Example #1
ReturnedValue Lookup::globalGetter1(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine)
    Object *o = engine->globalObject();
    if (l->classList[0] == o->internalClass() &&
        l->classList[1] == o->prototype()->internalClass)
        return o->prototype()->memberData->data[l->index].asReturnedValue();

    l->globalGetter = globalGetterGeneric;
    return globalGetterGeneric(l, engine);
Example #2
ReturnedValue Lookup::primitiveGetter1(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object)
    if (object.type() == l->type) {
        Object *o = l->proto;
        if (l->classList[0] == o->internalClass() &&
            l->classList[1] == o->prototype()->internalClass)
            return o->prototype()->memberData->data[l->index].asReturnedValue();
    l->getter = getterGeneric;
    return getterGeneric(l, engine, object);
Example #3
ReturnedValue Lookup::getter1(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object)
    if (object.isManaged()) {
        // we can safely cast to a QV4::Object here. If object is actually a string,
        // the internal class won't match
        Object *o = object.objectValue();
        if (l->classList[0] == o->internalClass() &&
            l->classList[1] == o->prototype()->internalClass)
            return o->prototype()->memberData->data[l->index].asReturnedValue();
    return getterTwoClasses(l, engine, object);
Example #4
ReturnedValue Lookup::getter0getter1(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object)
    if (object.isManaged()) {
        // we can safely cast to a QV4::Object here. If object is actually a string,
        // the internal class won't match
        Object *o = object.objectValue();
        if (l->classList[0] == o->internalClass())
            return o->propertyData(l->index)->asReturnedValue();
        if (l->classList[2] == o->internalClass() &&
            l->classList[3] == o->prototype()->internalClass)
            return o->prototype()->propertyData(l->index2)->asReturnedValue();
    l->getter = getterFallback;
    return getterFallback(l, engine, object);
ReturnedValue Object::internalGetIndexed(uint index, bool *hasProperty)
    Property *pd = 0;
    PropertyAttributes attrs;
    Object *o = this;
    while (o) {
        Property *p = o->arrayData->getProperty(index);
        if (p) {
            pd = p;
            attrs = o->arrayData->attributes(index);
        if (o->isStringObject()) {
            pd = static_cast<StringObject *>(o)->getIndex(index);
            if (pd) {
                attrs = (Attr_NotWritable|Attr_NotConfigurable);
        o = o->prototype();

    if (pd) {
        if (hasProperty)
            *hasProperty = true;
        return getValue(pd, attrs);

    if (hasProperty)
        *hasProperty = false;
    return Encode::undefined();
Example #6
	Ref<Object> Object::prototype_(Frame * frame) {
		Object * value = NULL;
		frame->extract()(value, "object");
		return value->prototype(frame);
Example #7
ReturnedValue Lookup::globalGetterAccessor1(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine)
    Object *o = engine->globalObject();
    if (l->classList[0] == o->internalClass() &&
        l->classList[1] == o->prototype()->internalClass) {
        Scope scope(o->engine());
        ScopedFunctionObject getter(scope, o->prototype()->propertyAt(l->index)->getter());
        if (!getter)
            return Encode::undefined();

        ScopedCallData callData(scope, 0);
        callData->thisObject = Primitive::undefinedValue();
        return getter->call(callData);
    l->globalGetter = globalGetterGeneric;
    return globalGetterGeneric(l, engine);
Example #8
ReturnedValue Lookup::primitiveGetterAccessor1(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object)
    if (object.type() == l->type) {
        Object *o = l->proto;
        if (l->classList[0] == o->internalClass() &&
            l->classList[1] == o->prototype()->internalClass) {
            Scope scope(o->engine());
            ScopedFunctionObject getter(scope, o->prototype()->propertyAt(l->index)->getter());
            if (!getter)
                return Encode::undefined();

            ScopedCallData callData(scope, 0);
            callData->thisObject = object;
            return getter->call(callData);
    l->getter = getterGeneric;
    return getterGeneric(l, engine, object);
bool Object::setPrototype(Object *proto)
    Object *pp = proto;
    while (pp) {
        if (pp == this)
            return false;
        pp = pp->prototype();
    internalClass = internalClass->changePrototype(proto);
    return true;
Example #10
void Lookup::setterInsert0(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, Value &object, const Value &value)
    Object *o = object.as<Object>();
    if (o && o->internalClass() == l->classList[0]) {
        if (!o->prototype()) {
            *o->propertyData(l->index) = value;

    l->setter = setterFallback;
    setterFallback(l, engine, object, value);
Example #11
void Lookup::setterInsert0(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object, const Value &value)
    Object *o = static_cast<Object *>(object.asManaged());
    if (o && o->internalClass() == l->classList[0]) {
        if (!o->prototype()) {
            if (!o->memberData() || l->index >= o->memberData()->size)
            o->memberData()->data[l->index] = value;

    l->setter = setterFallback;
    setterFallback(l, engine, object, value);
void ObjectIterator::next(String *&name, uint *index, Property *pd, PropertyAttributes *attrs)
    name = (String *)0;
    *index = UINT_MAX;

    if (!object->asObject()) {
        *attrs = PropertyAttributes();

    while (1) {
        if (!current->asObject())

        while (1) {
            current->asObject()->advanceIterator(this, name, index, pd, attrs);
            if (attrs->isEmpty())
            // check the property is not already defined earlier in the proto chain
            if (current->asObject() != object->asObject()) {
                Object *o = object->asObject();
                bool shadowed = false;
                while (o != current->asObject()) {
                    if ((!!name && o->hasOwnProperty(name)) ||
                        (*index != UINT_MAX && o->hasOwnProperty(*index))) {
                        shadowed = true;
                    o = o->prototype();
                if (shadowed)

        if (flags & WithProtoChain)
            current->o = current->objectValue()->prototype();
            current->o = (Object *)0;

        arrayIndex = 0;
        memberIndex = 0;
    *attrs = PropertyAttributes();
Example #13
ReturnedValue Lookup::getter2(Lookup *l, ExecutionEngine *engine, const Value &object)
    if (object.isManaged()) {
        // we can safely cast to a QV4::Object here. If object is actually a string,
        // the internal class won't match
        Object *o = object.objectValue();
        if (l->classList[0] == o->internalClass()) {
            Heap::Object *p = o->prototype();
            if (l->classList[1] == p->internalClass) {
                p = p->prototype;
                if (l->classList[2] == p->internalClass)
                    return p->memberData->data[l->index].asReturnedValue();
    l->getter = getterFallback;
    return getterFallback(l, engine, object);
Example #14
Boolean DOMObject::hasInstance(ExecState *exec, const Value &value)
    if(value.type() != ObjectType)
        return Boolean(false);

    Value prot = get(exec, prototypePropertyName);
    if(prot.type() != ObjectType && prot.type() != NullType)
        Object err = Error::create(exec, TypeError,
                                   "Invalid prototype encountered "
                                   "in instanceof operation.");
        return Boolean(false);

    Object v = Object(static_cast< ObjectImp * >(value.imp()));
    while((v = Object::dynamicCast(v.prototype())).imp())
        if(v.imp() == prot.imp())
            return Boolean(true);
    return Boolean(false);
Example #15
void Configurator::visitObject(Object * obj) {
  // We need the set of all cacheded parameters.
  SmallVector<String *, 32> cachedNames;
  for (Object * o = obj; o != NULL && o != TypeRegistry::objectType(); o = o->prototype()) {
    // Make certain that object attributes have been set.
    for (Attributes::const_iterator it = o->attrs().begin(), itEnd = o->attrs().end(); it != itEnd;
        ++it) {
      if (it->second->nodeKind() == Node::NK_ATTRDEF) {
        AttributeDefinition * prop = static_cast<AttributeDefinition *>(it->second);
        if (prop->isCached()) {

  // If there's anything to cached
  if (!cachedNames.empty()) {
    // Take the computed attribute and set them as constants on the object.
    Attributes & attributes = obj->attrs();
    for (SmallVector<String *, 32>::const_iterator
        ex = cachedNames.begin(), exEnd = cachedNames.end(); ex != exEnd; ++ex) {
      String * name = *ex;
      // If the attribute is not defined on the object directly, then compute it.
      // TODO: we should probably store these elsewhere.
      Attributes::const_iterator it = attributes.find(name);
      if (it == attributes.end()) {
        Node * value = _eval.attributeValue(obj, name->value());
        if (value != NULL) {
          attributes[name] = value;
// Section 8.12.3
ReturnedValue Object::internalGet(const StringRef name, bool *hasProperty)
    uint idx = name->asArrayIndex();
    if (idx != UINT_MAX)
        return getIndexed(idx, hasProperty);


    Object *o = this;
    while (o) {
        uint idx = o->internalClass->find(name.getPointer());
        if (idx < UINT_MAX) {
            if (hasProperty)
                *hasProperty = true;
            return getValue(o->propertyAt(idx), o->internalClass->propertyData.at(idx));

        o = o->prototype();

    if (hasProperty)
        *hasProperty = false;
    return Encode::undefined();