Example #1
/// TODO: This code can be simplified.  Make a PortContainer class.
/// Plugin and Patch can inherit from PortContainer.  We can have a
/// pseudo-PortContainer here to represent the input and output ports
/// Then, all adds/removals will be symetric
/// ^^^: Or, just wrap Plugin and BackendPorts with a class that acts this way
void FxLine::addPlugin(const PluginInfoPtr info, int pos)
    int idx = pos + 1;
    int pluginCnt = m_entries.length() - 2;

    // Check for proper position value. TODO: Report error, not fatal
    Q_ASSERT(pos <= pluginCnt);

    // Create the plugin. TODO: Report error, not fatal
    Plugin *plugin = info->createPlugin(48000);


    // Verify number of ports. TODO: Report error, not fatal
    Q_ASSERT(plugin->audioInputCount() == 2);
    Q_ASSERT(plugin->audioOutputCount() == 2);

    // Collect ports.
    Entry entry;
    entry.plugin = plugin;
    collectPorts(plugin, &entry.inputPorts, &entry.outputPorts);
    Q_ASSERT(entry.inputPorts.length() == 2);
    Q_ASSERT(entry.outputPorts.length() == 2);

    if (m_plugins.length() == 0) {
      // If there are no plugins, we disconnect the backend ports from each
      // other. Then, we connect the plugin in-between the backend ports

      // TODO: Bring back once backend ports have patch?
      // m_inPorts[0]->disconnect(m_outPorts[0]);
      // m_inPorts[1]->disconnect(m_outPorts[1]);


    else if (pos < m_plugins.length()) {
    // At this point, there is at least one plugin already in the line, and we
    // are trying to insert the new plugin before another one.
    Entry producer = m_entries.value(idx-1);
    Entry consumer = m_entries.value(idx);

    qWarning() << "FX LINE ADD producer port count:" << producer.outputPorts.count();
    for (int i=0; i<producer.outputPorts.count(); ++i) {
        Port *producerPort = producer.outputPorts.at(i);
        Port *consumerPort = consumer.inputPorts.at(i);

        // Work around:
        if (producerPort->parentPatch() == NULL && consumerPort->parentPatch() == NULL) {
            qWarning("Probably disconnecting two backend-ports. Ignoring");
        else {
        qWarning() << "FX: Connecting: " << producerPort->name() << " TO " << entry.inputPorts.at(i)->name();
        qWarning() << "FX: and Connecting: " << consumerPort->name() << " TO " << entry.outputPorts.at(i)->name();

    m_entries.insert(idx, entry);