Example #1
    StratifiedSampler(const ParamSet& paramSet)
        size_t desiredSampleCount = (size_t) paramSet.getInteger("sampleCount", 1);

        size_t i = 1;
        while (i * i < desiredSampleCount)

        m_resolution = i;
        m_sampleCount = m_resolution * m_resolution;

        if (m_sampleCount != desiredSampleCount)
            std::cout << "Sample count should be a perfect square -- rounding to "
                      << m_sampleCount << std::endl;

        m_depth = paramSet.getInteger("depth", 3);
        m_permutations1D = new size_t*[m_depth];
        m_permutations2D = new size_t*[m_depth];

        for (int i = 0; i < m_depth; ++i)
            m_permutations1D[i] = new size_t[m_sampleCount];
            m_permutations2D[i] = new size_t[m_sampleCount];

        m_invResolution = 1.0f / (float)m_resolution;
        m_invResolutionSquare = 1.0f / (float) m_sampleCount;
        m_random = new Random();
        m_sampleIndex = 0;
Example #2
 HeterogeneousMedium(const ParamSet& paramSet)
     m_albedo = paramSet.getColor("albedo");
     m_filename = paramSet.getString("filename");
     m_densityMultiplier = paramSet.getFloat("densityMultiplier", 1.0f);
     m_worldToMedium = paramSet.getTransform("toWorld", Transform()).inverse();
Example #3
void LuxRenderer::createAreaLightMesh(mtlu_MayaObject *obj)
	MString meshName("");
	MFnDependencyNode depFn(obj->mobject);
	MObject otherSideObj = getOtherSideNode(MString("mtlu_areaLight_geo"), obj->mobject);
	if( otherSideObj != MObject::kNullObj)

		int indices[6] = {0,1,2,2,3,0};
		float floatPointArray[12] = {-1, -1, 0,
									 -1,  1, 0,
									  1,  1, 0,
									  1, -1, 0};

		float floatNormalArray[12] = {0,0,-1,

		ParamSet triParams = CreateParamSet();
		triParams->AddInt("indices", indices, 6);
		triParams->AddPoint("P", floatPointArray, 4);
		triParams->AddNormal("N", floatNormalArray, 4);
		float fm[16];
		MMatrix tm = obj->transformMatrices[0];
		setZUp(tm, fm);
		this->lux->shape("trianglemesh", boost::get_pointer(triParams));
Example #4
std::shared_ptr<PointLight> CreatePointLight(const Transform &light2world,
                                             const Medium *medium,
                                             const ParamSet &paramSet) {
    Spectrum I = paramSet.FindOneSpectrum("I", Spectrum(1.0));
    Spectrum sc = paramSet.FindOneSpectrum("scale", Spectrum(1.0));
    Point3f P = paramSet.FindOnePoint3f("from", Point3f(0, 0, 0));
    Transform l2w = Translate(Vector3f(P.x, P.y, P.z)) * light2world;
    return std::make_shared<PointLight>(l2w, medium, I * sc);
Example #5
std::shared_ptr<GonioPhotometricLight> CreateGoniometricLight(
    const Transform &light2world, const Medium *medium,
    const ParamSet &paramSet) {
    Spectrum I = paramSet.FindOneSpectrum("I", Spectrum(1.0));
    Spectrum sc = paramSet.FindOneSpectrum("scale", Spectrum(1.0));
    std::string texname = paramSet.FindOneFilename("mapname", "");
    return std::make_shared<GonioPhotometricLight>(light2world, medium, I * sc,
Example #6
std::shared_ptr<DistantLight> CreateDistantLight(const Transform &light2world,
                                                 const ParamSet &paramSet) {
    Spectrum L = paramSet.FindOneSpectrum("L", Spectrum(1.0));
    Spectrum sc = paramSet.FindOneSpectrum("scale", Spectrum(1.0));
    Point3f from = paramSet.FindOnePoint3f("from", Point3f(0, 0, 0));
    Point3f to = paramSet.FindOnePoint3f("to", Point3f(0, 0, 1));
    Vector3f dir = from - to;
    return std::make_shared<DistantLight>(light2world, L * sc, dir);
Example #7
std::shared_ptr<InfiniteAreaLight> CreateInfiniteLight(
    const Transform &light2world, const ParamSet &paramSet) {
    Spectrum L = paramSet.FindOneSpectrum("L", Spectrum(1.0));
    Spectrum sc = paramSet.FindOneSpectrum("scale", Spectrum(1.0));
    std::string texmap = paramSet.FindOneFilename("mapname", "");
    int nSamples = paramSet.FindOneInt("nsamples", 1);
    if (PbrtOptions.quickRender) nSamples = std::max(1, nSamples / 4);
    return std::make_shared<InfiniteAreaLight>(light2world, L * sc, nSamples,
Example #8
std::shared_ptr<ProjectionLight> CreateProjectionLight(
    const Transform &light2world, const Medium *medium,
    const ParamSet &paramSet) {
    Spectrum I = paramSet.FindOneSpectrum("I", Spectrum(1.0));
    Spectrum sc = paramSet.FindOneSpectrum("scale", Spectrum(1.0));
    Float fov = paramSet.FindOneFloat("fov", 45.);
    std::string texname = paramSet.FindOneFilename("mapname", "");
    return std::make_shared<ProjectionLight>(light2world, medium, I * sc,
                                             texname, fov);
Example #9
std::shared_ptr<Shape> CreateHyperboloidShape(const Transform *o2w,
                                              const Transform *w2o,
                                              bool reverseOrientation,
                                              const ParamSet &params) {
    Point3f p1 = params.FindOnePoint3f("p1", Point3f(0, 0, 0));
    Point3f p2 = params.FindOnePoint3f("p2", Point3f(1, 1, 1));
    Float phimax = params.FindOneFloat("phimax", 360);
    return std::make_shared<Hyperboloid>(o2w, w2o, reverseOrientation, p1, p2,
Example #10
std::shared_ptr<AreaLight> CreateDiffuseAreaLight(
    const Transform &light2world, const Medium *medium,
    const ParamSet &paramSet, const std::shared_ptr<Shape> &shape) {
    Spectrum L = paramSet.FindOneSpectrum("L", Spectrum(1.0));
    Spectrum sc = paramSet.FindOneSpectrum("scale", Spectrum(1.0));
    int nSamples = paramSet.FindOneInt("nsamples", 1);
    if (PbrtOptions.quickRender) nSamples = std::max(1, nSamples / 4);
    return std::make_shared<DiffuseAreaLight>(light2world, medium, L * sc,
                                              nSamples, shape);
Example #11
std::shared_ptr<Cylinder> CreateCylinderShape(const Transform *o2w,
                                              const Transform *w2o,
                                              bool reverseOrientation,
                                              const ParamSet &params) {
    Float radius = params.FindOneFloat("radius", 1);
    Float zmin = params.FindOneFloat("zmin", -1);
    Float zmax = params.FindOneFloat("zmax", 1);
    Float phimax = params.FindOneFloat("phimax", 360);
    return std::make_shared<Cylinder>(o2w, w2o, reverseOrientation, radius,
                                      zmin, zmax, phimax);
Example #12
std::shared_ptr<Disk> CreateDiskShape(const Transform *o2w,
                                      const Transform *w2o,
                                      bool reverseOrientation,
                                      const ParamSet &params) {
    Float height = params.FindOneFloat("height", 0.);
    Float radius = params.FindOneFloat("radius", 1);
    Float inner_radius = params.FindOneFloat("innerradius", 0);
    Float phimax = params.FindOneFloat("phimax", 360);
    return std::make_shared<Disk>(o2w, w2o, reverseOrientation, height, radius,
                                  inner_radius, phimax);
Example #13
    GaussianFilter(const ParamSet& paramSet)
        float radius = paramSet.getFloat("radius", 2.0f);
        m_size.x = m_size.y = radius;

        float stddev = paramSet.getFloat("stddev", 0.5f);
        m_alpha = 1.0f / (2.0f * stddev * stddev);

        m_expX = exp(-m_alpha * m_size.x * m_size.x);
        m_expY = exp(-m_alpha * m_size.y * m_size.y);
Example #14
std::shared_ptr<Shape> CreateSphereShape(const Transform *o2w,
                                         const Transform *w2o,
                                         bool reverseOrientation,
                                         const ParamSet &params) {
    Float radius = params.FindOneFloat("radius", 1.f);
    Float zmin = params.FindOneFloat("zmin", -radius);
    Float zmax = params.FindOneFloat("zmax", radius);
    Float phimax = params.FindOneFloat("phimax", 360.f);
    return std::make_shared<Sphere>(o2w, w2o, reverseOrientation, radius, zmin,
                                    zmax, phimax);
Example #15
 inline ParamSet evaluatedOverrindingParams(ParamSet eventContext,
                                            TaskInstance instance) const {
   ParamSet overridingParams;
   TaskInstancePseudoParamsProvider ppp = instance.pseudoParams();
   ParamsProviderMerger ppm = ParamsProviderMerger(eventContext)(&ppp);
   foreach (QString key, _overridingParams.keys())
     overridingParams.setValue(key, _overridingParams.value(key, &ppm));
   //Log::fatal() << "******************* " << eventContext << overridingParams
   //             << _overridingParams;
   return overridingParams;
Example #16
Light::Light(const ParamSet& paramSet)
    m_lightToWorld = paramSet.getTransform("toWorld", Transform());
    m_worldToLight = m_lightToWorld.inverse();
    m_intersectable = false;
Example #17
  void trigger(EventSubscription subscription, ParamSet eventContext,
               TaskInstance parentInstance) const {
    if (_scheduler) {
      QString id;
      if (parentInstance.isNull()) {
        id = _id;
      } else {
        TaskInstancePseudoParamsProvider ppp = parentInstance.pseudoParams();
        id = eventContext.evaluate(_id, &ppp);
        QString idIfLocalToGroup = parentInstance.task().taskGroup().id()
        if (_scheduler->taskExists(idIfLocalToGroup))
          id = idIfLocalToGroup;
      TaskInstanceList instances = _scheduler->syncRequestTask(
          id, evaluatedOverrindingParams(eventContext, parentInstance), _force,
      if (instances.isEmpty())
        Log::error(parentInstance.task().id(), parentInstance.idAsLong())
            << "requesttask action failed to request execution of task "
            << id << " within event subscription context "
            << subscription.subscriberName() << "|" << subscription.eventName();
        foreach (TaskInstance childInstance, instances)
          Log::info(parentInstance.task().id(), parentInstance.idAsLong())
              << "requesttask action requested execution of task "
              << childInstance.task().id() << "/" << childInstance.groupId();

Example #18
std::shared_ptr<Light> MakeLight(const std::string &name,
                                 const ParamSet &paramSet,
                                 const Transform &light2world,
                                 const MediumInterface &mediumInterface) {
    std::shared_ptr<Light> light;
    if (name == "point")
        light =
            CreatePointLight(light2world, mediumInterface.outside, paramSet);
    else if (name == "spot")
        light = CreateSpotLight(light2world, mediumInterface.outside, paramSet);
    else if (name == "goniometric")
        light = CreateGoniometricLight(light2world, mediumInterface.outside,
    else if (name == "projection")
        light = CreateProjectionLight(light2world, mediumInterface.outside,
    else if (name == "distant")
        light = CreateDistantLight(light2world, paramSet);
    else if (name == "infinite" || name == "exinfinite")
        light = CreateInfiniteLight(light2world, paramSet);
        Warning("Light \"%s\" unknown.", name.c_str());
    return light;
Example #19
void LuxRenderer::defineFilm()
	int width = this->mtlu_renderGlobals->imgWidth;
	int height = this->mtlu_renderGlobals->imgHeight;
	MString outputPath = this->mtlu_renderGlobals->basePath + "/" + this->mtlu_renderGlobals->imageName + "." + (int)this->mtlu_renderGlobals->currentFrame + ".lxs";
	// file path without extension, will be added automatically by the renderer
	MString fileName = this->mtlu_renderGlobals->imagePath + "/" + this->mtlu_renderGlobals->imageName + "." + (int)this->mtlu_renderGlobals->currentFrame;
	const char *filename = fileName.asChar();
	const int xres = width;
	const int yres = height;
	const bool write_png = true;
	const int halttime = this->mtlu_renderGlobals->halttime;
	const int haltspp = this->mtlu_renderGlobals->haltspp;
	int displayinterval = 3;

	ParamSet fp = CreateParamSet();
	if( halttime > 0)
		fp->AddInt("halttime", &halttime);
	if( haltspp > 0)
		fp->AddInt("haltspp", &haltspp);
	if( displayinterval > 0)
		fp->AddInt("displayinterval", &displayinterval);
	lux->film("fleximage", boost::get_pointer(fp));
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    UIDSet uids;

    if (argc < 3) {
        std::cerr << "ERROR: Must have at least two arguments: basename and a UID"
                  << std::endl;
        return -1;

    try {
        stoi(argv[1], NULL, 10);
        std::cerr << "ERROR: First argument must not be an integer"
                  << std::endl;
        return -1;
    } catch (...) {}

    std::string basename(std::string(argv[1]) + "_mixed");

    if (basename.find("/") != std::string::npos) {
        std::cerr << "ERROR: Basename may not contain path separator"
                  << std::endl;
        return -1;

    for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) {
        uids.insert(stoi(argv[i], NULL, 10));
    ParamSet extraParams;
    extraParams.insert(-1); // Don't-care value
    SetuidState startState = SetuidState::get();
    Explorer explorer(
        Graph(VG(), uids, startState),


    Graph const& graph = explorer.getGraph();
    GraphName name(basename, uids, extraParams);
    ArchiveWriter<Graph>().write(graph, name);
    DotWriter<Graph>().write(graph, name);

    return 0;
Example #21
void Heightfield::Refine(vector<Reference<Shape> > &refined) const {
    int ntris = 2*(nx-1)*(ny-1);
    int *verts = new int[3*ntris];
    Point *P = new Point[nx*ny];
    float *uvs = new float[2*nx*ny];
    int nverts = nx*ny;

    int x, y;
    // Compute heightfield vertex positions
    int pos = 0;
    for (y = 0; y < ny; ++y) {
        for (x = 0; x < nx; ++x) {
            P[pos].x = uvs[2*pos]   = (float)x / (float)(nx-1);
            P[pos].y = uvs[2*pos+1] = (float)y / (float)(ny-1);
            P[pos].z = z[pos];

    // Fill in heightfield vertex offset array
    int *vp = verts;
    for (y = 0; y < ny-1; ++y) {
        for (x = 0; x < nx-1; ++x) {
#define VERT(x,y) ((x)+(y)*nx)
            *vp++ = VERT(x, y);
            *vp++ = VERT(x+1, y);
            *vp++ = VERT(x+1, y+1);
            *vp++ = VERT(x, y);
            *vp++ = VERT(x+1, y+1);
            *vp++ = VERT(x, y+1);
#undef VERT
    ParamSet paramSet;
    paramSet.AddInt("indices", verts, 3*ntris);
    paramSet.AddFloat("uv", uvs, 2 * nverts);
    paramSet.AddPoint("P", P, nverts);
    refined.push_back(CreateTriangleMeshShape(ObjectToWorld, WorldToObject, ReverseOrientation, paramSet));
    delete[] P;
    delete[] uvs;
    delete[] verts;
Example #22
 void SceneCache::initDefault() {
     Color errorColor = Color::Magenta;
     ColorTexturePtr errorCTexture(new ConstantTexture<Color>(errorColor));
     addColorTexture(mErrorCode, errorCTexture);
     FloatTexturePtr errorFTexture(new ConstantTexture<float>(0.5f));
     addFloatTexture(mErrorCode, errorFTexture); 
     MaterialPtr errorMaterial(new LambertMaterial(errorCTexture));
     addMaterial(mErrorCode, errorMaterial);
     Geometry* errorGeometry = new Sphere(1.0f);
     addGeometry(mErrorCode, errorGeometry);
     ParamSet modelParams;
     modelParams.setString("geometry", mErrorCode);
     modelParams.setString("material", mErrorCode);
     const Primitive* errorPrimitive = 
         ModelPrimitiveCreator().create(modelParams, *this);
     addPrimitive(mErrorCode, errorPrimitive);
     addAreaLight(mErrorCode, NULL);
Example #23
std::shared_ptr<Medium> MakeMedium(const std::string &name,
                                   const ParamSet &paramSet,
                                   const Transform &medium2world) {
    Float sig_a_rgb[3] = {.0011f, .0024f, .014f},
          sig_s_rgb[3] = {2.55f, 3.21f, 3.77f};
    Spectrum sig_a = Spectrum::FromRGB(sig_a_rgb),
             sig_s = Spectrum::FromRGB(sig_s_rgb);
    std::string preset = paramSet.FindOneString("preset", "");
    bool found = GetMediumScatteringProperties(preset, &sig_a, &sig_s);
    if (preset != "" && !found)
        Warning("Material preset \"%s\" not found.  Using defaults.",
    Float scale = paramSet.FindOneFloat("scale", 1.f);
    Float g = paramSet.FindOneFloat("g", 0.0f);
    sig_a = paramSet.FindOneSpectrum("sigma_a", sig_a) * scale;
    sig_s = paramSet.FindOneSpectrum("sigma_s", sig_s) * scale;
    Medium *m = NULL;
    if (name == "homogeneous") {
        m = new HomogeneousMedium(sig_a, sig_s, g);
    } else if (name == "heterogeneous") {
        int nitems;
        const Float *data = paramSet.FindFloat("density", &nitems);
        if (!data) {
            Error("No \"density\" values provided for heterogeneous medium?");
            return NULL;
        int nx = paramSet.FindOneInt("nx", 1);
        int ny = paramSet.FindOneInt("ny", 1);
        int nz = paramSet.FindOneInt("nz", 1);
        Point3f p0 = paramSet.FindOnePoint3f("p0", Point3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));
        Point3f p1 = paramSet.FindOnePoint3f("p1", Point3f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f));
        if (nitems != nx * ny * nz) {
                "GridDensityMedium has %d density values; expected nx*ny*nz = "
                nitems, nx * ny * nz);
            return NULL;
        Transform data2Medium = Translate(Vector3f(p0)) *
                                Scale(p1.x - p0.x, p1.y - p0.y, p1.z - p0.z);
        m = new GridDensityMedium(sig_a, sig_s, g, nx, ny, nz,
                                  medium2world * data2Medium, data);
    } else
        Warning("Medium \"%s\" unknown.", name.c_str());
    return std::shared_ptr<Medium>(m);
Example #24
QVariant AlertSubscriptionData::uiData(int section, int role) const {
    switch(role) {
    case Qt::DisplayRole:
    case Qt::EditRole:
        switch(section) {
        case 0:
            return _id;
        case 1:
            return _pattern;
        case 2:
            return _channelName;
        case 3:
            return _address;
        case 4: {
            QString s;
            if (!_emitMessage.isEmpty())
                s.append(" emitmessage=").append(_emitMessage);
            if (!_cancelMessage.isEmpty())
                s.append(" cancelmessage=").append(_cancelMessage);
            if (!_reminderMessage.isEmpty())
                s.append(" remindermessage=").append(_reminderMessage);
            return s.mid(1);
        case 5: {
            QString s;
            if (!_notifyEmit)
                s.append(" noemitnotify");
            if (!_notifyCancel)
                s.append(" nocancelnotify");
            if (!_notifyReminder)
                s.append(" noremindernotify");
            return s.mid(1);
        case 6:
            return _emitMessage;
        case 7:
            return _cancelMessage;
        case 8:
            return _reminderMessage;
        case 9:
            return _notifyEmit;
        case 10:
            return _notifyCancel;
        case 11:
            return _notifyReminder;
        case 12:
            return _params.toString(false, false);
    return QVariant();
Example #25
// Object Creation Function Definitions
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Shape>> MakeShapes(const std::string &name,
                                               const Transform *object2world,
                                               const Transform *world2object,
                                               bool reverseOrientation,
                                               const ParamSet &paramSet) {
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Shape>> shapes;
    std::shared_ptr<Shape> s;
    if (name == "sphere")
        s = CreateSphereShape(object2world, world2object, reverseOrientation,
    // Create remaining single _Shape_ types
    else if (name == "cylinder")
        s = CreateCylinderShape(object2world, world2object, reverseOrientation,
    else if (name == "disk")
        s = CreateDiskShape(object2world, world2object, reverseOrientation,
    else if (name == "cone")
        s = CreateConeShape(object2world, world2object, reverseOrientation,
    else if (name == "paraboloid")
        s = CreateParaboloidShape(object2world, world2object,
                                  reverseOrientation, paramSet);
    else if (name == "hyperboloid")
        s = CreateHyperboloidShape(object2world, world2object,
                                   reverseOrientation, paramSet);
    if (s != nullptr) shapes.push_back(s);

    // Create multiple-_Shape_ types
    else if (name == "curve")
        shapes = CreateCurveShape(object2world, world2object,
                                  reverseOrientation, paramSet);
    else if (name == "trianglemesh")
        shapes = CreateTriangleMeshShape(object2world, world2object,
                                         reverseOrientation, paramSet,
    else if (name == "plymesh")
        shapes = CreatePLYMesh(object2world, world2object, reverseOrientation,
                               paramSet, &graphicsState.floatTextures);
    else if (name == "heightfield")
        shapes = CreateHeightfield(object2world, world2object,
                                   reverseOrientation, paramSet);
    else if (name == "loopsubdiv")
        shapes = CreateLoopSubdiv(object2world, world2object,
                                  reverseOrientation, paramSet);
    else if (name == "nurbs")
        shapes = CreateNURBS(object2world, world2object, reverseOrientation,
        Warning("Shape \"%s\" unknown.", name.c_str());
    return shapes;
Example #26
std::shared_ptr<BVHAccel> CreateBVHAccelerator(
    const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Primitive>> &prims, const ParamSet &ps) {
    std::string splitMethodName = ps.FindOneString("splitmethod", "sah");
    BVHAccel::SplitMethod splitMethod;
    if (splitMethodName == "sah")
        splitMethod = BVHAccel::SplitMethod::SAH;
    else if (splitMethodName == "hlbvh")
        splitMethod = BVHAccel::SplitMethod::HLBVH;
    else if (splitMethodName == "middle")
        splitMethod = BVHAccel::SplitMethod::Middle;
    else if (splitMethodName == "equal")
        splitMethod = BVHAccel::SplitMethod::EqualCounts;
    else {
        Warning("BVH split method \"%s\" unknown.  Using \"sah\".",
        splitMethod = BVHAccel::SplitMethod::SAH;

    int maxPrimsInNode = ps.FindOneInt("maxnodeprims", 4);
    return std::make_shared<BVHAccel>(prims, maxPrimsInNode, splitMethod);
Example #27
std::shared_ptr<AreaLight> MakeAreaLight(const std::string &name,
                                         const Transform &light2world,
                                         const MediumInterface &mediumInterface,
                                         const ParamSet &paramSet,
                                         const std::shared_ptr<Shape> &shape) {
    std::shared_ptr<AreaLight> area;
    if (name == "area" || name == "diffuse")
        area = CreateDiffuseAreaLight(light2world, mediumInterface.outside,
                                      paramSet, shape);
        Warning("Area light \"%s\" unknown.", name.c_str());
    return area;
Example #28
std::shared_ptr<Primitive> MakeAccelerator(
    const std::string &name,
    const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Primitive>> &prims,
    const ParamSet &paramSet) {
    std::shared_ptr<Primitive> accel;
    if (name == "bvh")
        accel = CreateBVHAccelerator(prims, paramSet);
    else if (name == "kdtree")
        accel = CreateKdTreeAccelerator(prims, paramSet);
        Warning("Accelerator \"%s\" unknown.", name.c_str());
    return accel;
Example #29
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Shape>> CreateCurveShape(const Transform *o2w,
                                                     const Transform *w2o,
                                                     bool reverseOrientation,
                                                     const ParamSet &params) {
    Float width = params.FindOneFloat("width", 1.f);
    Float width0 = params.FindOneFloat("width0", width);
    Float width1 = params.FindOneFloat("width1", width);

    int ncp;
    const Point3f *cp = params.FindPoint3f("P", &ncp);
    if (ncp != 4) {
            "Must provide 4 control points for \"curve\" primitive. "
            "(Provided %d).",
        return std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Shape>>();

    CurveType type;
    std::string curveType = params.FindOneString("type", "flat");
    if (curveType == "flat")
        type = CurveType::Flat;
    else if (curveType == "ribbon")
        type = CurveType::Ribbon;
    else if (curveType == "cylinder")
        type = CurveType::Cylinder;
    else {
        Error("Unknown curve type \"%s\".  Using \"flat\".", curveType.c_str());
        type = CurveType::Cylinder;
    int nnorm;
    const Normal3f *n = params.FindNormal3f("N", &nnorm);
    if (n != nullptr) {
        if (type != CurveType::Ribbon) {
            Warning("Curve normals are only used with \"ribbon\" type curves.");
            n = nullptr;
        } else if (nnorm != 2) {
                "Must provide two normals with \"N\" parameter for ribbon "
                "curves. "
                "(Provided %d).",
            return std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Shape>>();

    int sd = params.FindOneFloat("splitdepth", 2);

    if (type == CurveType::Ribbon && n == nullptr) {
            "Must provide normals \"N\" at curve endpoints with ribbon "
        return std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Shape>>();
    } else
        return CreateCurve(o2w, w2o, reverseOrientation, cp, width0, width1,
                           type, n, sd);
    std::string const& basename,
    UIDSet const& uidSet,
    ParamSet const& paramSet) {
    std::vector<int> uids, params;
    for (UIDSet::const_iterator it = uidSet.begin(), ie = uidSet.end();
         it != ie; ++it) {
    std::sort(uids.begin(), uids.end());
    for (ParamSet::const_iterator it = paramSet.begin(), ie = paramSet.end();
         it != ie; ++it) {
    std::sort(params.begin(), params.end());

    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << basename << "__u_";
    for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = uids.begin(), ie = uids.end();
         it != ie; ++it) {
        ss << *it;
        if (it +1 != uids.end()) {
            ss << "_";
    ss << "__p_";
    for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = params.begin(), ie = params.end();
         it != ie; ++it) {
        ss << *it;
        if (it +1 != params.end()) {
            ss << "_";

    name = ss.str();