA = (BaseComponent*)bodyA->getNode();
	auto componentB = (BaseComponent*)bodyB->getNode();
	BaseComponent* enemyComponent;
	bool isComponentA = true;

	if (componentA->getType() == getType())
		enemyComponent = componentB;
		isComponentA = true;
		enemyComponent = componentA;
		isComponentA = false;

	//미사일이랑 충돌 처리
	if (enemyComponent->getPhysicsBody()->getCategoryBitmask() == PHYC_MISSILE)
		Missile* missile = static_cast<Missile*>(enemyComponent);

		//수류탄은 뎀 안 입음
		if (missile->getType() == OT_MISSILE_GRENADE)
			return false;

		//몹이 쏜 건 안 맞음.
		if (!missile->isPlayerMissile())
			return false;

		float damage = missile->getDamage();

		m_Info.m_CurrentHp -= damage * 100 / (100 + m_Info.m_DefensivePower);

		//미사일에 의한 상태 이상 처리

		if (missile->getState() == Missile::MST_KNOCKBACK)
			GET_SOUND_MANAGER()->createSound(SoundManager::PIG, false);
			m_KnockbackStartTime = GET_GAME_MANAGER()->getMicroSecondTime();
			if (missile->getAttackDir() == DIR_LEFT)
				CommonState::enterKnockback(this, DIR_LEFT);
				CommonState::enterKnockback(this, DIR_RIGHT);

		else if (missile->getState() == Missile::MST_BIND)
			m_KnockbackStartTime = GET_GAME_MANAGER()->getMicroSecondTime();
			getPhysicsBody()->setVelocity(cocos2d::Vect(0, 0));

		if (m_Info.m_CurrentHp <= 0)
			m_IsDead = true;

	//플레이어랑 부딪친 경우 이펙트 생성
	if (enemyComponent->getType() == OT_PLAYER)
		GET_EFFECT_MANAGER()->createEffect(ET_PUNCH_MISSILE, enemyComponent->getPosition())->enter();
	return true;