float plMaxNodeBase::RegionPriority()
    TimeValue currTime = 0;//hsConverterUtils::Instance().GetTime(GetInterface());
    Object *obj = EvalWorldState(currTime).obj;
    if( !obj )
        return 0;

    Matrix3 l2w = GetObjectTM(currTime);

    if( obj->ClassID() == Class_ID(DUMMY_CLASS_ID,0) )
        DummyObject* dummy = (DummyObject*)obj;
        Box3 bnd = dummy->GetBox();

        return BoxVolume(bnd, l2w);

    if( obj->CanConvertToType(triObjectClassID) )
        TriObject   *meshObj = (TriObject *)obj->ConvertToType(currTime, triObjectClassID);
        if( !meshObj )
            return 0;

        Mesh& mesh = meshObj->mesh;
        Box3 bnd = mesh.getBoundingBox();
        if( meshObj != obj )

        return BoxVolume(bnd, l2w);

    // Don't know how to interpret other, it's not contained.
    return 0;
TriObject *SceneBuilder::GetTriObject(INode* maxNode, bool *needDel)
	// 确定Max的节点是否有Mesh物体。
	// pkNode:
	//		要检测的节点。
	// pbNeedDel:
	//		true,在使用完之后,调用者需要删除返回的TriObject*;false,不需要。
	// 返回mesh物体指针,如果没有与节点相关的mesh,返回0。

	Object *obj = maxNode->EvalWorldState(mTimeStart).obj;
	if (!obj)
		return 0;

	if (!obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)))
		return 0;

	TriObject *triObject = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(mTimeStart,

	if (triObject == 0)
		return 0;
	*needDel = (triObject!=obj ? true : false);

	return triObject;
static Mesh* ExtractMesh(INode* pNode, TriObject** ppDeleteMe)
    Object *obj = pNode->EvalWorldState(0).obj;
    Mesh *pRetMesh = nil;

    if( obj ) {

        if( obj->CanConvertToType(triObjectClassID) ) {

            // Convert to triangle object
            TriObject *tri = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(0, triObjectClassID);

            if (tri != obj) *ppDeleteMe = tri;  // if Convert allocated, pass back so caller can delete.

            if( tri ) {
                Mesh *pTMesh = &tri->mesh;

                if( pTMesh->getNumFaces() ) {
                    pRetMesh = pTMesh;
    return pRetMesh;
Example #4
TriObject* MaxExportPlugin::GetTriObjFromNode(INode* node, BOOL &deleteIt)
	if (node->IsObjectHidden())
		return 0;
	deleteIt = FALSE;
	Object *obj;
	//obj = node->GetObjectRef();
	obj = node->EvalWorldState(IP->GetTime()).obj;

	if (obj->ClassID() == BONE_OBJ_CLASSID)
		return 0;
	//file << "OBJCLASS: " << std::to_wstring(obj->ClassID().PartA()) << " " << std::to_wstring(obj->ClassID().PartB()) << "\n";

	if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)))
		TriObject *tri = (TriObject *)obj->ConvertToType(IP->GetTime(),
			Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));

		// Note that the TriObject should only be deleted
		// if the pointer to it is not equal to the object
		// pointer that called ConvertToType()
		if (obj != tri) deleteIt = TRUE;
		return tri;
		return NULL;
Mesh* SGP_MaxInterface::GetMesh( INode* pNode )
	if( !IsMesh( pNode ) )
		return NULL;

	TimeValue time = 0;

	// get max mesh instance
	ObjectState os;
	os = pNode->EvalWorldState(time);

	Object* obj = os.obj;
	if( !os.obj )
		assert( false );
		return NULL;
	TriObject* triObj = (TriObject *)obj->ConvertToType( time, triObjectClassID );
	if( !triObj )
		assert( false );
		return NULL;

	Mesh* pMesh = &triObj->GetMesh();

	return pMesh;
hsBool plMaxNodeBase::Contains(const Point3& worldPt)
    TimeValue currTime = 0;//hsConverterUtils::Instance().GetTime(GetInterface());
    Object *obj = EvalWorldState(currTime).obj;
    if( !obj )
        return false;

    Matrix3 l2w = GetObjectTM(currTime);
    Matrix3 w2l = Inverse(l2w);
    Point3 pt = w2l * worldPt;

    if( obj->ClassID() == Class_ID(DUMMY_CLASS_ID,0) )
        DummyObject* dummy = (DummyObject*)obj;
        Box3 bnd = dummy->GetBox();
        return bnd.Contains(pt);
    if( obj->CanConvertToType(triObjectClassID) )
        TriObject   *meshObj = (TriObject *)obj->ConvertToType(currTime, triObjectClassID);
        if( !meshObj )
            return false;

        Mesh& mesh = meshObj->mesh;
        Box3 bnd = mesh.getBoundingBox();
        if( !bnd.Contains(pt) )
            if( meshObj != obj )
            return false;

        hsBool retVal = true;
        int i;
        for( i = 0; i < mesh.getNumFaces(); i++ )
            Face& face = mesh.faces[i];

            Point3 p0 = mesh.verts[face.v[0]];
            Point3 p1 = mesh.verts[face.v[1]];
            Point3 p2 = mesh.verts[face.v[2]];

            Point3 n = CrossProd(p1 - p0, p2 - p0);

            if( DotProd(pt, n) > DotProd(p0, n) )
                retVal = false;

        if( meshObj != obj )

        return retVal;

    // If we can't figure out what it is, the point isn't inside it.
    return false;
Example #7
int PhyExporter::callback(INode *node)
	switch (pass)
	case exportPass:
		if (node->Selected())
			Object* obj = node->EvalWorldState(0).obj;
			if (obj->SuperClassID() == GEOMOBJECT_CLASS_ID && obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)))
				TriObject *triObj = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(0, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
				Mesh* mesh = &triObj->mesh;
				int numFaces = mesh->numFaces;
				Face* faces = mesh->faces;
				Point3* verts = mesh->verts;
				Matrix3 worldMat = node->GetObjTMAfterWSM(0);

				indices.reserve(numFaces * 3);
				for (int faceIdx = 0; faceIdx < numFaces; faceIdx++)
					Face* face = &faces[faceIdx];
					for (int corner = 0; corner < 3; corner++)
						int vertIdx = face->v[corner];
						Point3 vert = verts[vertIdx] * worldMat;
						int i = 0;
						for (; i < numVertices; i++)
							if (vert != pos[i]) continue;

						if (i == numVertices)
							pos[i] = vert;

			return TREE_CONTINUE;

Example #8
// Return a pointer to a TriObject given an INode or return NULL
// if the node cannot be converted to a TriObject
TriObject *GetTriObjectFromNode(INode *node, int &deleteIt)
    deleteIt = FALSE;
    Object *obj = node->EvalWorldState(0).obj;
    if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)))
        TriObject *tri = (TriObject *) obj->ConvertToType(0, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
        // Note that the TriObject should only be deleted
        // if the pointer to it is not equal to the object
        // pointer that called ConvertToType()
        if (obj != tri) deleteIt = TRUE;
        return tri;
    else return NULL;
TriObject* Building_collision_exp::GetTriObjectFromNode(INode *node, TimeValue t, BOOL &deleteIt)
    deleteIt = FALSE;
    Object *obj = node->EvalWorldState(t).obj;

    if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)))
        TriObject *tri = (TriObject *) obj->ConvertToType(t, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));

        if (obj != tri)
            deleteIt = TRUE;

        return tri;
        return NULL;
Example #10
BOOL plDistributor::IGetMesh(INode* node, TriObject*& objToDelete, Mesh*& retMesh) const
    if( objToDelete )

    retMesh = nil;
    objToDelete = nil;

    // Get da object
    Object *obj = node->EvalWorldState(TimeValue(0)).obj;
    if( !obj )
        return false;

    if( !obj->CanConvertToType( triObjectClassID ) )
        return false;

    // Convert to triMesh object
    TriObject   *meshObj = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(TimeValue(0), triObjectClassID);
    if( !meshObj )
        return false;

    if( meshObj != obj )
        objToDelete = meshObj;

    // Get the mesh
    Mesh* mesh = &(meshObj->mesh);
    if( !mesh->getNumFaces() )
        if( objToDelete )
        objToDelete = nil;
        return false;

    retMesh = mesh;
    return true;
Example #11
TriObject* GetTriObjectFromNode(INode *Node, TimeValue T, bool &Delete) 
	Delete		= false;
	Object *Obj = Node->EvalWorldState(T).obj;

	if(Obj && Obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID,0))) 
		TriObject *Tri = (TriObject *)Obj->ConvertToType(T,Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID,0));

		if(Obj != Tri) 
			Delete = true;


// Methods for CollectModelTEP
int CollectModelTEP::callback(INode *pnode)
	if (::FNodeMarkedToSkip(pnode))

	if ( !pnode->Selected())

	// clear physique export parameters
	m_mcExport = NULL;
	m_phyExport = NULL;
    m_phyMod = NULL;
    m_bonesProMod = NULL;

	ASSERT_MBOX(!(pnode)->IsRootNode(), "Encountered a root node!");

	int iNode = ::GetIndexOfINode(pnode);
	TSTR strNodeName(pnode->GetName());
	// The Footsteps node apparently MUST have a dummy mesh attached!  Ignore it explicitly.
	if (FStrEq((char*)strNodeName, "Bip01 Footsteps"))

	// Helper nodes don't have meshes
	Object *pobj = pnode->GetObjectRef();
	if (pobj->SuperClassID() == HELPER_CLASS_ID)

	// Get Node's object, convert to a triangle-mesh object, so I can access the Faces
	ObjectState os = pnode->EvalWorldState(m_tvToDump);
	pobj = os.obj;

	// Shouldn't have gotten this far if it's a helper object
	if (pobj->SuperClassID() == HELPER_CLASS_ID)
		sprintf(st_szDBG, "ERROR--Helper node %s has an attached mesh, and it shouldn't.", (char*)strNodeName);

	// convert mesh to triobject
	if (!pobj->CanConvertToType(triObjectClassID))
	TriObject *ptriobj = (TriObject*)pobj->ConvertToType(m_tvToDump, triObjectClassID);

	if (ptriobj == NULL)

	Mesh *pmesh = &ptriobj->mesh;

	// We want the vertex coordinates in World-space, not object-space
	Matrix3 mat3ObjectTM = pnode->GetObjectTM(m_tvToDump);

	// initialize physique export parameters
    m_phyMod = FindPhysiqueModifier(pnode);
    if (m_phyMod)
		// Physique Modifier exists for given Node
	    m_phyExport = (IPhysiqueExport *)m_phyMod->GetInterface(I_PHYINTERFACE);

        if (m_phyExport)
            // create a ModContext Export Interface for the specific node of the Physique Modifier
           m_mcExport = (IPhyContextExport *)m_phyExport->GetContextInterface(pnode);

		   if (m_mcExport)
		       // convert all vertices to Rigid 

	// initialize bones pro export parameters
	m_wa  = NULL;
	m_bonesProMod = FindBonesProModifier(pnode);
	if (m_bonesProMod)
		m_bonesProMod->SetProperty( BP_PROPID_GET_WEIGHTS, &m_wa );

	int cVerts = pmesh->getNumVerts();

	// Dump the triangle face info
	int cFaces = pmesh->getNumFaces();

	int *iUsed = new int[cVerts];

	for (int iVert = 0; iVert < cVerts; iVert++)
		iUsed[iVert] = 0;

	for (int iFace = 0; iFace < cFaces; iFace++)
		if (pmesh->faces[iFace].flags & HAS_TVERTS)
			iUsed[pmesh->faces[iFace].getVert(0)] = 1;
			iUsed[pmesh->faces[iFace].getVert(1)] = 1;
			iUsed[pmesh->faces[iFace].getVert(2)] = 1;

	for (iVert = 0; iVert < cVerts; iVert++)
		MaxVertWeight *pweight = m_phec->m_MaxVertex[m_phec->m_cMaxVertex] = new MaxVertWeight [m_phec->m_cMaxNode];

		Point3 pt3Vertex1 = pmesh->getVert(iVert);
		Point3 v1 = pt3Vertex1 * mat3ObjectTM;

		GetUnifiedCoord( v1, pweight, m_phec->m_MaxNode, m_phec->m_cMaxNode );

		if (CollectWeights( iVert, pweight ))

	// fflush( m_pfile );

Example #13
bool AlembicPoints::Save(double time, bool bLastFrame)

    // Note: Particles are always considered to be animated even though
    //       the node does not have the IsAnimated() flag.

    // Extract our particle emitter at the given time
    TimeValue ticks = GetTimeValueFromFrame(time);
    Object *obj = mMaxNode->EvalWorldState(ticks).obj;

	SaveMetaData(mMaxNode, this);

	SimpleParticle* pSimpleParticle = (SimpleParticle*)obj->GetInterface(I_SIMPLEPARTICLEOBJ);
	IPFSystem* ipfSystem = GetPFSystemInterface(obj);
	IParticleObjectExt* particlesExt = GetParticleObjectExtInterface(obj);
	ParticleMat* pThinkingParticleMat = NULL;
	TP_MasterSystemInterface* pTPMasterSystemInt = NULL;
		pThinkingParticleMat = reinterpret_cast<ParticleMat*>(obj->ConvertToType(ticks, MATTERWAVES_CLASS_ID));
		pTPMasterSystemInt = reinterpret_cast<TP_MasterSystemInterface*>(obj->GetInterface(IID_TP_MASTERSYSTEM));     


	const bool bAutomaticInstancing = GetCurrentJob()->GetOption("automaticInstancing");

		!pThinkingParticleMat && 
		!particlesExt && !pSimpleParticle){
		return false;

	//We have to put the particle system into the renders state so that PFOperatorMaterialFrequency::Proceed will set the materialID channel
	//Note: settting the render state to true breaks the shape node instancing export
	bool bRenderStateForced = false;
	if(bAutomaticInstancing && ipfSystem && !ipfSystem->IsRenderState()){
		bRenderStateForced = true;

	int numParticles = 0;
		numParticles = pThinkingParticleMat->NumParticles();	
		particlesExt->UpdateParticles(mMaxNode, ticks);
		numParticles = particlesExt->NumParticles();
	else if(pSimpleParticle){
		pSimpleParticle->Update(ticks, mMaxNode);
		numParticles = pSimpleParticle->parts.points.Count();

    // Store positions, velocity, width/size, scale, id, bounding box
    std::vector<Abc::V3f> positionVec;
    std::vector<Abc::V3f> velocityVec;
    std::vector<Abc::V3f> scaleVec;
    std::vector<float> widthVec;
    std::vector<float> ageVec;
    std::vector<float> massVec;
    std::vector<float> shapeTimeVec;
    std::vector<Abc::uint64_t> idVec;
    std::vector<Abc::uint16_t> shapeTypeVec;
    std::vector<Abc::uint16_t> shapeInstanceIDVec;
    std::vector<Abc::Quatf> orientationVec;
    std::vector<Abc::Quatf> angularVelocityVec;
    std::vector<Abc::C4f> colorVec;


    //std::vector<std::string> instanceNamesVec;
    Abc::Box3d bbox;
    bool constantPos = true;
    bool constantVel = true;
    bool constantScale = true;
    bool constantWidth = true;
    bool constantAge = true;
    bool constantOrientation = true;
    bool constantAngularVel = true;
	bool constantColor = true;


	//The MAX interfaces return everything in world coordinates,
	//so we need to multiply the inverse the node world transform matrix
    Matrix3 nodeWorldTM = mMaxNode->GetObjTMAfterWSM(ticks);
    // Convert the max transform to alembic
    Matrix3 alembicMatrix;
    ConvertMaxMatrixToAlembicMatrix(nodeWorldTM, alembicMatrix);
    Abc::M44d nodeWorldTrans(	alembicMatrix.GetRow(0).x,  alembicMatrix.GetRow(0).y,  alembicMatrix.GetRow(0).z,  0,
										alembicMatrix.GetRow(1).x,  alembicMatrix.GetRow(1).y,  alembicMatrix.GetRow(1).z,  0,
										alembicMatrix.GetRow(2).x,  alembicMatrix.GetRow(2).y,  alembicMatrix.GetRow(2).z,  0,
										alembicMatrix.GetRow(3).x,  alembicMatrix.GetRow(3).y,  alembicMatrix.GetRow(3).z,  1);
	Abc::M44d nodeWorldTransInv = nodeWorldTrans.inverse();

	//ESS_LOG_WARNING("tick: "<<ticks<<"   numParticles: "<<numParticles<<"\n");

	ExoNullView nullView;
	particleGroupInterface groupInterface(particlesExt, obj, mMaxNode, &nullView);

    ESS_PROFILE_SCOPE("AlembicPoints::SAVE - numParticlesLoop");

	for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i)
		Abc::V3f pos(0.0);
		Abc::V3f vel(0.0);
		Abc::V3f scale(1.0);
		Abc::C4f color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0);
		float age = 0;
		Abc::uint64_t id = 0;
	    Abc::Quatd orientation(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
		Abc::Quatd spin(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
		// Particle size is a uniform scale multiplier in XSI.  In Max, I need to learn where to get this 
		// For now, we'll just default to 1
		float width = 1.0f;

		ShapeType shapetype = ShapeType_Point;
		float shapeInstanceTime = (float)time;
		Abc::uint16_t shapeInstanceId = 0;


			if(pTPMasterSystemInt->IsAlive(i) == FALSE){

			//TimeValue ageValue = particlesExt->GetParticleAgeByIndex(i);
			TimeValue ageValue = pTPMasterSystemInt->Age(i);
			if(ageValue == -1){

            ESS_PROFILE_SCOPE("AlembicPoints::SAVE - numParticlesLoop - ThinkingParticles");
			age = (float)GetSecondsFromTimeValue(ageValue);

			//pos = ConvertMaxPointToAlembicPoint(*particlesExt->GetParticlePositionByIndex(i));
			pos = ConvertMaxPointToAlembicPoint(pTPMasterSystemInt->Position(i));
			//vel = ConvertMaxVectorToAlembicVector(*particlesExt->GetParticleSpeedByIndex(i) * TIME_TICKSPERSEC);
			vel = ConvertMaxVectorToAlembicVector(pTPMasterSystemInt->Velocity(i) * TIME_TICKSPERSEC);
			scale = ConvertMaxScaleToAlembicScale(pTPMasterSystemInt->Scale(i));
			scale *= pTPMasterSystemInt->Size(i);
			//ConvertMaxEulerXYZToAlembicQuat(*particlesExt->GetParticleOrientationByIndex(i), orientation);

			Matrix3 alignmentMatMax = pTPMasterSystemInt->Alignment(i);
			Abc::M44d alignmentMat;
			ConvertMaxMatrixToAlembicMatrix(alignmentMatMax, alignmentMat);
			/*alignmentMat = Abc::M44d( alignmentMatMax.GetRow(0).x,  alignmentMatMax.GetRow(0).y,  alignmentMatMax.GetRow(0).z,  0,
                                 alignmentMatMax.GetRow(1).x,  alignmentMatMax.GetRow(1).y,  alignmentMatMax.GetRow(1).z,  0,
                                 alignmentMatMax.GetRow(2).x,  alignmentMatMax.GetRow(2).y,  alignmentMatMax.GetRow(2).z,  0,
                                 alignmentMatMax.GetRow(3).x,  alignmentMatMax.GetRow(3).y,  alignmentMatMax.GetRow(3).z,  1);*/
			//orientation = ConvertMaxQuatToAlembicQuat(extracctuat(alignmentMat), true);

			alignmentMat = alignmentMat * nodeWorldTransInv;
			orientation = extractQuat(alignmentMat);

			//ConvertMaxAngAxisToAlembicQuat(*particlesExt->GetParticleSpinByIndex(i), spin);
			ConvertMaxAngAxisToAlembicQuat(pTPMasterSystemInt->Spin(i), spin);

			id = particlesExt->GetParticleBornIndex(i);

			//seems to always return 0
			//int nPid = pThinkingParticleMat->ParticleID(i);
			int nMatId = -1;
			Matrix3 meshTM;
			BOOL bNeedDelete = FALSE;
			BOOL bChanged = FALSE;
            Mesh* pMesh = NULL;
            ESS_PROFILE_SCOPE("AlembicPoints::SAVE - numParticlesLoop - ThinkingParticles - GetParticleRenderMesh");
			pMesh = pThinkingParticleMat->GetParticleRenderMesh(ticks, mMaxNode, nullView, bNeedDelete, i, meshTM, bChanged);

                ESS_PROFILE_SCOPE("AlembicPoints::SAVE - numParticlesLoop - ThinkingParticles - CacheShapeMesh");
            meshInfo mi = CacheShapeMesh(pMesh, bNeedDelete, meshTM, nMatId, i, ticks, shapetype, shapeInstanceId, shapeInstanceTime);
            Abc::V3d min = pos + mi.bbox.min;
            Abc::V3d max = pos + mi.bbox.max;
				shapetype = ShapeType_Point;
		if(particlesExt && ipfSystem){

			TimeValue ageValue = particlesExt->GetParticleAgeByIndex(i);
			if(ageValue == -1){
			age = (float)GetSecondsFromTimeValue(ageValue);

			pos = ConvertMaxPointToAlembicPoint(*particlesExt->GetParticlePositionByIndex(i));
			vel = ConvertMaxVectorToAlembicVector(*particlesExt->GetParticleSpeedByIndex(i) * TIME_TICKSPERSEC);
			scale = ConvertMaxScaleToAlembicScale(*particlesExt->GetParticleScaleXYZByIndex(i));
			ConvertMaxEulerXYZToAlembicQuat(*particlesExt->GetParticleOrientationByIndex(i), orientation);
			ConvertMaxAngAxisToAlembicQuat(*particlesExt->GetParticleSpinByIndex(i), spin);
			//age = (float)GetSecondsFromTimeValue(particlesExt->GetParticleAgeByIndex(i));
			id = particlesExt->GetParticleBornIndex(i);

				int nMatId = -1;
					if( groupInterface.setCurrentParticle(ticks, i) ){
						nMatId = groupInterface.getCurrentMtlId();
						ESS_LOG_WARNING("Error: cound retrieve material ID for particle mesh "<<i);

				Matrix3 meshTM;
				BOOL bNeedDelete = FALSE;
				BOOL bChanged = FALSE;
				Mesh* pMesh = pMesh = particlesExt->GetParticleShapeByIndex(i);

					meshInfo mi = CacheShapeMesh(pMesh, bNeedDelete, meshTM, nMatId, i, ticks, shapetype, shapeInstanceId, shapeInstanceTime);
               Abc::V3d min = pos + mi.bbox.min;
               Abc::V3d max = pos + mi.bbox.max;
					shapetype = ShapeType_Point;
				GetShapeType(particlesExt, i, ticks, shapetype, shapeInstanceId, shapeInstanceTime);
			color = GetColor(particlesExt, i, ticks);
		else if(pSimpleParticle){
			if( ! pSimpleParticle->parts.Alive( i ) ) {

			pos = ConvertMaxPointToAlembicPoint(pSimpleParticle->ParticlePosition(ticks, i));
			vel = ConvertMaxVectorToAlembicVector(pSimpleParticle->ParticleVelocity(ticks, i));
			//simple particles have no scale?
			//simple particles have no orientation?
			age = (float)GetSecondsFromTimeValue( pSimpleParticle->ParticleAge(ticks, i) );
			//simple particles have born index
			width = pSimpleParticle->ParticleSize(ticks, i);

         Abc::V3d min(pos.x - width/2, pos.y - width/2, pos.z - width/2);
         Abc::V3d max(pos.x + width/2, pos.y + width/2, pos.z + width/2);

        ESS_PROFILE_SCOPE("AlembicPoints::SAVE - numParticlesLoop - end loop save");

		//move everything from world space to local space
		pos = pos * nodeWorldTransInv;

		Abc::V4f vel4(vel.x, vel.y, vel.z, 0.0);
		vel4 = vel4 * nodeWorldTransInv;
		vel.setValue(vel4.x, vel4.y, vel4.z);

		//scale = scale * nodeWorldTransInv;
		//orientation = Abc::extractQuat(orientation.toMatrix44() * nodeWorldTransInv);
		//spin = Abc::extractQuat(spin.toMatrix44() * nodeWorldTransInv);

		bbox.extendBy( pos );

		positionVec.push_back( pos );
		velocityVec.push_back( vel );
		scaleVec.push_back( scale );
		widthVec.push_back( width );
		ageVec.push_back( age );
		idVec.push_back( id );
		orientationVec.push_back( orientation );
		angularVelocityVec.push_back( spin );

        shapeTypeVec.push_back( shapetype );
        shapeInstanceIDVec.push_back( shapeInstanceId );
        shapeTimeVec.push_back( shapeInstanceTime );
		colorVec.push_back( color );

		constantPos &= (pos == positionVec[0]);
		constantVel &= (vel == velocityVec[0]);
		constantScale &= (scale == scaleVec[0]);
		constantWidth &= (width == widthVec[0]);
		constantAge &= (age == ageVec[0]);
		constantOrientation &= (orientation == orientationVec[0]);
		constantAngularVel &= (spin == angularVelocityVec[0]);
		constantColor &= (color == colorVec[0]);

		// Set the archive bounding box
		// Positions for particles are already cnsider to be in world space
		if (mJob)



  //  if (numParticles > 1)
  //  {
  //     ESS_PROFILE_SCOPE("AlembicPoints::Save - vectorResize");
  //      if (constantPos)        { positionVec.resize(1); }
  //      if (constantVel)        { velocityVec.resize(1); }
  //      if (constantScale)      { scaleVec.resize(1); }
  //      if (constantWidth)      { widthVec.resize(1); }
  //      if (constantAge)        { ageVec.resize(1); }
  //      if (constantOrientation){ orientationVec.resize(1); }
  //      if (constantAngularVel) { angularVelocityVec.resize(1); }
		//if (constantColor)		{ colorVec.resize(1); }
  //  }

    ESS_PROFILE_SCOPE("AlembicPoints::Save - sample writing");
    // Store the information into our properties and points schema
    Abc::P3fArraySample positionSample( positionVec);
    Abc::P3fArraySample velocitySample(velocityVec);
    Abc::P3fArraySample scaleSample(scaleVec);
    Abc::FloatArraySample widthSample(widthVec);
    Abc::FloatArraySample ageSample(ageVec);
    Abc::FloatArraySample massSample(massVec);
    Abc::FloatArraySample shapeTimeSample(shapeTimeVec);
    Abc::UInt64ArraySample idSample(idVec);
    Abc::UInt16ArraySample shapeTypeSample(shapeTypeVec);
    Abc::UInt16ArraySample shapeInstanceIDSample(shapeInstanceIDVec);
    Abc::QuatfArraySample orientationSample(orientationVec);
    Abc::QuatfArraySample angularVelocitySample(angularVelocityVec);
    Abc::C4fArraySample colorSample(colorVec);  


    mPointsSample.setWidths(AbcG::OFloatGeomParam::Sample(widthSample, AbcG::kVertexScope));
	mPointsSchema.getChildBoundsProperty().set( bbox);






       ESS_PROFILE_SCOPE("AlembicParticles::Save - save instance names property");

       std::vector<std::string> instanceNames(mNumShapeMeshes);

       for(faceVertexHashToShapeMap::iterator it = mShapeMeshCache.begin(); it != mShapeMeshCache.end(); it++){
          std::stringstream pathStream;
          pathStream << "/" << it->second.name<< "/" << it->second.name <<"Shape";
          instanceNames[it->second.nMeshInstanceId] = pathStream.str();

	   //for some reason the .dims property is not written when there is exactly one entry if we don't push an empty string
	   //having an extra unreferenced entry seems to be harmless


    return true;
bool AlembicCamera::Save(double time, bool bLastFrame)
    TimeValue ticks = GetTimeValueFromFrame(time);

    Object *obj = mMaxNode->EvalWorldState(ticks).obj;
    if (mNumSamples == 0) {
        bForever = CheckIfObjIsValidForever(obj, ticks);
    else {
        bool bNewForever = CheckIfObjIsValidForever(obj, ticks);
        if (bForever && bNewForever != bForever) {
            ESS_LOG_INFO("bForever has changed");
    bForever = false;

    SaveMetaData(mMaxNode, this);

    // Set the xform sample
    Matrix3 wm = mMaxNode->GetObjTMAfterWSM(ticks);
    if (mJob) {
        Point3 worldMaxPoint = wm.GetTrans();
        Abc::V3f alembicWorldPoint = ConvertMaxPointToAlembicPoint(worldMaxPoint);

    // check if the camera is animated
    if (mNumSamples > 0) {
        if (bForever) {
            return true;

    // Return a pointer to a Camera given an INode or return false if the node
    // cannot be converted to a Camera

    CameraObject *cam = NULL;

    if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(SIMPLE_CAM_CLASS_ID, 0))) {
        cam = reinterpret_cast<CameraObject *>(
                  obj->ConvertToType(ticks, Class_ID(SIMPLE_CAM_CLASS_ID, 0)));
    else if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(LOOKAT_CAM_CLASS_ID, 0))) {
        cam = reinterpret_cast<CameraObject *>(
                  obj->ConvertToType(ticks, Class_ID(LOOKAT_CAM_CLASS_ID, 0)));
    else {
        return false;

    CameraState cs;
    Interval valid = FOREVER;
    cam->EvalCameraState(ticks, valid, &cs);
    float tDist = cam->GetTDist(ticks);
    float ratio = GetCOREInterface()->GetRendImageAspect();
    float aperatureWidth =
        GetCOREInterface()->GetRendApertureWidth();  // this may differ from the
    // imported value
    // unfortunately
    float focalLength =
        (float)((aperatureWidth / 2.0) /
                tan(cs.fov / 2.0));  // alembic wants this one in millimeters
    aperatureWidth /= 10.0f;         // convert to centimeters

    IMultiPassCameraEffect *pCameraEffect = cam->GetIMultiPassCameraEffect();

    Interval interval = FOREVER;

    BOOL bUseTargetDistance = FALSE;
    const int TARGET_DISTANCE = 0;
    pCameraEffect->GetParamBlockByID(0)->GetValue(TARGET_DISTANCE, ticks,
            bUseTargetDistance, interval);
    float fFocalDepth = 0.0f;
    const int FOCAL_DEPTH = 1;
    pCameraEffect->GetParamBlockByID(0)->GetValue(FOCAL_DEPTH, ticks, fFocalDepth,

    // store the camera data
    // mCameraSample.setLensSqueezeRatio(ratio);

    // should set to 1.0 according the article "Maya to Softimage: Camera
    // Interoperability"

    mCameraSample.setVerticalAperture(aperatureWidth / ratio);
    if (bUseTargetDistance) {
    else {

    // save the samples


    // Note that the CamObject should only be deleted if the pointer to it is not
    // equal to the object pointer that called ConvertToType()
    if (cam != NULL && obj != cam) {
        delete cam;
        cam = NULL;
        return false;

    return true;
Example #15
	// Load blend shape poses
	bool BlendShape::loadPoses(ParamList &params, std::vector<vertex> &vertices,long numVertices,long offset,long targetIndex)
		if (params.useSharedGeom)
			assert(targetIndex == 0);
			m_target = T_MESH;
			assert(offset == 0);
			poseGroup new_pg;
			m_target = T_SUBMESH;
			new_pg.targetIndex = targetIndex;
		poseGroup& pg = m_poseGroups.find(targetIndex)->second;

		if(m_pGameNode && m_pMorphR3)
            // Disable all skin Modifiers.
            std::vector<Modifier*> disabledSkinModifiers;
            IGameObject* pGameObject = m_pGameNode->GetIGameObject();
            if( pGameObject )
                int numModifiers = pGameObject->GetNumModifiers();
                for( int i = 0; i < numModifiers; ++i )
                    IGameModifier* pGameModifier = pGameObject->GetIGameModifier(i);
                    if( pGameModifier )
                        if( pGameModifier->IsSkin() )
                            Modifier* pModifier = pGameModifier->GetMaxModifier();
                            if( pModifier )
                                if( pModifier->IsEnabled() )

			// Get the original mesh from the IGameNode.  Not using IGame here
			// since MorphR3 doesn't allow for it.  Also we don't know if our vertices
			// are in object or world space, so we'll just calculate diffs directly from 
			// the Max meshes and modify the coordinate system manually.  
			// Obtained method of getting mesh from 3D Studio Max SDK Training session by
			// David Lanier.
 			bool DeleteObjectWhenDone;
			const ObjectState& objectState = m_pGameNode->GetMaxNode()->EvalWorldState(GetCOREInterface()->GetTime());
			Object *origMeshObj = objectState.obj;
			if (!origMeshObj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)))
				FxOgreMaxExporterLog( "Could not access original mesh for morph target comparison.");
				return false;

			// Calculate the DiffTM matrix.  This is the difference between the INode's world transform
			// which is used to calculate the morph verticies, and the IGameNode's world transform, which is used
			// to calculate the Ogre mesh's verticies.
			Matrix3 DiffTM = m_pGameNode->GetObjectTM(GetCOREInterface()->GetTime()).ExtractMatrix3();

			// The below code is not well tested as FaceFX needs content in the native coordinates.
			// I've seen the direction of the morph movement flipped on some content when in Y-up mode 
			// which sets the coordinate system to IGAME_OGL.
			// I can't get this to work on all the morph examples I have however.
			IGameConversionManager* pConversionManager = GetConversionManager();
			if(IGameConversionManager::IGAME_OGL == pConversionManager->GetCoordSystem())
				Matrix3 conv = Matrix3(Point3(1,0,0), Point3(0,0,1), Point3(0,-1,0), Point3(0,0,0));
				DiffTM = DiffTM * conv;

			TriObject *origMeshTriObj = (TriObject *) origMeshObj->ConvertToType(GetCOREInterface()->GetTime(), Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
			if (origMeshObj != origMeshTriObj) DeleteObjectWhenDone = true;
			Mesh& origMesh = origMeshTriObj->GetMesh();
			const int NumVerts = origMesh.getNumVerts();

			for( int i = 0; i < m_pMorphR3->chanBank.size() && i < MR3_NUM_CHANNELS; ++i )
				if( m_pMorphR3->chanBank[i].mActive )
					morphChannel* pMorphChannel = &m_pMorphR3->chanBank[i];	
					if( pMorphChannel )

						std::string posename = string_tools::string_cast<ogre_string_type>(pMorphChannel->mName.data());
						int numMorphVertices = pMorphChannel->mNumPoints;
						if( numMorphVertices != origMesh.getNumVerts() )
							MessageBox(GetCOREInterface()->GetMAXHWnd(), _T("Morph targets have failed to export becuase the morph vertex count did not match the base mesh.  Collapse the modifier stack prior to export, as smoothing is not supported with morph target export."), _T("Morph Target Export Failed."), MB_OK);
							return false;
							FxOgreMaxExporterLog( "Exporting Morph target: %s with %d vertices.\n", posename.c_str(), numMorphVertices);
							FxOgreMaxExporterLog( "Mesh has %d vertices.\n", numVertices);
							FxOgreMaxExporterLog( "%d total vertices.\n", vertices.size());
							assert(offset+numVertices <= vertices.size());
							// create a new pose
							pose p;
							p.poseTarget = m_target;
							p.index = targetIndex;
							p.blendShapeIndex = i;
							p.name = posename;
							p.pMChannel = pMorphChannel;

							size_t numPoints = pMorphChannel->mPoints.size();
							std::vector<Point3> vmPoints;
							for( size_t k = 0; k < numPoints; ++k )

							Box3 morphBoundingBox;
							// calculate vertex offsets
							for (int k=0; k<numVertices; k++)
								vertexOffset vo;
								assert ((offset+k)<vertices.size());

								vertex v = vertices[offset+k];
								assert(v.index < numMorphVertices);
								assert(v.index < origMesh.getNumVerts());

								Point3 meshVert = origMesh.getVert(v.index);
								Point3 morphVert = vmPoints[v.index];

								Point3 diff = morphVert - meshVert;

								// Transform our morph vertex movements by whatever
								// scaling/rotation is being done by IGame..
								Point3 ogreSpacediff = DiffTM.VectorTransform(diff);

								// Add this point to the bounding box
								morphBoundingBox += morphVert;

								vo.x = ogreSpacediff.x * params.lum;
								vo.y = ogreSpacediff.y * params.lum;
								vo.z = ogreSpacediff.z * params.lum;	

								vo.index = offset+k;
								if (fabs(vo.x) < PRECISION)
									vo.x = 0;
								if (fabs(vo.y) < PRECISION)
									vo.y = 0;
								if (fabs(vo.z) < PRECISION)
									vo.z = 0;
								if ((vo.x!=0) || (vo.y!=0) || (vo.z!=0))
							// add pose to pose list
							if (p.offsets.size() > 0)
							if (params.bsBB)
								// update bounding boxes of loaded submeshes
								for (int j=0; j<params.loadedSubmeshes.size(); j++)
									Point3 min = morphBoundingBox.Min() * params.lum;
									Point3 max = morphBoundingBox.Max() * params.lum;
									// Update coordinate system here.
									Point3 newMin, newMax;
									newMin.x = min.x;
									newMin.y = min.z;
									newMin.z = min.y;
									Box3 newBox(newMin, newMax);
									if (params.exportWorldCoords)
										newBox = newBox * m_pGameNode->GetWorldTM(GetCOREInterface()->GetTime()).ExtractMatrix3();
									params.loadedSubmeshes[j]->m_boundingBox += newBox;

            // Re-enable skin modifiers.
            for( int i = 0; i < disabledSkinModifiers.size(); ++i )
			// According to David Lanier, this should be deleted, but I get crashes when exporting blendShapes
			// without shared geometry when I use the object for the second time.  Perhaps it
			// can only be used/deleted once.  Even without shared geometry, I'll get a strange crash
			// a few seconds after successful export with this here.
//			if (DeleteObjectWhenDone)
//				origMeshTriObj->DeleteMe();
		return true;
int AlembicImport_Camera(const std::string& path, AbcG::IObject& iObj,
                         alembic_importoptions& options, INode** pMaxNode)
    const std::string& identifier = iObj.getFullName();

    if (!AbcG::ICamera::matches(iObj.getMetaData())) {
        return alembic_failure;
    AbcG::ICamera objCamera = AbcG::ICamera(iObj, Abc::kWrapExisting);
    if (!objCamera.valid()) {
        return alembic_failure;
    bool isConstant = objCamera.getSchema().isConstant();

    TimeValue zero(0);

    INode* pNode = *pMaxNode;
    CameraObject* pCameraObj = NULL;
    if (!pNode) {
        // Create the camera object and place it in the scene
        GenCamera* pGenCameraObj =
        if (pGenCameraObj == NULL) {
            return alembic_failure;

        IMultiPassCameraEffect* pCameraEffect =
        const int TARGET_DISTANCE = 0;
        pCameraEffect->GetParamBlockByID(0)->SetValue(TARGET_DISTANCE, zero, FALSE);

        pCameraObj = pGenCameraObj;

        Abc::IObject parent = iObj.getParent();
        std::string name = removeXfoSuffix(parent.getName().c_str());
        pNode = GET_MAX_INTERFACE()->CreateObjectNode(
                    pGenCameraObj, EC_UTF8_to_TCHAR(name.c_str()));
        if (pNode == NULL) {
            return alembic_failure;
        *pMaxNode = pNode;
    else {
        Object* obj = pNode->EvalWorldState(zero).obj;

        if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(SIMPLE_CAM_CLASS_ID, 0))) {
            pCameraObj = reinterpret_cast<CameraObject*>(
                             obj->ConvertToType(zero, Class_ID(SIMPLE_CAM_CLASS_ID, 0)));
        else if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(LOOKAT_CAM_CLASS_ID, 0))) {
            pCameraObj = reinterpret_cast<CameraObject*>(
                             obj->ConvertToType(zero, Class_ID(LOOKAT_CAM_CLASS_ID, 0)));
        else {
            return alembic_failure;

    // Fill in the mesh
    //   alembic_fillcamera_options dataFillOptions;
    //   dataFillOptions.pIObj = &iObj;
    //   dataFillOptions.pCameraObj = pCameraObj;
    //   dataFillOptions.dTicks =  GET_MAX_INTERFACE()->GetTime();
    // AlembicImport_FillInCamera(dataFillOptions);

    // printAnimatables(pCameraObj);

    Interval interval = FOREVER;

    AlembicFloatController* pControl = NULL;
        std::string prop("horizontalFOV");
        if (options.attachToExisting) {
            pControl = getController(pCameraObj, identifier, prop, 0, 0);
        if (pControl) {
                GetParamIdByName(pControl, 0, "path"), zero,
        else if (assignController(createFloatController(path, identifier, prop),
                                  pCameraObj, 0, 0) &&
                 !isConstant) {
            std::stringstream controllerName;
            controllerName << GET_MAXSCRIPT_NODE(pNode);
            controllerName << "mynode2113.FOV.controller.time";
            AlembicImport_ConnectTimeControl(controllerName.str().c_str(), options);
        std::string prop("FocusDistance");
        if (options.attachToExisting) {
            pControl = getController(pCameraObj, identifier, prop, 1, 0, 1);
        if (pControl) {
                GetParamIdByName(pControl, 0, "path"), zero,
        else if (assignController(createFloatController(path, identifier, prop),
                                  pCameraObj, 1, 0, 1) &&
                 !isConstant) {
            std::stringstream controllerName;
            controllerName << GET_MAXSCRIPT_NODE(pNode);
                    << "mynode2113.MultiPass_Effect.focalDepth.controller.time";
            AlembicImport_ConnectTimeControl(controllerName.str().c_str(), options);
        std::string prop("NearClippingPlane");
        if (options.attachToExisting) {
            pControl = getController(pCameraObj, identifier, prop, 0, 2);
        if (pControl) {
                GetParamIdByName(pControl, 0, "path"), zero,
        else if (assignController(createFloatController(path, identifier, prop),
                                  pCameraObj, 0, 2) &&
                 !isConstant) {
            std::stringstream controllerName;
            controllerName << GET_MAXSCRIPT_NODE(pNode);
            controllerName << "mynode2113.nearclip.controller.time";
            AlembicImport_ConnectTimeControl(controllerName.str().c_str(), options);
        std::string prop("FarClippingPlane");
        if (options.attachToExisting) {
            pControl = getController(pCameraObj, identifier, prop, 0, 3);
        if (pControl) {
                GetParamIdByName(pControl, 0, "path"), zero,
        else if (assignController(createFloatController(path, identifier, prop),
                                  pCameraObj, 0, 3) &&
                 !isConstant) {
            std::stringstream controllerName;
            controllerName << GET_MAXSCRIPT_NODE(pNode);
            controllerName << "mynode2113.farclip.controller.time";
            AlembicImport_ConnectTimeControl(controllerName.str().c_str(), options);

    // if(assignControllerToLevel1SubAnim(createFloatController(path, identifier,
    // std::string("FocusDistance")), pCameraObj, 0, 1) && !isConstant){
    //	AlembicImport_ConnectTimeControl( "$.targetDistance.controller.time",
    // options );

    createCameraModifier(path, identifier, pNode);

    // Add the new inode to our current scene list
    SceneEntry* pEntry = options.sceneEnumProc.Append(
                             pNode, pCameraObj, OBTYPE_CAMERA, &std::string(iObj.getFullName()));

    // Set the visibility controller
    AlembicImport_SetupVisControl(path, identifier, iObj, pNode, options);

    importMetadata(pNode, iObj);

    return 0;
Example #17
// Methods for DumpModelTEP
int DumpModelTEP::callback(INode *pnode)
	Object*	pobj;
	int	fHasMat = TRUE;

	// clear physique export parameters
	m_mcExport = NULL;
	m_phyExport = NULL;
    m_phyMod = NULL;

	ASSERT_MBOX(!(pnode)->IsRootNode(), "Encountered a root node!");

	if (::FNodeMarkedToSkip(pnode))
	int iNode = ::GetIndexOfINode(pnode);
	TSTR strNodeName(pnode->GetName());
	// The Footsteps node apparently MUST have a dummy mesh attached!  Ignore it explicitly.
	if (FStrEq((char*)strNodeName, "Bip01 Footsteps"))

	// Helper nodes don't have meshes
	pobj = pnode->GetObjectRef();
	if (pobj->SuperClassID() == HELPER_CLASS_ID)

	// The model's root is a child of the real "scene root"
	INode *pnodeParent = pnode->GetParentNode();
	BOOL fNodeIsRoot = pnodeParent->IsRootNode( );

	// Get node's material: should be a multi/sub (if it has a material at all)
	Mtl *pmtlNode = pnode->GetMtl();
	if (pmtlNode == NULL)
		fHasMat = FALSE;
	else if (!(pmtlNode->ClassID() == Class_ID(MULTI_CLASS_ID, 0) && pmtlNode->IsMultiMtl()))
		// sprintf(st_szDBG, "ERROR--Material on node %s isn't a Multi/Sub-Object", (char*)strNodeName);
		fHasMat = FALSE;
	// Get Node's object, convert to a triangle-mesh object, so I can access the Faces
	ObjectState os = pnode->EvalWorldState(m_tvToDump);
	pobj = os.obj;
	TriObject *ptriobj;
	BOOL fConvertedToTriObject = 
		pobj->CanConvertToType(triObjectClassID) &&
		(ptriobj = (TriObject*)pobj->ConvertToType(m_tvToDump, triObjectClassID)) != NULL;
	if (!fConvertedToTriObject)
	Mesh *pmesh = &ptriobj->mesh;

	// Shouldn't have gotten this far if it's a helper object
	if (pobj->SuperClassID() == HELPER_CLASS_ID)
		sprintf(st_szDBG, "ERROR--Helper node %s has an attached mesh, and it shouldn't.", (char*)strNodeName);

	// Ensure that the vertex normals are up-to-date

	// We want the vertex coordinates in World-space, not object-space
	Matrix3 mat3ObjectTM = pnode->GetObjectTM(m_tvToDump);

	// initialize physique export parameters
    m_phyMod = FindPhysiqueModifier(pnode);
    if (m_phyMod)
		// Physique Modifier exists for given Node
	    m_phyExport = (IPhysiqueExport *)m_phyMod->GetInterface(I_PHYINTERFACE);

        if (m_phyExport)
            // create a ModContext Export Interface for the specific node of the Physique Modifier
           m_mcExport = (IPhyContextExport *)m_phyExport->GetContextInterface(pnode);

		   if (m_mcExport)
		       // convert all vertices to Rigid 

	// Dump the triangle face info
	int cFaces = pmesh->getNumFaces();
	for (int iFace = 0; iFace < cFaces; iFace++)
		Face*	pface		= &pmesh->faces[iFace];
		TVFace*	ptvface		= &pmesh->tvFace[iFace];
		DWORD	smGroupFace	= pface->getSmGroup();

		// Get face's 3 indexes into the Mesh's vertex array(s).
		DWORD iVertex0 = pface->getVert(0);
		DWORD iVertex1 = pface->getVert(1);
		DWORD iVertex2 = pface->getVert(2);
		ASSERT_AND_ABORT((int)iVertex0 < pmesh->getNumVerts(), "Bogus Vertex 0 index");
		ASSERT_AND_ABORT((int)iVertex1 < pmesh->getNumVerts(), "Bogus Vertex 1 index");
		ASSERT_AND_ABORT((int)iVertex2 < pmesh->getNumVerts(), "Bogus Vertex 2 index");
		// Get the 3 Vertex's for this face
		Point3 pt3Vertex0 = pmesh->getVert(iVertex0);
		Point3 pt3Vertex1 = pmesh->getVert(iVertex1);
		Point3 pt3Vertex2 = pmesh->getVert(iVertex2);

		// Get the 3 RVertex's for this face
		// NOTE: I'm using getRVertPtr instead of getRVert to work around a 3DSMax bug
		RVertex *prvertex0 = pmesh->getRVertPtr(iVertex0);
		RVertex *prvertex1 = pmesh->getRVertPtr(iVertex1);
		RVertex *prvertex2 = pmesh->getRVertPtr(iVertex2);
		// Find appropriate normals for each RVertex
		// A vertex can be part of multiple faces, so the "smoothing group"
		// is used to locate the normal for this face's use of the vertex.
		Point3 pt3Vertex0Normal;
		Point3 pt3Vertex1Normal;
		Point3 pt3Vertex2Normal;
		if (smGroupFace) 
			pt3Vertex0Normal = Pt3GetRVertexNormal(prvertex0, smGroupFace);
			pt3Vertex1Normal = Pt3GetRVertexNormal(prvertex1, smGroupFace);
			pt3Vertex2Normal = Pt3GetRVertexNormal(prvertex2, smGroupFace);
			pt3Vertex0Normal = pmesh->getFaceNormal( iFace );
			pt3Vertex1Normal = pmesh->getFaceNormal( iFace );
			pt3Vertex2Normal = pmesh->getFaceNormal( iFace );
		ASSERT_AND_ABORT( Length( pt3Vertex0Normal ) <= 1.1, "bogus orig normal 0" );
		ASSERT_AND_ABORT( Length( pt3Vertex1Normal ) <= 1.1, "bogus orig normal 1" );
		ASSERT_AND_ABORT( Length( pt3Vertex2Normal ) <= 1.1, "bogus orig normal 2" );
		// Get Face's sub-material from node's material, to get the bitmap name.
		// And no, there isn't a simpler way to get the bitmap name, you have to
		// dig down through all these levels.
		TCHAR szBitmapName[256] = "null.bmp";
		if (fHasMat)
			MtlID mtlidFace = pface->getMatID();
			if (mtlidFace >= pmtlNode->NumSubMtls())
				sprintf(st_szDBG, "ERROR--Bogus sub-material index %d in node %s; highest valid index is %d",
					mtlidFace, (char*)strNodeName, pmtlNode->NumSubMtls()-1);
				mtlidFace = 0;
			Mtl *pmtlFace = pmtlNode->GetSubMtl(mtlidFace);
			ASSERT_AND_ABORT(pmtlFace != NULL, "NULL Sub-material returned");
			if ((pmtlFace->ClassID() == Class_ID(MULTI_CLASS_ID, 0) && pmtlFace->IsMultiMtl()))
				// it's a sub-sub material.  Gads.
				pmtlFace = pmtlFace->GetSubMtl(mtlidFace);			
				ASSERT_AND_ABORT(pmtlFace != NULL, "NULL Sub-material returned");

			if (!(pmtlFace->ClassID() == Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0)))

					"ERROR--Sub-material with index %d (used in node %s) isn't a 'default/standard' material [%x].",
					mtlidFace, (char*)strNodeName, pmtlFace->ClassID());
			StdMat *pstdmtlFace = (StdMat*)pmtlFace;
			Texmap *ptexmap = pstdmtlFace->GetSubTexmap(ID_DI);
			// ASSERT_AND_ABORT(ptexmap != NULL, "NULL diffuse texture")
			if (ptexmap != NULL) 
				if (!(ptexmap->ClassID() == Class_ID(BMTEX_CLASS_ID, 0)))
						"ERROR--Sub-material with index %d (used in node %s) doesn't have a bitmap as its diffuse texture.",
						mtlidFace, (char*)strNodeName);
				BitmapTex *pbmptex = (BitmapTex*)ptexmap;
				strcpy(szBitmapName, pbmptex->GetMapName());
				TSTR strPath, strFile;
				SplitPathFile(TSTR(szBitmapName), &strPath, &strFile);

		UVVert UVvertex0( 0, 0, 0 );
		UVVert UVvertex1( 1, 0, 0 );
		UVVert UVvertex2( 0, 1, 0 );
		// All faces must have textures assigned to them
		if (pface->flags & HAS_TVERTS)
			// Get TVface's 3 indexes into the Mesh's TVertex array(s).
			DWORD iTVertex0 = ptvface->getTVert(0);
			DWORD iTVertex1 = ptvface->getTVert(1);
			DWORD iTVertex2 = ptvface->getTVert(2);
			ASSERT_AND_ABORT((int)iTVertex0 < pmesh->getNumTVerts(), "Bogus TVertex 0 index");
			ASSERT_AND_ABORT((int)iTVertex1 < pmesh->getNumTVerts(), "Bogus TVertex 1 index");
			ASSERT_AND_ABORT((int)iTVertex2 < pmesh->getNumTVerts(), "Bogus TVertex 2 index");

			// Get the 3 TVertex's for this TVFace
			// NOTE: I'm using getRVertPtr instead of getRVert to work around a 3DSMax bug
			UVvertex0 = pmesh->getTVert(iTVertex0);
			UVvertex1 = pmesh->getTVert(iTVertex1);
			UVvertex2 = pmesh->getTVert(iTVertex2);
			//sprintf(st_szDBG, "ERROR--Node %s has a textureless face.  All faces must have an applied texture.", (char*)strNodeName);
		const char *szExpectedExtension = ".bmp";
		if (stricmp(szBitmapName+strlen(szBitmapName)-strlen(szExpectedExtension), szExpectedExtension) != 0)
			sprintf(st_szDBG, "Node %s uses %s, which is not a %s file", (char*)strNodeName, szBitmapName, szExpectedExtension);

		// Determine owning bones for the vertices.
		int iNodeV0, iNodeV1, iNodeV2;
		if (m_mcExport)
			// The Physique add-in allows vertices to be assigned to bones arbitrarily
			iNodeV0 = InodeOfPhyVectex( iVertex0 );
			iNodeV1 = InodeOfPhyVectex( iVertex1 );
			iNodeV2 = InodeOfPhyVectex( iVertex2 );
			// Simple 3dsMax model: the vertices are owned by the object, and hence the node
			iNodeV0 = iNode;
			iNodeV1 = iNode;
			iNodeV2 = iNode;
		// Rotate the face vertices out of object-space, and into world-space space
		Point3 v0 = pt3Vertex0 * mat3ObjectTM;
		Point3 v1 = pt3Vertex1 * mat3ObjectTM;
		Point3 v2 = pt3Vertex2 * mat3ObjectTM;

		Matrix3 mat3ObjectNTM = mat3ObjectTM;
		mat3ObjectNTM.NoScale( );
		ASSERT_AND_ABORT( Length( pt3Vertex0Normal ) <= 1.1, "bogus pre normal 0" );
		pt3Vertex0Normal = VectorTransform(mat3ObjectNTM, pt3Vertex0Normal);
		ASSERT_AND_ABORT( Length( pt3Vertex0Normal ) <= 1.1, "bogus post normal 0" );
		ASSERT_AND_ABORT( Length( pt3Vertex1Normal ) <= 1.1, "bogus pre normal 1" );
		pt3Vertex1Normal = VectorTransform(mat3ObjectNTM, pt3Vertex1Normal);
		ASSERT_AND_ABORT( Length( pt3Vertex1Normal ) <= 1.1, "bogus post normal 1" );
		ASSERT_AND_ABORT( Length( pt3Vertex2Normal ) <= 1.1, "bogus pre normal 2" );
		pt3Vertex2Normal = VectorTransform(mat3ObjectNTM, pt3Vertex2Normal);
		ASSERT_AND_ABORT( Length( pt3Vertex2Normal ) <= 1.1, "bogus post normal 2" );

		// Finally dump the bitmap name and 3 lines of face info
		fprintf(m_pfile, "%s\n", szBitmapName);
		fprintf(m_pfile, "%3d %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n",
				iNodeV0, v0.x, v0.y, v0.z,
				pt3Vertex0Normal.x, pt3Vertex0Normal.y, pt3Vertex0Normal.z,
				UVvertex0.x, UVvertex0.y);
		fprintf(m_pfile, "%3d %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n",
				iNodeV1, v1.x, v1.y, v1.z,
				pt3Vertex1Normal.x, pt3Vertex1Normal.y, pt3Vertex1Normal.z,
				UVvertex1.x, UVvertex1.y);
		fprintf(m_pfile, "%3d %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n",
				iNodeV2, v2.x, v2.y, v2.z,
				pt3Vertex2Normal.x, pt3Vertex2Normal.y, pt3Vertex2Normal.z,
				UVvertex2.x, UVvertex2.y);

	cleanup( );	
Example #18
File: mesh.cpp Project: skopp/rush
//  Here we process mesh geometry for given node.
//  Vertices for the geometry from the all meshes of the scene are allocated in 
//  one big vertex pool. One vertex can occur several times in this pool, because
//  we add 3 new vertices for every face.
//  After all meshes in the scene are processed, this pool is collapsed to remove
//  duplicate vertices.
void RBExport::ProcessMesh( INode* node )
    if (!node->Renderable() || node->IsNodeHidden())
    ObjectState os      = node->EvalWorldState( m_CurTime );
    Object*     pObject = os.obj;
    if (!pObject) 
        Warn( "Could not evaluate object state in node <%s>. Mesh was skipped.", node->GetName() );
    Matrix3 nodeTM          = node->GetNodeTM( m_CurTime );
    Matrix3 nodeTMAfterWSM  = node->GetObjTMAfterWSM( m_CurTime );
    Matrix3 mOffs           = nodeTMAfterWSM*Inverse( nodeTM );

    //  triangulate
    TriObject* pTriObj = 0;
    if (pObject->CanConvertToType( Class_ID( TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0 ) )) 
        pTriObj = (TriObject*)pObject->ConvertToType( m_CurTime, Class_ID( TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0 ) );
    bool bReleaseTriObj = (pTriObj != pObject);
    if (!pTriObj) 
        Warn( "Could not triangulate mesh in node <%s>. Node was skipped", node->GetName() );

    if (!MeshModStackIsValid( node ))
        Warn( "Modifier stack for node %s should be collapsed or contain only Skin modifier.", 
                node->GetName() );

    //  ensure, that vertex winding direction in polygon is CCW
    Matrix3 objTM = node->GetObjTMAfterWSM( m_CurTime );
    bool bNegScale = (DotProd( CrossProd( objTM.GetRow(0), objTM.GetRow(1) ), objTM.GetRow(2) ) >= 0.0);

    int vx[3];
    if (bNegScale) 
        vx[0] = 0; 
        vx[1] = 1; 
        vx[2] = 2; 
        vx[0] = 2; 
        vx[1] = 1; 
        vx[2] = 0; 

    Mesh& mesh = pTriObj->GetMesh();

    bool bHasTexCoord    = (mesh.numTVerts != 0);
    bool bHasVertexColor = (mesh.numCVerts != 0) && m_pConfig->m_bExportVertexColors;
    bool bHasNormal      = m_pConfig->m_bExportNormals; 
    bool bHasSkin        = ProcessSkin( node );

    //  some cosmetics
    BOOL res = mesh.RemoveDegenerateFaces();
    if (res) 
        Spam( "Degenerate faces were fixed." );

    res = mesh.RemoveIllegalFaces();
    if (res) 
        Spam( "Degenerate indices were fixed." );
    ExpNode* pExpNode = GetExportedNode( node );
    if (!pExpNode)

    int numPri     = mesh.getNumFaces();
    int numVert    = mesh.numVerts;

    //  initialize helper array for building vertices' 0-circles
    VertexPtrArray vertexEntry;
    vertexEntry.resize( numVert );
    memset( &vertexEntry[0], 0, sizeof( ExpVertex* )*numVert );

    Spam( "Original mesh has %d vertices and %d faces.", numVert, numPri );
    bool bHasVoidFaces = false;

    //  loop on mesh faces
    for (int i = 0; i < numPri; i++)
        Face& face = mesh.faces[i];

        //  calculate face normal
        const Point3& v0 = mesh.verts[face.v[vx[0]]]; 
        const Point3& v1 = mesh.verts[face.v[vx[1]]]; 
        const Point3& v2 = mesh.verts[face.v[vx[2]]]; 
        Point3 normal = -Normalize( (v1 - v0)^(v2 - v1) ); 
        normal = mOffs.VectorTransform( normal );
        normal = c_FlipTM.VectorTransform( normal );

        //  loop on face vertices
        ExpVertex* pFaceVertex[3];
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            ExpVertex v;
            v.mtlID  = pExpNode->GetMaterialIdx( face.getMatID() );            
            v.nodeID = pExpNode->m_Index;

            if (v.mtlID < 0)
                bHasVoidFaces = true;
            //  extract vertex position and apply world-space modifier to it
            int vIdx    = face.v[vx[j]];
            Point3 pt   = mesh.verts[vIdx];
            pt = mOffs.PointTransform( pt );
            pt = c_FlipTM.PointTransform( pt );
            v.index = vIdx;
            v.pos   = Vec3( pt.x, pt.y, pt.z );
            //v.pos *= m_WorldScale;

            //  extract skinning info
            if (bHasSkin)
                GetSkinInfo( v );

            //  assign normal
            if (bHasNormal)
                v.normal  = Vec3( normal.x, normal.y, normal.z );
                v.smGroup = face.smGroup;
            //  extract vertex colors
            if (bHasVertexColor)    
                const VertColor& vcol = mesh.vertCol[mesh.vcFace[i].t[vx[j]]];
                v.color = ColorToDWORD( Color( vcol.x, vcol.y, vcol.z ) );

            //  extract texture coordinates
            if (bHasTexCoord)   
                const Point3& texCoord = mesh.tVerts[mesh.tvFace[i].t[vx[j]]];
                v.uv.x = texCoord.x;
                v.uv.y = 1.0f - texCoord.y;

                //  second texture coordinate channel
                if (mesh.getNumMaps() > 1 && mesh.mapSupport( 2 ))
                    UVVert* pUVVert = mesh.mapVerts( 2 );
                    TVFace* pTVFace = mesh.mapFaces( 2 );
                    if (pUVVert && pTVFace)
                        const Point3& tc2 = pUVVert[pTVFace[i].t[vx[j]]];
                        v.uv2.x = tc2.x;
                        v.uv2.y = 1.0f - tc2.y;

            //  allocate new vertex 
            pFaceVertex[j] = AddVertex( v );

            //  we want vertices in the 0-ring neighborhood to be linked into closed linked list
            if (vertexEntry[vIdx] == NULL) 
                vertexEntry[vIdx] = pFaceVertex[j];
                pFaceVertex[j]->pNext = pFaceVertex[j];
                vertexEntry[vIdx]->AddToZeroRing( pFaceVertex[j] );
        AddPolygon( pFaceVertex[0], pFaceVertex[1], pFaceVertex[2] );

        if (IsCanceled())

    //  correct normals at vertices corresponding to smoothing groups
    SmoothNormals( vertexEntry );

    //  put vertices into set (this removes duplicate vertices)
    for (int i = 0; i < numVert; i++)
        ExpVertex::ZeroRingIterator it( vertexEntry[i] );
        while (it)
            VertexSet::iterator sIt = m_VertexSet.find( it );
            if (sIt == m_VertexSet.end())
                m_VertexSet.insert( it );
                it->pBase = (*sIt);

    if (bReleaseTriObj) 
        delete pTriObj;

    if (bHasVoidFaces)
        Warn( "Mesh %s has faces with no material assigned.", node->GetName() );
} // RBExport::ProcessMesh
Example #19
ColMesh* RBExport::GetColMesh( INode* node )
    ObjectState os      = node->EvalWorldState( m_CurTime );
    Object*     pObject = os.obj;
    if (!pObject) 
        Warn( "Could not evaluate object state. Collision mesh %s was skipped.", node->GetName() );
        return NULL;

    Matrix3 nodeTM          = node->GetNodeTM( m_CurTime );
    Matrix3 nodeTMAfterWSM  = node->GetObjTMAfterWSM( m_CurTime );
    Matrix3 mOffs           = nodeTMAfterWSM*Inverse( nodeTM );

    //  triangulate
    TriObject* pTriObj = NULL;
    if (pObject->CanConvertToType( Class_ID( TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0 ) )) 
        pTriObj = (TriObject*)pObject->ConvertToType( m_CurTime, Class_ID( TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0 ) );
    bool bReleaseTriObj = (pTriObj != pObject);
    if (!pTriObj) 
        Warn( "Could not triangulate mesh in node. Collision mesh %s was skipped.", node->GetName() );
        return NULL;

    //  ensure, that vertex winding direction in polygon is CCW
    Matrix3 objTM = node->GetObjTMAfterWSM( m_CurTime );
    bool bNegScale = (DotProd( CrossProd( objTM.GetRow(0), objTM.GetRow(1) ), objTM.GetRow(2) ) >= 0.0);

    int vx[3];
    vx[0] = bNegScale ? 2 : 0;
    vx[1] = bNegScale ? 1 : 1;
    vx[2] = bNegScale ? 0 : 2;

    Mesh& mesh = pTriObj->GetMesh();

    //  some cosmetics
    //  create collision mesh
    ColMesh* pMesh = new ColMesh();
    int numPri  = mesh.getNumFaces();
    int numVert = mesh.numVerts;

    //  copy vertices
    for (int i = 0; i < numVert; i++)
        Point3 pt   = mesh.verts[i];
        pt = mOffs.PointTransform( pt );
        pt = c_FlipTM.PointTransform( pt );
        pMesh->AddVertex( Vec3( pt.x, pt.y, pt.z ) );

    //  loop on mesh faces
    for (int i = 0; i < numPri; i++)
        Face& face = mesh.faces[i];
        pMesh->AddPoly( face.v[vx[0]], face.v[vx[1]], face.v[vx[2]] );

    Msg( LogType_Stats, "Physics collision trimesh has %d vertices and %d faces.", numVert, numPri );

    return pMesh;
} // RBExport::GetColMesh
Example #20
void G3DSExport::GatherSkin(INode* i_node)
	SKIN skin;

	// get the name of the node
	skin.name = i_node->GetName();

	// get the skin interface
	Modifier *modifier = GetModifier(i_node,SKIN_CLASSID);
	ISkin* i_skin = (ISkin*)modifier->GetInterface(I_SKIN);

	// convert to the triangle type
	Mesh* i_mesh = NULL;
	Object* obj = i_node->EvalWorldState(mTime).obj;
	if(obj && ( obj->SuperClassID() == GEOMOBJECT_CLASS_ID ))
		if(obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0))) 
			TriObject *tri_obj = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(mTime, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)); MAX_CHECK(tri_obj);
			i_mesh = &tri_obj->mesh;

	// get the material
	skin.texture = "textures/default.tga";
	Mtl* mtl = i_node->GetMtl();
	if(mtl && (mtl->ClassID()==Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0)) && ((StdMat*)mtl)->MapEnabled(ID_DI)) 
		Texmap *texmap = mtl->GetSubTexmap(ID_DI);
		if(texmap && texmap->ClassID() == Class_ID(BMTEX_CLASS_ID, 0x00))
			skin.texture = UnifySlashes(((BitmapTex *)texmap)->GetMapName());
			if( !strstr( skin.texture.c_str(), mPath.c_str() ) )
				G3DAssert("The material(%s) is error : the texture path(%s) is illegal!",mtl->GetName(), skin.texture.c_str());
				skin.texture = strstr(skin.texture.c_str(),mPath.c_str()) + strlen(mPath.c_str());

	// if it has uvs
	int map_count = i_mesh->getNumMaps();
	bool has_uvs = i_mesh->getNumTVerts() && i_mesh->tvFace;
	if(!(has_uvs&&map_count)) { G3DAssert("The skin(%s) has not the uv coordinates.",skin.name.c_str()); return; }

	// get the transform
	Matrix3 mesh_matrix = i_node->GetObjectTM(mTime);
	Matrix3 node_matrix = i_node->GetNodeTM(mTime);
	Matrix3 transform = mesh_matrix * Inverse(node_matrix);

	// get the points
	skin.points.assign(i_mesh->verts, i_mesh->verts+i_mesh->getNumVerts());

	// get the triangles
	for(int i = 0; i < i_mesh->getNumFaces(); i++)
		Face& face = i_mesh->faces[i];

		TRIANGLE tri;		
		tri.smoothing = face.smGroup;
		for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			VPTNIS v;
			v.pos = transform * i_mesh->verts[face.v[j]];

			// get the uv
			UVVert * map_verts = i_mesh->mapVerts(1);
			TVFace * map_faces = i_mesh->mapFaces(1);
			v.uv = reinterpret_cast<Point2&>(map_verts[map_faces[i].t[j]]);
			v.uv.y = 1 - v.uv.y;

			// initialize the normal
			v.normal = Point3::Origin;

			// get the vertex index
			v.index = face.v[j];

			// get the smoothing group
			v.smoothing = face.smGroup;			

			// set the index for the triangle
			tri.index0[j] = v.index;

			// reassemble the vertex list
			tri.index1[j] = AddVertex(skin, v);

		// add the triangle to the table

	// build the index map
	for( int i = 0; i < skin.vertexes.size(); i++ )

	// get the skin context data
	ISkinContextData* i_skin_context_data = i_skin->GetContextInterface(i_node);
	if(i_skin_context_data == NULL) { G3DAssert("The skin(%s) has not the weight.",skin.name.c_str()); return; }

	// gets the initial matrix of the skinned object 
	Matrix3 initial_object_transform;
	i_skin->GetSkinInitTM(i_node, initial_object_transform, true);

	// process the points
	int num_points = i_skin_context_data->GetNumPoints();
	for(int i = 0; i < num_points; i++)
		MAX_CHECK(i < skin.points.size());

		VPIW viw;

		// get the initial point				
		viw.pos = initial_object_transform * skin.points[i];

		// process the weights		
		std::multimap< float, int > weights;

		// get the number of bones that control this vertex
		int num_bones = i_skin_context_data->GetNumAssignedBones(i);
			for (int j = 0; j < num_bones; j++)
				Matrix3 transform;

				// get the assigned bone of the point 
				INode* i_bone_node = i_skin->GetBone(i_skin_context_data->GetAssignedBone(i, j));
				MAX_CHECK(i_bone_node != NULL);

				// get the weight of the bone
				float weight = i_skin_context_data->GetBoneWeight(i, j);

				// add the weight to the table
				weights.insert(std::make_pair(weight, AddBone(skin,i_bone_node)));
			// add the weight to the table
			weights.insert(std::make_pair(1.f, AddBone(skin,i_node)));

		// recalculate the weights
		float weight0 = 0.f, weight1 = 0.f, weight2 = 0.f;
		int index0 = 0, index1 = 0, index2 = 0;
		std::multimap< float, int >::iterator it = weights.end();
		weight0 = it->first;
		index0 = it->second;
		if(it != weights.begin())
			weight1 = it->first;
			index1 = it->second;
			if(it != weights.begin())
				weight2 = it->first;
				index2 = it->second;
		float sum_weights = weight0 + weight1 + weight2;

		// store the skin weights	
		viw.weight[0]	= weight0/sum_weights;
		viw.index[0]	= index0;
		viw.weight[1]	= weight1/sum_weights;
		viw.index[1]	= index1;
		viw.weight[2]	= weight2/sum_weights;
		viw.index[2]	= index2;

	// get the initial transforms
	for(int i = 0; i < skin.bones.size(); i++)
		INode* node = skin.bones[i];
		Matrix3 mat;
		if (SKIN_INVALID_NODE_PTR == i_skin->GetBoneInitTM( node, mat ))
			if (SKIN_INVALID_NODE_PTR == i_skin->GetSkinInitTM( node, mat ))
		skin.transforms[i] = Inverse(mat);

	// there is a 75 bone limit for each skinned object.
		G3DAssert("There are more %d bones in the skin(%s).",skin.bones.size(), i_node->GetName());

	// reset the skin vertex position
	for(int i = 0; i < skin.vertexes.size(); i++)
		VPTNIS& v0 = skin.vertexes[i];
		VPIW& v1 = skin.weights[v0.index];
		v0.pos = v1.pos;

	// build the normal space

	// calculate the bounding box	
	for(int i = 0; i < skin.vertexes.size(); i++)
		Point3 pt = node_matrix * skin.vertexes[i].pos;
		skin.box += pt;

	// add the skin to the table
Example #21
void G3DMExport::GatherMesh(INode* i_node)
	// convert to the triangle type
	Mesh* i_mesh = NULL;
	Object* obj = i_node->EvalWorldState(mTime).obj;
	if(obj && ( obj->SuperClassID() == GEOMOBJECT_CLASS_ID ))
		if(obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0))) 
			TriObject *tri_obj = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(mTime, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)); MAX_CHECK(tri_obj);
			i_mesh = &tri_obj->mesh;
	if(i_mesh==NULL||i_mesh->getNumFaces()==0||i_mesh->getNumVerts()==0) return;

	MESH mesh;

	// get the mesh name
	mesh.name = i_node->GetName();

	// get the material
	mesh.texture = "textures/default.tga";
	Mtl* mtl = i_node->GetMtl();
	if(mtl && (mtl->ClassID()==Class_ID(DMTL_CLASS_ID, 0)) && ((StdMat*)mtl)->MapEnabled(ID_DI)) 
		Texmap *texmap = mtl->GetSubTexmap(ID_DI);
		if(texmap && texmap->ClassID() == Class_ID(BMTEX_CLASS_ID, 0x00))
			mesh.texture = UnifySlashes(((BitmapTex *)texmap)->GetMapName());
			if( !strstr( mesh.texture.c_str(), mPath.c_str() ) )
				G3DAssert("The material(%s) is error : the texture path(%s) is illegal!",mtl->GetName(), mesh.texture.c_str());
				mesh.texture = strstr(mesh.texture.c_str(),mPath.c_str()) + strlen(mPath.c_str());

	// if it has uvs
	int map_count = i_mesh->getNumMaps();
	bool has_uvs = i_mesh->getNumTVerts() && i_mesh->tvFace;
	if(!(has_uvs&&map_count)) return;

	// get the transform
	Matrix3 transform = i_node->GetObjectTM(mTime);

	// get the points
	mesh.points.assign(i_mesh->verts, i_mesh->verts+i_mesh->getNumVerts());

	// get the triangles
	for(int i = 0; i < i_mesh->getNumFaces(); i++)
		Face& face = i_mesh->faces[i];

		TRIANGLE tri;		
		tri.smoothing = face.smGroup;
		for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			VTNIS v;
			v.pos = transform * i_mesh->verts[face.v[j]];

			// get the uv
			UVVert * map_verts = i_mesh->mapVerts(1);
			TVFace * map_faces = i_mesh->mapFaces(1);
			v.uv = reinterpret_cast<Point2&>(map_verts[map_faces[i].t[j]]);
			v.uv.y = 1 - v.uv.y;

			// initialize the normal
			v.normal = Point3::Origin;

			// get the vertex index
			v.index = face.v[j];

			// get the smoothing group
			v.smoothing = face.smGroup;			

			// set the index for the triangle
			tri.index0[j] = v.index;

			// reassemble the vertex list
			tri.index1[j] = AddVertex(mesh, v);

		// add the triangle to the table

	// build the index map
	for( int i = 0; i < mesh.vertexes.size(); i++ )

	// build the normal space

	// calculate the bounding box	
	for(int i = 0; i < mesh.vertexes.size(); i++)
		mesh.box += mesh.vertexes[i].pos;

	// add the mesh to the table
Example #22
bool CExportNel::mirrorPhysiqueSelection(INode &node, TimeValue tvTime, const std::vector<uint> &vertIn, 
		float threshold)
	bool	ok;
	uint	i;

	// no vertices selected?
		return true;

	// **** Get all the skeleton node 
	std::vector<INode*>		skeletonNodes;
	INode	*skelRoot= getSkeletonRootBone(node);
		return false;
	getObjectNodes(skeletonNodes, tvTime, skelRoot);

	// **** Build the Vector (world) part
	std::vector<CTempSkinVertex>	tempVertex;
	uint	vertCount;

	// Get a pointer on the object's node.
    ObjectState os = node.EvalWorldState(tvTime);
    Object *obj = os.obj;

	// Check if there is an object
	ok= false;
	if (obj)

		// Object can be converted in triObject ?
		if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0))) 
			// Get a triobject from the node
			TriObject *tri = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(tvTime, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
			if (tri)
				// Note that the TriObject should only be deleted
				// if the pointer to it is not equal to the object
				// pointer that called ConvertToType()
				bool deleteIt=false;
				if (obj != tri) 
					deleteIt = true;

				// Get the node matrix. TODO: Matrix headhache?
				/*Matrix3 nodeMatrixMax;
				CMatrix nodeMatrix;
				getLocalMatrix (nodeMatrixMax, node, tvTime);
				convertMatrix (nodeMatrix, nodeMatrixMax);*/

				// retrive Position geometry
				vertCount= tri->NumPoints();
				for(uint i=0;i<vertCount;i++)
					Point3 v= tri->GetPoint(i);
					tempVertex[i].Pos.set(v.x, v.y, v.z);

				// Delete the triObject if we should...
				if (deleteIt)
				tri = NULL;

				// ok!
				ok= true;
		return false;

	// no vertices? abort
		return true;

	// **** Mark all Input vertices
		tempVertex[vertIn[i]].Input= true;

	// **** Build the output vertices
	std::vector<uint>	vertOut;

	// Build the in bbox
	CAABBox		bbox;
	bbox.setHalfSize(bbox.getHalfSize()+CVector(threshold, threshold, threshold));

	// mirror in X
	CVector		vMin= bbox.getMin();
	CVector		vMax= bbox.getMax();
	vMin.x= -vMin.x;
	vMax.x= -vMax.x;
	std::swap(vMin.x, vMax.x);
	bbox.setMinMax(vMin, vMax);

	// get all out vertices in the mirrored bbox.

	// **** Build the skin information
	// Get the skin modifier
	Modifier* skin=getModifier (&node, PHYSIQUE_CLASS_ID);

	// Found it ?
	ok= false;
	if (skin)
		// Get a com_skin2 interface
		IPhysiqueExport *physiqueInterface=(IPhysiqueExport *)skin->GetInterface (I_PHYINTERFACE);

		// Found com_skin2 ?
		if (physiqueInterface)
			// Get local data
			IPhyContextExport *localData= physiqueInterface->GetContextInterface(&node);

			// Found ?
			if (localData)
				// Use rigid export
				localData->ConvertToRigid (TRUE);

				// Allow blending
				localData->AllowBlending (TRUE);

				// Skinned

				// TODO?

				// For each vertex
				for (uint vert=0; vert<vertCount; vert++)
					// Get a vertex interface
					IPhyVertexExport *vertexInterface= localData->GetVertexInterface (vert);

					// Check if it is a rigid vertex or a blended vertex
					IPhyRigidVertex			*rigidInterface=NULL;
					IPhyBlendedRigidVertex	*blendedInterface=NULL;
					int type=vertexInterface->GetVertexType ();
					if (type==RIGID_TYPE)
						// this is a rigid vertex
						// It must be a blendable vertex
						nlassert (type==RIGID_BLENDED_TYPE);

					// Get bones count for this vertex
					uint boneCount;
					if (blendedInterface)
						// If blenvertex, only one bone
						// If rigid vertex, only one bone
						boneCount= TEMP_MAX_WEIGHT;

					// NB: if input 0, won't be mirrored
					tempVertex[vert].NumWeight= boneCount;
					for(uint bone=0;bone<boneCount;bone++)
						if (blendedInterface)
							tempVertex[vert].Bone[bone]= blendedInterface->GetNode(bone);
							tempVertex[vert].Weight[bone]= blendedInterface->GetWeight(bone);
							tempVertex[vert].Bone[bone]= rigidInterface->GetNode();
							tempVertex[vert].Weight[bone]= 1;

					// Release vertex interfaces
					localData->ReleaseVertexInterface (vertexInterface);


			// release context interface

		// Release the interface
		skin->ReleaseInterface (I_PHYINTERFACE, physiqueInterface);
		return false;

	// **** Real Algo stuff:
	// For all vertices wanted to be mirrored
	std::vector<CSortVertex>	sortVert;
		CTempSkinVertex		&svIn= tempVertex[vertIn[i]];
		// if it still has no bones set, skip

		// mirror vert to test
		CVector		vertTest= svIn.Pos;
		vertTest.x*= -1;

		// get the best vertex

		// Search for all output vertices if ones match
		for(uint j=0;j<vertOut.size();j++)
			uint	dstIdx= vertOut[j];
			CTempSkinVertex	&skinv= tempVertex[dstIdx];
			// take only if not an input, and if not already mirrored
			if(!skinv.Input && !skinv.Mirrored)
				CSortVertex		sortv;
				sortv.Index= dstIdx;
				sortv.SqrDist= (skinv.Pos - vertTest).sqrnorm();
				// Finally, take it only if sufficiently near
				if(sortv.SqrDist <= threshold*threshold)

		// if some found.
			// sort array.
			std::sort(sortVert.begin(), sortVert.end());

			// take the first, mirror setup
			uint	dstIdx= sortVert[0].Index;
			tempVertex[dstIdx].NumWeight= svIn.NumWeight;
			for(uint k=0;k<svIn.NumWeight;k++)
				tempVertex[dstIdx].Weight[k]= svIn.Weight[k];
				tempVertex[dstIdx].Bone[k]= getMirrorBone( skeletonNodes, svIn.Bone[k] );

			// mark as mirrored!
			tempVertex[dstIdx].Mirrored= true;

	// **** Write the result to the skin.
	ok= false;
	if (skin)
		// Get a com_skin2 interface
		IPhysiqueImport *physiqueInterface=(IPhysiqueImport *)skin->GetInterface (I_PHYIMPORT);

		// Found com_skin2 ?
		if (physiqueInterface)
			// Get local data
			IPhyContextImport *localData= physiqueInterface->GetContextInterface(&node);

			// TODO?

			// Found ?
			if (localData)
				// Skinned
				for(uint i=0;i<tempVertex.size();i++)
					CTempSkinVertex		&sv= tempVertex[i];

					// if its a mirrored output vertex
						IPhyBlendedRigidVertexImport	*blendedInterface= NULL;
						blendedInterface= (IPhyBlendedRigidVertexImport*)localData->SetVertexInterface(i, RIGID_BLENDED_TYPE);

							// set the vertex data
							for(uint bone=0;bone<sv.NumWeight;bone++)
								blendedInterface->SetWeightedNode(sv.Bone[bone], sv.Weight[bone], bone==0);

							// UI bonus: lock it

							// release

			// release

		// release
		skin->ReleaseInterface(I_PHYIMPORT, physiqueInterface);

	return ok;