Example #1
void PWidget::eventKey(QObject *, QEvent *e)  
  PukeMessage pm;
  widgetId wI;

  QKeyEvent *ke = Q_KEY_EVENT(e);
  wI = widgetIden();
  pm.iCommand = - e->type() - 1020; // 1020 offset for events
  pm.iWinId = wI.iWinId;
  pm.iArg = 0;

  // special cArg handling
  pm.iTextSize = 3*sizeof(int);
  int *icArg = new int[3];
  icArg[0] = ke->key();
  icArg[1] = ke->ascii();
  icArg[2] = ke->state();
  pm.cArg = (char *) icArg;

  emit outputMessage(wI.fd, &pm);

  delete[] icArg;
Example #2
bool QAccel::eventFilter( QObject *, QEvent *e )
    if ( enabled && e->type() == Event_Accel &&
	 parent() && parent()->isWidgetType() &&
	 ((QWidget *)parent())->isVisibleToTLW() ) {
	QKeyEvent *k = (QKeyEvent *)e;
	int key = k->key();
	if ( k->state() & ShiftButton )
	    key |= SHIFT;
	if ( k->state() & ControlButton )
	    key |= CTRL;
	if ( k->state() & AltButton )
	    key |= ALT;
	QAccelItem *item = find_key(aitems,key,k->ascii());
	if ( item && item->enabled ) {
	    if ( item->signal )
		emit activated( item->id );
	    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Example #3
/*! Reimplementation of the \c QObject function. Always returns \p false (meaning event is \e not
  handled and should be forwarded to the \p qglviewer).

  When EventRecorder isRecording(), the following \c QEvent::type are recorded in an internal data
  structure: \c KeyPress, \c KeyRelease, \c MouseButtonPress, \c MouseButtonRelease, \c
  MouseButtonDblClick, \c MouseMove, \c Wheel and \c Timer (used by QGLViewer::animate()). Does
  nothing when isRecording() is \c false.

  You may overload this method to filter other \c QEvent::type (your implementation should probably
  call this function).

  Other specific events can be recorded using recordFrameState() and recordCustomEvent(). */
bool EventRecorder::eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *e)
  if (isRecording())
      bool record = true;
      switch (e->type())
	case QEvent::KeyPress:
	case QEvent::KeyRelease:
	    QKeyEvent* ke = (QKeyEvent*)(e);
	    eventRecords_[eventIndex_].event.keyEvent = new QKeyEvent(e->type(), ke->key(), ke->ascii(), int(ke->state()));
	case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
	case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
	case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
	case QEvent::MouseMove:
	    QMouseEvent* me = (QMouseEvent*)(e);
	    eventRecords_[eventIndex_].event.mouseEvent = new QMouseEvent(e->type(), me->pos(), int(me->button()), int(me->state()));
	case QEvent::Wheel:
	    QWheelEvent* we = (QWheelEvent*)(e);
	    eventRecords_[eventIndex_].event.wheelEvent = new QWheelEvent(we->pos(), we->delta(), int(we->state()));
	case QEvent::Timer:
	    eventRecords_[eventIndex_].event.keyEvent = NULL; // or any other pointer
	    record = false;

      if (record)
	  eventRecords_[eventIndex_].type = e->type();
	  eventRecords_[eventIndex_].time = time_.elapsed();
  return false;
Example #4
bool Window::eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent* event) {
	if (event->type() != QEvent::KeyPress) {
		return false;

	QKeyEvent* keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event);
	if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Up || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Down) {
		QKeyEvent* newEvent = new QKeyEvent(
			keyEvent->type(), keyEvent->key(), keyEvent->ascii(),
			keyEvent->state(), keyEvent->text());
		QApplication::postEvent(mView, newEvent);
		return true;

	return false;
Example #5
    Checks for possible accelerators, if no widget
    ate the keypres, or we are in the middle of a
    partial key sequence.
bool QAccelManager::dispatchAccelEvent( QWidget* w, QKeyEvent* e )
    // Needs to be declared and used here because of "goto doclash"
    QStatusBar* mainStatusBar = 0;

    // Modifiers can NOT be accelerators...
    if ( e->key() >= Key_Shift &&
	 e->key() <= Key_Alt )
	 return FALSE;

    SequenceMatch result = Qt::NoMatch;
    QKeySequence tocheck, partial;
    QAccelPrivate* accel = 0;
    QAccelItem* item = 0;
    QAccelPrivate* firstaccel = 0;
    QAccelItem* firstitem = 0;
    QAccelPrivate* lastaccel = 0;
    QAccelItem* lastitem = 0;
    QKeyEvent pe = *e;
    int n = -1;
    int hasShift = (e->state()&Qt::ShiftButton)?1:0;
    bool identicalDisabled = FALSE;
    bool matchFound = FALSE;
    do {
	accel = accels.first();
	matchFound = FALSE;
	while ( accel ) {
	    if ( correctSubWindow( w, accel ) ) {
		if ( accel->enabled ) {
		    item = accel->aitems.last();
		    while( item ) {
			if ( Qt::Identical == (result = match( &pe, item, tocheck )) ) {
			    if ( item->enabled ) {
				if ( !firstaccel ) {
				    firstaccel = accel;
				    firstitem = item;
				lastaccel = accel;
				lastitem = item;
				matchFound = TRUE;
				if ( n > QMAX(clash,0) )
				    goto doclash;
			    } else {
				identicalDisabled = TRUE;
			if ( item->enabled && Qt::PartialMatch == result ) {
			    partial = tocheck;
			    matchFound = TRUE;
			item = accel->aitems.prev();
		} else {
		    item = accel->aitems.last();
		    while( item ) {
			if ( Qt::Identical == match( &pe, item, tocheck ) )
			    identicalDisabled = TRUE;
			item = accel->aitems.prev();
	    accel = accels.next();
	pe = QKeyEvent( QEvent::Accel, pe.key(), pe.ascii(), pe.state()&~Qt::ShiftButton, pe.text() );
    } while ( hasShift-- && !matchFound && !identicalDisabled );

    mainStatusBar = (QStatusBar*) w->topLevelWidget()->child( 0, "QStatusBar" );
    if ( n < 0 ) { // no match found
	currentState = partial.count() ? PartialMatch : NoMatch;
	// Only display message if we are, or were, in a partial match
	if ( mainStatusBar && (PartialMatch == currentState || intermediate.count() ) ) {
	    if ( currentState == Qt::PartialMatch ) {
		mainStatusBar->message( (QString)partial + ", ...", 0 );
	    } else if (!identicalDisabled) {
		QString message = QAccel::tr("%1, %2 not defined").
		    arg( (QString)intermediate ).
		    arg( QKeySequence::encodeString( e->key() | translateModifiers(e->state()) ) );
		mainStatusBar->message( message, 2000 );
		// Since we're a NoMatch, reset the clash count
		clash = -1;
	    } else {

	bool eatKey = (PartialMatch == currentState || intermediate.count() );
	intermediate = partial;
	if ( eatKey )
	return eatKey;
    } else if ( n == 0 ) { // found exactly one match
	clash = -1; // reset
	if ( currentState == Qt::PartialMatch && mainStatusBar )
	currentState = Qt::NoMatch; // Free sequence keylock
	intermediate = QKeySequence();
	lastaccel->activate( lastitem );
	return TRUE;

 doclash: // found more than one match
    if ( !mainStatusBar ) // if "goto doclash", we need to get statusbar again.
	mainStatusBar = (QStatusBar*) w->topLevelWidget()->child( 0, "QStatusBar" );

    QString message = QAccel::tr( "Ambiguous \"%1\" not handled" ).arg( (QString)tocheck );
    if ( clash >= 0 && n > clash ) { // pick next  match
	intermediate = QKeySequence();
	currentState = Qt::NoMatch; // Free sequence keylock
	if ( mainStatusBar &&
	     !lastitem->signal &&
	     !(lastaccel->parent->receivers( "activatedAmbiguously(int)" )) )
	    mainStatusBar->message( message, 2000 );
	lastaccel->activateAmbiguously( lastitem );
    } else { // start (or wrap) with the first matching
	intermediate = QKeySequence();
	currentState = Qt::NoMatch; // Free sequence keylock
	clash = 0;
	if ( mainStatusBar &&
	     !firstitem->signal &&
	     !(firstaccel->parent->receivers( "activatedAmbiguously(int)" )) )
	    mainStatusBar->message( message, 2000 );
	firstaccel->activateAmbiguously( firstitem );
    return TRUE;
Example #6
bool QUimInputContext::filterEvent( const QEvent *event )
    // qDebug("filterEvent");

    int type = event->type();

    if ( type != QEvent::KeyPress &&
            type != QEvent::KeyRelease )
        return FALSE;

    QKeyEvent *keyevent = ( QKeyEvent * ) event;
    int qkey = keyevent->key();

    int modifier = 0;
    if ( keyevent->state() & Qt::ShiftButton )
        modifier |= UMod_Shift;
    if ( keyevent->state() & Qt::ControlButton )
        modifier |= UMod_Control;
    if ( keyevent->state() & Qt::AltButton )
        modifier |= UMod_Alt;
#if defined(Q_WS_X11)
    if ( keyevent->state() & Qt::MetaButton )
        modifier |= UMod_Meta;

    int key = 0;
    if ( isascii( qkey ) && isprint( qkey ) )
        int ascii = keyevent->ascii();
        if ( isalpha( ascii ) )
            key = ascii;  // uim needs lower/upper encoded key
            if ( keyevent->state() & Qt::ControlButton &&
                 ( ascii >= 0x01 && ascii <= 0x1a ) )
                if ( keyevent->state() & Qt::ShiftButton )
                    key = ascii + 0x40;
                    key = ascii + 0x60;
                key = qkey;
    else if ( qkey == Qt::Key_unknown )
        QString text = keyevent->text();
        if ( !text.isNull() )
            QChar s = text.at(0);
            key = unicodeToUKey ( s.unicode() );
            key = UKey_Other;
        if ( qkey >= Qt::Key_F1 && qkey <= Qt::Key_F35 )
            key = qkey - Qt::Key_F1 + UKey_F1;
        else if ( qkey >= Qt::Key_Dead_Grave && qkey <= Qt::Key_Dead_Horn )
            key = qkey - Qt::Key_Dead_Grave + UKey_Dead_Grave;
        else if ( qkey >= Qt::Key_Kanji && qkey <= Qt::Key_Eisu_toggle )
            key = qkey - Qt::Key_Kanji + UKey_Kanji;
        else if ( qkey >= Qt::Key_Hangul && qkey <= Qt::Key_Hangul_Special )
            key = qkey - Qt::Key_Hangul + UKey_Hangul;
            switch ( qkey )
            case Qt::Key_Tab: key = UKey_Tab; break;
            case Qt::Key_BackSpace: key = UKey_Backspace; break;
            case Qt::Key_Escape: key = UKey_Escape; break;
            case Qt::Key_Delete: key = UKey_Delete; break;
            case Qt::Key_Return: key = UKey_Return; break;
            case Qt::Key_Left: key = UKey_Left; break;
            case Qt::Key_Up: key = UKey_Up; break;
            case Qt::Key_Right: key = UKey_Right; break;
            case Qt::Key_Down: key = UKey_Down; break;
            case Qt::Key_Prior: key = UKey_Prior; break;
            case Qt::Key_Next: key = UKey_Next; break;
            case Qt::Key_Home: key = UKey_Home; break;
            case Qt::Key_End: key = UKey_End; break;
            case Qt::Key_Multi_key: key = UKey_Multi_key; break;
            case Qt::Key_Mode_switch: key = UKey_Mode_switch; break;
            case Qt::Key_Codeinput: key = UKey_Codeinput; break;
            case Qt::Key_SingleCandidate: key = UKey_SingleCandidate; break;
            case Qt::Key_MultipleCandidate: key = UKey_MultipleCandidate; break;
            case Qt::Key_PreviousCandidate: key = UKey_PreviousCandidate; break;
            case Qt::Key_Shift: key = UKey_Shift_key; break;
            case Qt::Key_Control: key = UKey_Control_key; break;
            case Qt::Key_Alt: key = UKey_Alt_key; break;
            case Qt::Key_Meta: key = UKey_Meta_key; break;
            case Qt::Key_CapsLock: key = UKey_Caps_Lock; break;
            case Qt::Key_NumLock: key = UKey_Num_Lock; break;
            case Qt::Key_ScrollLock: key = UKey_Scroll_Lock; break;
            default: key = UKey_Other;

    int notFiltered;
    if ( type == QEvent::KeyPress )
        notFiltered = uim_press_key( m_uc, key, modifier );
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
        if ( notFiltered )
            return mCompose->handle_qkey( keyevent );
        if ( notFiltered )
            return FALSE;
    else if ( type == QEvent::KeyRelease )
        notFiltered = uim_release_key( m_uc, key, modifier );
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
        if ( notFiltered )
            return mCompose->handle_qkey( keyevent );
        if ( notFiltered )
            return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Example #7
bool TEWidget::eventFilter( QObject *obj, QEvent *e )
#if 0
// because QT4 using  QShortcut, so I diable this function
  if ( (e->type() == QEvent::Accel ||
       e->type() == QEvent::AccelAvailable ) && qApp->focusWidget() == this )
      static_cast<QKeyEvent *>( e )->ignore();
      return true;
  if ( obj != this /* when embedded */ && obj != parent() /* when standalone */ )
      return FALSE; // not us
  if ( e->type() == QEvent::Wheel)
    QApplication::sendEvent(scrollbar, e);

    static bool control = FALSE;
    static bool alt = FALSE;
    // Has a keyboard with no CTRL and ALT keys, but we fake it:
    bool dele=FALSE;
    if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress || e->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease ) {
  QKeyEvent* ke = (QKeyEvent*)e;
  bool keydown = e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress || ke->isAutoRepeat();
  switch (ke->key()) {
      case Key_F9: // let this be "Control"
    control = keydown;
    e = new QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, Key_Control, 0, ke->state());
      case Key_F13: // let this be "Alt"
    alt = keydown;
    e = new QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, Key_Alt, 0, ke->state());
    if ( control ) {
        int a = toupper(ke->ascii())-64;
        if ( a >= 0 && a < ' ' ) {
      e = new QKeyEvent(e->type(), ke->key(),
        a, ke->state()|ControlButton, QChar(a,0));
    if ( alt ) {
        e = new QKeyEvent(e->type(), ke->key(),
        ke->ascii(), ke->state()|AltButton, ke->text());

  if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress )
    QKeyEvent* ke = (QKeyEvent*)e;

    actSel=0; // Key stroke implies a screen update, so TEWidget won't
              // know where the current selection is.

    emit keyPressedSignal(ke); // expose
    if ( dele ) delete e;
    return true;               // stop the event
  if ( e->type() == QEvent::Enter )
    QObject::disconnect( (QObject*)cb, SIGNAL(dataChanged()),
      this, SLOT(onClearSelection()) );
  if ( e->type() == QEvent::Leave )
    QObject::connect( (QObject*)cb, SIGNAL(dataChanged()),
      this, SLOT(onClearSelection()) );
  return QFrame::eventFilter( obj, e );