// Calculates and return the gradient between two points
double grad(Point a, Point b) {
    return 1.0 * (a.y() - b.y()) / (a.x() - b.x());
Example #2
bool ConvexHull::isLeftTurn(Point c, Point a, Point b){
    Point u(b.x() - a.x(), b.y() - a.y(), 0),
          v(c.x() - a.x(), c.y() - a.y(), 0);
    return u.x()*v.y() - u.y()*v.x() >= 0;
Example #3
Point :: Point(const Point &rhs){
x = rhs.getX();
y = rhs.getY();
Example #4
	void read () { o.read(), scanf("%lf", &r); }
Example #5
 void TorusVolume::translate(const Point& vec)
   ALWAYS_ERROR_IF(dimension() != vec.dimension(), "Volume and translation vector of different dimension");
   location_ += vec;
Example #6
void Canhamo::drawLine(const Point &begin, const Point &end, int r, int g, int b){

    CanvasLine line = { { begin.x(), begin.y(), end.x(), end.y() }, { r, g, b } };
Example #7
void MeshSmoothing::smooth(Mesh& mesh, std::size_t num_iterations)
  log(PROGRESS, "Smoothing mesh: %s", mesh.str(false).c_str());

  if (mesh.geometry().degree() != 1)
                 "smooth mesh",
                 "This function does not support higher-order mesh geometry");

  // Make sure we have cell-facet connectivity
  mesh.init(mesh.topology().dim(), mesh.topology().dim() - 1);

  // Make sure we have vertex-edge connectivity
  mesh.init(0, 1);

  // Make sure the mesh is ordered

  // Mark vertices on the boundary so we may skip them
  BoundaryMesh boundary(mesh, "exterior");
  const MeshFunction<std::size_t> vertex_map = boundary.entity_map(0);
  MeshFunction<bool> on_boundary(reference_to_no_delete_pointer(mesh), 0);
  on_boundary = false;
  if (boundary.num_vertices() > 0)
    for (VertexIterator v(boundary); !v.end(); ++v)
      on_boundary[vertex_map[*v]] = true;

  // Iterate over all vertices
  const std::size_t d = mesh.geometry().dim();
  std::vector<double> xx(d);
  for (std::size_t iteration = 0; iteration < num_iterations; iteration++)
    for (VertexIterator v(mesh); !v.end(); ++v)
      // Skip vertices on the boundary
      if (on_boundary[*v])

      // Get coordinates of vertex
      const Point p = v->point();

      // Compute center of mass of neighboring vertices
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < d; i++) xx[i] = 0.0;
      std::size_t num_neighbors = 0;
      for (EdgeIterator e(*v); !e.end(); ++e)
        // Get the other vertex
        dolfin_assert(e->num_entities(0) == 2);
        std::size_t other_index = e->entities(0)[0];
        if (other_index == v->index())
          other_index = e->entities(0)[1];

        // Create the vertex
        Vertex vn(mesh, other_index);

        // Skip the vertex itself
        if (v->index() == vn.index())
        num_neighbors += 1;

        // Compute center of mass
        const double* xn = vn.x();
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < d; i++)
          xx[i] += xn[i];
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < d; i++)
        xx[i] /= static_cast<double>(num_neighbors);

      // Compute closest distance to boundary of star
      double rmin = 0.0;
      for (CellIterator c(*v); !c.end(); ++c)
        // Get local number of vertex relative to facet
        const std::size_t local_vertex = c->index(*v);

        // Get normal of corresponding facet
        Point n = c->normal(local_vertex);

        // Get first vertex in facet
        Facet f(mesh, c->entities(mesh.topology().dim() - 1)[local_vertex]);
        VertexIterator fv(f);

        // Compute length of projection of v - fv onto normal
        const double r = std::abs(n.dot(p - fv->point()));
        if (rmin == 0.0)
          rmin = r;
          rmin = std::min(rmin, r);

      // Move vertex at most a distance rmin / 2
      double r = 0.0;
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < d; i++)
        const double dx = xx[i] - p[i];
        r += dx*dx;
      r = std::sqrt(r);
      if (r < DOLFIN_EPS)
      rmin = std::min(0.5*rmin, r);

      std::vector<double> new_vertex(mesh.geometry().x(v->index()),
                                     mesh.geometry().x(v->index()) + d);
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < d; i++)
        new_vertex[i] += rmin*(xx[i] - p[i])/r;
      mesh.geometry().set(v->index(), new_vertex.data());


  if (num_iterations > 1)
    log(PROGRESS, "Mesh smoothing repeated %d times.", num_iterations);
Example #8
float dFunc_linear(const Point& pt)
{ return pt.x()+0.5; }
Example #9
 //draws the bitmap
 void draw() const {
     bitmap.draw(position.getX(), position.getY());
Example #10
float dFunc_zoneplate(const Point& pt)
{ return std::sin( 100*M_PI * (std::pow(pt.x()+0.5, 2) + std::pow(pt.y()+0.5, 2)) )/2. + 0.5; }
Example #11
float dFunc_contrast(const Point& pt)
{ return (pt.y()+0.5) * std::sin( 100*M_PI * std::pow(pt.x()+0.5, 2) )/2. + 0.5; }
Example #12
float dFunc_radial(const Point& pt)
{ return pt.norm()*2.; }
Example #13
float dFunc_quadra(const Point& pt)
{ return std::pow(pt.x()+0.5, 2); }
Example #14
Point Landmark::get_point(map<string,double> values)
	Point result = Point(m_x_term->evaluate(values), m_y_term->evaluate(values));
	return result;
Example #15
Geometry2d::Point OurRobot::pointInRobotSpace(Geometry2d::Point pt) const {
    Point p = pt;
    p.rotate(pos, -angle);
    return p;
void GoalDetection::performSanityChecks(const Fovea &fovea,
                                        const VisionFrame &frame,
                                        std::vector<BBox> &regions) {
   std::vector<BBox> candidates (regions);
   std::vector<BBox>::iterator it;
   for (it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); ++it) {

      // Check that the middle and the bottom 75% for edges
      // Only need 1 strong edge in each to be good

      int middle = (it->a.y() + it->b.y()) / 2;
      int bottom = it->a.y() + (it->b.y() - it->a.y()) * 0.75;
      bool keepM = false;
      bool keepB = false;
      for (int col = it->a.x(); col <= it->b.x(); ++col) {
         // Check middle
         Point edge = fovea.edge(col, middle);
         float magnitude = (edge.x() * edge.x()) + (edge.y() * edge.y());
         if (magnitude > MIN_EDGE_THRESHOLD) keepM = true;

         // Check bottom
         edge = fovea.edge(col, bottom);
         magnitude = (edge.x() * edge.x()) + (edge.y() * edge.y());
         if (magnitude > MIN_EDGE_THRESHOLD) keepB = true;
      if (!keepM) {
         //std::cout << "throwing away since no keepM" << std::endl;
         continue              ;
      if (!keepB) {
         //std::cout << "throwing away since no keepB" << std::endl;

      // Check % of colour in goal post - ie compare length and colour
      float length = it->b.y() - it->a.y();
      int centre = (it->a.x() + it->b.x()) / 2;
      float numColourPixels = 0;
      for (int row = it->a.y(); row < it->b.y(); ++row) {
         if (fovea.colour(centre, row) == cGOAL_YELLOW) {

      if ((numColourPixels / length) < COLOUR_RATIO_THRESHOLD) {
         //std::cout << "throwing away since not enough colour" << std::endl;

      // Check bottom of goal post is below field edge
      Point fieldEdge = fovea.mapFoveaToImage(Point(centre, 0));
      int fieldEdgeY = 0;
      if (fovea.top) {
         fieldEdgeY = frame.topStartScanCoords[fieldEdge.x()];
      } else {
         fieldEdgeY = frame.botStartScanCoords[fieldEdge.x()];
      fieldEdge.y() = std::max(fieldEdge.y(), fieldEdgeY);
      fieldEdge = fovea.mapImageToFovea(fieldEdge);

      if (fieldEdge.y() > it->b.y()) {
         //std::cout << "throwing away since above field edge" << std::endl;


   // If more than 2 goals, things have gone wrong, so panic
   if (regions.size() > 2) regions.clear();
Example #17
void Shape::stack(Shape *p, const Shape *q)
    Point n = q->north();
    Point s = p->south();
    p->move(n.x() - s.x(), n.y() -s.y() +1);
// Finds the distance to post
// Tunes the BBox using higher resolution foveas
RRCoord GoalDetection::findDistanceToPost(VisionFrame &frame,
                                          const Fovea& fovea,
                                          BBox& goal,
                                          int numPosts,
                                          PostInfo& p) {

   bool trustDistance = true;
   float differenceThreshold = 1.7;

   // **** Try finding the distance using kinematics of the base ****
   findBaseOfPost(frame, goal);

   const CameraToRR *convRR = &frame.cameraToRR;
   Point base = Point((goal.a.x()+goal.b.x())/2, goal.b.y());
   RRCoord rr = convRR->convertToRR(base, false);
   float kdistance = rr.distance();
   // **** Try using the width the find the distance ****
   // Calculate width distance at 3 points and take median
   std::map<float, float> distances;
   for (float h = 0.89; h < 1; h += 0.05) {
      float d = widthDistanceToPost(frame, goal, h);
   std::map<float, float>::iterator i = distances.begin();
   if (distances.size() > 1) ++i;
   float wdistance = widthDistanceToPost(frame, goal, i->second, true);

   // **** Decide which distance to use ****
   // Kinematics is usually more accurate, so use it unless we know it's wrong

   // If post ends at bottom of image, probably not the bottom, so use width
   bool width = false;
   if (fovea.top && goal.b.y() > (TOP_IMAGE_ROWS-10)) {
      width = true;

   // If still yellow below the base, probably missed the bottom, so use width
   // Only for 1 post though
   if (numPosts == 1) {
      Point fTop = fovea.mapImageToFovea(goal.a);
      Point fBot = fovea.mapImageToFovea(goal.b);
      const YHistogram &yhistogram = fovea.yhistogram;
      int height = (fBot.y() - fTop.y()) / 4; // set max scan size
      int endPoint = std::min(fovea.bb.height(), fBot.y() + height);
      int noYellow = fBot.y();

      for (int i = fBot.y(); i < endPoint; ++i) {
         int current = yhistogram._counts[i][cGOAL_YELLOW];
         if (current < 10) noYellow = i;
      if (noYellow == fBot.y()) trustDistance = false;
   // Decided to use width distance
   if (width) {
      if (wdistance < 1500) rr.distance() = wdistance;
      else trustDistance = false;
//      differenceThreshold = 1.7;

   // Check that kinematics and width distances are similar
   else if (kdistance < 2500) {

   else if (((kdistance / wdistance) > differenceThreshold) ||
       ((wdistance / kdistance) > differenceThreshold)) {
      trustDistance = false;

   // Check distance is reasonable
   if (rr.distance() > 12000) {
      trustDistance = false;
      rr.distance() = 12000;

   // Set variables in PostInfo
   p.rr = rr;
   p.kDistance = kdistance;
   p.wDistance = wdistance;
   p.trustDistance = trustDistance;
   p.imageCoords = goal;

   return rr;
Example #19
void Drawable::setOriginWithOriginalSize (const Point<float>& originWithinParent)
    setTransform (AffineTransform::translation (originWithinParent.getX(), originWithinParent.getY()));
float GoalDetection::widthDistanceToPost(VisionFrame &frame,
                                           BBox& goal,
                                           float h,
                                           bool update) {

   const CameraToRR *convRR = &frame.cameraToRR;
   float distance = -1;

   // Calculate where fovea should go
   int y = goal.a.y() + (goal.b.y() - goal.a.y()) * h;
   Point tl = Point (goal.a.x(), y-1);
   Point br = Point (goal.b.x(), y+2);
   int width  = br.x() - tl.x();
   int density = 1;

   // Try and extend fovea a bit
   // Note add extra to left since edge data seems slightly skewed left
   tl.x() = std::max(tl.x() - width/2, 0);
   br.x() = std::min(br.x() + width/2, TOP_IMAGE_COLS);

   // Create a high res fovea
   boost::shared_ptr<FoveaT<hGoals, eGrey> > goalFovea(
          new FoveaT<hGoals, eGrey>(BBox(tl, br), density, 0, true));

   width  = br.x() - tl.x();

   // Trace the yellow from the centre outwards
   // Note: left and right are in fovea coords
   int left = -1;
   int right = -1;
   int max = 0;
   int lastYellow = width/2;
   int maxNotYellow = std::max(4, width/30);

   for (int x = width/2; x > 0; --x) {

      // Check the colour, give up after n non-yellow in a row
      Colour c = goalFovea->colour(x,0);
      if (c == cGOAL_YELLOW) {
         lastYellow = x;
      } else if (abs(lastYellow - x) > maxNotYellow) {

      // Keep track of max edge so far
      Point edge = goalFovea->edge(x,0);
      int magnitude = (edge.x() * edge.x()) + (edge.y() * edge.y());
      if (magnitude > max) {
         left = x;
         max = magnitude;

      // Delete early edges
      if (abs(lastYellow - left) > 10) {
         left = -1;
         max = 0;

   lastYellow = width/2;
   max = 0;
   for (int x = width / 2; x < width; ++x) {

      // Check the colour, give up after n non-yellow in a row
      Colour c = goalFovea->colour(x,0);
      if (c == cGOAL_YELLOW) {
         lastYellow = x;
      } else if (abs(lastYellow - x) > maxNotYellow) {

      // Keep track of max edge so far
      Point edge = goalFovea->edge(x,0);
      int magnitude = (edge.x() * edge.x()) + (edge.y() * edge.y());
      if (magnitude > max) {
         right = x;
         max = magnitude;

      // Delete early edges
      if (abs(lastYellow - right) > 10) {
         right = -1;
         max = 0;

   if (left >= 0 && right > 0 && (right-left > 0)) {
      distance = convRR->pixelSeparationToDistance
                           (right-left, GOAL_POST_DIAMETER);
      if (update) {
         goal.a.x() = tl.x() + left;
         goal.b.x() = tl.x() + right;

   return distance;
Example #21
 void ModelView::move_to_center_(void) {
     Point centroid = model_->centroid();
     auto_trans_x_ = -centroid.x();
     auto_trans_y_ = -centroid.y();
     auto_trans_z_ = -centroid.z();
Example #22
bool Line::isBehind(const Point& pt) const {
    float b = numerator(Line(start(), pt));
    cerr << "Behindness of (" << pt.x() << "," << pt.y() << ")r is " << b << endl;
    return b < 0;
Example #23
float dist(float x, float y, Point & a) {
    float xd = x - a.x();
    float yd = y - a.y();

    return xd*xd + yd*yd;
Example #24
Point::Point(const Point &p)
Example #25
double ConvexHull::getAngleTgBetweenPoints(Point point, Point centerPoint){
    return (centerPoint.y() - point.y())*1.0/(centerPoint.x() - point.x());
Example #26
bool Rectangle::isIn(const Point& point) const
    return point.getX() >= getX() && point.getX() <= getX() + length_ &&
           point.getY() >= getY() - width_ && point.getY() <= getY();
		 * This method returns the angle between three points.
		 * The current point is the centre, and the other two points its arms.
		 * @return double: angle in radians.
		double get_angle(Point i, Point j) { 
			double b = get_distance(i), c = get_distance(j), a = i.get_distance(j); 
			return acos((b*b + c*c - a*a)/(2*b*c));
void DragAndDropContainer::startDragging (const var& sourceDescription,
                                          Component* sourceComponent,
                                          const Image& dragImage_,
                                          const bool allowDraggingToExternalWindows,
                                          const Point<int>* imageOffsetFromMouse)
    Image dragImage (dragImage_);

    if (dragImageComponent == nullptr)
        MouseInputSource* draggingSource = Desktop::getInstance().getDraggingMouseSource (0);

        if (draggingSource == nullptr || ! draggingSource->isDragging())
            jassertfalse;   // You must call startDragging() from within a mouseDown or mouseDrag callback!

        const Point<int> lastMouseDown (Desktop::getLastMouseDownPosition());
        Point<int> imageOffset;

        if (dragImage.isNull())
            dragImage = sourceComponent->createComponentSnapshot (sourceComponent->getLocalBounds())
                            .convertedToFormat (Image::ARGB);

            dragImage.multiplyAllAlphas (0.6f);

            const int lo = 150;
            const int hi = 400;

            Point<int> relPos (sourceComponent->getLocalPoint (nullptr, lastMouseDown));
            Point<int> clipped (dragImage.getBounds().getConstrainedPoint (relPos));
            Random random;

            for (int y = dragImage.getHeight(); --y >= 0;)
                const double dy = (y - clipped.getY()) * (y - clipped.getY());

                for (int x = dragImage.getWidth(); --x >= 0;)
                    const int dx = x - clipped.getX();
                    const int distance = roundToInt (std::sqrt (dx * dx + dy));

                    if (distance > lo)
                        const float alpha = (distance > hi) ? 0
                                                            : (hi - distance) / (float) (hi - lo)
                                                               + random.nextFloat() * 0.008f;

                        dragImage.multiplyAlphaAt (x, y, alpha);

            imageOffset = clipped;
            if (imageOffsetFromMouse == nullptr)
                imageOffset = dragImage.getBounds().getCentre();
                imageOffset = dragImage.getBounds().getConstrainedPoint (-*imageOffsetFromMouse);

        dragImageComponent = new DragImageComponent (dragImage, sourceDescription, sourceComponent,
                                                     draggingSource->getComponentUnderMouse(), *this, imageOffset);

        currentDragDesc = sourceDescription;

        if (allowDraggingToExternalWindows)
            if (! Desktop::canUseSemiTransparentWindows())
                dragImageComponent->setOpaque (true);

            dragImageComponent->addToDesktop (ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresMouseClicks
                                               | ComponentPeer::windowIsTemporary
                                               | ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresKeyPresses);
            Component* const thisComp = dynamic_cast <Component*> (this);

            if (thisComp == nullptr)
                jassertfalse;   // Your DragAndDropContainer needs to be a Component!

            thisComp->addChildComponent (dragImageComponent);

        static_cast <DragImageComponent*> (dragImageComponent.get())->updateLocation (false, lastMouseDown);
        dragImageComponent->setVisible (true);

       #if JUCE_WINDOWS
        // Under heavy load, the layered window's paint callback can often be lost by the OS,
        // so forcing a repaint at least once makes sure that the window becomes visible..
        ComponentPeer* const peer = dragImageComponent->getPeer();
        if (peer != nullptr)
Example #29
double operator-(const Point &rhs, const Point &lhs){
double dist;
dist = sqrt((rhs.getX() - lhs.getX())*(rhs.getX() - lhs.getX()) + (rhs.getY() - lhs.getY())*(rhs.getY() - lhs.getY()));
return dist;
// Returns whether 3 points are collinear and in order a->b->c
bool collinear(Point a, Point b, Point c) {
    if ((a.y() - b.y()) * (a.x() - c.x()) == (a.y() - c.y()) * (a.x() - b.x())) {
        return (a.dist(b) <= a.dist(c) && c.dist(b) <= c.dist(a));
    return false;