Example #1
// tmvrGaussian_density evaluates the PDF of the truncated multivariate Gaussian distribution with specified  bounds
// please note this function returns the un-logged PDF to avoid infinite values
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double tmvrGaussian_pdf(NumericVector x, NumericVector mu, NumericMatrix sigma, NumericVector lower, NumericVector upper){
  int n = x.size();
  double out;
  //generate boolean vector indicating if points in x fall inside support region
  LogicalVector support(n);
  for(int i=0; i < n; i++){
    if((x(i) >= lower[i]) && (x(i) <= upper[i])){
      support[i] = true;
    } else {
      support[i] = false;
  //check if any points fell outside the support region
  bool outside_support = false;
  for(int i=0; i < support.size(); i++){
    if(support[i] == false){
      outside_support = true;
  //if points fall outside support region immediately break and return 0
    out = 0;
  //if points fall inside support region calculate the density
  Environment mvtnorm("package:mvtnorm");
  Function pmvnorm = mvtnorm["pmvnorm"];
  double pdf;
  SEXP cdf_r;
  pdf = mvrGaussian_pdf(as<arma::colvec>(x),as<arma::colvec>(mu),as<arma::mat>(sigma));
  cdf_r = pmvnorm(lower,upper,mu,R_NilValue,sigma);
  double cdf = as<double>(cdf_r);
  out = pdf / cdf;
Example #2
NumericVector drawHiddenVarsSample(const NumericVector &O_vec,  double time, const NumericVector &lambda,  const NumericVector &topo_path, 
                                   const vector< vector<int> > &parents, double &dens, double lambda_s, bool sampling_time_available) {
  int p = lambda.length();
  NumericVector T(p), T_sum(p);
  dens = 0.0;
  if(sampling_time_available == false) {
    time = my_rexp(1, lambda_s);
  for(int k = 0; k < p; k++) {
    int e = topo_path[k];  
    double max_parents_t = 0.0;
    for(unsigned int j = 0; j < parents[e].size(); j++) {
      if(T_sum[ parents[e][j] ] > max_parents_t) {
        max_parents_t = T_sum[parents[e][j]];
    if( O_vec[e] == 1 ) {
      double tmp = rtexp(lambda[e],  time-max_parents_t);
      dens = dens +   my_dexp( tmp, lambda[e], true) - my_pexp(time-max_parents_t, lambda[e], true);
      T_sum[e] =  max_parents_t + (tmp);
    } else {
      double  tmp = my_rexp(1, lambda[e]) ;
      T_sum[e] =  std::max(time, max_parents_t) + tmp;    
      double tmp2 = my_dexp( tmp, lambda[e], true) ;
      dens +=  tmp2;
    T[e] = T_sum[e] - max_parents_t ;      
  //  return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("T") = T, Rcpp::Named("density")=dens);
//data is assumed to be sorted by time
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector FindIntervalCalibCPPvec(NumericVector w, NumericVector wres) {
  int npoints = w.size();
  NumericVector out(2);
  bool CondLocation;
      int j=0;
      CondLocation = true;
      while(CondLocation == true)
      if (wres[j] == 1)
          out[0] = 0;
          out[1] = w(0);
          CondLocation = false;
        } else
          out[0] = w[j-1];
          out[1] = w[j];
          CondLocation = false;
      } else if (wres[j]==INFINITY)
        if (j==0)
          out[0] = 0;
          out[1] = INFINITY;
        } else {
        out[0] = w[j-1];
        out[1] = INFINITY;
        CondLocation = false;
      } else if (j==npoints-1) {
        out[0] = w[j];
        out[1] = INFINITY;
        CondLocation = false;}
      j += 1;
    return out;
Example #4
double corRcpp(NumericVector x, const NumericVector y)
    size_t n = x.size();
    double ex(0), ey(0), sxx(0), sxy(0), syy(0), xt(0), yt(0);
    double tiny = 1e-20;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Find the means.
   ex += x[i];
   ey += y[i];
  ex /= n;
  ey /= n;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Compute the correlation coefficient.
    xt = x[i] - ex;
    yt = y[i] - ey;
    sxx += xt * xt;
    syy += yt * yt;
    sxy += xt * yt;
return sxy/(sqrt(sxx*syy)+tiny);
Example #5
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List maxcpp(NumericVector tau, int x, int y ,int j) {
    arma::cube mycube(tau.begin(), x, y, j);
    arma::vec sub(j);
    arma::mat max(x,y), max_idx(x,y);
    for (int row = 0; row < x; row++) {
        for (int col = 0; col < y; col++) {
            for (int drug = 0; drug < j; drug++) {
                sub(drug) = mycube(row, col, drug);
            // get the index for max and min value
            arma::uword maxidx;
            // get max and min by slice
            max(row, col) = sub.max(maxidx);
            max_idx(row, col) = maxidx+1;
    return Rcpp::List::create(
               Rcpp::Named("max") = max,
               Rcpp::Named("max.idx") = max_idx
           ) ;
Example #6
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List rwmhUpdate(NumericVector x, NumericVector eps, F<double> f){

  int n = x.size();
  NumericVector y = x + eps;
  double p1= f(x);
  double p2 = f(y);
  double temp = exp(p2-p1);
  double accept = std::min(1.0,temp);
  double u = R::runif(0,1);
  if (u < accept) {
    return List::create(
      _["chain"] = y,
      _["acc_rate"] = accept
      return List::create(
        _["chain"] = x,
        _["acc_rate"] = accept
float closeness(NumericVector x1, NumericVector x2) {
	float y = 0;
	int y_n = 0;
	int n = x1.size();

	for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
		for(int j = 0; j < n; j ++) {
			if(std::abs(x1[i] - 0) < 1e-6 | std::abs(x2[j] - 0) < 1e-6) {
			y += std::abs(i - j);
			y_n += 1;

	if(y_n == 0) {
		return 0;
	} else {
		return y/y_n;
Example #8
// [[Rcpp::export("pcevKernel")]]
SEXP pcevKernelRcpp(NumericMatrix Yr, NumericMatrix Zr, NumericVector eiValuer) {
   int n = Yr.nrow(), p = Yr.ncol(), q = Zr.ncol();

   arma::mat Y(Yr.begin(), n, p, false);       // reuses memory and avoids extra copy
   arma::mat Z(Zr.begin(), n, q, false);
   arma::colvec eiValue(eiValuer.begin(), n, false);

   // Initialize parameters
   arma::mat F(n, p, fill::zeros);
   arma::mat E(n, p, fill::zeros);
   theta param_new(fastLm(Y, Z), F, E);

   // Make copy and update
   theta param_old = param_new;
   param_new.update(Y, Z, eiValue);
   return Rcpp::List::create(
   Rcpp::Named("LogLik") = param_new.logLL(eiValue),
   Rcpp::Named("tau") = param_new.getTau(),
   Rcpp::Named("Sigma") = param_new.getSigma());
Example #9
Assembly::addCachedResidual(NumericVector<Number> & residual, Moose::KernelType type)
  std::vector<Real> & cached_residual_values = _cached_residual_values[type];
  std::vector<unsigned int> & cached_residual_rows = _cached_residual_rows[type];

  mooseAssert(cached_residual_values.size() == cached_residual_rows.size(), "Number of cached residuals and number of rows must match!");

  residual.add_vector(cached_residual_values, cached_residual_rows);

  if (_max_cached_residuals < cached_residual_values.size())
    _max_cached_residuals = cached_residual_values.size();

  // Try to be more efficient from now on
  // The 2 is just a fudge factor to keep us from having to grow the vector during assembly

Example #10
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List PredictiveRecursion_DifferentSigma(NumericVector z, double mu0, NumericVector sig0, IntegerVector sweeporder,
    NumericVector grid_x, NumericVector theta_guess,
    double nullprob=0.95, double decay = -0.67) {
  // z: vector of observed data, vector of length N
  // sig0: vector of standard errors se(z_i) under the null, of same length as z
  // sweeporder: a vector of indices in [0...N-1] representing the order in which the z are processed
  //     length(sweeporder) = Npasses*length(z)
  // grid_x: a grid of points at which the alternative density will be approximated
  // theta_guess: an initial guess for the sub-density under the alternative hypothesis
  // nullprob: an initial guess for the fraction of null cases
  // decay: the stochastic-approximation decay parameter, should be in (-1, -2/3)

  // Set-up
  int n = sweeporder.size();
  int k, gridsize = grid_x.size();
  NumericVector theta_subdens(clone(theta_guess));
  double pi0 = nullprob;
  NumericVector joint1(gridsize);
  NumericVector ftheta1(gridsize);
  double m0, m1, mmix, cc;

  // Begin sweep through the data
  for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    if(i % 200 == 0) Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt();  
    k = sweeporder[i];
    cc = pow(3.0+(double)i, decay);
    joint1 = dnorm(grid_x, z[k] - mu0, sig0[k]) * theta_subdens;
    m0 = pi0*R::dnorm(z[k] - mu0, 0.0, sig0[k], 0);
    m1 = trapezoid(grid_x, joint1);
    mmix = m0 + m1;
    pi0 = (1.0-cc)*pi0 + cc*(m0/mmix);
    ftheta1 = joint1/mmix;
    theta_subdens = (1.0-cc)*theta_subdens + cc*ftheta1;

  return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("grid_x")=grid_x,
//' Computes the convex minorant of a vector.
//' @param x,y Vector of x and y values
//' @return x.knots, y.knots, y.slopes and the left derivative at all x values
//' @export
List GreatestConvexMinorant(NumericVector x, NumericVector y) {
  int ny = y.length();
  NumericVector XX = x; 
  NumericVector XY = y; 
  NumericVector leftDerivative(ny - 1);
  vector<Point> P(ny);
  for (int i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
    P[i].x = XX[i];
    P[i].y = XY[i];
  vector<Point> convHull = convex_hull(P);
  int            nP = convHull.size();
  vector<double> convHullX(nP); 
  vector<double> convHullY(nP); 
  for (int i = 0; i < nP; i++) {
    convHullX[i] = convHull.at(i).x;
    convHullY[i] = convHull.at(i).y;
  NumericVector XXX     = Rcpp::wrap(convHullX); // correct
  NumericVector XYY     = Rcpp::wrap(convHullY); // correct
  NumericVector Slopes  = diff(XYY) / diff(XXX); // has to be corrected
  //return slopes;
  for (int i = 0; i < ny-1; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < nP; j++) {
      if (XXX[j] < XX[i+1]) leftDerivative[i] = Slopes[j]; 
  return List::create(Named("y.slopes") = Slopes,
                      Named("x.knots") = XXX,
                      Named("y.knots") = XYY,
                      Named("left.derivative") = leftDerivative);
Example #12
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector eloDstC(NumericVector rating, IntegerVector raceCount, NumericVector time, double K, double P, int provisionalN) {
  int n = rating.size();
  NumericVector out = clone(rating);
  double W_e, e, pct, R, delta_a, delta_b;
  for (int j1 = 0; j1 < n-1; ++j1){
    for (int j2 = j1 + 1; j2 < n; ++j2){
      e = -1 * (rating[j1] - rating[j2]) / 400;
      W_e = 1 / (pow(10,e) + 1);
      pct = 100 * (time[j2] - time[j1]) / time[j1];
      if (pct <= 1){
        R = pct;
        R = pow(pct,0.25);
      delta_a = (K / (n-1)) * R * (1 - W_e);
      delta_b = -1 * delta_a;
      if (raceCount[j1] < provisionalN && raceCount[j2] < provisionalN){
        delta_a = P * delta_a;
        delta_b = P * delta_b;
      if (raceCount[j1] < provisionalN && raceCount[j2] >= provisionalN){
        delta_a = P * delta_a;
        delta_b = 0;
      if (raceCount[j1] >= provisionalN && raceCount[j2] < provisionalN){
        delta_a = 0;
        delta_b = P * delta_b;
      out[j1] += delta_a;
      out[j2] += delta_b;
  return out;
Example #13
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix Kest_anin_border_c(NumericMatrix coord, NumericVector lambda, 
                                 NumericMatrix bbox, NumericVector bdist, 
                                 NumericVector r, NumericMatrix directions,
                                 double epsilon, int border=1) {
  Pp pp(coord, lambda, bbox); 
  int nr = r.size();
  int dim = directions.ncol();
  int ndir = directions.nrow();
  NumericMatrix out(nr, ndir);
  int i,j,l, ui, ri;
  double d, w, dot, ang;
  double rmax = r(nr-1);
  for(i=0; i < pp.size(); i++) {
    for(j= 0; j < pp.size(); j++) {
        d = pp.getDist(&i, &j); 
        if(d < rmax) {
          w = 1 / (pp.getMark(&i) * pp.getMark(&j) );
          for(ui=0; ui < ndir; ui++){
            dot = 0;
            for(l=0; l < dim; l++)  dot += (pp.getCoord(&j,&l)-pp.getCoord(&i,&l)) * directions(ui, l);
            ang = acos(dot/d);
            ang = fmin(ang, PI-ang);
            if(ang < epsilon){
              for(ri=0; ri < nr; ri++){
                if(d < r(ri) && (bdist(i) > r(ri) | border==0) ) out(ri, ui) += w;
  return out;
Example #14
// [[Rcpp::export]]
IntegerMatrix raceSimC(NumericVector ratings,int nsim) {
   int nr = ratings.size();
   double p;
   NumericVector r;
   IntegerMatrix out(nr,nsim);
   std::fill( out.begin(), out.end(), 1);
   for (int i = 0; i < nsim; ++i){
     for (int j = 0; j < nr-1; ++j){
       for (int k = j+1; k < nr; ++k){
         p = 1 / (pow(10,-(ratings[j] - ratings[k]) / 400) + 1);
         r = runif(1);
         if (r[0] <= p){
           out(k,i) += 1;
           out(j,i) += 1;
   return out;
Example #15
// **********************************************************//
//                    Cache time intervals                   //
// **********************************************************//
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List timefinder (NumericVector timestamps, IntegerVector edgetrim, double timeunit) {
    int D = timestamps.size();
    List out(D);
    for (int d = min(edgetrim)-1; d < D; d++) {
		double time0 = timestamps[d-1];
		double time1 = time0-24*timeunit;
		double time2 = time0-96*timeunit;
		double time3 = time0-384*timeunit;
		int id1 = which_num(time1, timestamps);
		int id2 = which_num(time2, timestamps);
		int id3 = which_num(time3, timestamps);
		arma::mat intervals(3, 2);
		intervals(0,0) = id1;
		intervals(0,1) = d;
		intervals(1,0) = id2;
		intervals(1,1) = id1-1;
		intervals(2,0) = id3;
		intervals(2,1) = id2-1;
		out[d] = intervals;		
    return out;
Example #16
void project_biomass(adouble* B, NumericVector C, double p, adouble r, adouble k, double extinct_val)
  int yr;
	// Timing is wrong - biomass has one more year than catch
  for (yr = 1; yr<C.size(); yr++)
    B[yr] = B[yr-1] + (r / p) * B[yr-1] * (1 - pow((B[yr-1] / k),p)) - C(yr-1);
		// check if population has collapsed
    B[yr] = fmax(B[yr],extinct_val);
  for (yr = 0; yr<C.size(); yr++)
//		Rprintf("yr %i\n", yr);
//		Rprintf("C[yr] %f\n", C(yr));
//		Rprintf("B[yr] %f\n", B[yr].getValue());
    B[yr+1] = B[yr] + (r / p) * B[yr] * (1 - pow((B[yr] / k),p)) - C(yr);
		// check if population has collapsed
    B[yr+1] = fmax(B[yr+1],extinct_val);
Example #17
// The matrix A in the equation Ax=b for 1 haploid and 1 diploid chromosome
// @param pop_allele_freqs A numeric vector of population allele frequencies for each SNP
// @param genotypes An integer matrix of genotype calls for a pair of isolates. Each coloumn represents and isolate and each row represents a SNP.
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix AmatrixHD(NumericVector pop_allele_freqs,IntegerMatrix genotypes){
  NumericMatrix A(2,2);
  int number_snps = pop_allele_freqs.size();
  double i0_z0 = 0, i0_z1 = 0, i1_z0 = 0, i1_z1 = 0;
  double p, q;

  for(int i = 0; i < number_snps; ++i){
    if(genotypes(i,0) != -1 && genotypes(i,1) != -1){
      p = pop_allele_freqs[i];
      q = 1 - p;
      i0_z0 += pow(p,2)*q + p*pow(q,2);
      i1_z0 += pow(p,3) + pow(q,3) + 2*pow(p,2)*q + 2*p*pow(q,2);
      i1_z1 += 1;
  A(0,0) = i0_z0;
  A(0,1) = i1_z0;
  A(1,0) = i0_z1;
  A(1,1) = i1_z1;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cpp_rhcauchy(
    const int& n,
    const NumericVector& sigma
  ) {
  if (sigma.length() < 1) {
    Rcpp::warning("NAs produced");
    return NumericVector(n, NA_REAL);
  NumericVector x(n);
  bool throw_warning = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    x[i] = rng_hcauchy(GETV(sigma, i), throw_warning);
  if (throw_warning)
    Rcpp::warning("NAs produced");
  return x;
Example #19
// logarithm of each value of a vector
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector LogVecC(const NumericVector & x) {

    int xsize = x.size();

    NumericVector out(xsize);

    if( is_true( any(x  < 0.0) ) ) {

        Rcpp::Rcout << "LogVecC: the values must be positive" << std::endl;
        return out;


    for (int i = 0; i < xsize; i++) {

        out[i] = log(x[i]);


    return out;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cpp_rbern(
    const int& n,
    const NumericVector& prob
  ) {
  if (prob.length() < 1) {
    Rcpp::warning("NAs produced");
    return NumericVector(n, NA_REAL);
  NumericVector x(n);
  bool throw_warning = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    x[i] = rng_bernoulli(GETV(prob, i), throw_warning);
  if (throw_warning)
    Rcpp::warning("NAs produced");
  return x;
// Function to update district populations
NumericVector update_distpop(NumericVector prop_partition,
			     NumericVector unitpop_vec, 
			     int prop_cd,
			     int curr_cd,
			     NumericVector distpop_vec)

  /* Inputs to function:
     prop_partition: Proposed partition to be swapped

     unitpop_vec: population vector for units

     prop_cd: proposed cong district for prop_partition

     curr_cd: old cong district for prop_partition

     distpop_vec: Vector of cong district populations

  // Clone distpop_vec
  NumericVector distpop_vec_clone = clone(distpop_vec);
  // Current population, proposed district population
  int currpop = distpop_vec_clone(curr_cd);
  int proppop = distpop_vec_clone(prop_cd);

  // Loop through prop_partition
  for(int i = 0; i < prop_partition.size(); i++){
    currpop -= unitpop_vec(prop_partition(i));
    proppop += unitpop_vec(prop_partition(i));

  // Put back in distpop_vec
  distpop_vec_clone(curr_cd) = currpop;
  distpop_vec_clone(prop_cd) = proppop;

  return distpop_vec_clone;

Example #22
void P_dich(vector<double> &P, const vector<double> &par, const NumericMatrix &Theta,
    const NumericVector &ot, const int &N, const int &nfact)
    const int len = par.size();
    const double utmp = par[len-1];
    const double gtmp = par[len-2];
    const double g = antilogit(&gtmp);
    const double u = antilogit(&utmp);
    const double d = par[len-3];
    const int USEOT = ot.size() > 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i){
        double z = d;
        for (int j = 0; j < nfact; ++j)
            z += par[j] * Theta(i,j);
        if(USEOT) z += ot[i];
        if(z > ABS_MAX_Z) z = ABS_MAX_Z;
        else if(z < -ABS_MAX_Z) z = -ABS_MAX_Z;
        P[i+N] = g + (u - g) /(1.0 + exp(-z));
        P[i] = 1.0 - P[i + N];
Example #23
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector singleWishart_raw(NumericVector x, int n_min, int n_max, bool mp) {
    int n = x.size();
    NumericVector result(n);
    if (mp) {
        mp_float constant = singleWishart_constMP(n_min, n_max);
        mp_float value, xx;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            xx = mp_float(x[i]);
            value = constant * singleWishart_pfaffian(xx, n_min, n_max);
            result[i] = value.convert_to<double>();
    } else {
        double constant = singleWishart_constDP(n_min, n_max);
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            result[i] = constant * singleWishart_pfaffian(x[i], n_min, n_max);

    return result;
Example #24
NumericVector _expectedTimeDifference(const NumericVector &O_vec,  double time, const NumericVector &lambda,  const NumericVector &topo_path, 
                                  const vector< vector<int> > &parents, int nrOfSamples, double lambda_s, bool sampling_time_available) {
  int p = lambda.length();

  double proposal_density, org_density;
  NumericMatrix timeSamples(nrOfSamples, p); 
  NumericVector importanceWeights(nrOfSamples);
  for(int i = 0; i < nrOfSamples; i++) {
    timeSamples(i, _) = drawHiddenVarsSample(O_vec , time, lambda, topo_path, parents, proposal_density, lambda_s, sampling_time_available);  
    org_density = log_cbn_density_(timeSamples(i, _), lambda);
    importanceWeights[i] = exp(org_density - proposal_density);
  if(sum(importanceWeights) == 0) { // just for rare cases in the first iterations of the MC-EM
    importanceWeights = rep(1.0/nrOfSamples, nrOfSamples);
  } else {
    importanceWeights = importanceWeights / sum(importanceWeights);  
  /*  cout<<"weights:";
   for(int i = 0 ; i < weights.length(); i++) {
   cout<< weights[i] << "   ";
   for(int i = 0 ; i < O_vec.length(); i++) {
   cout<< O_vec[i] << "   ";
   cout<<endl; */
  NumericVector timeDifference(p);
  for(int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
    timeDifference[i] = sum(timeSamples(_, i) * importanceWeights);
Example #25
void AssembleOptimization::inequality_constraints (const NumericVector<Number> & X,
                                                   NumericVector<Number> & C_ineq,
                                                   OptimizationSystem & /*sys*/)

  UniquePtr<NumericVector<Number> > X_localized =
  X_localized->init(X.size(), false, SERIAL);

  std::vector<Number> constraint_values(1);
  constraint_values[0] = (*X_localized)(200)*(*X_localized)(200) + (*X_localized)(201) - 5.;

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<constraint_values.size(); i++)
      if ((C_ineq.first_local_index() <= i) && (i < C_ineq.last_local_index()))
        C_ineq.set(i, constraint_values[i]);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cpp_dbbinom(
    const NumericVector& x,
    const NumericVector& size,
    const NumericVector& alpha,
    const NumericVector& beta,
    const bool& log_prob = false
  ) {
  if (std::min({x.length(), size.length(),
                alpha.length(), beta.length()}) < 1) {
    return NumericVector(0);

  int Nmax = std::max({
  NumericVector p(Nmax);
  bool throw_warning = false;

  for (int i = 0; i < Nmax; i++)
    p[i] = logpmf_bbinom(GETV(x, i), GETV(size, i),
                         GETV(alpha, i), GETV(beta, i),

  if (!log_prob)
    p = Rcpp::exp(p);
  if (throw_warning)
    Rcpp::warning("NaNs produced");

  return p;
Example #27
// [[Rcpp::export]]
IntegerVector findNN_(const NumericVector &q, const NumericVector & vec, bool check = false){
  IntegerVector NN(q.size(), -1);
  int n = vec.size();
  if (check){
    if (!std::is_sorted(vec.begin(), vec.end())){
      // std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
      return (NN);
  size_t dist;
  double d;
  for(int i = 0; i < q.size(); i++) {
    dist = std::distance (vec.begin(), std::lower_bound(vec.begin(), vec.end(), q[i]));
    NN[i] = dist;
    if (dist > 0){
      d = std::fabs(q[i] - vec[dist - 1]);
      if (dist <  n){
        if (d < std::fabs(q[i] - vec[dist]))
          NN[i] = dist - 1;
      }else if (NN[i] >= n){
  std::for_each(NN.begin(), NN.end(), [&](int &c){c++;});
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cpp_dlst(
    const NumericVector& x,
    const NumericVector& nu,
    const NumericVector& mu,
    const NumericVector& sigma,
    const bool& log_prob = false
  ) {
  if (std::min({x.length(), nu.length(),
                mu.length(), sigma.length()}) < 1) {
    return NumericVector(0);
  int Nmax = std::max({
  NumericVector p(Nmax);
  bool throw_warning = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < Nmax; i++)
    p[i] = pdf_lst(GETV(x, i), GETV(nu, i),
                   GETV(mu, i), GETV(sigma, i),
  if (log_prob)
    p = Rcpp::log(p);
  if (throw_warning)
    Rcpp::warning("NaNs produced");
  return p;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cpp_dprop(
    const NumericVector& x,
    const NumericVector& size,
    const NumericVector& mean,
    const NumericVector& prior,
    const bool& log_prob = false
  ) {
  if (std::min({x.length(), size.length(),
                mean.length(), prior.length()}) < 1) {
    return NumericVector(0);
  int Nmax = std::max({
  NumericVector p(Nmax);
  bool throw_warning = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < Nmax; i++)
    p[i] = pdf_prop(GETV(x, i), GETV(size, i),
                    GETV(mean, i), GETV(prior, i),
  if (log_prob)
    p = Rcpp::log(p);
  if (throw_warning)
    Rcpp::warning("NaNs produced");

  return p;
Example #30
void AssembleOptimization::equality_constraints (const NumericVector<Number> & X,
                                                 NumericVector<Number> & C_eq,
                                                 OptimizationSystem & /*sys*/)

  std::unique_ptr<NumericVector<Number>> X_localized =
  X_localized->init(X.size(), false, SERIAL);

  std::vector<Number> constraint_values(3);
  constraint_values[0] = (*X_localized)(17);
  constraint_values[1] = (*X_localized)(23);
  constraint_values[2] = (*X_localized)(98) + (*X_localized)(185);

  for (std::size_t i=0; i<constraint_values.size(); i++)
    if ((C_eq.first_local_index() <= i) &&
        (i < C_eq.last_local_index()))
      C_eq.set(i, constraint_values[i]);