Example #1
QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const EnginioReply *reply)
    if (!reply) {
        d << "EnginioReply(null)";
        return d;
    d << "EnginioReply(" << hex << (void *) reply << dec;

    if (!reply->isError()) {
        d << " success data=" << reply->data();
    } else {
        d << " errorCode=" << reply->networkError() << " ";
        d << " errorString=" << reply->errorString() << " ";
        d << " errorData=" << reply->data() << " ";
    d << "backendStatus=" << reply->backendStatus();
    d << ")";
    return d.space();
Example #2
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QSurfaceFormat &f)
    const QSurfaceFormatPrivate * const d = f.d;

    dbg.nospace() << "QSurfaceFormat("
                  << "version " << d->major << '.' << d->minor
                  << ", options " << d->opts
                  << ", depthBufferSize " << d->depthSize
                  << ", redBufferSize " << d->redBufferSize
                  << ", greenBufferSize " << d->greenBufferSize
                  << ", blueBufferSize " << d->blueBufferSize
                  << ", alphaBufferSize " << d->alphaBufferSize
                  << ", stencilBufferSize " << d->stencilSize
                  << ", samples " << d->numSamples
                  << ", swapBehavior " << d->swapBehavior
                  << ", profile  " << d->profile
                  << ')';

    return dbg.space();
Example #3
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const ModXData &d)
	dbg.nospace() << "ModXData (";
	dbg.nospace() << "\n\ttitle = " << d.title;
	dbg.nospace() << "\n\tdescription = " << d.description;
	dbg.nospace() << "\n\tauthorNotes = " << d.authorNotes;
	dbg.nospace() << "\n\tauthorGroup = " << d.authorGroup;
	dbg.nospace() << "\n\thistory = " << d.history;
	dbg.nospace() << "\n\tlicense = " << d.license;
	dbg.nospace() << "\n\tinstallLevel = " << d.installLevel;
	dbg.nospace() << "\n\tinstallTime = " << d.installTime;

	dbg.nospace() << "\n\tactions = " << d.actions;

	dbg.nospace() << "\n\tdiy = " << d.diy;

	dbg.nospace() << "\n)";

	return dbg.space();
Example #4
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const IptcCoreContactInfo& inf)
    dbg.nospace() << "IptcCoreContactInfo::city: "
                  << inf.city << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "IptcCoreContactInfo::country: "
                  << inf.country << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "IptcCoreContactInfo::address: "
                  << inf.address << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "IptcCoreContactInfo::postalCode: "
                  << inf.postalCode << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "IptcCoreContactInfo::provinceState: "
                  << inf.provinceState << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "IptcCoreContactInfo::email: "
                  << inf.email << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "IptcCoreContactInfo::phone: "
                  << inf.phone << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "IptcCoreContactInfo::webUrl: "
                  << inf.webUrl;
    return dbg.space();
Example #5
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const TagSet &ts)

    dbg.nospace() << "Tagset " << ts.uri() << " [" << ts.title() << "]" <<"\n";
    dbg.nospace() << "  DiscId " << ts.diskTag(TAG_DISCID) << "\n";
    dbg.nospace() << "  Genre  " << ts.diskTag(TAG_GENRE) << "\n";
    dbg.nospace() << "  Artist " << ts.diskTag(TAG_PERFORMER) << "\n";
    dbg.nospace() << "  Album  " << ts.diskTag(TAG_ALBUM) << "\n";
    dbg.nospace() << "  Date   " << ts.diskTag(TAG_DATE) << "\n";
    for (int i=0; i < ts.tracksCount(); ++i)
        dbg.nospace() << "  Track " << i << "-=-=-=-=-" << "\n";
        dbg.nospace() << "    * Album  " << ts.trackTag(i, TAG_ALBUM) << "\n";
        dbg.nospace() << "    * Artist " << ts.trackTag(i, TAG_PERFORMER) << "\n";
        dbg.nospace() << "    * Title  " << ts.trackTag(i, TAG_TITLE) << "\n";
        dbg.nospace() << "    * Genre  " << ts.trackTag(i, TAG_GENRE) << "\n";

    return dbg.space();
Example #6
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QJsonRpcMessage &msg)
    dbg.nospace() << "QJsonRpcMessage(type=" << msg.type();
    if (msg.type() != QJsonRpcMessage::Notification) {
        dbg.nospace() << ", id=" << msg.id();

    if (msg.type() == QJsonRpcMessage::Request ||
        msg.type() == QJsonRpcMessage::Notification) {
        dbg.nospace() << ", method=" << msg.method()
                      << ", params=" << msg.params();
    } else if (msg.type() == QJsonRpcMessage::Response) {
        dbg.nospace() << ", result=" << msg.result();
    } else if (msg.type() == QJsonRpcMessage::Error) {
        dbg.nospace() << ", code=" << msg.errorCode()
                      << ", message=" << msg.errorMessage()
                      << ", data=" << msg.errorData();
    dbg.nospace() << ")";
    return dbg.space();
Example #7
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Packet* p){
    QString message = QString("[%1] [%2] Packet {\n\tPacketId: %3\n\tSize: %4\n\tDecayed: %5ms\n\tImportance: %6%\n\tData:\n%7\n}\n")
            .arg((p->locality() == Packet::FROM_SERVER) ? "Incoming" : "Outgoing")
            .arg(QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() - p->activeTime())

//    QString message = QString("[%1] [%2] Packet {\n\tPacketId: %3\n\tSize: %4\n\tDecayed: %5ms\n\tImportance: %6%\n}\n")
//            .arg((p->locality() == Packet::FROM_SERVER) ? "Incoming" : "Outgoing")
//            .arg(p->protocolString())
//            .arg(p->packetIdString())
//            .arg(p->data().size())
//            .arg(QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() - p->activeTime())
//            .arg(p->importance());

    dbg.nospace() << qPrintable(message);
    return dbg.space();
Example #8
QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QWebEngineScript &script)
    if (script.isNull())
        return d.maybeSpace() << "QWebEngineScript()";

    d.nospace() << "QWebEngineScript(" << script.name() << ", ";
    switch (script.injectionPoint()) {
    case QWebEngineScript::DocumentCreation:
        d << "QWebEngineScript::DocumentCreation" << ", ";
    case QWebEngineScript::DocumentReady:
        d << "QWebEngineScript::DocumentReady" << ", ";
    case QWebEngineScript::Deferred:
        d << "QWebEngineScript::Deferred" << ", ";
    d << script.worldId() << ", "
      << script.runsOnSubFrames() << ", " << script.sourceCode() << ")";
    return d.space();
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const ClPlatform &pl)
    dbg.nospace() << "\nClPlatform{"
                  << "\n\tid\t= "       << pl.getId()
                  << "\n\tname\t= "     << pl.getName()
                  << "\n\tvendor\t= "   << pl.getVendor()
                  << "\n\tprofile\t= "  << pl.getProfile()
                  << "\n\tversion\t= "  << pl.getVersion();
    const QList<ClDevice> devices = pl.getDevices();
        dbg.nospace() << "\nDevices[";
        for(int i = 0; i < devices.count(); ++i)
            dbg.nospace() << devices.at(i);
        dbg.nospace() << "\n]";

    dbg.nospace() << "\n}";
    return dbg.space();
Example #10
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const DcrawInfoContainer& c)
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::sensitivity: "      << c.sensitivity   << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::exposureTime: "     << c.exposureTime << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::aperture: "         << c.aperture << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::focalLength: "      << c.focalLength << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::pixelAspectRatio: " << c.pixelAspectRatio << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::rawColors: "        << c.rawColors << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::rawImages: "        << c.rawImages << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::hasIccProfile: "    << c.hasIccProfile << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::isDecodable: "      << c.isDecodable << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::daylightMult: "     << c.daylightMult << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::cameraMult: "       << c.cameraMult << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::blackPoint: "       << c.blackPoint << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::whitePoint: "       << c.whitePoint << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::topMargin: "        << c.topMargin << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::leftMargin: "       << c.leftMargin << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::rightMargin: "      << c.rightMargin << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::bottomMargin: "     << c.bottomMargin << ", ";
    dbg.nospace() << "DcrawInfoContainer::orientation: "      << c.orientation;
    return dbg.space();
Example #11
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QPageLayout &layout)
    if (layout.isValid()) {
        QString output = QStringLiteral("QPageLayout(%1, %2, l:%3 r:%4 t:%5 b:%6 %7)");
        QString units;
        switch (layout.units()) {
        case QPageLayout::Millimeter:
            units = QStringLiteral("mm");
        case QPageLayout::Point:
            units = QStringLiteral("pt");
        case QPageLayout::Inch:
            units = QStringLiteral("in");
        case QPageLayout::Pica:
            units = QStringLiteral("pc");
        case QPageLayout::Didot:
            units = QStringLiteral("DD");
        case QPageLayout::Cicero:
            units = QStringLiteral("CC");
        output = output.arg(layout.pageSize().name())
                       .arg(layout.orientation() == QPageLayout::Portrait ? QStringLiteral("Portrait") : QStringLiteral("Landscape"))
        dbg.nospace() << output;
    } else {
        dbg.nospace() << "QPageLayout()";
    return dbg.space();
Example #12
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const CoreLink &link)
    const QMetaObject &metaObject = CoapPdu::staticMetaObject;
    QMetaEnum contentTypeEnum = metaObject.enumerator(metaObject.indexOfEnumerator("ContentType"));
    debug.nospace() << "CoapLink(" << link.path() << ")" << endl;

    if (!link.title().isEmpty())
        debug.nospace() << "  Title: " << link.title() << endl;

    debug.nospace() << "  Resource type: " << link.resourceType() << endl;
    debug.nospace() << "  Content type: " << contentTypeEnum.valueToKey(link.contentType()) << endl;

    if (link.observable())
        debug.nospace() << "  Observable: " << link.observable() << endl;

    if (!link.interfaceDescription().isEmpty())
        debug.nospace() << "  Interface description: " << link.interfaceDescription() << endl;

    if (link.maximumSize() >= 0)
        debug.nospace() << "  Maximum size: " << link.maximumSize() << endl;

    return debug.space();
Example #13
void tst_QDebug::debugSpaceHandling() const
    MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
        QDebug d = qDebug();
        d << "  ";
        d << "foo";
        d << "key=" << "value";
        d << 1 << 2;
        MyLine line(MyPoint(10, 11), MyPoint (12, 13));
        d << line;
        // With the old implementation of MyPoint doing dbg.nospace() << ...; dbg.space() we ended up with
        // MyLine(MyPoint(10, 11) ,  MyPoint(12, 13) )
    QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("  foo key=value 1 2 MyLine(MyPoint(10, 11), MyPoint(12, 13))"));
Example #14
QDebug operator<<(QDebug c, const OpenTrade::Bar &bar)
    c.nospace() << "Bar("
                << "Average:" << bar.average() 
                << "BeginTime:" << bar.beginTime() 
                << "Close:" << bar.close() 
                << "DateTime:" << bar.dateTime() 
                << "Duration:" << bar.duration() 
                << "EndTime:" << bar.endTime() 
                << "High:" << bar.high() 
                << "IsComplete:" << bar.isComplete() 
                << "Low:" << bar.low() 
                << "Median:" << bar.median() 
                << "Open:" << bar.open() 
                << "OpenInt:" << bar.openInt() 
                << "Size:" << bar.size() 
                << "Type:" << bar.type() 
                << "Typical:" << bar.typical() 
                << "Volume:" << bar.volume() 
                << "Weighted:" << bar.weighted() 
    return c.space();
Example #15
QDebug ConsoleAppender::debug(QDebug &rDebug) const
  QString layout_name;
  if (layout())
    layout_name = layout()->name();
  QString target;
  if (mTarget == STDOUT_TARGET)
    target = QLatin1String("STDOUT");
    target = QLatin1String("STDERR");

  rDebug.nospace() << "ConsoleAppender("
                   << "name:" << name() << " "
                   << "filter:" << firstFilter() << " "
                   << "isactive:" << isActive() << " "
                   << "isclosed:" << isClosed() << " "
                   << "layout:" << layout_name << " "
                   << "target:" << target << " "
                   << "referencecount:" << referenceCount() << " "
                   << "threshold:" << threshold().toString()
                   << ")";
  return rDebug.space();
Example #16
QDebug operator <<(QDebug dbg, const KDSoapValue &value)
    dbg.space() << value.name() << value.value();
    if (!value.childValues().isEmpty()) {
        dbg << "<children>";
        KDSoapValueListIterator it(value.childValues());
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            const KDSoapValue &child = it.next();
            dbg << child;
        dbg << "</children>";
    if (!value.childValues().attributes().isEmpty()) {
        dbg << "<attributes>";
        QListIterator<KDSoapValue> it(value.childValues().attributes());
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            const KDSoapValue &child = it.next();
            dbg << child;
        dbg << "</attributes>";
    return dbg;
Example #17
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QSqlField &f)
    dbg.nospace() << "QSqlField(" << f.name() << ", " << QVariant::typeToName(f.type());
    if (f.length() >= 0)
        dbg.nospace() << ", length: " << f.length();
    if (f.precision() >= 0)
        dbg.nospace() << ", precision: " << f.precision();
    if (f.requiredStatus() != QSqlField::Unknown)
        dbg.nospace() << ", required: "
                      << (f.requiredStatus() == QSqlField::Required ? "yes" : "no");
    dbg.nospace() << ", generated: " << (f.isGenerated() ? "yes" : "no");
    if (f.typeID() >= 0)
        dbg.nospace() << ", typeID: " << f.typeID();
    if (!f.defaultValue().isNull())
        dbg.nospace() << ", auto-value: \"" << f.defaultValue() << '\"';
    dbg.nospace() << ')';
    return dbg.space();
    qWarning("This compiler doesn't support streaming QSqlField to QDebug");
    return dbg;
Example #18
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const IrcMessage* message)
    if (!message)
        return debug << "IrcMessage(0x0) ";
    debug.nospace() << message->metaObject()->className() << '(' << (void*) message;
    QStringList flags;
    if (message->flags() == IrcMessage::None)
        flags << "None";
    else if (message->flags() & IrcMessage::Identified)
        flags << "Identified";
    else if (message->flags() & IrcMessage::Unidentified)
        flags << "Unidentified";
    debug << ", flags = " << flags;
    if (!message->objectName().isEmpty())
        debug << ", name = " << message->objectName();
    if (message->sender().isValid())
        debug << ", sender = " << message->sender().name();
    if (!message->command().isEmpty())
        debug << ", command = " << message->command();
    if (!message->parameters().isEmpty())
        debug << ", params = " << message->parameters();
    debug.nospace() << ')';
    return debug.space();
//! kDebug() stream operator. Writes property @a s to the debug output in a nicely formatted way.
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const MaintenanceSettings& s)
    dbg.nospace() << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "wholeAlbums         : " << s.wholeAlbums << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "wholeTags           : " << s.wholeTags << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "Albums              : " << s.albums.count() << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "Tags                : " << s.tags.count() << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "useMutiCoreCPU      : " << s.useMutiCoreCPU << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "newItems            : " << s.newItems << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "thumbnails          : " << s.thumbnails << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "scanThumbs          : " << s.scanThumbs << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "fingerPrints        : " << s.fingerPrints << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "scanFingerPrints    : " << s.scanFingerPrints << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "duplicates          : " << s.duplicates << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "similarity          : " << s.similarity << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "faceManagement      : " << s.faceManagement << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "faceScannedHandling : " << s.faceSettings.alreadyScannedHandling << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "qualitySort         : " << s.qualitySort << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "quality             : " << s.quality << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "qualityScanMode     : " << s.qualityScanMode << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "metadataSync        : " << s.metadataSync << endl;
    dbg.nospace() << "syncDirection       : " << s.syncDirection << endl;
    return dbg.space();
Example #20
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Result& result)
    if (result.isError()) {
        dbg.nospace() << "Predicate::Result:";
        dbg.space() << "CODE=" << result.code();
        if (!result.message().isEmpty())
            dbg.space() << "MESSAGE=" << result.message();
        if (!result.messageTitle().isEmpty())
            dbg.space() << "TITLE=" << result.messageTitle();
        if (!result.sql().isEmpty())
            dbg.space() << "SQL=" << result.sql();
        if (!result.errorSql().isEmpty())
            dbg.space() << "ERR_SQL=" << result.errorSql();
        dbg.space() << "SERVER_RESULT=(CODE:" << result.serverResultCode() /*<< "NAME:" << result.serverResultName()*/ << ")";
        if (!result.serverMessage().isEmpty())
            dbg.nospace() << "MESSAGE:" << result.serverMessage();
        /*dbg.space() << "PREV_SERVER_RESULT=(CODE:" << result.previousServerResultCode() << "NAME:" <<
             result.previousServerResultName() << ")";*/
    } else {
        dbg.nospace() << "Predicate::Result: OK";
    return dbg.space();
Example #21
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const BufferInfo &b)
    dbg.nospace() << "(bufId: " << b.bufferId() << ", netId: " << b.networkId() << ", groupId: " << b.groupId() << ", buf: " << b.bufferName() << ")";
    return dbg.space();
Example #22
 * Print UML Object to debug output stream, so it can be used like
 *   uDebug() << "This object shouldn't be here: " << illegalObject;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug out, const UMLObject& obj)
    out.nospace() << "UMLObject: name= " << obj.name()
        << ", type= " << UMLObject::toString(obj.m_BaseType);
    return out.space();
Example #23
QDebug ChartAxisIndex::debug( QDebug dbg ) const
    dbg.nospace() << "( KPlato::ChartAxisIndex[ number=" << m_number << " userData=" << userData << " parentId=" << parentId<< " )";
    return dbg.space();
Example #24
QDebug operator<<(QDebug s, const QNetworkCookie &cookie)
    s.nospace() << "QNetworkCookie(" << cookie.toRawForm(QNetworkCookie::Full) << ')';
    return s.space();
QDebug operator<<(QDebug s, const Individual& i) {
  return s.space() << (i.HasFitness() ? QString::number(i.Fitness()).toAscii().constData() : "??")
                   << "-" << i.Weights();
Example #26
QDebug operator <<(QDebug debug, const AkPacket &packet)
    debug.nospace() << packet.toString().toStdString().c_str();

    return debug.space();
Example #27
/*! Writes the name and value of the given \a param to \a dbg. */
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Param &param)
    dbg.nospace() << "Param(Name: " << param.name() << ", Value:" << param.value() << ")";

    return dbg.space();
Example #28
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Call::Action& c)
   dbg.nospace() << static_cast<int>(c);
   return dbg.space();
Example #29
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Call::State& c)
   dbg.nospace() << QString(Call::toHumanStateName(c));
   return dbg.space();
Example #30
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QVector2D &vector)
    dbg.nospace() << "QVector2D(" << vector.x() << ", " << vector.y() << ')';
    return dbg.space();