Example #1
SPRNodalRecoveryModel :: packSharedDofManData(parallelStruct *s, ProcessCommunicator &processComm)
    int result = 1, i, j, indx, eq, size;
    ProcessCommunicatorBuff *pcbuff = processComm.giveProcessCommunicatorBuff();
    IntArray const *toSendMap = processComm.giveToSendMap();

    size = toSendMap->giveSize();
    for ( i = 1; i <= size; i++ ) {
        // toSendMap contains all shared dofmans with remote partition
        // one has to check, if particular shared node value is available for given region
        indx = s->regionNodalNumbers->at( toSendMap->at(i) );
        if ( indx && s->dofManPatchCount->at(indx) ) {
            // pack "1" to indicate that for given shared node this is a valid contribution
            result &= pcbuff->write(1);
            eq = ( indx - 1 ) * s->regionValSize;
            for ( j = 1; j <= s->regionValSize; j++ ) {
                result &= pcbuff->write( s->dofManValues->at(eq + j) );
        } else {
            // ok shared node is not in active region (determined by s->regionNodalNumbers)
            result &= pcbuff->write(0);

    return result;
ParmetisLoadBalancer :: packSharedDmanPartitions(ProcessCommunicator &pc)
    int myrank = domain->giveEngngModel()->giveRank();
    int iproc = pc.giveRank();
    int ndofman, idofman;
    DofManager *dofman;

    if ( iproc == myrank ) {
        return 1;                // skip local partition

    // query process communicator to use
    ProcessCommunicatorBuff *pcbuff = pc.giveProcessCommunicatorBuff();
    // loop over dofManagers and pack shared dofMan data
    ndofman = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
    for ( idofman = 1; idofman <= ndofman; idofman++ ) {
        dofman = domain->giveDofManager(idofman);
        // test if iproc is in list of existing shared partitions
        if ( ( dofman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_shared ) &&
            ( dofman->givePartitionList()->findFirstIndexOf(iproc) ) ) {
            // send new partitions to remote representation
            // fprintf (stderr, "[%d] sending shared plist of %d to [%d]\n", myrank, dofman->giveGlobalNumber(), iproc);
            pcbuff->write( dofman->giveGlobalNumber() );

    return 1;