LexicalReorderingTableMemory::MakeKey(const Phrase& f,
                                      const Phrase& e,
                                      const Phrase& c) const
  return MakeKey(auxClearString(f.GetStringRep(m_FactorsF)),
Example #2
void Phrase::MergeFactors(const Phrase &copy, const std::vector<FactorType>& factorVec)
  UTIL_THROW_IF2(GetSize() != copy.GetSize(), "Both phrases need to be the same size to merge");
  for (size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < GetSize() ; currPos++)
    for (std::vector<FactorType>::const_iterator i = factorVec.begin();
         i != factorVec.end(); ++i) {
      SetFactor(currPos, *i, copy.GetFactor(currPos, *i));
Phrase::Phrase(const Phrase &copy)
  for (size_t pos = 0; pos < copy.GetSize(); ++pos) {
    const Word &oldWord = copy.GetWord(pos);
    Word *newWord = new Word(oldWord);
    m_words[pos] = newWord;
void Phrase::MergeFactors(const Phrase &copy, const std::vector<FactorType>& factorVec)
  CHECK(GetSize() == copy.GetSize());
  for (size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < GetSize() ; currPos++)
    for (std::vector<FactorType>::const_iterator i = factorVec.begin();
         i != factorVec.end(); ++i) {
      SetFactor(currPos, *i, copy.GetFactor(currPos, *i));
Example #5
void testApp::makePhrase(string _p, int _v ){
    Phrase temp;
    pos.set( ofRandom(10, ofGetWidth() - font.stringWidth(_p) ) ,ofRandom(font.getLineHeight(), ofGetHeight() - font.getLineHeight() ));
    ofColor c = color.getColor( ofRandom(color.width), 50);
    temp.setup(_p, _v, &font, pos, &bg, c);
    phrase = "";
MakeKey(const Phrase& f,
        const Phrase& e,
        const Phrase& c) const
  return MakeKey(Trim(f.GetStringRep(m_FactorsF)),
Example #7
bool Phrase::IsCompatible(const Phrase &inputPhrase, FactorType factorType) const
	if (inputPhrase.GetSize() != GetSize())	{ return false;	}
	for (size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < GetSize() ; currPos++)
		if (GetFactor(currPos, factorType) != inputPhrase.GetFactor(currPos, factorType))
			return false;
	return true;
void AlignedSentence::PopulateWordVec(Phrase &vec, const std::string &line)
	std::vector<string> toks;
	Moses::Tokenize(toks, line);

	for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
		const string &tok = toks[i];
		Word *word = new Word(i, tok);
		vec[i] = word;
Example #9
void Manager::CreateInputPaths()
  for (size_t pos = 0; pos < m_sentence.GetSize(); ++pos) {
    Phrase *phrase = new Phrase(1);
    phrase->Set(0, m_sentence.GetWord(pos));

    InputPath *path = new InputPath(NULL, phrase, pos);

    CreateInputPaths(*path, pos + 1);
Example #10
void KENLM<Model>::CalcScore(const Phrase<SCFG::Word> &phrase, float &fullScore,
                             float &ngramScore, std::size_t &oovCount) const
  fullScore = 0;
  ngramScore = 0;
  oovCount = 0;

  if (!phrase.GetSize()) return;

  lm::ngram::ChartState discarded_sadly;
  lm::ngram::RuleScore<Model> scorer(*m_ngram, discarded_sadly);

  size_t position;
  if (m_bos == phrase[0][m_factorType]) {
    position = 1;
  } else {
    position = 0;

  size_t ngramBoundary = m_ngram->Order() - 1;

  size_t end_loop = std::min(ngramBoundary, phrase.GetSize());
  for (; position < end_loop; ++position) {
    const SCFG::Word &word = phrase[position];
    if (word.isNonTerminal) {
      fullScore += scorer.Finish();
    } else {
      lm::WordIndex index = TranslateID(word);
      if (!index) ++oovCount;
  float before_boundary = fullScore + scorer.Finish();
  for (; position < phrase.GetSize(); ++position) {
    const SCFG::Word &word = phrase[position];
    if (word.isNonTerminal) {
      fullScore += scorer.Finish();
    } else {
      lm::WordIndex index = TranslateID(word);
      if (!index) ++oovCount;
  fullScore += scorer.Finish();

  ngramScore = TransformLMScore(fullScore - before_boundary);
  fullScore = TransformLMScore(fullScore);
void Phrase::MergeFactors(const Phrase &copy)
  assert(GetSize() == copy.GetSize());
  size_t size = GetSize();
  const size_t maxNumFactors = StaticData::Instance().GetMaxNumFactors(this->GetDirection());
  for (size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < size ; currPos++) {
    for (unsigned int currFactor = 0 ; currFactor < maxNumFactors ; currFactor++) {
      FactorType factorType = static_cast<FactorType>(currFactor);
      const Factor *factor = copy.GetFactor(currPos, factorType);
      if (factor != NULL)
        SetFactor(currPos, factorType, factor);
Example #12
void Phrase::MergeFactors(const Phrase &copy)
  UTIL_THROW_IF2(GetSize() != copy.GetSize(), "Both phrases need to be the same size to merge");
  size_t size = GetSize();
  const size_t maxNumFactors = MAX_NUM_FACTORS;
  for (size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < size ; currPos++) {
    for (unsigned int currFactor = 0 ; currFactor < maxNumFactors ; currFactor++) {
      FactorType factorType = static_cast<FactorType>(currFactor);
      const Factor *factor = copy.GetFactor(currPos, factorType);
      if (factor != NULL)
        SetFactor(currPos, factorType, factor);
void AlignedSentenceSyntax::XMLParse(Phrase &output,
                                     SyntaxTree &tree,
                                     const pugi::xml_node &parentNode,
                                     const Parameter &params)
  int childNum = 0;
  for (pugi::xml_node childNode = parentNode.first_child(); childNode; childNode = childNode.next_sibling()) {
    string nodeName =;

    // span label
    string label;
    int startPos = output.size();

    if (!nodeName.empty()) {
      pugi::xml_attribute attribute = childNode.attribute("label");
      label = attribute.as_string();

      // recursively call this function. For proper recursive trees
      XMLParse(output, tree, childNode, params);

    // fill phrase vector
    string text = childNode.value();
    //cerr << childNum << " " << label << "=" << text << endl;

    std::vector<string> toks;
    Moses::Tokenize(toks, text);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < toks.size(); ++i) {
      const string &tok = toks[i];
      Word *word = new Word(output.size(), tok);

    // is it a labelled span?
    int endPos = output.size() - 1;

    // fill syntax labels
    if (!label.empty()) {
      label = "[" + label + "]";
      tree.Add(startPos, endPos, label, params);


Example #14
void Manager::CreateInputPaths(const InputPath &prevPath, size_t pos)
  if (pos >= m_sentence.GetSize()) {

  Phrase *phrase = new Phrase(prevPath.GetPhrase(), 1);

  InputPath *path = new InputPath(&prevPath, phrase, pos);

  CreateInputPaths(*path, pos + 1);
Example #15
void Phrase::MergeFactors(const Phrase &copy)
  CHECK(GetSize() == copy.GetSize());
  size_t size = GetSize();
  const size_t maxNumFactors = MAX_NUM_FACTORS;
  for (size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < size ; currPos++) {
    for (unsigned int currFactor = 0 ; currFactor < maxNumFactors ; currFactor++) {
      FactorType factorType = static_cast<FactorType>(currFactor);
      const Factor *factor = copy.GetFactor(currPos, factorType);
      if (factor != NULL)
        SetFactor(currPos, factorType, factor);
std::string LexicalReorderingTableTree::MakeCacheKey(const Phrase& f, 
						     const Phrase& e) const {
  std::string key;
    key += auxClearString(f.GetStringRep(m_FactorsF));
      key += "|||";
    key += auxClearString(e.GetStringRep(m_FactorsE));
  return key;
Example #17
bool Phrase::IsCompatible(const Phrase &inputPhrase, const std::vector<FactorType>& factorVec) const
  if (inputPhrase.GetSize() != GetSize())	{
    return false;
  for (size_t currPos = 0 ; currPos < GetSize() ; currPos++) {
    for (std::vector<FactorType>::const_iterator i = factorVec.begin();
         i != factorVec.end(); ++i) {
      if (GetFactor(currPos, *i) != inputPhrase.GetFactor(currPos, *i))
        return false;
  return true;
bool LanguageModelMultiFactor::Useable(const Phrase &phrase) const
	if (phrase.GetSize()==0)
		return false;
	// whether phrase contains all factors in this LM
	const Word &word = phrase.GetWord(0);
	for (size_t currFactor = 0 ; currFactor < MAX_NUM_FACTORS ; ++currFactor)
		if (m_factorTypes[currFactor] && word[currFactor] == NULL)
			return false;
	return  true;

Example #19
 * Pre-calculate the n-gram probabilities for the words in the specified phrase.
 * Note that when this method is called, we do not have access to the context
 * in which this phrase will eventually be applied.
 * In other words, we know what words are in this phrase,
 * but we do not know what words will come before or after this phrase.
 * The parameters fullScore, ngramScore, and oovCount are all output parameters.
 * The value stored in oovCount is the number of words in the phrase
 * that are not in the language model's vocabulary.
 * The sum of the ngram scores for all words in this phrase are stored in fullScore.
 * The value stored in ngramScore is similar, but only full-order ngram scores are included.
 * This is best shown by example:
 * Assume a trigram backward language model and a phrase "a b c d e f g"
 * fullScore would represent the sum of the logprob scores for the following values:
 * p(g)
 * p(f | g)
 * p(e | g f)
 * p(d | f e)
 * p(c | e d)
 * p(b | d c)
 * p(a | c b)
 * ngramScore would represent the sum of the logprob scores for the following values:
 * p(g)
 * p(f | g)
 * p(e | g f)
 * p(d | f e)
 * p(c | e d)
 * p(b | d c)
 * p(a | c b)
template <class Model> void BackwardLanguageModel<Model>::CalcScore(const Phrase &phrase, float &fullScore, float &ngramScore, size_t &oovCount) const
  fullScore = 0;
  ngramScore = 0;
  oovCount = 0;

  if (!phrase.GetSize()) return;

  lm::ngram::ChartState discarded_sadly;
  lm::ngram::RuleScore<Model> scorer(*m_ngram, discarded_sadly);

    (m_beginSentenceFactor == phrase.GetWord(0).GetFactor(m_factorType)),
    "BackwardLanguageModel does not currently support rules that include <s>"

  float before_boundary = 0.0f;

  int lastWord = phrase.GetSize() - 1;
  int ngramBoundary = m_ngram->Order() - 1;
  int boundary = ( lastWord < ngramBoundary ) ? 0 : ngramBoundary;

  int position;
  for (position = lastWord; position >= 0; position-=1) {
    const Word &word = phrase.GetWord(position);
      "BackwardLanguageModel does not currently support rules that include non-terminals "

    lm::WordIndex index = TranslateID(word);
    if (!index) ++oovCount;

    if (position==boundary) {
      before_boundary = scorer.Finish();


  fullScore = scorer.Finish();

  ngramScore = TransformLMScore(fullScore - before_boundary);
  fullScore = TransformLMScore(fullScore);

void LexicalReorderingTableTree::auxCacheForSrcPhrase(const Phrase& f)
  if(m_FactorsE.empty()) {
    //f is all of key...
    Candidates cands;
    m_Cache[MakeCacheKey(f,Phrase(ARRAY_SIZE_INCR))] = cands;
  } else {
    ObjectPool<PPimp>     pool;
    PPimp* pPos  = m_Table->GetRoot();
    //1) goto subtree for f
    for(size_t i = 0; i < f.GetSize() && 0 != pPos && pPos->isValid(); ++i) {
      /* old code
      pPos = m_Table.Extend(pPos, auxClearString(f.GetWord(i).ToString(m_FactorsF)), SourceVocId);
      pPos = m_Table->Extend(pPos, f.GetWord(i).GetString(m_FactorsF, false), SourceVocId);
    if(0 != pPos && pPos->isValid()) {
      pPos = m_Table->Extend(pPos, PrefixTreeMap::MagicWord);
    if(0 == pPos || !pPos->isValid()) {
    //2) explore whole subtree depth first & cache
    std::string cache_key = auxClearString(f.GetStringRep(m_FactorsF)) + "|||";

    std::vector<State> stack;
    Candidates cands;
    while(!stack.empty()) {
      if(stack.back().pos->isValid()) {
        LabelId w = stack.back().pos->ptr()->getKey(stack.back().pos->idx);
        std::string next_path = stack.back().path + " " + m_Table->ConvertWord(w,TargetVocId);
        //cache this
        if(!cands.empty()) {
          m_Cache[cache_key + auxClearString(next_path)] = cands;
        PPimp* next_pos = pool.get(PPimp(stack.back().pos->ptr()->getPtr(stack.back().pos->idx),0,0));
      } else {
size_t Found(const Phrase &source, int pos, int factor, const std::string &str)
  const size_t MAX_RANGE = 10;

  vector<string> soughts = Moses::Tokenize(str, " ");
  vector<string> puncts = Moses::Tokenize(". : , ;", " ");

  size_t maxEnd = std::min(source.size(), (size_t) pos + MAX_RANGE);
  for (size_t i = pos + 1; i < maxEnd; ++i) {
	const Word &word = source[i];
	bool found;

	found = Found(word, factor, puncts);
	if (found) {
		return std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();

	found = Found(word, factor, soughts);
	if (found) {
		return i;

  return std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
void PhraseLengthFeature::EvaluateInIsolation(const Phrase &source
    , const TargetPhrase &targetPhrase
    , ScoreComponentCollection &scoreBreakdown
    , ScoreComponentCollection &estimatedFutureScore) const
  // get length of source and target phrase
  size_t targetLength = targetPhrase.GetSize();
  size_t sourceLength = source.GetSize();

  // create feature names
  stringstream nameSource;
  nameSource << "s" << sourceLength;

  stringstream nameTarget;
  nameTarget << "t" << targetLength;

  stringstream nameBoth;
  nameBoth << sourceLength << "," << targetLength;

  // increase feature counts

  //cerr << nameSource.str() << " " << nameTarget.str() << " " << nameBoth.str() << endl;
Example #23
PinyinPhraseLib::optimize_phrase_frequencies (uint32 max_freq)
	uint32 freq = m_phrase_lib.get_max_phrase_frequency ();

	if (freq < max_freq || !max_freq) return;

	double ratio = ((double) max_freq) / freq;

	Phrase phrase;
	for (int i = 0; i<(int)m_phrase_lib.number_of_phrases (); ++i) {
		phrase = m_phrase_lib.get_phrase_by_index (i);
		phrase.set_frequency ((uint32)(phrase.frequency () * ratio));
// score ngrams of words that have been added before the previous word span
void BleuScoreFeature::GetNgramMatchCounts_prefix(Phrase& phrase,
        const NGrams& ref_ngram_counts,
        std::vector< size_t >& ret_counts,
        std::vector< size_t >& ret_matches,
        size_t new_start_indices,
        size_t last_end_index) const
    NGrams::const_iterator ref_ngram_counts_iter;
    size_t ngram_start_idx, ngram_end_idx;

    // Chiang et al (2008) use unclipped counts of ngram matches
    for (size_t start_idx = 0; start_idx < new_start_indices; start_idx++) {
        for (size_t order = 0; order < BleuScoreState::bleu_order; order++) {
            ngram_start_idx = start_idx;
            ngram_end_idx = start_idx + order;
            if (order > ngram_end_idx) break;
            if (ngram_end_idx > last_end_index) break;

            Phrase ngram = phrase.GetSubString(WordsRange(ngram_start_idx, ngram_end_idx), 0);

            ref_ngram_counts_iter = ref_ngram_counts.find(ngram);
            if (ref_ngram_counts_iter != ref_ngram_counts.end())
void RulePairUnlexicalizedSource::EvaluateInIsolation(const Phrase &source
        , const TargetPhrase &targetPhrase
        , ScoreComponentCollection &scoreBreakdown
        , ScoreComponentCollection &estimatedFutureScore) const
    const Factor* targetPhraseLHS = targetPhrase.GetTargetLHS()[0];
    if ( !m_glueRules && (targetPhraseLHS == m_glueTargetLHS) ) {
    if ( !m_nonGlueRules && (targetPhraseLHS != m_glueTargetLHS) ) {

    for (size_t posS=0; posS<source.GetSize(); ++posS) {
        const Word &wordS = source.GetWord(posS);
        if ( !wordS.IsNonTerminal() ) {

    ostringstream namestr;

    for (size_t posT=0; posT<targetPhrase.GetSize(); ++posT) {
        const Word &wordT = targetPhrase.GetWord(posT);
        const Factor* factorT = wordT[0];
        if ( wordT.IsNonTerminal() ) {
            namestr << "[";
        namestr << factorT->GetString();
        if ( wordT.IsNonTerminal() ) {
            namestr << "]";
        namestr << "|";

    namestr << targetPhraseLHS->GetString() << "|";

    for (AlignmentInfo::const_iterator it=targetPhrase.GetAlignNonTerm().begin();
            it!=targetPhrase.GetAlignNonTerm().end(); ++it) {
        namestr << "|" << it->first << "-" << it->second;

    scoreBreakdown.PlusEquals(this, namestr.str(), 1);
    if ( targetPhraseLHS != m_glueTargetLHS ) {
        scoreBreakdown.PlusEquals(this, 1);
void OnDiskQuery::Tokenize(Phrase &phrase, 
    const std::string &token,
    bool addSourceNonTerm,
    bool addTargetNonTerm)
  bool nonTerm = false;
  size_t tokSize = token.size();
  int comStr, 1, "[");

  if (comStr == 0) {
    comStr = - 1, 1, "]");
    nonTerm = comStr == 0;

  if (nonTerm) {
    // non-term
    size_t splitPos = token.find_first_of("[", 2);
    std::string wordStr = token.substr(0, splitPos);

    if (splitPos == std::string::npos) {
      // lhs - only 1 word
      WordPtr word (new Word());
      word->CreateFromString(wordStr, m_wrapper.GetVocab());
    } else {
      // source & target non-terms
      if (addSourceNonTerm) {
        WordPtr word( new Word());
        word->CreateFromString(wordStr, m_wrapper.GetVocab());

      wordStr = token.substr(splitPos, tokSize - splitPos);
      if (addTargetNonTerm) {
        WordPtr word(new Word());
        word->CreateFromString(wordStr, m_wrapper.GetVocab());

  } else {
    // term
    WordPtr word(new Word());
    word->CreateFromString(token, m_wrapper.GetVocab());
//! set walls based on "-monotone-at-punctuation" flag
void ReorderingConstraint::SetMonotoneAtPunctuation( const Phrase &sentence )
  for( size_t i=0; i<sentence.GetSize(); i++ ) {
    const Word& word = sentence.GetWord(i);
    if (word[0]->GetString() == "," ||
        word[0]->GetString() == "." ||
        word[0]->GetString() == "!" ||
        word[0]->GetString() == "?" ||
        word[0]->GetString() == ":" ||
        word[0]->GetString() == ";" ||
        word[0]->GetString() == "\"") {
      // set wall before and after punc, but not at sentence start, end
      if (i>0 && i<m_size-1) SetWall( i, true );
      if (i>1)               SetWall( i-1, true );
void PartDisplay::calculate()
    _useColour = false;
    _r         = 255;
    _g         = 255;
    _b         = 255;

    Phrase        *phr  = p->phrase();
    DisplayParams *d    = p->displayParams();
    DisplayParams *phrd = phr ? phr->displayParams() : 0;

    if (d->style() != DisplayParams::None)
        if (d->style() == DisplayParams::Default && phr)
            // Get values from Phrase
            if (phrd->style() == DisplayParams::Colour)
                phrd->colour(_r, _g, _b);
                _useColour = true;
            else if (phrd->style() == DisplayParams::PresetColour && preset)
                preset->colour(phrd->presetColour(), _r, _g, _b);
                _useColour = true;
        else if (d->style() != DisplayParams::Default)
            // Values from Part: must be using colour
            _useColour = true;
            if (d->style() == DisplayParams::Colour)
                d->colour(_r, _g, _b);
                _useColour = true;
            else if (preset)
                preset->colour(d->presetColour(), _r, _g, _b);
                _useColour = true;

    _calculated = true;
Example #29
PinyinPhraseLib::create_pinyin_index ()
	if (!m_pinyin_table || !m_pinyin_table->size()) return;

	clear_phrase_index ();

	uint32 pinyin_offset = 0;

	WideString content;
	Phrase phrase;

	for (uint32 i=0; i<m_phrase_lib.number_of_phrases (); i++) {
		phrase = m_phrase_lib.get_phrase_by_index (i);

		content = phrase.get_content ();

		std::vector<PinyinKeyVector> key_vv;
		m_pinyin_table->find_key_strings (key_vv, content);

		for (uint32 j=0; j<key_vv.size(); j++) {
			for (uint32 k=0; k<key_vv[j].size(); k++)
				m_pinyin_lib.push_back (key_vv[j][k]);

			insert_pinyin_phrase_into_index (phrase.get_phrase_offset (), pinyin_offset);

			pinyin_offset = m_pinyin_lib.size ();
#if 0
		if (key_vv.size () > 1 && content.length () > 1) {
			for (uint32 x=0; x<key_vv.size (); x++) {
				std::cerr << phrase.frequency () << "\t| " << 
						utf8_wcstombs (content) << " =";
				for (uint32 y=0; y<key_vv[x].size (); y++)
					std::cerr << " " << key_vv[x][y];
				std::cerr << "\n";
		std::cout << "." << std::flush;

	sort_phrase_tables ();

	std::cout << "Phrase Number = " << count_phrase_number () << "\n";
Example #30
GetOutputPhrase(Phrase &out) const
  if (m_prevHypo != NULL)