PassRefPtr<Range> avoidIntersectionWithNode(const Range* range, Node* node)
    if (!range)
        return 0;

    Document* document = range->ownerDocument();

    Node* startContainer = range->startContainer();
    int startOffset = range->startOffset();
    Node* endContainer = range->endContainer();
    int endOffset = range->endOffset();

    if (!startContainer)
        return 0;


    if (startContainer == node || startContainer->isDescendantOf(node)) {
        startContainer = node->parentNode();
        startOffset = node->nodeIndex();
    if (endContainer == node || endContainer->isDescendantOf(node)) {
        endContainer = node->parentNode();
        endOffset = node->nodeIndex();

    return Range::create(document, startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset);
Position VisiblePosition::canonicalPosition(const Position& position)
    // FIXME (9535):  Canonicalizing to the leftmost candidate means that if we're at a line wrap, we will 
    // ask renderers to paint downstream carets for other renderers.
    // To fix this, we need to either a) add code to all paintCarets to pass the responsibility off to
    // the appropriate renderer for VisiblePosition's like these, or b) canonicalize to the rightmost candidate
    // unless the affinity is upstream.
    Node* node = position.node();
    if (!node)
        return Position();


    Position candidate = position.upstream();
    if (candidate.isCandidate())
        return candidate;
    candidate = position.downstream();
    if (candidate.isCandidate())
        return candidate;

    // When neither upstream or downstream gets us to a candidate (upstream/downstream won't leave 
    // blocks or enter new ones), we search forward and backward until we find one.
    Position next = nextCandidate(position);
    Position prev = previousCandidate(position);
    Node* nextNode = next.node();
    Node* prevNode = prev.node();

    // The new position must be in the same editable element. Enforce that first.
    // Unless the descent is from a non-editable html element to an editable body.
    if (node->hasTagName(htmlTag) && !node->isContentEditable())
        return next.isNotNull() ? next : prev;

    Node* editingRoot = editableRootForPosition(position);
    // If the html element is editable, descending into its body will look like a descent 
    // from non-editable to editable content since rootEditableElement() always stops at the body.
    if (editingRoot && editingRoot->hasTagName(htmlTag))
        return next.isNotNull() ? next : prev;
    bool prevIsInSameEditableElement = prevNode && editableRootForPosition(prev) == editingRoot;
    bool nextIsInSameEditableElement = nextNode && editableRootForPosition(next) == editingRoot;
    if (prevIsInSameEditableElement && !nextIsInSameEditableElement)
        return prev;
    if (nextIsInSameEditableElement && !prevIsInSameEditableElement)
        return next;
    if (!nextIsInSameEditableElement && !prevIsInSameEditableElement)
        return Position();

    // The new position should be in the same block flow element. Favor that.
    Node *originalBlock = node->enclosingBlockFlowElement();
    bool nextIsOutsideOriginalBlock = !nextNode->isDescendantOf(originalBlock) && nextNode != originalBlock;
    bool prevIsOutsideOriginalBlock = !prevNode->isDescendantOf(originalBlock) && prevNode != originalBlock;
    if (nextIsOutsideOriginalBlock && !prevIsOutsideOriginalBlock)
        return prev;
    return next;
void DeleteSelectionCommand::initializeStartEnd(Position& start, Position& end)
    Node* startSpecialContainer = 0;
    Node* endSpecialContainer = 0;
    start = m_selectionToDelete.start();
    end = m_selectionToDelete.end();
    // For HRs, we'll get a position at (HR,1) when hitting delete from the beginning of the previous line, or (HR,0) when forward deleting,
    // but in these cases, we want to delete it, so manually expand the selection
    if (start.deprecatedNode()->hasTagName(hrTag))
        start = positionBeforeNode(start.deprecatedNode());
    else if (end.deprecatedNode()->hasTagName(hrTag))
        end = positionAfterNode(end.deprecatedNode());
    // FIXME: This is only used so that moveParagraphs can avoid the bugs in special element expansion.
    if (!m_expandForSpecialElements)
    while (1) {
        startSpecialContainer = 0;
        endSpecialContainer = 0;
        Position s = positionBeforeContainingSpecialElement(start, &startSpecialContainer);
        Position e = positionAfterContainingSpecialElement(end, &endSpecialContainer);
        if (!startSpecialContainer && !endSpecialContainer)
        if (VisiblePosition(start) != m_selectionToDelete.visibleStart() || VisiblePosition(end) != m_selectionToDelete.visibleEnd())

        // If we're going to expand to include the startSpecialContainer, it must be fully selected.
        if (startSpecialContainer && !endSpecialContainer && comparePositions(positionInParentAfterNode(startSpecialContainer), end) > -1)

        // If we're going to expand to include the endSpecialContainer, it must be fully selected.
        if (endSpecialContainer && !startSpecialContainer && comparePositions(start, positionInParentBeforeNode(endSpecialContainer)) > -1)

        if (startSpecialContainer && startSpecialContainer->isDescendantOf(endSpecialContainer))
            // Don't adjust the end yet, it is the end of a special element that contains the start
            // special element (which may or may not be fully selected).
            start = s;
        else if (endSpecialContainer && endSpecialContainer->isDescendantOf(startSpecialContainer))
            // Don't adjust the start yet, it is the start of a special element that contains the end
            // special element (which may or may not be fully selected).
            end = e;
        else {
            start = s;
            end = e;
Example #4
// A generic function for finding the target node with the lowest distance metric. A distance metric here is the result
// of a distance-like function, that computes how well the touch hits the node.
// Distance functions could for instance be distance squared or area of intersection.
bool findNodeWithLowestDistanceMetric(Node*& targetNode, IntPoint& targetPoint, IntRect& targetArea, const IntPoint& touchHotspot, const IntRect& touchArea, SubtargetGeometryList& subtargets, DistanceFunction distanceFunction)
    targetNode = 0;
    float bestDistanceMetric = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
    SubtargetGeometryList::const_iterator it = subtargets.begin();
    const SubtargetGeometryList::const_iterator end = subtargets.end();
    IntPoint adjustedPoint;

    for (; it != end; ++it) {
        Node* node = it->node();
        float distanceMetric = distanceFunction(touchHotspot, touchArea, *it);
        if (distanceMetric < bestDistanceMetric) {
            if (snapTo(*it, touchHotspot, touchArea, adjustedPoint)) {
                targetPoint = adjustedPoint;
                targetArea = it->boundingBox();
                targetNode = node;
                bestDistanceMetric = distanceMetric;
        } else if (distanceMetric - bestDistanceMetric < zeroTolerance) {
            if (snapTo(*it, touchHotspot, touchArea, adjustedPoint)) {
                if (node->isDescendantOf(targetNode)) {
                    // Try to always return the inner-most element.
                    targetPoint = adjustedPoint;
                    targetNode = node;
                    targetArea = it->boundingBox();
    if (targetNode) {
        targetArea = targetNode->document()->view()->contentsToWindow(targetArea);
    return (targetNode);
static void clearSelectionIfNeeded(Frame* oldFocusedFrame, Frame* newFocusedFrame, Node* newFocusedNode)
    if (!oldFocusedFrame || !newFocusedFrame)
    if (oldFocusedFrame->document() != newFocusedFrame->document())
    SelectionController* s = oldFocusedFrame->selection();
    if (s->isNone())

    bool caretBrowsing = oldFocusedFrame->settings()->caretBrowsingEnabled();
    if (caretBrowsing)

    Node* selectionStartNode = s->selection().start().node();
    if (selectionStartNode == newFocusedNode || selectionStartNode->isDescendantOf(newFocusedNode) || selectionStartNode->shadowAncestorNode() == newFocusedNode)
    if (Node* mousePressNode = newFocusedFrame->eventHandler()->mousePressNode())
        if (mousePressNode->renderer() && !mousePressNode->canStartSelection())
            if (Node* root = s->rootEditableElement())
                if (Node* shadowAncestorNode = root->shadowAncestorNode())
                    // Don't do this for textareas and text fields, when they lose focus their selections should be cleared
                    // and then restored when they regain focus, to match other browsers.
                    if (!shadowAncestorNode->hasTagName(inputTag) && !shadowAncestorNode->hasTagName(textareaTag))
Example #6
static CSSValueID determineTextDirection(DocumentFragment* vttRoot)

    // Apply the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm's Paragraph Level steps to the
    // concatenation of the values of each WebVTT Text Object in nodes, in a
    // pre-order, depth-first traversal, excluding WebVTT Ruby Text Objects and
    // their descendants.
    TextDirection textDirection = LTR;
    Node* node = NodeTraversal::next(*vttRoot);
    while (node) {

        if (node->isTextNode()) {
            bool hasStrongDirectionality;
            textDirection = determineDirectionality(node->nodeValue(), hasStrongDirectionality);
            if (hasStrongDirectionality)
        } else if (node->isVTTElement()) {
            if (toVTTElement(node)->webVTTNodeType() == VTTNodeTypeRubyText) {
                node = NodeTraversal::nextSkippingChildren(*node);

        node = NodeTraversal::next(*node);
    return isLeftToRightDirection(textDirection) ? CSSValueLtr : CSSValueRtl;
HTTP2PriorityQueue::updatePriority(HTTP2PriorityQueue::Handle handle,
                                   http2::PriorityUpdate pri) {
  Node* node = handle;
  pendingWeightChange_ = true;
  VLOG(4) << "Updating id=" << node->getID() << " with parent=" <<
    pri.streamDependency << " and weight=" << ((uint16_t)pri.weight + 1);
  CHECK_NE(pri.streamDependency, node->getID()) <<
    "Tried to create a loop in the tree";;
  if (pri.streamDependency == node->parentID() && !pri.exclusive) {
    // no move
    return handle;

  Node* newParent = find(pri.streamDependency);
  if (!newParent) {
    newParent = &root_;
    VLOG(4) << "updatePriority missing parent, assigning root for txn="
            << node->getID();


  if (newParent->isDescendantOf(node)) {
    newParent = newParent->reparent(node->getParent(), false);
  return node->reparent(newParent, pri.exclusive);
void FormatBlockCommand::doApply()
    if (endingSelection().isNone())
    if (!endingSelection().rootEditableElement())

    VisiblePosition visibleEnd = endingSelection().visibleEnd();
    VisiblePosition visibleStart = endingSelection().visibleStart();
    // When a selection ends at the start of a paragraph, we rarely paint 
    // the selection gap before that paragraph, because there often is no gap.  
    // In a case like this, it's not obvious to the user that the selection 
    // ends "inside" that paragraph, so it would be confusing if FormatBlock
    // operated on that paragraph.
    // FIXME: We paint the gap before some paragraphs that are indented with left 
    // margin/padding, but not others.  We should make the gap painting more consistent and 
    // then use a left margin/padding rule here.
    if (visibleEnd != visibleStart && isStartOfParagraph(visibleEnd))
        setEndingSelection(Selection(visibleStart, visibleEnd.previous(true)));

    if (endingSelection().isRange() && modifyRange())
    String localName, prefix;
    if (!Document::parseQualifiedName(m_tagName, prefix, localName))
    QualifiedName qTypeOfBlock = QualifiedName(AtomicString(prefix), AtomicString(localName), xhtmlNamespaceURI);
    Node* refNode = enclosingBlockFlowElement(endingSelection().visibleStart());
    if (refNode->hasTagName(qTypeOfBlock))
        // We're already in a block with the format we want, so we don't have to do anything
    VisiblePosition paragraphStart = startOfParagraph(endingSelection().visibleStart());
    VisiblePosition paragraphEnd = endOfParagraph(endingSelection().visibleStart());
    VisiblePosition blockStart = startOfBlock(endingSelection().visibleStart());
    VisiblePosition blockEnd = endOfBlock(endingSelection().visibleStart());
    RefPtr<Node> blockNode = createElement(document(), m_tagName);
    RefPtr<Node> placeholder = createBreakElement(document());
    Node* root = endingSelection().start().node()->rootEditableElement();
    if (refNode == root || root->isDescendantOf(refNode))
        refNode = paragraphStart.deepEquivalent().node();
    Position upstreamStart = paragraphStart.deepEquivalent().upstream();
    if ((validBlockTag(refNode->nodeName().lower()) && paragraphStart == blockStart && paragraphEnd == blockEnd) ||
        // Already in a valid block tag that only contains the current paragraph, so we can swap with the new tag
        insertNodeBefore(blockNode.get(), refNode);
    else {
        insertNodeAt(blockNode.get(), upstreamStart.node(), upstreamStart.offset());
    appendNode(placeholder.get(), blockNode.get());
    moveParagraph(paragraphStart, paragraphEnd, VisiblePosition(Position(placeholder.get(), 0)), true, false);
Example #9
void RangeInputType::handleMouseDownEvent(MouseEvent* event)
    Node* targetNode = event->target()->toNode();
    if (event->button() != LeftButton || !targetNode || (targetNode != element() && !targetNode->isDescendantOf(element()->shadowRoot())))

    SliderThumbElement* thumb = sliderThumbElementOf(element());
PlainTextRange PlainTextRange::create(const ContainerNode& scope, const EphemeralRange& range)
    if (range.isNull())
        return PlainTextRange();

    // The critical assumption is that this only gets called with ranges that
    // concentrate on a given area containing the selection root. This is done
    // because of text fields and textareas. The DOM for those is not
    // directly in the document DOM, so ensure that the range does not cross a
    // boundary of one of those.
    Node* startContainer = range.startPosition().computeContainerNode();
    if (startContainer != &scope && !startContainer->isDescendantOf(&scope))
        return PlainTextRange();
    Node* endContainer = range.endPosition().computeContainerNode();
    if (endContainer != scope && !endContainer->isDescendantOf(&scope))
        return PlainTextRange();

    size_t start = TextIterator::rangeLength(Position(&const_cast<ContainerNode&>(scope), 0), range.startPosition());
    size_t end = TextIterator::rangeLength(Position(&const_cast<ContainerNode&>(scope), 0), range.endPosition());

    return PlainTextRange(start, end);
VisibleSelection avoidIntersectionWithNode(const VisibleSelection& selection, Node* node)
    if (selection.isNone())
        return VisibleSelection(selection);

    VisibleSelection updatedSelection(selection);
    Node* base = selection.base().deprecatedNode();
    Node* extent = selection.extent().deprecatedNode();

    if (base == node || base->isDescendantOf(node)) {

    if (extent == node || extent->isDescendantOf(node)) {

    return updatedSelection;
Example #12
String createMarkup(const Node& node, EChildrenOnly childrenOnly, Vector<Node*>* nodes, EAbsoluteURLs shouldResolveURLs, Vector<QualifiedName>* tagNamesToSkip, EFragmentSerialization fragmentSerialization)
    HTMLElement* deleteButtonContainerElement = 0;
    if (Frame* frame = node.document().frame()) {
        deleteButtonContainerElement = frame->editor().deleteButtonController().containerElement();
        if (node.isDescendantOf(deleteButtonContainerElement))
            return emptyString();

    MarkupAccumulator accumulator(nodes, shouldResolveURLs, 0, fragmentSerialization);
    return accumulator.serializeNodes(const_cast<Node&>(node), deleteButtonContainerElement, childrenOnly, tagNamesToSkip);
void RangeInputType::handleMouseDownEvent(MouseEvent* event)
    if (element().isDisabledOrReadOnly())

    Node* targetNode = event->target()->toNode();
    if (event->button() != LeftButton || !targetNode)
    if (targetNode != &element() && !targetNode->isDescendantOf(element().userAgentShadowRoot()))
    SliderThumbElement& thumb = typedSliderThumbElement();
    if (targetNode == &thumb)
Example #14
void RangeInputType::handleMouseDownEvent(MouseEvent* event)
    if (element()->disabled() || element()->readOnly())

    Node* targetNode = event->target()->toNode();
    if (event->button() != LeftButton || !targetNode)
    if (targetNode != element() && !targetNode->isDescendantOf(element()->shadowTree()->oldestShadowRoot()))
    SliderThumbElement* thumb = sliderThumbElementOf(element());
    if (targetNode == thumb)
Example #15
void BlockCommand::formatSelection(const VisiblePosition& startOfSelection, const VisiblePosition& endOfSelection)
    // might be null if the recursion below goes awry
    if (startOfSelection.isNull() || endOfSelection.isNull())

    Node* startEnclosingCell = enclosingNodeOfType(startOfSelection.deepEquivalent(), &isTableCell);
    Node* endEnclosingCell = enclosingNodeOfType(endOfSelection.deepEquivalent(), &isTableCell);

    if (startEnclosingCell != endEnclosingCell) {
        if (startEnclosingCell && (!endEnclosingCell || !endEnclosingCell->isDescendantOf(startEnclosingCell))) {
            VisiblePosition newEnd = lastPositionInNode(startEnclosingCell);
            VisiblePosition nextStart =;
            while (isTableElement(nextStart.deepEquivalent().anchorNode()))
                nextStart =;
            // TODO: fix recursion!
            formatSelection(startOfSelection, newEnd);
            formatSelection(nextStart, endOfSelection);


        VisiblePosition nextStart = firstPositionInNode(endEnclosingCell);
        VisiblePosition newEnd = nextStart.previous();
        while (isTableElement(newEnd.deepEquivalent().anchorNode()))
            newEnd = newEnd.previous();
        // TODO: fix recursion!
        formatSelection(startOfSelection, newEnd);
        formatSelection(nextStart, endOfSelection);

    Node* root = enclosingNodeOfType(startOfSelection.deepEquivalent(), &isTableCellOrRootEditable);
    if (!root || root == startOfSelection.deepEquivalent().anchorNode())

    RefPtr<Node> currentNode = blockExtentStart(startOfSelection.deepEquivalent().anchorNode(), root);
    RefPtr<Node> endNode = blockExtentEnd(endOfSelection.deepEquivalent().anchorNode(), root);

    while (currentNode->isDescendantOf(endNode.get()))
        endNode = endNode->lastChild();

    formatBlockExtent(currentNode, endNode, root);
Example #16
void RangeInputType::handleMouseDownEvent(MouseEvent* event) {
  if (element().isDisabledOrReadOnly())

  Node* targetNode = event->target()->toNode();
  if (event->button() !=
          static_cast<short>(WebPointerProperties::Button::Left) ||
  if (targetNode != element() &&
  SliderThumbElement* thumb = sliderThumbElement();
  if (targetNode == thumb)
Example #17
// A generic function for finding the target node with the lowest distance metric. A distance metric here is the result
// of a distance-like function, that computes how well the touch hits the node.
// Distance functions could for instance be distance squared or area of intersection.
bool findNodeWithLowestDistanceMetric(Node*& targetNode, IntPoint& targetPoint, const IntPoint& touchHotspot, const IntRect& touchArea, SubtargetGeometryList& subtargets, DistanceFunction distanceFunction)
    targetNode = 0;
    float bestDistanceMetric = INFINITY;
    SubtargetGeometryList::const_iterator it = subtargets.begin();
    const SubtargetGeometryList::const_iterator end = subtargets.end();
    for (; it != end; ++it) {
        Node* node = it->node();
        float distanceMetric = distanceFunction(touchHotspot, touchArea, *it);
        if (distanceMetric < bestDistanceMetric) {
            targetPoint = roundedIntPoint(it->quad().center());
            targetNode = node;
            bestDistanceMetric = distanceMetric;
        } else if (distanceMetric == bestDistanceMetric) {
            // Try to always return the inner-most element.
            if (node->isDescendantOf(targetNode))
                targetNode = node;

    return (targetNode);
Example #18
HTTP2PriorityQueue::updatePriority(HTTP2PriorityQueue::Handle handle,
                                   http2::PriorityUpdate pri) {
  Node* node = handle;
  pendingWeightChange_ = true;
  CHECK_NE(pri.streamDependency, node->getID()) <<
    "Tried to create a loop in the tree";;
  if (pri.streamDependency == node->parentID() && !pri.exclusive) {
    // no move
    return handle;

  Node* newParent = find(pri.streamDependency);
  if (!newParent) {
    newParent = &root_;

  if (newParent->isDescendantOf(node)) {
    newParent = newParent->reparent(node->getParent(), false);
  return node->reparent(newParent, pri.exclusive);
Example #19
void InspectorNodeFinder::searchUsingXPath(Node* parentNode)
    ExceptionCode ec = 0;
    RefPtr<XPathResult> result = parentNode->document().evaluate(m_whitespaceTrimmedQuery, parentNode, nullptr, XPathResult::ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, nullptr, ec);
    if (ec || !result)

    unsigned long size = result->snapshotLength(ec);
    if (ec)

    for (unsigned long i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        Node* node = result->snapshotItem(i, ec);
        if (ec)

        if (node->isAttributeNode())
            node = toAttr(node)->ownerElement();

        // XPath can get out of the context node that we pass as the starting point to evaluate, so we need to filter for just the nodes we care about.
        if (node == parentNode || node->isDescendantOf(parentNode))
Example #20
void FormatBlockCommand::formatRange(const Position&, const Position& end, RefPtr<Element>&)

    Node* refNode = enclosingBlockFlowElement(endingSelection().visibleStart());
    if (refNode->hasTagName(tagName()))
        // We're already in a block with the format we want, so we don't have to do anything

    VisiblePosition paragraphStart = startOfParagraph(end);
    VisiblePosition paragraphEnd = endOfParagraph(end);
    VisiblePosition blockStart = startOfBlock(endingSelection().visibleStart());
    VisiblePosition blockEnd = endOfBlock(endingSelection().visibleStart());
    RefPtr<Element> blockNode = createBlockElement();
    RefPtr<Element> placeholder = createBreakElement(document());

    Node* root = endingSelection().start().node()->rootEditableElement();
    if (validBlockTag(refNode->nodeName().lower()) && 
        paragraphStart == blockStart && paragraphEnd == blockEnd && 
        refNode != root && !root->isDescendantOf(refNode))
        // Already in a valid block tag that only contains the current paragraph, so we can swap with the new tag
        insertNodeBefore(blockNode, refNode);
    else {
        // Avoid inserting inside inline elements that surround paragraphStart with upstream().
        // This is only to avoid creating bloated markup.
        insertNodeAt(blockNode, paragraphStart.deepEquivalent().upstream());
    appendNode(placeholder, blockNode);

    VisiblePosition destination(Position(placeholder.get(), 0));
    if (paragraphStart == paragraphEnd && !lineBreakExistsAtVisiblePosition(paragraphStart)) {
    moveParagraph(paragraphStart, paragraphEnd, destination, true, false);
Example #21
static void clearSelectionIfNeeded(Frame* oldFocusedFrame, Frame* newFocusedFrame, Node* newFocusedNode)
    if (!oldFocusedFrame || !newFocusedFrame)
    if (oldFocusedFrame->document() != newFocusedFrame->document())
    FrameSelection* s = oldFocusedFrame->selection();
    if (s->isNone())

    bool caretBrowsing = oldFocusedFrame->settings()->caretBrowsingEnabled();
    if (caretBrowsing)

    Node* selectionStartNode = s->selection().start().deprecatedNode();
    if (selectionStartNode == newFocusedNode || selectionStartNode->isDescendantOf(newFocusedNode) || selectionStartNode->shadowAncestorNode() == newFocusedNode)
    if (Node* mousePressNode = newFocusedFrame->eventHandler()->mousePressNode()) {
        if (mousePressNode->renderer() && !mousePressNode->canStartSelection()) {
            // Don't clear the selection for contentEditable elements, but do clear it for input and textarea. See bug 38696.
            Node * root = s->rootEditableElement();
            if (!root)

            if (Node* shadowAncestorNode = root->shadowAncestorNode()) {
                if (!shadowAncestorNode->hasTagName(inputTag) && !shadowAncestorNode->hasTagName(textareaTag))
void InsertListCommand::doApply()
    if (endingSelection().isNone())
    if (!endingSelection().rootEditableElement())
    VisiblePosition visibleEnd = endingSelection().visibleEnd();
    VisiblePosition visibleStart = endingSelection().visibleStart();
    // When a selection ends at the start of a paragraph, we rarely paint 
    // the selection gap before that paragraph, because there often is no gap.  
    // In a case like this, it's not obvious to the user that the selection 
    // ends "inside" that paragraph, so it would be confusing if InsertUn{Ordered}List 
    // operated on that paragraph.
    // FIXME: We paint the gap before some paragraphs that are indented with left 
    // margin/padding, but not others.  We should make the gap painting more consistent and 
    // then use a left margin/padding rule here.
    if (visibleEnd != visibleStart && isStartOfParagraph(visibleEnd))
        setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(visibleStart, visibleEnd.previous(true)));

    if (endingSelection().isRange() && modifyRange())
    // FIXME: This will produce unexpected results for a selection that starts just before a
    // table and ends inside the first cell, selectionForParagraphIteration should probably
    // be renamed and deployed inside setEndingSelection().
    Node* selectionNode = endingSelection().start().node();
    const QualifiedName listTag = (m_type == OrderedList) ? olTag : ulTag;
    Node* listChildNode = enclosingListChild(selectionNode);
    bool switchListType = false;
    if (listChildNode) {
        // Remove the list chlild.
        HTMLElement* listNode = enclosingList(listChildNode);
        if (!listNode)
            listNode = fixOrphanedListChild(listChildNode);
        if (!listNode->hasTagName(listTag))
            // listChildNode will be removed from the list and a list of type m_type will be created.
            switchListType = true;
        Node* nextListChild;
        Node* previousListChild;
        VisiblePosition start;
        VisiblePosition end;
        if (listChildNode->hasTagName(liTag)) {
            start = firstDeepEditingPositionForNode(listChildNode);
            end = lastDeepEditingPositionForNode(listChildNode);
            nextListChild = listChildNode->nextSibling();
            previousListChild = listChildNode->previousSibling();
        } else {
            // A paragraph is visually a list item minus a list marker.  The paragraph will be moved.
            start = startOfParagraph(endingSelection().visibleStart());
            end = endOfParagraph(endingSelection().visibleEnd());
            nextListChild = enclosingListChild(;
            ASSERT(nextListChild != listChildNode);
            if (enclosingList(nextListChild) != listNode)
                nextListChild = 0;
            previousListChild = enclosingListChild(start.previous().deepEquivalent().node());
            ASSERT(previousListChild != listChildNode);
            if (enclosingList(previousListChild) != listNode)
                previousListChild = 0;
        // When removing a list, we must always create a placeholder to act as a point of insertion
        // for the list content being removed.
        RefPtr<Element> placeholder = createBreakElement(document());
        RefPtr<Element> nodeToInsert = placeholder;
        // If the content of the list item will be moved into another list, put it in a list item
        // so that we don't create an orphaned list child.
        if (enclosingList(listNode)) {
            nodeToInsert = createListItemElement(document());
            appendNode(placeholder, nodeToInsert);
        if (nextListChild && previousListChild) {
            // We want to pull listChildNode out of listNode, and place it before nextListChild 
            // and after previousListChild, so we split listNode and insert it between the two lists.  
            // But to split listNode, we must first split ancestors of listChildNode between it and listNode,
            // if any exist.
            // FIXME: We appear to split at nextListChild as opposed to listChildNode so that when we remove
            // listChildNode below in moveParagraphs, previousListChild will be removed along with it if it is 
            // unrendered. But we ought to remove nextListChild too, if it is unrendered.
            splitElement(listNode, splitTreeToNode(nextListChild, listNode));
            insertNodeBefore(nodeToInsert, listNode);
        } else if (nextListChild || listChildNode->parentNode() != listNode) {
            // Just because listChildNode has no previousListChild doesn't mean there isn't any content
            // in listNode that comes before listChildNode, as listChildNode could have ancestors
            // between it and listNode. So, we split up to listNode before inserting the placeholder
            // where we're about to move listChildNode to.
            if (listChildNode->parentNode() != listNode)
                splitElement(listNode, splitTreeToNode(listChildNode, listNode).get());
            insertNodeBefore(nodeToInsert, listNode);
        } else
            insertNodeAfter(nodeToInsert, listNode);
        VisiblePosition insertionPoint = VisiblePosition(Position(placeholder.get(), 0));
        moveParagraphs(start, end, insertionPoint, true);
    if (!listChildNode || switchListType || m_forceCreateList) {
        // Create list.
        VisiblePosition originalStart = endingSelection().visibleStart();
        VisiblePosition start = startOfParagraph(originalStart);
        VisiblePosition end = endOfParagraph(endingSelection().visibleEnd());
        // Check for adjoining lists.
        VisiblePosition previousPosition = start.previous(true);
        VisiblePosition nextPosition =;
        RefPtr<HTMLElement> listItemElement = createListItemElement(document());
        RefPtr<HTMLElement> placeholder = createBreakElement(document());
        appendNode(placeholder, listItemElement);
        Element* previousList = outermostEnclosingList(previousPosition.deepEquivalent().node());
        Element* nextList = outermostEnclosingList(nextPosition.deepEquivalent().node());
        Node* startNode = start.deepEquivalent().node();
        Node* previousCell = enclosingTableCell(previousPosition.deepEquivalent());
        Node* nextCell = enclosingTableCell(nextPosition.deepEquivalent());
        Node* currentCell = enclosingTableCell(start.deepEquivalent());
        if (previousList && (!previousList->hasTagName(listTag) || startNode->isDescendantOf(previousList) || previousCell != currentCell))
            previousList = 0;
        if (nextList && (!nextList->hasTagName(listTag) || startNode->isDescendantOf(nextList) || nextCell != currentCell))
            nextList = 0;
        // Place list item into adjoining lists.
        if (previousList)
            appendNode(listItemElement, previousList);
        else if (nextList)
            insertNodeAt(listItemElement, Position(nextList, 0));
        else {
            // Create the list.
            RefPtr<HTMLElement> listElement = m_type == OrderedList ? createOrderedListElement(document()) : createUnorderedListElement(document());
            m_listElement = listElement;
            appendNode(listItemElement, listElement);
            if (start == end && isBlock(start.deepEquivalent().node())) {
                // Inserting the list into an empty paragraph that isn't held open 
                // by a br or a '\n', will invalidate start and end.  Insert 
                // a placeholder and then recompute start and end.
                RefPtr<Node> placeholder = insertBlockPlaceholder(start.deepEquivalent());
                start = VisiblePosition(Position(placeholder.get(), 0));
                end = start;
            // Insert the list at a position visually equivalent to start of the
            // paragraph that is being moved into the list. 
            // Try to avoid inserting it somewhere where it will be surrounded by 
            // inline ancestors of start, since it is easier for editing to produce 
            // clean markup when inline elements are pushed down as far as possible.
            Position insertionPos(start.deepEquivalent().upstream());
            // Also avoid the containing list item.
            Node* listChild = enclosingListChild(insertionPos.node());
            if (listChild && listChild->hasTagName(liTag))
                insertionPos = positionInParentBeforeNode(listChild);

            insertNodeAt(listElement, insertionPos);

            // We inserted the list at the start of the content we're about to move
            // Update the start of content, so we don't try to move the list into itself.  bug 19066
            if (insertionPos == start.deepEquivalent())
                start = startOfParagraph(originalStart);
        moveParagraph(start, end, VisiblePosition(Position(placeholder.get(), 0)), true);
        if (nextList && previousList)
            mergeIdenticalElements(previousList, nextList);
Example #23
void NodeIterator::updateForNodeRemoval(Node* removedNode, NodePointer& referenceNode) const
    ASSERT(&root()->document() == &removedNode->document());

    // Iterator is not affected if the removed node is the reference node and is the root.
    // or if removed node is not the reference node, or the ancestor of the reference node.
    if (!removedNode->isDescendantOf(root()))
    bool willRemoveReferenceNode = removedNode == referenceNode.node;
    bool willRemoveReferenceNodeAncestor = referenceNode.node && referenceNode.node->isDescendantOf(removedNode);
    if (!willRemoveReferenceNode && !willRemoveReferenceNodeAncestor)

    if (referenceNode.isPointerBeforeNode) {
        Node* node = NodeTraversal::next(removedNode, root());
        if (node) {
            // Move out from under the node being removed if the new reference
            // node is a descendant of the node being removed.
            while (node && node->isDescendantOf(removedNode))
                node = NodeTraversal::next(node, root());
            if (node)
                referenceNode.node = node;
        } else {
            node = NodeTraversal::previous(removedNode, root());
            if (node) {
                // Move out from under the node being removed if the reference node is
                // a descendant of the node being removed.
                if (willRemoveReferenceNodeAncestor) {
                    while (node && node->isDescendantOf(removedNode))
                        node = NodeTraversal::previous(node, root());
                if (node) {
                    // Removing last node.
                    // Need to move the pointer after the node preceding the 
                    // new reference node.
                    referenceNode.node = node;
                    referenceNode.isPointerBeforeNode = false;
    } else {
        Node* node = NodeTraversal::previous(removedNode, root());
        if (node) {
            // Move out from under the node being removed if the reference node is
            // a descendant of the node being removed.
            if (willRemoveReferenceNodeAncestor) {
                while (node && node->isDescendantOf(removedNode))
                    node = NodeTraversal::previous(node, root());
            if (node)
                referenceNode.node = node;
        } else {
            // FIXME: This branch doesn't appear to have any LayoutTests.
            node = NodeTraversal::next(removedNode, root());
            // Move out from under the node being removed if the reference node is
            // a descendant of the node being removed.
            if (willRemoveReferenceNodeAncestor) {
                while (node && node->isDescendantOf(removedNode))
                    node = NodeTraversal::previous(node, root());
            if (node)
                referenceNode.node = node;
void BreakBlockquoteCommand::doApply()
    if (endingSelection().isNone())

    // Delete the current selection.
    if (endingSelection().isRange())
        deleteSelection(false, false);

    // This is a scenario that should never happen, but we want to
    // make sure we don't dereference a null pointer below.


    if (endingSelection().isNone())

    VisiblePosition visiblePos = endingSelection().visibleStart();

    // pos is a position equivalent to the caret.  We use downstream() so that pos will
    // be in the first node that we need to move (there are a few exceptions to this, see below).
    Position pos = endingSelection().start().downstream();

    // Find the top-most blockquote from the start.
    Node* topBlockquote = highestEnclosingNodeOfType(pos, isMailBlockquote);
    if (!topBlockquote || !topBlockquote->parentNode() || !topBlockquote->isElementNode())

    RefPtr<Element> breakNode = createBreakElement(document());

    bool isLastVisPosInNode = isLastVisiblePositionInNode(visiblePos, topBlockquote);

    // If the position is at the beginning of the top quoted content, we don't need to break the quote.
    // Instead, insert the break before the blockquote, unless the position is as the end of the the quoted content.
    if (isFirstVisiblePositionInNode(visiblePos, topBlockquote) && !isLastVisPosInNode) {
        insertNodeBefore(breakNode.get(), topBlockquote);
        setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(positionBeforeNode(breakNode.get()), DOWNSTREAM, endingSelection().isDirectional()));

    // Insert a break after the top blockquote.
    insertNodeAfter(breakNode.get(), topBlockquote);

    // If we're inserting the break at the end of the quoted content, we don't need to break the quote.
    if (isLastVisPosInNode) {
        setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(positionBeforeNode(breakNode.get()), DOWNSTREAM, endingSelection().isDirectional()));

    // Don't move a line break just after the caret.  Doing so would create an extra, empty paragraph
    // in the new blockquote.
    if (lineBreakExistsAtVisiblePosition(visiblePos))
        pos =;

    // Adjust the position so we don't split at the beginning of a quote.
    while (isFirstVisiblePositionInNode(VisiblePosition(pos), enclosingNodeOfType(pos, isMailBlockquote)))
        pos = pos.previous();

    // startNode is the first node that we need to move to the new blockquote.
    Node* startNode = pos.deprecatedNode();

    // Split at pos if in the middle of a text node.
    if (startNode->isTextNode()) {
        Text* textNode = toText(startNode);
        if ((unsigned)pos.deprecatedEditingOffset() >= textNode->length()) {
            startNode = NodeTraversal::next(startNode);
        } else if (pos.deprecatedEditingOffset() > 0)
            splitTextNode(textNode, pos.deprecatedEditingOffset());
    } else if (pos.deprecatedEditingOffset() > 0) {
        Node* childAtOffset = startNode->childNode(pos.deprecatedEditingOffset());
        startNode = childAtOffset ? childAtOffset : NodeTraversal::next(startNode);

    // If there's nothing inside topBlockquote to move, we're finished.
    if (!startNode->isDescendantOf(topBlockquote)) {
        setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(VisiblePosition(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(startNode)), endingSelection().isDirectional()));

    // Build up list of ancestors in between the start node and the top blockquote.
    Vector<RefPtr<Element> > ancestors;
    for (Element* node = startNode->parentElement(); node && node != topBlockquote; node = node->parentElement())

    // Insert a clone of the top blockquote after the break.
    RefPtr<Element> clonedBlockquote = toElement(topBlockquote)->cloneElementWithoutChildren();
    insertNodeAfter(clonedBlockquote.get(), breakNode.get());

    // Clone startNode's ancestors into the cloned blockquote.
    // On exiting this loop, clonedAncestor is the lowest ancestor
    // that was cloned (i.e. the clone of either ancestors.last()
    // or clonedBlockquote if ancestors is empty).
    RefPtr<Element> clonedAncestor = clonedBlockquote;
    for (size_t i = ancestors.size(); i != 0; --i) {
        RefPtr<Element> clonedChild = ancestors[i - 1]->cloneElementWithoutChildren();
        // Preserve list item numbering in cloned lists.
        if (clonedChild->isElementNode() && clonedChild->hasTagName(olTag)) {
            Node* listChildNode = i > 1 ? ancestors[i - 2].get() : startNode;
            // The first child of the cloned list might not be a list item element,
            // find the first one so that we know where to start numbering.
            while (listChildNode && !listChildNode->hasTagName(liTag))
                listChildNode = listChildNode->nextSibling();
            if (listChildNode && listChildNode->renderer() && listChildNode->renderer()->isListItem())
                setNodeAttribute(clonedChild, startAttr, String::number(toRenderListItem(listChildNode->renderer())->value()));

        appendNode(clonedChild.get(), clonedAncestor.get());
        clonedAncestor = clonedChild;

    moveRemainingSiblingsToNewParent(startNode, 0, clonedAncestor);

    if (!ancestors.isEmpty()) {
        // Split the tree up the ancestor chain until the topBlockquote
        // Throughout this loop, clonedParent is the clone of ancestor's parent.
        // This is so we can clone ancestor's siblings and place the clones
        // into the clone corresponding to the ancestor's parent.
        RefPtr<Element> ancestor;
        RefPtr<Element> clonedParent;
        for (ancestor = ancestors.first(), clonedParent = clonedAncestor->parentElement();
             ancestor && ancestor != topBlockquote;
             ancestor = ancestor->parentElement(), clonedParent = clonedParent->parentElement())
            moveRemainingSiblingsToNewParent(ancestor->nextSibling(), 0, clonedParent);

        // If the startNode's original parent is now empty, remove it
        Node* originalParent = ancestors.first().get();
        if (!originalParent->hasChildNodes())

    // Make sure the cloned block quote renders.

    // Put the selection right before the break.
    setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(positionBeforeNode(breakNode.get()), DOWNSTREAM, endingSelection().isDirectional()));
void BreakBlockquoteCommand::doApply(EditingState* editingState)
    if (endingSelection().isNone())

    // Delete the current selection.
    if (endingSelection().isRange()) {
        deleteSelection(editingState, false, false);
        if (editingState->isAborted())

    // This is a scenario that should never happen, but we want to
    // make sure we don't dereference a null pointer below.


    if (endingSelection().isNone())

    VisiblePosition visiblePos = endingSelection().visibleStart();

    // pos is a position equivalent to the caret.  We use downstream() so that pos will
    // be in the first node that we need to move (there are a few exceptions to this, see below).
    Position pos = mostForwardCaretPosition(endingSelection().start());

    // Find the top-most blockquote from the start.
    HTMLQuoteElement* topBlockquote = toHTMLQuoteElement(highestEnclosingNodeOfType(pos, isMailHTMLBlockquoteElement));
    if (!topBlockquote || !topBlockquote->parentNode())

    HTMLBRElement* breakElement = HTMLBRElement::create(document());

    bool isLastVisPosInNode = isLastVisiblePositionInNode(visiblePos, topBlockquote);

    // If the position is at the beginning of the top quoted content, we don't need to break the quote.
    // Instead, insert the break before the blockquote, unless the position is as the end of the the quoted content.
    if (isFirstVisiblePositionInNode(visiblePos, topBlockquote) && !isLastVisPosInNode) {
        insertNodeBefore(breakElement, topBlockquote, editingState);
        if (editingState->isAborted())
        setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(Position::beforeNode(breakElement), TextAffinity::Downstream, endingSelection().isDirectional()));

    // Insert a break after the top blockquote.
    insertNodeAfter(breakElement, topBlockquote, editingState);
    if (editingState->isAborted())

    // If we're inserting the break at the end of the quoted content, we don't need to break the quote.
    if (isLastVisPosInNode) {
        setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(Position::beforeNode(breakElement), TextAffinity::Downstream, endingSelection().isDirectional()));

    // Don't move a line break just after the caret.  Doing so would create an extra, empty paragraph
    // in the new blockquote.
    if (lineBreakExistsAtVisiblePosition(visiblePos)) {
        pos = nextPositionOf(pos, PositionMoveType::GraphemeCluster);

    // Adjust the position so we don't split at the beginning of a quote.
    while (isFirstVisiblePositionInNode(createVisiblePosition(pos), toHTMLQuoteElement(enclosingNodeOfType(pos, isMailHTMLBlockquoteElement)))) {
        pos = previousPositionOf(pos, PositionMoveType::GraphemeCluster);

    // startNode is the first node that we need to move to the new blockquote.
    Node* startNode = pos.anchorNode();

    // Split at pos if in the middle of a text node.
    if (startNode->isTextNode()) {
        Text* textNode = toText(startNode);
        int textOffset = pos.computeOffsetInContainerNode();
        if ((unsigned)textOffset >= textNode->length()) {
            startNode = NodeTraversal::next(*startNode);
        } else if (textOffset > 0) {
            splitTextNode(textNode, textOffset);
    } else if (pos.computeEditingOffset() > 0) {
        Node* childAtOffset = NodeTraversal::childAt(*startNode, pos.computeEditingOffset());
        startNode = childAtOffset ? childAtOffset : NodeTraversal::next(*startNode);

    // If there's nothing inside topBlockquote to move, we're finished.
    if (!startNode->isDescendantOf(topBlockquote)) {
        setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(createVisiblePosition(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(startNode)), endingSelection().isDirectional()));

    // Build up list of ancestors in between the start node and the top blockquote.
    HeapVector<Member<Element>> ancestors;
    for (Element* node = startNode->parentElement(); node && node != topBlockquote; node = node->parentElement())

    // Insert a clone of the top blockquote after the break.
    Element* clonedBlockquote = topBlockquote->cloneElementWithoutChildren();
    insertNodeAfter(clonedBlockquote, breakElement, editingState);
    if (editingState->isAborted())

    // Clone startNode's ancestors into the cloned blockquote.
    // On exiting this loop, clonedAncestor is the lowest ancestor
    // that was cloned (i.e. the clone of either ancestors.last()
    // or clonedBlockquote if ancestors is empty).
    Element* clonedAncestor = clonedBlockquote;
    for (size_t i = ancestors.size(); i != 0; --i) {
        Element* clonedChild = ancestors[i - 1]->cloneElementWithoutChildren();
        // Preserve list item numbering in cloned lists.
        if (isHTMLOListElement(*clonedChild)) {
            Node* listChildNode = i > 1 ? ancestors[i - 2].get() : startNode;
            // The first child of the cloned list might not be a list item element,
            // find the first one so that we know where to start numbering.
            while (listChildNode && !isHTMLLIElement(*listChildNode))
                listChildNode = listChildNode->nextSibling();
            if (isListItem(listChildNode))
                setNodeAttribute(clonedChild, startAttr, AtomicString::number(toLayoutListItem(listChildNode->layoutObject())->value()));

        appendNode(clonedChild, clonedAncestor, editingState);
        if (editingState->isAborted())
        clonedAncestor = clonedChild;

    moveRemainingSiblingsToNewParent(startNode, 0, clonedAncestor, editingState);
    if (editingState->isAborted())

    if (!ancestors.isEmpty()) {
        // Split the tree up the ancestor chain until the topBlockquote
        // Throughout this loop, clonedParent is the clone of ancestor's parent.
        // This is so we can clone ancestor's siblings and place the clones
        // into the clone corresponding to the ancestor's parent.
        Element* ancestor = nullptr;
        Element* clonedParent = nullptr;
        for (ancestor = ancestors.first(), clonedParent = clonedAncestor->parentElement();
            ancestor && ancestor != topBlockquote;
            ancestor = ancestor->parentElement(), clonedParent = clonedParent->parentElement()) {
            moveRemainingSiblingsToNewParent(ancestor->nextSibling(), 0, clonedParent, editingState);
            if (editingState->isAborted())

        // If the startNode's original parent is now empty, remove it
        Element* originalParent = ancestors.first().get();
        if (!originalParent->hasChildren()) {
            removeNode(originalParent, editingState);
            if (editingState->isAborted())

    // Make sure the cloned block quote renders.
    addBlockPlaceholderIfNeeded(clonedBlockquote, editingState);
    if (editingState->isAborted())

    // Put the selection right before the break.
    setEndingSelection(VisibleSelection(Position::beforeNode(breakElement), TextAffinity::Downstream, endingSelection().isDirectional()));
Example #26
Node* StyledMarkupAccumulator::traverseNodesForSerialization(Node* startNode, Node* pastEnd, NodeTraversalMode traversalMode)
    const bool shouldEmit = traversalMode == EmitString;
    Vector<Node*> ancestorsToClose;
    Node* next;
    Node* lastClosed = 0;
    for (Node* n = startNode; n != pastEnd; n = next) {
        // According to <rdar://problem/5730668>, it is possible for n to blow
        // past pastEnd and become null here. This shouldn't be possible.
        // This null check will prevent crashes (but create too much markup)
        // and the ASSERT will hopefully lead us to understanding the problem.
        if (!n)
        next = NodeTraversal::next(n);
        bool openedTag = false;

        if (isBlock(n) && canHaveChildrenForEditing(n) && next == pastEnd)
            // Don't write out empty block containers that aren't fully selected.

        if (!n->renderer() && !enclosingNodeWithTag(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(n), selectTag)) {
            next = NodeTraversal::nextSkippingChildren(n);
            // Don't skip over pastEnd.
            if (pastEnd && pastEnd->isDescendantOf(n))
                next = pastEnd;
        } else {
            // Add the node to the markup if we're not skipping the descendants
            if (shouldEmit)

            // If node has no children, close the tag now.
            if (!n->childNodeCount()) {
                if (shouldEmit)
                lastClosed = n;
            } else {
                openedTag = true;

        // If we didn't insert open tag and there's no more siblings or we're at the end of the traversal, take care of ancestors.
        // FIXME: What happens if we just inserted open tag and reached the end?
        if (!openedTag && (!n->nextSibling() || next == pastEnd)) {
            // Close up the ancestors.
            while (!ancestorsToClose.isEmpty()) {
                Node* ancestor = ancestorsToClose.last();
                if (next != pastEnd && next->isDescendantOf(ancestor))
                // Not at the end of the range, close ancestors up to sibling of next node.
                if (shouldEmit)
                lastClosed = ancestor;

            // Surround the currently accumulated markup with markup for ancestors we never opened as we leave the subtree(s) rooted at those ancestors.
            ContainerNode* nextParent = next ? next->parentNode() : 0;
            if (next != pastEnd && n != nextParent) {
                Node* lastAncestorClosedOrSelf = n->isDescendantOf(lastClosed) ? lastClosed : n;
                for (ContainerNode* parent = lastAncestorClosedOrSelf->parentNode(); parent && parent != nextParent; parent = parent->parentNode()) {
                    // All ancestors that aren't in the ancestorsToClose list should either be a) unrendered:
                    if (!parent->renderer())
                    // or b) ancestors that we never encountered during a pre-order traversal starting at startNode:
                    if (shouldEmit)
                    lastClosed = parent;

    return lastClosed;
static PositionType canonicalPosition(const PositionType& passedPosition)
    // Sometimes updating selection positions can be extremely expensive and occur
    // frequently.  Often calling preventDefault on mousedown events can avoid
    // doing unnecessary text selection work.
    TRACE_EVENT0("blink", "VisiblePosition::canonicalPosition");

    // The updateLayout call below can do so much that even the position passed
    // in to us might get changed as a side effect. Specifically, there are code
    // paths that pass selection endpoints, and updateLayout can change the selection.
    PositionType position = passedPosition;

    // FIXME (9535):  Canonicalizing to the leftmost candidate means that if we're at a line wrap, we will
    // ask layoutObjects to paint downstream carets for other layoutObjects.
    // To fix this, we need to either a) add code to all paintCarets to pass the responsibility off to
    // the appropriate layoutObject for VisiblePosition's like these, or b) canonicalize to the rightmost candidate
    // unless the affinity is upstream.
    if (position.isNull())
        return PositionType();


    Node* node = position.computeContainerNode();

    PositionType candidate = mostBackwardCaretPosition(position);
    if (isVisuallyEquivalentCandidate(candidate))
        return candidate;
    candidate = mostForwardCaretPosition(position);
    if (isVisuallyEquivalentCandidate(candidate))
        return candidate;

    // When neither upstream or downstream gets us to a candidate (upstream/downstream won't leave
    // blocks or enter new ones), we search forward and backward until we find one.
    PositionType next = canonicalizeCandidate(nextCandidate(position));
    PositionType prev = canonicalizeCandidate(previousCandidate(position));
    Node* nextNode = next.anchorNode();
    Node* prevNode = prev.anchorNode();

    // The new position must be in the same editable element. Enforce that first.
    // Unless the descent is from a non-editable html element to an editable body.
    if (isHTMLHtmlElement(node) && !node->hasEditableStyle() && node->document().body() && node->document().body()->hasEditableStyle())
        return next.isNotNull() ? next : prev;

    Element* editingRoot = editableRootForPosition(position);

    // If the html element is editable, descending into its body will look like a descent
    // from non-editable to editable content since rootEditableElement() always stops at the body.
    if (isHTMLHtmlElement(editingRoot) || position.anchorNode()->isDocumentNode())
        return next.isNotNull() ? next : prev;

    bool prevIsInSameEditableElement = prevNode && editableRootForPosition(prev) == editingRoot;
    bool nextIsInSameEditableElement = nextNode && editableRootForPosition(next) == editingRoot;
    if (prevIsInSameEditableElement && !nextIsInSameEditableElement)
        return prev;

    if (nextIsInSameEditableElement && !prevIsInSameEditableElement)
        return next;

    if (!nextIsInSameEditableElement && !prevIsInSameEditableElement)
        return PositionType();

    // The new position should be in the same block flow element. Favor that.
    Element* originalBlock = node ? enclosingBlockFlowElement(*node) : 0;
    bool nextIsOutsideOriginalBlock = !nextNode->isDescendantOf(originalBlock) && nextNode != originalBlock;
    bool prevIsOutsideOriginalBlock = !prevNode->isDescendantOf(originalBlock) && prevNode != originalBlock;
    if (nextIsOutsideOriginalBlock && !prevIsOutsideOriginalBlock)
        return prev;

    return next;
Position VisiblePosition::canonicalPosition(const Position& passedPosition)
    // The updateLayout call below can do so much that even the position passed
    // in to us might get changed as a side effect. Specifically, there are code
    // paths that pass selection endpoints, and updateLayout can change the selection.
    Position position = passedPosition;

    // FIXME (9535):  Canonicalizing to the leftmost candidate means that if we're at a line wrap, we will 
    // ask renderers to paint downstream carets for other renderers.
    // To fix this, we need to either a) add code to all paintCarets to pass the responsibility off to
    // the appropriate renderer for VisiblePosition's like these, or b) canonicalize to the rightmost candidate
    // unless the affinity is upstream.
    if (position.isNull())
        return Position();


    Node* node = position.containerNode();

    Position candidate = position.upstream();
    if (candidate.isCandidate())
        return candidate;
    candidate = position.downstream();
    if (candidate.isCandidate())
        return candidate;

    // When neither upstream or downstream gets us to a candidate (upstream/downstream won't leave 
    // blocks or enter new ones), we search forward and backward until we find one.
    Position next = canonicalizeCandidate(nextCandidate(position));
    Position prev = canonicalizeCandidate(previousCandidate(position));
    Node* nextNode = next.deprecatedNode();
    Node* prevNode = prev.deprecatedNode();

    // The new position must be in the same editable element. Enforce that first.
    // Unless the descent is from a non-editable html element to an editable body.
    if (is<HTMLHtmlElement>(node) && !node->hasEditableStyle()) {
        auto* body = node->document().bodyOrFrameset();
        if (body && body->hasEditableStyle())
            return next.isNotNull() ? next : prev;

    Node* editingRoot = editableRootForPosition(position);
    // If the html element is editable, descending into its body will look like a descent 
    // from non-editable to editable content since rootEditableElement() always stops at the body.
    if ((editingRoot && editingRoot->hasTagName(htmlTag)) || (node && (node->isDocumentNode() || node->isShadowRoot())))
        return next.isNotNull() ? next : prev;
    bool prevIsInSameEditableElement = prevNode && editableRootForPosition(prev) == editingRoot;
    bool nextIsInSameEditableElement = nextNode && editableRootForPosition(next) == editingRoot;
    if (prevIsInSameEditableElement && !nextIsInSameEditableElement)
        return prev;

    if (nextIsInSameEditableElement && !prevIsInSameEditableElement)
        return next;

    if (!nextIsInSameEditableElement && !prevIsInSameEditableElement)
        return Position();

    // The new position should be in the same block flow element. Favor that.
    Element* originalBlock = deprecatedEnclosingBlockFlowElement(node);
    bool nextIsOutsideOriginalBlock = !nextNode->isDescendantOf(originalBlock) && nextNode != originalBlock;
    bool prevIsOutsideOriginalBlock = !prevNode->isDescendantOf(originalBlock) && prevNode != originalBlock;
    if (nextIsOutsideOriginalBlock && !prevIsOutsideOriginalBlock)
        return prev;
    return next;
PassRefPtr<HTMLElement> InsertListCommand::listifyParagraph(const VisiblePosition& originalStart, const QualifiedName& listTag)
    VisiblePosition start = startOfParagraph(originalStart);
    VisiblePosition end = endOfParagraph(start);

    // Check for adjoining lists.
    VisiblePosition previousPosition = start.previous(true);
    VisiblePosition nextPosition =;
    RefPtr<HTMLElement> listItemElement = createListItemElement(document());
    RefPtr<HTMLElement> placeholder = createBreakElement(document());
    appendNode(placeholder, listItemElement);
    Element* previousList = outermostEnclosingList(previousPosition.deepEquivalent().node());
    Element* nextList = outermostEnclosingList(nextPosition.deepEquivalent().node());
    Node* startNode = start.deepEquivalent().node();
    Node* previousCell = enclosingTableCell(previousPosition.deepEquivalent());
    Node* nextCell = enclosingTableCell(nextPosition.deepEquivalent());
    Node* currentCell = enclosingTableCell(start.deepEquivalent());
    if (previousList && (!previousList->hasTagName(listTag) || startNode->isDescendantOf(previousList) || previousCell != currentCell))
        previousList = 0;
    if (nextList && (!nextList->hasTagName(listTag) || startNode->isDescendantOf(nextList) || nextCell != currentCell))
        nextList = 0;
    // Place list item into adjoining lists.
    RefPtr<HTMLElement> listElement;
    if (previousList)
        appendNode(listItemElement, previousList);
    else if (nextList)
        insertNodeAt(listItemElement, Position(nextList, 0));
    else {
        // Create the list.
        listElement = createHTMLElement(document(), listTag);
        appendNode(listItemElement, listElement);

        if (start == end && isBlock(start.deepEquivalent().node())) {
            // Inserting the list into an empty paragraph that isn't held open 
            // by a br or a '\n', will invalidate start and end.  Insert 
            // a placeholder and then recompute start and end.
            RefPtr<Node> placeholder = insertBlockPlaceholder(start.deepEquivalent());
            start = VisiblePosition(Position(placeholder.get(), 0));
            end = start;

        // Insert the list at a position visually equivalent to start of the
        // paragraph that is being moved into the list. 
        // Try to avoid inserting it somewhere where it will be surrounded by 
        // inline ancestors of start, since it is easier for editing to produce 
        // clean markup when inline elements are pushed down as far as possible.
        Position insertionPos(start.deepEquivalent().upstream());
        // Also avoid the containing list item.
        Node* listChild = enclosingListChild(insertionPos.node());
        if (listChild && listChild->hasTagName(liTag))
            insertionPos = positionInParentBeforeNode(listChild);

        insertNodeAt(listElement, insertionPos);

        // We inserted the list at the start of the content we're about to move
        // Update the start of content, so we don't try to move the list into itself.  bug 19066
        if (insertionPos == start.deepEquivalent())
            start = startOfParagraph(originalStart);
        previousList = outermostEnclosingList(previousPosition.deepEquivalent().node(), enclosingList(listElement.get()));
        nextList = outermostEnclosingList(nextPosition.deepEquivalent().node(), enclosingList(listElement.get()));

    moveParagraph(start, end, VisiblePosition(Position(placeholder.get(), 0)), true);

    // FIXME: listifyParagraph should not depend on a member variable.
    // Since fixOrphanedListChild is the only other method that updates m_listElement,
    // we should fix unlistifyParagraph to support orphaned list child to get rid of this assignment.
    if (!listElement && m_listElement)
        listElement = m_listElement;

    if (listElement) {
        if (canMergeLists(previousList, listElement.get()))
            mergeIdenticalElements(previousList, listElement.get());
        if (canMergeLists(listElement.get(), nextList))
            mergeIdenticalElements(listElement.get(), nextList);
    } else if (canMergeLists(nextList, previousList))
        mergeIdenticalElements(previousList, nextList);

    return listElement;
void RenderNamedFlowThread::getRanges(Vector<RefPtr<Range> >& rangeObjects, const RenderRegion* region) const
    LayoutUnit logicalTopForRegion;
    LayoutUnit logicalBottomForRegion;

    // extend the first region top to contain everything up to its logical height
    if (region->isFirstRegion())
        logicalTopForRegion = LayoutUnit::min();
        logicalTopForRegion =  region->logicalTopForFlowThreadContent();

    // extend the last region to contain everything above its y()
    if (region->isLastRegion())
        logicalBottomForRegion = LayoutUnit::max();
        logicalBottomForRegion = region->logicalBottomForFlowThreadContent();

    Vector<Node*> nodes;
    // eliminate the contentNodes that are descendants of other contentNodes
    for (NamedFlowContentNodes::const_iterator it = contentNodes().begin(); it != contentNodes().end(); ++it) {
        Node* node = *it;
        if (!isContainedInNodes(nodes, node))

    for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
        Node* contentNode =;
        if (!contentNode->renderer())

        RefPtr<Range> range = Range::create(contentNode->document());
        bool foundStartPosition = false;
        bool startsAboveRegion = true;
        bool endsBelowRegion = true;
        bool skipOverOutsideNodes = false;
        Node* lastEndNode = 0;

        for (Node* node = contentNode; node; node = nextNodeInsideContentNode(node, contentNode)) {
            RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer();
            if (!renderer)

            LayoutRect boundingBox;
            if (renderer->isRenderInline())
                boundingBox = toRenderInline(renderer)->linesBoundingBox();
            else if (renderer->isText())
                boundingBox = toRenderText(renderer)->linesBoundingBox();
            else {
                boundingBox =  toRenderBox(renderer)->frameRect();
                if (toRenderBox(renderer)->isRelPositioned())

            LayoutUnit offsetTop = renderer->containingBlock()->offsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage();
            const LayoutPoint logicalOffsetFromTop(isHorizontalWritingMode() ? LayoutUnit() :  offsetTop,
                isHorizontalWritingMode() ? offsetTop : LayoutUnit());


            LayoutUnit logicalTopForRenderer = region->logicalTopOfFlowThreadContentRect(boundingBox);
            LayoutUnit logicalBottomForRenderer = region->logicalBottomOfFlowThreadContentRect(boundingBox);

            // if the bounding box of the current element doesn't intersect the region box
            // close the current range only if the start element began inside the region,
            // otherwise just move the start position after this node and keep skipping them until we found a proper start position.
            if (!boxIntersectsRegion(logicalTopForRenderer, logicalBottomForRenderer, logicalTopForRegion, logicalBottomForRegion)) {
                if (foundStartPosition) {
                    if (!startsAboveRegion) {
                        if (range->intersectsNode(node, IGNORE_EXCEPTION))
                            range->setEndBefore(node, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
                        range = Range::create(contentNode->document());
                        startsAboveRegion = true;
                    } else
                        skipOverOutsideNodes = true;
                if (skipOverOutsideNodes)
                    range->setStartAfter(node, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
                foundStartPosition = false;

            // start position
            if (logicalTopForRenderer < logicalTopForRegion && startsAboveRegion) {
                if (renderer->isText()) { // Text crosses region top
                    // for Text elements, just find the last textbox that is contained inside the region and use its start() offset as start position
                    RenderText* textRenderer = toRenderText(renderer);
                    for (InlineTextBox* box = textRenderer->firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) {
                        if (offsetTop + box->logicalBottom() < logicalTopForRegion)
                        range->setStart(Position(toText(node), box->start()));
                        startsAboveRegion = false;
                } else { // node crosses region top
                    // for all elements, except Text, just set the start position to be before their children
                    startsAboveRegion = true;
                    range->setStart(Position(node, Position::PositionIsBeforeChildren));
            } else { // node starts inside region
                // for elements that start inside the region, set the start position to be before them. If we found one, we will just skip the others until
                // the range is closed.
                if (startsAboveRegion) {
                    startsAboveRegion = false;
                    range->setStartBefore(node, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
            skipOverOutsideNodes  = false;
            foundStartPosition = true;

            // end position
            if (logicalBottomForRegion < logicalBottomForRenderer && (endsBelowRegion || (!endsBelowRegion && !node->isDescendantOf(lastEndNode)))) {
                // for Text elements, just find just find the last textbox that is contained inside the region and use its start()+len() offset as end position
                if (renderer->isText()) { // Text crosses region bottom
                    RenderText* textRenderer = toRenderText(renderer);
                    InlineTextBox* lastBox = 0;
                    for (InlineTextBox* box = textRenderer->firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) {
                        if ((offsetTop + box->logicalTop()) < logicalBottomForRegion) {
                            lastBox = box;
                        if (lastBox)
                            range->setEnd(Position(toText(node), lastBox->start() + lastBox->len()));
                    endsBelowRegion = false;
                    lastEndNode = node;
                } else { // node crosses region bottom
                    // for all elements, except Text, just set the start position to be after their children
                    range->setEnd(Position(node, Position::PositionIsAfterChildren));
                    endsBelowRegion = true;
                    lastEndNode = node;
            } else { // node ends inside region
                // for elements that ends inside the region, set the end position to be after them
                // allow this end position to be changed only by other elements that are not descendants of the current end node
                if (endsBelowRegion || (!endsBelowRegion && !node->isDescendantOf(lastEndNode))) {
                    range->setEndAfter(node, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
                    endsBelowRegion = false;
                    lastEndNode = node;
        if (foundStartPosition || skipOverOutsideNodes)