Example #1
// static
QRect kpTool::neededRect (const QRect &rect, int lineWidth)
    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
    rect.coords (&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);

    if (lineWidth < 1)
        lineWidth = 1;

    return QRect (QPoint (x1 - lineWidth + 1, y1 - lineWidth + 1),
                  QPoint (x2 + lineWidth - 1, y2 + lineWidth - 1));
Example #2
KDEFX_EXPORT void kDrawRoundButton(QPainter *p, const QRect &r, const QColorGroup &g,
                      bool sunken)
    int x, y, x2, y2;
    r.coords(&x, &y, &x2, &y2);
    if(r.width() > 16 && r.height() > 16){
        QPen oldPen = p->pen();
        QPointArray hPntArray, lPntArray;
        hPntArray.putPoints(0, 12, x+4,y+1, x+5,y+1, // top left
                            x+3,y+2, x+2,y+3, x+1,y+4, x+1,y+5,
                            x+1,y2-5, x+1,y2-4, x+2,y2-3, // half corners
                            x2-5,y+1, x2-4,y+1, x2-3,y+2);

        lPntArray.putPoints(0, 17, x2-5,y2-1, x2-4,y2-1, // btm right
                            x2-3,y2-2, x2-2,y2-3, x2-1,y2-5, x2-1,y2-4,
                            x+3,y2-2, x+4,y2-1, x+5,y2-1, //half corners
                            x2-2,y+3, x2-1,y+4, x2-1,y+5,

                            x2-5,y2-2, x2-4,y2-2, // testing
                            x2-2,y2-5, x2-2,y2-4);

        p->setPen(sunken ? g.dark() : g.light());
        p->drawLine(x+6, y, x2-6, y);
        p->drawLine(0, y+6, 0, y2-6);

        p->setPen(sunken ? g.light() : g.dark());
        p->drawLine(x+6, y2, x2-6, y2);
        p->drawLine(x+6, y2-1, x2-6, y2-1);
        p->drawLine(x2, y+6, x2, y2-6);
        p->drawLine(x2-1, y+6, x2-1, y2-6);
        qDrawWinPanel(p, x, y, r.width(), r.height(), g, sunken);
Example #3
void PlastikClient::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
    QRegion region = e->region();

    PlastikHandler *handler = Handler();

    if(oldCaption != caption())

    bool active = isActive();
    bool toolWindow = isToolWindow();

    QPainter painter(widget());

    // often needed coordinates
    QRect r = widget()->rect();

    int r_w = r.width();
    //     int r_h = r.height();
    int r_x, r_y, r_x2, r_y2;
    r.coords(&r_x, &r_y, &r_x2, &r_y2);
    const int borderLeft = layoutMetric(LM_BorderLeft);
    const int borderRight = layoutMetric(LM_BorderRight);
    const int borderBottom = layoutMetric(LM_BorderBottom);
    const int titleHeight = layoutMetric(LM_TitleHeight);
    const int titleEdgeTop = layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeTop);
    const int titleEdgeBottom = layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeBottom);
    const int titleEdgeLeft = layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeLeft);
    const int titleEdgeRight = layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeRight);

    const int borderBottomTop = r_y2 - borderBottom + 1;
    const int borderLeftRight = r_x + borderLeft - 1;
    const int borderRightLeft = r_x2 - borderRight + 1;
    const int titleEdgeBottomBottom = r_y + titleEdgeTop + titleHeight + titleEdgeBottom - 1;

    const int sideHeight = borderBottomTop - titleEdgeBottomBottom - 1;

    QRect Rtitle =
        QRect(r_x + titleEdgeLeft + buttonsLeftWidth(), r_y + titleEdgeTop,
              r_x2 - titleEdgeRight - buttonsRightWidth() - (r_x + titleEdgeLeft + buttonsLeftWidth()), titleEdgeBottomBottom - (r_y + titleEdgeTop));

    QRect tempRect;

    // topSpacer
    if(titleEdgeTop > 0)
        tempRect.setRect(r_x + 2, r_y, r_w - 2 * 2, titleEdgeTop);
        if(tempRect.isValid() && region.contains(tempRect))
            painter.drawTiledPixmap(tempRect, handler->pixmap(TitleBarTileTop, active, toolWindow));

    // leftTitleSpacer
    int titleMarginLeft = 0;
    int titleMarginRight = 0;
    if(titleEdgeLeft > 0)
        tempRect.setRect(r_x, r_y, borderLeft, titleEdgeTop + titleHeight + titleEdgeBottom);
        if(tempRect.isValid() && region.contains(tempRect))
            painter.drawTiledPixmap(tempRect, handler->pixmap(TitleBarLeft, active, toolWindow));
            titleMarginLeft = borderLeft;

    // rightTitleSpacer
    if(titleEdgeRight > 0)
        tempRect.setRect(borderRightLeft, r_y, borderRight, titleEdgeTop + titleHeight + titleEdgeBottom);
        if(tempRect.isValid() && region.contains(tempRect))
            painter.drawTiledPixmap(tempRect, handler->pixmap(TitleBarRight, active, toolWindow));
            titleMarginRight = borderRight;

    // titleSpacer
    const QPixmap &caption = captionPixmap();
    if(Rtitle.width() > 0)
        m_captionRect = captionRect(); // also update m_captionRect!
        if(m_captionRect.isValid() && region.contains(m_captionRect))
            painter.drawTiledPixmap(m_captionRect, caption);

        // left to the title
        tempRect.setRect(r_x + titleMarginLeft, m_captionRect.top(), m_captionRect.left() - (r_x + titleMarginLeft), m_captionRect.height());
        if(tempRect.isValid() && region.contains(tempRect))
            painter.drawTiledPixmap(tempRect, handler->pixmap(TitleBarTile, active, toolWindow));

        // right to the title
        tempRect.setRect(m_captionRect.right() + 1, m_captionRect.top(), (r_x2 - titleMarginRight) - m_captionRect.right(), m_captionRect.height());
        if(tempRect.isValid() && region.contains(tempRect))
            painter.drawTiledPixmap(tempRect, handler->pixmap(TitleBarTile, active, toolWindow));

    // leftSpacer
    if(borderLeft > 0 && sideHeight > 0)
        tempRect.setCoords(r_x, titleEdgeBottomBottom + 1, borderLeftRight, borderBottomTop - 1);
        if(tempRect.isValid() && region.contains(tempRect))
            painter.drawTiledPixmap(tempRect, handler->pixmap(BorderLeftTile, active, toolWindow));

    // rightSpacer
    if(borderRight > 0 && sideHeight > 0)
        tempRect.setCoords(borderRightLeft, titleEdgeBottomBottom + 1, r_x2, borderBottomTop - 1);
        if(tempRect.isValid() && region.contains(tempRect))
            painter.drawTiledPixmap(tempRect, handler->pixmap(BorderRightTile, active, toolWindow));

    // bottomSpacer
    if(borderBottom > 0)
        int l = r_x;
        int r = r_x2;

        tempRect.setRect(r_x, borderBottomTop, borderLeft, borderBottom);
        if(tempRect.isValid() && region.contains(tempRect))
            painter.drawTiledPixmap(tempRect, handler->pixmap(BorderBottomLeft, active, toolWindow));
            l = tempRect.right() + 1;

        tempRect.setRect(borderRightLeft, borderBottomTop, borderLeft, borderBottom);
        if(tempRect.isValid() && region.contains(tempRect))
            painter.drawTiledPixmap(tempRect, handler->pixmap(BorderBottomRight, active, toolWindow));
            r = tempRect.left() - 1;

        tempRect.setCoords(l, borderBottomTop, r, r_y2);
        if(tempRect.isValid() && region.contains(tempRect))
            painter.drawTiledPixmap(tempRect, handler->pixmap(BorderBottomTile, active, toolWindow));
Example #4
void MetalStyle::drawControl( ControlElement element,
			      QPainter *p,
			      const QWidget *widget,
			      const QRect &r,
			      const QColorGroup &cg,
			      SFlags how,
			      const QStyleOption& opt ) const
    switch( element ) {
    case CE_PushButton:
	    const QPushButton *btn;
	    btn = (const QPushButton*)widget;
	    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
	    r.coords( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );
	    p->setPen( cg.foreground() );
	    p->setBrush( QBrush(cg.button(), NoBrush) );

	    QBrush fill;
	    if ( btn->isDown() )
		fill = cg.brush( QColorGroup::Mid );
	    else if ( btn->isOn() )
		fill = QBrush( cg.mid(), Dense4Pattern );
		fill = cg.brush( QColorGroup::Button );
	    if ( btn->isDefault() ) {
		QPointArray a;
		a.setPoints( 9,
			     x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2, x1, y1+1,
			     x2-1, y1+1, x2-1, y2-1, x1+1, y2-1, x1+1, y1+1 );
		p->setPen( Qt::black );
		p->drawPolyline( a );
		x1 += 2;
		y1 += 2;
		x2 -= 2;
		y2 -= 2;
	    SFlags flags = Style_Default;
	    if ( btn->isOn() )
		flags |= Style_On;
	    if ( btn->isDown() )
		flags |= Style_Down;
	    if ( !btn->isFlat() && !btn->isDown() )
		flags |= Style_Raised;
	    drawPrimitive( PE_ButtonCommand, p,
			   QRect( x1, y1, x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1),
			   cg, flags, opt );
	    if ( btn->isMenuButton() ) {
		flags = Style_Default;
		if ( btn->isEnabled() )
		    flags |= Style_Enabled;
		int dx = ( y1 - y2 - 4 ) / 3;
		drawPrimitive( PE_ArrowDown, p,
			       QRect(x2 - dx, dx, y1, y2 - y1),
			       cg, flags, opt );
	    if ( p->brush().style() != NoBrush )
		p->setBrush( NoBrush );
    case CE_PushButtonLabel:
	    const QPushButton *btn;
	    btn = (const QPushButton*)widget;
	    int x, y, w, h;
	    r.rect( &x, &y, &w, &h );
	    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
	    r.coords( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );
	    int dx = 0;
	    int dy = 0;
	    if ( btn->isMenuButton() )
		dx = ( y2 - y1 ) / 3;
	    if ( btn->isOn() || btn->isDown() ) {
	    if ( dx || dy )
		p->translate( dx, dy );
	    x += 2;
	    y += 2;
	    w -= 4;
	    h -= 4;
	    drawItem( p, QRect( x, y, w, h ),
		      cg, btn->isEnabled(),
		      btn->pixmap(), btn->text(), -1,
		      (btn->isDown() || btn->isOn())? &cg.brightText() : &cg.buttonText() );
	    if ( dx || dy )
		p->translate( -dx, -dy );
	QWindowsStyle::drawControl( element, p, widget, r, cg, how, opt );
Example #5
KCommonDecoration::Position KCommonDecoration::mousePosition(const QPoint &point) const
    const int corner = 18+3*layoutMetric(LM_BorderBottom, false)/2;
    Position pos = PositionCenter;

    QRect r = widget()->rect();
    int r_x, r_y, r_x2, r_y2;
    r.coords(&r_x, &r_y, &r_x2, &r_y2);
    int p_x = point.x();
    int p_y = point.y();
    const int borderLeft = layoutMetric(LM_BorderLeft);
//     const int borderRight = layoutMetric(LM_BorderRight);
    const int borderBottom = layoutMetric(LM_BorderBottom);
    const int titleHeight = layoutMetric(LM_TitleHeight);
    const int titleEdgeTop = layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeTop);
    const int titleEdgeBottom = layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeBottom);
    const int titleEdgeLeft = layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeLeft);
    const int titleEdgeRight = layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeRight);

    const int borderBottomTop = r_y2-borderBottom+1;
    const int borderLeftRight = r_x+borderLeft-1;
//     const int borderRightLeft = r_x2-borderRight+1;
    const int titleEdgeLeftRight = r_x+titleEdgeLeft-1;
    const int titleEdgeRightLeft = r_x2-titleEdgeRight+1;
    const int titleEdgeBottomBottom = r_y+titleEdgeTop+titleHeight+titleEdgeBottom-1;
    const int titleEdgeTopBottom = r_y+titleEdgeTop-1;

    if (p_y <= titleEdgeTopBottom) {
        if (p_x <= r_x+corner)
            pos = PositionTopLeft;
        else if (p_x >= r_x2-corner)
            pos = PositionTopRight;
            pos = PositionTop;
    } else if (p_y <= titleEdgeBottomBottom) {
        if (p_x <= titleEdgeLeftRight)
            pos = PositionTopLeft;
        else if (p_x >= titleEdgeRightLeft)
            pos = PositionTopRight;
            pos = PositionCenter; // title bar
    } else if (p_y < borderBottomTop) {
        if      (p_y < r_y2-corner) {
            if (p_x <= borderLeftRight)
                pos = PositionLeft;
                pos = PositionRight;
        } else {
            if (p_x <= borderLeftRight)
                pos = PositionBottomLeft;
                pos = PositionBottomRight;
    } else if(p_y >= borderBottomTop) {
        if (p_x <= r_x+corner)
            pos = PositionBottomLeft;
        else if (p_x >= r_x2-corner)
            pos = PositionBottomRight;
            pos = PositionBottom;

    return pos;
Example #6
void KCommonDecoration::updateLayout() const
    QRect r = widget()->rect();
    int r_x, r_y, r_x2, r_y2;
    r.coords(&r_x, &r_y, &r_x2, &r_y2);

    // layout preview widget
    if (m_previewWidget) {
        const int borderLeft = layoutMetric(LM_BorderLeft);
        const int borderRight = layoutMetric(LM_BorderRight);
        const int borderBottom = layoutMetric(LM_BorderBottom);
        const int titleHeight = layoutMetric(LM_TitleHeight);
        const int titleEdgeTop = layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeTop);
        const int titleEdgeBottom = layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeBottom);

        int left = r_x+borderLeft;
        int top = r_y+titleEdgeTop+titleHeight+titleEdgeBottom;
        int width = r_x2-borderRight-left+1;
        int height = r_y2-borderBottom-top+1;
        m_previewWidget->setGeometry(left, top, width, height);
        moveWidget(left,top, m_previewWidget);
        resizeWidget(width, height, m_previewWidget);

    // resize buttons...
    for (int n=0; n<NumButtons; n++) {
        if (m_button[n]) {
            QSize newSize = QSize(layoutMetric(LM_ButtonWidth, true, m_button[n]),
                                  layoutMetric(LM_ButtonHeight, true, m_button[n]) );
            if (newSize != m_button[n]->size() )

    // layout buttons
    int y = r_y + layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeTop) + layoutMetric(LM_ButtonMarginTop);
    if (m_buttonsLeft.count() > 0) {
        const int buttonSpacing = layoutMetric(LM_ButtonSpacing);
        int x = r_x + layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeLeft);
        for (ButtonContainer::const_iterator it = m_buttonsLeft.begin(); it != m_buttonsLeft.end(); ++it) {
            bool elementLayouted = false;
            if (*it) {
                if (!(*it)->isHidden() ) {
                    moveWidget(x,y, *it);
                    x += layoutMetric(LM_ButtonWidth, true, ::qt_cast<KCommonDecorationButton*>(*it) );
                    elementLayouted = true;
            } else {
                x+= layoutMetric(LM_ExplicitButtonSpacer);
                elementLayouted = true;
            if (elementLayouted && it != m_buttonsLeft.end() )
                x += buttonSpacing;

    if (m_buttonsRight.count() > 0) {
        const int titleEdgeRightLeft = r_x2-layoutMetric(LM_TitleEdgeRight)+1;

        const int buttonSpacing = layoutMetric(LM_ButtonSpacing);
        int x = titleEdgeRightLeft - buttonContainerWidth(m_buttonsRight);
        for (ButtonContainer::const_iterator it = m_buttonsRight.begin(); it != m_buttonsRight.end(); ++it) {
            bool elementLayouted = false;
            if (*it) {
                if (!(*it)->isHidden() ) {
                    moveWidget(x,y, *it);
                    x += layoutMetric(LM_ButtonWidth, true, ::qt_cast<KCommonDecorationButton*>(*it) );;
                    elementLayouted = true;
            } else {
                x += layoutMetric(LM_ExplicitButtonSpacer);
                elementLayouted = true;
            if (elementLayouted && it != m_buttonsRight.end() )
                x += buttonSpacing;
void QPlatinumStyle::drawControl( ControlElement element,
				  QPainter *p,
				  const QWidget *widget,
				  const QRect &r,
				  const QColorGroup &cg,
				  SFlags how,
				  const QStyleOption& opt ) const
    switch( element ) {
    case CE_PushButton:
	    QColorGroup myCg( cg );
	    const QPushButton *btn;
	    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
	    bool useBevelButton;
	    SFlags flags;
	    flags = Style_Default;
	    btn = (const QPushButton*)widget;
	    p->setBrushOrigin( -widget->backgroundOffset().x(),
			       -widget->backgroundOffset().y() );

	    // take care of the flags based on what we know...
	    if ( btn->isDown() )
		flags |= Style_Down;
	    if ( btn->isOn() )
		flags |= Style_On;
	    if ( btn->isEnabled() )
		flags |= Style_Enabled;
	    if ( btn->isDefault() )
		flags |= Style_Default;
 	    if (! btn->isFlat() && !(flags & Style_Down))
 		flags |= Style_Raised;

	    r.coords( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );

	    p->setPen( cg.foreground() );
	    p->setBrush( QBrush(cg.button(), NoBrush) );

	    QBrush fill;
	    if ( btn->isDown() ) {
		fill = cg.brush( QColorGroup::Dark );
		// this could be done differently, but this
		// makes a down Bezel drawn correctly...
		myCg.setBrush( QColorGroup::Mid, fill );
	    } else if ( btn->isOn() ) {
		fill = QBrush( cg.mid(), Dense4Pattern );
		myCg.setBrush( QColorGroup::Mid, fill );
	    // to quote the old QPlatinumStlye drawPushButton...
	    // small or square image buttons as well as toggle buttons are
	    // bevel buttons (what a heuristic....)
	    if ( btn->isToggleButton()
		 || ( btn->pixmap() &&
		      (btn->width() * btn->height() < 1600 ||
		       QABS( btn->width() - btn->height()) < 10 )) )
		useBevelButton = TRUE;
		useBevelButton = FALSE;

	    int diw = pixelMetric( PM_ButtonDefaultIndicator, widget );
	    if ( btn->isDefault() ) {
		x1 += 1;
		y1 += 1;
		x2 -= 1;
		y2 -= 1;
		QColorGroup cg2( myCg );
		SFlags myFlags = flags;
		// don't draw the default button sunken, unless it's necessary.
		if ( myFlags & Style_Down )
		    myFlags ^= Style_Down;
		if ( myFlags & Style_Sunken )
		    myFlags ^= Style_Sunken;

		cg2.setColor( QColorGroup::Button, cg.mid() );
		if ( useBevelButton ) {
		    drawPrimitive( PE_ButtonBevel, p, QRect( x1, y1,
							     x2 - x1 + 1,
							     y2 - y1 + 1 ),
				   myCg, myFlags, opt );
		} else {
		    drawPrimitive( PE_ButtonCommand, p, QRect( x1, y1,
							       x2 - x1 + 1,
							       y2 - y1 + 1 ),
				   cg2, myFlags, opt );

	    if ( btn->isDefault() || btn->autoDefault() ) {
		x1 += diw;
		y1 += diw;
		x2 -= diw;
		y2 -= diw;

	    if ( !btn->isFlat() || btn->isOn() || btn->isDown() ) {
		if ( useBevelButton ) {
		    // fix for toggle buttons...
		    if ( flags & (Style_Down | Style_On) )
			flags |= Style_Sunken;
		    drawPrimitive( PE_ButtonBevel, p, QRect( x1, y1,
							     x2 - x1 + 1,
							     y2 - y1 + 1 ),
				   myCg, flags, opt );
		} else {

		    drawPrimitive( PE_ButtonCommand, p, QRect( x1, y1,
							       x2 - x1 + 1,
							       y2 - y1 + 1 ),
				   myCg, flags, opt );

	    if ( p->brush().style() != NoBrush )
		p->setBrush( NoBrush );
    case CE_PushButtonLabel:
	    const QPushButton *btn;
	    bool on;
	    int x, y, w, h;
	    SFlags flags;
	    flags = Style_Default;
	    btn = (const QPushButton*)widget;
	    on = btn->isDown() || btn->isOn();
	    r.rect( &x, &y, &w, &h );
	    if ( btn->isMenuButton() ) {
		int dx = pixelMetric( PM_MenuButtonIndicator, widget );

		QColorGroup g = cg;
		int xx = x + w - dx - 4;
		int yy = y - 3;
		int hh = h + 6;

		if ( !on ) {
		    p->setPen( g.mid() );
		    p->drawLine( xx, yy + 2, xx, yy + hh - 3 );
		    p->setPen( g.button() );
		    p->drawLine( xx + 1, yy + 1, xx + 1, yy + hh - 2 );
		    p->setPen( g.light() );
		    p->drawLine( xx + 2, yy + 2, xx + 2, yy + hh - 2 );
		if ( btn->isEnabled() )
		    flags |= Style_Enabled;
		drawPrimitive( PE_ArrowDown, p, QRect(x + w - dx - 1, y + 2,
						      dx, h - 4),
			       g, flags, opt );
		w -= dx;
	    if ( btn->iconSet() && !btn->iconSet()->isNull() ) {
		QIconSet::Mode mode = btn->isEnabled()
				      ? QIconSet::Normal : QIconSet::Disabled;
		if ( mode == QIconSet::Normal && btn->hasFocus() )
		    mode = QIconSet::Active;
		QIconSet::State state = QIconSet::Off;
		if ( btn->isToggleButton() && btn->isOn() )
		    state = QIconSet::On;
		QPixmap pixmap = btn->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Small,
							 mode, state );
		int pixw = pixmap.width();
		int pixh = pixmap.height();
		p->drawPixmap( x + 2, y + h / 2 - pixh / 2, pixmap );
		x += pixw + 4;
		w -= pixw + 4;
	    drawItem( p, QRect( x, y, w, h ),
		      AlignCenter | ShowPrefix,
		      btn->colorGroup(), btn->isEnabled(),
		      btn->pixmap(), btn->text(), -1,
		      on ? &btn->colorGroup().brightText()
		      : &btn->colorGroup().buttonText() );
	    if ( btn->hasFocus() )
		drawPrimitive( PE_FocusRect, p,
			       subRect(SR_PushButtonFocusRect, widget),
			       cg, flags );
	QWindowsStyle::drawControl( element, p, widget, r, cg, how, opt );