void MoleculePiSystemsMatcher::_calcConnectivity (Molecule &mol, Array<int> &conn) { conn.clear_resize(mol.vertexEnd()); conn.zerofill(); for (int e = mol.edgeBegin(); e != mol.edgeEnd(); e = mol.edgeNext(e)) { int bond_order = mol.getBondOrder(e); const Edge &edge = mol.getEdge(e); conn[edge.beg] += bond_order; conn[edge.end] += bond_order; } for (int v = mol.vertexBegin(); v != mol.vertexEnd(); v = mol.vertexNext(v)) if (!mol.isPseudoAtom(v) && !mol.isRSite(v)) conn[v] += mol.getImplicitH(v); }
void CmfSaver::_encodeAtom (Molecule &mol, int idx, const int *mapping) { int number = 0; if (mol.isPseudoAtom(idx)) { const char *str = mol.getPseudoAtom(idx); size_t len = strlen(str); if (len < 1) throw Error("empty pseudo-atom"); if (len > 255) throw Error("pseudo-atom labels %d characters long are not supported (255 is the limit)", len); _encode(CMF_PSEUDOATOM); _encode((byte)len); do { _encode(*str); } while (*(++str) != 0); } else if (mol.isRSite(idx)) { int bits = mol.getRSiteBits(idx); if (bits > 255) { _encode(CMF_RSITE_EXT); _output->writePackedUInt((unsigned int)bits); } else { _encode(CMF_RSITE); _encode(bits); } } else { number = mol.getAtomNumber(idx); if (number <= 0 || number >= ELEM_MAX) throw Error("unexpected atom label"); _encode(number); } int charge = mol.getAtomCharge(idx); if (charge != 0) { int charge2 = charge - CMF_MIN_CHARGE; if (charge2 < 0 || charge2 >= CMF_NUM_OF_CHARGES) { _encode(CMF_CHARGE_EXT); int charge3 = charge + 128; if (charge3 < 0 || charge >= 256) throw Error("unexpected atom charge: %d", charge); _encode(charge3); } else _encode(charge2 + CMF_CHARGES); } int isotope = mol.getAtomIsotope(idx); if (isotope > 0) { int deviation = isotope - Element::getDefaultIsotope(number); if (deviation == 0) _encode(CMF_ISOTOPE_ZERO); else if (deviation == 1) _encode(CMF_ISOTOPE_PLUS1); else if (deviation == 2) _encode(CMF_ISOTOPE_PLUS2); else if (deviation == -1) _encode(CMF_ISOTOPE_MINUS1); else if (deviation == -2) _encode(CMF_ISOTOPE_MINUS2); else { deviation += 100; if (deviation < 0 || deviation > 255) throw Error("unexpected %s isotope: %d", Element::toString(number), isotope); _encode(CMF_ISOTOPE_OTHER); _encode(deviation); } } int radical = 0; if (!mol.isPseudoAtom(idx) && !mol.isRSite(idx)) { try { radical = mol.getAtomRadical(idx); } catch (Element::Error) { } } if (radical > 0) { if (radical == RADICAL_SINGLET) _encode(CMF_RADICAL_SINGLET); else if (radical == RADICAL_DOUBLET) _encode(CMF_RADICAL_DOUBLET); else if (radical == RADICAL_TRIPLET) _encode(CMF_RADICAL_TRIPLET); else throw Error("bad radical value: %d", radical); } MoleculeStereocenters &stereo = mol.stereocenters; int stereo_type = stereo.getType(idx); if (stereo_type == MoleculeStereocenters::ATOM_ANY) _encode(CMF_STEREO_ANY); else if (stereo_type != 0) { bool rigid; int code; const int *pyramid = stereo.getPyramid(idx); if (pyramid[3] == -1) rigid = MoleculeStereocenters::isPyramidMappingRigid(pyramid, 3, mapping); else rigid = MoleculeStereocenters::isPyramidMappingRigid(pyramid, 4, mapping); if (stereo_type == MoleculeStereocenters::ATOM_ABS) code = CMF_STEREO_ABS_0; else { int group = stereo.getGroup(idx); if (group < 1 || group > CMF_MAX_STEREOGROUPS) throw Error("stereogroup number %d out of range", group); if (stereo_type == MoleculeStereocenters::ATOM_AND) code = CMF_STEREO_AND_0 + group - 1; else // stereo_type == MoleculeStereocenters::ATOM_OR code = CMF_STEREO_OR_0 + group - 1; } if (!rigid) // CMF_STEREO_*_0 -> CMF_STEREO_*_1 code += CMF_MAX_STEREOGROUPS * 2 + 1; _encode(code); } if (mol.allene_stereo.isCenter(idx)) { int left, right, parity, subst[4]; mol.allene_stereo.getByAtomIdx(idx, left, right, subst, parity); if (subst[1] != -1 && mapping[subst[1]] != -1 && mapping[subst[1]] < mapping[subst[0]]) parity = 3 - parity; if (subst[3] != -1 && mapping[subst[3]] != -1 && mapping[subst[3]] < mapping[subst[2]]) parity = 3 - parity; if (parity == 1) _encode(CMF_STEREO_ALLENE_0); else _encode(CMF_STEREO_ALLENE_1); } int impl_h = 0; if (!mol.isPseudoAtom(idx) && !mol.isRSite(idx) && Molecule::shouldWriteHCount(mol, idx)) { try { impl_h = mol.getImplicitH(idx); if (impl_h < 0 || impl_h > CMF_MAX_IMPLICIT_H) throw Error("implicit hydrogen count %d out of range", impl_h); _encode(CMF_IMPLICIT_H + impl_h); } catch (Element::Error) { } } if (!mol.isRSite(idx) && !mol.isPseudoAtom(idx)) { if (mol.getAtomAromaticity(idx) == ATOM_AROMATIC && (charge != 0 || (number != ELEM_C && number != ELEM_O))) { try { int valence = mol.getAtomValence(idx); if (valence < 0 || valence > CMF_MAX_VALENCE) { _encode(CMF_VALENCE_EXT); _output->writePackedUInt(valence); } else _encode(CMF_VALENCE + valence); } catch (Element::Error) { } } } int i; for (i = 1; i <= mol.attachmentPointCount(); i++) { int j, aidx; for (j = 0; (aidx = mol.getAttachmentPoint(i, j)) != -1; j++) if (aidx == idx) { _encode(CMF_ATTACHPT); _encode(i); } } if (atom_flags != 0) { int i, flags = atom_flags[idx]; for (i = 0; i < CMF_NUM_OF_ATOM_FLAGS; i++) if (flags & (1 << i)) _encode(CMF_ATOM_FLAGS + i); } if (save_highlighting) if (mol.isAtomHighlighted(idx)) _encode(CMF_HIGHLIGHTED); }
void MoleculeAutomorphismSearch::_calculateHydrogensAndDegree (Molecule &mol) { _hcount.clear_resize(mol.vertexEnd()); _degree.clear_resize(mol.vertexEnd()); _degree.zerofill(); for (int i = mol.vertexBegin(); i != mol.vertexEnd(); i = mol.vertexNext(i)) { if (mol.isRSite(i) || mol.isPseudoAtom(i) || mol.isTemplateAtom(i)) _hcount[i] = 0; else _hcount[i] = mol.getImplicitH_NoThrow(i, -1); if (_hcount[i] < 0) { if (mol.getAtomAromaticity(i) == ATOM_AROMATIC) { if (mol.getAtomNumber(i) == ELEM_C && mol.getAtomCharge(i) == 0) { if (mol.getVertex(i).degree() == 3) _hcount[i] = 0; else if (mol.getVertex(i).degree() == 2) _hcount[i] = 1; } else if (mol.getAtomNumber(i) == ELEM_O && mol.getAtomCharge(i) == 0) _hcount[i] = 0; else { if (!allow_undefined) // This code will throw an error with a good explanation _hcount[i] = mol.getImplicitH(i); else // Make number of hydrogens unique in order to make such atoms unique _hcount[i] = 101 + i; } } else { // Number of atoms are underfined, but all the properties like // connectivity, charge, and etc., and this mean that such // atoms are comparable even. // For example, this cis-trans bond is invalid even if the number // of hydrogens are undefined: CC=C(N(C)=O)N(C)=O _hcount[i] = 100; // Any big number. // Later this number can be increased including neighbour hydrogens, // and this is correct, because nitrogens in these molecules are different: // C[N](C)=O and [H][N]([H])(C)(C)=O } } const Vertex &vertex = mol.getVertex(i); _degree[i] = 0; if (ignored_vertices != 0 && ignored_vertices[i]) continue; for (int j = vertex.neiBegin(); j != vertex.neiEnd(); j = vertex.neiNext(j)) { if (mol.getAtomNumber(vertex.neiVertex(j)) == ELEM_H && mol.getAtomIsotope(vertex.neiVertex(j)) == 0) _hcount[i]++; if (ignored_vertices == 0 || ignored_vertices[vertex.neiVertex(j)] == 0) _degree[i]++; } } // Compute independent components if the canonical ordering is not required _independent_component_index.clear_resize(mol.vertexEnd()); if (!find_canonical_ordering) { // We can mark different connected components as independent GraphDecomposer decomposer(mol); decomposer.decompose(); _independent_component_index.copy(decomposer.getDecomposition()); } else _independent_component_index.fffill(); }