Example #1
// A segfault was occuring when a Universal SMILES was output after an InChIfied SMILES.
// This was due to short-circuit caching of InChIs on reading. The fix was to limit
// the situations when the cached value was used, but also to delete the cached value
// in this particular instance.
void test_Issue135_UniversalSmiles()
  // Test writing U smiles after I smiles
  OBConversion conv;
  OBMol mol;
  conv.ReadString(&mol, "C(=O)([O-])C(=O)O");
  conv.SetOptions("I", OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS);
  std::string res = conv.WriteString(&mol, true);
  OB_COMPARE(res, "C(=O)(C(=O)O)[O-]");
  conv.SetOptions("U", OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS);
  res = conv.WriteString(&mol, true);
  OB_COMPARE(res, "C(=O)(C(=O)[O-])O");