Example #1
bool InstStrategySimplex::doInstantiation2( Node f, Node ic, Node term, ArithVar x, InstMatch& m, Node var, bool minus_delta ){
  // make term ( beta - term )/coeff
  bool vIsInteger = var.getType().isInteger();
  Node beta = getTableauxValue( x, minus_delta );
  if( !vIsInteger || beta.getType().isInteger() ){
    Node instVal = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MINUS, beta, term );
    if( !d_ceTableaux[ic][x][var].isNull() ){
      if( vIsInteger ){
        Assert( d_ceTableaux[ic][x][var]==NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational(-1) ) );
        instVal = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, d_ceTableaux[ic][x][var], instVal );
        Assert( d_ceTableaux[ic][x][var].getKind()==CONST_RATIONAL );
        Node coeff = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational(1) / d_ceTableaux[ic][x][var].getConst<Rational>() );
        instVal = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, coeff, instVal );
    instVal = Rewriter::rewrite( instVal );
    //use as instantiation value for var
    int vn = var.getAttribute(InstVarNumAttribute());
    m.setValue( vn, instVal );
    Debug("quant-arith") << "Add instantiation " << m << std::endl;
    return d_quantEngine->addInstantiation( f, m );
    return false;
Example #2
Node BvToBoolPreprocessor::liftNode(TNode current) {
  Node result;
  if (hasLiftCache(current)) {
    result = getLiftCache(current); 
  }else if (isConvertibleBvAtom(current)) {
    result = convertBvAtom(current);
    addToLiftCache(current, result);
  } else {
    if (current.getNumChildren() == 0) {
      result = current;
    } else {
      NodeBuilder<> builder(current.getKind());
      if (current.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED) {
        builder << current.getOperator();
      for (unsigned i = 0; i < current.getNumChildren(); ++i) {
        Node converted = liftNode(current[i]);
        Assert (converted.getType() == current[i].getType()); 
        builder << converted; 
      result = builder;
      addToLiftCache(current, result);
  Assert (result != Node());
  Assert(result.getType() == current.getType());
  Debug("bv-to-bool") << "BvToBoolPreprocessor::liftNode " << current << " => \n" << result << "\n"; 
  return result; 
Example #3
Node AbstractionModule::reverseAbstraction(Node assertion, NodeNodeMap& seen) {

  if (seen.find(assertion) != seen.end())
    return seen[assertion];
  if (isAbstraction(assertion)) {
    Node interp =  getInterpretation(assertion);
    seen[assertion] = interp;
    Assert (interp.getType() == assertion.getType()); 
    return interp;

  if (assertion.getNumChildren() == 0) {
    seen[assertion] = assertion;
    return assertion; 
  NodeBuilder<> result(assertion.getKind());
  if (assertion.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED) {
    result << assertion.getOperator(); 

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < assertion.getNumChildren(); ++i) {
    result << reverseAbstraction(assertion[i], seen); 
  Node res = result;
  seen[assertion] = res;
  return res; 
Example #4
/** Match one argument to the corresponding parameter. */
void matchArg(Node & arg, Node par)
    Node argType = arg->getType();
    Node parType = par->getType();
    if (argType->isPort() && parType->isPort())
        PortKind argPK = arg->getPortKind();
        Node argProt = argType->getProtocol();

        PortKind parPK = par->getPortKind();
        Node parProt = parType->getProtocol();

        bool protsat = true;
        if (parPK == SERVER && ! satisfies(parProt->getLTS(), argProt->getLTS()))
            Error() << "Parameter protocol" << par->getPos() << "does not satisfy argument protocol"  << arg->getPos() << REPORT;
            protsat = false;
        else if (parPK == CLIENT  && ! satisfies(argProt->getLTS(), parProt->getLTS()))
            Error() << "Argument protocol" << arg->getPos() << "does not satisfy parameter protocol" << par->getPos() << REPORT;
            protsat = false;
        if (protsat)
            set<Node> fields = merge(argProt->getFieldDecs(), parProt->getFieldDecs());
            for (set<Node>::iterator i = fields.begin(); i != fields.end(); ++i)
                for (set<Node>::iterator j = i; j != fields.end(); ++j)
                    if (i != j && (*i)->getNameString() == (*j)->getNameString())
                        //                  cerr << "Tieing " << (*i)->getNameString() << " and " << (*j)->getNameString() << endl; // 090207
                        Node t = (*i)->getTie();
    else if (argType->isPort())
        Error() << "Argument is a port ..." << arg->getPos() << "... but parameter is not." << par->getPos() << REPORT;
    else if (parType->isPort())
        Error() << "Parameter is a port ..." << par->getPos() << "... but argument is not." << arg->getPos() << REPORT;
    else if (par->isAlias())
        if ( ! sameType(argType, parType))
            Error() << "Argument ..." << arg->getPos() << "... does not match parameter." << par->getPos() << REPORT;
        else if (arg->kind() == NAME_NODE)
            if (arg->isConstant())             // 090228
                Error() << "A constant ..." << arg->getPos() << "... cannot be passed as an alias" << par->getPos() << REPORT;
            if ( ! arg->isAlias())             // 081206
            Error() << "Argument must be a name ..." << arg->getPos() << "... to match aliased parameter" << par->getPos() << REPORT;
        coerce(argType, parType, arg);
Example #5
Node ArithInstantiator::getModelBasedProjectionValue( CegInstantiator * ci, Node e, Node t, bool isLower, Node c, Node me, Node mt, Node theta, Node inf_coeff, Node delta_coeff ) {
  Node val = t;
  Trace("cbqi-bound2") << "Value : " << val << std::endl;
  Assert( !e.getType().isInteger() || t.getType().isInteger() );
  Assert( !e.getType().isInteger() || mt.getType().isInteger() );
  //add rho value
  //get the value of c*e
  Node ceValue = me;
  Node new_theta = theta;
  if( !c.isNull() ){
    Assert( c.getType().isInteger() );
    ceValue = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, ceValue, c );
    ceValue = Rewriter::rewrite( ceValue );
    if( new_theta.isNull() ){
      new_theta = c;
      new_theta = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, new_theta, c );
      new_theta = Rewriter::rewrite( new_theta );
    Trace("cbqi-bound2") << "...c*e = " << ceValue << std::endl;
    Trace("cbqi-bound2") << "...theta = " << new_theta << std::endl;
  if( !new_theta.isNull() && e.getType().isInteger() ){
    Node rho;
    //if( !mt.getType().isInteger() ){
      //round up/down
      //mt = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(
    if( isLower ){
      rho = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MINUS, ceValue, mt );
      rho = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MINUS, mt, ceValue );
    rho = Rewriter::rewrite( rho );
    Trace("cbqi-bound2") << "...rho = " << me << " - " << mt << " = " << rho << std::endl;
    Trace("cbqi-bound2") << "..." << rho << " mod " << new_theta << " = ";
    rho = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( INTS_MODULUS_TOTAL, rho, new_theta );
    rho = Rewriter::rewrite( rho );
    Trace("cbqi-bound2") << rho << std::endl;
    Kind rk = isLower ? PLUS : MINUS;
    val = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( rk, val, rho );
    val = Rewriter::rewrite( val );
    Trace("cbqi-bound2") << "(after rho) : " << val << std::endl;
  if( !inf_coeff.isNull() ){
    Assert( !d_vts_sym[0].isNull() );
    val = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( PLUS, val, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, inf_coeff, d_vts_sym[0] ) );
    val = Rewriter::rewrite( val );
  if( !delta_coeff.isNull() ){
    //create delta here if necessary
    val = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( PLUS, val, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, delta_coeff, ci->getQuantifiersEngine()->getTermDatabase()->getVtsDelta() ) );
    val = Rewriter::rewrite( val );
  return val;
Example #6
Node* NodeList::addOrUpdateNode(sockaddr* publicSocket, sockaddr* localSocket, char nodeType, uint16_t nodeId) {
    NodeList::iterator node = end();
    if (publicSocket) {
        for (node = begin(); node != end(); node++) {
            if (node->matches(publicSocket, localSocket, nodeType)) {
                // we already have this node, stop checking
    if (node == end()) {
        // if we already had this node AND it's a solo type then bust out of here
        if (soloNodeOfType(nodeType)) {
            return NULL;
        // we didn't have this node, so add them
        Node* newNode = new Node(publicSocket, localSocket, nodeType, nodeId);
        if (socketMatch(publicSocket, localSocket)) {
            // likely debugging scenario with two nodes on local network
            // set the node active right away
        if (newNode->getType() == NODE_TYPE_VOXEL_SERVER ||
            newNode->getType() == NODE_TYPE_AVATAR_MIXER ||
            newNode->getType() == NODE_TYPE_AUDIO_MIXER) {
            // this is currently the cheat we use to talk directly to our test servers on EC2
            // to be removed when we have a proper identification strategy
        return newNode;
    } else {
        if (node->getType() == NODE_TYPE_AUDIO_MIXER ||
            node->getType() == NODE_TYPE_VOXEL_SERVER) {
            // until the Audio class also uses our nodeList, we need to update
            // the lastRecvTimeUsecs for the audio mixer so it doesn't get killed and re-added continously
        // we had this node already, do nothing for now
        return &*node;
Example #7
Node *Node::nextTraversalByType(const char *typeString) 
	if (typeString == NULL)
		return NULL;
	String type(typeString);

	for (Node *node = nextTraversal(); node != NULL; node = node->nextTraversal()) {
		if (node->getType() != NULL) {
			if (type.compareTo(node->getType()) == 0)
				return node;
	return NULL;
Example #8
bool QuantifiersEngine::addSplitEquality( Node n1, Node n2, bool reqPhase, bool reqPhasePol ){
  //Assert( !areEqual( n1, n2 ) );
  //Assert( !areDisequal( n1, n2 ) );
  Kind knd = n1.getType()==NodeManager::currentNM()->booleanType() ? IFF : EQUAL;
  Node fm = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( knd, n1, n2 );
  return addSplit( fm );
Example #9
void FirstOrderModel::initializeModelForTerm( Node n ){
  if( n.getKind()==APPLY_UF ){
    Node op = n.getOperator();
    if( d_uf_model_tree.find( op )==d_uf_model_tree.end() ){
      TypeNode tn = op.getType();
      tn = tn[ (int)tn.getNumChildren()-1 ];
      //only generate models for predicates and functions with uninterpreted range types
      if( tn==NodeManager::currentNM()->booleanType() || tn.isSort() ){
        d_uf_model_tree[ op ] = uf::UfModelTree( op );
        d_uf_model_gen[ op ].clear();
  if( n.getType().isArray() ){
    while( n.getKind()==STORE ){
      n = n[0];
    Node nn = getRepresentative( n );
    if( d_array_model.find( nn )==d_array_model.end() ){
      d_array_model[nn] = arrays::ArrayModel( nn, this );
  for( int i=0; i<(int)n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
    initializeModelForTerm( n[i] );
Example #10
Node AbstractionModule::abstractSignatures(TNode assertion) {
  Debug("bv-abstraction") << "AbstractionModule::abstractSignatures "<< assertion <<"\n"; 
  // assume the assertion has been fully abstracted
  Node signature = getGeneralizedSignature(assertion);
  Debug("bv-abstraction") << "   with sig "<< signature <<"\n"; 
  NodeNodeMap::iterator it = d_signatureToFunc.find(signature);
  if (it!= d_signatureToFunc.end()) {
    std::vector<Node> args;
    TNode func = it->second;
    // pushing the function symbol
    TNodeSet seen;
    collectArguments(assertion, signature, args, seen);
    std::vector<TNode> real_args;
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < args.size(); ++i) {
    d_argsTable.addEntry(func, real_args); 
    Node result = utils::mkNode(kind::EQUAL, utils::mkNode(kind::APPLY_UF, args), 
                                utils::mkConst(1, 1u));
    Debug("bv-abstraction") << "=>   "<< result << "\n"; 
    Assert (result.getType() == assertion.getType()); 
    return result; 
  return assertion; 
Example #11
void BvToBoolPreprocessor::addToBoolCache(TNode term, Node new_term) {
  Assert (new_term != Node()); 
  Assert (!hasBoolCache(term));
  Assert (utils::getSize(term) == 1);
  Assert (new_term.getType().isBoolean());
  d_boolCache[term] = new_term; 
Example #12
void ArrayInfo::addIndex(const Node a, const TNode i) {
  Assert(!i.getType().isArray()); // temporary for flat arrays

  Trace("arrays-ind")<<"Arrays::addIndex "<<a<<"["<<i<<"]\n";
  CTNodeList* temp_indices;
  Info* temp_info;

  CNodeInfoMap::iterator it = info_map.find(a);
  if(it == info_map.end()) {
    temp_indices = new(true) CTNodeList(ct);

    temp_info = new Info(ct, bck);
    temp_info->indices = temp_indices;
    info_map[a] = temp_info;
  } else {
    temp_indices = (*it).second->indices;
    if (! inList(temp_indices, i)) {
  if(Trace.isOn("arrays-ind")) {

Example #13
void Tetgen::cleanBadTetra(double min_value)
	Node* nd;
	Tetra* itet;
	double mindens,minvolm;

	mindens = cr_crowd->getCurrentMinDensity();
	minvolm = mindens * mindens * mindens * rate_minvolm;

	int n = getSize();
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		itet = getTetra(i);

		if(itet->getVolume() > minvolm &&
		   itet->getValue() > min_value)

		for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
			nd = itet->getNode(j);
			if(nd->getType() == 0 )
		n = getSize();
Example #14
void BVToBool::addToLiftCache(TNode term, Node new_term)
  Assert(new_term != Node());
  Assert(term.getType() == new_term.getType());
  d_liftCache[term] = new_term;
Example #15
void Signatures::createA_Sig(vector<Node*> vNodes){

	for (int i=0;i< nets.size();i++){
		SetNode net = nets[i];
		 * Generates A_Sign_NES
		//Get Net_Pred
		SetNode net_pred = nets_pred[i];

		SetNode a_sign_nes;
			a_sign_nes = net_pred;

		 * Generates A_Sign_NS
		SetNode netAux;
		for (SetNode::iterator ni = net.begin(); ni != net.end(); ni++) {
			Node *node = *ni;
			if(node->getType()== typeA){
Example #16
CandidateGeneratorQEAll::CandidateGeneratorQEAll( QuantifiersEngine* qe, Node mpat ) :
  d_match_pattern( mpat ), d_qe( qe ){
  d_match_pattern_type = mpat.getType();
  Assert( mpat.getKind()==INST_CONSTANT );
  d_f = quantifiers::TermDb::getInstConstAttr( mpat );
  d_index = mpat.getAttribute(InstVarNumAttribute());
Example #17
Node DynamicRewriter::OpInternalSymTrie::getSymbol(Node n)
  std::vector<TypeNode> ctypes;
  for (const Node& cn : n)

  OpInternalSymTrie* curr = this;
  for (unsigned i = 0, size = ctypes.size(); i < size; i++)
    curr = &(curr->d_children[ctypes[i]]);
  if (!curr->d_sym.isNull())
    return curr->d_sym;
  // make UF operator
  TypeNode utype;
  if (ctypes.size() == 1)
    utype = ctypes[0];
    utype = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkFunctionType(ctypes);
  Node f = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem(
      "ufd", utype, "internal op for dynamic_rewriter");
  curr->d_sym = f;
  return f;
Example #18
Node *Node::next(const int type) const
	for (Node *node = next(); node != NULL; node = node->next()) {
		if (node->getType() == type)
			return node;
	return NULL;
Example #19
void BVToBool::addToBoolCache(TNode term, Node new_term)
  Assert(new_term != Node());
  Assert(bv::utils::getSize(term) == 1);
  d_boolCache[term] = new_term;
Example #20
int InstStrategySimplex::process( Node f, Theory::Effort effort, int e ){
  if( e<2 ){
  }else if( e==2 ){
    //Notice() << f << std::endl;
    //Notice() << "Num inst rows = " << d_th->d_instRows[f].size() << std::endl;
    //Notice() << "Num inst constants = " << d_quantEngine->getNumInstantiationConstants( f ) << std::endl;
    for( int i=0; i<d_quantEngine->getTermDatabase()->getNumInstantiationConstants( f ); i++ ){
      Node ic = d_quantEngine->getTermDatabase()->getInstantiationConstant( f, i );
      Debug("quant-arith-simplex") << "InstStrategySimplex check " << ic << ", rows = " << d_instRows[ic].size() << std::endl;
      for( int j=0; j<(int)d_instRows[ic].size(); j++ ){
        ArithVar x = d_instRows[ic][j];
        if( !d_ceTableaux[ic][x].empty() ){
          Debug("quant-arith-simplex") << "Check row " << ic << " " << x << std::endl;
          //instantiation row will be A*e + B*t = beta,
          // where e is a vector of terms , and t is vector of ground terms.
          // Say one term in A*e is coeff*e_i, where e_i is an instantiation constant
          // We will construct the term ( beta - B*t)/coeff to use for e_i.
          InstMatch m;
          //By default, choose the first instantiation constant to be e_i.
          Node var = d_ceTableaux[ic][x].begin()->first;
          if( var.getType().isInteger() ){
            std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = d_ceTableaux[ic][x].begin();
            //try to find coefficent that is +/- 1
            while( !var.isNull() && !d_ceTableaux[ic][x][var].isNull() && d_ceTableaux[ic][x][var]!=d_negOne ){
              if( it==d_ceTableaux[ic][x].end() ){
                var = Node::null();
                var = it->first;
            //otherwise, try one that divides all ground term coefficients? DO_THIS
          if( !var.isNull() ){
            Debug("quant-arith-simplex") << "Instantiate with var " << var << std::endl;
            doInstantiation( f, ic, d_tableaux_term[ic][x], x, m, var );
            Debug("quant-arith-simplex") << "Could not find var." << std::endl;
          ////choose a new variable based on alternation strategy
          //int index = d_counter%(int)d_th->d_ceTableaux[x].size();
          //Node var;
          //for( std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = d_th->d_ceTableaux[x].begin(); it != d_th->d_ceTableaux[x].end(); ++it ){
          //  if( index==0 ){
          //    var = it->first;
          //    break;
          //  }
          //  index--;
          //d_th->doInstantiation( f, d_th->d_tableaux_term[x], x, &m, var );
Example #21
Node *Node::next(const char *typeString) 
	String type(typeString);
	for (Node *node = next(); node != NULL; node = node->next()) {
		if (type.compareTo(node->getType()) == 0)
			return node;
	return NULL;
Example #22
Node *SceneGraph::getNodes(const int type) const
    Node *node = getNodes();
    if (node == NULL)
        return NULL;
    if (node->getType() == type)
        return node;
    return node->next(type);
Example #23
/** Coerce 'expr' from type 'fromType' to type 'toType'. */
void coerce(Node fromType, Node toType, Node & expr)

    //   expr->showDebug("coerce"); // 090817
    //   fromType->showDebug("from"); // 090817
    //   toType->showDebug("to"); // 090817

    if (expr->kind() == NUM_NODE && expr->getType() == BaseNode::theIntegerNode)
        int val = expr->getIntVal();
        if (toType == BaseNode::theUnsignedIntegerNode && val < 0)
            Error() << "Literal cannot be converted to unsigned Integer." << expr->getPos() << REPORT;
        else if (toType == BaseNode::theByteNode && (val < -128 || val > 127))
            Error() << "Literal cannot be converted to Byte." << expr->getPos() << REPORT;
        else if (toType == BaseNode::theUnsignedByteNode && (val < 0 || val > 255))
            Error() << "Literal cannot be converted to Unsigned Byte." << expr->getPos() << REPORT;

    if (expr->kind() == CHAR_NODE && toType == BaseNode::theTextNode)
        expr = new TextNode(expr->getPos(), expr->getConstValue());

    // Integer can be converted to Enumeration.
    if (isIntType(fromType) && toType->isEnumType())
        List args;
        expr = new FunctionNode(expr->getPos(), funIntegerEnum, args);

    FuncDef *fun = getConversion(fromType, toType);
    if (fun == funIdentity)
    if (fun == funBottom)
        Error() << "Expression cannot be coerced to required type." << expr->getPos() << REPORT;
    List args;
    expr = new FunctionNode(expr->getPos(), fun, args);
Example #24
bool RepSetIterator::setFunctionDomain( Node op, RepBoundExt* rext ){
  Trace("rsi") << "Make rsi for " << op << std::endl;
  Assert( d_types.empty() );
  TypeNode tn = op.getType();
  for( size_t i=0; i<tn.getNumChildren()-1; i++ ){
    d_types.push_back( tn[i] );
  d_owner = op;
  return initialize( rext );
Example #25
qint64 LimitedNodeList::sendPacket(std::unique_ptr<NLPacket> packet, const Node& destinationNode) {
    if (!destinationNode.getActiveSocket()) {
        return 0;
    emit dataSent(destinationNode.getType(), packet->getDataSize());
    return sendPacket(std::move(packet), *destinationNode.getActiveSocket(), destinationNode.getConnectionSecret());
Example #26
std::vector<Node*> UsesTable::getUsers(synt_type st) {
	std::vector<Node*> users;
	for(std::unordered_map<Node*, std::vector<Node*>>::iterator it = table.begin(); it != table.end(); ++it) {
		Node* node = it->first;
		synt_type nt = node->getType();
		if (nt == st || (st == statement && (nt == assignment || nt == ifelse || nt == whileLoop))) {
	return users;
Example #27
BoundedIntegers::IntRangeModel::IntRangeModel(BoundedIntegers * bi, Node r, context::Context* c, context::Context* u, bool isProxy) : d_bi(bi),
      d_range(r), d_curr_max(-1), d_lit_to_range(u), d_range_assertions(c), d_has_range(c,false), d_curr_range(c,-1), d_ranges_proxied(u) { 
  if( options::fmfBoundIntLazy() ){
    d_proxy_range = isProxy ? r : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( "pbir", r.getType() );
    d_proxy_range = r;
  if( !isProxy ){
    Trace("bound-int") << "Introduce proxy " << d_proxy_range << " for " << d_range << std::endl;
Example #28
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const Node &node) {
    char publicAddressBuffer[16] = {'\0'};
    unsigned short publicAddressPort = loadBufferWithSocketInfo(publicAddressBuffer, node.getPublicSocket());

    //char localAddressBuffer[16] = {'\0'};
    //unsigned short localAddressPort = loadBufferWithSocketInfo(localAddressBuffer, node.localSocket);

    debug << "#" << node.getNodeID() << node.getTypeName() << node.getType();
    debug.nospace() << publicAddressBuffer << ":" << publicAddressPort;
    return debug.nospace();
Example #29
Node CandidateGeneratorQEAll::getNextCandidate() {
  while( !d_eq.isFinished() ){
    Node n = (*d_eq);
    if( n.getType()==d_match_pattern.getType() ){
      //an equivalence class with the same type as the pattern, return it
      return n;
  return Node::null();
Example #30
Node CandidateGeneratorQELitEq::getNextCandidate(){
  while( !d_eq.isFinished() ){
    Node n = (*d_eq);
    if( n.getType().isSubtypeOf( d_match_pattern[0].getType() ) ){
      //an equivalence class with the same type as the pattern, return reflexive equality
      return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( d_match_pattern.getKind(), n, n );
  return Node::null();