ObjId OneToOneDataIndexMsg::findOtherEnd( ObjId f ) const
	if ( f.element() == e1() )
		return ObjId( e2()->id(), f.dataIndex );
	else if ( f.element() == e2() )
		return ObjId( e1()->id(), f.dataIndex );

	return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );
Example #2
void EndoMesh::setSurround( const Eref& e, ObjId v )
	if ( !v.element()->cinfo()->isA( "ChemCompt" ) ) {
		cout << "Warning: 'surround' may only be set to an object of class 'ChemCompt'\n";
		cout << v.path() << " is of class " << v.element()->cinfo()->name() << endl;
	surround_ = v;
	parent_ = reinterpret_cast< const MeshCompt* >( v.data() );
ObjId OneToAllMsg::findOtherEnd( ObjId f ) const
	if ( f.element() == e1() ) {
		if ( f.dataIndex == i1_ )
			return ObjId( e2()->id(), 0 );
	} else if ( f.element() == e2() ) {
		return ObjId( e1()->id(), i1_ );
	return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );
Example #4
   Populates the vector of event data buffers (vectors), vector of
   event source objects, vector of event source fields and the vector
   of event datasets by querying the messages on InputVariables.
void NSDFWriter::openEventData(const Eref &eref)
    if (filehandle_ <= 0){
    for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < eventInputs_.size(); ++ii){
        stringstream path;
        path << eref.objId().path() << "/" << "eventInput[" << ii << "]";
        ObjId inputObj = ObjId(path.str());
        Element * el = inputObj.element();
        const DestFinfo * dest = static_cast<const DestFinfo*>(el->cinfo()->findFinfo("input"));
        vector < ObjId > src;
        vector < string > srcFields;
        el->getMsgSourceAndSender(dest->getFid(), src, srcFields);
        if (src.size() > 1){
            cerr << "NSDFWriter::openEventData - only one source can be connected to an eventInput" <<endl;
        } else if (src.size() == 1){
            stringstream path;
            path << src[0].path() << "." << srcFields[0];
            hid_t dataSet = getEventDataset(src[0].path(), srcFields[0]);
        } else {
            cerr <<"NSDFWriter::openEventData - cannot handle multiple connections at single input." <<endl;
Example #5
void Shell::doMove( Id orig, ObjId newParent )
	if ( orig == Id() ) {
		cout << "Error: Shell::doMove: Cannot move root Element\n";

	if ( newParent.element() == 0 ) {
		cout << "Error: Shell::doMove: Cannot move object to null parent \n";
	if ( Neutral::isDescendant( newParent, orig ) ) {
		cout << "Error: Shell::doMove: Cannot move object to descendant in tree\n";
	const string& name = orig.element()->getName();
	if ( Neutral::child( newParent.eref(), name ) != Id() ) {
			stringstream ss;
			ss << "Shell::doMove: Object with same name already present: '"
			   	<< newParent.path() << "/" << name << "'. Move failed.";
			warning( ss.str() );

	SetGet2< Id, ObjId >::set( ObjId(), "move", orig, newParent );
	// innerMove( orig, newParent );
Example #6
void Shell::recvGet( const Eref& e, const Qinfo* q, PrepackedBuffer pb )
	if ( myNode_ == 0 ) {
		if ( gettingVector_ ) {
			ObjId tgt = q->src();
			// unsigned int linearIndex = q->src().eref().index().value();
			unsigned int linearIndex = 
				tgt.element()->dataHandler()->linearIndex( tgt.dataId );
			if ( linearIndex >= getBuf_.size() ) {
				if ( linearIndex >= getBuf_.capacity() )
					getBuf_.reserve( linearIndex * 2 );
				getBuf_.resize( linearIndex + 1 );
			assert ( linearIndex < getBuf_.size() );
			double*& c = getBuf_[ linearIndex ];
			c = new double[ pb.dataSize() ];
			memcpy( c, pb.data(), pb.dataSize() * sizeof( double ) );
			// cout << myNode_ << ":" << q->threadNum() << ": Shell::recvGet[" << linearIndex << "]= (" << pb.dataSize() << ", " <<  *c << ")\n";
		} else  {
			assert ( getBuf_.size() == 1 );
			double*& c = getBuf_[ 0 ];
			c = new double[ pb.dataSize() ];
			memcpy( c, pb.data(), pb.dataSize() * sizeof( double ) );
			handleAck( 0, OkStatus );
Example #7
// Utility function: return the compartment in which the specified
// object is located.
// Simply traverses the tree toward the root till it finds a
// compartment. Pools use a special msg, but this works for reacs too.
ObjId getCompt( Id id )
	ObjId pa = Neutral::parent( id.eref() ).id;
	if ( pa == ObjId() )
		return pa;
	else if ( pa.element()->cinfo()->isA( "ChemCompt" ) )
		return pa;
	return getCompt( pa );
Example #8
/// non-static func. Returns the Id found by traversing the specified path.
ObjId Shell::doFind( const string& path ) const
	if ( path == "/" || path == "/root" )
		return ObjId();

	ObjId curr;
	vector< string > names;
	vector< unsigned int > indices;
	bool isAbsolute = chopPath( path, names, indices );
	assert( names.size() == indices.size() );

	if ( !isAbsolute )
		curr = cwe_;

	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i ) {
		if ( names[i] == "." ) {
		} else if ( names[i] == ".." ) {
			curr = Neutral::parent( curr.eref() );
		} else {
			ObjId pa = curr;
			curr = Neutral::child( curr.eref(), names[i] );
			if ( curr == ObjId() ) // Neutral::child returned Id(), ie, bad.
				return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );
			if ( curr.element()->hasFields() ) {
				curr.dataIndex = pa.dataIndex;
				curr.fieldIndex = indices[i];
			} else {
				curr.dataIndex = indices[i];
				if ( curr.element()->numData() <= curr.dataIndex  )
					return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );
	assert( curr.element() );
	if ( curr.element()->numData() <= curr.dataIndex )
		return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );
	if ( curr.fieldIndex > 0 && !curr.element()->hasFields() )
		return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );

	return curr;
Example #9
ObjId SparseMsg::findOtherEnd( ObjId f ) const
	if ( f.element() == e1() ) {
		const unsigned int* entry;
		const unsigned int* colIndex;
		unsigned int num = matrix_.getRow( f.dataIndex, &entry, &colIndex );
		if ( num > 0 ) { // Return the first matching entry.
			return ObjId( e2()->id(), colIndex[0] );
		return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );
	} else if ( f.element() == e2() ) { // Bad! Slow! Avoid!
		vector< unsigned int > entry;
		vector< unsigned int > rowIndex;
		unsigned int num = matrix_.getColumn( f.dataIndex, entry, rowIndex );
		if ( num > 0 ) { // Return the first matching entry.
				return ObjId( e1()->id(), DataId( rowIndex[0] ) );
	return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );
Example #10
bool Shell::innerMove( Id orig, ObjId newParent )
	static const Finfo* pf = Neutral::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "parentMsg" );
	static const DestFinfo* pf2 = dynamic_cast< const DestFinfo* >( pf );
	static const FuncId pafid = pf2->getFid();
	static const Finfo* f1 = Neutral::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "childOut" );

	assert( !( orig == Id() ) );
	assert( !( newParent.element() == 0 ) );

	ObjId mid = orig.element()->findCaller( pafid );
	Msg::deleteMsg( mid );

	Msg* m = new OneToAllMsg( newParent.eref(), orig.element(), 0 );
	assert( m );
	if ( !f1->addMsg( pf, m->mid(), newParent.element() ) ) {
		cout << "move: Error: unable to add parent->child msg from " <<
			newParent.element()->getName() << " to " << 
			orig.element()->getName() << "\n";
		return 0;
	return 1;
Example #11
 * Static utility function. Attaches child element to parent element.
 * Must only be called from functions executing in parallel on all nodes,
 * as it does a local message addition
 * MsgIndex is needed to be sure that the same msg identifies parent-child
 * connection on all nodes.
bool Shell::adopt( ObjId parent, Id child, unsigned int msgIndex ) {
	static const Finfo* pf = Neutral::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "parentMsg" );
	// static const DestFinfo* pf2 = dynamic_cast< const DestFinfo* >( pf );
	// static const FuncId pafid = pf2->getFid();
	static const Finfo* f1 = Neutral::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "childOut" );

	assert( !( child.element() == 0 ) );
	assert( !( child == Id() ) );
	assert( !( parent.element() == 0 ) );

	Msg* m = new OneToAllMsg( parent.eref(), child.element(), msgIndex );
	assert( m );

	// cout << myNode_ << ", Shell::adopt: mid = " << m->mid() << ", pa =" << parent << "." << parent()->getName() << ", kid=" << child << "." << child()->getName() << "\n";

	if ( !f1->addMsg( pf, m->mid(), parent.element() ) ) {
		cout << "move: Error: unable to add parent->child msg from " <<
			parent.element()->getName() << " to " << 
			child.element()->getName() << "\n";
		return 0;
	return 1;
Example #12
ObjId Neutral::parent( ObjId oid )
	static const Finfo* pf = neutralCinfo->findFinfo( "parentMsg" );
	static const DestFinfo* pf2 = dynamic_cast< const DestFinfo* >( pf );
	static const FuncId pafid = pf2->getFid();

	if ( oid.id == Id() ) {
		cout << "Warning: Neutral::parent: tried to take parent of root\n";
		return Id();

	ObjId mid = oid.element()->findCaller( pafid );
	assert( mid != ObjId() );

	ObjId pa = Msg::getMsg( mid )->findOtherEnd( oid );
	return pa;
Example #13
 * This is the version used by the parser. Acts as a blocking,
 * serial-like interface to a potentially multithread, multinode call.
 * Returns the new Id index upon success, otherwise returns Id().
 * The data of the new Element is not necessarily allocated at this point,
 * that can be deferred till the global Instantiate or Reset calls.
 * Idea is that the model should be fully defined before load balancing.
Id Shell::doCreate( string type, ObjId parent, string name, 
				unsigned int numData, 
				NodePolicy nodePolicy,
				unsigned int preferredNode )
    clock_t t = clock();
	const Cinfo* c = Cinfo::find( type );
	if ( !isNameValid( name ) ) {
		stringstream ss;
		ss << "Shell::doCreate: bad character in name'" << name << 
				"'. No Element created";
		warning( ss.str() );
		return Id();

	if ( c ) {
		if ( c->banCreation() ) {
			stringstream ss;
			ss << "Shell::doCreate: Cannot create an object of class '" <<
				type << "' because it is an abstract base class or a FieldElement.\n";
			warning( ss.str() );
			return Id();
		Element* pa = parent.element();
		if ( !pa ) {
			stringstream ss;
			ss << "Shell::doCreate: Parent Element'" << parent << "' not found. No Element created";
			warning( ss.str() );
			return Id();
		if ( Neutral::child( parent.eref(), name ) != Id() ) {
			stringstream ss;
			ss << "Shell::doCreate: Object with same name already present: '"
				   	<< parent.path() << "/" << name << "'. No Element created";
			warning( ss.str() );
			return Id();
		// Get the new Id ahead of time and pass to all nodes.
		Id ret = Id::nextId();
		NodeBalance nb( numData, nodePolicy, preferredNode );
		// Get the parent MsgIndex ahead of time and pass to all nodes.
		unsigned int parentMsgIndex = OneToAllMsg::numMsg();

		SetGet6< string, ObjId, Id, string, NodeBalance, unsigned int >::set(
			ObjId(), // Apply command to Shell
			"create",	// Function to call.
			type, 		// class of new object
			parent,		// Parent
			ret,		// id of new object
			name,		// name of new object
			nb,			// Node balance configuration
			parentMsgIndex	// Message index of child-parent msg.
		// innerCreate( type, parent, ret, name, numData, isGlobal );

        logger.creationTime.push_back((float(clock() - t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC));

		return ret;
	} else {
		stringstream ss;
		ss << "Shell::doCreate: Class '" << type << "' not known. No Element created";
		warning( ss.str() );

        logger.creationTime.push_back((float(clock() - t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC));
	return Id();