Example #1
void Arguments::put(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, PutPropertySlot& slot)
    Arguments* thisObject = jsCast<Arguments*>(cell);
    unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (i < thisObject->d->numArguments && (!thisObject->d->deletedArguments || !thisObject->d->deletedArguments[i])) {
        ASSERT(i < PropertyName::NotAnIndex);
        thisObject->argument(i).set(exec->globalData(), thisObject, value);

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length && !thisObject->d->overrodeLength) {
        thisObject->d->overrodeLength = true;
        thisObject->putDirect(exec->globalData(), propertyName, value, DontEnum);

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().callee && !thisObject->d->overrodeCallee) {
        if (!thisObject->d->isStrictMode) {
            thisObject->d->overrodeCallee = true;
            thisObject->putDirect(exec->globalData(), propertyName, value, DontEnum);

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().caller && thisObject->d->isStrictMode)

    JSObject::put(thisObject, exec, propertyName, value, slot);
Example #2
void Arguments::put(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, PutPropertySlot& slot)
    Arguments* thisObject = jsCast<Arguments*>(cell);
    unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (thisObject->trySetArgument(exec->vm(), i, value))

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length && !thisObject->m_overrodeLength) {
        thisObject->m_overrodeLength = true;
        thisObject->putDirect(exec->vm(), propertyName, value, DontEnum);

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().callee && !thisObject->m_overrodeCallee) {
        if (!thisObject->m_isStrictMode) {
            thisObject->m_overrodeCallee = true;
            thisObject->putDirect(exec->vm(), propertyName, value, DontEnum);

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().caller && thisObject->m_isStrictMode)

    JSObject::put(thisObject, exec, propertyName, value, slot);
Example #3
bool Arguments::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor)
    Arguments* thisObject = jsCast<Arguments*>(object);
    unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (i < thisObject->d->numArguments && (!thisObject->d->deletedArguments || !thisObject->d->deletedArguments[i])) {
        ASSERT(i < PropertyName::NotAnIndex);
        descriptor.setDescriptor(thisObject->argument(i).get(), None);
        return true;
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length && LIKELY(!thisObject->d->overrodeLength)) {
        descriptor.setDescriptor(jsNumber(thisObject->d->numArguments), DontEnum);
        return true;
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().callee && LIKELY(!thisObject->d->overrodeCallee)) {
        if (!thisObject->d->isStrictMode) {
            descriptor.setDescriptor(thisObject->d->callee.get(), DontEnum);
            return true;

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().caller && thisObject->d->isStrictMode)
    return JSObject::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(thisObject, exec, propertyName, descriptor);
Example #4
bool Arguments::getOwnPropertySlot(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
    Arguments* thisObject = jsCast<Arguments*>(cell);
    unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (i < thisObject->d->numArguments && (!thisObject->d->deletedArguments || !thisObject->d->deletedArguments[i])) {
        ASSERT(i < PropertyName::NotAnIndex);
        return true;

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length && LIKELY(!thisObject->d->overrodeLength)) {
        return true;

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().callee && LIKELY(!thisObject->d->overrodeCallee)) {
        if (!thisObject->d->isStrictMode) {
            return true;

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().caller && thisObject->d->isStrictMode)

    return JSObject::getOwnPropertySlot(thisObject, exec, propertyName, slot);
Example #5
bool Arguments::deleteProperty(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName) 
    if (exec->vm().isInDefineOwnProperty())
        return Base::deleteProperty(cell, exec, propertyName);

    Arguments* thisObject = jsCast<Arguments*>(cell);
    unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (i < thisObject->m_numArguments) {
        RELEASE_ASSERT(i < PropertyName::NotAnIndex);
        if (!Base::deleteProperty(cell, exec, propertyName))
            return false;
        if (thisObject->tryDeleteArgument(exec->vm(), i))
            return true;

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length && !thisObject->m_overrodeLength) {
        thisObject->m_overrodeLength = true;
        return true;

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().callee && !thisObject->m_overrodeCallee) {
        if (!thisObject->m_isStrictMode) {
            thisObject->m_overrodeCallee = true;
            return true;
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().caller && thisObject->m_isStrictMode)

    return JSObject::deleteProperty(thisObject, exec, propertyName);
Example #6
bool Structure::prototypeChainMayInterceptStoreTo(JSGlobalData& globalData, PropertyName propertyName)
    unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (i != PropertyName::NotAnIndex)
        return anyObjectInChainMayInterceptIndexedAccesses();
    for (Structure* current = this; ;) {
        JSValue prototype = current->storedPrototype();
        if (prototype.isNull())
            return false;
        current = prototype.asCell()->structure();
        unsigned attributes;
        JSCell* specificValue;
        PropertyOffset offset = current->get(globalData, propertyName, attributes, specificValue);
        if (!JSC::isValidOffset(offset))
        if (attributes & (ReadOnly | Accessor))
            return true;
        return false;
Example #7
bool JSTestEventTarget::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor)
    JSTestEventTarget* thisObject = jsCast<JSTestEventTarget*>(object);
    ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(thisObject, &s_info);
    const HashEntry* entry = JSTestEventTargetTable.entry(exec, propertyName);
    if (entry) {
        PropertySlot slot(thisObject);
        slot.setCustom(thisObject, entry->propertyGetter());
        descriptor.setDescriptor(slot.getValue(exec, propertyName), entry->attributes());
        return true;
    unsigned index = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (index != PropertyName::NotAnIndex && index < static_cast<TestEventTarget*>(thisObject->impl())->length()) {
        PropertySlot slot(thisObject);
        slot.setCustomIndex(thisObject, index, indexGetter);
        descriptor.setDescriptor(slot.getValue(exec, propertyName), DontDelete | ReadOnly);
        return true;
    if (canGetItemsForName(exec, static_cast<TestEventTarget*>(thisObject->impl()), propertyName)) {
        PropertySlot slot(thisObject);
        slot.setCustom(thisObject, nameGetter);
        descriptor.setDescriptor(slot.getValue(exec, propertyName), ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum);
        return true;
    return getStaticValueDescriptor<JSTestEventTarget, Base>(exec, &JSTestEventTargetTable, thisObject, propertyName, descriptor);
bool JSFloat64Array::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor)
    JSFloat64Array* thisObject = jsCast<JSFloat64Array*>(object);
    ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(thisObject, &s_info);
    unsigned index = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (index != PropertyName::NotAnIndex && index < static_cast<Float64Array*>(thisObject->impl())->length()) {
        descriptor.setDescriptor(thisObject->getByIndex(exec, index), DontDelete);
        return true;
    return getStaticValueDescriptor<JSFloat64Array, Base>(exec, getJSFloat64ArrayTable(exec), thisObject, propertyName, descriptor);
bool JSFloat64Array::getOwnPropertySlot(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
    JSFloat64Array* thisObject = jsCast<JSFloat64Array*>(cell);
    ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(thisObject, &s_info);
    unsigned index = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (index != PropertyName::NotAnIndex && index < static_cast<Float64Array*>(thisObject->impl())->length()) {
        slot.setValue(thisObject->getByIndex(exec, index));
        return true;
    return getStaticValueSlot<JSFloat64Array, Base>(exec, getJSFloat64ArrayTable(exec), thisObject, propertyName, slot);
void JSFloat64Array::put(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, PutPropertySlot& slot)
    JSFloat64Array* thisObject = jsCast<JSFloat64Array*>(cell);
    ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(thisObject, &s_info);
    unsigned index = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (index != PropertyName::NotAnIndex) {
        thisObject->indexSetter(exec, index, value);
    Base::put(thisObject, exec, propertyName, value, slot);
Example #11
bool StringObject::deleteProperty(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName)
    StringObject* thisObject = jsCast<StringObject*>(cell);
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length)
        return false;
    unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (thisObject->internalValue()->canGetIndex(i)) {
        ASSERT(i != PropertyName::NotAnIndex); // No need for an explicit check, the above test would always fail!
        return false;
    return JSObject::deleteProperty(thisObject, exec, propertyName);
Example #12
bool Arguments::defineOwnProperty(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor, bool shouldThrow)
    Arguments* thisObject = jsCast<Arguments*>(object);
    unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (i < thisObject->d->numArguments) {
        ASSERT(i < PropertyName::NotAnIndex);
        // If the property is not yet present on the object, and is not yet marked as deleted, then add it now.
        PropertySlot slot;
        if ((!thisObject->d->deletedArguments || !thisObject->d->deletedArguments[i]) && !JSObject::getOwnPropertySlot(thisObject, exec, propertyName, slot))
            object->putDirect(exec->globalData(), propertyName, thisObject->argument(i).get(), 0);
        if (!Base::defineOwnProperty(object, exec, propertyName, descriptor, shouldThrow))
            return false;

        if (!thisObject->d->deletedArguments) {
            thisObject->d->deletedArguments = adoptArrayPtr(new bool[thisObject->d->numArguments]);
            memset(thisObject->d->deletedArguments.get(), 0, sizeof(bool) * thisObject->d->numArguments);
        // From ES 5.1, 10.6 Arguments Object
        // 5. If the value of isMapped is not undefined, then
        if (!thisObject->d->deletedArguments[i]) {
            // a. If IsAccessorDescriptor(Desc) is true, then
            if (descriptor.isAccessorDescriptor()) {
                // i. Call the [[Delete]] internal method of map passing P, and false as the arguments.
                thisObject->d->deletedArguments[i] = true;
            } else { // b. Else
                // i. If Desc.[[Value]] is present, then
                // 1. Call the [[Put]] internal method of map passing P, Desc.[[Value]], and Throw as the arguments.
                if (descriptor.value())
                    thisObject->argument(i).set(exec->globalData(), thisObject, descriptor.value());
                // ii. If Desc.[[Writable]] is present and its value is false, then
                // 1. Call the [[Delete]] internal method of map passing P and false as arguments.
                if (descriptor.writablePresent() && !descriptor.writable())
                    thisObject->d->deletedArguments[i] = true;
        return true;

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length && !thisObject->d->overrodeLength) {
        thisObject->putDirect(exec->globalData(), propertyName, jsNumber(thisObject->d->numArguments), DontEnum);
        thisObject->d->overrodeLength = true;
    } else if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().callee && !thisObject->d->overrodeCallee) {
        thisObject->putDirect(exec->globalData(), propertyName, thisObject->d->callee.get(), DontEnum);
        thisObject->d->overrodeCallee = true;
    } else if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().caller && thisObject->d->isStrictMode)

    return Base::defineOwnProperty(object, exec, propertyName, descriptor, shouldThrow);
Example #13
bool Arguments::defineOwnProperty(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, const PropertyDescriptor& descriptor, bool shouldThrow)
    Arguments* thisObject = jsCast<Arguments*>(object);
    unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (i < thisObject->m_numArguments) {
        RELEASE_ASSERT(i < PropertyName::NotAnIndex);
        // If the property is not yet present on the object, and is not yet marked as deleted, then add it now.
        PropertySlot slot(thisObject);
        if (!thisObject->isDeletedArgument(i) && !JSObject::getOwnPropertySlot(thisObject, exec, propertyName, slot)) {
            JSValue value = thisObject->tryGetArgument(i);
            object->putDirectMayBeIndex(exec, propertyName, value);
        if (!Base::defineOwnProperty(object, exec, propertyName, descriptor, shouldThrow))
            return false;

        // From ES 5.1, 10.6 Arguments Object
        // 5. If the value of isMapped is not undefined, then
        if (thisObject->isArgument(i)) {
            // a. If IsAccessorDescriptor(Desc) is true, then
            if (descriptor.isAccessorDescriptor()) {
                // i. Call the [[Delete]] internal method of map passing P, and false as the arguments.
                thisObject->tryDeleteArgument(exec->vm(), i);
            } else { // b. Else
                // i. If Desc.[[Value]] is present, then
                // 1. Call the [[Put]] internal method of map passing P, Desc.[[Value]], and Throw as the arguments.
                if (descriptor.value())
                    thisObject->trySetArgument(exec->vm(), i, descriptor.value());
                // ii. If Desc.[[Writable]] is present and its value is false, then
                // 1. Call the [[Delete]] internal method of map passing P and false as arguments.
                if (descriptor.writablePresent() && !descriptor.writable())
                    thisObject->tryDeleteArgument(exec->vm(), i);
        return true;

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length && !thisObject->m_overrodeLength) {
        thisObject->putDirect(exec->vm(), propertyName, jsNumber(thisObject->m_numArguments), DontEnum);
        thisObject->m_overrodeLength = true;
    } else if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().callee && !thisObject->m_overrodeCallee) {
        thisObject->putDirect(exec->vm(), propertyName, thisObject->m_callee.get(), DontEnum);
        thisObject->m_overrodeCallee = true;
    } else if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().caller && thisObject->m_isStrictMode)

    return Base::defineOwnProperty(object, exec, propertyName, descriptor, shouldThrow);
Example #14
bool JSString::getStringPropertyDescriptor(ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor)
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length) {
        descriptor.setDescriptor(jsNumber(m_length), DontEnum | DontDelete | ReadOnly);
        return true;
    unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (i < m_length) {
        ASSERT(i != PropertyName::NotAnIndex); // No need for an explicit check, the above test would always fail!
        descriptor.setDescriptor(getIndex(exec, i), DontDelete | ReadOnly);
        return true;
    return false;
Example #15
void RuntimeArray::put(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value, PutPropertySlot& slot)
    RuntimeArray* thisObject = jsCast<RuntimeArray*>(cell);
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length) {
        throwError(exec, createRangeError(exec, "Range error"));
    unsigned index = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (index != PropertyName::NotAnIndex) {
        thisObject->getConcreteArray()->setValueAt(exec, index, value);
    JSObject::put(thisObject, exec, propertyName, value, slot);
Example #16
bool RuntimeArray::getOwnPropertySlot(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
    RuntimeArray* thisObject = jsCast<RuntimeArray*>(cell);
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length) {
        slot.setCacheableCustom(thisObject, thisObject->lengthGetter);
        return true;
    unsigned index = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (index < thisObject->getLength()) {
        ASSERT(index != PropertyName::NotAnIndex);
        slot.setCustomIndex(thisObject, index, thisObject->indexGetter);
        return true;
    return JSObject::getOwnPropertySlot(thisObject, exec, propertyName, slot);
Example #17
bool JSFileList::getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
    JSFileList* thisObject = jsCast<JSFileList*>(object);
    ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(thisObject, info());
    const HashEntry* entry = getStaticValueSlotEntryWithoutCaching<JSFileList>(exec, propertyName);
    if (entry) {
        slot.setCustom(thisObject, entry->attributes(), entry->propertyGetter());
        return true;
    unsigned index = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (index != PropertyName::NotAnIndex && index < thisObject->impl().length()) {
        unsigned attributes = DontDelete | ReadOnly;
        slot.setCustomIndex(thisObject, attributes, index, indexGetter);
        return true;
    return getStaticValueSlot<JSFileList, Base>(exec, getJSFileListTable(exec), thisObject, propertyName, slot);
Example #18
bool JSTestEventTarget::getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
    JSTestEventTarget* thisObject = jsCast<JSTestEventTarget*>(object);
    ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(thisObject, &s_info);
    const HashEntry* entry = getStaticValueSlotEntryWithoutCaching<JSTestEventTarget>(exec, propertyName);
    if (entry) {
        slot.setCustom(thisObject, entry->propertyGetter());
        return true;
    unsigned index = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (index != PropertyName::NotAnIndex && index < static_cast<TestEventTarget*>(thisObject->impl())->length()) {
        slot.setCustomIndex(thisObject, index, indexGetter);
        return true;
    if (canGetItemsForName(exec, static_cast<TestEventTarget*>(thisObject->impl()), propertyName)) {
        slot.setCustom(thisObject, thisObject->nameGetter);
        return true;
    return getStaticValueSlot<JSTestEventTarget, Base>(exec, &JSTestEventTargetTable, thisObject, propertyName, slot);
Example #19
bool RuntimeArray::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor)
    RuntimeArray* thisObject = jsCast<RuntimeArray*>(object);
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length) {
        PropertySlot slot;
        slot.setCustom(thisObject, lengthGetter);
        descriptor.setDescriptor(slot.getValue(exec, propertyName), ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum);
        return true;
    unsigned index = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (index < thisObject->getLength()) {
        ASSERT(index != PropertyName::NotAnIndex);
        PropertySlot slot;
        slot.setCustomIndex(thisObject, index, indexGetter);
        descriptor.setDescriptor(slot.getValue(exec, propertyName), DontDelete | DontEnum);
        return true;
    return JSObject::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(thisObject, exec, propertyName, descriptor);
Example #20
bool JSTestEventTarget::getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
    JSTestEventTarget* thisObject = jsCast<JSTestEventTarget*>(object);
    ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(thisObject, info());
    const HashTableValue* entry = getStaticValueSlotEntryWithoutCaching<JSTestEventTarget>(exec, propertyName);
    if (entry) {
        slot.setCacheableCustom(thisObject, entry->attributes(), entry->propertyGetter());
        return true;
    unsigned index = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (index != PropertyName::NotAnIndex && index < thisObject->impl().length()) {
        unsigned attributes = DontDelete | ReadOnly;
        slot.setValue(thisObject, attributes, toJS(exec, thisObject->globalObject(), thisObject->impl().item(index)));
        return true;
    if (canGetItemsForName(exec, &thisObject->impl(), propertyName)) {
        slot.setCustom(thisObject, ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum, thisObject->nameGetter);
        return true;
    return getStaticValueSlot<JSTestEventTarget, Base>(exec, JSTestEventTargetTable, thisObject, propertyName, slot);
bool JSDOMNamedFlowCollection::getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
    JSDOMNamedFlowCollection* thisObject = jsCast<JSDOMNamedFlowCollection*>(object);
    ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(thisObject, info());
    const HashEntry* entry = getStaticValueSlotEntryWithoutCaching<JSDOMNamedFlowCollection>(exec, propertyName);
    if (entry) {
        slot.setCustom(thisObject, entry->attributes(), entry->propertyGetter());
        return true;
    unsigned index = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (index != PropertyName::NotAnIndex && index < thisObject->impl().length()) {
        unsigned attributes = DontDelete | ReadOnly;
        slot.setCustomIndex(thisObject, attributes, index, indexGetter);
        return true;
    if (canGetItemsForName(exec, &thisObject->impl(), propertyName)) {
        slot.setCustom(thisObject, ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum, thisObject->nameGetter);
        return true;
    return getStaticValueSlot<JSDOMNamedFlowCollection, Base>(exec, JSDOMNamedFlowCollectionTable, thisObject, propertyName, slot);
Example #22
bool Arguments::deleteProperty(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName) 
    if (exec->globalData().isInDefineOwnProperty())
        return Base::deleteProperty(cell, exec, propertyName);

    Arguments* thisObject = jsCast<Arguments*>(cell);
    unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (i < thisObject->d->numArguments) {
        ASSERT(i < PropertyName::NotAnIndex);
        if (!Base::deleteProperty(cell, exec, propertyName))
            return false;

        if (!thisObject->d->deletedArguments) {
            thisObject->d->deletedArguments = adoptArrayPtr(new bool[thisObject->d->numArguments]);
            memset(thisObject->d->deletedArguments.get(), 0, sizeof(bool) * thisObject->d->numArguments);
        if (!thisObject->d->deletedArguments[i]) {
            thisObject->d->deletedArguments[i] = true;
            return true;

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length && !thisObject->d->overrodeLength) {
        thisObject->d->overrodeLength = true;
        return true;

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().callee && !thisObject->d->overrodeCallee) {
        if (!thisObject->d->isStrictMode) {
            thisObject->d->overrodeCallee = true;
            return true;
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().caller && thisObject->d->isStrictMode)

    return JSObject::deleteProperty(thisObject, exec, propertyName);
Example #23
bool Arguments::getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
    Arguments* thisObject = jsCast<Arguments*>(object);
    unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (JSValue value = thisObject->tryGetArgument(i)) {
        RELEASE_ASSERT(i < PropertyName::NotAnIndex);
        slot.setValue(thisObject, None, value);
        return true;

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length && LIKELY(!thisObject->m_overrodeLength)) {
        slot.setValue(thisObject, DontEnum, jsNumber(thisObject->m_numArguments));
        return true;

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().callee && LIKELY(!thisObject->m_overrodeCallee)) {
        if (!thisObject->m_isStrictMode) {
            slot.setValue(thisObject, DontEnum, thisObject->m_callee.get());
            return true;

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().caller && thisObject->m_isStrictMode)

    if (JSObject::getOwnPropertySlot(thisObject, exec, propertyName, slot))
        return true;
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().iteratorPrivateName) {
        VM& vm = exec->vm();
        JSGlobalObject* globalObject = exec->lexicalGlobalObject();
        thisObject->JSC_NATIVE_FUNCTION(exec->propertyNames().iteratorPrivateName, argumentsFuncIterator, DontEnum, 0);
        if (JSObject::getOwnPropertySlot(thisObject, exec, propertyName, slot))
            return true;
    return false;
Example #24
bool JSDOMWindow::getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
    JSDOMWindow* thisObject = jsCast<JSDOMWindow*>(object);
    // When accessing a Window cross-domain, functions are always the native built-in ones, and they
    // are not affected by properties changed on the Window or anything in its prototype chain.
    // This is consistent with the behavior of Firefox.

    // We don't want any properties other than "close" and "closed" on a frameless window (i.e. one whose page got closed,
    // or whose iframe got removed).
    // FIXME: This doesn't fully match Firefox, which allows at least toString in addition to those.
    if (!thisObject->impl().frame()) {
        // The following code is safe for cross-domain and same domain use.
        // It ignores any custom properties that might be set on the DOMWindow (including a custom prototype).
        if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().closed) {
            slot.setCustom(thisObject, ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum, jsDOMWindowClosed);
            return true;
        if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().close) {
            slot.setCustom(thisObject, ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum, nonCachingStaticFunctionGetter<jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionClose, 0>);
            return true;

        // FIXME: We should have a message here that explains why the property access/function call was
        // not allowed. 
        return true;
    } else

    // We need to check for cross-domain access here without printing the generic warning message
    // because we always allow access to some function, just different ones depending whether access
    // is allowed.
    String errorMessage;
    bool allowsAccess = shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(exec, thisObject->impl(), errorMessage);
    // Look for overrides before looking at any of our own properties, but ignore overrides completely
    // if this is cross-domain access.
    if (allowsAccess && JSGlobalObject::getOwnPropertySlot(thisObject, exec, propertyName, slot))
        return true;
    // We need this code here because otherwise JSDOMWindowBase will stop the search before we even get to the
    // prototype due to the blanket same origin (shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow) check at the end of getOwnPropertySlot.
    // Also, it's important to get the implementation straight out of the DOMWindow prototype regardless of
    // what prototype is actually set on this object.
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().blur) {
        if (!allowsAccess) {
            slot.setCustom(thisObject, ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum, nonCachingStaticFunctionGetter<jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionBlur, 0>);
            return true;
    } else if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().close) {
        if (!allowsAccess) {
            slot.setCustom(thisObject, ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum, nonCachingStaticFunctionGetter<jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionClose, 0>);
            return true;
    } else if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().focus) {
        if (!allowsAccess) {
            slot.setCustom(thisObject, ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum, nonCachingStaticFunctionGetter<jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionFocus, 0>);
            return true;
    } else if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().postMessage) {
        if (!allowsAccess) {
            slot.setCustom(thisObject, ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum, nonCachingStaticFunctionGetter<jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionPostMessage, 2>);
            return true;
    } else if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().showModalDialog) {
        if (!DOMWindow::canShowModalDialog(thisObject->impl().frame())) {
            return true;
    } else if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().toString) {
        // Allow access to toString() cross-domain, but always Object.prototype.toString.
        if (!allowsAccess) {
            slot.setCustom(thisObject, ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum, objectToStringFunctionGetter);
            return true;

    const HashTableValue* entry = JSDOMWindow::info()->propHashTable(exec)->entry(exec, propertyName);
    if (entry) {
        slot.setCacheableCustom(thisObject, allowsAccess ? entry->attributes() : ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum, entry->propertyGetter());
        return true;

    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().webkit && thisObject->impl().shouldHaveWebKitNamespaceForWorld(thisObject->world())) {
        slot.setCacheableCustom(thisObject, allowsAccess ? DontDelete | ReadOnly : ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum, jsDOMWindowWebKit);
        return true;

    // Do prototype lookup early so that functions and attributes in the prototype can have
    // precedence over the index and name getters.  
    JSValue proto = thisObject->prototype();
    if (proto.isObject()) {
        if (asObject(proto)->getPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot)) {
            if (!allowsAccess) {
            return true;

    // After this point it is no longer valid to cache any results because of
    // the impure nature of the property accesses which follow. We can move this 
    // statement further down when we add ways to mitigate these impurities with, 
    // for example, watchpoints.

    // Check for child frames by name before built-in properties to
    // match Mozilla. This does not match IE, but some sites end up
    // naming frames things that conflict with window properties that
    // are in Moz but not IE. Since we have some of these, we have to do
    // it the Moz way.
    if (thisObject->impl().frame()->tree().scopedChild(propertyNameToAtomicString(propertyName))) {
        slot.setCustom(thisObject, ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum, childFrameGetter);
        return true;

    // FIXME: Search the whole frame hierarchy somewhere around here.
    // We need to test the correct priority order.

    // allow window[1] or parent[1] etc. (#56983)
    unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (i < thisObject->impl().frame()->tree().scopedChildCount()) {
        ASSERT(i != PropertyName::NotAnIndex);
        slot.setValue(thisObject, ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum,
            toJS(exec, thisObject->impl().frame()->tree().scopedChild(i)->document()->domWindow()));
        return true;

    if (!allowsAccess) {
        return true;

    // Allow shortcuts like 'Image1' instead of document.images.Image1
    Document* document = thisObject->impl().frame()->document();
    if (document->isHTMLDocument()) {
        AtomicStringImpl* atomicPropertyName = findAtomicString(propertyName);
        if (atomicPropertyName && toHTMLDocument(document)->hasWindowNamedItem(*atomicPropertyName)) {
            slot.setCustom(thisObject, ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum, namedItemGetter);
            return true;

    return Base::getOwnPropertySlot(thisObject, exec, propertyName, slot);
Example #25
bool JSDOMWindow::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor)
    JSDOMWindow* thisObject = jsCast<JSDOMWindow*>(object);
    // Never allow cross-domain getOwnPropertyDescriptor
    if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(exec, thisObject->impl()))
        return false;

    const HashEntry* entry;
    // We don't want any properties other than "close" and "closed" on a closed window.
    if (!thisObject->impl()->frame()) {
        // The following code is safe for cross-domain and same domain use.
        // It ignores any custom properties that might be set on the DOMWindow (including a custom prototype).
        entry = s_info.propHashTable(exec)->entry(exec, propertyName);
        if (entry && !(entry->attributes() & JSC::Function) && entry->propertyGetter() == jsDOMWindowClosed) {
            descriptor.setDescriptor(jsBoolean(true), ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum);
            return true;
        entry = JSDOMWindowPrototype::s_info.propHashTable(exec)->entry(exec, propertyName);
        if (entry && (entry->attributes() & JSC::Function) && entry->function() == jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionClose) {
            PropertySlot slot;
            slot.setCustom(thisObject, nonCachingStaticFunctionGetter<jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionClose, 0>);
            descriptor.setDescriptor(slot.getValue(exec, propertyName), ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum);
            return true;
        return true;

    entry = JSDOMWindow::s_info.propHashTable(exec)->entry(exec, propertyName);
    if (entry) {
        PropertySlot slot;
        slot.setCustom(thisObject, entry->propertyGetter());
        descriptor.setDescriptor(slot.getValue(exec, propertyName), entry->attributes());
        return true;
    // Check for child frames by name before built-in properties to
    // match Mozilla. This does not match IE, but some sites end up
    // naming frames things that conflict with window properties that
    // are in Moz but not IE. Since we have some of these, we have to do
    // it the Moz way.
    if (thisObject->impl()->frame()->tree()->scopedChild(propertyNameToAtomicString(propertyName))) {
        PropertySlot slot;
        slot.setCustom(thisObject, childFrameGetter);
        descriptor.setDescriptor(slot.getValue(exec, propertyName), ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum);
        return true;
    unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (i < thisObject->impl()->frame()->tree()->scopedChildCount()) {
        ASSERT(i != PropertyName::NotAnIndex);
        PropertySlot slot;
        slot.setCustomIndex(thisObject, i, indexGetter);
        descriptor.setDescriptor(slot.getValue(exec, propertyName), ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum);
        return true;

    // Allow shortcuts like 'Image1' instead of document.images.Image1
    Document* document = thisObject->impl()->frame()->document();
    if (document->isHTMLDocument()) {
        AtomicStringImpl* atomicPropertyName = findAtomicString(propertyName);
        if (atomicPropertyName && (toHTMLDocument(document)->hasNamedItem(atomicPropertyName) || document->hasElementWithId(atomicPropertyName))) {
            PropertySlot slot;
            slot.setCustom(thisObject, namedItemGetter);
            descriptor.setDescriptor(slot.getValue(exec, propertyName), ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum);
            return true;
    return Base::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(thisObject, exec, propertyName, descriptor);
Example #26
// Defined in ES5.1
bool JSArray::defineOwnProperty(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor, bool throwException)
    JSArray* array = jsCast<JSArray*>(object);

    // 3. If P is "length", then
    if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().length) {
        // All paths through length definition call the default [[DefineOwnProperty]], hence:
        // from ES5.1 8.12.9 7.a.
        if (descriptor.configurablePresent() && descriptor.configurable())
            return reject(exec, throwException, "Attempting to change configurable attribute of unconfigurable property.");
        // from ES5.1 8.12.9 7.b.
        if (descriptor.enumerablePresent() && descriptor.enumerable())
            return reject(exec, throwException, "Attempting to change enumerable attribute of unconfigurable property.");

        // a. If the [[Value]] field of Desc is absent, then
        // a.i. Return the result of calling the default [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method (8.12.9) on A passing "length", Desc, and Throw as arguments.
        if (descriptor.isAccessorDescriptor())
            return reject(exec, throwException, "Attempting to change access mechanism for an unconfigurable property.");
        // from ES5.1 8.12.9 10.a.
        if (!array->isLengthWritable() && descriptor.writablePresent() && descriptor.writable())
            return reject(exec, throwException, "Attempting to change writable attribute of unconfigurable property.");
        // This descriptor is either just making length read-only, or changing nothing!
        if (!descriptor.value()) {
            if (descriptor.writablePresent())
                array->setLengthWritable(exec, descriptor.writable());
            return true;
        // b. Let newLenDesc be a copy of Desc.
        // c. Let newLen be ToUint32(Desc.[[Value]]).
        unsigned newLen = descriptor.value().toUInt32(exec);
        // d. If newLen is not equal to ToNumber( Desc.[[Value]]), throw a RangeError exception.
        if (newLen != descriptor.value().toNumber(exec)) {
            throwError(exec, createRangeError(exec, "Invalid array length"));
            return false;

        // Based on SameValue check in 8.12.9, this is always okay.
        if (newLen == array->length()) {
            if (descriptor.writablePresent())
                array->setLengthWritable(exec, descriptor.writable());
            return true;

        // e. Set newLenDesc.[[Value] to newLen.
        // f. If newLen >= oldLen, then
        // f.i. Return the result of calling the default [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method (8.12.9) on A passing "length", newLenDesc, and Throw as arguments.
        // g. Reject if oldLenDesc.[[Writable]] is false.
        if (!array->isLengthWritable())
            return reject(exec, throwException, "Attempting to change value of a readonly property.");
        // h. If newLenDesc.[[Writable]] is absent or has the value true, let newWritable be true.
        // i. Else,
        // i.i. Need to defer setting the [[Writable]] attribute to false in case any elements cannot be deleted.
        // i.ii. Let newWritable be false.
        // i.iii. Set newLenDesc.[[Writable] to true.
        // j. Let succeeded be the result of calling the default [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method (8.12.9) on A passing "length", newLenDesc, and Throw as arguments.
        // k. If succeeded is false, return false.
        // l. While newLen < oldLen repeat,
        // l.i. Set oldLen to oldLen – 1.
        // l.ii. Let deleteSucceeded be the result of calling the [[Delete]] internal method of A passing ToString(oldLen) and false as arguments.
        // l.iii. If deleteSucceeded is false, then
        if (!array->setLength(exec, newLen, throwException)) {
            // 1. Set newLenDesc.[[Value] to oldLen+1.
            // 2. If newWritable is false, set newLenDesc.[[Writable] to false.
            // 3. Call the default [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method (8.12.9) on A passing "length", newLenDesc, and false as arguments.
            // 4. Reject.
            if (descriptor.writablePresent())
                array->setLengthWritable(exec, descriptor.writable());
            return false;

        // m. If newWritable is false, then
        // i. Call the default [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method (8.12.9) on A passing "length",
        //    Property Descriptor{[[Writable]]: false}, and false as arguments. This call will always
        //    return true.
        if (descriptor.writablePresent())
            array->setLengthWritable(exec, descriptor.writable());
        // n. Return true.
        return true;

    // 4. Else if P is an array index (15.4), then
    // a. Let index be ToUint32(P).
    unsigned index = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (index != PropertyName::NotAnIndex) {
        // b. Reject if index >= oldLen and oldLenDesc.[[Writable]] is false.
        if (index >= array->length() && !array->isLengthWritable())
            return reject(exec, throwException, "Attempting to define numeric property on array with non-writable length property.");
        // c. Let succeeded be the result of calling the default [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method (8.12.9) on A passing P, Desc, and false as arguments.
        // d. Reject if succeeded is false.
        // e. If index >= oldLen
        // e.i. Set oldLenDesc.[[Value]] to index + 1.
        // e.ii. Call the default [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method (8.12.9) on A passing "length", oldLenDesc, and false as arguments. This call will always return true.
        // f. Return true.
        return array->defineOwnIndexedProperty(exec, index, descriptor, throwException);

    return array->JSObject::defineOwnNonIndexProperty(exec, propertyName, descriptor, throwException);
Example #27
bool JSDOMWindow::getOwnPropertySlot(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
    JSDOMWindow* thisObject = jsCast<JSDOMWindow*>(cell);
    // When accessing a Window cross-domain, functions are always the native built-in ones, and they
    // are not affected by properties changed on the Window or anything in its prototype chain.
    // This is consistent with the behavior of Firefox.

    const HashEntry* entry;

    // We don't want any properties other than "close" and "closed" on a frameless window (i.e. one whose page got closed,
    // or whose iframe got removed).
    // FIXME: This doesn't fully match Firefox, which allows at least toString in addition to those.
    if (!thisObject->impl()->frame()) {
        // The following code is safe for cross-domain and same domain use.
        // It ignores any custom properties that might be set on the DOMWindow (including a custom prototype).
        entry = s_info.propHashTable(exec)->entry(exec, propertyName);
        if (entry && !(entry->attributes() & JSC::Function) && entry->propertyGetter() == jsDOMWindowClosed) {
            slot.setCustom(thisObject, entry->propertyGetter());
            return true;
        entry = JSDOMWindowPrototype::s_info.propHashTable(exec)->entry(exec, propertyName);
        if (entry && (entry->attributes() & JSC::Function) && entry->function() == jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionClose) {
            slot.setCustom(thisObject, nonCachingStaticFunctionGetter<jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionClose, 0>);
            return true;

        // FIXME: We should have a message here that explains why the property access/function call was
        // not allowed. 
        return true;

    // We need to check for cross-domain access here without printing the generic warning message
    // because we always allow access to some function, just different ones depending whether access
    // is allowed.
    String errorMessage;
    bool allowsAccess = shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(exec, thisObject->impl(), errorMessage);
    // Look for overrides before looking at any of our own properties, but ignore overrides completely
    // if this is cross-domain access.
    if (allowsAccess && JSGlobalObject::getOwnPropertySlot(thisObject, exec, propertyName, slot))
        return true;
    // We need this code here because otherwise JSDOMWindowBase will stop the search before we even get to the
    // prototype due to the blanket same origin (shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow) check at the end of getOwnPropertySlot.
    // Also, it's important to get the implementation straight out of the DOMWindow prototype regardless of
    // what prototype is actually set on this object.
    entry = JSDOMWindowPrototype::s_info.propHashTable(exec)->entry(exec, propertyName);
    if (entry) {
        if (entry->attributes() & JSC::Function) {
            if (entry->function() == jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionBlur) {
                if (!allowsAccess) {
                    slot.setCustom(thisObject, nonCachingStaticFunctionGetter<jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionBlur, 0>);
                    return true;
            } else if (entry->function() == jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionClose) {
                if (!allowsAccess) {
                    slot.setCustom(thisObject, nonCachingStaticFunctionGetter<jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionClose, 0>);
                    return true;
            } else if (entry->function() == jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionFocus) {
                if (!allowsAccess) {
                    slot.setCustom(thisObject, nonCachingStaticFunctionGetter<jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionFocus, 0>);
                    return true;
            } else if (entry->function() == jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionPostMessage) {
                if (!allowsAccess) {
                    slot.setCustom(thisObject, nonCachingStaticFunctionGetter<jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionPostMessage, 2>);
                    return true;
            } else if (entry->function() == jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionShowModalDialog) {
                if (!DOMWindow::canShowModalDialog(thisObject->impl()->frame())) {
                    return true;
    } else {
        // Allow access to toString() cross-domain, but always Object.prototype.toString.
        if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().toString) {
            if (!allowsAccess) {
                slot.setCustom(thisObject, objectToStringFunctionGetter);
                return true;

    entry = JSDOMWindow::s_info.propHashTable(exec)->entry(exec, propertyName);
    if (entry) {
        slot.setCustom(thisObject, entry->propertyGetter());
        return true;

    // Check for child frames by name before built-in properties to
    // match Mozilla. This does not match IE, but some sites end up
    // naming frames things that conflict with window properties that
    // are in Moz but not IE. Since we have some of these, we have to do
    // it the Moz way.
    if (thisObject->impl()->frame()->tree()->scopedChild(propertyNameToAtomicString(propertyName))) {
        slot.setCustom(thisObject, childFrameGetter);
        return true;

    // Do prototype lookup early so that functions and attributes in the prototype can have
    // precedence over the index and name getters.  
    JSValue proto = thisObject->prototype();
    if (proto.isObject()) {
        if (asObject(proto)->getPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot)) {
            if (!allowsAccess) {
            return true;

    // FIXME: Search the whole frame hierarchy somewhere around here.
    // We need to test the correct priority order.

    // allow window[1] or parent[1] etc. (#56983)
    unsigned i = propertyName.asIndex();
    if (i < thisObject->impl()->frame()->tree()->scopedChildCount()) {
        ASSERT(i != PropertyName::NotAnIndex);
        slot.setCustomIndex(thisObject, i, indexGetter);
        return true;

    if (!allowsAccess) {
        return true;

    // Allow shortcuts like 'Image1' instead of document.images.Image1
    Document* document = thisObject->impl()->frame()->document();
    if (document->isHTMLDocument()) {
        AtomicStringImpl* atomicPropertyName = findAtomicString(propertyName);
        if (atomicPropertyName && (toHTMLDocument(document)->hasNamedItem(atomicPropertyName) || document->hasElementWithId(atomicPropertyName))) {
            slot.setCustom(thisObject, namedItemGetter);
            return true;

    return Base::getOwnPropertySlot(thisObject, exec, propertyName, slot);