// handle MessageWhoIsThere message
void MessageHandler::handle(MessageWhoIsThere *msg)
    // we need to send message about objects in
    // received range, so we must create MessageThereYouSee message
    MessageThereYouSee *messageThereYouSee = new MessageThereYouSee();

    // we also need a list of those objects
    std::list<MessageObject> objectsInRange;

    Robot *robot = HubModule::modellingSystem->getRobotByPort(msg->port);

    std::vector<Object *> objVector = std::vector<Object *>();
    objVector = robot->iCanSee();

    double degrees = 360 - robot->getOrientation();
    double radians = degrees * (PI / 180);

    int x = robot->getCoords().first * cos(radians)
            + robot->getCoords().second * sin(radians);
    int y = - robot->getCoords().first * sin(radians)
            + robot->getCoords().second * cos(radians);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < objVector.size(); i++) {
        MessageObject messageObject;
        Object* obj = objVector.at(i);
        // set color
        messageObject.type = 1;
        messageObject.red = obj->getColor().red();
        messageObject.green = obj->getColor().green();
        messageObject.blue = obj->getColor().blue();
        // set coordinates
        int objX = obj->getCoords().first * cos(radians)
                + obj->getCoords().second * sin(radians);
        int objY = - obj->getCoords().first * sin(radians)
                + obj->getCoords().second * cos(radians);

        messageObject.coordX = objX - x;
        messageObject.coordY = y - objY;
        // set diameter
        messageObject.diameter = objVector.at(i)->getSize();
        // set orientation
        messageObject.degrees = objVector.at(i)->getOrientation();



    messageThereYouSee->objects = objectsInRange;
    messageThereYouSee->port = msg->port;
    messageThereYouSee->num = msg->num;
    // send message to robot
bool getObject(GetObject::Request &req, GetObject::Response &res)

  if (primitives.count(req.name) > 0)
    Object *obj = (Object*)primitives.at(req.name);
    if (obj->getPrimitiveType() == srs_interaction_primitives::PrimitiveType::OBJECT)
      res.name = req.name;
      res.frame_id = obj->getFrameID();
      res.pose_type = obj->getPoseType();
      res.pose = obj->getPose();
      res.bounding_box_lwh = obj->getBoundingBoxLWH();
      res.description = obj->getDescription();
      res.color = obj->getColor();
      res.shape = obj->getShape();
      res.resource = obj->getResource();
      res.use_material = obj->getUseMaterial();
      return true;
  ROS_ERROR("Object with that name doesn't exist!");
  return false;
void trackFilteredObject(Object theObject,Mat threshold,Mat HSV, Mat &cameraFeed)

    vector <Object> objects;
    Mat temp;
    //these two vectors needed for output of findContours
    vector< vector<Point> > contours;
    vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
    //find contours of filtered image using openCV findContours function
    findContours(temp,contours,hierarchy,CV_RETR_CCOMP,CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
    //use moments method to find our filtered object
    bool objectFound = false;
    if (hierarchy.size() > 0)
        int numObjects = hierarchy.size();
        //if number of objects greater than MAX_NUM_OBJECTS we have a noisy filter
            for (int index = 0; index >= 0; index = hierarchy[index][0])
                Moments moment = moments((cv::Mat)contours[index]);
                double area = moment.m00;

                //if the area is less than 20 px by 20px then it is probably just noise
                //if the area is the same as the 3/2 of the image size, probably just a bad filter
                //we only want the object with the largest area so we safe a reference area each
                //iteration and compare it to the area in the next iteration.
                    Object object;



                    objectFound = true;

                }else objectFound = false;
            //let user know you found an object
            if(objectFound ==true)
                //draw object location on screen

            putText(cameraFeed,"TOO MUCH NOISE! ADJUST FILTER",Point(0,50),1,2,Scalar(0,0,255),2);
Example #4
File: ray.cpp Project: jongman/ray
  RGB cast(const vector3& here, const vector3& dir) const {
    Object* closest = nullptr;
    vector3 contact;
    RGB color;

    for(auto object: objects) {
      vector3 p;
      bool intersects = object->getIntersection(here, dir, p);
      if(!intersects) continue;

      if(closest == nullptr || (here - contact).length() > (here - p).length()) {
        closest = object;
        contact = p;
    if(!closest) return sky(here, dir);

    return closest->getColor(here, contact);
Example #5
Color pointColor (Object * obj, R3Vector inter_point, R3Vector V, unsigned int level)
    Color c = obj->getColor ();
    // Ambient light
    Material mt = obj->getMaterial ();
    double k_a = mt.k_a;
    c.r *= ambient_light->getIntensity ().r  * k_a;
    c.g *= ambient_light->getIntensity ().g  * k_a;
    c.b *= ambient_light->getIntensity ().b  * k_a;
    R3Vector N = obj->getNormal (inter_point);

    // Diffuse and Specular Light
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < lights.size (); j++)
        Light * light = lights[j];

        // Verifies if its in shadow
        R3Vector itToLight = light->getCenter ();
        itToLight.x = light->getCenter ().x - inter_point.x;
        itToLight.y = light->getCenter ().y - inter_point.y;
        itToLight.z = light->getCenter ().z - inter_point.z;
        normalize (&itToLight);
        Intersection * inter = intersectElement (itToLight, inter_point, true);
        if (inter == NULL || inter->object != light)
        delete inter;

        // Diffuse light
        double k_d = mt.k_d;
        Color cd = light->getDiffuseLight (N, inter_point, k_d);
        c.r += cd.r;
        c.g += cd.g;
        c.b += cd.b;
        // Specular light
        double k_s = mt.k_s;
        double n = mt.n;
        R3Vector E;
        E.x = -V.x;
        E.y = -V.y;
        E.z = -V.z;
        cd = light->getSpecularLight (N, inter_point, E, k_s, n);
        c.r += cd.r;
        c.g += cd.g;
        c.b += cd.b;

    double k_r = mt.k_r;
    if (k_r > 0)
        // Get reflection intersection
        V.x = -V.x;
        V.y = -V.y;
        V.z = -V.z;
        double VN = prod (V, N);
        R3Vector R = N;
        R.x = 2 * VN * R.x - V.x;
        R.y = 2 * VN * R.y - V.y;
        R.z = 2 * VN * R.z - V.z;
        normalize (&R);
        Intersection * inter = intersectElement (R, inter_point, true);

        Color refColor;
        if (inter != NULL)
            Object * reflectingObject = inter->object;
            R3Vector reflectingPoint = inter->point;
            if (reflectingObject->isLight () || level == MAX_REFLECTION)
                refColor = reflectingObject->getColor ();
                refColor = pointColor (reflectingObject, reflectingPoint, R, level + 1);

        c.r += k_r * refColor.r;
        c.g += k_r * refColor.g;
        c.b += k_r * refColor.b;

    return c;
Example #6
Vector3 Scene::getColor (Ray r, double intensity, int depth, double tolerance)
    Vector3 ret;
    Vector3 color;
    Object *obj;
    Vector3 normal;
    Vector3 intersection;

    int objIndex;
    Vector3 diffuse, phong;
    Ray lightR;
    double d = getIntersection(&objIndex, r);
    // Ray has no intersection
    if (d <= 0.0)
        return Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    // Get intersection point
    intersection = r.move(d);
    obj = objects[objIndex];
    color = obj->getColor();
    normal = obj->getNormal(intersection);

    // Ambient color
    ret = 0.15 * color;

    // For each light
    int n = lights.size();
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
        lightR = Ray( intersection, lights[i].position - intersection );
        // Verify if object is not in the shadow
        if ( !hasIntersection(lightR, lights[i].position) )
            Vector3 lightColor = lights[i].getColor();
            // Calculate diffuse illumination
            diffuse = color * max(normal * lightR.direction, 0.0);
            diffuse = Vector3(lightColor.x * diffuse.x, lightColor.y * diffuse.y, lightColor.z * diffuse.z);
            // Calculate specular illumination
            Vector3 h = (lights[i].position - intersection) + (camera.position - intersection);
            phong += lightColor * pow(max(h * normal, 0.0), 128);
            ret += diffuse;

    Vector3 refColor;
    double reflect = obj->reflect;
    // Test base cases for recursion
    if ((depth > 1) && (intensity*reflect > tolerance))
        Ray refRay(intersection, r.direction - 2*(r.direction * normal) * normal);

        refColor = getColor(refRay, reflect*intensity, --depth, tolerance);
    // Sum all color and check for overflows
    ret = intensity * ( (1 - reflect) * (0.9 * ret) + reflect * refColor + phong);
    if (ret.x > 1)
        ret.x = 1;
    if (ret.y > 1)
        ret.y = 1;
    if (ret.z > 1)
        ret.z = 1;
    return ret;