TEST_F(MoleculeTest, removeBond)
  Molecule molecule;
  Atom a = molecule.addAtom(1);
  Atom b = molecule.addAtom(1);
  Bond bondAB = molecule.addBond(a, b);
  Atom c = molecule.addAtom(1);
  molecule.addBond(b, c, 2);

  EXPECT_EQ(3, molecule.atomCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(2, molecule.bondCount());
  EXPECT_TRUE(molecule.bond(a, b).isValid());
  EXPECT_TRUE(molecule.bond(b, c).isValid());


  EXPECT_EQ(3, molecule.atomCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(1, molecule.bondCount());
  EXPECT_FALSE(molecule.bond(a, b).isValid());
  EXPECT_TRUE(molecule.bond(b, c).isValid());


  EXPECT_EQ(0, molecule.bondCount());
TEST_F(MoleculeTest, removeAtom)
  Molecule molecule;
  Atom atom0 = molecule.addAtom(6);
  Atom atom1 = molecule.addAtom(1);
  Atom atom2 = molecule.addAtom(1);
  Atom atom3 = molecule.addAtom(1);
  Atom atom4 = molecule.addAtom(1);
  molecule.addBond(atom0, atom1, 1);
  molecule.addBond(atom0, atom2, 1);
  molecule.addBond(atom0, atom3, 1);
  molecule.addBond(atom0, atom4, 1);

  EXPECT_EQ(5, molecule.atomCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(4, molecule.bondCount());


  EXPECT_EQ(4, molecule.atomCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(0, molecule.bondCount());


  EXPECT_EQ(0, molecule.atomCount());
TEST(HydrogenToolsTest, adjustHydrogens_C2H7NO)
  Molecule mol;
  Atom C1 = mol.addAtom(6);
  Atom C2 = mol.addAtom(6);
  Atom O1 = mol.addAtom(8);
  Atom N1 = mol.addAtom(7);
  mol.addBond(C1, C2, 1);
  mol.addBond(C2, O1, 1);
  mol.addBond(O1, N1, 1);

  EXPECT_EQ(11, mol.atomCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(10, mol.bondCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(std::string("C2H7NO"), mol.formula());
void AbbreviationExpander::attachBond (Molecule &m, AttPoint &attach_to, int idx)
   if (attach_to.index != -1)
      m.addBond(attach_to.index, idx, attach_to.order);
      input_index = idx;
TEST_F(MoleculeTest, findBond)
  Molecule molecule;
  Atom a1 = molecule.addAtom(5);
  Atom a2 = molecule.addAtom(6);
  Bond b = molecule.addBond(a1, a2, 1);

  EXPECT_EQ(molecule.bond(a1, a2).index(), b.index());
  EXPECT_EQ(molecule.bond(a2, a1).index(), b.index());

  Array<Bond> bonds = molecule.bonds(a1);
  EXPECT_EQ(bonds.size(), 1);

  Atom a3 = molecule.addAtom(7);
  molecule.addBond(a1, a3, 1);
  EXPECT_EQ(molecule.bonds(a1).size(), 2);
  EXPECT_EQ(molecule.bonds(a3).size(), 1);
TEST(HydrogenToolsTest, valencyAdjustment_O)
  Molecule mol;
  Atom O = mol.addAtom(8);
  int expectedAdjustment = 2;
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i, --expectedAdjustment) {
    EXPECT_EQ(expectedAdjustment, HydrogenTools::valencyAdjustment(O));
    mol.addBond(mol.addAtom(1), O, 1);
TEST(HydrogenToolsTest, valencyAdjustment_C)
  Molecule mol;
  Atom C = mol.addAtom(6);
  int expectedAdjustment = 4;
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i, --expectedAdjustment) {
    EXPECT_EQ(expectedAdjustment, HydrogenTools::valencyAdjustment(C));
    mol.addBond(mol.addAtom(1), C, 1);
TEST_F(MoleculeTest, addBond)
  Molecule molecule;
  EXPECT_EQ(molecule.bondCount(), static_cast<Index>(0));

  Atom a = molecule.addAtom(1);
  Atom b = molecule.addAtom(1);
  Bond bondAB = molecule.addBond(a, b);
  EXPECT_EQ(bondAB.molecule(), &molecule);
  EXPECT_EQ(molecule.bondCount(), static_cast<Index>(1));
  EXPECT_EQ(bondAB.index(), static_cast<Index>(0));
  EXPECT_EQ(bondAB.atom1().index(), a.index());
  EXPECT_EQ(bondAB.atom2().index(), b.index());
  EXPECT_EQ(bondAB.order(), static_cast<unsigned char>(1));

  Atom c = molecule.addAtom(1);
  Bond bondBC = molecule.addBond(b, c, 2);
  EXPECT_EQ(molecule.bondCount(), static_cast<Index>(2));
  EXPECT_EQ(bondBC.index(), static_cast<Index>(1));
  EXPECT_EQ(bondBC.order(), static_cast<unsigned char>(2));

  // try to lookup nonexistant bond
  Bond bond = molecule.bond(a, c);

  // try to lookup bond between a and b
  bond = molecule.bond(a, b);
  EXPECT_EQ(bond.molecule(), &molecule);
  EXPECT_EQ(bond.atom1().index(), a.index());
  EXPECT_EQ(bond.atom2().index(), b.index());

  // try to lookup bond between b and c by index
  bond = molecule.bond(1);
  EXPECT_EQ(bond.molecule(), &molecule);
  EXPECT_EQ(bond.atom1().index(), b.index());
  EXPECT_EQ(bond.atom2().index(), c.index());
TEST(HydrogenToolsTest, valencyAdjustment_N)
  Molecule mol;
  Atom N = mol.addAtom(7);
  int expectedAdjustment = 3;
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i, --expectedAdjustment) {
    if (i == 4) // neutral N can have 3 or 5 bonds in our valence model.
      expectedAdjustment += 2;
    EXPECT_EQ(expectedAdjustment, HydrogenTools::valencyAdjustment(N));
    mol.addBond(mol.addAtom(1), N, 1);
TEST(RingPerceiverTest, benzene)
  Molecule molecule;
  molecule.addBond(molecule.atom(0), molecule.atom(1), 1);
  molecule.addBond(molecule.atom(1), molecule.atom(2), 2);
  molecule.addBond(molecule.atom(2), molecule.atom(3), 1);
  molecule.addBond(molecule.atom(3), molecule.atom(4), 2);
  molecule.addBond(molecule.atom(4), molecule.atom(5), 1);
  molecule.addBond(molecule.atom(5), molecule.atom(0), 2);

  RingPerceiver perceiver(&molecule);
  std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> rings = perceiver.rings();
  EXPECT_EQ(rings.size(), static_cast<size_t>(1));
  EXPECT_EQ(rings[0].size(), static_cast<size_t>(6));
TEST(RingPerceiverTest, ethanol)
  Molecule molecule;
  molecule.addBond(molecule.atom(0), molecule.atom(1), 1);
  molecule.addBond(molecule.atom(1), molecule.atom(2), 1);

  RingPerceiver perceiver(&molecule);
  std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> rings = perceiver.rings();
  EXPECT_EQ(rings.size(), static_cast<size_t>(0));
void HydrogenTools::adjustHydrogens(Molecule &molecule, Adjustment adjustment)
  // This vector stores indices of hydrogens that need to be removed. Additions
  // are made first, followed by removals to keep indexing sane.
  std::vector<size_t> badHIndices;

  // Temporary container for calls to generateNewHydrogenPositions.
  std::vector<Vector3> newHPos;

  // Convert the adjustment option to a couple of booleans
  bool doAdd(adjustment == Add || adjustment == AddAndRemove);
  bool doRemove(adjustment == Remove || adjustment == AddAndRemove);

  // Limit to only the original atoms:
  const size_t numAtoms = molecule.atomCount();

  // Iterate through all atoms in the molecule, adding hydrogens as needed
  // and building up a list of hydrogens that should be removed.
  for (size_t atomIndex = 0; atomIndex < numAtoms; ++atomIndex) {
    const Atom atom(molecule.atom(atomIndex));
    int hDiff = valencyAdjustment(atom);
    // Add hydrogens:
    if (doAdd && hDiff > 0) {
      generateNewHydrogenPositions(atom, hDiff, newHPos);
      for (std::vector<Vector3>::const_iterator it = newHPos.begin(),
           itEnd = newHPos.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
        Atom newH(molecule.addAtom(1));
        molecule.addBond(atom, newH, 1);
    // Add bad hydrogens to our list of hydrogens to remove:
    else if (doRemove && hDiff < 0) {
      extraHydrogenIndices(atom, -hDiff, badHIndices);

  // Remove dead hydrogens now. Remove them in reverse-index order to keep
  // indexing sane.
  if (doRemove && !badHIndices.empty()) {
    std::sort(badHIndices.begin(), badHIndices.end());
    std::vector<size_t>::iterator newEnd(std::unique(badHIndices.begin(),
    badHIndices.resize(std::distance(badHIndices.begin(), newEnd));
    for (std::vector<size_t>::const_reverse_iterator it = badHIndices.rbegin(),
         itEnd = badHIndices.rend(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
Example #13
TEST(HydrogenToolsTest, adjustHydrogens_C3H8)
  Molecule mol;
  Atom C1 = mol.addAtom(6);
  Atom C2 = mol.addAtom(6);
  Atom C3 = mol.addAtom(6);
  mol.addBond(C1, C2, 1);
  mol.addBond(C2, C3, 1);

  EXPECT_EQ(11, mol.atomCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(10, mol.bondCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(std::string("C3H8"), mol.formula());
Example #14
void MoleculeTest::removeBond()
  // Should now to two atoms in the Molecule with ids 0 and 1.
  Bond *b = m_molecule->bond(1);
  QVERIFY(m_molecule->numBonds() == 1);
  QVERIFY(m_molecule->numBonds() == 0);

  // Check behavior of removing a bond that is owned by a different
  // molecule. Should not crash.
  Molecule mol;
  b = mol.addBond(0ul);
Example #15
TEST(RWMoleculeTest, MoleculeToRWMolecule)
  Molecule mol;
  typedef Molecule::AtomType Atom;
  typedef Molecule::BondType Bond;
  Atom a0 = mol.addAtom(1);
  Atom a1 = mol.addAtom(6);
  Atom a2 = mol.addAtom(9);
  Bond b0 = mol.addBond(a0, a2);
  a1.setPosition3d(Vector3(0, 6, 9));

  RWMolecule rwmol(mol, 0);
  EXPECT_EQ(rwmol.atomCount(), mol.atomCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(rwmol.bondCount(), mol.bondCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(rwmol.atom(2).atomicNumber(), mol.atom(2).atomicNumber());
  EXPECT_EQ(rwmol.bond(0).order(), mol.bond(0).order());
Example #16
TEST(HydrogenToolsTest, removeAllHydrogens)
  Molecule mol;
  EXPECT_EQ(mol.atomCount(), 0);

  Atom C1 = mol.addAtom(6);
  Atom C2 = mol.addAtom(6);
  Atom C3 = mol.addAtom(6);

  mol.addBond(C1, C2, 1);
  mol.addBond(C2, C3, 1);

  Atom H = mol.addAtom(1);
  mol.addBond(C1, H);
  H = mol.addAtom(1);
  mol.addBond(C1, H);
  H = mol.addAtom(1);
  mol.addBond(C1, H);

  H = mol.addAtom(1);
  mol.addBond(C2, H);
  H = mol.addAtom(1);
  mol.addBond(C2, H);

  H = mol.addAtom(1);
  mol.addBond(C3, H);
  H = mol.addAtom(1);
  mol.addBond(C3, H);
  H = mol.addAtom(1);
  mol.addBond(C3, H);

  EXPECT_EQ(std::string("C3"), mol.formula());
void MoleculeLayoutGraphSmart::saveDebug ()
   int i;
   Molecule mol;
   QS_DEF(Array<int>, mapping);


   for (i = vertexBegin(); i < vertexEnd(); i = vertexNext(i))
      if (getVertexType(i) == ELEMENT_NOT_DRAWN)

      mapping[i] = mol.addAtom(ELEM_C);
      mol.setAtomXyz(mapping[i], getPos(i).x, getPos(i).y, 0);

   for (i = edgeBegin(); i < edgeEnd(); i = edgeNext(i))
      if (getEdgeType(i) == ELEMENT_NOT_DRAWN)

      const Edge &edge = getEdge(i);

      mol.addBond(mapping[edge.beg], mapping[edge.end], BOND_SINGLE);

   static int id = 0;
   char out_name[100];

   sprintf_s(out_name, "D:\\mf\\draw\\trace_my\\%03d.mol", id);

   FileOutput fo(out_name);
   MolfileSaver ms(fo);


Example #18
TEST(HydrogenToolsTest, adjustHydrogens_adjustments)
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    HydrogenTools::Adjustment adjustment;
    std::string expectedFormula;
    switch (i) {
    case 0:
      adjustment = HydrogenTools::Add;
      expectedFormula = "C2H14";
    case 1:
      adjustment = HydrogenTools::Remove;
      expectedFormula = "C2H5";
    case 2:
      adjustment = HydrogenTools::AddAndRemove;
      expectedFormula = "C2H8";

    Molecule mol;
    Atom C1 = mol.addAtom(6); // Overbond this atom
    mol.addBond(C1, mol.addAtom(1));
    mol.addBond(C1, mol.addAtom(1));
    mol.addBond(C1, mol.addAtom(1));
    mol.addBond(C1, mol.addAtom(1));
    mol.addBond(C1, mol.addAtom(1));
    mol.addBond(C1, mol.addAtom(1));
    mol.addBond(C1, mol.addAtom(1));
    mol.addBond(C1, mol.addAtom(1));
    mol.addBond(C1, mol.addAtom(1));
    mol.addBond(C1, mol.addAtom(1));
    Atom C2 = mol.addAtom(6); // Underbond this atom
    mol.addBond(C2, mol.addAtom(1));

    EXPECT_EQ(std::string("C2H11"), mol.formula());
    HydrogenTools::adjustHydrogens(mol, adjustment);
    EXPECT_EQ(expectedFormula, mol.formula());
Example #19
void IndigoInchi::parseInchiOutput (const inchi_OutputStruct &inchi_output, Molecule &mol)

   Array<int> atom_indices;
   // Add atoms
   for (AT_NUM i = 0; i < inchi_output.num_atoms; i ++)
      const inchi_Atom &inchi_atom = inchi_output.atom[i];

      int idx = mol.addAtom(Element::fromString(inchi_atom.elname));

   // Add bonds
   for (AT_NUM i = 0; i < inchi_output.num_atoms; i ++)
      const inchi_Atom &inchi_atom = inchi_output.atom[i];
      for (AT_NUM bi = 0; bi < inchi_atom.num_bonds; bi++)
         AT_NUM nei = inchi_atom.neighbor[bi];
         if (i > nei)
            // Add bond only once
         int bond_order = inchi_atom.bond_type[bi];
         if (bond_order == INCHI_BOND_TYPE_NONE)
            throw Molecule::Error("Indigo-InChI: NONE-typed bonds are not supported");
         if (bond_order >= INCHI_BOND_TYPE_ALTERN)
            throw Molecule::Error("Indigo-InChI: ALTERN-typed bonds are not supported");
         int bond = mol.addBond(atom_indices[i], atom_indices[nei], bond_order);

   // Add Hydrogen isotope atoms at the end to preserver 
   // the same atom ordering
   for (AT_NUM i = 0; i < inchi_output.num_atoms; i ++)
      const inchi_Atom &inchi_atom = inchi_output.atom[i];

      int root_atom = atom_indices[i];
      for (int iso = 1; iso <= NUM_H_ISOTOPES; iso++)
         int count = inchi_atom.num_iso_H[iso];
         while (count-- > 0)
            int h = mol.addAtom(ELEM_H);
            mol.setAtomIsotope(h, iso);
            mol.addBond(root_atom, h, BOND_SINGLE);

   // Set atom charges, radicals and etc.
   for (int i = 0; i < inchi_output.num_atoms; i++)
      const inchi_Atom &inchi_atom = inchi_output.atom[i];

      int idx = atom_indices[i];
      mol.setAtomCharge(idx, inchi_atom.charge);
      if (inchi_atom.isotopic_mass)
         mol.setAtomIsotope(idx, inchi_atom.isotopic_mass);
      if (inchi_atom.radical)
         mol.setAtomRadical(idx, inchi_atom.radical);
      mol.setImplicitH(idx, inchi_atom.num_iso_H[0]);


   // Process stereoconfiguration
   for (int i = 0; i < inchi_output.num_stereo0D; i++)
      inchi_Stereo0D &stereo0D = inchi_output.stereo0D[i];
      if (stereo0D.type == INCHI_StereoType_DoubleBond)
         if (stereo0D.parity != INCHI_PARITY_ODD && stereo0D.parity != INCHI_PARITY_EVEN)

         int bond = mol.findEdgeIndex(stereo0D.neighbor[1], stereo0D.neighbor[2]);

         bool valid = mol.cis_trans.registerBondAndSubstituents(bond);
         if (!valid)
            throw IndigoError("Indigo-InChI: Unsupported cis-trans configuration for "
               "bond %d (atoms %d-%d-%d-%d)", bond, stereo0D.neighbor[0], stereo0D.neighbor[1], 
               stereo0D.neighbor[2], stereo0D.neighbor[3]);

         int vb, ve;
         const Edge &edge = mol.getEdge(bond);
         if (edge.beg == stereo0D.neighbor[1])
            vb = stereo0D.neighbor[0];
            ve = stereo0D.neighbor[3];
         else if (edge.beg == stereo0D.neighbor[2])
            vb = stereo0D.neighbor[3];
            ve = stereo0D.neighbor[0];
            throw IndigoError("Indigo-InChI: Internal error: cannot find cis-trans bond indices");

         const int *subst = mol.cis_trans.getSubstituents(bond);
         bool same_side;
         if (subst[0] == vb)
            same_side = (subst[2] == ve);
         else if (subst[1] == vb)
            same_side = (subst[3] == ve);
            throw IndigoError("Indigo-InChI: Internal error: cannot find cis-trans bond indices (#2)");

         if (stereo0D.parity == INCHI_PARITY_EVEN)
            same_side = !same_side;

         mol.cis_trans.setParity(bond, same_side ? MoleculeCisTrans::CIS : MoleculeCisTrans::TRANS);
      else if (stereo0D.type == INCHI_StereoType_Tetrahedral)
         if (stereo0D.parity != INCHI_PARITY_ODD && stereo0D.parity != INCHI_PARITY_EVEN)

         int pyramid[4];
         if (stereo0D.central_atom == stereo0D.neighbor[0])
            pyramid[1] = stereo0D.neighbor[1];
            pyramid[0] = stereo0D.neighbor[2];
            pyramid[2] = stereo0D.neighbor[3];
            pyramid[3] = -1;
            pyramid[0] = stereo0D.neighbor[0];
            pyramid[1] = stereo0D.neighbor[1];
            pyramid[2] = stereo0D.neighbor[2];
            pyramid[3] = stereo0D.neighbor[3];
         if (stereo0D.parity == INCHI_PARITY_ODD)
            std::swap(pyramid[0], pyramid[1]);

         mol.stereocenters.add(stereo0D.central_atom, MoleculeStereocenters::ATOM_ABS, 0, pyramid);
